Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1918, Page 12, Image 12
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1918. I Conducted by Ella Fleishman; O-'I JETTY By MELLIFICIA. Have Your Fortune ' Told; Proceeds Are -. YFor theJRed Cross Mystery stalks abroad these days, A lovely veiled woman in a closed ' car is to ride up and down Our streets, disclosing lurid pasts and foretelling rosy futures with perfect ease. Her limousine will be, decorated with a huge Red Cross and the silver that you drop into her pretty palm will be promptly poured into the cof fer of the great organization of mercy. ' Some of the loveliest girls will ac company this attractive medium, and the pure white of their Red Cross costumes and flowing veils, will be a striking, contrast to her gay gypsy dress, great hoop ear-rings and strings of rainbow-hued ' beads. Honk! Honk! her car will go up and down our busy streets, while she tells .our financiers and merchants what the years will bring to them, and many a busy housewife or ardent Red Cross worker will stop to have their palms read by, the, pretty,, crystal gazer..", -' . The approach of the seventh daugh ter of j a seventh daughter will be heralded by a small Boy Scout, who will stand on the running board of her car and inform the waiting world through his megaphone that the lady of mystery is at hand. Of course, her identity will be kept a profound secret, but among the young women who are interested in "My Hat Diary" Watch for "My Hat Diary,! a clever series of chapeaux chats and drawing! originated by Miss Carita Hersog. The first will appear in The Bee Thursday evening. Miss Herzog is a talented Lin coln girl, well known to Omahans. She it a niece of Mrs. Samuel Ksti, who lives in the Blackstone, and has often visited here. thin tinimie nrnieet for the Red Cross is the one who is so adept in the art of fortune telling, uut ot the list can't you , determine which one will don the gypsy costume and gaze at vnn latiffnishinfflv over her harem veil, Among the eligible are Miss Alice Load, Miss Hazel . i'eterson, Miss Beatrice Coad, Miss Gertrude Mctz, Miss Sybil JNelson, Miss Mar jorie Howland, Miss Josephine Cong don,1 Mrs. Robert Hamilton and Mrs. Frank Selby. , ... Miss Amy Gilmore is the originator nf this nnvet SHra rn dwell the Red Cross fund and she has worked out the details ot the scneme very care fully. Mlis Gilmore is one of the most conscientious Red Crossl work ers in the city, as she gives her entire time to work at the warehouse ex cept the one day a "week when she is to be found at the canteen at Fort Omaha as captain of the Friday team. Glass factories in Ohio are hiring women it glass-blowers. 2v A. Use Your Head Answer This Question : ; If we can show to your entire satisfaction that by buying $30 quarter-acre tracts of our wonderful ; High Island property, that you would be able to make a great deal of money, would you be willing to back your judgment by purchasing tracts?, " - ' - ' - Every one to whom we .have explained our plan admits that we are making the fairest, squarest of fer they have ever seen. You owe it to yourself to send immedi ately for our illustrated bulletin, giving com plete details. N Gulf Coast Development Co. 740 First Nat'l Bank BIdg., Omaha, Neb. lVlephono ;Iy ler 398. Social Settlement , PleadsCause in Face of War Work Not to neglect local philanthropic institutions in the increased drives for war funds and war work is the plea of Mrs. A. VV. Bowman, president of the Social Settlement association, in the 10th annual Teport of the or ganization just issued. "Our nation's entrance into . the world war has brought certain dis couragements to our work and yet at the same time has intensified the need for it, according to Mrs, Bowman. "The demand for money and time for belligerent purposes has been properly very large; but what about the home work? Should the set tlement doers be closed m the face of this wonderful opportunity to serve our country in this its greatest crisis? T "We are looking forward to the coming year with great anticipation; our settlement house has been put in order; our talented head resident, Mrs. W. S. Caldwell, "and her co workers arc eager to" improve every opportunity for service; our many volunteer workers are helping: ts to meet the many demands of our en larged field" A resume of the settlement activi ties includes mention of Campnre Girls. Bluebirds, kitchen garden, cook ing, millinery.athletic, sewing and knit- i ..LI..:. 1 ring classes ior gins: inu anient aim debating groups for boys. Mrs. DraDer Smith Rives a detailed report of the garden club activity' last spring1 and plans for this years work. Last year's receipts were $9,816.35; disbursements, $6,27829, and the bal ance, $3,538.06. ' AT PRETTIEST MILE CLUB A number of luncheon parties were given today at the Prettiest Mile club when spring flowers held sway in the decorations. At Mrs. red Cranes table, long stalks of purple iris seemed to be growing, they were arranged so artistically in a low Japanese dowl Mm F. T. Daiitrhertv chose the fiink n-mrlracmrn fnr her eenterrjiece and in their graceful basket tied with a fluffy bow of pink tulle they made a yery'dainty decoration. The honor cuct at the affair was Mrs. Harrv Erskine who is from Chilicothe. MoJ who is visiting Mrs. u augnerty. , If.. T t T will ft tinstaae at ivj.iv. J, juvn. ... VV - a luncheon party Thursday, when her Ml .1. - - fm guests will numuir cigm, iuu iu. Harry Gordon wnl also have eight guests. TV n A Mr. A. K. Detwller will entertain a dinner party of eight at the club this evening, while Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gardner will have a four some at their table. BENEFIT POSTPONED The Red Cross benefit card party and auction sale planned for Toes? day evening at the Scottish Rita ca- .. . . t l. . j .:i tnearai, naa 10 dc posipunca uuui Friday evening, on account of the rain last evening. The hour set for the affair is 8:30 o'clock. DRAMA SECTION LUNCHEON Th itntvn sertinn r( the Collecriate Alumnae will give its annual luncheon the Chamber of Com merce. After luncheon Mrs. Stephen Dawes will direct the presentation of; Bernard Shaw's "Press Cuttings." Tri-Color .Frock 'By GERTRUDE BERESFORD" NAVY blue Georg ette crepe embroid ered in dull red beads furnishes a striking frock with a patriotic color scheme and ia a charming development of the tunic. This de sign is effective in any bordered material. The white! collar and tie complete the tri-color. Thia model made up in rose, gray or flesh col ored Georgette crepe embroidered in self colored wooden beads will make the loveliest frock for afternoon wear. . CI .' A t " ... j i " "' 4 l 4 i ur qufliity ana value standards are being makfainedln JuU force FEATURING THURSDAY 7 SPECIAL Ladies and Misses' SUITS-; Union Outfitting Co. ISth anJ Jacksoa Sts. OpposiU Hotl Rom . . All the leading fabrics and colori Ab solutely the newest models of this season's production. Values up to$55X)0. THURSDAY, YOUR CHOICE Mrs. W. A. C. Jofinson and Miss Kathcrlne McCormick left Tuesday evening for a two weeks" trip to New York City and White Sulphur Springs. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Watson of Grand Island are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Penn Fodrea. Omahans registered at the Hotel McAlpin in New York City include: Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzroberts, Mr. Will H. Wood. Mr- F, W. Kellogg, Mr. O. H. Allen, A. E. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Laverty. A. F. Stry ker, Mr. W. R. Whiting, E. F. Deighert, Mrs. Richard Murphy, Mr and Mrs. W. B..Tagg, Mr. M. R. Murphy, Dave Rosenstocjc. Richard L, Page, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCulloch and Mr. and Mrs. F. Anderson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cohn leave this evening for Chicago to attend the wedding of their niece, Miss Ruth Newman, and Mr. Joseph Greenburg of Chicago. - 0 , Miss Stella Abraham, who has been a student at the University of Ne braska this year, returned today to spend the vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Abraham. Mrs. Harry Erskine of Chilicothe, Mo., is the guest of Mrs. F. J. Daugh erty. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simpson left Monday evening for Camp Funston to vvisit their son. Corporal Harold Merryman. , WEDDINO ANNOUNCED ; A quiet wedding took place Mon day evening at the home of Rev. Charles M. Fleming, when Misr AI frieda Nielsen, daughter of Mr.vand Mrs. N. P. Nielsen, became the bride of Mr. Jesse J. Hart, jr., formerly of Harrisburg, La., of the medical corps of the post hospital at Fort Omaha. The parents of the bride were the only ones present at the ceremony. Miss James M. Perry of Greenville, S. C, is the first ad mitted to the practice of law in South Carolina. . V : PrsEals Tw i Zion Juniors Give Shebuoth Program Young Judea clubs gave a Shebuoth program Sunday in the Beth Hame drosh synagogue, directed by Miss Bernice Solig. Miss Rose Brodkey told the story of Shebuoth or the Feast of Weeks, and a musical pro gram was given by Miss Helen Som iner's juvenile orchestra, accompanied by Miss Charlotte Abrams. "Ruth and Naomi" was a charming playlet directed by Miss Anna Far ber, leader of the Flowers of Zion. Bessie Farber took the role of Ruth; Edith Spector, Naomi; Jennie Leibo witz, Zilka; Kate Goldstein, Ocha; David Kubby, Prophet, and Bennie Kubby, Boaz. Mr. Mallamuth, Rose Siegel. Bes sie Greenberg, Dorothy Kline, Edwin Ashler and Fred White were others who took part in the program. Fol lowing this, gifts were presented to Miss McLaughlin, Mrs. Coral Stein, Miss Oreen and Miss Jessie Kruger for their assistance in making the affair a success. Women "Cops" March in Police Parade One. of the features of the New York police parade on May 11 were the trim fisrures of the newly ap pointed feminine "coppers." The work Of the women police will be largely of a detective nature rather - than actua patrol, duty. The photo shows the uniform adopted for the feminine cops. iViisuuiiucpLiuns ui w ui k rui , Women After Their Marriage By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. or so a week, will dress you and your family well. W U ray When My Lady Travels l HE wanta that sens of secrltyi of attentfva- , ness; of anembarrassing fnUaaca, that ia an especial featura of MorrUoa service to woman ' who maka thia hotel theft headquarters for shopping, theatre, or business excursions to Chicago. A bonsekMptc Is la chart t anrary floor ot tba n storioit bath and eircalatlaa ssa water la vary room) ; axquUitaly tasteful room fumUhlafi whotbor yon W S3 or more. ,. . . V . . . ' Tomco CaMloa, Chlcato'S Woodar Kattanraat Is tfco homo of th htmt Musical Hits, togtther with Its tnamlona Ico Caratal. "JW Oa Aorta aAMSTCMOlM j Clark as Msa'tsan Ctnota CmCAGO "flUAMata AeAoJ8kriMa The following letter came to me the other day. and as it implies a slight misconception in regard to some of the things 1 have wgen about women continuing to wofVrafter mar riage, I shall answer it at length: Dear Visa Fairfax: Ton have written ao much lately about women "holding their Jobs'" after marriage. that I ihould like to ask you a few questions. Don't you think It ia a better arrange' nient when the woman stays home and keeps house and cares for the children, when there are any. Instead of going out and helping to earn the family living? That's the way It used to be in my borne, and I hope it's going to be like that with me some day, but I must say there are no such prospects at present, I am employed In a government office, and I'm not "crasy" about It. Certainly, I should not like to continue there if I do marry. I am now 29 years old, and there seems noth ing ahead for me but work. Tours sincerely, - BOSEMART. . To begin,' Rosemary, I do think it a better arrangement! when the woman stays home and keeps house, the way your mother and father did, and the man goes out and earns, the family living. But that happy state of affairs is get ting to be more and more difficult for people of moderate incomes, owing to the righ cost of living Not very long ago, with strict economy, a hundred dollars a month would suffice for a small family. That was about the average salary for a government employe, and, once, on a time, it could be stretched and squeezed intovcovering the family budget, but now it leaves in its wake a trail of debts and anxieties when devoted toward that end. I am speaking, of course, of the cost of living in big cities where everything must be bought and paid for, not life on a farm, where food stuffs may be raised. But of the two alternatives-a lonely and sterile old age, or home life where husband and wife both work the latter seems to me in finitely preferable. With youth, health and love any miracle is possi ble, and you must not leave out of the question the tremendous incentive to doing one's best that home and children bring. They are the great spur that has made the world take all the high hurdles. New Conditions. Legislators all over the world are awakening to these -"new economic conditions. Even the most reaction ary of them, who are still medieval in regard to woman suffrage, will vote for "mother's pensions" and "maternity insurance," and similar remedial legislation designed to meet the new conditions that have become well-nigh intolerable for people in modest circumstances. If a woman must -work in an office eight hours a day through youth and middle age, isn't it better for her to come home at night to a home and the incalculable blessing ofxchildren, perhaps than to a cheerless room and solitude? The care of young children during the absence of the mother is not fraught with insuperable difficulties. It would require, of course, an intel ligent system of adjustment such as has been successfully tried out by several professional women of my acquaintance. . tvery one must settle this prob lem according to her means and situ ation. It would require, for instance, no great strain of the imagination to leave a group of such .babies in charge of one or more trained nurses who would have specialized in regard to child welfare. Roof gardens on ous nth rive co- apartment houses are not difficult or expensive-they might easily be con verted into baby gardens or Montes- sori schools. What Would Grandma Say? 1 y Could anything have seemed wilder or more radical to our grandmothers,, with their inexorable system of keep . ing house, than the conveniences of the modern flat, the public laundry, the bakery, the vacuum cleaner? Why; then, should an apartment with a modern nursery in charge of com petent nurses seem so cataclysmic? Children reared in such environ- chance of lifting and acquiring the foundation of a good constitution . than the children reared by well-to-do, . butunthinking, mothers, who mean well, but sin through ignorance. - The average mother, be'she ever o conscientious, is rarely a dietician, and food continuing at its present ruinous ost. she is more apt to manage wit what she has on hand than to give t'.c child a balanced ration that co operation and training makes possi? ble. - - X Co-operation will make possible for the poor the scientifically balanced meal that heretofore has been tha luxury of the rich. It will make pos- ' sible children's gardens, in charge of child experts. ' . It has already accomplished, for the ; school children of New York, the ifl- estimable benefit of a hot, properly balanced lunch, supplied by the city at cost. Co-operation is the Aladdin's lamp that will eliminate drudgery, and , brin-home life within the grasp of every' one. And, furthermore, I don't feelvso deeply sympathetic with the mother who goes out daily to work, the chances are that contact with the world will keep her younger look ing than massage, cold cream and floor rolling. Look at the difference irf the ap pearance of women to whom the war has given employment. Instead of that settled exprossion of bored va cuity, that peered from every other limousine, the idle rich have taken a brace, they begin to look human almost intelligent, as they rush about, genuinely busy about something for the first time in their lives.' v Horrors of a Solitary Dinner. ' -Imagine a self-supporting - woman ; coming home after a long day's work to a home with children and spending her evenings with them till bed time. telling them their favorite stories,) , then tucking them in with a good night kiss. ' ' o Or imagine the same woman com ing home to nothing but her empty flat and solitude. She eats a lonely dinner, propping up her newspaper against the carafTe and reads about a world that seems to include every one but her. After dinner she has a choice of a book or perhaps going . out, when solitude will again greet her on her return. ' No, there is no comparison between these alternatives to the nomal wom an. Of course, Mrs. Grundy will rave over the iniquity of giving up her baby to someone else and going to a "job" like a man. But pray, what has Mrs. Grundy been doing all these years but turning her baby oyer to a t nurse and sometimes a very unworthy one at that, while she went to a bridge party or made calls or did something equally unprofitable? ' To conclude, Rosemary, I should certainly advise you to marry if you have an opportunity, even if you marry a poor man and add your salary to his and together found a real home. Aa one at night in anqulsh, who smiles on m her child at morn, So out of the pang and pain of war shall certain truth be born. The miner and the merchant Are both brave men. See them both In khaki, They do not differ then One 'mid death and danger, In deed and daring one. And these shall still be comrades When the course ot war Is run. Now this shall be the great reward when o'er a world in strife, Like sun that bursts through thunder, the great Peace lifts to life. The statesman and the workman Are both true men. See them with one purpose, They do not differ then One who guides a nation, r On who makes a gun. And these shall still b kindred When the new day greets the sun. The world is torn with its torture, with pain that knows no rest, V. But this shall be the glory at morning on her breast. The statesman and the workman Shall be of one estate; The miner and the merchant Shall be as mate to mate; The sham of caste has crumbled, Man knows his brother's worth, And these shall be of one blood When the new dawn greets the earth. ' Theodosla Garrison. k Prayer Just to be pitiful and kind , Ia aU I ask. . -To help some on who does not love his task Of living, or some one who is blind To Joy, or very weary or afraid. I am so young, so useless now. Heart of the World, let me more plainly feel thy throbbing 1 Just to be pitiful and kind i . Is all I ask. Louis Towasend Nlcholl. Soft White Hands Follow use of Cuticura Soap and Oint ment. At night bathe them with the Soap and hot water. Dry and rub In the Ointment. Wear old gloves d urine night. .J. Eck Fraa Ww M1L Address MSt- card: Cfcra, Dept. 10A. Baetoa." .Sold everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c French-American Committee Cares for I Frontier Children One thousand three hundred and sixty-five ' children of .the frontier : towns in the devastated areas of France and Belgium are being cared for, by the Comite Franco-American for the protection of the children 6f the frontier. These children, adopted by generous Americans, are receiving medical attention and ar being edu cated in seven Paris depots and 27 colonies located in different parts of France. ( . , "The children come from Belgium and Alsace-Lorraine and from many parts of invaded France," the Comite says. "They often arrive barefoot and with only a gingham apron to protect them from the cold. They are all frightened and homeless," many of them ill from shock and exposure." Eighty-five thousand articles of clothing were shipped to France through the Comite during 1917 by Americans. Six hundred and eighty eight children have American "god parents," who contribute $72 a year for the support of each child.t With out the steady and increasing interest and support of the hundreds of mar raines and contributors to the funds of the Comite," is the statement of the association, "the work in France could not be continued. To all those whose contributions during the last year have made possible the comfort, health and safety of this regimerft of refugee children the Comite, in the name1 of the children, extends its most sincere and earnest thanks and asks for continued support during the trying times ahead." ' " .4 Re-educating War Cripples The bureau forhe re-education of war cripples is a part of . the civil ' affairs department of the Amerijari Red Cross in Paris. "At its head," re ports the Paris bureau of the Red Cross, "is Miss'Grace Harper, for merly director of the , social , service work at the Massachusetts general hospital in Boston. Miss Harper has studied seven of the nine big schools where France prepares her 'mutiles' to resume civil life as wage earners. ' In co-operation With the French au thorities she is planning a school to train war cripples who were farmers before they shouldered arms, to oper ate farm motor machinery (which France is learning to use as neves be fore) and to tend chickens and rab bits and the larger- live stock.; This field the French schools have com paratively neglected." Conditions resulting from the war have drawn women into the lor.rliest American occupation, that of herding sheep on the great ranges in remote sections of Wyoming and the neigh boring states ;