Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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, ;; - ' V THE BEE: OTtlAHAY THURSDAY. MAY 16, 1918. ' - .. 7
. - . - - , - . - 7 - . , ... ,
L 1 1 ' .
Calling , from across thfe seas calling for aid from the
war-torn battlefields of Europe. '
The voice of the Red Cross is cryingojitto you and to me.
The Red Cross Needs Your Help Now '
For the Soldiers who have faced the bayonets
and poison gas of the enemy, ancf who now lie in
No Man's Land with parching throats and thro)
bing wounds We Hear the' Call.
For "Our Boys" and those of our Allies crip-;
pled, mutilated, blind who must be taught and
trained for useful occupations We Hear the Call.
For food, clothing and medicine for "Our Boys"
in the German prison camps We Hear the Call.
For the mothers and the children from the pil
laged zones of war, whose hearts 'and souls are numb
with horror We Hear the Call.
A Hundred Million Dollars Are Needed
! for the Red Cross War Fund
Will we let those millions of suffering human
being cry for help in vain?
Will we enjoy the comforts and blessings of
this land of prosperity and deny the plea we hear?
Food, medicine, clothing and all the many things which
can bring the ' touch of human sympathy to those in the
war-stricken lands will be furnished by the Red Cross
Headquarters Red Cross War Fund Drive
Keeline Building 17th' and Harney Streets
Special Announcements.
Presidents and secretaries of all the
Labor Unions in Omaha and a special
committee from each anion will meet
tonight at 7 o'clock at the University
club. The executive committee of the
Red Cross War Fund drive will attend.
There will be special speakers.
The Musicians' Union, through Presi
dent Phelps, has donated four bands for
the Red Cross programs to be held in
the different parks in Omaha Sunday
afternoon, May 19. These programs will
be 'the opening guns of the Red Cross
War Fund drive which starts May 20.
All musicians in Omaha engaged in
any department of music instruction
are requested to meet tonight at 7:30
P. M. In Room 301, Patterson Block, to
arrange for the Red CrossWar Fund
campaign. A very important announce
ment will be made. The meeting will
close at' 8 o'clock if you will all be
present promptly at 7:30. v
Remember 25 of the total Red
Cross War, Fund subscription is retained
for local Red Cross work. '
Remember this is not a membership
campaign. It is a drive for funds. Give
freely for the boys over there they
are fighting, for you. )
Watch the Red Cross page every day
for special announcements.
If you are in doubt about anything
pertaining to this War Fund drive and
the Red Cross work, drop in at head
quarters, 17th and Harney streets, and
talk to any member of the committee
E. Buckingham, S. S. Caldwell, R. M.
Swltzler, A. D. Peters, H. T. Cutler. The
telephone number is Douglas 2216.
Everybody Is boosting for the Red
Cross drive. Are we going over the
top? Well, that depends on you.
If everybody starts things going like
the street car boys the drive will be a
wonderful success. Our hats off to
Our Red Cross Needs Our Hflp
It needs it now. '
iWe hear it calling us.
.We must answer the call with
$200,000 from Douglas County
AVe will give todaygive our all, if necessary.
,We will give for one week. ,
;We will give next Monday, and Tuesday, and
Wednesday, and Thursday, and all the week, to
"answer the call we hear.
How little it is for us to give, our money when
olliers are giving their lives.
You don't have to leave your loved onejs, your
liome, your friends or your business to wander over
the battlefields of Europe searching for the dead
and dying. ' '
Tie ted .Gross
I Do
I YdDi ill Give
Give Your Dollars--By the Fives, the Tens and the Hundreds-to the
Omaha Campaign Headquarters
17th and Harney Streets
To Help. Win the War This Space Is Contributed by. the Union Stock Yards Company.