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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1918)
THE BEE; OMAHA', MONDAY, MAY 20,' 1918. 9 V -4 EDUCATIONAL .7 BOYLES COLLEGE. ; DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL, "- Every day Is enrollment day. Book , keeping, ihorthand. stenotypy, typewrit i Inf. telegraphy, civil eervlce all commer- " olal and English branches. Catalogue tree. . BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. Van Sant School of Buatnesa. Day and Evening Schoola." 129 Omaha National Bank Bldg. DouKlaa 68DO FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. AN apa. traeu extraordinary, S rooms and bath, big closet roonu, FURNISHED COMPLETE 1b every detail. In high-clase apartment building; walking distance from ; downtown; Janitor service, water, heat, ' etc., furnished. S42.50 per month Call Doug lag 140. toUR nicely furnished rooms, private bath use of laundry. Call Colfax 70 or ' Colfax 1H99. Leavenworth. 29;5-Modern t and 3 room, furnished apartments. Har. 3095. Houses. NDUNDEE For summer months, six-room house to small family without children. Walnut 1112. FURNISHED home. 820 N. 60th Ave., Dun dee. Phone Walnut 1252. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. . ATTENTION KGO.M HUNTERS. If you fall to find the room you desire among tnesl ads call at The Bee office for a Room List, dives complete description of vacant rooma In . all parts of the city. New Hate Issued .every week. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with an east front Prices reasonable. J Close In. I 712 S. 17th Ave. SIS PARK AVE. Large front room,, sult- able for two; private home; good board f near. Harney 6614. LOVELY ;ro..i room, In private family; traveling man preferred. 105 Park ave. Phone Harney 6407. LARGE, cool, beautifully furnished roora, on bath floor, In modern prlvtte home. 861 8. 26th Aye. biESIRABLY furnished cool front room for v gentleman. Home privileges. Modern. Tyler 2241. lalODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine. 60S North 17th St Reason- able rent. CHEERFUL front room in brick house to gentleman. References exchanged. 534 So. 26th St. NICELY furnished front room, modern; . private home. Bemis Park district. One block-to car line. Harney 6896. lfll BURT, modern furnished sleeping rooms or light housekeeping rooms, pri vate family. TWO furnished rooms for one r two; rea- aonable; breakfast If desired. Walnut 372C. f T'RNISHED rooms in private family, mod- 1821 Grace St Telephone Webster jB. itu ,.. telephone, per week. 729, modern sleeping rooms; steam heat 42.60 and 13.00 kt'ICfl furnished south room on bath room floor with breakfast, $10 per month. Call after 6 p. m. 2106 North 16th St. tESIRABLE rooms, walkirifr-xtistance, every convenience. Phone Douglas 8632. 2241 Howard street JPARLOR floor, all covenlences, walking dis tance. First-class. (4. 604 S. 28th St KICELY furnished treat room; private fam ily; parlor privileges. 3019 Pacific St. ill BAN east room, close In; private fam ily. 2679 Harney. Red 6978. BrAYSTONE, 25th and CasB, nicely 'fur nished rooms. Douglas 7994. , il25 DOUGLAS Furnished roora suitable for two gentlemen. BOARD and room; board optional, Red 6826. KICK pleasant furnished rooms. 1314 Park Ave. Harney 4456. lLEASANT single sleeping rooms, walking distance. 2580 Harney St. WELL furnished room from West Far nam district? Harney 1745. fruRNISUED ROOMS 1613 Dorcas St Housekeeping Rooms. VERY CLEAN and nicely furnished house keeping rooms near Leavenwerth and Farnam cars and the boulevard. Private home. Reasonable. Harney 6205. t ERY CLEAN and nicely furnished house keeplng rooms near Leavenworth and Farnam cars and the boulevard. Private home. Reasonable. Harnoy 6205. JoUR large, pleasant, completely furnished rooms. A regular home. Best In Omaha for the money. Walking distance. 2580 Harney St. LARGE, cool and neatly furnished three room suite with sleeping porch. Private home. Also garage. 3026 Davenport St. tlNCOLN APTS. 2102 Chicago. Furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Tyler 2607. , "1405 CAPITOL AVE. Two modern, light housekeeping rooms, close In, 9023 Douglas ,. ItuoM with kitchenette In modern home :., , on car line; washing privileges. Price rea- sonable. 1520 S. 24th St. Doug. 7558. i ' -' SLEEPING and light housekeeping roems, reasonable. 818 North 17th St., south- . ' west corner of 17th and Cuming Sts. - JNTIRE upstairs residence. Three large rooms and bath; modern, except h at 1 2. 2511 Corby St. Weftatefr 6755 ONE room for light housekeeping, suitable for couple that both work, $3.00 per week. 2224 Chicago St. Tyler 1385-W. EaRGE-cool and neatly furnished three -- room suites. Private home; also garage. ' J026 Davenport. ' 1302 DOUGLAS, 2 2-room suites, furnished iniYtnldtn Dniiclaa 8541. id .'. , . "" 1H N. 22D, nice, neat, light housekeeping rooms. Douglas 9378. m 1 Board and Rooms. : TWO very pleasant rooms connecting bath, itt-t- - will be vacant In a few days by boys leav -!"w"r lng for service. Board optional. Phone Harney 3472. 118 S. 25th Ave, ATTRACTIVE south front room; private home: good neighborhood; prefer em ployed; board If desired. Webster 4809. ?-y Hotels, COOL rooma, $2 week; also apartments with kitchenette!, ogaen . hotel, co. Biurrs. Unfurnished Rooms. t THREE unfurnished rooms, $9 a. month, 257 Pierce St. Call Harney 7008. FOR RENT HOUSES West. MODERN 10-room residence; keys on premises, 2601 Capitol avenue. Telephone Harney 6564. ' v North. ! e-ROOM house and garden; modern except heat; will self garden for $5 and will sub T lease house for $13.60; also garage. Must 1 be party of reputable: character. Webster - 3251. 1ARTIES having bouses for rent or sale In tht neighborhood of a Basket Store will ' do well to mention this advantage to the prospective renter or buyei . Il4 N. 24th St., 12 rms., mod., $40. ' F. D. Wead, 310 8. 1811 St. D. 171. (418 N. 33 AVE. 4-Veiom house, $9 per :s. month. Phone evenings, Colfax 2192. South. '- I-ROOM cottage water and gas. S. 21st St. 2319 . 121 S. 20th, 8 rooms, good condition, rent 120. Dnuirias S985. -ROOM HOUSE 1613 Dorcas St. : Central. iELIGHTFUL auriraier accommodations. Since desirable houses and apartments are - so difficult to find, why not live at Wel llhgton Inn for the surrtmer? Very low ' rates on rooms and suites. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT. 1816 Corby St.. 7-r., part mod. house $17.50 ;;- ' 2013 Grace St., 8-r. mod. house 20.00 1 -1 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., - REALTORS. 108 South 18th Street. Douglas 722. IsO 620 S. - 20th, 10 rooms, mod., or 20 rooms, $60. $26--311 Chicago, 6 rooms, mod. IIP 10 S. 28th, 4 rooms, water paid. ' il42 SOUTH 32D. 7 rooms.. ...330 ; 203 South S6th.,3 rooms, garage $45. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., ff Tyler 1536. 833 Securities Bldg. HOUSES " . v , IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY; CREIGH SONS CO.. BEE BLDO. your property for rnt or ult with - '" tTTDCH (TDTIOTI nUD 1 VTV FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. - Tyler 721. Bhnnaa . Cam eatala. JDfluaLaa 4228. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. 2568 Douglas, rooming house 133.00 1516 Sherman Ave., rooming house. .133.00 JOH NFR EN ZE vou gl asJ6M- FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. MILTON New S-room with 2 bullt-tn beds, small dressing room, built-in chiffonier; very choice; wall safes; nice, light rooms; close In; no car fare; oak finish; excellent janitor service; renting for i'ii summer and HO winter. HASTINGS & HKYDEN. 1614 Harney. HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof; fine lawn and flowers during summer; beat location, 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Call D. 1472. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists In Apartment management T1ZARD PALACE BLOCK Close In, few equal; 4room apartment; also 4-room flat Apply 220 H N. 23d. Phone Red 4232. North. ONE pleasant 4-room ground floor apart ment; alio 4-room apartment on upper floor. Telephone Webster 932 and Web ster 4328. ONE pleasant four-room ground floor apartment: also four-room apartment o upper floor. Telephone Webster 932 ana Webster 4328. 4-ROOM and sui room, new, modern corner. Apt. 301 vacant June 1; Apt. 3. Maple Court. 1815 Maple St. Red 682. MODERN, EBtabroak Apta.. near Postoffice. $22. G. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. FURNISHED Beaton apartment No. t for rent. Call Harney 47. - Central. DELIGHTFUL summer accommodations, and apartments Since desirable' housM are so difficult to find, why not live at Wellington Inn for the summer? Very low rates on rooms an?l suites. Miscellaneous. 2 ROOMS with 3-room accommoda tions in the Ceronado, 22d and Capitol Ave ii ; 333.60 4 rooms, "The Hudson," 207 S. 26th Ave 2,0.00 BENSON & MEYERS CO., Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. Doug. 74s. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT 15th and Douglas, 20x 60, steam heat, rent 3115 per month. WORLD REALTY CO.. Douglas 6342. Sun Theater Bldg. MODERN store, 16th St.. near P. O. Low rent. U. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. LIKE TO SMILE? Office in The Bee building and smile with satisfaction. Keystone Investment Co. Tyler 181. Garages and Barns. GARAGE FOR KENT 2008 Blnney. Web- iter 3028. WANTED TO RENT LIST YOUR acreage with us. INTER STATE REALTY CO. Tyler 1672. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. FIVE-ROOM apartment, steam heat- $45. The Chula Vista, 80th and Poppleton ave nue, will be for rent June 1. Nebraska and Wyoming Investment company, 322 Brandeis Theater building. - Phone Doug. 1571. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St., between 16th and 16th. Phone Tyler 8400. Have your moving handled just as you woum an order for new furniture. Tbat'i the way we do It Ask to Bee our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 S. 16th. Douglas 4163. FREE Sfe FIDELITY Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storgae, moving, 16th and Jackson Sts. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing ana storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans; careful men. Fur niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago, p-3354 T O TfU'WTX Express Co., Moving, Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. S7. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST END, NEAR THE BOULEVARD, $4,500; EASY TERMS Attractive living room arrrangement on the 1st floor; 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch on the 2d floor; oak ftnish. FirBt time offered and worth the money. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. WEST FARNAM HOME. At a sacrifice If sold this week; 6 rooms, hot water heat, splendid condi tion. Full east front lot, one block from 36th and Farnam. Price, $4,250. Harney 2.H66. ' North. MODERN COTTAGE 3118 TAYLOR Five-room, modern, nice lot, furnace heat, floored attic; vacant. Immediate pos session. Price $2,950, on terms. J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL tVv BANK BLDG. PHONE TYLER 63 A MODERN 4-room home can be bought for $2,500; has electric lights, full ce mented basement, cement sidewalks, guaranteed furnace, nice attic and lot faces Fontenelle park; has complete bath; newly decorated; built a little over a year ago; will accept Liberty bonds or saving stamps as down payment. Bal ance monthly. WALNUT 677. 1457 PINKNEY 6 ROOMS $4,000 ' Very large rooms and In fine con dition. Screened In front porch. Oak finish and floors In living room, din ing room and reception , hall; full base ment. All decorated. Screens and storm windows In part. Web. 2671 or call Tyler 60 during week. rT tr nnuXTn TirrrT rr Ann Fine semi-bungalow. 7 ' rooms, strictly modern, oak finish, bath on 1st floor and lavatory and shower 2d floor; cement driveway 'and walks; lot 45x465. Price 33,250. Good term. P. T. TEBBENS (Realtor). 605 Omaha Nat'L.Bank. Phone D. 2182. AN almost new 4. room and bath home. facing city park, has guaranteed fur nace and electric light: can be bought today for $2 250;, very easy terms to re liable party. For appointment call WALNUT 677. 5-ROO.M COTTAGE. , , For only $2,200; lot 63x122, with gar age and barn. Nice place. Near 22d and Miami. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. ... BIG FAMILY BARGAIN. Easy terms; l-rdom modern, two lots, chicken house, shade, fruit, Vi block to car and school, $21.50. See 2866 Maple street. Telephone Walnut 2285. WE SELL, Rent, Insure and make Loans on City property. North. . MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.. 24th and Ames Ave. CoL 21T. Ml.NNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 1T South DANDY bungalow, i-r., oak finish and up-to-date In every way; screened porch; beautiful east front lot .49x133, fenced; paved street, 2 blocks to West Bide Park ear; only $3,760. Cash or terms. SASP BROS. 210 Keeline Bid. Tyler 721,1 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. ONLY 12.600. Two cottages; one 6-room and one 4-room, good condition1 Live In one 1 and rent the other. Paving all paid. Will make terms to suit purchaser. Located 2433' 8. 20th St Norrls & NorrU. 104 N. 15th St., Phone Douglas 4270. FIELD CLUB district 7-r., modern house, garage, lot "Oxlf.5, price, 14,250. C A. (JrlmmeV, Phone Doug. 1615. 32.250 FIVE-ROOM house, modern except heat and electric light 1911 S. 13th St. Easy terms. Orlmmel. Ph. D. 1615. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW. New, S-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; near car line. Price, 14,000. Terms. 3600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 643 Paxton Blk. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS PORTER & SHOTWELL. 203 S 17th St. Doflrins MIS W. FARNAM SMiTH-a CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 132" Farnam 8t Doug 1064 REAL ESTATE- -B'ness Pr'pty vv E WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Electric Bldg. Tyler . BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY and SON, 62 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. Income. Business and Trackage Specialist latn and Dodge ste Douglas 416 REAL ESTATE To Exchange 36,500 equity In choice half section Rose bud lam', for 6 or 8-room modern Omaha residence or small Iowa farm. Address owner, 600 So. 3d 'St., Norfolk," Neb. FINE Iowa stock and grain farm for clear Canada land. Owners answer with full description and price. W. J. Good, Char lton, la. UUOU umana residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern lyt'b. farm. Mr. Pcnac, 211 Bran. Th. Bldg. J600 EQUITY In new modern 6-room bunga low for used touring car of equal value Address Box XX. Bee, REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN. $1 A WEEK. PAYNE & SLATER CO. Miscellaneous EQUITY $475 In two choice lots, Will sell at 25 per cent discount. Call Doug. 6130 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE BUNGALOW SNAP, ( rooms, all modern; buffet, garage ami large sightly lot; this plare Is offered at a real bargain as owner Is leaving town, Price 33,500 for quick sale on easy pay ments. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., REALTORS. 222 Keeline Bldg. Doug. 3140, HIGH and sightly Dundee lots, 3876 to $1,150. Easy -terms. Lotfn arranged for building purposes. Phone D. 6074, Shuler & Cary, Realtors. DUNDEE BUNGALOW, $3,760; all modern oak finish, built-in bookcase, large lot and paving paid; $500 cash and $35 per month Call days. Doug. 3140 South Side. FOR SALE. 7-room house In best residence on South Slde,.strlctly modern, In excellent con dltlon. Telephone South 44. , Acreage. ACRES HALF ACRES. QUARTER ACRES. In Caldwell's Acres, Omaha's newest acreage, subdivision located southwest of Field club. Prices low. Terms easy. Call THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug. 297. 212 S. 17th. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. Widow has 6 five-room houses, one 7 room, modern house, one 8-room modern house and 2 modern store buildings; all well rented, on paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property tn first class condition, S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City National Bank Building. tVE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg, LIST your property with JOHN J. irULVIHILL, 200 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Phone D. 91 WANTED Modern flat, value $30,000 to $40,000. Address P. O. Box 473, Onawa, la MEET me-at F D Wead's Office FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. WE want 100 mortgages on Omaha resi dences; funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638-40 Keeline Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASSOCIATION, CI Cf FARM LOAKS, KIOT O72 PAUL PETERSON, t72 1 304 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDO. H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6. 6 and 6 Per Cent; H. DUMONT CO., Keeline Bldg. CI 01 MONEY- "72 HARISON& MORTON, 5y2 919 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. I Piivate Money. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Douglas 4228. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERG. 312 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. Stocks and Bonds WILL exchange preferred "stock In growing Omaha concern, 7 per cent guaranteed, for acreage, clear lots or good equities In In come property. W. G. Templeton, 614 Bee Bldg. Tyler 2020. ' FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MAY S1ST. 1 Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. S FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. COLORADO offers great opportunities for farmers of moderate means to secure farm homes on very easy terms. Inform us location desired. For free book and map and special railroad rates write Floyd C. Tallmadge, Colonization Agent Kans.-Colo. Ry Co., First National Bank Bldg.. Pueblo. Colo. GOOD wheat section, 2 miles U. P. R. R In Cheyenne county; price, $15; terms, 12 years; will divide; also half section Kit Carson county. Address owner, H. Mo rearty, Bee Bldg., Omaha. 2720 ACHES plow land, Wildhorse, Colo. Some Improvements. Incumbrance, $12,000 at 6 per cent. 39.50 per arre. Kansas Lands. 40, 80 OR 160 ACRES; GOOD HEAVY soli; wesl settled part at Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churches. Price $16 to $22.50 per acre; terms $1 an acre casl balance $1 an acre a year; 6,000 acres to select from. To actual set tlers who w.:i put up building! and Improve land we will give deed and take mort gage back for full purchase price for 6 or 10 years, t per cent Interest. Bch'vabBros., 1028- Plymouth Bldg., Minneapol s. Jlflnn. FOR-SALE Cheapest farm lands In Amer lea; come and see. J. S. Penny, Fort Scott Kan. Missouri Lands. MISSOURI $10 and down, $5 monthly, buys 40 acres good farm and rrujt land near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Box 35, Mt. Vernon, 111. Wyoming Lands. 640 ACRES, Improved; price, 315 acre; ex change for Omaha, K-. J. or cneap mo. land; also herd of good horses to trade. What have youT Albert E. Pattee, Upton, Wyo. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $60 per a.. Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi A & M. Ry lander. 364 Omaa, Nat'L FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 40-ACRE IMMEDIATE SALE. 40 acres. Improved 8-r. house, almost new barn for S head horses (hay mow for 6 tons), quite a few acres alfalfa; entire 40 hogtlght Rented for $500 cash tn ad vance. For sale and for Immediate (ale. Extra good location, only 22 miles out, and good auto road the entire distance. FOR HOME OR INVESTMENT. Can you beat. It T And also have land for security. See me at once. Price, only 317S per acre; Vi cash, balance i per cent. Rents go to purchaser, or few hundred dollar earnest money payment down and possession March 1. Save 335 per acre by buying now Instead of later. Call forenoons It convenient. ORIN 8. MERRILL COMPANY. Rooms 1217-1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 63 ACRE3 Irrigated land, Lincoln county; , rich Platte valley land; all under irriga tion; 3-room house, barn, etc: acres of alfalfa. Price 1100 per acre; 4,000 cash required.. Immediate possession. Whit ds Hoover, 464 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade, medium priced land In Nebraska. Very little money required, C,- Bradley, Wel bach, Neb, ' WRITE me for picture and prloes my farms and ranches In good Old Dawes county. Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARB 8URB INVESTMENTS. For best lands at beat prices write Oeo. Antlll. Blair. Neb. Miscellaneous. A FEW 640-acre farm land homesteads If taken at once. Call, wire or phone us at once. Martin Investment Co.; 683 Bran- ' dels Bldg., Omaha. HAVE cash customer for 160 acres Douglas or Sarpy county. Martin Investment Co. 683 Brandeis. RANCHES of terms. A A. II Usee and kinds, easy Patsman. 301 Karbach Blk. CHOICE FARMS. Nllsson. 422 Rose Bldg FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't Hat your farm with us It you want to keep it. B. P. SNOWDEN St SON, 610 Electrlo Bldg. Douglas 9371. WANTED 20,000 acre of Kimball and Banner county land. Must be first-class farm land. Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Box Y 467. Omaha Bee. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 100 WHITE LEGHORN laying hens. $1.60 each. Seven cockerels, 32 each. Chicks, all ages, 15o each and up. Hatching eggs, $4 per hundred, from good laying strain. uraamani tgg f actory. Flor ence 218. BARRON 8. C. W. Leghorn eggs for hatch Ing after May 20, $4 per 100. Mrs. M, W. Saxton, Decatur, Neb. AN orange Persian kitten of Imported stock, Webster 3899. MONEY TO LOAN, Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. 340, 6 mo., xi. goods, total, 33.60. Smaller, larger am'ts. proportionate rate, PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY 432 Securities Bldg., 16th. Farnam. Ty. 668, LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY, 1 Cf SMALLER LOANS. Ol C W. C. FLATAU EST. 139$. ' 6TH FLR. BECURITIEBLDQ. TY. 50. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry MalRShnck. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Est. 16(1 BESELINS WIN FROM HOLMES WHITE S0X.MEN The Beselins won from the Holmes White ox, 14 to 10. The Beslins overcame an awful lead when the Holmes scored 8'runs in the first in ning off Styles and Nelson. Dyck gO' ing in the box struck out 17 and allowed only S hits and 2 runs during the rest of the game. Gerauldt of the Beslins got four safe hits in six trips up and Kay stacy 4 hits in five Raphke of the Beselins put the ball over the fence in he eighth inning with the bases full. R. Stacy of the Beselins ran bases at will, getting five stolen bases in two games this season. I he score: BESELINS. HOLMES. i 1 E.Stacy,lf,2b 5 2 4 3emallt,ss,2b 6 1 OHegarty.rf 0Balderson,lf 0Kemp,2b O.Stone, 3I 0 Lacey.o IRoos.c OQrant.p 0 Baker, p 0 M'Andrs.3b 4 1 1 1 1 Broz.rf 2 I'aplilie.o R.Stacylf 0 0 Styles.c Nelson, p 0 0 Totals 3710 I 4 Totals 41 14 13 1 Home run: Raphke. Three-base hit; E, Stacy. Two-base hits: E. Stacy. (2). Ger auldt, Dyck, Rahpke (2), Moore (2). Dobule play; Dyck to & Stacy to Norgaard Stolen bases: R. Stacy (3), Baldetson, Moore. Struck out: By Dyck, 17; by Grant, 12; by Baker, Umpire McAndrewa. Krajiceks Beaten, 18 to 9, By Metcalfe Clothiers The fast Metcalf Clothiers of Coun cil Bluffs defeated the Krajiceks Sunday afternoon at Luxas park, 18 to 9. The Metcalfs scored their first run in the second inning when Pitcher Hansen hit one over the left field fence for a homer, and when the dust blew away they scored five runs. Hansen, who was on the mound for the Clothiers, pitched air-tight ball, allowing but two hits up to the sixth inning, when "Buster" Probst re lieved him. Score: METCALFS. KRAJICEKS. AB.H.O.A.E. 6 12 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 10 2 lMncuso,3b 6 2 2 6 8 12 0 IBaduro.o 6 3 6 W.Pbst,3b 6 2 14 t 1 10 G.Pst.rf-p 6 3 0 $ 512 Hnsn,rf-p 6 10 2 OColllns 2b I I 2 Wlcot,2b 3 2 2 2 OBans.rf 4 0 0 Achatz.c 4 1 11 0 6 .1 I Gulnee.lf 2 2 0 0 0McC,lb-p 61 t 0 8 110 0 Shtnz,2b 116 2 0 Totals 43 It 27 10 I Totals 40 1$ 27 12 4 Home runs: Hansen, Mahoney, Stefle, Ost. Two-base hits: Sorsensen, uwinwooa, 2- W. Probst 2; G. Probst, Hnnsen, Achat, Gulmee,' Mancuso, Baduro, Yost, Collins. Sacrifice hits: uuinee, ? aioien bases: Walcott, 2; Swingwood, 2; W. Probst, Achats, Steffle. Baduro1. Hits: Off Hansen, 2 In five innings; off Probst, 10 In four Innings; off McCoy? 8 In four Innings; off Bans, 4 in two innings; off Steffle, 4 In one inning; off Yost, 3 hits In two Innings. Struck out: By Haen, 7; by Probst, 2; by Bans, 1; by Steffje, 1; by McCoy, ; by Yost, 2. ,Base on balls: Off Hansen.. 1; off McCoy, 4. Time: 2:30. Umpire; Holmes. Another Kansas Athlete Hears Call !nto Service The University of Kansas base ball team has given another veteran to the military service. He is Edward H. ("Dutch") Schoenfeldt, varsity infielder. who has received orders to report to Great Lakes naval training station. His'departure will materially weaken Kansas' defense, as he was xpected to hold down second base. HighwaymenkGet Watch And $10 From This Man A. F. Schwf and T. R. Thiele. both ivine in 1041 Park avenue, reported to the oolicethat thev were held up and robbed by two men Friday night about 1U:J0 o clock, lhe robDery took place at Park avenue and Mason street, bcharf lost a watch and $i and Thiele $8 in money. Taxi Driver Fined $100 ' On Charge of Having Booze William Moraine, tax driver, was fined, $100 and costs in police court Saturday morning on a charge of il- egal possession of liquo? AUTO THIEVES KEEP ON PLYING THEIR CALLING Fourteen Cars Stolen Saturday Night From Omaha Loop District and Three Recovered. Of 14 automobiles stolen from parking places in the Omaha loop Saturday night, but three 4iave been recovered. A new car belonging to Dr. Withers, Blackstone hotel, stolen from Thirty-sixth and Farnam streets, was found at Eighteenth and Paul streets. Five nevr tires and a complete eet of tools were taken from the car. Tolice recovered two other stolen cars neai the outskirts of the city where joyriders evidently had abandoned them. Nothing was missing from these automobiles. Four of the stolen cars were taken from Seventeenth and Farnam streets while the owners were attending theaters. . Police are sending out descriptions of the stolen cars. Thieves Grow Bolder. The boldness of automobile thieves has increased to such an extent that in several instances' private garages have been broken into and automo biles taken. If caught, these thieves will face charges of breaking and en tering, along with grand larceny, po lice say. e Even officers of the police depart ment are not immune from automo bile thieves. A "flivver" belonging to H. J. Nielsen, bertillion officer, was stolen out of his ' garage Saturday night. The thieves' mastered a "thief proof" lock which ielsen had on the car. The following persons lost auto mobiles Saturday night: A. R. Hansen, 3229 Woolworth avenue; Sarah Tuchman, 2224 Cass street; D, J. H. Wallace, 1100 First National Bank building; Harry Ferer, 423 South Thirty-ninth street; C. J. lanulericz, 5507 South Ihirty-second street; E. D. McCall, 3419 Dewey avenue; Chris Christenscn, Pacific Junction, la.; Fred Dohse, 1621 Vin ton street; Herman Miller, Cumber land, la.; C. B. Moore, 2204 Howard street; Thomas A. Jones, 919 South Thirty-sixth street; M. E. Blair, 2415 PinkneV street; Dr. Withers, Black stone hotel; H. J. ; Nielsen, 4509 Seward street. , 1 OMAHA BECOMES BUYIN& CENTER FOR THE ARMY Officials orders in regard to the zone of the Omaha army supply depot were received Sunday by Colonel Grant. Nebraska, Colorado, .Utah, Wyoming and western Iowa, includ ing Fort Des Moines and Camp Dodge in the Omaha zone. The Omaha depot will have charge of buying of manufactures war goods. This means the development and en largement of food and clothing fac tories in the zone. All manufactures of clothing and food supplies are asked to communi cate with the quartermaster's corps in regard to the extent of their pro duction. The Chicago zone includes Mich igan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, parts of Illinois, Indiana and Iowa. The St. Louis zone comprises, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Ar kansas and part of Illinois. AT THE THEATERS Vaudeville at the Orpheum. Vanity Fair of 1918, a tabloid mu sical comedv. is the headline and most oretentious offering of the fare well bill of the season at the Or- phoum, but it is Lew Madden, a favorite of old, who wins the greatest popular approval. Madden literally stopped the show Sunday afternoon, something of an achievement, as the audience was an unusually frosty one. Monday Morning is the title ot the Madden sketch. It is a refresh ingly clean and wholesome skit and appropriate for the Madden type of humor. It has to do with two va riety performers who unexpectedly meet each other in the theater after summer of "four-flushing at a beach resort where one pretended to be a banker, the other the daughter of the owner of a string of horses. Madden is given most capable as sistance by Gene Ford. Madden's piano playing and Miss Ford's sing ing is not the least of the offering. Lew Reed and the Wright girls, presumably sisters, win unanimous approbation with a musical turn. The Wright girls are comely young women possessed of good singing voices and attractive personalities and Reed is a violinist of no mean skill. Their offering is one of the bright spots of the bill. vanity !air ol mo is a typical tabloid. It is quite preterifiously staged, one scenic effect being es pecially convincing, iand it numbers among its performers Olga De Baugh, who once appeared in Omaha in the title role of "The Pink Lady," but beyond this has no claim to distinc tion. "The Corner Store" is a, rural comedy a little on the slap-stick order. But it gets results as a mirth provoker. Vinie Daly sffers i a repertoire of songs in convincing style and Oakes and Delour are clever dancers on the acrobatic order. Orpheum travel pictures show views of Crater lake. National park and seals at Ano Neuvo Point, California. The current offering is the last of the season at the Orpheum. Bill at the Empress. Hovt's minstrels, with a cast of seven men, is given stellar honors on the vaudville program at the Em press theater for the first half of the veek. tact) ot the minstrels nas an moortant part in the sketch. Mile. Nadge, the Parisian equilibrist, pre sents an act as daring as it is charm ing. After each afternoon matinee Mile. Nadge will hold a levee for women only and in a private talk will explain how physical culture can improve their general health and ap pearance. Lexey ana u connor, dancers and singers, ano cetty Stokes, singing comedienne, com plete the vaudeville offering. Jewell Carmen in "Confession" and Billy West in "A Rip-Roaring Circus Bnej City News Hare Boot Print I New Beacon Press. Elec Fans, $8. Burgess-Grande- Co, Ice Cream Sundaes Go Iilcher The price of Ire cream sundaes has been Increased from 10 cents to 15 cents. Prudent saving In war tlmea ta a hostage for opportunities of peace. Play safe by starting an account with Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass'n. 211 S. 18th St. 11 to 15.000 received. Plan Donelnir Party The Rose club will give Its first dancing party Tuesday evening, May 21, at Liberty hall, 4406 South Thirteenth street All are Invited to come and bring their friends, Stelnhausen's orchestra. Itan In Front of Auto At Twelfth and Douglas streets, an automobile driven by Mrs. F. A. Wright. 3913 South Twenty-ninth streot, struck Michael Lores, Greek, laborer. Lores sustained a wrenched back and was taken to the police station, where he was given medical attention. Wit nesses of the accident say that Lores ran in front of the automobile. Fine fireplace tootis at Sunderland OMAHA TO HONOR BELGIAN HEROES NEXTJHURSDAY Chamber of Commerce Ar ranges for Entertainment of Patriots Returning From Russia to Native Land. Omaha is preparing to givr"a great reception to the 400 Belgian soldiers next Thursday afternoon, May 23, who have been fighting on the Rus sian front and who are returning through the United States to the western front to fight for their native land, and will stop in Omaha while enroute. The Public affairs committee of the Omaha. Chamber of Commerce has made arrangements to entertain these troops while in the city. They will be in Omaha about five hours from 2:30 until 8 p. m. on that day . Program for Reception. The entertainment includes a re ception at the depot, a parage to the city hall, leaving the depot at 2:30, the fine of march being from the depot to Farnam street and thence west to the city hall. Colonel Pickering, commanding officer at Fort Crook, will be grand marshal then will come the mayor, city commissioners, the executive committee and Public Affairs committee of the Chamber of Commerce, two companies of soldiers from Fort Crook, headed by the Fort Crook military band, companies of soldiers from Fort Omaha Balloon school, the high school cadets, the Creighton University cadets and then the 400 Belgian troops. Welcome by Mayor. Upon their arrival at the city hall, where the visitors will be welcomed by themayor, they will be given a ride around the city in automobiles for an hour or an hour and a half. At 6 p. nj they will be entertained at dinner at. the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. The Belgian troops are veterans and early in the war were transferred td the Russian fighting front where they 6aw much service. The citizens of Omaha are urged by the committee on arrangements to assist in every way possible to give the visiting troops a warm wel come for they have been in active service in the great war for freedom and are going back to their country to enter into the war again where they will fight shoulder to shoulder with American boys and other allied countries soldiers. Time," are the features on the photo play vorogram. In the Silent Drama. . 8trnil "Blue Biases Rawden," the new William S. Hart Artcratt picture, was shown nt the Strand Sunday and will remain on the program until Thursday. It Is a story of the Canadian Northwest, and Hart, who is always bis and convincing In any atmoa Ihere, takes an excursion Into new territory. The great delineator of western types doffs the sombrero and foes through five reels of thrilling adventure garbed In blanket, coat and fure of a. Canadian lumberjack, dramatlo situations predominate In the production. Sun Montague Love and Barbara Castle ton will hold forth at this theater for the final times today in the World production "Vengeance." It Is a story laid In this country and the Orlnt and tells of a halt Englishman half Indian who has been lalsed In the heathen faith and has Inherit ed a legacy of hate from his father. A cleVer comedy and the latest Sun screen telegram complete the bill. On Tuesday and for three days comes William S. Hart in the Triangle feature "The Dawnmaker." Muse Norma Talmade-e. showing In "Be Luxe Annie," glve an excellent adaptran of thla popular stage success on the screen. She brings to the picture her usual, clear Interpretation and Is ably supported by an able cast led by Eugene O'Brien. A Harry Lloyd comedy and the News Weekly, com plete the bill which runs Monday and Tues day ef this week. On Wednesday and Thursday, William Pamam Is presented In an adaption of Ralph Connor's novel "The Doctor" under the title of "The Heart of the Lion." " lllpp Harry Moray Is at his beet In "The Bachelor's Children" showing here for the Inst time today. It Is a comedy drama In which one opportunity follows another for this fun lover to bring the smiles and laugh ter and he doea full credit to the Job. Tuos day and Wednesday Is presented a William Fox play with Tom Mix starring In "Western Blood" a comedy drama of love tn the far west Bnbnrban Mlldren Harris In "The Price of Good Time" will be the photoplay at traction at this theater today and Tuesday. It Is promised to be a gripping story with rr.any sensational moments that will hold th Interest throughout In a manner that will make the picture remembered for some little time to come. The cast and the direction Is all that could be desired with the result of a decidedly wosh-whlle production. Hamilton Jewell Carmen will be at this theater today In a William Fox play "The Kingdom of Love." It Is a gripping story of Alaska and has been produced In the usual lavish manner of the producing company. It tells of the experiences of a girl In the dance halls who, although being decidedly popular, wluld have nothing to do with the men. Tuesday and Wednesday comes Theda Bara in a superfeature "Du Barry." Lothrop Mabel Normand will be the featured player at this theater today and Tuesday In another of her delightful comedy-dramas "The Floor Below." Tom Moore and a notable cast of players will be shown In her support and It la a picture that should be enjoyed by the most blase fan. Other good pictures will also be shown In connection. Friday and Saturday comes "Tarzan of the Ads." Grand William Duncan and Carol Hallo way will be the featured players at this theater today In a Greater Vltagraph fea ture "The Tenderfoot." It Is a comedy drama of thejwest that should be well re ceived by thla theater's patrons and Is said t) afford the stars a pleating role and which they are shown to as good advantage In as any of their former offering I SOUTH SIDE AUTO FAILS TO BUCK STREET CAFT OFF JTS TRACK Three Men Riding in Flivver -injured When Their Machine Collides Head-on With Electric Vehicle. Three en were seriously injured when the automobile in which they were riding collided head-on with . crosstown street car near , the west end of the L street viaduct shortlj before midnight Saturday night. Th ' street car was uninjured.. , John Kenzior, 4512 L street, sus tained a fracured skull at the base ol the brain and was unconscious when taken to the hospital. ToseDh Lanbanowski. Thirtv-third and L streets, received a scalp wound and lacerations on the face and heads. ' John Tinzier, 4020 L street, driver of the car, received a broken nose, a scalp wound and severe bruises. t The men were attended by 4 po-j)" lice surgeon and taken to the South Omaha hospital. Conductor Ben Windourn arid oMtorman T.' Shafer were in charge of the street car. Police Raid Pool Hall r And Break Up Crap Game Detectives raided "Babe" Hill's pool hall, 2615 M street, where aft alleged crap game was in progress Saturday night, and arrested ureen Williams, negro clerk, ona charge of keeping a disorderly house. The . following men, negroes, were taken as inmates: Sylvester Morris. 2606 N street; Carl Moore, Charles Williams and Bob Cannon, 4711 South Twenty seventh street; Ed Johnson, FranlO, Barnes and Joe .Evans, 4820 South Twenty-sixth street; 'Sam Dyer, 4921 South Twenty-seventh street; Youlese Moore, Wo soutn iwenty- fifth street; Wallace Adams and Irie Mincer, 982 North Twenty-fifth ave nue. , i At Meyerson Store Burglars Get Cash nd Oranges Burglars sained entrance to the grocery store of Sam Meyerson, 3902 Q street. Saturday night by prying open the front door, broke into the cash register and stole $10, and ran- sacked the store of a quantity of tobacco and oranges. Barbers' Red Cross Meeting . At Orpheum Garden Tonight A Red Cross meeting of the Omaha barbers will be held at 8 o'clock to-.,:, night in the Orpheum Garden hall, 1415 Harney street.,, All barbers, boses and journeymen will combine in subscribing to the Red Cross fund. A committee appointed from the barbers will recomntend that the sugl gestion of the campaign committee tar donate one day s pay be complied with. This pledge will be payable in four monthly installments. Ihexrom mittee, consisting of J. W. Light, chairman, A. L. Pardun, H. M. Whit- ' more, W. H. Stacy and L. C. Mann ing, urges that all barbers in Omaha attend this meeting. . . 1 School Childi'en Hustle in New "Own-Your-Home" Contest Children in the Omaha public schools are working hard to win prizes offered by the real estate -board in the "Own Your Home" con test. The contest was approved by the superintendent of schools. Essays may be written at home ana turned into the teacher or principal at the cchool, who will see that they reach the proper persons. The committee announces that essayes must be in by June 1 and not to contain more than 250 words. Jack Allen Injured in Sunday Auto Collision Jack Allen, chaffeur for Dr. Bridges, living in the Elms hotel, suffered a severe shock and possible internal injures when the automobile which he wa driving and 4 car driven by . John Brown, 3026 Q street, collided at Fifteenth and Jackson streets about ' 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon. .Ilea was taken home by Police Surgeon , Mullen, who attended him. Brown , was arrested for investigation. - Prison Parole Violator to ; Be Returned to Pennsylvania Robert Wilson, alias Robert Waver ; ly, in the county iail for the past month, has been identified as a parole violator from the Pennsylvania state penitentiary at Philadelphia and will be returned there to serve out the balance of his sentence, aggregating nearly seven years. Special Officer Henry L. Meyers took the prisoner east Sunday. Lieutenant Wallace, Balloon -Squad, Undergoes Operation , Lieutenant Glenn Wallace, who re. cently underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Ford hospital, was removed yesterday to the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. F j Wallace, 5012 Cumine street. He hopes to return soon to Camp John Wise, San Artitonio. Tex., where he is in command of a balloon company. Injured by Motorcycle. , Mary Varainno, 5 years old, living with her parents at 2507 Pierce streets ' wsts badly bruised when struck by a motorcycle driven by Arthur Shell of Chalco, about 8 o'clock Sunday night. The accident happened at , Twenty-fourth and Poppleton streets. Police Surgeon Mullen attended the " injured girl. $25 A Month Grows to $8,116.36 Send for chart showing how $25 month in vested in N. Y. Stock Exchanm Securities, grew to' $8,116.88. Larger or smaller hionthlf savings produce similar profitable returns. KRIEBEL Sc. CO., Investment Banker 137 South La Sail Street. Chicago - r