Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1918, AUTO SECTION, Image 40

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    lHt; OMAHA bUDA Bz: MA. iy, llJ16.
. '
Many Motorists. Ignorant as to True Stream-line Design
1 and its Relative Importance to the Opera
tion of a Motor Car.
The term streamline has become
luch synonym for the present day
utomobile body that if a man in the
itreet were asked what a streamline
Jody.U he would point to the first
, jsodern car' that passed and say:
; . rThere you ' are; that's what a
, Streamline , body is." The streamline
Is applied to an automobile body is
'Snore than an actuality.
: For the high racing speeds the body
thape plays an important part, and so,
, , n -fact, does evey part of the car
ihat has to be forced against the
wind. Nearly everyone knows that
the larger the frontal area of a sur
face going Straight against the wind
ihe harder It U tq propel it, For in
stance, in walking against the wind
in a very stormy day it is as much as
rou can do to press ahead, and when
t very bad gust comes you are apt to
stand sideways and then the force
igainst yon is considerably lessened.
Adding this experience in wind
pressure to . the knowledge in me
, chanica, that it is necessary to have
a sharp edge on the knife or axe to
cut with, then our conclusion is that
a sharp-pointed or knife-like shape
ywili move through the air easiest.
With this idea in mind it is natural
that we should call the body line
which presented a fairly sharp front
: to the wind and long smooth lines
along its sides a streamline.
Cuts Into Wind.
The reason why the. automobile
bodies are not true streamline forms
' is that they were all cut off sharply
at the back and the long, tapering tail,
which is necessary for a streamline is
not there. When the sharp-nosed car
cuts into the wind a hole is formed
V and this has to be gradually closed
up. This would be accomplished if it
were possible to have a long, taper
ing tail at the back of the car, but it
is obvious that this could not be used,
is it would make the car too long.
Torpedoes are built feith stream
lines; so also are fish.) Fish have
comparatively blunt noses and long
tails. A true 'streamline is , some
what fish-shaped. It has a rather
blunt nose and its largest part is
forward of the middle, so its tail be
: gins early and is long and carefultv
Uttered. It is proportioned in length
with regard to its diameter, and also
In other respects. The proportions
may vary a good deal, but these are
its main characteristics If a stream
line form is taken and Its tail is cut
off, a gap or vacuum is formed be
hind. This vacuum is often noticed
tt the back of a train, which will be
leen to suck up a cloud of dust and
paper behind it when it is going along
it a high speed. When the stream
line body passes through the air, the
tail fills the gap and so gives the
minimum resistance to its progress.
. Resistance to Air. "
While the subject of air resistance
'o bodies is under consideration,, it
uld be well to have a general un
- Jtrtanrting on the importance of air
. resistance to the car s ability and
teonomy of performance. In the first
place, consider the windshield resist
ance to the air. The air current
strikes squarely on the flat surface
and leaves a vacuum behind for a
certain distance. Various eddies and
back draughts are caused. On a
roadster these are extremely unpleas
ant for the driver, and in a touring
car the rear passengers suffer. A
sloping windshield helps to deflect
the air current in a better way and
a!o decreases the head-on resistance.
The resistance which the car has to
overcome is the resistance due to the
speed of the car itself plus or minus
the speed of the wind, according to
whether it is a head or tail wind. For
the sake of simplicity a direct wind
will be taken so that complicated figur
ing can be avoided by ignoring the
side winds. In order to determine the
car's resistance to the air, the area
of the surfaces that are presented
must be determined. The parts to be
considered are the radiator, radiator
mudpan, windshields, fenders, front
and rear: maximum width of the body,
and the headlights. If tooKor battery
boxes and spare tires are carried on
the side of the car or running board,
they must also be taken into account.
Not only do they offer additional re
sisting surfaces to the air, but they
tend to break up the air streams, form
ing various broken and cross-cur
Formula, for Resistance.
In order to obtain an accurate idea
of the power absorbed by the air re
sistance, an area of 25 square feet will
be taken as the frontal surface af
fected by wind resistance, as this is
a good average for an ordinary car
The formula for getting the wind re
sistance will be taken where P O.OOJ
AV A is the area in square feet. V
the velocity in miles per hour, and
P the pressure in pounds. This will
give, for the speed of 10 miles per
hour, 7.5 pounds; for 20 miles per
hour, 30 pounds; for 30 miles per
hour. 07.) pounds.
The next thing to do is to find out
how much power is used. This can
be determined by the formula.
P X it. per min.
P is the pressure and 33,000 pounds
er minute represent one horse power.
forking out the three pressure ob
tained, the horse cowers reauired are
-wo, 1.5 and 5.S, respectively. It is
noticed that the horse power required
increases very rapidly with the speed.
and if a speed of 60 miles per hour
be taken, the pressure becomes 270
pounds and horse power required 43.
This last condition could occur if the
(car were running at 30 miles per hour
gainst a wina going at ju miles per
hour. This would result in the same
wind pressure that would be had by
drivihg at 60 miles per hour without
a head wind. April Motor Life.-
Nebraska Beets May Win.
War for Nation and Allies
Beet Suf ar Factory at Gering, Neb.
It is a far cry from the bucolic nitrates and also for rebuilding im-
Locking the Car.
Many modern cars are fitted with
a battery ignition system in which
the distributor arm is removable. By
removing this arm the car owner
makes it possible" to steal his vehicle
only by towing it away or by fitting
another distributing arm. The arm
may be removed by unclasping the
distributor cover to which the wires
are attached. It usually, happens
that there is only one way in which
this arm will fit. ao that ther nA
be no worry about replacement i
beet sugar fields of western Nebraska
to the belligerent batteries of big guns
of the allies along the western battle
front in France, yet war has brought
the two sections into intimate rela
tionship. A large part of the high explosives
required to propel the immense pro
jectiles used o wean the Hun from
his worship of the god of war and
the Idol of autocracy are produced in
the peaceful irrigated valleys of the
western part of Nebraska.
Sugar, made from the beets grown
in the semi-arid district of Nebraska,
is a basic element in the making of
high explosives. The raw product,
treated with nitric acid, mixed with
sulphuric acid, converts sugar into
nitro substitute analogous to gun cot
ton and nitro glycerine.
Why Sugar Is Scarce.
Because Mars is ravenous for the
food which reduces human beings to
pulp is one of the reasons why sugar
for human consumption is so scarce
that it is seriously proposed to give
it out in rations by means of sugar
By the use of synthetic processes the
modern beet sugar plants, located at
Gering, Scottsbluffs, Baird and Grand
Island, in this state, have reclaimed
from the pulp of the sugar beet many
important valuable by-products, but it
remained for the necessities of war to
reduce this to the nth power.
In the days when all was well with
me universe, and oetore it was
ptunged into the hecatomb of world
war, potash was a mineral product so
pienmui ana cneap tnat there was
never a thought that it would ever
be scarce and fabulously valuable.
German Had Monopoly.
Germany had a practical monopoly
on the product and when her gates
were shut as a source of world suoolv
by her offensive the best brains of
the nation's chemists were called upon
to discover new sources of supply.
- Almost by accident the potash lakes
of western Nebraska were providental-
iy round, ihen came the. discovery of
the process of converting vast marine
fields of kelp, found in the waters
along the Pacific coast, into potash
and iodine.
Greatest Discovery Comes.
List comes the greatest conserva
tion discovery of all, the process of
reclaiming- from beet- molasses and
the alkaline waters used in washing
the sugar beets, and the bone black
used in refining the sugar, the precious
potasn neeaea tor making explosive
CHfi W DIE ft S f X
Famous For lis Manveloiis ' Motor
-. ......... , . j '
Why Women Choose
The Chandler
WOMEN choose the Chandler Six quite as much for the
ease with which they may drive it on any kind of roads
or in any kind of traffic, as for the grace of its body designs, the
comfort of its deep-cushioned seats and the beauty of its
finish. . They choose the Chandler, too, because of Its mechani
cal dependence, its ever-readlness.
Thousands of women drive Chandlers, and, even though
they may not know the why of its mechanical excellence, they
know and appreciate tle extraordinary quality of this great car.
f Chandler body designs offer a pleasing range of selection.
Svn-Pusfngir Touring Car, SJ998 1 JtourJOimn?tr Roadster. 41S9S
Four-Passenger Dispatch Car. S167S
Convertible S04an. S239S Convertible Coupe. 32193 Umoxuine, 92893
Com Choose Your Chandler Now
2421 FamajnSt
R. L Alley, Chandler Manager.
poverished soil areas in the eastern
and southern parts of the country.
The sucrpse content of beet sugar
molasses contains a high percentage
of potash, which is reclaimed from
the sucrose by chemical destruction.
This product, after it had passed the
various stages of sugar extraction was
so offensive that it coufd not be used
for cattle feeds and was waste. Now
it will be as valuable in proportion
as the sugar itself. ;
The water that is used in washing
the sugar beets and that is extracted
in the centrifugal processes of macre
ation is heavy with basic salts and
saccharate of lime, all potash produc
ing. Building Big Basin.
The Great Western Sugar company
at Scottsbluffs has already commenced
work on the construction of a big
settling basin, 12 acres in extent and
30 feet deep to hold the water used
in washing the beets and which hold
in solution the alkaline and saline pre
cipitates that produce the potash.
The same evaporating plants used
in extracting the sugar from the pulp
juices of the bfcets will be used to re
claim the potash.
Another industry that has lain dor
mant for ages has been developed by
the war. That is the production of
Epsom salts in this country.
Epsom Salts in Albany.
Brooklyn lake, in Albany countv.
Wyoming, is essentially a lake of
Epsom salts, or sulphate of magnesia.
Until the war the United States was
supplied with the product from Eng
land, Spain and Italy. War demand
for magnesia as an explosive element
shut off a large portion of the Ameri
can supply and as a result of the in
sistent demand the waters of Brook
lyn lake are being evaporated and
made to yield Epsom salts, and mag
nesia for th?s country.
The lake contains the largest visi
ble supply of this product there is in
the world and it can me more cheaply
manufactured than any place else in
the world, and after the war will re
main an enduring and important
American industry, born of war con
ditions. Spare Latch.
In battery ignition systems there
Is usually employed a notched rotor
against which presses the latch or
tripper, wjth short springs attached.
When' this latch becomes worn, the
entire system - will fail to operate
properly, and it is a wise precaution
to carry a spare latch in the tool box.
It is not difficult to remove and re-
lace this latchP which fits in but one
way, so that there is no danger " of
placing' it wrong. , , ,
, - 4 y
' ' Fuel Waste.
The correct proportion of gasoline
for a perfect fuel mixture is .07 of a
pound of gas to a pound of dry air.
It is possible to operate on a mixture
containing as much as .12 of a pound
of gas to the pound of dry air, which is
nearly twice as much gasoline as is
needed. This wide range of mixture
strength constitutes the greatest
factor in wastage of gasoline The
majority of car owners run more near
Iy at the maximum strength than at .
the minimum, which would give them
better results. They are using nearly
twice as much fuel as there is any
need for. - Think it over.'
Seven-passenger Tourster
THE average gasoline
mileage of more than 60
Cole AeroElghta of all types
driven from the factory
within' the last two weeks
has been in excess of 14 miles
to the gallon. The general
performance of the cars more
than substantiated every
claim made for them.
TO ENDOW a ear with die
aetounJlng power, epeed and
acceleration of the Colo Aero
Eight and at tHe same time pre
serve its extreme economy of
operation has required real me
chanical genius.
To conceive designs as perfect in
their symmetry, as alluring in
their poise and as complete In
their fittings reflects the crafts
manship of the master Builder
Who!el Distributer for Iowa and Northern Nebraska
1 Soma Good Territory Open for Live Dealers.
2210 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 1414 Locust St. Des Moines, !a.
Traynor Automobile Co.
Retail Distributer
2210 Farnam St. Phon Doug. 5268.
Be Independent of Mile Posts!
Transportation is our vital national problem. It is not only esscn
tial that we convey more soldiers, food stuffs and supplies overseas,
but we must also quicken our stride at home. "Speeo! up" is the
clarion call that sounds throughout the nation. And Speed means
the automobile.
If your car is a Paige you will be independent of mile posts. If
your car is a Paige, you will have a staunch, sturdy ally that will
.enable you to double your business efficiency and bring healthful
relaxation to every member of your family as well In addition,
MurphyBrien Auto Company
J: 18l4 18 Farnam St-Omaha, Neb. Phone Tyler 123. ,
. Dealers Some good territory available for dealers.
A 1