Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
if",v jiwfiwsr mrt - x t- . .....". ' '..-.v. 10 THE BEE: OMAHAi MONDAY, MAY 20, 1918. 'fid- saw 4& " "A f Help the Red Cross Save That Soldier Boy in a mud-coated, blood-drenched trench an American soldier lies wounded will YOU let him die? in the wake of a charge, a gas-stricken youth lies gasping for breath will YOU refuse him aid? a mother with quivering lips and tearful eyes looks mutely at the war: tumbled ruins of her home and turns for aid will YOU refuse her plea? a.little child tugs at that mother's skirts and cries piteously for food will YOU decline to help feed this baby? Will YOU Refuse to Help? iWill YOU let those boys die there on the field of honor? Will YOU turn your back to the outstretched arms of that mother! Will YOU deny food; to pass the lips of that little child? Will YOU Oh, will YOU? NO! NO! A4housand times, NO! Yt)U are going to give giveand give again to the Red Cross s Your Bed Cross Dollars will save those soldier boys. Your Bed Cross Dollars will ease the pain in that shell-torn body and sooth the suffering in those gas-tortured lungs. 1 Your Red Cross Dollars will, help that homeless mother restore Her home they will feed her hungry, baby. How? By Giving to the Red Cross War Fund The Bed Cross Needs it now $100,000,000 and next week it will ask you to give. sort to the great work of saving beat Storm of Terror" which is Rumania. Your Financial Support Is Needed Now the Bed Cross asks for your financial support. It needs yourhelp to do that work in Europe you told it to do when you became a member. Your dollars are as necessary to the Red Cross as those of anyone else. Give until your conscience says stop. The boys over there are giving until they die. Last winder you joined the Red Cross. You gave your moral supi lives, feeding the hungry and providing a "Harbor of Mercy in the 0 sweeping the fields and hills of France, Belgium, Italy, Russia, Serbia and r Headquarters Red Cross War Fund Drive Keeline Bldg., 17th and Harney Stg. " Special Announcements ' Representatives of the Women's Com mittee of lb Red Cross War Fund will be on hand Tuesday between. 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. at the Trisco Lunch, $14 South Fifteenth street All receipt be ' tween those hours will be donated to the Red Cross War Fund. Is your window poster, "We Hear You Calling Us" opt Ton set one tor your home or your place of business when you donate. If It lsnt posted the . solicitors will continue to call until the poster is'up. The Omaha Musicians' association met last week, fire days before the drive started. Somebody suggested the Red Cross1 War Fund and every one of the sixty-three members present subscribed. (Hope they meet again this week.) The Gate City Bowling league finished the season with 37 In its treasury. Now the Red Cross has the money. They gave -their all. J. D. Dose handed the Red Cross 130 the other day. The money came from the rental of some land for canteen purposes. The Red Cross now has the land and the money. This la co-opera tion ana emciency combined. J. M. Lamb of Williams, Neb., came to Omaha and enlisted. He had an auto truck he couldnt use any more so he gave It to the Red Cross. To finish the Job up properly he added $100 la cash. His money wasnt enough to give.' He Is also giving himself. Let that sink m. Employes of the Jerpe Commission company reported a 100 per cent sub scription to the Red Cross War Fund Saturday. W. H. Creary notified the Red Cross that he had a fine mountain wagon that he has donated to the War Fund. The wagon will be auctioned oft and the money goes to help the boys "over there." The Brown Block is the first building to donate to the War Fund. Mrs. C. H. Brown submitted a subscription of $200 Saturday on behalf of the building. This was in addition to her personal donation and those submitted by business firms having offices in the block. A patriotic song service will be held ' this evening at 8:30 o'clock in front of the World-Herald building. Mr. O'Neill and Miss Allen will be in charge of the Ringing by those who attend and the girls of the Luana club Boy Scouts Fife and Drum Corps, also. , YOU don't have to, endure the Horrors of the trenches. ' . ' ' YOU don't have to hear the cries of the wounded. YOU don't Hare to : hear the death groans of the dying. ' YOU don't have to serve food to the starving war orphans. YOU don't, have to carry the' shell-torn bodies back from No Man's Land. YOU don't have to crawl through the tangles of barbed wire and bring back all that remains of a young soldier that some day. his mother, may -see her boy laid to rest "over here" ' , But You Can Help the Red Cross Do It Why the Red Cross Must Have $100,000,Q00foraWarFund Remember, this is not a Red Cross Membership Campaign. It is a money-raising campaign for a $100,000,000 War Fund. The campaign starts this morning, May 20, and closes Monday, May 27. Omaha's quota is $200,000. Your contribution may be paid in- four installments July 1, August 1, September 1 and October 1. The money is needed to provide more field hospitals, more base hospitals, more ambulances, more surgeons, more nurses, more stretcher-bearers, more bandages, more instruments, more medicine, more food, and to maintain those hospitals and rest stations and relief posts which have already been established. It will be used in Belguim, France, Italy, England, Serbia, Greece, Armenia, the United States in fact, everywhere that the ravages of war may be felt. What This $100,000,000 War Fund Does It will be expended: to rescue the wounded and dying and recover the dead. -Mo provide many of the comforts of home to the men in the trenches. to help the families of those left at home, struggling to keep" body and soul together while the breadwinner is protecting you and yours from the savagery of the enemy. to support the invalid soldier while he ' awaits his pension grant. i to provide food and comforts to those of our boys who may fall into the hands of the enemy and become prisoners of war. Give Ypur Money Now 0 ; , to the ' Red Gross War Fund OmahaCampaign Headquarters 17th and Harney Streets , ' if . This Page Contributed to the Winning of the War by The Omaha Da il Bee.