Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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Conducted by Ella Fleishman
Churcli Women Gather
Funds for Second
... Red Cross Drive
Mrs. W. J. Hynes. chairman of the
Protestant churches' committee for
the second Red Cross war fund drive,
has named thei following assistants
"Baotist Churches Mrs. Frank
, Field, chairman; Mesdames W. R.
Coonley, W. G. Vickery, Minnie Tav
' endef. N. C. Talbot and W. T.
Loomis; Benson, Mrs. D. H. Fair,
charman; Mesdames C. A. Johnson,
, J.' T. Pckard. F. S. Truellinger, W.
F. Schneider, F. W. Seeske, John Cal
vert and Marv Norton.
'Congregational Churches Mrs. L.
T. Clark, chairman; Mesdames I. u.
Lloyd, G. A. Sammis, C. H. Gates,
,W, A. Mcivey and T. W. Blackburn.
Christian Churches Mrs. E. G.
t Tones, chairman; Mesdames' T. A,
Haughey, F. V. Painter and Jacob
Episcopal Churches Mrs. Henry
Wyman, chairman: Mesdames Miles
Standish, Sam Burns, George C.
uuiiui,. j vim Auugtaai a. iiuuma j.jv.ii,
Uiarles Merle. C W. Rovce. W. r,
Adkins; South Side. Mrs. F. E. Ames.
Methodist Churches Mrs. David
Cole,, chairman; Mesdames Lloyd
Huffstetter, George W. Goodsell, C
B. Swan, T. F. Storgess, William
temple, K. L. smith, C. L. bhimer,
George W. Potts.
Presbyterian Churches Mrs. H. S.
McDonald, chairman; Mesdames Al
fred Kennedy, A. N. Eaton, H. M.
McClanahan, O. W. Hendee, L O.
Putnam, E. O. Carson, Elsa Meski
men, George Ticknor, R. F. Hanson,
William Chuda, E. McMichael, A.
Musil, A. D. Shermirhorn. 3
. Reorganized Latter Day Saints
Mrs. Nora Riley, chairman.
St. John's German Church Mrs.
W. A. Schaefer, chairman.
South Side Churches Mrs. Wil
liam Berry, chairman: Mesdames C.
J.- Young, John Goretsky 0. C. Hod
gen, John Wells, I. A. Darley. F. A.
Stryker, Joe Dlash, H. S. Lvle and
S. N. McCoid; Misses Anna Olson,
Alma Jetter and Ellen Smith.
Swedish ' Churches Mrs. A. E.
Wickstrom, chairman; Miss Marie
Hoiness, Mrs. A. G. Swanson, Miss
Hilda Anderson, Mrs. C A. Johnson,
Mrs. C. S. Johnson, Mrs. Cannibal,
Mrs. A. Wltzell. ;
United Presbyterian Mrs. J. S.
Dodds, chairman; Mesdames James
McClair, C. K. Camblin, S. N. Mc
Cord, ' Unitarian Church Mrs. Walter
Abbott, chairman.
United Brethren Hartford Me
Morial, Mrs. J. E. Talmadge.
. Evangelical , Churches Sirs. E. A.
Jackson, -chairman; Mesdames Joseph
Franz, J. H. Williams.
Florence Churches Mrs. R. H.
Olmstead, hairman; Mesdames . Paul
Riverts, L. E. Styer, J. C. Soloman,
J. H.' Adams, L. E. Kleever.
Greek Church Miss Vera Harvalis,
Jewish Mrs. William Holzman,
chairman;, Mesdames Victor Rosewa
ter, Charles T."Elgutter, Morris Levy,
Jay B, Katz, Cora Wolf, Fred Rosen
stock, Henry Hiller, Simon Mayer
and Hazel Degen.
; Lutheran Mrs. 0. D. Baltzly,
chairman; Mesdames E. A. Hesback,
H.. H. Miller, R. B. Weller; South
Side, Mesdames W. A. Rathsack, W.
S. Schneider. F. E. Wood, G. W.
'."Now on sale" is the way they do.
business down the Red Cross Salvage
committee headquarters, at 1409 Har
ney street. Rows of second hand
books line the walls, all sorts of orna
ments are distributed about. An ad
dition which came too late for the sale
Saturday is two van loads of fine fur
niture, mahogany beds, and a hand
some desk. This donation came from
the O. E. Serle home.
For the lover ,of antiques, the sal
vage committee has a wonderful offer
ing. It is the spinning wheel brought
from Norway by Mrs. Chambers and
presented by her to the Red Cross.
She values the ornament at $100.
Such great stacks of paper and old
magazines are stored in the big back
room that more than 200 calls are not
able to be . answered by the t.-uck
driver, because there is no room to
store the paper until it is sorted,
weighed and sold to the paper com
pany. Every afternoon the services
of city firemen have been accepted,
and now the salvage work women are
going to call the police. It's not
that the firemen are disturbing the
peace, which male the women call on
the aid of the "coppers." its because
they, need the latter for still more
heavy work. .
Standard and War Flour
Under regulations of the food ad
ministration all the flour mills in this
country are making a grade of flour
that uses much more of the wheat
kernel than has been used in the
.high grades of pure wheat flour to
which the American housewife has
long been accustomed. This action
on the part of the millers has in
creased the wheat suppply by making
it go farther. It is estimated that
fully 45,000,000 bushels of wheat have
been saved in this way per month.
"Government Standard" flour, as it
is called, is still all-wheat flour. Home
mixing must be resorted to in com
plying with the administration's de
sire to have us use barley flour, rye
flour, and the like. Mechanical diffi
culties are in the way of the miller,
who would attempt to produce ready
mixed flour, although in some few
cases there are rye and wheat flour
blends on the market.
"War flour," as it is know in
Europe, is far inferior to the "stand-
- ard" flour of America. In Europe war
flour is made by grinding from 80 to
. 90, and even in extreme cases 100 per
cent of the wheat ' berry into the
flour. This includes bran and a good
deal of the flinty, fibrous particles of
the u-hiar
On the occasion of the death re
cently of Miss Estelle Biedenbach,
the first woman member of the Pitts,
' burgh bar, the courts of that city
adjourned out of respect to her
' The National Soeiftv of the T)aueh
' tra M the Ammnn W mvnlntinn tiae
s shown its patriotism during the last
fWtDr collecting $1,409,550 for the
Khaki-Mended Sweaters,
Local Women's Work,
Are Sent to, Capital
"Knit and the world knits with you,
dam and you darn alone," used to be
a war slogan, but now darning is
quite the thing. Rivalary runs high
among women of the National League
for Woman's Service, who have taken
up mending for the soldiers as a
work of patriotism.
Such high scores are held by the
darners and the patchers that the
military men in charge of the reclama
tion station in Omaha have asked
permission to send samples of the
work done in Omaha tc Washing
ton to show the whole country just
what can be done to khaki clothes
when an expert mender , plys her
When the samples are sent, one of
the articles will be a khaki wool
sweater which was given to the league
in a positively useless condition. The
entire back and arms were peppered
with holes, many as large as an inch
square. It looked very much like the
work of the southern crickets who
may have made a feast with the
khaki yarn, of which they are said to
be very tond.
Mrs. Thompson G. Travis took the
garment and darned the holes until
the sweater was made in perfect con
dition. Another reclaimed sample is
an O. D. shirt which had the button
holes badly torn and several large
rents in it. Gloves, underclothes and
other apparel will be sent as examples
to Washington.
One thousand pounds of wool for
the Red Cross knitters has been or
dered for Omaha. A part of this ar
rived Monday and weighs more than
250 pounds.
A shipment will be made of sweat
ers at the end of the week. All who
are neanng the end of their work on
these knitted articles are urged to
hurry their stitches and finish in time
for the shipment in order that as large
a shipment as possible may be made.
Red Cross Chairman No. 18
Flirting With
"Come on be a good sport take
a chance," says Lucv
But I really oughtn t to. I never
work very well the next day if I've
been up late at night," replies Helen.
You 11 be a long time dead. Why
don't you have a little fun while you
are here?" insists Lucy.
I oughtn t to I haven t the right
kind of clothes."
'Oh, Helen, be game. I'll lend you
a hat and the money for a new waist.
We 11 have a lot of fun and suppose
you don't work so well tomorrow."
Mother wouldn t like me to go out
with men I don't know, anyway."
"Now, Mabel Hollins, they are my
friends. Are you hinting I didn't meet
them in the right way, or would go
out with fellows that are not just
what they ought to be. Don't come if
you don't want to but you needn't
go hurting my feelings about it."
And Helen goes. If in the first
place she had said, "No, Lucy, I
can't," and had stuck to that simple
statement, all would have been well.
But she flirted with temptation and
the results are a waist she could not
afford to buy, a headache that inter
feres with an important day's work
and gives the manager of her office
his first doubts about her efficiency
both of these, and more. too.
That one flirtation with temptation
has given Helen a desire for more
"good times" bought at the risk of
health and efficiency, and ah equally
dangerous desire for the sort of
clothes she cannot afford and the so
ciety of people who may amuse them
selves with her, but who will never
give her sincere, helpful or loyal
It is easier to conquer the first
temptation than to deal with all the
others that grow out of it. It is never
particularly hard to say, "No" to
something which doesn't mean very
much to you, since' you have never
eried it. It is never very hardjo bend
your energies in making up your mind
and keeping it made up when you
know that every possible advantage
lies in firmness. But it is very, very
hard to resist the Jure of going on
with a habit once you have begun to
form it. -
The first drink, the first misdeed,
the first extravagance, the first low
ering of your own standard actually
it is harder to yield to these tempta
tions than to resist them. But fear of
being laughed at and sheer mental
laziness keep folks from the firmness
refusal requires. They yield not to
any desire for the thing to which
they "sell out," but simply and solely
because "it is easier to give in than
to fight against temptation."
The only practical way to deal with
temptation is to slam the. door in its
face; to say firmly, once and for all,
The minute you open the door a
chink temptation starts to edge, her
way in, and the minute she gets' the
tiniest footing on your threshold she
pushes and shoves and actually forces
the door against which she would
have been powerless if you had chosen
to bar it when first she knocked.
Mrs. Harry B. Crouch is chairman of the new surgical dressings auxiliary
of the Scottish Rite Woman's club, which she organized. Since its inception
in the middle of MarcVthe 20 members, who work each Wednesday in the
Scottish. Rite cathedral, have completed 963 4x4 wipes and 725 8x4 wipes.
Now the()women are working on a bolt of muslin, which will make 200
triangular bandages.
Mrs. Crouch has completed the surgical dressings course specified for all
heads of. units. Mrs. Earl Stiles, Mrs. Charles Adams and Mrs. Sorenson, are
her assistant instructors.
Flower 8 Arranged
With Art and Taste
To anyone of artistic tendencies, a tew
flowers arranged naturally In a well-selected
vase, dish or bowl are More pleasing In ep
pearanee than a mass of bloom crowded
Into any receptacle conveniently at hand
whlob will hold water. There are. tlmea,
and situations' too, when ' a mailing of
flowers la desirable, but In rooms of limited,
area, such as are found In the ordinary
home, a simple arrangement In .which the
Individuality of the folowers la preserved
la very muoh mora off active.,.
The Japanese have taught us "much In
the arrangement of flowers, for table decora
tion, and through their teaching the use of
low bowls, dishes and traya .has become
Quite general.
In the selection of a receptacle for flowers,
the shape adopted ahould be the one best
suited to holding the blooms as nearly as
possible In the position In which they ap
peared on the plant For Instanoa, Iris
blooms In the garden ar rather loosely
disposed; the Individuality of each stalk
of flowers Is very apparent' and a similar
effect should be sought In the table arrange
ment: a few stalks arranged so that the
bloom en each may be viewed se -irately Is
better than a larger quantity m. sued In a
vase without regard to natural growing conditions.
variety of Tases.
If one has a variety of flower receptacles.
an ordinary purchase of flowers may be used
to greater advantage than when only a vaso
or two is available. A doxen roses, say, are
at hand; of these, perhaps, one of the larger
buds may be Inserted In a bud vase, a splen
did piece for use on a writing table, desk,
or boudoir table. Every stage of opening
of this bud may be watched with Interest.
Of the others, five may bo used In a low
bowl or dish of small diameter, and the re
maining six In a vase. Three handsome
floral pieces are thus obtained from a dozen
roses and one Is able to sea more of the
flowers because they ar not all In one
Where low dishes are used. . tne uower
stems are kept In the required position by
means of stem blocks, purchasable at any
first class store. These blocks come In
various slses and have angular perforations
In them to hold the flower stems. Some
times such blocks are in fancy forms,
turtles, frogs, lily pads and the like.
Flat Receptacles.
Bowls and flat receptacles may be filled
or partly filled with pebbles, to provide
support for the flower stems.
Carnations are generally arranged wttn
foliage other than their own, such as
asparagus and ferns, and often with light
and small foliaged flowers like stevla and
gypsophila. Sprays of carnation foliage,
when procurable, ' coat as much an the
fowers, for the reason that every spray cut
means the loss of a flower to the grower.
Pansles and violets usually look best
when arranged In low bowls, and as color
Is the predominating feature In them, as it
Is also In sweet peas, wallflowers, and the
like, they may be massed. But lilies.
Iris and orchids should be arranged so
that their forma are accentuated; massed
arrangements do not suit them.
Five women students in the chem
istry course at the University of Wis
consin have volunteered to spend the
summer vacation doing men's work in
large iroii -works. - '
An aggressive campaign to. Ameri
canize women of foreign birth has
been opened in Buffalo by the Civic
Education society of that city.
Sumner teuton from July-to October. - BapM
preparation for milage . for -hoys rtihiag to
enter government amice." Military'' training hr
experts, horaebacK : rMlng. land ' and water
sports. If yon bate a sen fronr JJ to- IS you
will he Interested, In our BeW booklet Adores
secretary. ' ,rr- ' " ' '
Number Mn
It may have been the dancing;
(It couldn't be tbe punch!)
It may have been the flowers she wore,
A crlmson-f laming bunch;
It may have been the heated room.
It may have been design;
But Lucy's cheeks were glowing
As we "sat out" number nine.
It may have been at something
She'd heard somebody say;
It may have been the brightest mot
From Broadway's latest play;
It may have been because her gown
Caused rivals to repine;
But Lucy's lips were smiling '
As we "sat out" number nine.
It may have been the music;
It may have been a tearl
It may have been because she felt
Dan Cupid hiding near;
It may have been the knowledge that
Her hands were held In mine;
But Lucy's eyes were shining
- As we "sat out" number ntaa.
It may have been the moonlight
Upon the dewy grass;
(Such things, I'm told, will often brine
Strange happenings to pass.)
It may have been but wherefore try
K reason to assign T
I proposed and was accepted
As we "sat out" number nine.
U. S. Food Administration
Answers Question-
What are we to do about
( 1 ) Learn how valuable and
necessary it is to you.
(2) Distribute it in the vtryj
best possible way so
that all may be fed ac
cording: to their relative,
needs and
(3) Whatever you do, don't
waste any!
No substitute for milk at
a food has ever been found.
Alamito Dairy Products:
Scientifically Pasteurised Milk.
Special Jersey Cream.
Guernsey Milk.
Alamito Cream Cheese. ,
Pasteurized Butter, pound and
half-pound packages.
Locust Lane Buttermilk.
Delivered before break
fast to most Omaha Homes.
For XX Cream, excellent
for whipping, phone the day
before for next day's de
livery. Douglas 409
Alamito Dairy Company
Council Bluffs No. 205'
Everybody reads Bee 'Want Ads. 1
Tells why a corn is co painful
and says cutting makes
them grow.
Press an electric button and you
form a contact with a live wire which
rings the bell. When your shoes
press against your corn it pushes its
sharp roots down upon a sensitive
nerve and you get a shock of pain.
Intead of trimminsr your corns.
which merely makes them grow, just
step into any drug store and ask for
a quarter of an ounce of freezone.
This will cost very little but is suffi
cient to remove every hard or soft
corn or callus from one's feet. A
few drops anolied directly unon a
tender, aching corn stops the soreness
instantly, and soon the corn shrivels
up so it lifts right out, root and all,
without pain. This drug is harmless
ana never inflames or even irritates
tbe surrounding tissue or skin.- Adv.
SwmC Family Drink
efW7ff In Safeguard the family's health.
VL-Jar I:.-4.'!kM II , , Serve CERTA in the home. ' , II
lHIWiIlP Everybody likes its good taste II
' I lllN!ilWisFv 'Ml Non-lntoxlcatlng. Absolutely
Jill rll ffffisW Arid very nutritious. '
y "Bear" In Mind X
JTi" ' JT If Atgrocert'.atdruggists'
r" nn, fhi If iiPic,8Whergoodarink8aresold. 11
Jsjljl ' W coupons each denoml- J I
if n3l V 1 v 11 nation 20) packed In V- 77 T
I 1 w
Secret Service for Cooks
Can you te.1 the'diffefence between
a barley flour chocolate cake and a
wheat flour chocolate cake? Do you
know whether your biscuits are rice
flour or whtat flour? Could you
make an accurate guess as to wheth
er that pie trust was corn rlour or
wheat flour? If you can't, then isn't
it silly to say, "O, I can't use these
wheat substitutes. The family won't
eat them."
It is not a question of becoming
used to weat substitutes, but we must
realize that the-time for idle preju
dice and idle talk has gone. It is
a question of life and death for our
soldiers that we eat other cereals and
send the wheat to them.
Cooks of America, line up the
ranks of th: secret service. You di
not hear an employe of that branch
of the service talking about his work.
But he gets results. So can you.
Don't say to your family, "We have
no wheat on the table, we are eating
no wheat, we haven't had any wheat
for weeks." Say rather: "Yes, I
think that b.tad is pretty pood my
self," (a wheatless baking powder
loaf bread,) "but there's no need of
neglecting the potatoes, John Here,
eat more of them and less of the
bread. What are we going to have
for dessert? Oh, something you like.
Fruit gelavfn and cakes" (barley
flour) "if you must know. Well,
what's the ."ews about Ypres to
night?" And so on.
v Do your lking about whtat sub
stitutes whtn you meet with the
other wives who are secretly serv
ing. There is the place to compare
notes, and, incidentally, receipts.
There is the place where you. may
talk shop to your heart's content
But in your family let your conver
sation, as well as your meals, be
What to Wear in Spring
May is an interesting fashion month
to every one. Those of us who are not
forehanded have still a spring silk
frock to get or a hat of all service,
and those of us who are forehanded
are thinking busily of summer clothes.
Whether the dress is going to be of
si!k or of linen, the narrower under
skirt with a tunic or panels is com
mon " to both. From Paris "we learn
the best line is straight, or nearly so,
with a chemise blouse top loosely
draped and tied about the waist or
hips. Not so many elaborate dresses
were shown this year, but more
tailored frocks, probably owing to the
lack of material. There are also some
draped frocks shown for the summer,
and the prettiest of these is one where
the drapery is but scant, and a rather
straight line is kept ' ,
Women in Reformatory
Eager for Red Cross
' "One hundred women in Bedford
reformatory have been working for
the Red Cross," states Agnes M. Pen
rose, assistant secretary of the ,
Church Mission for Help. "Hun
dreds of sweaters, scarfs, socks and
wristlets have been turned over to
that society." The Church Mission of
Help is the organized effort of the
Episcopal church in diocese of New
York for the rescue and rehabilitation
of wayward girls.
ymwmmQiUfx. obi
sVimii is i . m ii i I -i i - i i
You Must Have Plenty of Iron in Your Blood if You Want the Power and Energy to
Win, Says Physician
When the crushing grip of worry,
trials and car sap your vitality
land keeps you from the full enjoy-
taient of home, so-
(ial and business
ife take Nuxated
Iron and watch its
strength-f Wing, up
building effect it
will increase the
strength and endue
anoe of weak, nerv
ous run-down folks
In two weeks' time
in many instances.
sTlhld back in Ufa
II for want of sufficient
JSllDr. James Francis Bulli-
JLJ van. formerly chysicisn
f Bellevnt Hospital (Out-Door Dept.)
Naw Tork, and tha Westchestar
County Hospital, in commenting on the
relation of atrong nerves and physical en
durance to tne attainment oi success ana
power. ...
, "A weak body means a weakened brain;
Weak aerva force means weakened will
bower, and like tha race horse beaten by a
hose, many a capable nan or woman falls
Bust short of winning because they don't
fc nn their mentality wttn tna pnyicai
strength and energy which corns from hav
ing plenty of iron in the Hood. That irrit
able twitch, that fit of despondency, that
dlasy. fearful feeling these are tha sort of
ta-nals nature gives to urea, usuess iui
when tha blood is clamoring for atrength-
urivlng Iron more Iron to restore tha nealtn
Sy enriching tha blood and creating thou
sands o( new rea Diooa ecus.
I -In ny oplniori the greatest the Tow form memt, 0f Congresa. die
health and atrength of American people of tinu,,ned n-it-a st,tel Array General
H. A. STEINWENDER, Distributor
1517 Nicholas St. Doug. 3842. u
,;, Omaha, Neb,
1P 7 'A-40&3
former United States Senator Charles
(today la the alarming deficiency of iron in
ttnelr blood, iron is ansoiuteiy essenuai u
(enable row blood to transform tha food you
sat into muscular tissue and Drain, it is
through iron in the red coloring msttor of
the blood that life-sustaining oxygen enters
tha body. Without iron there is no strength,
vitality and endurance to combat obstacles
or withstand severs strains? Lack of suffi
cient iron in the blood has ruined many a
man's nerves and utterly robbed him of that
virile force and stamina which are so neces
sary to success' and power In every walk
of fife.
"Therefore, I strongly advise those who
feel the need of a strength and blood builder
to get a physician a prescription lor organia
iron Nuxated Iron or if you don't want to
go to this trouble, then purchase only Nux
ated Iron in it original packages and see
that this particular name (Nuxated Iron) ap
pears on the package. If you have taken
other Iron products and lulled to get results,
remember that auch preparations are an en
tirely different thing from Nuxated Iron,
which has been used and strongly endorsed
by many physicians farmerly oonnected with
wen know Hosnitals. the Hon. Leslie M.
Ifihaw, former Presidential Cabinet Officer,
tinguished United States Array Generals
(retired), Judge Atkinson oi the united
States Court of Claims, .at Washington,
and others."
In regard to the value of Nuxated Iron,
Former Health Commissioner of Chicago,
William R. Kerr, said) "As Health Commis
sioner of the City of Chicago, I was impor
tuned many tlmea to recommend different
medicines, mineral waters, etc. Never ret
have I gone on record as favoring any Par
ticular remedy. But, in tha case of Nuxated
Iron, I feel an exception should be made to
the rule. From my own experience with it, I
feel that it is such a valuable remedy that It
ought to be used In every hospital and pre
scribed by every physician in this country,
and if my endorsement shall induce anaemic,
nervous, run-down men and women to take
Nuxated Iron, and receive the wonderful
tonio benefits which I have received, I shall
feel greatly gratified that I made an excep
tion to my life-long rule in recommending
Dr. ftchuvler C. Jaques, Visiting Surgeon
of 8t Elltabeth's Hospital, New York City,
said: "I have never before given out any
medical information or advice for publication.
ma I ordlnarile
da not believe in it. But
la the ease of Nuxatae Iron I feel X would he
remiss m mr duty not to mention It I have
taken it myself and given it to my patio!
with meat surprising results. And those who
wish gulckly to increase their strength, powet
and endurance will find It a moet remarkebk -and
wonderfully, effective remedy." ,
No matter what other tonlea or Iron retne '
dies yon have used without success if yo
are not strong or wall, yon owe it to rows
self to make the following test! See how k
yon can wotk or how far yon can walk with
out besoming tired i nest take two five-graif
tablets of Nuxated Iron three times par del
after meals tor two weeks. Then test jroiaj
strength' again and see how muoh you hav
gained. Nuxated Iron will increase th
strength, power and endurance of delicate
nervous, run-down people In two weeks' timi
in many instances. . t
Muafsnturtrs' Nntet Wuxttcd Ima wbloh
been tued by so nsny sueesHful pepls with see. -
mnwlilii. MaiiltA. m.tA whlfth 4a nManrllwd anil MAom v
mended etxe by physicians Is not a secret remedy,
but one which la wall known to drutitsts oferrarkera
Unlike the elder tnortanls Iran products it Is easts
siilrallated and does not Injure Ike teeth, make iaet .
Mack not unset the stomseh. Tha manufacture!
suarantes euivsMrul and entirely sstlefactory results ,
to arr rurchaaet.W they wilt refund your money,
It la dlipenMd In this city br Sherman At MeMmef
drug stores sad , other drmitsts. Advarttmawal
calls for Polarine in Ihe motor. When you -want Bpeed the
Polarine lubricated cylinder lets the piston slide rapidly up
and down without frictioa And if you need power that t
same thin film of Polarine seals the gas above the piston
makes a giant out of your motor.
You can get Polarine wherever you goa thousand miles
from here. It's the safe oil to start with. v.,v;;;?J
Look for the sign it identifies a good dealer and a depend
able oil. . ; '
Red Crown Gasoline is best for the long run speedy
powerful, economical. ' , ; :"T -
i ' ".
(Nebraska) ?