Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, "THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1918. '
. ' 1 1
Nationalist Appeals to America
Jo Ignore Propaganda'Seek
ing to Blacken Name
of Erin.
. Dublin, May 22. An appeal to all
. those' of Irish blood in the United
. States to support the nationalist party
as i "the one party in Ireland which
is - fighting for Irish liberty ' without
betraying the cause of liberty in other
lands, was made today by John Dil
lon, the nationalist leader, in an in
terview with the" . Associated Press
correspondent. .
Mr. Dillon, in this interview, de-
j l. f it,. c: v:
jiuumcu mc puiiijr ut mc 11111 rem,
while arraigning the methods which
the British government has pursued in
dealing with the Irish question.
After calling attention to the im
portance of the American Rublic be
ing fully informed of the Irish situa
tion at the present time, Mr. Dillon
said: - :
"The Irish party, at a special meet
ing held on Thursday of last week,
' issued- a statement from which the
following is an extract: ,
Would Blacken Ireland.
- ii c 1, .1 r j
aii ine macninery or propaganda
controlled by the British government
has been , set in motion to blacken
the name of Ireland in America and
to prejudice .the American people and
the American government against the
Irish nation, to appeal most ear
the elected representatives of . the
Irishlrish nationto appeal most ear
nestly to. the people of America and
the government not to be deceived by
these propagandist, representations,
but to listen to the statement of Ire
land's case coming from Irishmen in
sympathy with the national aspiration
of the pebple of Ireland and qualified
to speak on behalf of the Irish nation.'
- "At the time the above statement
was issued,- none of us had the slight
est information of the intended coup
of the - government, but justification
for our warning came with dramatic
rapidity. S
No Formal Charge.
"It is difficult to understand why
the government took action at this
particular moment and why, in Lord
French's proclamation. , the alleged
German plot should be mixed up with
conscription, unless on the assump
tion that the main purpose in mind of
; the government, just now is to poison
American opinion against the Irish
nation- ,r j
' "The charge made in Lord French's
proclamation against the Sinn Fein
prisoners is an extremely serious one,
and the !method adopted by the gov
ernment is, so far as I know, unpre
cedented in British history. They
have arrested and deported these men
to England without any definite
charge as to whether it is intended to
. bring them to trial. Meanwhile Ire
land waits for proof of the alleged
pro-German olot.
"For the last three years the Brit
ish government and Sir Edward Car
son have done the work of Germany
-in Ireland more effectively than any
other agencies that I know of. Three
years ago Ireland was in the war with
as much enthusiasm as any of the al
lied nations and had sent to the front
a full proportion of its people as com
pared with Great Britain or the do
minions of the crown, and Irish sol
diers had been in the van of the bat
tle and the post of danger on every
one of the allies' fronts.
"All that has been changed by what
Lloyd- George was himself obliged to
describe when minister of war as
'stupidity amounting to malignity' on
the part of the war office :nd the
Omaha Army Officers Are
Assigned to Other Camps
Washington Bureau of The
Omaha Bee, 1311 G Street
Washington, May 22. (Special
Telegram.) First Lieutenant Louis
G. Prendergast, dental reserve corps,
is assigned to duty and will proceed
to Des Moines..
Captain Roy Crook, medical reserve
corps, now on duty at the United
States bajloon school, Fort Omaha,
will proceed to Chicago for a course
of instructions. i '
The appointment of Quartermaster
Sergeant .Carl W. Smith as second
lieutenant of the quartermaster corps.
national army, is announced. He will
proceed without delay to Camp
Dodge, la.
First Lieutenant Edward C. Mat
thews, medkal reserve corps, is as
signee! to Des Moines. . .
Scores Seek Uncle Sam's
Aid to Promote Enterprises
s Washington, ;May 21. Directors of
th war. finartfA rnmnratinti trtepflnor
today.' for. the first' time, began the
immerise task of considering applica
tions for finaicial aid to activities es
sential o,; the conduct of the war.
Apparently under the belief that
the war finance corporation is a source
of easy money, for all kinds of devel
opment projects,- scores of persons
have applied, for advances to' aid them
in promoting new enterprises which
they claim will contribute to the war s
Applications have been made by
public utilities which are hit hard by
rising; costs of materials and supplies
and the difficulty of increasing service
rates, proportionately.
THURSDAY, on the Fourth Floor, we offer a
limited quantity of extra fancy Cuban Pine
dapples, very large, 24 size, at 18c each.
No phone orders accepted, none delivered, none
rto dealers. ,
V: Burfei-Nsh Co.
As I. wept about the country now,
working IWfd to recruit men, to in
duce people to subscribe to the, war
loan, doing all the things in wnicn i
saw a chance to make myself useful,
there was now an ever present
thought. When would John go out?
He must go soon. I knew that, so
did his mother. We had learned
that he would not be sent without a
chance to bid us goodby. There we
were better off than many a father
and mother in the early days of the
war. Many's the mother who learned!
first that her lad had gone to France
when they told her he was dead. And
many's the lassie wno learned in the
same way that her lover would never
come home to be ner husband.
But by now Britain was settled
down to war. It was as if war were
the natural state of things, and every
thing was adjusted to war and those
who must fight it. And many things
were ordered better and more merci
fully than they had been at first.
It was in April that word came to
us. We might see John again, his
mother and I, if we hurried to Bed
ford. And so we did. For once I
heeded no other call. It was a sad
journey, but I was proud and glad as
well as sorry. John must do his
share. There was no reason why my
son should take fewer risks than an
other man's. That was something all
Britain was learning in those days.
We were one people. We must fight
as one; one for all all for one.
John was sober when he met us.
Sober aye 1 But what a light-there
was in his eyes I He was eager to be
at the Huns. Tales of their doings
were coming back to us now, faster
and faster. They were tales to shock
me. But they were tales, too, to whet
the courage and sharpen the steel of
every man who could fight and meant
to go.
It was John's turn to go. So it was
he felt. And so it was his mother and
I bid him farewell, there at Bedford.
We did not know whether we would
ever see him again, the bonnie laddie 1
We had to bid him goodby, lest it be
our last chance. For in Britain we
knew by then what were the chances
they took, those boys of ours who
went out.
"Goodby, son good luck"
"Goodby, dad. See you when I get
That was all. We were not allowed
to know more than that he was or-,
dered to France. Whereabouts in the
lnong trench line he would be sent we
were not told. "Somewhere in
France." That phrase, that had been
dinned so often into our ears, had a
meaning for us now.
And now, indeed, our days and
nights were anixous ones. The war
was in our house as it had never been
before. I could think of nothing but
my boy. And yet. all the time I had
to go on. I had to carry on, as John
was always bidding his men do. I
had to appear daily before my "audi
ences, and laugh and sing,' that I
might make them laugh, and so be
better able to do their part
They had made me understand,, my
friends, by that time that it was really
right for me to carry on with my
own work. I had not thought so at
first. I had felt that it was wrong
for me to be singing at such a time.
But they showed me that I was influ
encing thousands to do their duty, in
one way or another, and that I was
helping to keep up the spirit of
Britain, too. ''
"Never forget the oart that nlavs.
Harry," my friends told me. "That's
the thing the Hun can't understand.
He thought the British would be
poor fighters because they went into
action with a laugh. But that's the
thing that makes them invincible.
You've your part to do in keeping up
that spirit."
So I went on. but it was with a
heavy heart, oftentimes. John's let
ters were not what made my heart
heavy. There was good cheer in
every one of them. He told us as
much as the censor's rules would let
him of the front, and of conditions as
he found them. They were still bad
cruelly bad.: But there was no
word of complaint from John.
The Germans still had the best of
us in guns in thbse days, although we
were beginning to catch up with them.
And they knew more about making
themselves comfortable in the trench
es than did pur boys. No wonder!
They spent years of planning and
making ready for this war. And it
has not taken us so long, all things
considered, to catch up with them.
John's letters were-cheery and they
came regularly, too, for a time. But
I suppose it was because they left out
so much, because there was so great
a part of my. boy's life that was hid
den from me that I .found myself
thinking more and more of John as
a wee bairn and as a lad growing up".
He was a real boy. He had the
real boy's spirit of fun and mischief.
There was a story I had often told
of him that came to my mind now.
We were living in Glasgow. One
drizzly day Mrs. Lauder kept John in
the house, and he spent the time
standing at the parlor'window look
ing down on the street, apparently in
nocently interested in the passing
In Glasgow it is the custom for the
coal dealers to go along the streets
with their lorries, crying their wares,
much after the manner of a vegeta
ble peddler in Amerca. If a house
wife wants any coal she goes to the
vwiybooys store"
Fourth Floor -1
window when she heas the hail of
the coal man and holds up a finger,
or two fingers, according to the num
ber of sacks of coal she wants.
To Mrs. Lauder's, surprise, and
finally to her great vexation, coal men
came tramping up our stairs every
few minutes all afternoon, each one
staggering under the weight of a
hundredweight sack of coal. She had
ordered no coal and she wanted no
coal, but still the coal men came a
veritable pest of them.
They kept coming, too. until she
discovered that little John was the
author of their grimy pilgrimages to
our door. He was signalling every
passing lorrie from the window in
the Glasgow coal code 1 i
I watched him from that window
another day when he was quarreling
with a number of playmates In the
street below. The quarrel finally
ended in a fight. John was giving
one lad a pretty good pegging, when
the others decided that the battle was
too much his way, and jumped on
John promptly executed a strategic
retreat. He retreated with consider
able speed, too. I saw him running;
I heard the patter of his feet on our
stairs and a banging at our door. I
opened it and adniitted a flushed,
dishelveled little warrior, and I heard
the other boys shouting up the stairs
what they would do to him.
By the time I got the door closed
and got fcack to our little parlor John
was standing at the window, giving
a marvelous pantomime for the bene
fit of his enemies . in the street, v He
was putting his small, clenched fist
now to his nose, now to his jaw, to
Give to the
i . . . . . . .1 .,.
Wednesday, May 22, 1918.-
IT'S OUR big clean-up movement which comes during the latter part of May each year when
we radically reduce the price on every pair of Shoes, Pumps and Slippers for Men, Women,
Boys, Girls and Infants in our Downstairs Store. A price so low that it is certain to bring about a
quick and decided disposal. Every pair in our great stock has been reduced, affording by long odds
the best shoe-buying opportunity of the entire season.
It f Ol
men 8 onoes
Reduced to
Several ' hlindred pairs of men's
shoes for work -or 'dress 'wear,- at
about half their regular prices.
:' "'V. .:' ... : . . i' . :..
Limited quantity of low or high shoes,
odd pairs and slightly shop-worn styles.
, Women's Shoes
Reduced to .
White canvas lace boots for
women and big girls. Louis and
low heels, all sizes, reduced to
$2.89. . .
indicate to the youngsters what he
was going to do to them later on.
Those, and a hundred other little in
cidents, were as fresh in m. memory
as if they had only occurred yesterday.
His mother and I recalled them over
and over again. From the day John
was born it seems to me the only
things that really interested me were
the things in which he was concerned.
I used to tuck him in his crib at night.
The affairs of his babyhood were far
more important to me than my own
personal affairs.
I watched him grow arid develop
with enormous pride, and he took
great pride in me. That , to me was
far sweeter than praise from crowned
heads. Soon he was my constant
companion. He was my , business
confidant. More he was my most
intimate friend.
There svere no secrets between us.
I think that John and I talked of
things-that few fathers and sons have
the courage to discuss. He never
feared to ask my advice on any sub
ject and I never feared to give it to
him. . y . t
I wish you could have known my
son as he was to me. I wish all fath
ers could know their sons as I knew
John. He was the most brilliant con
versationalist I have ever known. . He
was my ideal musician.
He took up music only as an ac
complishment, however. He did not
want to be a performer, although he
had amazing natural talent in thai
direction. Music , was born in him.
He could transpose a melody in any
key. You could whistle an air for
him and he could turn it into a little
opera at once.
However, he was anxious to make
For Every Member of the
the Original
Big Groups
Men's Shoes
Reduced to
Shoes of the better grades for work
or dress wear. Large variety of
styles, all sizes represented, at $3.65.
and Children':
Reduced to
Women's Slippers
Reduced to
Women's two-strap, turn sole,
kid house slippers, all sizes; re
duced to clear away, at $2.45 pair.
Extra Selling Space Extra
for himself in some other line of en-,
deavor, and while he was often my
piano accompanist, he never had any
intention of going on the stage.
When he was IS years old I was
commanded to appear before King
Edward, who was a guest at Rufford
Abbey, the scat of Lord and Lady
Sayville, situated in a district called
the Dukcries, and I Kok John as my
I gave my usual performance, and
while I was making my changes John
played the piano. At the close King
Edward sent Jor me and thanked me.
It was a proud moment for me, but
a prouder moment came when the
king spoke of John's playing and
thanked him for his part in the enter
tainment. ' There were turious contradictions,
it often seemed to me, in John. His
uncle, Tom Vatlance, was in his day
one of the very greatest foot ball
players in Scotland. But John never
greatly liked the game. He thought
it was too rough. ' He thought any
game v5s a poor game in which play
ers were likely to be hurt. And yet
he had been eager for the Tough game
of warl The rougheest game of all.
Ah, but that was not a game to
him! He was not one of those who
went to war with a light heart, as they
might have entered upon a foot ball
match. All honor to those who went
into the war so they played a great
part and a noble , part I But there
were more who went to war as "my
boy did taking it upon themselves
as a duty and a solemn obligation.
They had no illusions. They did not
love war. , No! John hated war, and
the black, ugly horrors of it. But
there were things he hated more than
he hated war. And one was a peace
won through submission to injustice.
Have I told you how my boy
looked? He was slender, but he was
strong and wiry. He. was about five
feet five inches tall; he topped his dad
by a handspan. And he was the neat
est boy you might evef have hoped
to see. Aye but he did not inherit
that from met Indeed, he used to re
proach me, . oftentimes, for being
careless about my clothes. ' My col
lar would be loose, perhaps, or my
waistcoat would not fit just so. He'd
not like that, and he would tell me sol
Clearaway Thursday of
At About-
Women's Pumps
Reduced to
Some with one or two-tie straps, pat
ent and dull calf, Louis and Cuban heels.
Boys' Shoes
Reduced to
In tan elk and black calf skin.
Solid leather soles, button and lace
styles, at $2.45 and $2.98 a pair.
Burgest-Naih Co. Down SUlr, Stan
When he did that I would tell him
ofttimes .when he was a wee boy and
would come in from play with a -dirty
face; how his mother would order him
to wash and how he would painstak
ingly mop off just enough of his fea
tures to leave a dark ring abaft his
cheeks and above his eyes and below
his chin. , .
"You wash your face, but never let
on to your neck," I would tell, hlmi
when he was a wee laddie.
He had a habit then of parting and
brushing about an inch , of his hair,
leaving the rest all topsy-turvy.' My
recollection of that boyhood habit
served me as a defense in later years,
when he would call my attention to
my own disordered hair.
I linger long, and I linger lovingly
over these small details, because they
are part of my daily thoughts. Every
day some little incident comes up to
remind me of my boy, A battered old
hamper, in which I carry my different
character makeups, stands in my
dressing rom. It was John's favorite
seat. Every time I look at it I have
a vision of a tiny wide-eyed boy
perched on the lid, watching me make
ready for the stage. A lump rises,
unbidden, in my throat. .
In all his life I never had to, ad
monish my son once.. Not once. ' He
was the most considerate, lad I have
ever known. He was always think
ing of others.He was always doing
for others.
It was with such thoughts as these
that John's mother and 1 filled in the
time between his letters. They came
as if by a schedule. We knew what
post should bring one. And onpe or
twice a letter was a post late and our
hearts were in our throats with fear.
And then came a day when there
should have been a letter, and none
came. The whole day passed. I
tried to comfort John's jmotherl I
tried to believe myself thai1 it was no
more than a mischance of the post
But it was not that.
We could do nought but wait. " Ah,
but the folks at home in Britain know
all too well those sinister breaks in
the chains of letters (rom the frontl
Such a break may mean nothing or
For us hews came quickly. But it
was not a letter from John that came
Family in the
Women's Pumps
Reduced to
Low heel, turn soles, baby Louis cov
ered heels, patent or dull kid. Sale
price, 14.48 a pair.
Mary Jane Pumps
For Infants, Children, Misses and Big Girls
Patent and gun metal . v ' 1
Infants' sizes, $1.19.
Children's sizes 5 to 8, $1.65 and $1.95. .
' Children's sizes 8i2 to 11, at $2.45.
Mis?es' sizes ll2 to 2, at $2.65.
Girls' sizes 2 tOs7, at $2.95.
Barefoot Sandals
Reduced to
Barefoot sandals in tan calf,
sizes 5 to 11. Very special at
Springfield, 111., May ; 22.-Fire
which continued today iri the? Pea .
body mine at Nokomis, one of rthe
largest coal. mines in this section of- .
the country," may necessitate the seal
ing of. the. shaft within the next ,48 .
hours unless some means is devised '
to stop the blaze. . Water. which it ,
being poured into the mine, thus far
seems to have . little effect i y .
That the , fire has bee . burning .'
slowly in the, mine for the. last seven t
years was disclosed today.' Behind r
heavy walls of concrete erected wtyb,,.
the idea of confining the'blaze and
smothering it, the fire has been smoul- ;
dering until last week, when the Aimes .
burst through. The weekly output of ,
the mine has been 2,000 tons. "
Fairbanks Sinking; Doctors :i
Anxious Over His Conditon
Indianapolis, Ind.j May 22. Wlnfe". .
Charles W. Fairbanks, . former vice
president, who is ill at his home here, ,
spent a more restful 'night last night
than previously, he gradually is grow Vji
ing weaker ,and his condition is eaus- ,
ing his physicians anxiety, Dr. J. A. '
MacDonald, the physician-in-chief, an-
nounced today, '
Secretary Lane Dedicates' I
Monument in Grand Canyon
Grand ' CanVon, Afiz, May 21.-,'
Franklin-KV Lane, secretary of thi
interior, dedicated today oA. Maricrjp :
Point a' monument to the memorj
of Major John Wesley Powell,' firsY
director of the geological survey and.
the explorer who in 1869 conducted ,
the first expedition through the gorge,
to us. It was a telegram from th.
war office and it told ui no more than -that
our boy was wonnded and in
hospital. ,. i -
! (Continued Tomorrow)
Give to the RED
CROSS and Give
GenewMMljr. '
-Fhone Douglas ?37
Women's Shoes
Reduced to 1
High cut, colored kid, cloth tops, short
lines and sample pairs.- Less than' Vt
regular, price. ' ' ; ' ,
White Pumps ;V,
Reduced to "7"
White canvas pumps with strap
and rubber soles. ! -
, , Children's sizes, 95c. .'
Misses' sizes, $1.15.
Women's sizes, $1.25.
1 'S