Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Reports Show Nebraska Has
Membership of 7,000 Knights,
While Sisters Have 21
Fremont, Neb., May 14. (Special
Telgram.) Over 200 Knights of
Pythias and Pythian Sisters of Ne
braska are in attendance at the an
nual conventions of the Nebraska
grand lodges.
! At the opening session this morn
ing Mayor W. C. Wiley welcomed
ihe delegates on behalf of the city
and H. M. Weeks, past grand repre
sentative, of Fremont greeted them
on behalf of the Fremont lodge.
J Mrs. Minerva Bushnell of Fremont,
supreme representative of the Pyth
ian Sisters, spoke for the sisters. .Her
bert A. East, grand chancellor, of
v Lincoln responded for the knights,
and Mrs. Nellie Hellweg of Lincoln,
grand chief of the sisters, responded
for the women.
128 Lodges in 'State.
The report of Grand Chancellor
East showed that there are 128 lodges
in the state, with a membership of
nearly 7,000. There was an increase
during the year of 1S4 in the mem
bership roll. The sisters have 21 tem
ples with a membership of 421
knights and 750 sisters.
This evening both lodges conferred
first degree rank on a class of candi
dates. The election of officers will
take place at the closing sessions
The Past Grand jChiefs' association
of the Pythian Sisters held the an
nual meeting at the Terry hotel fol
lowing a banquet Monday evening,
Mrs. Minerva Bushnell was chosen
"president, Mrs. Rose Tivey of Silver
Creek vice president and Mrs. Iilah
, Ritchie of McCook, secretary-treasurer.
The purpose of the association
is to raise money for the Pythian
home to be erected in Nebraska. It
was voted to purchase war savings
stamps with the money already raised,
while plans for the home are being
Arraigned for Sedition.
Frank Somejkal.Cedar Bluffs laborer,
is in trouble again, Somejkal sometime
ago was haled before the home
guards at Cedar Bluffs and after some
near forcible persuasion agreed to
kiss the flag and acceded to other de
mands. He was taken to Wahoo yes
terday and arraigned on a charge of
making seditious remarks. Somejkal
was bound over to the district court
in the sum of $1,000 and was returned
to jail in default. Somejkal is said
to have remarked that he did not in
tend to make a garden because he
wanted tor see the United States
licked. Somejkal is known for his
socialistic views. During the Mexican
trouble he was alleged to have said
he hoped Villa would lick the expedi
tionary forces.
Three Omahans Fined $100 Each.
Jack Henderson, Harry MacAn
drews and Arthur Baird, three Omaha
.young men who were taken in
custody when their automobile loaded
with 258 pints of whisky broke down
a mile north of Fremont Saturday
night, pajd a fine of $100 and
costs in county court today. They
pleaded guilty to the charge of trans
porting booze. The automobile will
be sold and the whisky destroyed.
Mrs. Frank Ohm of Omaha is in
a local hospital suffering with a
fractured skull, sustained when the
automobile in which she and Charles
Ohm and son and Mrs. VanMeter of
Omaha were riding went into the ditch
on the Lincoln highway, four miles
east of Fremont. The other members
of the party escaped with a severe
shaking-up. Mrs. Ohm is in a serious
condition, but physicians say she may
recover. Other members of the party
spent the night at a local hotel and
returned early this morning to Omaha.
Beatrice Engineer Wounded
In France Loses His Sight
Beatrice, Neb., May 14. (Special).
V. C. Eastland, who was wounded
in action in France while serving with
the United States engineers, is a son-in-law
of George Arnt of West Be
atrice. Mr. Arnt has received word
from the hospital where bis son-in-law
is receiving treatment to the ef
fect that he was gassed while in the
trenches and that he has lost his
power of speech.
Con Hayes, an employe at Kirk
Gregg's farm west of the city, sus
tained a fractured collar bone and two
broken ribs when he was trampled
upon by a mad bull in a lot on the
farm. He was brought here and
olaced in a hospital for treatment.
Big Reception for Pershing
Soldier at Weeping Water
Weeping Water, Neb., May 14.
Preparations have been made for a
patriotic demonstration "here Wed
nesday at 4 p. m., in connection with
the visit of a Pershing soldier, prob
ably Sergeant J. H. Stephens. The
home guard company of 100 members,
the military band, the schools and
Dther organizations will participate in
t patriotic parade. I
Banker Williams' $25 "Tip"
For "Brush" to Red Cross
Kearney, Neb., May 14. (Special).
The item reported in the Omaha
Bee of May 12 in regard to Banker
Elmer Williams having paid $25 for
having his hat brushed, neglected to
state thartRis "tip" was made for the
benefit of the Red Cross, and not for
the young man who brushed the bank
er's hat Kearney is alive to the
work for the Red Cross, and not even
a banker can escape.
Two Omaha Men in an Auto
Arrested by York Police
York, Neb., May 14. (Special Tele
gram.) Chief of Police Finny arrest
ed John Ramsey and George Penner,
both of Omaha. They came in an auto
mobile, by way of Grand Island. At
Phillips they bought 10 gallons of gas
oline and got away without paying,
which was the cause of their arrest
here, the njolice charge. , ,
First American Airplane,
Mail Service Starts Today
(Br Associated Press.)
Washington, May 14. America's first airplane mail service will be in
augurated tomorrow between Washington, Philadelphia and New York,
with planes starting simultaneously at 11:30 a. m. from the national capital
and New York.
President Wilson, as head of the American Red Cross, will receive
the first letter by airplane from New York. The communication will be
from Governor Charles S. Whitman and will express his wishes to the
president for the success of the Red Cross campaign to raise $100,000,000
for war relief work which starts next Monday.
The mail airplane will be piloted by army aviators, especially detailed
to the service for experience in cross country flying.
Grand Island, Neb" May 14. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The expulsion ot any
member of the Knights of Columbus
who shows disloyalty in any way or
who fails to contribute to the differ
ent war funds is asked in a resolution
which was presented by the Financial
Secretaries' association to the state
convention of the order and is ex
pected to be adopted before the an
nual session concludes its business.
Delegates and visitors at the 14th
annual meeting of the Nebraska state
council held here today heard a report
by Judge George F. Corcoran of York,
state deputy, and an address by W. J.
Moriarty of St. Louis, special supreme
agent, in which the extensive war
work of the order was discussed.
Altogether the convention devoted
a large portion of its time to ways of
aiding progress of the war on the
side of the United States and its allies
and for helping soldiers in canton
ments and at the front.
Seventy-five delegates representing
30 counties with a total membership of
more than 7,000 are in attendance.
About 16 attended the annual gather
ing of the financial secretaries asso
ciation, which was conducted at the
same time in another hall. Neither or
ganization has completed its work. A
banquet at 6:30 p. m. for state officers
and delegates and for a musical and
speaking program, open to the public,
at 7:30 p. m. at the Liederkranz hall,
featured this evening's session.
Claim Nonpartisan League
Officers Violate Spy Law
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, May 14. ((Special.) Offi
cers and organizers of the Nonpar
tisan league, some of whom have al
ready been charged with acts of dis
loyalty and indicted, may soon be
called upon to answer to what ap
pears to be directly in violation of the
new state sedition law.
The league has been circulating its
literature printed in the German lan
guage during the last week to voters
in German communities where Eng
lish is not commonly used.
President O. G. Smith of the Ne
braska Farmers' congress is in pos
session of one of the copies. Although
it is required by the Nebraska sedition
law, no copy of this enemy language
pamphlet has yet been filed with the
State Council of Defense,
Test Potash as By-Product
Of Sugar at Scoitsbluff
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, May 14. (Special.) Try
ing potash production as a by-product
of the beet sugar industry at Scotts
bluff, the Great Western Sugar com
pany has already commenced work on
the construction of a big settling
basin, 12 acres in extent and 30 feet
deep. The same evaporating apparatus
used in handling the beets will be em
ployed to extract potash frpm the
water used in washing them, accord
ing to Land Commissioner Shumway.
Discovery was made recently that the
waste water from the sugar factory
contained potash.
You Must Have Plenty of Iron in Your Blood if You Want
jWjhen the crashing grip of worry,
'trials and car saps your vitality
and keeps you from the full enjoy.
intent or borne, so-
Eial and business
ife take Nuxated
Iron and watch its
strength-giving, up
building effect it
jwill increase the
(strength and endur
ance of weak, nenr
jous run-down folks
in two weeks time
(in many instances.
unTTRAwnc ....
TMheld back .n life
I I for want of sufficient
iron in uie Diooa, says
Dr. James Francis Sulli
van, formerly physician
of Bellevne Hospital (Out-Door Dept.)
New York, and tbe Westchester
'County Hospital, in commenting on the
.relation of atronar nerves and physical en
durance to the attainment of success and
"A weak body means a weakened brain;
weak nerve force means weakened will
power, and like the race horse beaten by a
nose, many a capable man or woman falls
just short of winning because-they don't
back up their mentality with the phylcal
strength and energy which come from hav
ing plenty of iron in the blood. That irrit
able twitch, that fit of despondency, that
Idisxy. fearful feeling these are the sort of
bignals nature gives to tired, listless folks
wnen tne blood is clamoring for strength
giving iron more Iron to restore the health
by enriching the blood and creating thou
sands of new red blood cells.
In my ooinion thn crpRtat mn in ih
health and strength of American people of
iioasy is tne alarming deficiency of iron in
their blood. Iron is absolutelv essential t
(enable your blood to transform the food you
(e raw muscular tissue and brain. It is
through iron in the red coloring matter of
the blood that life-suitaininff ni.nn .nf.r.
the body. Without iron there is no strength.
vitality and endurance to eomhst nWrl.
or withstand severe strains. Lack of suffi-
eient Iron in the blood baa ruined mn
man's nerves and utterly robbed him of that
virile force and stamina which are so neces-
VZ. ,uec" "d Power in every walk
ui jui,
Therefore. T atrnnotw Jt 4dn..
feel the need of a strength and blood builder
et a physician's prescription for organic
iron -Nuxated Iron or if you don't want to
O tO thia trouble, than min-haia Anl Mi...
jated Iron hi its original packages and see
jtbat thia particular name (Nuxated Iron) ap-
' . . f-.o.c. il jvu nave laxen
other Iron products and failed to get results,
iciHcuucr wh sucn preparations are an en-
t''r different thing from Nuxated Iron.
Which has been 11 .-rl mnii
By many physicians formerly connected with
well know Hospitals, the Hon. Leslie M.
-yi i0?r Presidential Cabinet Officer,
Two Young Women of Fremont
Motor From Detroit in 4 Days
Fremont, Neb., May 14. (Special).
Misses Gladys Conrad and Lucy
Yager, two Fremont young women,
arrived here from Detroit, having
made the trip in new cars they drove
through for a local dealer. They
came through w ithout a mishap. They
were four and a half days making the
drive. Miss Yager is the daughter of
Councilman J. A. Yager of the first
George Cottrcl! received word from
his son, Merle, who was recently
brought down behind the German
lines in his airplane, that he is re
covering in a British hospital. His
legs are paralyzed.
Truck gardens in the vicinity of
Fremont were (huiiaged by a wind
storm. Potatoes and other vege
tables are a total loss. In many in
stances the sand was piled in heaps
and the plants either blown out of the
ground or covered up. Small fruits
were damaged.
After a chase of three miles, mem
bers of the police force overtook four
young persons who occupied a road
ster with the name of the Omaha Pa
per company printed on the sides, and
the joyriders were brought to the po
lice station.
State Offers $200 Reward
For Slayer of R. W. Baker
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Miry 14. (Special). Gov
ernor Neville has issued a reward of
$200 for the arrest and conviction of
the murderer of R. W. Baker, 25, of
Yuma, Colo., whose body was placed
on a railroad track near Franklin,
Neb., May 2.
Investigation revealed that the
young man had been killed and his
body then laid across the rails, ac
cording to information reaching the
governor. He had been shot through
the body and forehead.
Baker had been visiting a sister,
Mrs. L. C Johnson, at Riverton, Neb.
He started back home in company
with another man and the two got
off the train at Franklin. Brown's
partner disappeared here.
Omahan Asks Permission N
To Sell Sanitorium Stock
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, May 14. (Special.)
George F. Johnson, president of the
new Excelsior sanitarium of Omaha,
applied today to the state blue sky
department for permission to sell
stock in the new organization.
"The institution is a big credit to
Omaha and Nebraska," Mr. Johnson
said. "Dr. M. L. McNamara is secre
tary and treasurer of the new estab
lishment. Omaha's $400,000 Sewer
Bond Issue Up for Registration
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, May 14. (Special.)
Omaha's $400,000 sewer bond issue,
authorized by a special act of the
legislature, has been presented for
registration to the state auditor's of
fice. The bonds run for 20 years and
carry no optional payment clause.
They bear 5 per cent interest. A pri
vate purchaser has bought them at a
premium of $3,120.
Win, bays Physician
former United States Senator Charles A.
Towne, former members of Congress, dis
tinguished United States Army Generals
(retired). Judge Atkinson of the United
States Court of Claims, at Washington,
and others."
In regard to the value of Nuxated Iron,
Former Health Commissioner of Chicago
William R. Kerr, said: "As Health Commis
sioner of the City of Chicago. I was imnnr.
tuned many times to recommend different
medicines, mineral waters, etc. Never yet
!l"8 1 one on record as favoring any par-
ticular remedy. But. in the ease of Nnt.j
Iron, I feel an exception should be made to
the rule. From my own experience with it, I
feel that it is such a valuable remedy that It
ought to be used in every hospital and pre
scribed by every physician in this c untry,
and if my endorsement shall induce anaemic,
nervous, run-down men and women to take
Nuxated Iron, and receive the wonderful
tonic kenefits which I have received, I shall
'?' greatly gratified that I made an excep-
-wn w lu uic ta rccummenaing
t- r .1 T- n T. tr:. :.i a
of St. Eliiabeth's Hospital, New York Citr
said: "I have never before given out any
medical information or advice for publication
Delegates From All Farts of
Nebraska Are in Attendance
Upon Highway Meeting
at Hastings.
(By Associated Free.)
Hastings, Neb., May 14.-Advocates
of better roads from all parts of
braska were in Hastings today to at
tend the annual meeting of the Oma-ha-Lincoln-Denver
Good Roads asso
ciation, which opened here at 9 o'clock
this morning.
Featuring the morning's riogram
were two addresses, one of them by
Lewis M. Martin of Ames, la., repre-1
senting the Iowa State Highway com- j
mission, and the other by Prof.
George E. Condra, chairman of the Ne-!
braska State Highway commission, of
Lincoln. Mr. Martin spoke on the sub
ject, "Earth Road Construction and
Maintenance," while Prof. Condra
talked on the topic, "Your Duty to
the State Highway commission.
The remainder of the morning ses
sion was taken up with the usual for
mal opening and the reading of re
ports from the officers of the associa
tion. President C. H. Roper of Lin
coln called the meeting to order and
the address of welcome was delivered
by W. M. Madgctt of Hastings. The
response was made by A. Bennett of
This afternoon the visiting dele
gates heard addresses by J. C. W on
ders of Omaha, representong the
United States' Department of Agricul
ture, on Federal Aid Roads;" George
E. Johnson, Nebraska, state engineer,
on "State Aid Roads." and E. E.
Sommers of Denver, Colo., on "Den
ver and Eastern Colorado Highways."
The election of officers and annual
banquet will then be held followed
by an illustrated lecture on road con
struction by J. W. Mellor of Kansas
City, Mo.
Tomorrow actual demonstration of
practical road building will be given
for the benefit of the visitors.
Farmers Help Swell Ewing
Red Cross Proceeds to $5,037
Ewing, Neb., May 14. (Special).
The proceeds of a Red Cross sale held
here netted $5,037.50. Farmers from
the surrounding country and citizens
gave donations of cattle, hogs, chick
ens, merchandise.
For biliousness, bad breath,
colds, indigestion and
Enjoy life! Liven your liver
and bowels tonight and
feel fine.
the Power and Energy td
as I ordinarily
de not believe in it But
in the ease of Nuxated Iron I feel I would be
remiss In my duty not to mention it. I have
taken it myself and given it to my patients
with most surprising results. And those who
wish quickly to increase their strength, power
and endurance will find it a nrost remarkable
and wonderfully effective remedy."
No matter what other tonics or iron reme
dies you have used without success if you
are not strong or well, you owe it to your
self to make the following test: See how long
you can wnilc or how far you can walk with
out becoming tired; next take two five-grain
tablets of Nuxated Iron three times per day
after meals for two weeks. Then test your
strength again and see how much you have
gained. Nuxated Iron will increase the
strength, power and endurance of delicate,
nervous, run-down people in two weeks' time
in many instances.
Manufiottirers' Note: NuxsfM Iron whlrri hit
rem uaed by so mnr diiecnmful Ixonle with turn,
surprising results, and which Is prescribed snu revii
jnended above by Phviieitnl la not s won remedy,
but one which Is well known to dnimlna everywhere.
I.nliko the older Inorganic Iron produru It li enilv
SMlmlltted and does not Injur the teeth, make hem
hlsck nor upset the stomtrh. The maniifsrturers
cusrsntee siiWMful and entirely natlsfurtorr remits
to everr purehtner or they will refund roiir money.
It Is difpenaed In this rltj by Hherman It Mr) Vinnell
drug Motes aud taw UtumiiU. Advertisement.
State Aids Drafted Man
Adjust Business Affairs
Lincoln. May 14. (Special.) The
father of a young man recently taken
in the draft army has asked the at
torney general's office to help in ad
justing some of the draftee's business
3. .
Here the Greatest
Opportunity Ever
Offered the Small
Adjoining the Richest Oil
Properties on the Gulf Coast
With Share in Half Our Profits
EOELOPmr co.
ih;,T, 3,8 740 First ililionil Dink Dailding
A New Horn. Cur. That Anyon. Can Us.
Without Discomfort or Loss of Tim.
We hav. . New Method that cures
Asthma, and w. want yon to try it at our
expense. No matter whether your easa is of
Ions standing or recent development,
whether t is present as occasional or chronic
Asthma, you should send for a fres trial of
our method. No matter in what climata you
live, no matter what your age or occupa
tion, if you are troubled with asthma, our
method should relieve you promptly.
We especially want to send it to those
apparently hopeless cases, where all forms
of inhalers, douches, opium preparations,
fumes, "patent smokes," etc., hav. failed.
W. want to show everyone at our own ex
pense, that this new method is designed to
;nd all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and
all those terrible paroxysms at once and
for all time. ,
This free offer ft too important to neglect
a single day. Write now and then begin the
method at once. Send no money. Simply
mail coupon below. Do It Today.
Niagara and .Hudson Sts., Buffalo, N. Y.
Send free trial of your method to:
affairs. The letter comes from
The young man managed a mer
cantile business there in which he
owned some stock. He had con
tracted to buy more, giving his note
therefor. After entering the service,
the firm declined to release him from
THE dependability of Red
Crown Gasoline means
quick starting and plenty of
Its dependability is largely
due to its uniformity.
Red Crown is obtainable
everywhere now.
Red Crown is spoken of as,
"The Quality Gasoline, chief
ly because it gives"more miles
per gallon and more comfort
per mile."
Keep your car in the pink of
condition with Red Crown,
Polarine Oil lessens engine
wear. '
Look for the Red Crown sign.
Our years of experience, our
complete equipment combined
with the most efficient help ob
tainable make our service 100
per cent.
Omaha Van &
Storage Co.
Phone Douglas 4163.
806 South 16th Street.
people who have been permanent! eared.
DR. E. R. TARRY - 243' Bes Bull Jin 1. Omaha Kcb
the stock contract and withheld some
pay that was due him, along with
dividends on the stock he owned, to
apply on the note. ...
The firm is asked by the state legal
department to relieve the man of his
obligations, owing to the Tact that he
has gone to war.
i,. ,ii
. .ill
ii torn
For Complete De
tails. No Cost
Whatever to
How You Can Quickly
Remove Hairy Growths
(Aids to Beauty)
A well known beauty specialist ad
vises this treatment for the removal
of hair from the face. Mix into a
paste some powdered delatone and
water, apply to hairy surface and
niter nuuub u uiiuuico ruu uii, waau
the skin and every trace of hair has
vanished. This method is quick and
entirely safe. To avoid disappoint
ment, however, well to make cer
tain you get genuine delatone. Adv.
When Writing to Our Advertisers
Mention Seeing it in The Bee
I IV-" "
illltlit tslllillliltllllttlllllllllltltldllUIHlllltllllHIIMIllltllltllltllll
Rectal Diseases Cured without a severe ur
gical operation. No Chloroform or Ether ssed.
Cure guaranteed PAY WHEN CURED. Write lor
illustrated book on Rectal Diseases, with names
and testimonials of more than 1.000 prominent