7 Scott Held ior Federal Grand Jury on Harrison Act Charge J. C. Scott, 529 South' Twenty fourth avenue, arrested May 3 on a federal complaint of selling opiates, has waived hearing before United States Commissioner Neely and was held fo; the federal grand jury, which convenes here next week. Scott's bonds was fixed at $2,000. Burlington President Here Says Rail Business is Good Hale Holden, president of the Bur lington road, was in Omaha today on a tour of the company's western lines. Mr. Holden asserted that, ow ing to the fact the government has taken over the operation of the rail roads, there is nothing to say con cerning Iheir future. "Business is good." he said, "but I aside from that there is nothing to "say." Boy Scouts in France and Omaha Join Hands Across Sea to Seal Partnership In Redoubled Warfare Against Kaiser VICE CRUSADE IN PHOTO PLAYS. ORDER TO POLICE TODAY and SATURDAY JEWEL CARMEN in "THE BRIDE OF FEAR" Rigid Instructions Given to Photo of Mershon Welsh, Omaha Boy Scout and fac simile of letter he received from French. Boy Scout :: :: :: THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY . 17, 1918. RINGER DIRECTS & . -VS."- '"CV-Wntik. SIM III II II I II 11 Enforce Laws Against Boot legging, Gambling, Va grancy and Immorality. : City Commissioner Ringer's In' '4 VX PHOTOPLAYS. PHOTO PLAYS. tractions to Chief of Police Dempsey hart been transmitted to the police men by the chief in a general order which directs that vigilance shall be ' exercised in enforcement of laws against bootlegging, gambling, va grancy and immorality. The general order, address to the captains, reads: "You will instruct all members of the police department under your re apective commands to exercise all diligence in securing evidence against persons suspected of violating the laws relating to intoxicating liquors, gambling and prostitution, with view to eliminating the bootleggers, gamblers and prostitutes from the city. , . . War on Violations. "It is the order of Superintendent Ringer that those violations must be stopped and the violators" driven out of the city, and we must use every possible means to carry out this order. , "Whenever you find a bootlegger or vagant or anyone else who refuses to work, arrest him and take the mat ter up with the county attorney and see that a complaint is hied in each - and every case. In this way we ought to be "able to eliminate bootleggers and gamblers from the city." The State Sedition Law. Attention of the policemen is di rected to the provisions of the state ' sedition law. It is the policy of Mayor Smith and Commissioner Ringer to file complaints under the sedition law against persons who are within the meaning of the following section of the sedition law: "Being physically able to work and not engaged in any useful occupation, refuse employment or remain 1 actual ly idle when useful employment is ob tainable. Any person so offending will be guilty of sedition." Interstate Scout Conference Will Open in Omaha Friday Interstate conference of Boy Scout officials will be held in Omaha Friday with delegates from Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, South Dakota and Nebraska. Headquarters have been established in the Patterson block. The convention will open with luncheon for delegates at the Young Men's Christian association, followed by addresses by Mr. Boardman of Lincoln, Dr. Sowerby, Scout Execu tive of Kansas City; L. L. McDonald, camp director national council, and Lome W. Barclay, director Depart- ment of Education. Scouts will give an exhibition of games under the di rection of C. H. English, scout ex ecutive of Omaha. The convention will close Sunday evening. Former Saloon Keeper Given - 60-Day Sentence by Judge Emil Talbod, 1727 South Eleventh street, former saloon keeper, was sen . tenced to 60 days in jail Thursday "by Police Judge Madden upon con viction vi Having imoxicaung liquor in his possession. Officers of the morals squad testified that in re sponse to a "tip" from federal authori ties a trunk shipped from Kansas City and delivered to Talbod's home was found to contain nine quarts of whisky and seven pints of beer. Mary Miller, housekeeper for Tal bod, testified that she thought the trunk containued the wardrobe of a new roomer. She was discharged. Federal Men to Probe Alleged Wheat Hoarding in Nebraska The food administration is going after G. W. and James Bailey, who live near Carleton, in Thayer county, I and who are reported to have 8,500 bushels of wheat which they have not marketed. The report is that they said, "If the government wants this wheat, let it come and get it." And so' Uncle Sam's men are going after it. Notices have been served through H. B. Harding, county food adminis trator. If these notices do not bring the wheat some of Uncle Sam's men will go after it, haul it to the nearest station and market it, charging up all expense to the owners who refused to let loose. 'uii, He hjo vLnxcU.tK. .cm4 foy tenet ivJtUx- iXuj oX i6JL , (2) 'wL. irk hyuv lluJiU oJL httr' Omaha Boy Scouts have joined hands across the sea with Boy Scouts of the French republic. Christian Moussieg, 13 Rue de la Cloche, La Rochelle, Clarente Inferieure, France, presents the greetings of the La Rochelle Boy Scouts to Mershon Welch, Omaha Boy Scout, in a letter characteristically French and efferves cent with courtesy and companionship. It is the first lap in a friendship between the far-divided units of this organization that will outlast even the memory of the mutual enemy the Hun, The Omaha Scout wrote a letter some time ago to Major H. L. Akin, formerly a physician in Omaha and now a member of the American corps in France, request ing him to give it to a French Boy Scout. The major turned the letter over to Christian. The missive, written in Enclish. tvnifirs the nrinr!n1 of helpfulness and friendliness instilled for future democracy, for the Scouts of today are the soldiers of tomorrow. "I am learning English," writes Christian in a half apologetic manner, "so you will excuse me if I don't write correctly." But the letter, as a whole, would not divulge the fact that Christian is just beginning the mastery of MERSHON WELCH. (3) tjTrvt ' (( t um vnu jlAJhJk "itf oJjlfi JrJl yslu tiixL the English language. Christian acknowledges he is only 12 years old but he derives evident pleasure in announc ing the fact that he has been a Boy Scout for 20 months. Mershon Welch, son of John W. Welch, promi nent Boy Scout commissioner, is one of the most representative of Omaha Scouts. He is both a star and a life member and belongs to Troop No. 36. His sister, Gertrude, is often the nurse, or the patient, in first aid work. The Welch Red Cross police dog, awaiting to be called to Uncle Sam's service, is the third member of the patriotic trio. Mayor Smith Outlines Plan For Cleaner and Better Omaha Mayor Smith emphasized his desire to. have a cleaner and better Omaha, in? an address before the Concord club Thursday noon at the Henshaw hotel. He also gave an outline of various activities on which he wanted the support of the club and men tioned that the council was to make - an effort to cut down unnecessary expenses to the city by eliminating useless offices. At this session, the club organized for, the coming Red Cross drive and a donation of $200 was made to the fund. Entertainment was furnished oy L. A. James and L. Moore. Widow of Late Dr. C. W. Downs To Be Buried in Omaha Friday funeral services for Mrs. Lora H Downs, widow of the late Dr. C W. Uowns. will be held Friday morn tig at 10 o'clock at the residence, 518 3ouin roruetn street. Mrs.'Downs neq aunaay night of pneumonia, and nirial was delayed pending the ar rival of a son, Philip Downs, from rcnsacoia. ria., wnere he has been itationed in the aviation cdrps of the jrmy. Interment will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. t . . I Man's Big Damage Suit Against fin-Laws" Begun in Court Opening arguments of attorneys representing Hyman L. Goodwin, who i 2ir?J3L,s. moth and father-in-law for f 25,000 damages for alleeed aliena tion of-his wife's affections, were heard by Judge Sears in district court Thursday rflcfomg. Goodwin asked that his caseUe set ahead on the calendar owing .to'Jiis liability to the draft. He expects to-go in the next .call - t ; LANGFELD LEADS IN RACE TO LAND CITY HEALTH JOB Physician Is Endorsed for Place by Special Committee Representing Omaha Med ical Society. The appoinment of a new health commissioner is narrowing down to Dr. Millard Langfeld, city bacteri ologist and an eminent member of his profession. The doctor was graduated from Johns Hopkins and has been in pro fessional service in Omaha for 20 years. He has served as city bacteri ologist for many years, and has been on the faculties of Creighton Medical and Dental colleges. "Who's Who in America " refers to lnm as having been identified in pro fessional capacities with St. Joseph's hospital, Nebraska school for deaf and dumb', Omaha Milk commission. Ne braska Medical society, Douglas County Medical society, and Douglas county hospital. He has been endorsed by a special committee representing the Omaha Medical society. Dr. Ernest T. Manning also has been recommended by the Omaha lueaicai society. He was graduated from Knox college, Galesburg, 111., in 1901. and from Rush Medical college in 1904. He DractirpH four Illinois and has been 10 years in Oma na. me doctor has been a member of the Omaha Medical college and is now on the teaching staff of the Uni versity 01 Nebraska College of Med icine. f Last September he was ap pointed as supervisor of medical in spection in the public schools. The city council nrohahlv will rnn sider appointment of a health commis sioner mis week. EIGHT HOTEL MEN ARE HELD IN VICE CRUSADE BY CITY Eight hotel oroorietors wpr ar. rested Thursday, charged with keep ing ill-governed houses. They included Ah Whit v. stdne hotel; Phil Nathan, State ho- r Ackerrnan, Globe hotel; A. M Quealey, Albany hotel; Louis Kenthrow. Neville hotel; Ham, Art. !anjL Northwestern hotel; William Hill. Park hotel, and Gra:e Roberts. Re;o hotel. ,s icw oui 01 an inves-1 ! Oh, Harry! Rush Out the Duster; This Hurricane Blows Like Blue Blazes City Commissioner Zimman, new superintendent of the fire depart ment, responded to a ring of his office telephone and heard the voice of a woman. "I wish you would send the fire department out to our block and sprinkle the street. The wind is blowing like the very dickens and the dust is spreading over every thing in the house," was the femi nine importunity. "But, madam, the fire department is for extinguishing fires. Suppose we were sprinkling the street and your house should be- afire, what woull you say then?" the commis sioner asked. A few minutes later a general alarm of fire was sent in and 17 houses were destroyed. tigation by City Prosecutor Mc Guire. All appeared in police court Thursday morning ad gave bonds of ?200 each, hearing being set for Mon day morning, May 20. ,A- M. Quealey, proprietor of the Albany hotel, was dismissed in po lice court Wednesday on a charge of keeping an ill-governed house and was rearrested Thursday on a similar charge. The hotels were mentioned in the testimony of Mary Prawitz, who stated she had visited them with sol diers at various times throughout the winter. Women Arrested in Prawitz Case Discharaed bv Judae T . . - Mrs. irene waiters, 514 South Twenty-second street, and Mrs. M P. Shoemaker of the Rivard hotel were discharged in police court Thursday morning. They were ar rested Wednesday afternoon on war rants charging them with keeping ill-governed houses. The arrests grew out of testimony offered by Mary Prawitz, who stated that on several occasions she had taken sol diers to the Walters home and to the Rivard hotel. Police Arrest Eight More Men in "Clean Up" of Idlers Police crrested eight more alleged idlers Thursday morning. The total number of arrests made since Mayor Smith issued an order to "clean up" is 48. the ereater number nf chose to go to work immediately rather than go to jail. Stack & Falconer Move to Their New Establishment Stack & Falconer, undertakers, who recently purchased for $60,000 the Hall residence, Farnam and Thirty-third streets, moved Thursday to their new home from Harney and Twenty-fourth streets. While the new place has not been completely re modeled, .the firm is doing business there, and later will announce a for mal opening. Former Bee Reporter Made Insurance Officer at Dodge Captain Ralph S. Doud of Omaha, former reporter for The Bee, has been made acting division insurance of ficer at Camp Dodge, in the absence of Captain Paul R. Morrissey. Cap tain Doud was previously an assist ant adjutant at Camp Dodge. He won his commission as captain at the first officers' training camp at Fort Snelling. IMPOVERISHED MEN AND WOMEN Quickly Regain Health, Strength, Energy, and Ability by Taking 3-Grain Cadomene Tablets. The Very Best Tonic. Sold by All Druggists. A dr. IRRITABLE NERVOUS Was Condition of Indiana Lady Before Beginning to Take Card-n-i, the Woman's Tonic Kokorao, Ind. Mrs. H. Hankemeler, of this town, says: "I look so well, and am so well, that it does not seem as if I ever needed Cardui. But I was not al ways this way ... I think I have taken a dozen bottles . . . before my little girl came. I was feeling dreadfully bad, had head, ache, backache, sick at my stomach, no energy ... I was very irritable, too, and nervous. I began taking Cardui about 6 months before my baby came. As a result all those bad feelings left me, and I Just felt grand, just as if nothing at all was the matter, and when the end came I was hardly sick at all. Since that I have never taken Cardui at all ... It has done me good, and I know it will help others, If they will only try it" Many women have written grateful let ters like the above, telling of the good that Cardui has done them. Why should it not help you, too? If you suffer from any of the aliments so common to women, and feel the need of a safe, reliable, strengthening tonic, we urge you to be gin today and give Cardui a fair trial. Your dealer sells Card-u-l, B 10 Over the Top -With- Ser gt. Arthur Guy Empey (Himself) Assisted by an All-Star Cast: James Morrison, Lois Meredith, Mary Maurice, Arthur Donaldson, Julie Sevayne, Gordon and Betty BIythe and 7,500 American Sojdiers. A Vitagraph Production. AUDITORIUM Commencing SATURDAY MATINEE, MAY 18 Matinee Daily, 2:30; NighU, 7 and 9 p. mi Admiion, Any Sea t, 50c. Children 25c llTnfrr Today mm? Elsie yx r r bi IK' ran m 1 m m SomvS ONGS AMUSEMKXTS. LILLIAN KINGSBURY A CO. Praarat Dramatic Skatch "THE COWARD" SILBER & NORTH In "BASHFOOLERY" Comedy Skit With Songa HOWE & BARLOW Comedy Novelty Acrobatic Act WALTERS A HASTINGS ina tntartalnlng Dua "OUR ALLIESTHE TANKS" Official Government Pictures, Sbowlnt Tanka in Action With American Army. NEW IRON WAR MONSTERS Going "Over THE TOP" ayi,tartinfToda HAROLD LOCKWOOD "THE LANDLOPER" Colorful Story of Romance and Adventure Today and Saturday Henry B. Walthall "HOOPS OF STEEL" 1 nTuonc m" TUUAT AINU SATURDAY WILLIAM FARNUM in "WHEN A MAN SEES RED" AMUSEMENTS. Foster Ball, Will Oakland A Cm The Sta.nr.onai All.. l,.., D...I & Bandari Three) Wabar GirU Orpheum Travel Weakly. Francis Ford's First Production Berlin Via America Berlin or Bust At the Boyd Theater today and the rest ol the week. Continuous show from 1 p. m. until 11 p. m. Admission 25 cents. Mat., 2:30 Ev'ng, 8:20 AuthoriiW Film Veralaa af AMBASSADOR GERARD'S Startling Book of Facts, 'My Four Years In Germany' It Is Yew Duty To Sao It Dally Matinees, tSe and BOe. Ersnlnti, Balcony, 2So to BOe. Orchestra BOe and 7Sc Boxes $140. Raaarrad Ssata. George Walsh "Brave and Bold" HAMILTON Todar JACK PICKFORD in , 1 "TOM AND HUCK" SUBURBAN liST Today WILLIAM S. HART In "THE PATRIOT" Answer the Call DON'T DELAY Headquarter Red Cro. War Fund Drive Keeline Bldg. 17th and Harney Sta. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Be sure to get your copy of the special window poster, entitled "Wo Hear Yon Calling Us," when you make your donation. Put this In the front window of your home. It shows you are helping the Red Cross. Business houses who contribute to tho War Fund will bo giren a similar poster of a largo sise, to show that they are helping to save a soldier. Wear the new Red Cross button. It shows that you hare answered tho call for help from the Red Cross. It will remind others to do the same. Take a personal interest in tho Rod Cross War Fund Drlre. Every little boost, yon giro it may bring back an other soldier to his mother when tho war is oyer. I Remember tho special Red Cross programs in tho city parks next Sun day at 2t30 o'clock Music and Speakers. Select tho most convenient park and go. Hsnscom, Fontanel!, Millar, Kountxe Elmwood, Riverriew--n band will play in every one. Watch the hospital on tho court house grounds grow nest week.