Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    qammwq nnmi ?
vruiiiriiMuv ivrrii .
First Official Communique
Front Records Victory
French Delighted With Initial Report. x
(By Associated Press.)
; With the American Army in France, May 16 The first
American official communique issued since the American troops
entered the fighting line on a permanent basis was issued last
night It reports increased artillery activity northwest of Toul
and m Lorraine, as well as the destruction of three German ma
chines by American aviators.
The tatement resds:
"Six P. VL, Headquarter! American
Bxpeditionary Forces Northwest of
Toul and in Lorraine there was a
marked increase in artillery activity
on both sides.
"Today our aviators brought down
three German machines. There is
nothing else ot importance to report."
An earlier dispatch Wednesday
from the American front in France
says that Captain Kenneth Marr of
California had brought down an en
emy biplane and that Captain David
Peterson of Honesdale, Pa bad
brought down two German mono
planes in the Toul sector.
Paris, May 16. The first American
i9mmunique was hailed with delight
by this morning's Paris newspapers.
"For the first time," says the Matin,
''the Americans, who hitherto have
contentcj themselves with Issuing a
weekly statement of the operations
of their troops, furnish a communique
at the same time as the other allies.
The fact is noteworthy as a fresh
manifestation of the unity of the
leadership on our front."
A second American official com
munique, timed 9 p. m., says:
"In Lorraine, patrolling wai active
and there was again an increase in
the artillery fire. Otherwise the day
was quiet at all points occupied by
our troops. ;
. inaugurates wew Metnoa.
Washington, May 16. Publication
today of the first American "official
communique,", prepared at expedi
tionary headquarters in France, in
augurated what is expected to be a
r.r rt the American neonle
on what their soldier, abroad sre do-1
ine. :- ' ' -:
In giving out the text of the state
ment Secretary Baker could not say
definitely that one would be forth
coming daily hereafter. That rests
with General Pershing.
As to the military situation in the
two sectors held by American troops,
the communique was exceedingly
brief. ' Increased activity on both
sides, both north of Toul and in Lor
raine, were noted with the comment,
"nothing else of importance to re
port Most ot the statement was
devoted to official accounts of the
daring and enterprise of American
officers and men in scouting and raid
ing operation and in the air.
Three Americans Decorated.
"On May 12 three American avia
tion officers were cited in French
army orders and decorated with the
cross of war," ht communique an
nounced. They 'were Major Ralph
Royce of Hancock, Mich., who made
the first American reconnoissance
flight over the German lines: First
Lieutenant Herbert R. Garside ' of
New York, pilot, and Second Lieuten
ant Paul D. Meyers of Milwaukee,
observers, who accomplished an in
fantry liaison mission April 12, men
aced by fire from enemy machines
and anti-aircraft guns.
"North of Toul, on the afternoon
of May 14, Lieutenant Angel and
Lieutenant Emerson were killed by a
fall within our lines in an observa
tion plane which they were flying.
The accident took place within a
cloud and the particulars are not
known. ' North of Toul our aviators
today brought down three German
two-seated machines, one cf our
aviators bringing down two and an
other bringing down one."
Rob Bank of $10,000.
Mad-Iscn. II!.. May 16.' Three
masked men held up the Tri-City
bank in 1hi,. city at noon today and
escaped with $10.000.
The Weather ;
For Nebraska: Unsettled and cool
er Friday; probably showers. Satur
day generally fair; warmer in west
portion. .-' ;.-r . .
Hourij Temperatures.
i Hoar.
. tVt
Comparative leal Record.
' ISIS. 1W. 111. 1115.
Highest yesterday ....ST 14 l tl
lowest yesterdsjr .,..,.( . St 41 47
. Mun temperature ...... ft , It is (
Precipitation ......... t . . .04
Temperature and precipitation departure
- from th normal: . , , u,
Hormal temperature .....SS
Kxeees tor the dar ....IS
Toul excess since Mack 1 a&l
Normal precipitation .IS laoh
Deficiency for the' day. ......... .is Inch
Total rainfall since March 1......1.8I inches
tMOatenc since March 1 4.T7 Inches
tftclor for cor. period. 1S1T,. .11 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 111.. lit Inches
Bepwts rroaa SUtlons at 1 r. M.
lUtkia, State of Tempt Htf h- - Raln
; r Weather. J p. an. , est. fall.
Cheyenne, part eleudyfg . T .oo
vareaporc. Clear.. . ...... it , II ,te
Peaw, dear Tt 71 '," ,ot
I'M Molaeo, cloudy...,,. t 14 .tt
City, cloudy.. ; it - .tt
f, part cloudy...,, fe . t ,tt
wa Platte, cloudy... .S4 tt , .t
ha, cloudy.. ...... ,.4 ST .tt
elo, cloudy ........7S it .tt
old City, cloudy...... II , ;. ,0
.4 Lake, dear.... tl 41 .tt
Jla . part eloodjr. n , .
t terldsn, part cloudy. ...14 , 14 .1)4
o City, part cloud.. SS . SS .tt
aleatlna, cloudy ...... .14 is .tt
I indicates trace nf nrlli.H.. r
X ,. i t Ifg. m(orooKf
Vr i , ....,.....
S a. in.... 6
r . T a, m.. ....... ,5
V A KjJr m ..
vyTit I 1 p- m "
vsiWx 1 m '
vVwBAMTJ 1p.m., ..ST
p- j
ii r a . P. m. 14
From American Troops at
Over German Airmen;
(Continued From Ie On.)
'archies,' " he said. "I circled out
wider and finally passed the German
and turned again down our line be
tween the enemy and the sun. Both
of us had the sun at our backs.
Hun Taken by Surprise.
"As 'I opened up my motor and
approached nearer, he said, "I saw
that I had a two-seater to deal with.
I thought that the German might see
me or hear my motor, so I went a
hundred yards lower until right under
the tail of his machine. Then I point
ed the nose of my airplane upward,
and went on a level with the enemy
and opened fire at him at point blank
range. The German never knew I
was there until incendiary bullets, al
ternating with ordinary missiles, be
gan puttering through his machine.
After twenty shots his machine top
pled. I must have got a lucky shot
home on the pilot, for the machine
went down wavering through the air
like a leaf falling from a tree. I saw
the observer standing up in the ma
chine trying to get his machine gun
to bear on me, first from one side
and then from the other.
"I certainly felt sorry for the help
less beggar. There he was, dashing
to a certain death but to the last
gamely trying to give me a fight."
Captain Peterson and Captain Marr
were standing on their flying field at
MyweaK mis morning as iney spow.
. 1 . ! - .1 I .
t was a perfect day or t and
thev were about to leave for a patrol
over the enemy lines. As they stepped
into their machines, Captain Marr
"Well, we're off again. May be we
will get some more. May be they
will get us. Anyway, it's a fine day
for it. So long."
The motors started and the two
airplanes, together with several other
machines, took the air and disap
peared toward the front.
Washington, May', 16. Speaking
in the senate today for his resolution
catling on government departments
for information as to the extent of the
nation's industrial man power, Sena
tor Cummins of Iowa declared that
all energies of the country must be
called into action if the war is to be
won. 1 t
"My proposition," he said, "is that
every able-bodied man in the country
between the ages of 18 and 45 and I
am not sure but that a few years
ought to be added to the latter limit
must work in a useful way or fight
This at least should be the policy
until we see clearly that there is a
surplus of civil energy that can be
permitted to go to waste in unneces
sary labor or lie dormant in idle
ness.". The resolution asks the departments
to determine how many men can be
withdrawn from civil life for the army
without crippHng industry, how many
engaged in nonessential tasks can be
transferred to more important work
and what legislation is needed to ac
complish thetransfetv .
U. S. Army Air Service
Now Using 49 Fields
Washington, May 16. Aviation ac
cidents at American fields took a toll
of 12 lives in the two weeks ending
, May 8 the War department reported
Twenty-nine flying fields now are
operated by the army air service in
the United States, the department an
nounced today. Most of them are
regular service fields, where grad
uates of "ground schools" receive
their actual flying instructions, but
some of them are reserved for ad
vanced flying; experimental testing
and special training in bombing, ar
tillery observations and similar work.
Four other fields, Payne, Souther,
March and Mather, soon will be
opened for flying instructions, increas
ing the total to 33.
Submarines Blown Up to Keep
Them Out of Enemy's Hands
London, May 16 Russian v naval
officials blew up their four American
submarines -before retreating from
Hango, in southwestern Finland, last
April, the British admiralty an
nounced tonight
Seven British submarines also were
destroyed when the German naval
forces and transports approached
Hango. None of the British vessels
fell into the hands of the enemy, the
admiralty announced. ,
Sacred Concert Will Be Held
At First E.L Church Sunday
A sacred concert, consisting of vo
cal and organ solos and choral music,
will be given Sunday evening at First
Evangelist Lutheran church, Twenti
eth and Mason streets, beginning at
8 o'clock. There will be benediction
at the close of the concert by Rev.
TltUS Lansr. Dastor. Offrrince. for thp
LA!SI'o Red Cross will be reccivedj
Rev. Carl M. Worden, present vicar
in St Mathias' parish, was appointed
to the newly created oosition of sec
retary of the eastern Nebraska diocese
at the final day's session Thursday of
the annual synod of the Episcopal
diocese of eastern Nebraska, held in
Jacobs hall. The synod adjourned
late Thursday after naming the stand
ing committee.
The office of permanent secretary is
new to the diocese, in that heretofore
the position was filled by one of the
parish clergy, who handled the work
in addition to his own parish duties.
It was explained that the secretary's
work has grown to such importance
the appointment of one to give his en
tire time to the work was necessary.
Rev. Mr. Worden's name was imme
diately suggested and his appoint
ment, by unanimous vote followed.
Canon Marsh of Blair was instru
mental in. having this office created on
a permanent basis. ,
The report of the board of religious
education was read during the day
by Rev. W. W. Barnes of Nebraska
City. Annual reports of the standing
committee were read by Canon Col
lar, secretary. He also read the re
port of the cathedral chapter. They
showed encouraging progress during
the past year. ...
Thomas P. Isitt was elected treas
urer of the diocese for the ensuing
year at the afternoon meeting.
The standing committee elected is
composed of the following: Clergy,
Rev. A. E. Marsh, Blair; Rev. Thomas
I. Collar, Omaha, and Rev. W. S.
Leete, Plattsmouth; laymen, C S.
Montgomery. Omaha; S. C. Smith,
Beatrice, and W. H. Young, Fremont.
Washington, May 16. The ship
ping board has decided to proceed
immediately on a large scale with the
building of concrete ships and will
increase the program out of the ap
propriation of two and one quarter
billion dollars which has been asked
for the next fiscal year.
Eighteen concrete ships, aggregat
ing 117,500 tons have been contracted
(or, and 58 other concrete vessels at
a cost of about $42,250,000. will be or
dered as soon as sites for the four
new government yards are chosen.
Virtually all of the new ships will
be 7.500 tons and many will be tank
ers for the oil trade.
Chicago, May 16. At least 565
small ships, with a tonnage of close
to 2.000,000 will be added to the
United States merchant marine by
February 1, 1919, it was stated today
by Charles Piez, general manager of
the emergency fleet corporation.
About 40 wooden ships have been
launched and will be ready for ser
vice within a month, Mr. Piez added.
Uncle Sam's Expenditures
For March $1,229,000,000
Washington, May 16. Rapid in
crease in war expenses for the army
and navy and for the ship building
program, was shown today by a treas
ury report covering March expendi
tures of $1,229,000,000. The govern
ment spent $570,000,000 for the mili
tary establishment in March, $47,000,-
000 more than in the month previous;
the naval establishment cost $143,000,
000, as compared with $92,000,000, and
the Shipping board, $116,000,000,
against $58,000,000.
Completion of many army contracts
placed months ago was responsible
for the War department's increase
and the Shipping board's expenses
went up as the building program
For the nine months ending, April
1 expenditures included: Military es
tablishments, $3,312,000,000; naval es
tablishment, $921,000,000; Shipping
board, $497,000,000; Treasury depart
ment, $141,000,000; civit and Spanish
war pensions, $132,000,000.
The governments' net debt on
April 1 was $9,585,000,000, which did
not include any of the Liberty loan.
Receipts from the third Liberty
loan swelled the treasury's net work
ing balance to $1,647,000,000. the
highest record for several months.
Prosecutor of Mooney Is
Candidate for Governor
San Francisco, May 16. District
Attorney Charles M. Fickert, who
prosecuted the murder cases develop
ing from the preparedness parade
bomb explosion here in 1916 and
which resulted in the conviction of
Thomas J. Mooney, now under sen
tence of death, announced his candi
dacy today for governor on the re
publican ticket
Suppression of sedition will be the
leading plank in his platform, Fickert
said. Regarding prohibition, he said:
"The saloon must go."
James Gordon Bennett to
Be Buried in Paris Monday
Nice France, May 16. The body of
James Gordon Bennett, proprietor of
the New York Herald, will be taken
from Beaulieu to Paris next Sunday
or Monday. Funeral services will be
held in the American church of the
Trinity in the Avenue Alma, and in
terment will be in Passy cemetery.
Mrs. Bennett has received a tele
gram from Foreign Minister Pichon
conveying condolences from the gov
ernment onthedeathofher husband.
Otis, Cleveland Man, to -Survey
U. S. Resources
Washington, May 16. Charles A.
Otis, president of the" Cleveland
Chamber of Commerce, was appoint
ed by the war industries board today
to make a survey of the industrial re
sources of the cottntrv.
laliKfi FOR MINE
says $tt5i when
it's in the form of
America Promises Enormous
Force Before 1919, Declares
L'Homme Libre, Premier
Clemenceau's Paper.
Paris, May 16. The United States
has promised to have 1,500,000 fight
ing men in France by the end of 1918,
says L'Homme Libre, Premier
Clemenceau's newspaper,
i These troops, it adds, must have
their own organization and services,
which will mean at least 2,000,000, in
cluding specialists, workers, men
the quartermaster's department and
Depends on Shipping Situation.
Washington, May 16. With more
than 500,000 men now in France, army
officials are more than ever hopeful
that a powerful American force will
be co-operating with the allies there
by the end of the year. Unhappy ex
perience with over-sanguine estimates
of what can be accomplished make
them slow to put their hopes into defi
nite predictions, however, and it was
not possible tonight to obtain specific
confirmation of the report from Parts
that 1,500,000 fighting troops before
January. 1, had been promised.
The French article indicates that
under the program a total of 2,000,000
American troops would reach France
during the year, 1,500,000 of which
would be fighting units. Whether that
result can be obtained depends on the
shipping situation. The men and the
essential equipment for them can be
Under the authority sought by
President Wilson Jo organize as large
an army as it is found possible to
train, equip and transport, it is known
that officials expect at least 3,000,000
men to be under arms during the next
twelve months.
German Baltic Fleet
Concentrated- at Kiel
London, May 16. The entire Ger
man Baltic fleet, except a few light
cruisers, was recalled last week to
Kiel, where important naval forces
now are being concentrated, says a
dispatch from Hamburg, received in
Geneva and transmitted by the cor
respondent of the Daily Express.
Denies Report of Change
In British High Command
London, May 16. Reports , that
were in circulation that a change was
imminent in the higher command of
the British army in France were de
nied in the House of Commons today
by Chancellor Bonar Law, spokesman
for the war cabinet.
After Inventory Sale
At 15 Per Cent Discount
Wc have quite a number of odd Fibre
Trunks on hand. These Trunks are all first-
Freling & Steinle
Omaha's Best Baggage Builders
Phone Douglas 273.
Lincoln, Nebraska, December 31, 1917.
Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Co.,
Lincoln, Nebraska. ,
Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge your check for $1,793,67, the
cash value of my Ordinary Life 20 year distribution policy -which
matured today. In choosing this settlement out of the several offered
me I find that you have given me all of my premiums back, a profit
of $236.67 and carried my insurance of $3,000.00 for 20 years for
'nothing truly a wonderfully good settlement for the one insured. I
want to thank you for your fidelity and good judgment in handling my
insurance so that it was a profitable investment instead of an expense
to me.
Yours vrey truly,
Every Bankers Life policy is backed by more than $13,000,C00.00 of assets. We
policyholders with lower premium rates thin any Company in America. Agents v.-ZIl
If you desire an agency or policy coatracl, write Home Office, Lincoln, Neb., Dept. H,
JV. O. W. Bldg. Telephone Douglas 2949. . "
17, 1918.
Washington, May 17. Airplane
mail service between Washington
and New York was deranged con
siderably today on the south bound
trips. Mail leaving the capital at
11:30 a. m. was deposited at the
Belmont flying field in New, York at
2:58 p. m., but the south-bound con
signment which left New York be
fore noon did not arrive here until
8:35 tonight
White Fabrics
For Summer Wear
Specially Priced
Round Thread Irieh Linen QZn
(36-inch) $1.15 quality.. OOC
Striped White Gabardine
Checked White Skirting rrt
(36-inch) 85c quality. . . DOC
Plain White Organdie JTA-(36-inch)
75c quality... OUC
On tale in Linen Section.
Children's Wear
And a Special
A sale of cotton crepe kimo
nos of unusually good quality,
sizes 2-6 years. Regularly sold
for 75c, $1 and $1.00. Your
choice Friday, 49c.
C h i 1 d r e n's combinations
(knickerbocker and waist) made
of good quality cambric em
broidery trimmed, drop seat
style, 2-14 years, 85e and 90c.
Cotton Crepe Kimonos, plain
and ribbon trimmed, 8 to 14
years, $1.75 and $2.50
Third Flooi
Are Necessary
Do you realize what a good
brassiere means to your figure?
It keeps your shoulders straight
supports the bust, conceals
the top of the corset and if well
made and attractive forms a
lovely background for blouse.
Prices suij; every fancy. 50c
and upwards.
Colored Lisle Hose
Good Lisle Hose give such ex
cellent service that they are pre
ferred by many women. Friday
an offering of gray, brown, tan,
champagne, khaki and white lisle
with garter tops and double
soles, 59c.
' " '
class and toll stand the hard
- est kind of service. Strong
locks and hinges and sturdy
corners and braces.
Trunk needs are
greatest. All of these
Save You Money
Assets $13,100,000.00
"Lieutenant Stephen Bonsai, jr
leaving New York this morning, lost
his bearings in a fog and wandered
far off his course. Landing at Bridge
ton, N. J., 40 miles from Philadelphia,
he smashed his propeller and one
wing by swerving into a fence while
trying to avoid some horses.
Tli. tneit was rushed to the Phila
delphia field at Bustleton and got
under way again at 5:15 o'clock in a
plane piloted by Lieutenant Walter
Miller. The machine developed en
pine truble after 25 miles and was
forced to return. Lieutenant James C
Edgerton, who flew from the capital
to Philadelphia earlier in the day,
then volunteered to make the return
trip, arriving at Washington at 8:35
o'clock tonight. - -
re 3X CfasMon Center Jor WomevP
A Sale of Silks Saturday
Saturday will be remembered as a day '
of unusual silk values. ,You can select a
suitable dress or blouse length for
About One Half Price .
Particulars in Friday Night's Papers
$2.25 Untrimmcd Shapes 85c
New Milans, Lis
eres, Tuscans and
hemps. The sea
son's very best
styles at a remark
ably low price.
Children's Hats
Marked Down,
50c to $1.50
Visit the Basement Millinery Section Friday and
share in the real bargains that are being offered.
m m
iWinmiii or m i
Colorado Springs' Finest ani Largest Hostelry
European Plan Restaurant Famed
In the center of the city, surrounded
by fifteen acres of garden and park.
Golf, Tennis, Motoring. Garage.
Turkish, Electric, Russian and Va
por Baths.
Booklet will be sent upon request.
The Antlers Hotel
Delightful Climate Absolutely FireprooJ
i liel.tiin"
Baptists PferDffctrinal "
Campaign in Army Camps
Hot Springs, ArkT, May 16. The
energies of the SoutherirJ3a$tist con
vention were pledged to trie",utmost
to further the work of the denomina
tion among the army 'cantonments of
the nation at the convention Jiere
today. ' ; . v .
After stirring speeches by soldiers
from Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark,
the delegates voted to divert any
needed available sum of money and
all the workers necessary to treble
the results of army work next year.
A resolution was adopted endors
ing President Wilson's proclamation
for a day of prayer and humiliation.
Matured in th
of Lincoln, Nebraska
Name of insured ...A. H. Armstrong
Residence Lincoln, Nebraska
Amount of policy $3,000.00
Total premiums paid Company. .. .$1,557.00
Total cask paid Mr. Armstrong. .. .$1,793.67
And 20 Year Insurance for Nothing.
also pay greater dividends to
find cur plic:es easy to sell.
or call at Omaha Offices. 1321