Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Mideis Stores lsvwiwwil biandeis Stores!
Edonomy Center of Omaha iyiXA5ULlii4!3
Economy Center of Omaha
Friday aid
THE MOST LOGICAL PLACE for limited incomes in this
Big Basement good style and long wear with certainty of
satisfaction, coupled with low prices make your dollar more
elastic than it c,ould otherwise be.
THE GREATEST STOCKS to choose from, give you the
widest range. Everything that you need is assembled here
with price tickets so modest that even the most limited
amount will buy a surprising lot of needed things.
those who find that they have to make every penny count
and the 37 years of service that this store has given is the best
of surety to you that you will get complete satisfaction.
Big Clean-Up Sale $5,000 Stock
Midsummer Millinery v
Hundreds of new, freshly trim
med midsummer Hats just re
ceived, still in their original boxes
from one of New'York's leading
manufacturers. Mostly Milan
Hats in a profusion of white ef
fects, white Hats, black Hats; all
trimmed in flowers, ribbons, new
beautiful white wings, and a
number of transparent Net Hats
with straw crowns and flat
flower effects crushed in between
the brim. In fact not an unde
sirable Hat in the lot and worth
twice the price asked. fcO CC
All go at v.w
Misses' and Juniors' Hats
Smartly trimmed Milan Hats in droop shades, Sailors and
Pokes for girls 4 years to 10 years. White, Rose, Blue, Red,
etc., trimmed in bands of Roman-striped or plain-colored
gros grain and all are blocked Hats, which you might easily
expect to pay $2.00 or $2.J0 for, but we have placed them
all on a big bargain square for the extremely 75 C
low price of . , . . .
We have a complete line of every flower of the field, made
up in both full and half wreaths and cluster effects, daisies,
pansies, roses, field flowers, June roses, white flowers, in
fact just one grand assortment which does not permit de
scription, but it is eriough to say that you can buy the flower
jou want at one price. Values up to $1.00 at 25c
exceptionally low price of
White and Colored Wash Goods
36-inch Brocaded Silk and Cotton
Material; white and tan ground
with "large colored designs for
dresses, blouses, middies, kimonas,
etc. Can also be used for draperies;
36 inches wide; 60c value; special
for this sale, a yard, at.... 35
Large Assortment of Pretty New
Voiles; crisp and sheer for hot
weather; in stripes, dots, plaids,
Persian designs, light and dark
ground work; 40 inches wide; spe
cial,' a yard, at 29
Pretty Novelty White Dress Goods
in lace cloths; plaid and stripe or-
-gandy; voiles, both plain and
'fancy; 38 inches wide; regular 50c
value; special, for this sale, a
yard, at 35
Remnants of Fine Quality White
Dimities from 5 to 20-yard lengths:
for aprons, house dresses, infants
wear, etc. Worth 35c a yard if
sold from the bolt; special, a yard,
at 22sstf
One More Case of that Fine White
Pointer Brand Voile; worth 35c a
yard; sold from the bolt; 39 inches
wide; special, a yard, at. . . .23d
White India Linon; extra fine
quality; buy this quality now; next
shipment will be 35c a yard; 30
inches wide; special, a yard,
at 25
40-inch Plain Colored Voiles in
every wanted shade; good firm
quality; made from hand twisted
yarn; 50c value; a yard, at 35
Specials in Silks
32-inch All-Silk Novelty Tussah Silk, a big range of color
ings and designs ; very special, per 1Q
J Ui 14 ....
Silk Remnants at 69c Yard
Hundreds of remnants of new Silks, ranging in lengths from
112 "to 6 yards, consisting of 36 and 40-inch Poplins, Foul
ards, Satins, Messalines, Crepes, Chiffons, etc. Val- CQr
ues up to $1.50 per yard; special, at, yard Oi7C
Underwear and Hosiery
' The Underwear
Ready- to - Wear - Extraordinary
For Women, Misses and Children
Ready to put on garments of a kind that you would
pay very much higher prices for, if we based them on
today's quotations in the wholesale markets. It works
to your advantage because we were foresighted enough
to buy them at old prices and lower prices.
Buy Dresses at These Prices
A Very, Very Good Investment
Buy for future as well as present needs.
$8 75 A TruIy Wonderful Lot of Women's and Misses'
Dresses, lowest Style Spring Silk, Satin, Crepe de
Chine, etc. Made to &11 at$12upto$17.50. Wehave grouped
all of the better fancy Silk and Satin Dresses in the base
ment together with hundreds of others all into this big bar
gain price. Just think of buying such good right-up-to-the-minute
fancy Spring Dresses right when you want them
for such, a low price.
QC for Several Hundred Women's and Misses' Silk
pt.7j Poplin Street Dresses. Also hundreds of fancy
Party Dresses and Fancy Satin, Crepe de Chine and Chiffon
Dresses, suitable for confirmation, graduations, etc. ; white,
pink, light blue, etc. Many are very elaborate creations,
made to sell up to $12.50. Three-day price, only $4.95 each.
Corset Specials
Front Laced Corsets, double tymed, guaran
teed rust-proof, low top, long hip, d i CA
good heavy garters attached, at. V OU
Summer Net Corset, 'medium top, long 7En
hip, well boned, at ff OC
A "Corset made of fancy pink material, low
top, well boned with free hip Bection, rust
proof, An extraordinary (f
value, at V 1 UU
Corsets for medium figures, made of dainty
pink broche, low top, long hip with rubber
gore inserts in front of corset d0 A A
Very special, at PsfieUU
Brassieres in front closing styles, embroidery
trimmed, back and x
front, at OC
Bandeaux in back and front closing OP
styles, pink only at &OC
Domestics at Low Prices
Women's Fine Lisle Three-Piece
Union Suits; in lace trimmed out
sizes in cuff knee and regular
sizes; all neatly finished band top;
very special at, a suit. . . .$1,00
Women's Cotton Sleeveless Union
Suits; lace and cuff knee style ; all
sizes; a suit, at ......... 39
Boys and Girls' Cotton Union
Suits; boys' in ribbed and mesh
styles, girls' lace trimmed; sizes
24 to 34, at 35c
Women's Cotton Vests; low neck
and sleeveless; sizes 4, 5, and 6,
at 25
Women's Cotton Vests, sleeveless;
good quality; each 10
Children's Knit Waist Union Suits;
sizes 2 to 12, at .39,
Infants' Sample Shirts in part wool
and cotton; sizes 2 to 5, at 39
Women's Cotton Sleeveless Vests;
all sizes; seconds of 25c quality;
special at 15
Special Hosiery Offers
Women's Thread Silk, Full Fash
ioned Hosedouble soles and lisle
garter tops; black and white; sec
onds to 75c quality, a pair. .39J
Women's Lisle Hose; black and
white, with double soles; seconds
to 25c quality; special, a pair,
at 15c
Men's Cotton Seamless Sox itv
black and colors; special at. .15
Men's Fibre Silk Sox, black and
white, double sole's; special, 25
Children's Cotton Hose, black and
white; all sizes; at 19
Away Go Suits $9.95
All the Women's and Misses' Suits in the base
ment, away underpriced in one big lot for this sale.
Our loss is your gain profits go by the board
fQ QP For Women's and Misses' Newest
ipJsJO Spring Style Suits, made up to sell at
$15.00. Many different styles in the lot. Come in
and look these over, they are splendid value. Every
suit at this price for three days only.
J0 ?Q for Hundreds of Right to the Minute
VU7 Style Blouses, made to sell at $3.00
and $4.00. Crepe de Chine, Georgette, fancy Plaid
and stripe Taffetas, Gingham Plaids, etc. Dozens
of pretty styles, all are copies of higher priced
Blouses; sizes to fit most any one. This price is very
special for three days only.
QC- for Girls' Embroidered White Lawn
DC Dresses, 6 to 14 years; today's prices $1.25
to $1.50. Several styles.
for Girls' School Middies, fancy trimmed;
C worth $1.00 today; sizes 14 to 20 years.
Coats at $4.85
Scores and scores of splendid Coats at this low
price for this three-day sale; for women, misses and
juniors. Get a Coat at this price close to cost.
MQr Every Coat an up to date Spring and
OO and Summer style, many of fine wool
materials, such as wool velour, all-wool serge, all
wool Jersey Cloth and dozens of styles and hun
dreds of Coats to choose from Sport Coats,
Johnny Coats, etc.
for Hundreds of Good Dress Skirts for
Women and Misses. All good styles,
plain and fancy cloths, many with pockets and belts;
made to sell at $2.50 up to $4.00. Splendid Skirts
for ordinary wear.
for Women's Bungalow
quality percale; several
Aprons, good
styles; worth
$1.00 today's price.
for Plain Dark Colored, also stripe, full
length lawn wash petticoats; worth 50c to-
American and Simpson's Dress
Prints; assorted medium and light
colors in long mill lengths; very
special, a yard 14 Mt
Mill Remnants 36-inch Dress and
Wrapper Percale; assorted colors
and patterns in long useful
lengths; well worth 30c, special at,
a yard 15 K
Mill Remnants 36-inch White
Voile; very sheer and clingy; very
desirable for summer dresses,
waists, etc.; special, yard, 18
Fine White India Llnon and Fine
White Lawn; made of finest
combed yarn; splendid quality for
ladies' and misses' waists, aprons;
regular 25c value, yard, 18Jfi
10,000 Yards Remnants Wash
Goods; comprising percale, 'Suit
ings, white goods, madras, etc.;
long serviceable lengthsj values to
29c, on a large bargain square,
at 17tte
Mill Remnants 36-inch White Mar
quisette with neat satin Btripe,very
sheer and dainty for summer
dresses, waists, etc.; positively
worth 29c, special, a yard.. 153
36-inch Madras Shirting in a splen
did variety of new patterns and
colorings for men's and boys'
shirts, pajamas, etc.; splendid 40c
value, special, a yard 29
36-inch Peruvian Cloth, linen
finished cotton fabric that looks
and wears like linen, in a variety
of popular plain shades. An ideal
fabric for ladies' outing suits,
coats, etc.; a splendid 60c value,
special at, a yard ........ 35
Dress Poplins, highly yarn mercer
ized, in a variety of plain shades.
One of the season's most popular
wash fabrics; permanent lustrous
finish; a good 40c value, special
at. . .284
72x99-inch Seamless Bleached Bed
Sheets with 3-inch hem, extra
heavy linen finish; a splendid sheet
for hotels and rooming houses;
regularly $1.50, special at 81.15
Mill Remnants 38 and 40-inch
Fancy Printed Dress Voile; as
sorted pretty patterns and colon,
in long serviceable lengths; value
to 30c, on a large bargain square,
at 14Mt
36-inch Fancy Printed Curtain
Etamine with pretty reversible
borders; 5 to 15-yard lengths; a
good 15c value, at .7Jid
32-inch Zephyr Dress Gingham In'
a variety of neat staple checks,
stripes and plain colors. This sea
son's most favored wash fabric?
sold elsewhere at 50c; special at,
a yard , 35
Genuine Blue Bell Dress Gingham,
assorted plaids, checks, stripes
and plain colors; 10 to 20-yard
lengths; regular 30c value, special
at, a yard 22
(Jy's price.
Extra Special Bargains
Q of Women's Regular $1.00 Value Cotton
Blouses, all new, up to date spring styles.
Many different styles; hundreds to choose from;
sizes up to 46; all are new, fresh, crisp, clean, new
spfing blouses.
for Women's 39c Value Dark, White and
Colored Cotton Waists.
("Q for Girl's 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 Wash Dresses;
OUC several styles; all new spring Dresses;
worth $1.00 on today's market; good Dresses for
school wear and play.
Soaps and Washing Powders
10 Bars Diamond C Soap for 38J
10 Bars White Borax Naptha Soap
for 43
10 Bars of Pearl White Soap
for 42t
10 Bars Fels Naptha Soap for 59
6 Bars "Goblin" Soap (superior for
toilet and bath), for 24d
"Whiz" Mechanics Soap, 3 cans
for i 21
"Steri Foam," cleans toilet bowls,
and a long handle toilet cleaning
brush, the two for 27
Large Package Golden Rod Naptha
Washing Powder for 19d
Small Packages Golden Rod Naptha
Washing Powder, 3 for 13t
Britt's Powdered Ammonia, 3 pack
ages for 21
Rex Lye, 2 cans for. ., 15d
5 Bars Ivory Soap for 29(5
6 Bars Excel Soap (for toilet and
bath it floats), for 29tf
Bon Ami, bar or powder, 2 for 15(5
Sunbrite Cleanser, 3 cans for 10
Celluloid Starch, per package, 8(5
1-lb. Package Powdered Borax
for ; 10
Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 cans.. 15
2 -lb. Package Powdered Borax
for 22(
S-lb. Package Powdered Borax
for only 43
Hardware Needs
Screen Doors
We have only a
limited lot we can sell
at these very low
prices. Be sure you
know the sizes of your
door, as we cannot take
back or exchange any
of these doors.
Any Sis Green Fin
ish Screen Door,
special at . .$1.69
Any Sire Oiled
Finish Screen
Door, special
at 81.98
Step Ladders
A very high grade, strong Norway
pine Step Ladder; 5 feet High spe
cial with pail shelf and each shelf
securely braced with an iron rod
5 feet high; special .81.69
6 feet high, special 81.95
Some rare bargains in this most
seasonsable item during the big
three-day sale.
A Fine Hardwood Refrigerator in
the golden oak finish, retinned
wire shelves and patent waste pipe
and trap in bottom of provision
chamber, all removable fof clean
ing; special at 88.95
A Fine White Enamel Refrig
erator, 50-pound, capacity, hard
wood case, finished in golden oak;
insulated with charcoal sheathing ;
special at $15.00
A Fine Seamless Porcelain Lined
Refrigerator with genuine oak
case; a $32.50 value; special
at J... $25.00
A Three-Door Type Refrigerator,
oak case, white enamel lined, in
suhited with charcoal sheathing
and wool belt, eight walls,
at $23.50
Poultry Netting :
'We carry only the double gal
vanized kind that lasts twice as
long, and we sell it for less.
2-foot, 2-inch mesh, 2MJ Per lin
eal foot or a full roll of 150 feet
for $3.00
4-foot, 2-inch mesh, 4W5 per lin
eal foot or a full roll of 150 feet
for $6.00
6-foot, 2-inch mesh, 6Wd per lin
eal foot or a full roll of 150 feet
for $9.00
A good qual
ity, four-tie,
parlor broom,
usually sold at
75c to 85c;
while the lot
lasts at '?t
59c -:
This Big Section for
ecu and leys Differs Big S
Men's Suits $10, $12.50 and $15
. Men's all wool blue worsted Suits, also
fancy mixtures, in English and conservative
models, tailored from dependable fabrics, in
a good range of sizes for men and young men.
Men's and Young Men's Pants, $1.85
400 pair of Men's and Young Men's Pants,
in worsteds, cheviots and cassiraeres, sizes 31
to 42 ; these pants cannot be bought at whole
sale at these prices.
Men's Raincoats at $4.85
, 75 Men's Slip-on Raincoats, in tweed mix
tures and in gray and tan serges, very special
for this sale only.
Men's Unionalls at $2.25
Men's Unionall3, in all sizes, 34 to 44, f pe--cial
at this price of $2.25 for this three day
Boy's Wear
Boys' Wash Suits, 65c and 85c
In plain 'white Linen and Galatea,
stripes, long or short sleeves, and belt of
t same material; sizes 2y to 8.
One big lot of Boys' Blouses, made of
striped Madras and Percales, attached
collar style, all sizes, very special, at 69c
Boys' Knee Trousers, 95c
200 pairs of Boys' Knee Trousers, of
good quality materials, in gray, brown
ana blue mixtures, all sizes b to 17.
Boys' Norfolk Suits, $3.95
Boys' attractive -Norfolk Suits, made
of fine mixed cheviot; full lined Knicker
, bockers, in all sizes from 6 to 17.
Men's Hosiery, at 19c
125 dozen, run of the mill quality, in all
the spring shades, in mercerized lisle, assort
ed colors, sizes 9' to 11.
Men's Work Shirts, 75c
weight Chambrays and Cheviots, in plain jjf
blue, grays, light tan, khaki and fancy mix
tures, sizes 14 to 1714.
Men's Shirts, at 59c
One big lot of Men's Negligee and Golf
Shirts, in neat patterns of striped Madras and
Percales, also Sport Shirts) in plain and neat
patterns; very special at this price.
Men's Underwear, 25c
One big lot of Men's Underwear, made of
fine Nainsook cloth, cut full and roomy, in
all sizes.
kf &