it THE BEE: OMAHA," FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1918. CTIGAI1SPLAN TO ACCOMMODATE 5 MILLION TROOPS Enormous Preparations Under ; Way on Western Front, De ' clares Englishman Before Labor Delegation. London, May 16 The American labor delegation was received by King George at Buckingham palace today. The visit lasted an hour. American preparations oft the west ern front are amazing in their im mensity and plans are being made to care forv 5,000,000 American troops, Harry E. V. Brittain, secretary of the English branch of the Pilgrim's club, told the Royal Colonial Institute last Bight ' . Members of the American labor delegation were also present. If the Germans do not give in, add ed Britain, the number of American troops will be increased to any amount necessary. Sir Charles P. Lewis, former head of the Dominion's department at the colonial office, said he wondered if the Germans realized what the en try of America into the war meant. It meant, .he said, not only the ac cession to the allied powers of many millions of fighting men and the ad dition of vast resources, but also the coming in of the only one amongst the great peoples of the world who hat seen and carried through to an unmistakable issue a four years' war, Speech by King George. The king, receiving the American iabor delegation, said: "It gives the queen and me great pleasure to receive you here today and we trust that if the experiences of your stay in this country have been agreeable tney may also prove inter esting and helpful. You have had op portunities for judging the1 efforts we are putting forth at home in order adequately to, meet all the demands from the various theaters ot war. I hope these experiences will enable you to assure the people i of the United States that we are doing and mean to continue to do our utmost in this direction." E. O. McCormick of San Francisco replied briefly in behalf of the Amer icans, thanking his majesty and ex pressing the pleasure the visit had af forded the delegates and how they ap preciated it. ITALY APPEALS " FOB U. S. TH00PS ON SOUTH FE0NT Washington, May 16, Italy in an informal way has made known to the United States that the presence of American troops on the Italian front is creatlv to be desired. A few thousand men under the American flag, Italian officials feel," would hearten the Italian civilian population and their troops. Trendy of Fat Man; Air Transportation by Weight Washington, May 14. Pa'trons of n airplane passenger and mail serv ice to be established in the Caribbean sea after the war will be required to pay fare on a basis of weight. The project, -which is said o have the sanction of the British government and the backing of London capitalists, provides for the transportation of pas sengers, mail and light freight be tween Key West. Fla., and the island of Trinidad, off the northeast coast of South America. ' - Intermediate landing depots would he established at Barbados, St. Kitts, Forto Rico, Jamaica and Cuba. Hydro-airplanes would be used for the trip which, it is estimated, would take live flays. : . ;. Witness in Damage Suit Pleads Guilty to Perjury Clinton, la., May 16,-George John son, a witness for the plaintiff in the damage suit of W. G. Andrews against C II. Young, today pleaded guilty of perjury, Judge Theophiles sentenced him to ten years imprison' ment, but suspended punishment dur ing good behavior. . . The damage case in which John son was witness was "dismissed : re cently after the first witness for the defense had been heard. Indictments were then returned against Andrews and the two principal witnesses for .his side. , Andrews trial is set for next week. Stssl Men Will Demand - "Showdown" at Washington Washington, May 16. A secret and important meeting of the steel com mittee of the American Iron and Steel institute, headed by Elbert II. Gary, with the war industries board, has been called here for tomorrow. The whole question of curtailment of industries as well as that of steel will be threshed out. "A show down' will be demanded by the steel men. The" government will be asked to determine definitely and give fig ures how the steel companies shall be operated and how far the govern ment must go in controlling their out put. ' . TSughes to Havj Full Charge Of Aircraft Investigation Washington, May 16. Charles E. Hughes today notified Attorney Gen eral Gregory that he would come to Washington as soon as possible to take up investigation of airplane pro "iction situation on request of-Pres-. ':nt Wilson. Also the attorney gen "il made no announcement of plans r the inquiry after communicating ..4axr. nugnrs roaay. it is unaer xd that Mr. Hughes will have full ' rge and will be assisted by Wil L. Frierson, assistant attorney -eril. - ... ; : -. - .-- rsny Melts Nickel Coins To Use Metal in Projectiles Amsterdam, May 16. Germany is ..'.t in her nickel coinage, the t;J of which is needed for projec v and is substituting, zinc for '- 2 coins, of this class. Author 7 t ?. just been'given for the mint T cf lO.COOSO 'marks worth of ' pfennig pieces, i German Mayor a Sleuth But Also "Perfect Lady" London, May 16. After a lunch eon given by the 'mayor of Char lottenburg, Germany, to number of distinguished lady charity work ers, two dozen of his honor's best silver spoons were missing. The mayor, noted for his tactful ness and delicacy, lent the follow ing letter to each of his guests, ac cording to a German newspaper ac-' count: 1 "Dear Madam: I offer you my heartfelt and grateful thanks for the great condescension and amia bility which you showed me in the council hall yesterday and for the invaluable help and support which you have given in the furtherance of the good causes which we dis cussed. "May I also take the liberty of inquiring whether by mistake you have placed in your traveling bag some silver spoons belonging to me? I am, as always, your most humble servant, ' "THE MAYOR." STATE OFFICERS INSTALLED HERE BY EASTERN STAR Omaha Convention is Brought to Close With Selection o Lincoln as the Next Meeting' Place. - (- The annual state convention of the Order of the Eastern Star at the Ma sonic temple was brought to a close Thursday afternoon, following in stallation of officers for the ensuing year. .-v - A count of delegates from Ne braska, including visitors from other states, showed an attendance of 500. Condition of the order was satisfac tory from both financial and member ship standpoints. , Miss Maude Smith, principal of Omaha school, was elected associate grand conductress, and James E. Bed nar of Omaha wasappointed grand marshal, Subscriptions were taken for the. orphanages at Fremont and Plattsmouth. Officers installed by Mrs. Jos ephine Swigart, past grand matron and worthy grand Martha, included Mrs. Carrie M. Spellman of Beatrice, grand matron; Mrs. Stella Yont of Brock, associate grand matron; Miss Rose Owens of Omaha, secretary; Mrs. Lou A. Conklin of Hubbell, treasurer; Oliver E. Mickay of Osce ola, grand patron; Alfred Powell of St. Edward, associate grand patron; Miss Anna Davis of Alliance, grand conductress; Miss, .Maude Smith of Omaha, associate grand conductress; Tames E. Bednar of A fewumana, grand marsnai. Lincoln was cnosen as meeting place of the next state convention in May, iviy. ,, , "No Peace Without Victory," Ex-President Taft's Slogan (By AiisoiaWd Frew. Philadelphia, May 10. No peace without victory was the slogan sounded by speakers at, the opening session here today of the Win the war tor remanent reace conven tion of the League to Enforce Peace. Former President William H. Taft, who presided, emphasized the fact that there can be no peace without victory, and declared that the Ameri can people should Set their faces stern and unbending toward one end war.' : ' "Let us have peace," said Mr. Taft, out let us have war that we may have peace. To sound the trumpet for war to the end,' this convention was called." ! Many other speakers endorsed the sentiments expressed by Mr, Taft War, Tears Gaps in Ranks 1 Of German Noble Families Amsterdam, Wednesday, May. 15. the gaps in the ranks of the uer man nobility by the war are em phasized in the current issue of the uerman Adelsbiatt, a periodical de voted to genealogical research. It enumerates among the killed 270 counts, of, whom seven belonged to the ilouse of Donna and . seven others to the house of Finch von finckenstem, and 633 barors, of whom 13 were of the house of Wagenheim. In addition to' the foregoing, the nobility, as it is known, has lost 843 members, while what is classed as the later nobility, has suffered 8.16 losses, the largest being those of the fami ly of von Wedel, 22 members, and von Ayiim 21. Swiss Note Superiority of Allies Over Germans in Air Geneva. May 16. Swiss troops sta tioned along the frontier have noticed during the last three months an in creasing superiority of the allies over the Germans in the air over the terri tory under Swiss observation. Ger man aviators operating in Alsace and along the Rhine have become scarcer, while the-allied avriators are circu lating freely in those regions. The front further north, it thus appears, is demanding the services of the best German aviatdrs. . j Doubts "Call" and Refuses to Serve as Methodist Bishop Atlanta. Ga ' Mav 16 IWI he was not persuaded he was "called by the will of the Lord Tmim ChrUr to the office," Bishop-elect Frank N. Parker today declined election tn one of the highest offices in the southern Methodist church. Dr. Tarker told the general conference, that after 24 hours of prayer he had reached the conclusion he should not accept the position. ,Rev. James Cannon, jr., of the Vir ginia conference, was elected in place of Dr. rarker. .,, - f " Becker Acquitted. . Chicago, V May ; 16. Francis A. Becker, formerly a member of the republican state committee and po litical leader in the Twenty-first ward, charged with conspiracy in the collec tion of graft for the protection of re sorts, was not found guilty by a jury todajfr - TEUTONS DISBAND UKRAINE RADA AT BAYONET S POINT Assembly Which Failed to Serve Germany's Purposes Dissolved by Force of Armed Troops. Moscow, May . 16. The German troops adopted forcible tactics in dis banding the Ukrainian Rada, which had failed to serve Germany's pur poses. A witness of the seizure of the Ukranian government by the Ger mans arrived in Moscow recently and related the details. On the afternoon of April 28, he says, a German lieutenant led his troops into the hall s.t Kiev, where the Rada was sitting. "Hands tip, in the name of the Ger man government," was the . order shouted by the soldiers. The demand was reinforced by bayonets. Arrest of Ukrainians. All the members of the Rada raised their hands except M. Grusheviki, the presiding officer. He tried to con tinue the session, but was Checked by the German lieutenant. All the members of the cabinet and the Rada, and even spectators, were searched by the Germans, some of them were arrested, while the oth ers were expected to quit the hall. The government was declared to be at an end. After the dissolution of the Rada the land owners met in convention in Kiev and named General. Socoro- patsky head of the provisional gov ernment of the Ukraine pending an election of a national assembly. Gen eral Socoropatsky issued a temporary provisional constitution which made null all the legislation provided by the Kerensky and bolshevik regimes. Socoropatsky has dictatorial pow ers, including the right to appoint a prime minister and to veto laws. WILSON RENEWS FIGHT. AGAINST V SENATES PBOBE Washington, May 16. President Wilson today , renewed his fight against adoption by the senate of Senator Chamberlain's resolution for a war inquiry by the senate military committee, He advised Senator Thompson of Kansas that the resolu tion as amended yesterday by the senate expenditures committee Still is objectionable. - ' Considering all the circumstances, President Wilson told Senator Thompson, chairman of the expendi tures committee, the Chamberlain resolution, even as modified, would, in effect, authorize a "dagnet" investiga tion by the military committee. Only 6 Central High Pupils To Take College "Exams" Only six students of the Central High school will take the college board examinations this June. This is partly due to the fact that there are fewer students than usual this year who wilt enter the eastern schools from the Central High. Those who will take them are: Sot Rosenblatt, Robert Buckingham, Millard Rogers, Barton Kuhns, Harold Boggs and Milton Rogers. The examinations will begin .about the middle of June. Dr. Smith and Dr. Walton Are Elected Moderators Columbus, O., May 16. Rev. Dr. J. Frank Smith of Dallas, Tex., was elected, moderator of the general as sembly' of the Presbyterian church of America at its 130th annual session here today. Dallas, Tex.. May 16. Rev. Dr. Charles H. Walton of Los Angeles, Cal., was elected moderator of the Cumberland Presbyterian church at the Eighty-eighth General assembly here today. Death Rate Declines Among Soldiers in Home Camps Washington, May 16. The death rate at National army and National Guard camps last week was the lowest since last November, the sur geon general today reported. Total deaths were 162 against 168 the week before. There was an increase in pneumonia and scarlet fever cases. Board Asks Law to Make : Commercial Bribery Crime Washngtn. May 16. Enactment of "a sufneent law striking at the un-: justifiable and vicious practices of commercial bribery was urged on congress today by the federal trade commission. - - . j Northumberland Duke Dies. - London, ' May IS. Henry George Percy, seventh duke of Northumber land, died last night-at Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, in his 72d year.. --r; , ... BARBER GIVES RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR Tells How To Make a Home-Made Gray Hair Remedy. Mr. A. E. O'Brien, who has been a barber in New York City for many years, made the following statement: "Gray, streaked or faded hair can be immediately made black, brown or light brown, whichever shade you de sire, by the use of the following rem edy that you can make at home: "Merely get a small box of Orlex powder at any drug store. It costs only 25 cents, and no extras to buy. Dissolve' it in one ounce of water and comb it through the hair. Full direc tions tor use come m each box. - "You need not hesitate to use Orlex, as a $100.00 gold bond comes in each box guaranteeing the user that Orlex powder does not contain silver, lead, zinc; sulphur, mercury, aniline, coal tar products or their derivatives. ; "It does not rub off. is not sticky or gummy and leaves the hair fluffy. It will make a gray haired person look twenty years younger. Aq OMAHA GROCERS IN FOOD Retail Men Instructed in New Rulings by Federal Con servation Represen tatives. A meeting of Omaha retail grocers was held Thursday night at . the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Sev eral members of the federal food ad ministration were present to instruct the' grocers on new rulings of the food administrator. The'annual picnic for the grocers and butchers was set for July 11 at the new Krug park. An automobile will be given away on this occasion. E. E. Wise, J. J. Cameron and R. P. Winkleman were chosen as dele gates to attend the national conven tion of retail grocers to be held in Chicago, May 20 to 24. Arrangements for extension of the fruit and vegetable market were dis cussed and the City Welfare board and Chamoer of Commerce? together with the retail grocers, will submit the matter to the city council next Tuesday. Hotels defying , food law rules may be closed . .. . j Hotels, and restaurants in Oma ha and Nebraska subject themselves to the chance of being closed in definitely if they do not operate in accordance with orders issued by the state food administration. This de cree was announced by J. F. Letton, chairman for food administration of hotels and restaurants in Nebraska, at a meeting of Omaha proprietors Thursday afternoon in the Paxton ho tel. . . : ? -i It is estimated that there are 1,690 hotels and eating houses in this state. Inspectors may visit these at any time, and if any place is found to be violating, any food administration or ders, the keeper will be summoned before the state administrator for such penalty as may seem fit. Disregard of Rules. Some boarding bouses are reported to have shown a flagrant disregard of orders, especially relative to the serving of br;ad. This order specifi cally, states that rot more than two bunces, gross weight, of y Victory bread or rolls, class' one. or four ounces, gross weight, of quick bread, class live, shall be served to any person at any one meal. 1 he total consumption of wheat flour, inclusive of the wheat con tent of bread and rolls and other bakery products, breakfast foods and alimentary pastes, shall not average more than six pounds for every 90 meals. ' , . i Praises Omaha Hotels. Mr. Letton complimented the Oma ha Miotel" and restaurant men upon their careful observance of orders, but warned them that he would per sonally see to enforcement of all to the letter, with particular regard to the. bread order. ' Dutch Steamer Lost. Washington, May 16. -The steam ship Zaanland, one of the Dutch ves sels recently requisitioned by the United States government,, was sunk in a collision at sea May 13. The Navy department tonight announced that all on board were rescued. -The vessel was a cargo carrier, manned by the navy for army purposes. No War, Says Germany. Monevedo, Uruguay, May 16. The German government has informed Uruguay, in response to the request for a definition of the relations be tween the two countries, that it does not consider that a state of war ex ists, i v You Wan' Minute Buying 'ME imi Of Our High Island Property When You Fully Understand Our Plan One Tract May Make Your Fortune OifEflPMEtJT 60. 740 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 398 OMAHA, NEB. 3 SMALL BLAZES KEEP FIREMEN - BUSY IN LOOP """""""""""""""" - Three small fires Thursday after noon within one hour kept fire de partments of the loop on continuous runs. No serious damage resulted. A patch of weeds adjoiping the Mc Keen Motor company, Thirteenth a.nd Cass streets, caught fire from sparks of a passing locomotive and for awhile threatened the high board fencing about the railroad yards. The second alarm was turned in from the American Racing Tread company, 1806 Hainey street, where a front window awning caught-from a lighted cigarette. Firemen from the Harney street department extin guished the fire before much damage wa3 done. The plate glass window cracked from the heat of the flames. A coal shaft in the Sanford hotel, Nineteenth and Farnam streets, caught fire from some ' unknown cause, but did little damage. Firemen put out the blaze by playing a stream of water upon it through a manhole above the shaft. IT'S YOUR LIVER! ' YOU'RE BILIOUS, HEADACHY, SICK! Don't stay constipated with breath bad, stomach sour and head dul1.. Enjoy life! Liven your liver and bowel tonight and feel fine. WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP; b Is not such a great task when you are thorough ly equipped for it. We have the vans, the men and know mbving in all its branches. Omaha Van & Storage Co. Phone Douglas 4163. 806 South 16th Street. lninMM atrffiffth' of iMIeaie. nervous. run-down people in two i weeks' time in fnanv InxtancM. Used 'and hiffhlv en- manv instances. Used 'and BiKhly en dorsed by former United States Senators and Members of Congress, -well-known physicians and former Public Health offi cials. Ask youc .doctor .or druggist about it - I Mine awn German Bomb Shipment ' i Seized in Switzerland Washington, May 16. Revolution ary documents and bombs and fire arms of German origin designed for distribution in Italy have been seized recently by the Zurich police, says an official dispatch today 'to the tlalian THIN, FRAIL II 0 ULD TAKE TAIf AC Many Nebraska People Report Astonishing Gains in Weight in Short Time( Powers of Medicine Conclusively Proven Men and Women. Old and Young, Benefited Alike by "Premier Preparation." C NE of the most noteworthy features in connection with the introduction of Tanlac, and the one that stands out more prominently than any other, perhaps,, is the very large number of well-known men and women from all parts of the state who have recently reported an astonishing and rapid increase in weight as a result of its use. When so many well-known people of unquestioned integ rity make statement after statement, each corroborating the other, the truth of such statements can no longer be doubted Thousands have testifed that this, famous medicine has completely restored them to health and strength, after every other medicine and the most skilled medical treatment had . failed. , ... A case in point is that of Bert Brown, engineer on the Chicago, Bur lington & Quincy Railroad, who lives at 420 South 19th street, Lincoln, and who states that for. three years his. health was so seriously impaired that he was almost a nervous and physical wreck. Soon after taking Tanlac his digestion rapidly improved, his pain disappeared, his nerves became calm and steady and he gained thirty pounds. Another interesting case is that of E. A. Weldy, the well-known manager of the Emory Hotel in Scottsbluff, Neb., who says that he was suffering from a complete nervous breakdown and was in such a serious condition that he despaired of ever regaining his health and strength, but upon tak ing a few bottles of Tanlac his health was fully restored and he made a gain of eighteen pounds. . Mrs. Arch Allen, of 3322 North 65th street, Omaha, who formerly lived in Evansville, Ind., and was at one time a nurse in a hospital near that city, makes a statement which, coming as it does from one of such wide experience .in relieving suffer ing, is of unusual interest. Mrs. Allen says that she became so weak that she couldn't lift her ten months' old baby, her nervous system was almost a wreck and she was often confined to her bed for weeks at a time. She states that upon the ad vice of the other nurses at the hos pital she took Tanlac with the result that she was soon entirely relieved of all her troubles, became well and strong and increased twelve pounds in weight. ' N. H. Church, of 1117 ' Davenport street, Omaha, says that he suffered so much from rheumatism, stomach and liver trouble that he fell off thirty-five pounds, and his left arm hurt so bad he could hardly raise it to his head. After taking Tanlac he im proved so rapidly in everyway that Popl. who have u DR. E. R. TARRY - 240 Bee BuilJin. Omi tie I v ' SEND NOW FOR FREE BULLETIN - WITH COMPLETE DETAILS m m V n ml Tli ... ?tsk .. tmin i in chests. Severalif thosesuspected of implication in' the pIotvescaped t Germany. -' . , f t oatnuutor TimnlmtloM. - s - " Washington. May K. (Special Telfirtn Civil aervlc examination! will J) .held June 12 for presidential postmasters at Overton. Neb., ealarr f 1.200: Audubon, fa- salary, $1,900; Hawarden, la., 13,190; feceia Ya tl AAA. P)...nn,(U. T . ft, 9AA ... 4 PEOPLE he gained ten pounds on two bottles. Ira W. Polsley, a fireman on the Union Pacific Railroad, and who lives at 2033 Elm street, Omaha, says he was so rundown and worn out with indigestion and other troubles that he could not work long without feeling exhausted. A few bottles of Tanlac fully restored his strength and en ergy, he gained ten pounds and now weighs more thn he did before his troubles began. The foregoing statements are from well known citizens of Nebraska, and while astonishing in their import, they are not really remarkable, as thou sands of people all over the United" States and Canada have taken Tahlac with the same and, in many cases, with far greater resllts. ' Take, for instance, the case of Mrs. Viola Ives, 315 Cross street, Little Rock, Ark., who gained forty pounds or that of Mrs. Don J. Perry, of 370 Quince street, Salt Lake City; Utah, who gained twenty-eight pounds: or that of Mrs. G. W. Williams, of Gads den, Ala., who gained forty-eight pounds; that of O. H. Mahaffey,. Nashville, Tenn., who gained forty pounds; or of Mrs. O. C. Cason, Ac worth, Ga., who gained thirty-five Sn? r rs. A. M. Richards, of 803 Thirteenth street, Denver, Colo., who gained eighteen pounds: Mrs. Mamie O'Neil, of 2611 Welton street, Denver, Colo., who gained eighteen pounds; John McNamee, of 419 Church street, Salt Lake City, who gained sixteen pounds, and thou sands of others too numerous to men tion. , Tanlac is sold in Omaha by Sher man & McConnell Drug Company, corner 16th and Dodge streets; Owl Drug Co 16th and Harney streets; Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam streets; Northeast corner 19th and farnam streets, and West End Phar macy,9th and Dodge streets, under the personal direction of a special lanlac representative. Adv. FISTULA CURED Cure guaranteed- PAY WHEN nmVn m . . Washing Won't Rid , Head Of Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then vou de--stroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rul it in gently with the finger tips. Do this tonight, and by morning most if not all of your dandruff will fie gone, and three or four more ap plications svvill completely, dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will 'be soft, and' look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug 'store. It is inexpensive and never fails to do the work. Adv. No other remedy will so surely and quickly correct , stomach ailments, regulate the liver and improve the general health as a dose o! Larieat SaU of Any Madldn in tha World Said rrywnre. In Dozes, lOc 25a Just One Application and the Hairs Vanish ; . (Toilet Talks) , ( Am nrnmnn run Vppn her skin free from unsightly hair or fuzz if she will follow these simple instructions: When hairy growtns appear, apply a simple paste, made by mixing some water with powdered delatone. ApV ly this to hairy surface and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and the hairs are gone. This is a harm less treatment, but be sure you get the real delatone. Adv. r.nitciira Soap is Easy Shaving 0 Cone Wive Skins Tb Haw tlMo-Jt Crtlcf Medio Bccclinins Pills r