Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1918, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1918. 11 "V -1 HELrwANtED. Mrryeroale..-"' ' ,-lerk nyumiiiaKnni With. Tfcfottas wanted. $10(1 month. Witiple Cquhfin-- free. Franklin Institute.- Jt;STI E. Rochester, N. Y. WAITED tTeft..-todies and boys, learn birber-OtTjdei-lblg demand; wage while tarnl.rtlt strictly modern. Call or writ 1403. DSdge St Trl-City Barber College Phtfhi D...J147. HOLER .Barber Collegewants young men and ladies to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. HOS 14tb Ht..' Omaha. Neb , Vr ANTELr Hauls, housemen, porers and kitchen help; bJsh wages paid. Apply at the Hcnshaw. L EDUCATIONAL . BOYLES COLLEGE. - DAY SCHOOL. " - NIGHT SCHOOL. Every- day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer. ctal and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 18tb and Harney 8t. Van.- Sani- School of Fustnesa Pay- ejrtl Evening Schools. !!0 ,Tmat)a National Bank Bldg. ' . :j ! . Douglas 690. .' t in M. i II i.. 'i i. V' "' i . . ) FOR RENT FURN ISHED . .Apartments. FOUR nicely furnished rooms, private bath. i of laundry. Call Colfax 70 or Otflfax 1399. ' v " EkAVENWORTH, 2926 Modern 2 and 2 room furnished apartments. Har. 3095. Houses. ' COMPLETELY furnished, io west district, 9-room, V large'- sleeping: perch, From i June to September, $75 ;per month, lis N.. 38th Ave. H. 2591. "nnwriKlt Vtr Bitmmar - months.- aix-room I, house to, small family without children. Walnut 1112. DUNDEE For summer months, six-room house to small family without children. Walnut 1112. FURNISHED home, 820 N.,60th Ave.. Dun dee. Phone Walnut 1262. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. It you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The ; Be off lea- for a Room List. Gives ,'. ' eomplete description of vacant rooms In , all parts of the city. New lists Issued ; every week. fewb nicely furnished rooms, with an east front Prices reasonable, i Close In. 71 S. 17th Ave. LOVELY iro-; room, in private family; traveling man preferred. 106 Park ave. i 'Phone Harney 6407. - Uli DAVENPORT ST. Modern furnished , rooms, front room, ground floor, $4. Others at various prices. LARGE, cool, beautifully furnished room, on bath floor, In modern prlvtte home. 650 S. 26th Ave. DESIRABLY furnished cool front room for gentleman. Home privileges. Modern. - Tyler 2241. ' MODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine. 608 North 17th St. Reason- . able rent. 1416 BURT ST. Large east room, 8 wln 'dows,; near bath; private; modern; garage. CHEERFUL front room in brick house to gentleman. References exchanged. 634 Bo.- 2th St. " NICELY furnished front room, modern private home. Bemis Park district. One block to car line, narney o"o. 1711 BURT, modern furnished sleeping rooms or light housekeeping rooms, pri vate family. TWO furnished rooms for one or two; rea sonable; breakfast If desired. Walnut 3720. FURNISHED rooms In private family, mod ern. 1821 Grace St. Telephone Webster 6893. DESIRABLE rooms, walking distance, every convenience. Phone Douglas 8632. 2241 Howard street. GRAYSTONE, 26th and Cass, nicely fur nished rooms. Douglas 7994. IN DUNDEE, furnished room and break fast. Walnut 3932. FURNISHED ROOM, 1816 Chicago. Phone D. 8219; men only. FURNISHED room for rent, 843 S. 23d St. TyJer. 3376.; : . , 2125 DOUGLAS Furnished room suitable for two gentlemen. . BOARD and room; board optional. Red 6825.' NICE pleasant furnished rooms. 1314 Park Ave. Harney 4451!. PLEASANT single sleeping rooms, walking distance. 25S0 Hjarney St. WELL furnished room from West Far- nam district. Harney 1745. 3215 SHERMAN AVE. 2 furnished rooms. Tel. Web. 3924. FURNISHED ROOMS 1613 Dorcas St Housekeeping Rooms. VERY CLEAN and nicely furnished house ' keeping rooms near Leavenworth and Farnam cars and the boulevard. Private home. Reasonable. Harney 620B. VERY attractive furnished rooms to couple, all modem conveniences, shower bath, sleeping porch. In good location. Wal. 2114. FOUR large, pleasant, completely furnished rooms. A regular home. Best In Omaha for the money. Walking distance. 25S0 HrneT st- LARGE, cool and neatly furnished three ' room aulte with sleeping porch. Private home. Also garage. JUZO uayenpon oi. LINCOLN APTS. 2102 Chicago. Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Tyler 2607. J405 CAPITOL AVE. Two modern, light housekeeping rooms, close In. Douglas 9023. ROOM with kitchenette in modern home on car line; washing privileges. Price rea sonable. 1620 8. 24th St. Doug. 7558. ENTIRE unstalrs residence. Three large rooms and bath; modern, except h at $13... 2511 Corby St. Webster 6755. ONE room for light housekeeping, suitable for couple that both work, $3.00 per week. 2224 Chicago St. Tyler 1385-W. LARGE cool and neatly furnished three .room suites. Private home; also garage. 3026 Davenport. ' PARLOR floor suite, all conveniences, walk ing distance;' first class. $4. 604 S. 28th. 412 N. 22D, nice, neat, light housekeeping rooms. Douglas 9378.'- Board and Rooms. tWO very pleasant rooms connecting bath, will be vacant in a few days by boys leav ing for service. Board optional. Phone Harney 2472. 118 S. 25th Ave. ATTRACTIVE! south front room; private home; good neighborhood: prefer em ' ploy1; board If desired. "Webster 4809. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, $9 a month. 2576 Pierce St. Call Harney 703. Hotels. COOL rooms, $2 week; also apartments with i kitchenettes. eOgden hotel. Co. Bluffs. FOR RENT HOUSES - West. t ' ' KANSCOM PARK COTTAGE. West Side, t-r., all modern, 2505 S. 34th Ave. Lot 52x132, fine shade trees, large garden; lot(,.etc. ; 2 blocks from car; , fine neighborhood1 and a real bargain for .. $2,$50. See. Owner, 3223-Arbor St. MODERN j 10-room residence: keys on premises, 2601 'Capitol avenue. Telephone , namey eti4. MODERN 10-ro6m residence; keys on premises. 2001 Capjtol avenue. Telephone Harney -5"i4x - North. f i-ROOM house end garden; modern except neat; will sell garden for $5 and will sub lease house fjrr $13. SO; aIso garage. Must be party of reputable character. Webster . 2231.. '. ... ' ' ' ... . -i'OB RENT 2013 Grace Sr.; :-r. mod. house; . $20.00 " ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., - Realtors.- -. ' .205 South 18th. St ... Douglas 722. n All mbdeita house in fine' shape, 3 roms and den . down, 3 bedrooms up. 2 . ' blotjvs from, N-24th St. car. Bedford- J c 1 hhston Co. .Doug, 3140. . fAHTIES having teases for rent or sale In , ih neighborhood , a Basket "Store will rAo. .wcU to maniics this advantage to the prospective rente;- or buyer. " . FOR, RENT HOUSES North. FIVE rooms and bath, aouth front, near car. desirable neighborhood: recently decor atcd; special price to nice, couple. Phone Webster 3779. 114 X. 24th St., 13 rms., mod., (40. F. I. Wead. S10 S. 18th St. D. 171. 6418 N. 33 AVE. 4-roora house, $9 per month. Phone evenings. Colfax 2192. 6-ROOM house, modern except heat, with small garage, $16. 2RN Burdette. South. 6-ROOM cottage, water and gas. 2319 K. 21st St. 821 S. 20th, 8 rooms, good condition, rent tzv. xrougias tysa. S-ROOM HOUSE lii!3 Dorcas St. Central. DELIGHTFUL summer accommodations. Since desirable houses and apartments are so difficult to find, why not live at Wel lington Inn for the summer? Very low rates on rooms and suites. Miscellaneous. $30620 S. 20th, 10 rooms, mod., or 20 rooms, $60. $35 3116 Chicago, ( rooms, mod. $10 109 S. 28th. 4 rooms, water paid. RING WALT BROS.. Brandels Thea. Bldg, 3869 CALIFORNIA ST., 8 rms , $30 2821 Jackson St., 7 rms ......$37.60 , 5003 . California St., 7 rms ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 533 Securities Bldg. 25t8 Douglas, rooming house $33.00 1616 Sherman Ave., rooming house. .$33.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIOH SONS A CO.. BEE BLDQ. CHANCE for good general REPAIR MN to rent or buy house needing repairs. Walnut 2587, evenings. J LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. . Realtors. Tyler 729. Shopeh A Co.. , R"itala Douglas 4128. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. HAMILTON APTS., fireproof; fine lawn and flowers during summer; best location, 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Call JJ- 1472. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialtists In Apartment management. North. ONE pleasant 4-room ground floor apart ment; also 4-room apartment on upper floor. Telephone Webster 933 and Web ster 4328. ONE pleasant four-room ground floor apartment; also four-room apartment on upper floor. Telephone Webster 132 and Webster 4328. 4-ROOM and sun room, new, modern corner, Apt. 30; vacant June 1; Apt. S, Maple Court. 1816 Maple St. Red 68!. MODERN, Estabrook Apts., near Postofflce, 122. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. FURNISHED Beaton apartment No. 1 for rent. Call Harney 47. , Central. DELIGHTFUL summer accommodations. Since desirable houses and apartments are so difficult to find, why not live at Wellington Inn for the summer T Very low rates on rooms and suites. Miscellaneous. 2 ROOMS with 3-room accommoda tions In the Coronado, 22d and Capitol Ave $33.60 4 rooms, "The Hudson," 207 S. 26th Ave JO.OO BENSON & MEYERS CO., Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 746. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT 16th and Douglas, 20x 60, steam heat, rent $116 per month. WORLD REALTY CO., Douglas 6342. Sun Theater Bldg. MODERN store, 16th St., near P. O. Low rent. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. Office and Des Room. BUSINESS Men demand the best office location. The Bee Building supplies this demand. Keystone Inv. Co., Tyler 131. Garages and Barns. GARAGE FOR KENT 2008 Blnney. Web ster 3028. WANTED TO RENT LIST YOUR acreage with us. INTER STATE REALTY CO. Tyler 1672. Furnished Apartments. WANTED To rent or sublease, strictly modern two or three-room apartmtat In refined neighborhood. Call Harney 870. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. FIVE-ROOM apartment, steam heat,. $45. The Chula Vista. 30th and Poppleton ave nue, will be for rent June 1. Nebraska and Wyoming Investment company, 322 Brandeis Theater building. Phone Doug. 1571. MOVING AND STORAGE FREE &E$i& FIDELITY Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storgae, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN A STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St., between 15th and 16th. Phono Tyler 2400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It. Ask to see our daily rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4162. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. OMXHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans; careful men. Fur niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. D-3354 T P "DT?l?'n Express Co. Moving, i. j. i,uljxj packing ani g and storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WTEST FARNAM HOME. At a sacrifice if sold this week; 6 rooms, hot water heat, splendid condi tion. Full east front lot, one block from 36th and Farnam. Price, $4,280. Harney 2666. North. MODERN COTTAGE 3118'TAYLOR Five-room, modern, nice lot, furnace heat, floored attic; vacant, immediate pos session Price $2,960, on terms. J. L. HIATT CO.,, QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE flQ f"" BANK BLDG. TYLER UO BEMIS PARK, $5,500 3415 Lafayette Avenue We want you to see this house; has 8 large rooms, besides sun room and sleeping porch) full two-story and at tic; oak-finish, first floor; fireplace; lot 51x147, facing on boulevard; special taxes all paid; large shade trees; garage; $1,000 cash will handle. Arrange with us for Inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. A MODERN 4-room home can be bought for $2,600; has electric lights, full ce mented basement, cement sidewalks, guaranteed furnace, nice attio and lot faces Fontenelle park; has complete bath; newly decorated; built a little over a year ago; will accept Liberty" bonds or saving stamps aa down payment - Bal ance monthly. WALNUT 677. SIX rooms, all modern, oak floors, 2 years old, 1 block to car line, 4 blocks north of Minne Lusa; chicken house, lot and gar age; lot 80x160 ft; set In young fruit This Is an exceptional bargain at $3,000. 3104 Weber St. Phone Flo. 603. AN almost new 4room and bath home, facing city park, haa guaranteed fur nace and electric light; can be bought today for $2 250; very easy terma to re liable party. For appointment, call WALNUT 677. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. For only $2.200 : lot 63x122, with gar age and barn. Nice place. Near 22d and Miami. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. P. 1294. BIG FAMILY- BARGAIN. Easy terms; 8-room modern, two lots, chicken house, shade, fruit, 4 Mock to car and school, $.'1.60. See 2S66 Mapie atjreetjrlephone Walnut 2:'S5. WE SELL. Rent, Insure and maks" Loans on City property, North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th and Ames Ave. Col. 21T. QUICK ACTION ON LOANS. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee BU1g. Douglas 1533. Ml.NNE LUSA homes and lots utter the best opportunity to Invest yonr money Phone Tvler 1S7 South. 922 S. 25TH AVE.-CLOSE IN Well built cottage, 6 rooms on one floor and attic, all modern; lot 60x130, paved street, lota fruit and shade trees; a close in bargain for $3,100; look it over on the Inside. P. J. TEBBENS, Realtor. 605 Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone D. 2182. ONLY $2,600. Two cottagvs; one 6-roorn and one 4-room, good condltron. Live In one and rent the other. Paving all paid. Will make terms to suit purchaser. Located 2433 S. loth St Norris A Norrls, 104 N. 16th St.. Phone Douglas 4270. NEAR 34th and Martha, nearly new bun galow of 6 rms.; oak finish, fully mod ern; fine 49x138; e. front lot; paved St.; $3,750; cash terms. RASP BROS1.. 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW. New, 6-room itucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; near oar Una. Price, $4,000. Terma. $600 cash, balanoe monthly. n BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 643 Paxton Blk. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER A SHOTWELL, 203 8 17th St. Douglas 6018 W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. Real Estat" and Insurance. 1120 Farnam St Doug. 1064. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Electrlo Bldg. Tyler 86. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY and SON. 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. Income, Business and Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodge Str Douglas 416. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR SALE or trade, fine lot at summer resort on lake, 4 mile from Rogers, Mich., for Ford touring car or young, sound talllon, weight, 1,900. A. M. Wright, Wlndom, Minn. $5,600 equity In choice half section Rose bud lane for 6 or 8-room modern Omaha residence or small Iowa farm. Address owner, 600 So. 8d St., Norfolk, Neb. FINE Iowa stock and grain farm for clear Canada land. Owners answer with full description and price. W. J. Good, Char iton, la. GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease. 211 Bran. Th. Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN. $1 A WEEK. PAYNE A SLATER CO REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage. ACRES HALF ACRES. QUARTER ACRES. In Caldwell's Acres, Omaha's newest acreage, subdivision located southwest of I Field club. Prices low. Terms easy. Call THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug. 297. 212 S. 17th. Benson. 32-ACRE ' -IMPROVED FARM Located S',4 miles west of "?enson. Has a good 4-room house, barn for 10 head of rattle and 4 horses; double corn crib; chicken house, 12x24; all build ings are nearly new and nicely painted; hog house; fenced and cross-fenced; only 40 feet to splendid well that has 23 feet of water; 7 acres In alfalfa, two acres In pasture; small bearing orchard. This Is a farm that has been worked by owner and Is In splendid condition and elegai.t quality of land. If you want one of the best little farms near Omaha you should be sure and look this, over. Owner will sell crop, stock and farm machinery and give possesion immedi ately If wanted. Price of farm. M 2,000. Come In and we will take you out and show you the property anv time. HASTINGS A HFYDEN. 114 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. Dundee. DUNDEE BUNGALOW SNAP. t rooms, all modern; buffet, garage and large sightly lot: this plare Is offered at a real nargain as owner is leaving town. Price $3,500 for quick sale on easy pay ments. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS. 222 Keellne Bldg. Doug 8140 DUNDEE. Happy Hollow and Fair Acres properties. GEORGE A COMPANY. 902 Clfy Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 766. HIGH and Blghtly Dundee lots. $875 to $1,150. Easy terms. Loan arranged for building purposes. Phone D. 6074, Sbuler DUNDEE BUNGALOW, $3,750; all modern, oak finish, built-in bookcase, large lot and paving paid: $500 cash and $36 per month. Call days. Doug. 3140 South Side. FOR SALE. 7-room house In best residence on South Plde, strictly modern. In excellent con dition. Telephone South 44. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. Widow haa five-room houses, one T room, modern house, one 8-room modern house and 2 modern store buildings; all well rented, on paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also $20,000 I first mortgages; prices are right and property In first class condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National Bank Building. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. LIST your property with JOHN J. MULVIHILI 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone V. (t WANTED Modern flat, value $30,000 to $40,000. Address P. O. Box 473, Onawa. Ia. MEET me at F. D. Wead's Office. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WE want 100 mortgages on iQmaha resi dences; funds on hand for-qulck closing. E. H. LOUGEE. INC.. 638-40 Keellne Bldg. ' DIVIDENDS 0"F 6 "PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASSOCIATION. CT1 CI FARM LOANS, r-1 of Oyo IO PAUL PETERSON, "72 O 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. H. W. BINDER, Money on hsnd for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat Eank Bldg. Doug. 2718. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6. 64 and Per Cent J H. DUMONT CO., Keellne Bldg. 512 HARISOn'a MORTON, 52 919 umana isat. jsanK uiag. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D, Weed. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money. 1 SHOPEN A COMPANY. Douglas 4228. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERO, 213 Bran dela Theater Bldg. - D. 686, ; FINANCIAL Sto:ks and Bond WILL exchange preferred stock In growing Omaha concern, T per cent guaranteed, for acreage, clear lots or good equities in In come property. W. G. Templeton, 614 Bee Bldg. Tyler 2030. . FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MAY 21ST. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. CuLORAIH) offers great opportunltiea for farmers of moderate means to secure farm home on very easy terms. Inform us location desired. For free book and map and special railroad rates, write Floyd C Tallmadge, Colonisation Agent Kana-Colo. Ry Co.. First National Bank Bldg.. Pueblo. Colo. Illinois Lands. FOR SALE 400 acres Baldwin county. Alabama, land, all titled. In center county, near Loxley. Best farming dis trict In south. Three miles out. Fifteen acres oranges, full crop this year. Fifteen acres pecans of, three different varieties. Well fenced. Good house. Good north ern barn. Conrrete foundation. Good well. Full set farming Implements. Sell quick at $9,000. Kansas Lands. 40. 80 OR 160 ACRES; GOOD HEAVY soil; well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churches. Price $16 to $22.60 per acre; terms $1 an acre casl balance $1 an acre a year; 6,000 acres to select from. To actual set tle who w.ll put up buildings and Improve land we will give deed and take mort gage back for full purchase price for 6 or 10 years, 6 per cent Interest Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Minnesota Lands. FOR SALE 400 acres land. 20 miles from St. Paul, Minneapolis and South St Paul stockyards, 6 miles from good town 120 acres under cultivation,' balance pas ture, some timber, black, sandy loam soil. One-fourth miles lake shore. House and barn two years old. $76 per acre, $12,500 cash, balance long time, no trade. Ideal slock farm. snap. Address E. C. Keehn, care Western Commission Co., South St. Taul, Minn. Missouri Lands. MISSOURI $10 and down, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres good farm and fruit land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Box 36, Mt. Vernon, 111. Montana Lands. FOR SALE Judith basin land; 280 acres level land, mile from Stanford; 170 acres In wheat, all fenced: running water. $75 per acre. Stanford Ranch Co., Stan ford. Mont. Nebraska Lands. 40-ACRE IMMEDIATE SALE. 40 acres. Improved 6-r. house, almost new barn for 8 head horses (hay mow for 6 tons), quite a few acres alfalfa; entire 40 hogtight. Rented for $500 cash In ad vance. For sale and for immediate sale, . tra good location, only 22 miles out, and good auto road the entire distance. FOR HOME OR INVESTMENT. Can you beat It T And also have land for security. See me at once. Trice, only $176 per acre; H cash, balance 6H per cent. Rents go to purchaser, or few hundred dollars earnest money payment down and possession March 1. Save $-'5 per acre by buying now instead 01 later Call forenoons If convenient. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY. Rooms 1217-1218 City Nat. Bank Bldg. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches In good 01a uawea county. Arsh L. Hungerford, Crawford, wap NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices write Geo. Antlll. Blair. Neb. Wvoming Lands 640 ACREH, Improved; price, $16 acre; ex change for Omaha, K. C. or cheap Mo. land; also herd of good horses to trade. What have you 7 Albert E. Pattee. Upton, Wyo. 1 WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $60 per a.. Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi A C. M. Rylander. 864 Omaha Nat'l. Miscellaneous. A FEW 640-acre farm land homesteads If taken at once. Call, wire or phone us at once. Martin Investment Co., 588 Bran dels Bldg.. Omaha. HAVE cash customer for 160 acres Douglas or Sarny county. Martin investment Co. 683 Brandels. RANCHES of all slses and kinds, easy terms. A I. Patiman, sol Karnacn pik. CHOICE FARMS. Nllsson. 422 Rose Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN ft SON. 510 Electric Bldg. Douglas (371. WANTED 20,000 acres of Kimball and Banner county land. Must be first-class farm land. Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Box Y 467. Omaha. Bee. Horses Live Stock Vehicle, For Sale. FOUR head good work horses, all sound and In good condition, weighing from 1.150 to 1,450. O. E. Harding Coal Co.. 2Slh and .7. South Side, Omaha. FOR SAE 10 HoTsteln cows and heifers. Apply F. C. Bliss, 254 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. HOLSTEIN cows for sale. Inquire David Mnagh. 1613 Farnam St. KEEP YOUR EYE ON RALSTON Omaha's Growing Manufacturing Suburb, THREE NEW FACTORIES " CROWN TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY are completing a $100, 000.00 modern fire-proof building and plant. The SUNLIGHT PAINT & VAR NISH CO. have just purchased ad ditional ground on which they pro pose to build a large modern plant. The RALSTON TUB CO. are behind in their orders and work ing overtime to fill orders for but ter and lard tubs. Ten Manufacturing Industries Now Located HERE. Two more large ones are under contract to build and will be an nounced soon. Others are coming. New Dwellings. Five double dwellings and two single dwellings have just been completed and fifty more could be readily rented before they were completed. ' The SEYMOUR LAKE COUN TRY CLUB have purchased 40 acres additional 'ground and are adding many improvements to their club property, giving them one of the best 18-hole Golf Courses in the state. Advantages Good sites. Two main lines of railroad. Paved street to Omaha. Ample, terminal facilities, hourly interurban service. Excellent wa ter system owned by the village Country Club. For full information see or write the Ralston Townsite Company, 202 S. 17th St., Wm. Haffke, Sales Agent. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Steady to Strong; Hogs 5 to 10 Cents Higher; Sheep Rule Generally Steady. Omaha, May 20, 1(1$. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Kstlmate Monday.'..,. 7.S00 8,600 7,000 Same day laat week.. 6,721 ,30J 6.162 Same day 1 weeks ago.11,732 10.111 2,624 same day i weeks ago. 1.662 8.160 7.12 same dav year inn 7 ssn sen i in Receipts and dlsHbsltlon of live stnrk at the Union Stock yards, Omaha. Neb., for ie nours ending at S o'clock p. m., May 20, 1918: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's i m. st. r l 3 Wabash 2 Mo. Pacific l Union Pacific 63 25 2! C. A N. W east 21 C. N. W west .... 80 41 8 C. St. P., M. & O.... 19 IS C B. A Q., each.... 10 1 C.. B. A , west.... 10 27 ( C. R. I. A P., east..!. ! Illinois Central 29 1 Chicago Great West... 16 4 '., Total receipts 814 117 21 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs Sheen. Morris A Co 884 656 663 Swift A Co 1.879 1,124 1.674 1.(04 1.07H 1,030 1.463 2.233 1,055 Cudahy Packing Co 791 Armour & Co 1,439 Schwartx A Co T. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co 81 South Omaha Packing Co. 12 vw son' Pack nt Co 114 St. Lotls Packing Co.... 37 . nenron.i vansani at Lunti S3 F. B. Lewis ";s -T. T4. Root A Co 27 T. H. Tulla 1 Rurress 13 Rosenstock Bros. ., 173 F. Q. Kellogg 1,18 Werthelmer A TVgen .... 3 Rothschild A Krebs 53 Missouri A Kansas Calf Co, 144 Christie 9 Huffman , 63 ' Roth 63 Meyers J 7 Glasberg 1 Banner Bros 107 John Harvey 651 Dennis A Francis , 6T -Tensen A Lungren ...... 64 Pat O'Day 28 Other buyers 1,018 Totals 8,141 (,36S $.817 Cattle Receipts of cattle were estimated at 7,800 head and the market opened with the packers buying a few choice loads at "teady to strong prices, paying as high ss $17.00 for the best Bearish advices from the east, however, weakened the market and later sales. Including the medium to good steers, were al) of IOOI60 lower. For the medium to good steers prices ranged from l.zr.f 16.7S. and for the common to good steers, huwlnesa was generally at a spread of $12 75KM5.75. Butcher stock was generally around steady with Saturday, showing a weaker tendency as the morn ing advanced. Good cows sold at a spread of $11 75fM3.Rfl. canners and cutters ranged from $7.60j10 0Q. Rest feeders were steady to strong, hut the general run of light stockers. Including thin cows and heifers, were lower. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice heevea, $17 26ffl'17.76 fair to good beeves. J16.60tM7.00: common to fair heev.s. $12.60 Win. 25; good to choice yearlings $16.00 17.00: fair to good yearlings, $1 4; common to fair yearlings, $10. 0015114. 50; good to choice heifers. $13.00f?15.OO; good to choice cows. $12.6014.00; fair to good cows. $9.75i5il2.f0 : common to fair cows. $7.7510.00; prima feeders, $12.004M3.00; good to choice feeders, $10.35B11.75: fair to good feeders, $9.nolo.00: common to fair feeders, $7.5009.75: good to choice storker. $1 J.00(JJ12.on; stock hnlfers. $8.B0ifl 10.50; stock cows. $7,605)110.00; stock cslves, 2ft. (018)11. SO: veal calves, $9 00fl13.00; bulls, stags, etc.. $10.005J13.00. Hogs There were 120 loads of hogs on the market this morning, estimated at 8,600 head. The market was active from ths start, with shippers and packers helng free buyers. Compsred with Saturday's average trade, the market this morning .Is 6 and 10 cents higher, closing strong. Bulk of the hogs sold at $1.955T17.10, with the top a' $17 25. Sheep There were 29 losds of sheen n the market this morning, estimated at 7.0"0 head. Most ' of the arrivals were shorn stock and there were a few aprlng Ismhs Included In the receipts. The market Is generally steady. Qnotstlnns on sheep: Good to choice lambs, $19.25!?ni9.80; fslr to choice lambs. $17.60iff 19.00; fair to choice yearlings. $18. on i17.60; fair to choice wethers. $14.50ifii 16.60: fair to choice ewes, $12.00ifj!13.00; spring lambs, $15.00019.00. 22 cull lambs X 14.00 4 ewe ; , , . 90 12.60 Rt. Louis Lira Stork. St. Lnula, Mo., May 30. Cattle Receipts, 5.600 head: market steady: native beef steers, (11 60 W 1 7.60; yearling steers snd heifers. $9. 60n5.50: cows, $7.60fi15.75; stockers and feeders, $K.6nig12.00: fair to rrlme southern heef steers. (10 Ooi916.60; beef cows snd heifers, $6 00013.60; native calves, $7.75lfi.60. Hogs Receipts 8.0(10 hesd: market higher: light, $17.70917.86; pigs, $16.80iBi 17.60; mixed snd butchers, $17.4617.85; good heavy, $17.45;17.75; bulk, (17.500 17.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8.200 market steady; lambs, $I5.0016.26; ewes, $16,001(9 17.00; wclhers. $I6 6017.00; canners and choppers, $6.50 iff1 9.60. Kansas Citj Live Stock Market. Kansss City, May 20. Cattle. Receipts. 11.000 head; market steady. Prime fed steers. (17.O04M7.6O; dressed beef steers, (13.60j6 .90; western steers, $16.26 W17.56; cows. $8.25(5114 00; heifers. $11.00016.60; stockers snd feeders. $8 26 iff 15.80; bulls, $8. 7512.00; calves, $8.60013.00. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head: market, higher. Bulk of sales, $17.20i817.40; heavy, $17.10017.20: packers and butchers. $17.20 H917.60; light, $17.20017.60; pigs, (16.600 $18.00. Sheeri Receipts, 19,000 Mead; market, steady. T.smbs. $18.60019.85; yearlings, $14.00(PM7.nn; wethers, $12.00 1160; ewes, 111.00$ I ;.oo. Sioux City Live Btoek, Sioux City, la.. May 20.' Cattle Re ceipts, 3.600 head; market for killers, 10c to 15o lower; stockers, lOo to 15o higher; beef steers, $12.00017.70; fat cows and heifers, $9.0014.00; csnners and feeders, $9.00012.00; calves. $3.00012.00; bulls, stags, etc.,' $8.00013.00; fedlng cows and heifers, $7.60011,00. Hogs Receipts, 6,6(10 head; market 10c to 15o higher; light, $17.1617.20; mixed, $17.06017.16; heavy, $16.95017.10; pigs, (16.00017.00; bulk of sales. $ 1 7.00 17.16. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,00 head; market steady. t. Joseph Live Stock. St.. Joseph, Mo., May 20. Cattle Receipts, 2.800 head; market steady; steers, (12.000 17.75; rows and heifers, $7.00016.00; salves, $7.00012.00. Hogs Receipts. 4.600 head; market higher; top $17.36; bulk, $17.1817.$0. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 2.200 head; market steady; lambs, (15.00O10.00; ewes, (10.00015.60. POULTRY AND PET STOCK BARRON S. C. W. Leghorn eggs for hatch lng afier May 20, $4 per 100. Mrs. M. W. Saxton, Decatur, Neb. FOR SALE 12 laying hens 1 and 2 years old. 3866 Hamilton. Phone Walnut 8058. AN orange Persian kitten of Imported stock. Webster 3899. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, ( mo., H. goods, total, (3.60. Smaller, larger am'ts. proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY 432 Securities Bldg., 16th. Farnam. Ty. (66. LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT. 1 Of SMALLER LOANS. OCT J- O W. C. FLATAO EST. 1892. IO TH FLR. 8ECURITfE8 BLDO. TT. 50. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Est. 1891. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Carl A, L. Swahn and wife to Jens Nielsen, California street, 65 feet east 'Of Forty-first avenue, north side, 65x63.6 $3,250 Katie Miller to John Tomas et all. Thirty-second street, 90 feet north of T street, east side, 40x55 7t( Alexander -Kiuza and wife to John Synowleckl. Gold street, 100 feet north of Bancroft street, east side, 40x93 620 Frank Y. Ksiazek and wife to Julius F. Banhart and wife, Maple street. 238 feet east of Forty-fifth street, north side, 60x79 900 Fred A. Saffran and wife to Oscar Manger. Twenty-fifth avenue, 69 feet south of Woolworth avenue, west side, (5x167 1,600 GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Corn . Prices Fluctuate ; Oats Unchanged to Lower; No Rye and Barley Sales Are Reported. Omaha. May 20. 1(11. Over Sunday arrivals of grain were fairly liberal, considering the general run of re ceipts for the last week, 160 cars being re ported In. Wheat receipts were 21 cars; corn, 100 cars; oats, 2$ cars, and barley, I car.' Corn prices were generally 1 oent u. to 1 cent off for the No. t grades. The de mand was fairly aotlva late In the day, scarcely any sales being made during the morning on account of the Indifference of the traders, and their position was due largely to a light outside Inquiry. No. 8 white corn sold at $1.64 and $1.65 and the No. 2 yellow at $1.69 and $1.63. No. 2 mixed corn sold at $1.60, while three other cars of this grade containing from $ to 6 per rent color sold at $1.62 and $1.62. Oats were unchanged to 4 cent lower. All the better classes of this cereal went at Saturday's prices, while the lower grades sold off fractionally. The Inquiry locally was rather light. No. 2 white oats sold at 774 cents and the atandard and No. ( whltt grades at 77 cents. No. 4 white oats went st 76 cents. No sales of rye and barley were reported. Clearances were: Oats, (02,000 bu. Primary wheat receipts were 461,000 bu. and shipments 74,000 bu., against receipts of 1,459.000 bu. and shipments of 961,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 706,000 bu. and shipments (62,000 bu., against receipts of 784,000 bu. and shipments of 460,000 bu. last year. ' Primary oats receipts were (93,000 bu. and shipments (73,000 bu., against receipts of 778.000 bu. and shipments of 656,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 8 61 (4 Minneapolis (91 .. ., Puluth .' 2 Omaha 21 100 28 Kansas City 1 76 83 St. Louis 12 7( 67 Winnipeg 117 These sales ware reported today: Corn: No. 2 white: 2-6 car. $1.(8; (-6 oar, (1.67, No. ( white, ( cars. (1.66; 1 car, (1.(4. No. 4 white: 2 'cars. (1.61. No. t white: 1 car (1.(8; t ears. (1.64. No. ( white: 2-1 car, $1.28; 1 ear, (1.(3; 1 ear, (1.20; 1 ear, (116 Sompls whits: I car, $1.06; 1 oar, $1.00. No 2 yellow: 1 ear. (1.61: ( cars. (1.(2: 1 2-5 ears, (1.(1: X ear, (1.69. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars. (1.69; 1 oar. (1.6(. No. I yellowi 2 ears. $1.36; 4 ears. (1.80. No. ( yellow: 1 car, (1.40; 1 ear, (1.30: 1 ear 11.28. Sam. pis yellow; 1 oars, $1.00; 1 ear, (Oe. No. ( mlxod: I corn, (1.66: 1 esr, (1.44; (-1 car, (1.(2. No. t mixed. 1 ear, $1.68: 1 car, (1.(3; 1 oar, (1.(2; I ears. (1.(0. No. 4 mixed: 1 ear, (1.(7; 4 ears, $1.66. No. ( mixed: 1 car, (1.20; 1 ear, $1.16; 1 ear, $1.16: Simple mixed: 1 esr $1.(1; i-4 ear, 7(o. Oats No. 2 white: 1 ear, 770. Standard: 1 car, 77o. No. ( white; ( cars. 770. No. 4 whits: 1 car, 78c. Wheat No. 2 hard winter. 1 car, 12.11. No. 2 northern spring: 2 cars. $2,12. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 2 whits, $1.6;6l.(8: No. 2 white, (l.40il.((; No. 4 white, $1.61: No. S white, 11.(401.(8.; No. I white, (1.1501.22: sample whits, $1.00; No. 2 yellow, 11.65; No. 8 yellow, 11.(901.6$; No. 4 yellow, (1.6801-69: No. 6 yellow, (1. S01. 35; No. ( yellow, (1.26; sample yel low, 90c$1.00; No. 1 mixed, (1.6301.66; No. $ mixed, $1.6001.(2: No. 4 mixed, 11.(6 All. 68; No. ( mixed, (1.1(01.20; sample hlxed, $1.06. Oats: No. 2 white, 77 He; standard, T7e; No. 2 white, Tic; No. 4 white, 7(e. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Arllclel Open High Low Close Test. Corn. May 1 27li I 27 H 12T 1 2714 12784 July 1 40 1 4SH 140 1 434 140 Oats. May 764 7( 7(4 78 764 July I 66 (84 (6 (84 ((4 Pork May 42 20 42 (0 41 SO 41 20 41 00 Lard May 24 (0 28 00 24 (7 24 (7 24 7( July 26 06 25 07 24 76 24 92 35 00 Rlhs. May 22 (6 23 ( July 28 17 28 20 22 90 92 (7 29 07 CHICAflO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Bad Weather Reports Have Tendency to Boost Cora Prloes. Chicago, Msy 20. Fears of dangerous da isy to planting did a good deal today to advance the value of corn. Prices closed strong at ths esme aa Saturday's finish to 2o higher, with May (1.27 1.274 and July (1.434 to $1.434. Oats gained 10 14e to (4o net. In provisions the outcome varied from lOo decline to 20o advance. Unsettled cooler weather adverse to rapid planting tended decidedly to discourage selling of corn. In this connection it was SHld much seeding might bs postponed sev eral days and there was talk that re planting was necessary in some Important sections. Bullish sentiment was further aug mented by the percentage of damaged corn In current arrivals and by doubts therefore as to whether a liberal amount of contract grade would be available for June and Jnly delivery. A decrease In the visible supply total kept the market on ths upslant ss ths session came to an end. Gossip of a revival of export Inquiry helped to lift the oats market. Congestion of the May option was an additional tight ening factor. Big exports of meats gave strength to provisions and so, too, higher quotations on hogs. The consequent advance, however, brought out realizing and led to a reaetlon. Corn No. 2 yellow, (1.72; No. ( yellow, $1.6501.67; No. 4 yellow, (1.47. Oats No. ( white, 78Vi79e; standard, 7879e. Rye Nominal. ' Barley (1.30O1 60. Timothy $5. 00O0. Clover $18.00 028.00. Pork Nominal. Lard $24.87024.91 Ribs (22.15 022.7. N1CW YORK PRODUCE. Flow Roles (Heady, With Spot Corn Held Firm. 1 New Tork, May 20. Flour, steady: springs. $10.75011-26; winters, (10.86 11.16; Kansas, (10.90OH.25. . Corn Spot, firm; kiln dried. No. yel low, (1.13; No. 4 yellow, $1.41 cost and freight New York. Oats Spot, firm; natural, (2H086o. Feed Unsettled; barley feed, (38.60; eats feed, $25.00; corn feed meal, $5.00; rys middlings, (52.00. Hay Unsettled; No. 1, nominal; No. , 11.60; No. (. $1.201.(0; shippings (096e. Hops Quiet; state medium to choice, 1917, 85043c; 1916, nominal; Faclflo coast 1917, 202Sc; 1916, 1416o, Pork Unsettled; mess, $51.00 $1.(0; family, $56.00 0 56.00; short clear, $47.00 (2.00. Lard Firm; middle west. $2( 20026.80. Tallow Steady; city special loose, 174c Chicago livo Stock, Chicago, May 20. Cattle Receipts. 1, 000 head; market weak: native steers, $10.7(017.75; stockers and feeders, (9.40 13.25; cows and heifers, $7.4014.(0; calves, 8.0014.00. Hogs Receipts ((,000 bead; market on settled: 60 above Saturday's average; bulk, $17.80017.70; light, $17.80017.86; mixed, $17.0517.80; heavy, $18.36017.66; rough, $16.35016.76; pigs. $14.60017.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, K.000 head; market steady; sheep. $12.00016.10; lambs, $14.75020.60. New York Coffee. New York, May 20. Coffee. Spot, dull; Rio 7s, 8c; Santos 4s, 10o. Only a few offers were reported In the cost and freight market, Including Santos 4s at 10.10c, Lon don credits. The official csbles showed no change In the primary markets, except Santos futures, which were unchanged to 60. rels lower. Clearances from Rio and Santos for the United States for last week, were 1(9,000 bags. Brazilian port receipts reported today, 36,000 bags. f w mm m mm Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, May 20. Evaporate apples. Dull; California!, 144 16c; state, 16 16 4c Dried Fruits Prunes. Firm; Caltfornlas, 8014c; Oregon, 12414c. Apricots, quiet; choice, 174c: extra choice, 18c; fan cy, 19 20c Peaches, firm; standard, 12 0124c: enolee, 124014c; fanoy, 1(40 14c. Raisins, steady: loose muscatels, (0; choice to fancy seeded, 104 011c; seedless. 9 0114c; London layers, $2.00. Chicago Produce, Chicago, May 20. Butter Steady: cream ery. 3542c. Eggs Lower; receipts, 19,227 eaaea; firsts, 2140324c; ordinary firsts, 3(20Ho; at mark, cases Included, 29 81c Potatoes Lower; receipts, 45 oars; Wis consin, Michigan and Minnesota bulls, (5c $1.05; sacks, $1.101.15. PcjUtry Alive, unchanged. Dulnth Linseed. Duluth. Minn., May 20. Linseed $3.95 4.01; arrive, $3.96; May, $3.96 bid; July, $4,004 bid; October, $3.(0 bid. NEW YORK STOCKS ? Market is Erratic, Many 01 j Commodities Going Off Sev eral Points and Quickly ' j Reacting. New York, May 20. Storks fluctuate with extreme violence during today's ir regular session, prices rising snd falling sev eral times on a further large volume pi operations. From a strong opening, based on the lib eral attitude of the administration to wart the railroads, the market aoon reacted. Par tial rallies at midday were succeeded by more extensive declines when rumors ol friction between the war board and stee! producers gained currency. In point of fact the reversals, which rat. , from 2 to 6 points, were primarily due t , the marked change In technlo conditions : Last "week's extensive advance afforded foundation for fresh selling of the mori vulnerable Issues, notably Industrials an equipments. ' - - . The more erratic features of thew groups Included United States Steel, whlct made a net decline of 24 points aftei having started with a substantial gain' Republic Iron, which replaced a 1 point rise with a 2 point loss, and Baldwin Lo comotive, which repeated last week's gyra tions st sn extreme advance of ( points half of which was later yielded. Shippings, oils, motors and utilities fol lowed a similar course within narrowei limits, reacting 3 to 4 points, and standard rails cancelled . the greater part of theli 1 to 2 point advances. Sales were 1.030.004 shares. Time money was In scant supply, but call loans were relatively easy, despite lasl week's contraction of bank reserves. For- ' olgn remittances were virtually unaltered. Domestlo bonds, Including Liberty Is sues, were again Inclined to ease, Interna tionals also shading. Total nates (par value; aggregated (3,660.000. Number of sales and quotations on lead' lug stocks: Clnslni Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar... 1,000 74 4 73 72 American Can 21,700 494 46 464 Am. Car A Foun'y 3.100 604 784 T4 Am. Locomotive .. 6.300 69 6T4 674 Am. Smelt. A Ref . . 3.800 824 81 81 Am. Sugar Ref.... 1,000 1U4 1111! 112' Am. Tel. A Tel.... 8.800 984 96 97U Am. Z. L. A 8... 400 164 16 '4 16 Anaconda Copper., 8,100 OH IJ 68U-' Atchison 1.300 (6 4 8 5 4 6 A Q A W I S S L... 13.600 1131104 1104 Bait. A Ohio 6,400 67 Nii 654 B. A 8. Copper. .. . 1,400 (44 23 24 California Pet 200 184 1 Canadalan Pacific 1,200 1474 1464 1464 Central Leather .. 4,600 704 684 67H, ' Chespesks A Ohio.. 1.400 69J 684 "4 C , Ml A 8. P (,(00 464 444 43 & a n. w .H :. C. R. I. Pao. C. 2,900 234 23 23 Chlno Copper 44 Corn Products Ref. 18.600 41 4 40 414 Crucible Steel 10.400 70 47 681, ' Cuba Cane Sugars 3,000 31 314,31 Distillers' Bsc 24 700 62 (9 l Erie $.600 17 1( 1 General Electric 147 4 Oeneral Motors .. 4,300 124 1224 1224 Great Northern pfd 1,100 100 994 100 at. N. Ore Ctfs.. 4,(00 $2 (0 214 ; Illinois Central I - (64 Inspiration Copper 25,900 (4 (3 13 Int. M. M. pfd.... (9.300 1054 101 101 Int. Nickel 1.600 29 28 28 Int Paper 8,900 42 40 40 4 K. C Southern .... 1,100 19 184 184 Kenneoott Copper.. 1,000 334 33 334 Louisville A Nash 200 111 111 117 Maxwell Motor ..... 27 Meg. Petroleum... 10.900 100 ' 97 4 7H Miami Copper .... 600 894 29. 29 Missouri Pacific. $.300 244 23 Montana Power .. 200 68 68 (7 Nevada Copper .. 600 20 !0'4 204 N. T. Central 7,400 7 73 784 N-. T. N. H. A H. 27,800 48 1 41 414 Norfolk A Western 600 107 106 106 Northern Pao 1,800 874 86 66 ' Paotflo Mall 600 $14 11 (1 Paclfle T. A T 204 Pennsylvania 1 900 144 44 44 Pittsburgh Coal 6(4 ,. Ray Con. Copper.. 600 26 25 264 Reading 21.000 894 g6 ( , Rep. Iron A Steel.. 17,600 (0 (64 Bhattuck Arts. Cop. 1,000 174 17 17 Southern Pacific 2.900 (8 (4 (4. Southern Ry 6,300 24 24 24 Studebaker Corp.. 1(4,300 42 394 41 Texas Co ;2,900 15 153 152 Union Paolflo 7,800 12&14 123 123 , V. R. Ind. Alcohol 13,100 185 1314 132 U. 8. Steel J04.7O0 111 1084 1084 ' U. 8. Steel pfd.. (00 111 110 110 Utah Copper 1,400 (4 834 2 Waabsh pfd.."B"..v i 24 Western Union .. 800 24 0 0 Westlnghouse Elee M00 44 42 - 42 4. New York Money Market. New York. May 20. Mercantile Paper Four and six months, ( per cent. Sterling Sixty-day bills, (4.78; com-, merrlal 60-day bills on banks, (4.72; com mercial 60-day bills, $4.71: demand, . $4,764; cables. $4.7 7-16. Bonds Government, hevy: rsllroad, easy. Time Loans Steady; 60 days, ( pet cent: 90 days and six months, ( per cent bid. Call Money Firm; high, ( per centj low, im. nee rent: ruling rate. ( per cent; clos ing bid, 44 per cent: offered at ( per cent, : laat loan, 5 per cent. - .. U. 8. 2a. reg... 97 40- N. 1st ., JJ U. 8- 2s. coup.. 974t. C, ref. 4 . U. 8. 3s reg.. (9 Int. M. M. 6a.... 8H U. 8. 3s. eouo.. 9 K. C. S. ref. 6s.. 04 , U. 8. Lib... 24 t &. A N. un. 4s (8 U. 8.' 4s. reg.... 108 M K T 1st 4S 13 . U. 8. 4s, roup. 105 M. Pac. gen. 4s.. 68 Am. For. Beo. 6s Mont. Power 6s.. ( Am. T. A T. e. 6s 924N. Y. C. deb. (i.. Anglo-French (s 24N. Pac 4i...... tt Arm. A Co. 44 6N. Pacific 2s.... 19 Atchison gen. 4S (3 o. 8. I.. ref 48.. in ; W Jk o. ev. 4 Us (0 Pao. T. A T. 6s tltt Beth. Btesl ref.'6s t 'penn. con. 4 Cen. Leather is i Penn. gen. 4- " Cen. Pao. 1st.. (0 4 Reading tn.J... M C. A O. ev. 6s. 81 8. L. A 8. F. a. (a (6 , , C. B. A Q., j. 4s 934S, Pao. cv. 6s. ... 944 C M A 8 P e 44s 7 Southern Ry 6s. , S . C R I A P r 4s 88 T. A P. 1st.... (4 C. A 8. ret. 4s 72 'Union Paclfla 4 (714 D. A R. O. ref. 6s (4 TJ. 8. Rubber 6s... (0 D. of C. (s C31) 81 4 U. 8. Steel 6s.... 99 Erie gen. 4s.... 644 Wabash let .... 94 Gen. Eleotrle 6s 9(4 French gov. Ctt 98 Bid. London Money. London, Hay 20. Sliver Bar, 4(d per ennos. Money IK par eent. Discount rates:: Short bills, 14 per cent; three months bills, t 9-14 per eent - ' OMAHA HAT MARKET. ( Receipts of prairie hay and alfalfa light. Demand good for the better grades of hay anl alfalfa, which has caused prices to go some higher on prairie hay. Hay Choice npland prairie, $18.(0; No. t. $16.6017.60; No. t, $10.60013.60; No, 8. $6.(001 60; No. 1 midland. $16.(00 17.00: No. I midland. (10.60013.(0; No. 1 low land, $8.50010.60; No. 2, $6.6007.60: No. 2, $4.6006.60. Alfalfa Choice, $23.00; No. 1, $19.00 21.00; standard. $15.50011.60; No. 3. $12 Ou 16.00; No. t. $10.00011.(0. Straw Oat. (6.007.60; wheat' . 16.00 6.(0. ' y , Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah Ga., May 20. Turpentine Firm; 464o; sales, $23 bbls. ; receipts. 150 bbls; shipments, 1(1 bbls.; stocks, 1 21,(91 bbls. '! ,' Rosin Firm; sales, 120 bbls.: receipts, 287 bbls.; shipments, 2,160 bbls.; stocks, 82. 988 bbls. Quote: B. D, E, F, G, H, I, K. M. $6.95; N, $7.05; WO, $7.80; WW, $7.40. New York Sngar. . New York, May 20. Sugar Raw, steady; centrifugal, 6.005o. Refined sugar, steady; cut loaf, 8. 96c: crushed, 8.70c; mould A, 7.95c; cubes, 8.20o; XX XX powdered, 7.65c; powdered, 7.60e; fine granulated and Dia mond A, 7.45c; confectioners A, 7.35c ; No. 1. 7.30O. IT Cotton Market. - , New York, May 20. Cotton closed steady at a net loss of 28 to 41 points. Cotton futures closed steady; May, 24.70c; July, 24.58c; October, 28.69c; December, 22.60c; January, 23.45c. Spot cotton, quiet' middling, 26.25c. ... Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., May 20. Corn No. I yellow. (1. 6001-80. . f . r ':: Oats No. t white, 764 774 a. -Flax .(($.(. -' Rye $1.9802.00. ..... Bratr-r$28.25$3.2(. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., May 20. Corn No. I mixed, $1.(201-86; No. 2 white, $1,700 1.75; No. I yellow, $1.6301.(6; May, $1.37 1.28; July, $1.48. Oafs No. 1 white. 774e; No. 2 mixed, 7777e. j :: Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., May 20. Butter- Creamery, 89 4o; firsts, 88c; seconds, 37c; ' packing, 28c. : Eggs Firsts, tie; seconds, 26e. " I , Poultry Hens, 23c; roosters, 17e: broiler" 45e. - - t '":- . St. Loots Grain. 8t. Louis, May 20. Corn No. 2, 11. CI ; 1.(6; No. I white. $1.7301.78; July. $1,34 4- Oets No. 1, 76 764c; No. I white. 77a Tie; July, 7s , J