THE BEE: OMAHA,, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1918. 10 SOUTH SIDE SOUTH SIDE GETS READY TO HUSTLE RED CROSS DRIVE Large ' Contributions Flow in Before Campaign Managers Fire Their First Gun in , Big Campaign. The machinery of the big Red Cross urive, which will not start, officially until May 20,' has already been put in motion on the South Side by several laree contributions from firms and in dividuals, the largest donation being $5,000, subscribed Thursday by the Union Stock Yards company. E. Buckingham, vice president and general manager of the Union Stock Yards company, and chairman of the d&ive. said there are about 100 men at the Exchange building already at work obtaining contributions and pledges, and that present indications are the South Side will be over its juota before the drive officially starts. Foreigners Subscribe. "It is reallv amazing to see the readinesi with which all. classes of people subscribe to the cause, said Buckingham. "Foreigners of the laboring class subscribe just as un hesitatingly as the rich man, and are r always ready to recognize the Red Cross wherever they see it." Mr. Buckingham said that 12 or 14 counties out in the state have already oversubscribed their quotas amj pre dicted that Omaha and Nebraska will go"over the top with a rush when the drive starts. Mrs. John Blake Dead 'After Year's Illness Mrs. Alice B'ake, wife of John Blake. 2915 R street. South Side, died yesterday after an illness of a year. Surviving, besides .the husband; are one sister, Mrs. Anna Mitchell, and four nieces and one nephew, Mrs. Martha Colby, Mrs. Thomas Myler, Mrs. tieorge (jrpckelsby, Mrs. Joseph Mver and Tames Mitchell. ' Mrs. Blake had lived here for 30 years. The funeral will be held Satur day morning, Larkin's chapel to St. Agnes' church, at 9 o'clock. Burial will be m St. Mary s cemetery. Exemption Board Ordered ; To List Colored Eligibles Local exemption board No. 2, South Side city hall, has received instructions from the government to, prepare a list of all colored men in the district. There are about 200 negroes out of a total of 3,418 men who have been nhvsiallv examined and classified. The government also has issued a call for 25 railroad brakemen, 10 loco motive engineers, 12 veterinary sur- . - ai , bcuhs nu live Buiisiiiiiua. Rev. Titus Lowe to Speak At'Papilllon Friday Night Rev. Titus Lowe, pastor of the First Methodist church, who recenty spent six months with the American forces in France, will speak on "With Our Boys in France," at a patriotic rally to be held at Fapillion city, park Fri day night. Preceding the address the Fort Crook 41st infantry band will gfve a concert, beginning at 7:15 o clock. . . Folk Dancing at Social Settlement House Saturday There will be folk dancing for chil dren at the Omaha Social Settlement house, Twentyninth, and Q atreels, Saturday afternoon at 4 o clock-, from 7 to 8:30 o clock a dance tor children will be given, and from 8:30 to 11 o'clock a dance for adults.., Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock the Russian Progressive club will hold its regular meeting. Butchers' Union to Meet. A me etinar of the nork ' butchers' union, local No. 33, will be held at Union hall Monday night, to complete preparations for the Ked Cross drive, The packing house unions are organ izing for the drive, and expect to at tain 100 per cent soon alter the cam paign opens. Live Stock Exchange Meeting. A special meeting of the Omaha Live Stock exchange will be held Fri day afternoon at 1 o'clock, on account of the death of Lawrence Meiady, for mer member of Meiady Bros.' Com mission company. Benefit Entertainment at Dundee Presbyterian Church An entertainment for the benefit of the dining room equipment of the Presbyterian Theological seminary will be given at 8 o'clock Friday night at the Dundee Presbyterian chnrch. The program will include readings by Mrs. C S. Calkins, instructor of expression at the Theological semi nary, music by members of the Lib erty quartet and byXarl Seibert. Miss Agnes Knoflicek, pupil of Prof. J. E. Brill, will play a group of violin solos. Members of the Liberty quartet in clude Ruth Gordon, Florence Elks worth, Eleanor Lockie and Allegra fuller. :' - ; ?" Two Wives Seek to Dissolve - Marital Ties Through Court Clara Sanders filed a petition in district court Thursday, asking di vorce from Charles W. Sanders, cus tody of three children and sufficient alimony for their support and educa tion. Mrs. Sanders alleges cruelty. Tire couple were married October 17, ISO!. Ruth Davis asks divorce from Ar thur Davis, alleging nonsupport and ixtreme cruelty. Welfare Club Plans Free ; Lecture Course on Gardens - Prof. Hood or B. C Roe of the Omaha Welfare board will give talks oa gardening to improvement or war rnden clubs. The men are both "fresh from the soil" and can give practical advice, i Their services are fice. Consult the Welfare board. NORTH LODP 6IYE8 , HOGS TO RED CROSS 1 1 1,1 Carload, Comprising 73 Head, Donated by Farmers, Net $2,361 on South Side. A car load of 73 hogs, donated by farmers in the vicinity of North Loup, Neb., was sold on the South Side market Thursday, the proceeds going to the local chanter of the Red Cross. The' shipment weighed 14,jJ0 pounds, and was sold to T. W. Mur phy, order buyer, for $17 per 100 nounds. nettinar $2,361.05. The Lou Bick Live Stock Commission com pany handled the shipment without charge. William Volger. North Loop, ac companied the load and was instru mental in collecting the hogs. Me said most of the donations were made by German farmers, who were glad of the chance to take a whack at the kaiser, TAXI DRIVER, IN HOTEL VICE CASE, ' TO JAIL 30 DAYS Joe Welton, taxi driver, 2414 Cass street, was sentenced to 90 days in jail by'Judge Madden Thursday, on a charge of conspiracy with a woman to defraud F, J. Brown, Tacoma, Wash., of $500, while he was a guest at an Omaha hotel. Welton admitted taking Brown "joy riding" and testified to going to the Reio hotel to "get a girl." They rwent to a roadhouse, he testiiied. He asserted he was unaware that the woman had stolen any money from Brown until later. He then urged her to return the money, he testified. A warrant has been issued for the west of proprietors of the Reio hotel. Mayor Directs Action Toward Municipal Gas Mayor Smith directed attention of the citv council to the expression of the 'voters on May7, when an over whelming vote was cast for municipal acquirement of the gas plant. i "It is up to the council to take some steps toward ascertaining a valu ation of the plant. The election com missioner will certify the vote to the supreme court this week and then three district iudnes will be appointed to serve as a board of appraisers," the mayor stated. He asked the commissioners to give the matter serious thought and to of fer suggestions as to how the city shall proceed. ' "We can not afford to let this case be submitted only on the evidence of the gas company, he added. Jenkins Funeral Services ' Will Be Held Saturday i Funeral services for Mrs. A. M. Jenkins, 56 years old, 1412 Sherman avenue, who died as a result ot in juries received in an automobile ac cident Tuesday nizht. will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Gentlemen . mortuary, o4u farnam street ; A grouocf Nebraska cioneers. friends of the family, will act as pall bearers. - Judge Dickinson will of ficiate at the burial services in the Christian Science church. Interment will, be in Walnut Hill cemetery. Sixty-First Grand Lodge of Masons Will Be Held in Omaha The 61st grand lodge, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Nebraska, will be held in Omaha at the new Ma sonic temple June 4 to 6. There arc 270 lodges in Nebraska, with mem bership of 26,500. Each lodge ia en- ytled to send three delegates, the ex penses of one being paid. An attend ance of 400 delegates is expected. ! Frederic L. Temple of Lexington is grand master and Francis E. White of Omaha is grand secretary. A re ception committee of 50 Omaha Ma sons has been appointed. 5,000 Jobs Are Open to Omahans; Big ayt Free Fare; Walk Vpt Gents! 1 Five thousand joba await" idle men in Omaha. The pay ia from $2.50 to $4 per day. .-. , Transportation free, , No agency fee.' Thia ia the bulletin that went out Thursday when Regional Director Aishton, in charge of western Iowa, Nebraska, parts of South Dakota and Wyoming, opened labor agency for the employment of railroad workers at 1108 Far nam street Federal Agents Franklin and Davia are in charge, with Will Freeland. Him Sails. Tohn Ton. rich, Fred Smith, Robert Samar- i mcK, jonn melps and John M. Carruth as assistants. I Obituary Notes 'MRS. WILLIAM BATES died from I a. stroke of paralysia at Madison. She j wm uorn, ai uaiena, iji., January 2 l?S?' i,e,n a dmshjter of Adam Kost." cltliens of Denlson, Ia., died of cancer. ervices were held at ths Methodist Rnltiuinal linrali 1. ILL city ana burial was in Dow City. REV. JAMES HOWARD, pastor ot First Congregational church of Chad ron, Is dead. He leaves a widow and tWO Sons. Th funeral by Rev. Howard Mills of Grace Epuw mtiM itnurcn. interment m Green wood cemetery. , .LEONARD RITHiViv . ber of ths 240th infantry, died at a hospital In New York, to which place he was recently tnnufwraH Camp Funston, according to word re- ioivbu in neatnee. rneumonia was the cause of death. Ths deceased wss born and raised at Biu Snrinn th& county. . J. L. DlAtil 'DOT STEAM, VAPOR AND HOT WATER HEATING MODERN PLUMBING Douglas 3463. 324 South 19th St. Bnej CUy News flat Boot' Print It Ntw Beaeoa Preaa, Elec Fans, $8, Burgess-Grandea Co. Prudent saving In war times Is a hostage tor opportunities ot peace. Play sare by starting an account with Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass'n, 211 S. 18th St. SI to $5,000 received. Harrison Act Arrests Charged with vlnlntinn nf the Harrison drug act, federal officers have arrested Frank Osborn and Edna Burns, 320 North Fifteenth street. A Infra Annmlu DfH'KInn A . B. Alpirn has tiled notice of appeal in district court from the decision handed down by Judge Redlclc in favor or o. Splegal & Sons for $5,540. Royal Highlanders to Entertain The Royal Highlanders will entertain their members and friends at a card pkrty and dance Friday evening in their hall at 19th and Farnam streets. Junior Dramatic Recital Amy Woodruff will give her annual Junior dramatic recital Friday evening at the Edison shop, 313 South Fifteenth street, 27 young people participating. Janitors Get Busy Summer has of ficially arrived at the federal build ing. Janitors Wednesday morning be gan their annual task of annexing the sheltering awnings over the vari ous windows. ' Hotel Men in Business Meeting- Omaha hotel men neia a dinner Thursday night at the Fontenelle hotel with 25 present. A general business meeting and discussion fol lowed the dinner. Woman Given Jail Sentence Mrs. Est el la Allan was sentenced to IS days in Jail by Police Judge Madden Thursday on a charge of having stolen large quantities of linen from the Elms hotel, while employed there as a domestic. Omahan Elected President W. R. Adair of Omaha has been elected president of the Statu League of Build ing and Loan associations at the Beat rice convention. J. J. Fitzgerald, an other Omahan, was made secretary treasurer. . Alien In Omaha Jail Gustav Stein bring, a German alien, who is held In the county Jail here, likely .will be interned for the period of the war, recommendation to this end having been made by United States Attorney T. S, Allen. Denies Knowing Girl William Pe cock, whose name was mentioned in an afternoon daily in connection with testimony offered by Mary Prawltz In police court Wednesday morning, denies any knowledge of acquaintance with the girl. Fine flrcplucu goods at Sunderlandr Labor Unions Hold Red Cross Dinner at University Club Omaha labor union heads held a Red Cross dinner and meeting Thurs day night at the University club rooms to lay plans for the war fund drive. This meeting was the largest ever held by them for patriotic work. Talks were made by E. Buckingham, chairman of the drive in Douglas county; S. E. Caldwell, T. P. Rey nolds, Frank Kennedy and J. E. Da vidson. Robert Switzler presided. The muscians' union will donate four bands for the meetings to be held at the parks next Sunday. Kansas Men Here for Ideas On War Savings Campaign P. W. Morgan, publicity manager of the Kansas department of the war savings committee of Kansas City, and Albert T, Reed of Topeka, Kan., are in Omaha investigating the Ne braska plan of handling the savings stamp campaign. i 1 1 Wilmar Miller Hit by Auto; Receives Two Broken Ribs Wilmar Miller, 2419 Seward street, received two broken ribs when he was run into by an automobile driven by T. P. Shirley, 2109 Vinton street, Thursday afternoon. The accident happened near Twenty-fourth and Vinton streets. Miller was attended by Police Surgeon Romonek and tajcetMo the St. Joseph hospital. 1 Yes, I'll have a man right over there" But in ths meantime you're suffering the inconvenience of a waterless faucet or clogged waste pipe in that old worn out plumbing. And then there's the cost of fre quent repairs as long those old fixtures stay in your home. Why don't you TODAY visit our Thomas Maddock model bathroom display and find out how little it costs to haves fuitcoat-latt-cot bath, room equipment inyour home) S Your Plumber or United States Supply Co. NalhttFai i Strata ""D & MJN CO. iSSf Modoro I CS0M I Omaha Girl Received By King of England in Buckingham Palace Miss Joy Higgins of Omaha has found fame in England, where she is making a lecture tour as a mem- , ber of tht American labor mission, to tell the people of that country what America is doing to win the war. Associated Press dispatches from London say: "Miss Higgins of the American labor delegation has an swered the call of blood. England has been a wonderful inspiration and the heart of America is full of gratitude for what England's sons have achieved." The delegation was formally re ceived by King George at Bucking ham palace. U. S. Treasury to Issue farm Loan Bonds Bearing 5 Per Cent Washington, May 16. The first federal farm loan bonds bearing the new higher interest rate. S per cent, will be placed on the market next week and an active selling campaign will be started, to continue until the Liberty loan campaign next fall. It will constitute the first public offering of farm loan bonds since the treasury began absorbing them from a special fund three months ago. About $57,000,000 bonds have been bought by the treasury in that period. A farm loan board report today showed $85,000,000 bonds have been issued by the 12 federal land banks within the last year. Allan W. Stephens Graduated From Technological School Allan Wilcox Stephens? stationed at aeronatical naval school, Pensacola, Fla., has been graduated with high honors from the Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology. He is the only son of Thomas Wilcox Stephens, an Omahan, now residing in New York War Has Multiplied the Value of Good Tires Never were cars so necessary both in busi ness and domestic life. Never was their continuous and economical use so imperative. Never was freedom from tire trouble and tire expense so absolutely essential. The rapidly growing demand for United States Tires proves their war-time worth. . Thousands of niotorists each week are turn ing to United States Tires to get dependability and economy. v , United States .Tires last longest and carry you farthest at least cost. They enable you to make the most of your car passenger or commercial now, when it is more than ever a vital war-time necessity. There is a United States Tire for every pos sible need. ' Our nearest Sales and Service Depot will tell you which ones you should have. ' are . it u mum i v OMAHA 9th and Douglas Sts. FARM LOAN BONDS MEET QUICK SALE IN OMAHA MARKET Federal Land Bank is Selling New Securities on Increased Basis of 5 Per Cent v Interest. Announcement by the Federal Land bank of Omaha that it is selling fed eral farm loan bonds drawing 5 per cent interest, an increase of one-half per cent over former issues, brought instantaneous response from numer ous investors. A large number of bonds have been sold in the last few days to investors in this district, comprising Iowa, Ne braska, South Dakota and Wyoming. The largest subscription, $50,000. was from an Omaha business man. Other subscriptions have been received from without the district, among them being United States Senator James Hamilton Lewis of Chicago. President Hogan, in discussing the market for bonds, said: How Market Operates. "The Federal Land bank of Omaha operates in one of the richest agricul tural districts of the United States. While there is a strong demand for loans, there are, on the other hand, so many people who have idle .capital for investment purposes that I have no doubt of our ability to market enough of the securities, to take care of all the loans which we shall make.' "These bonds, issued under the di rect supervision of the United States United States Tires Good Tires government, are secured by first mort gage loans upon iarms opcraiea Dy the owners. They are exempt from all taxes and are issued in the con venient denominations of $25, $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. Securities of Highest Class. "The perfect character of the secur ity, together with the tax exemption features, place these bonds in the highest class of nonspeculative se curities. When consideration is riven to the fact also that our funds are loaned for the direct purpose of stimulating agricultural production, it will be seen that investors are af forded the opportunity not only of procuring an investment of the high est class, but they are performing a distinct patriotic service in assisting in financing the agricultural interest. ''The Federal Land bank of Oma ha in its operations during the first year has proven successful beyond our fondest expectations and we con fidently expect that in its second year it will prove of even greater value to the agricultural and investin inter ests of this district." Omaha Agency of Insurance Company Leads State in Bonds The close of the first stage of the Metropolitan Life Insurance contest, in the sale of war saving stamps, shows the Omaha agency leading the state in amount of sales of May 1. J. H. McMahon, manager of Omaha branch, announces that a banner has been given them in, recognition of the work accomplished by local agents of the company. The Metro politan company agreed to sell $65, 000,000 worth of stamps and, this state's apportionment of that amount was $200,000. Inclusive of May 1, the company's agents in Nebraska made cash sales of $68,063.70. Everybody reads Bee Want Ads. I 'RoratCord" 'Chotn' lllHtiHHHtl 'Nobby Cord' for Trucks ,FI MUllta -Hi-r BRANCH - Phone Tyler 840 NEBRAMEEDS HOOVER PLEAS CONSERVE FLOUR State Food Administrator Wat ties Declares Consumption Has Been Reduced to . 45 Per Cent. Flour consumption has been cut to 45 per cent of normal since the conservation plans of the food ad ministration have been operative, ac cording to information coming to Gurdon W. Wattles, federal food ad ministrator for Nebraska. a Sales of wheat flour to consumers have been reduced to this figure, a sucyey develops. This voluntary re sponse, coupled with the natural Handicaps ot positive rationing, prompts Herbert C. Hoover to say regarding rationing: v "Many states have wished to adopt a card system for consumers of wheat flour. Thip system must be avoided, if possible. Any rationing system ap plied to the United States entails tremendous difficulties. Fifty per cent of our population are either pro ducers or live in intimate contact with producers and are therefore difficult IU I MOll a, IX 1X1 IIJW11 VUliOUUJLUVU WJ any rationing. ' "Furthermore,' consumption habits in different parts of the United States vary so greatly that any rationing plans on a national basis work in equitably. A card rationing system would also mean an annual cost of from $10,000,000 to $15,000,000, and besides there would have to be cre ated a vast administrative system. "Voluntary response is the solution Lof the, food problems." 'Vtto' 'float'