THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1918. 14 STATE METING OF EASTERN STAR OPENS IN OMAHA More Than 1,000 Delegates, Representing. Over 200 Chapters, Here for 43d Annual Convention. More than 1,000 delegates,, repre senting more than 200 chapters, and 20,000 member of the Order of the Eastern Star, in Nebraska, assembled it the Masonic temple Tuesday morn ing for the opening session of the 43d annual convention of the order in this state. . Outside Omaha, the largest repre sentation was from Lincoln, more that 50 delegates, attending from there. - J. E. Bednar of Omaha is grand sentinel of the order. The convention is honored by the presence of two national oflicers of the order. They are Mrs. Margaret Wheeler of Los Angeles, Cal., most worthy grand marshal, and Mrs. Jose phine Swigert. Ord, Neb., most worthy grand matron. , Visitors Fro rolowa. Iowa grand oflicers attending are Miss Anna Stilwell. worth grand mar shal, and Mrs. Clara Hjighes, grand secretary. Mrs. Mahala Grove, grand warden of North Dakota, is also guest. Monday the visiting grand of ficers were entertained at luncheon in the banouet hall of the temple. ' The morning session was devoted to patriotic exercises and to the re ception of distinguished guests and visitors, ana to welcoming delegates. A business session was held in the afternoon, at which reports of the crand officers were head, and ad Presses made by the grand officers. Memorial services were held for mem bers who died during: thevear and the children of the Order of the East ern Star home were introduced to the assemblage. . ; v - Memorial or Young. Memorial exercises for the late Frank Young were held in the after noon under the direction ot past erand officers. Mr. Young was presi dent of the Order of the Eastern Star home board at one time. He was drowned at Palm Beach. Fla.. in De cember, 1917, while sailing in a small skiff. The formality was supple mented by 27 children from the ornhanaec homes at Fremont and Plattsmouth who marched impressive y in front of an altar where each placed a red rose in memory to Mr. Young, founder of the homes. The procession was led by Miss Irene Simpson of Omaha, daughter of the grand matron. The Order of Eastern Star main tains three orphange homes in the ("tatc, two at Fremojit and one at Plattsmouth, Alpha Morgan of Brokeir Bow is acting president of the home board. - t Members of Homes. following are the members of the homes; Girls' home at Fremont: Mrs. Bess M. Bauer, matron. Margaret Martin, Ada McFarland. Kate M. Allen. Nina C Allen, Thelma C. Schloatman, Lucile Schloatman. Bessie C. hast man. Catherine Treadway, , Laura Treadway and Edna Booman.'' Boys' home " at Fremont: Mrs. Sadie D. Boorman, matron. Homer I. McFarland, George E. McFarland, ' Glen E. Truax,.H. Eugene Truax, Ed ward B. Schloatman, Bernard C. Schloatman, Sydney K. Eastman, Frank C. Eastman, Stanley P. East man, Edna F. Boorman and William Di'we Treadway. , r Children' home at -.Plattsmouth: Mrs. Hazel B. Smith, matron. Ruth F. Klossner, John G. Klossner, Syl vester Klossner, Burke bmttn, san lord Burke, Marvin Cole and Claude II. Cole ' : i i ; ' - The evening session consisted of a patriotic ceremony followed by a re ception at Scottish Rite Cathedral. mm - w . . arooi uau vugs arccancu. Thirteen denizens of lower" Doug Us street were arrested Tuesday after noon and charged with vagrancy. All were corralled in a pool hall at Four teenth and .Douglas. OMAHA MEN KEPT - BUSY iT CAPITAL Manley and Gamble Have Con ferences Over Flying Field, River Work and Ne- N braska Affairs. IVaiblngton Burma af The Omaha Bee, 1111 U Street. Washington, May 14. (Special Tel egram.) Commissioner Manley and John Gamble, chairman of the execu tive committee of the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce, after spending sev eral days in New York, again gox busy with the various departments of the government today and under the protecting wing of Congressman Lo beck and ex-Congressman D. H. Mer cer, and had interviews with a number of heads ot bureaus. , They had a conference witn oionci L. C. Brown of the signal corps witn reference to leasing, through ; the Chamber of Commerce additional ground for the flying field at Fort Omaha. ' ... f While the colonel did not indicate how much ground would be required, or when, the OmaNa boosters came away in a very well satisfied frame of mind. , i Interest in Liberty Loan." , runnel Brown was in Omaha dur ing the recent Liberty loan drive and he was enthusiastic over the interest shown. He spoke highly of the work being done 'at the Fort Omaha bal loon school and expressed himself as much pleased with the way the uma ha people had gone about construct itir man a ahnut Florence field. f , The Omaha representatives also had interview w ith W. R. Beatty of the horticultural branch of the Depart ment of Agriculture in reference , to the standardization of war garden thrmiDhniit Nebraska, and also with John B. Densmore, director of federal employment of the Depart ment of Labor. Missouri River Interests. Later they called on members of the Inland Waterways commission in connection with Missouri river-navigation work in and out of Omaha, endeavoring to enlist the commission in certain features ot teacrai co-opera V. H. H. Harrison, 3d, a grandson r.f the la Alvin Saunders of Omaha, has been ordered to the officers' train ing school at Princeton university, preparatory to receiving his commis sion in the aviation branch of the sig nal corps. ' F. V. Lawson Chairman Danish Auxiliary of the Red. Cross Frank V. Lawson attorney, has been appointed chairman of the local Danish auxiliary of the Red Cross and will be in chartre of the cam Daistn during the Red Cross drive. mm Msv 20 to 25. Headauarters ot thin branch will be at 748 Omaha Na- linnat hank buildinir. A special meet ing will be held at the Independent Order of Odd Fellows' hall. Twenty fifth and Leavenworth streets, Jhurs Hav evening, when a working com y - - - - ... . , mittee will be organized ot men ana women representing all local lodges, churches and societies. Grand Jury to Investigate Charges Against Windheim Charges of destroying food prod ucts against H. G. Windheim, presi dent of the Nebraska Seed company, the result of the dumping into the Missouri river last Saturday of a large quantity of onion sets, will be investigated by the federal grand jury, which convenes in Omaha next week, lhe hearing set for iuesday morning before United States Com missioner ripely was set over until after the findings of the f rand jury are made known. Mr. Windheim is at liberty under $1,000 bonds. Seward Car of Hay Donated Red Cross Sells for $300 donated a carload of hay to the Red Cross. The hay was sold in the Oma ha market and brought $25 a ton. The carload containe more than 10 tons and the sum realized for the Red Cross was nearly $300. The A. W. Wagner Feed Company was the pur chaser. POSITIONS WITH NO SALARIES NOT TO BE DISTURBED Mayor Smith Says He Will Not Change Personnel of Wel fare, Recreation and Library Boards. The new city administration is get ting down to serious business. The first regular city council meeting, fol lowing the organization on Monday, was pushed through with a snap by Mayor Smith at the gavel. ' "I do not intend to disturb the per sonnel of any of the nonsalaried po sitions, announced the mayor, refer ring particularly to the Board of Tub- lie Welfare, Board of Public Recrea tion, Public Library board and City Planning commission. The mayor met with the Welfare board on Mon day night and obtained an insight to the workings of that branch of mu nicipal service. . Commissioner Towl, head of the public improvements department, is rearranging the office space which is occupied by his staff. He wllj hSve his office in the center of the east part of the fourth floor, with city en gineer, assistant engineer and chief draughtsman close at handr The planning board rooms will adjoin the engineering department. "I want to consider the convenience of the public in this rearrangement," the commissioner explained. Commissioner. Ringer of the police department has made, no decisions as to prospective changes in his depart ment. Meant What He Said. "I want to look over the situation carefully and any changes that may be made will be ordered only after careful thought," he said. "As yet I have made no new appointments, nor have I decided on any. I told Chief Dempsey that every word I uttered during the campaign was said in good faith and made it clear to him that I would expect an uncompromising enforcement of the laws." Job seekers continue to visit the city hall. The first appointments will be announced at a meeting of the city council on Thursday morning. The consolidation of city clerk's office with department of accounts and finance will be one of the first changes to be considered. Mayor Smith has accepted the res ignation of Harry B. Fleharty, city solicitor. John Donahue Mentioned. John Donahue is slated for the position of general foreman in the street decartment. to succeed Dean Noyes, who has been receiv';g $250 a month. Mr. Donahue has een en gaged in grading contracting busi ness and has been in St. Louis for more than a year. He owns property in Omaha and is related by marriage to Joh:i and Pat Dennison of the city hall. STEEET RAILWAY ' GIVES MEN FIVE CENT INCREASE Directors of the Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs Street Railway company have voted another raise to the em ployes of the company. Conductors and motormen.allof whom were given a 2-cent boost May 1. have been voted another raise. This time the advance is 5 cents an hour, which will make the schedule of pay 35 to 40 cents. On Ma 1 the schedule was advanced to 30 cents for beginners with 35 cents thev. top wage. "This advance which we have just voted to the men will absorb all the funds in our treasury which were available for'lpaying dividends," said G. W. Wattles, presidenbpf the com pany. "VVe realize that we must pay the men this greatly increased wage to hold them. We have fast been losing men who are attracted by better pay to other lines of work. We hope by this substantial increase to hold the men." Our Cash Prices Offer SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES for Real Economies. r Omaha'a . ' Pioneer 8-Hour Store Opens 9 A. M., Close 6 P. M. Ul HI MfBEM THE CASH STORE Quality I Our Watchword We Guarantee Satisfaction.'ia-,,a.itji:it!.i;it.i;"ai!a::ii;!l'.iliit,llll''t rttC';it!inl)t;it.ll:til:iti'l!ilil.ilti)il::ei:rillllliiailS:!ei.a'r;:tMIif;llulfil.llilSlilH'J f: i A Special Cash Purchase of Women's I Spring and Summer Coats 75 Is n Safe Investment For Idle Fundo DON'T Jose the earning power of your money while looking for a desirable mortgage to fit the funds you have for Investment Buy first mortgage real estate bonds. These bonds are fractional parts of a .single mortgage which is held in trust as security for the bond issue. Each of these little mortgages is of equal importance, and each is a fully ; protected claim for its face value against revenue-producing property. Trie First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds which we offer can be purchased in de nominations of from $50 to $1000, maturing ' in from 2 to 10 years. They yield 6 interest, payable semi-annually. These bonds are secured by direct first mortgages on modern office buildings, . hotels or apartment houses in live, growing cities located in the richest part of America . the Middle West. The security is posi tively safe and sound. Our booklet, "How to Choose a Safe In vestment," is full of just the kind of infor mation the average investor wants. Send for a copy. It's free. ,' Bankers Realty Investment Co. CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDING CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ' BEE BUILDING, OMAHA, NEBRASKA an mo Lemon Juice ' , For Freckles Girls! Make beauty lotion at home for a few cents. Try Itl Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, tnd you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complex ion beautif ier, at very, very small cost ' Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly M i . m a iragranc lotion into tne iace, necK, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and .blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. -Advertisement. Try This If You Have Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This destroys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most if not all of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. , You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop in stantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four oun ces is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known to tail Advertisement. m A 1 J W.YL. Made to Sell up to $25.00 at til Over 225 Nobby New Coats for Selection All sizes, for Ladies and Misses, choicest new styles, popular new colors, in velours, poplins, serges, deludes, taf fetas and novelties. 110 Nobby New Suits That Sold to $25.00, Selected From Our Reg. Stock. Come in Serge, Poplina, - Jeraeyt, . Other Pop ular, Suitings Women's Seco Silk Kimonas Worth $3 and $4. Our Cash Price $1.79 Women's gingham Feminalls All sizes, Our Special Cash Price $1.50 I "liiliil;ilHI!:lillltinliiiili;i,li!li!liiiil!:liii:'!iilMi!:!J Wli::lTi 23 m m IP Satisfying Quality at Saving Cash Prices Is the Secret of the Tremendous Output in Our' Sanitary Grocery and Market If You Are Really Keen on Economizing Try Buying af Haydcn's Big Cash Grocery & Market 24-Pound Sack Pure Rjr Flour. , Our Cash Prk $1.93 10 bar Diamond C or Swift's Pride Laundry Soap 26c 8 cam Old Dutch Cleanser 23c 18-01. cans Condensed Milk 11c t-ot. cans Condensed Milk Sc The best Domestic Macaroni, Ver micelli, Spaghetti or Egg Noodles, per package TViC 5 lbs. famous Breakfast Wheat Flakes , 25c Jack and Jill Con flakes. pkg..8V3c Fancy Sweet Cookies, per lb. ......18c Fig Bar Cookies, per lb .18c Breakfast Cocoa,, per lb. .25c Bakers' Cocoanut, per can 7Vc Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup ... 70c 8 Va -lb. sacks Chick feed for young or old chicks 48c 8-lb. bulk chick feed for young or old chicks .38c 3 lbs. best bulk Breakfast Oat meal for 25c ( lbs. Barley Flour 43c 6 lbs. Corn Flour .43c 8 lbs. best white or yellow Corn meal for 43c The best No. 1 hand-picked Navy. Bcsns, lb 15c The best No. 1 hand-picked Pinto -Beans, lb 12Vc Large jars fine Mince Meat 23c Large jars fine Fruit Preserves or Apple Butter, jar 23c No. 2 cans Fancy " Sweet Sugar Corn, per can .v 12',c No. 2 cans Early June Peas 15c No. 8 cans Golden Pumpkin or Hominy, can 10c Large bottle Chow Chow, Sweet, Sour, Medium, Piccalille or Sweet Pick les, per bottle 23c OMAHA'S GREATEST TEA AND COFFEE MARKET The best Tea Sif tings, lb.. ...... .20c Choice basket fired Japan Tea , ...39c Choice English Breakfast Tea.... 49c Fancy Golden Sip Ceylon Tea.... 59c Fancy Ping Suey Gunpowder Tea. .S9c Our famous Golden Santos Coffee.. Oc Five pounds for 95c Fancy Maricabo Blend Coffee 25c j M. A. J. Blend, nothing finer, lb.. 35c Three lbs. for $1.00 EAT MORE DRIED FRUITS. Choice California Prunes, per lb..l2'tC Choice Cal. Muscatel Raisins, lb.l2y,c Fancy Muir Peaches, per lb. 15c Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb 25c Fancy California Pears, lb 20c Fancy Silver Prunes, lb 20c Condensed Mince Meat, pkg 12'ac Golden Sultana Raisins, lb. 15o OMAHA'S GREATEST VEGETABLE MARKET. DIRECT FROM THE FARM TO THE CONSUMER. IS lbs. best No. 1 Potatoes ...... 25o No. 1 new Potatoes, per lb 5c 8 bunches Fresh Asparagus .....10c 6 bunches Fresh Onions 5c i bunches Fresh Onions 5a 4 bunches Rhubarb 5c Fresh Beets or Carrots, bunch ....So Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb... 10c Fresh new Cabbage, per lb 5c Fresh Head Lettuce, per head ..7V,c Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 15c Red Globe Onions, per pound . . . . 1 Vjc Fresh Spinach, per peck 20c fit Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pay l!l!BI f Genuine, Delicious, Foaming, Sparkling Malt and Hops n 1 if p ifiiiiiiii Elaine It In Your Own Home In a Few Minutes, From a Pure Malt and Hops Extract These are the days of temperance drinks. Although non-alcoholic malt beverages, "near- beers," etc., are now being sold in bottles every- ( 1 .1 11 1 1 l - - -o 1 1 ' wnere, tney an lack a certain mdescnoaDie snap and flavor. But you don t need to miss these de sirable qualities. You don't need to put up with those flat, tasteless, lifeless substitutes. It is not generally known that a genuine mait and hops brew non-intoxicating, but with all the cheer and invigoration can be easily made at home. Most people think that such a brew can be made only by a brewer. But a wonderful new process ; enables you to make, at small expenseas palatable and satisfying a drink as you could wish for. Just get a package of v IPeefito' lUt mi lops Extract from any druggist and follow the easy directions which healthful drink. Your homemade temperance lager accompany it You mix the Extract with 7 gallons of ' will be rich in nutritious properties, and you will Ufa water and you produce, at small expense, a most it better than anything you ever drank. , . delicious, sparkling, temperance lager, entirely unlike You can keep it in bottles to be used freely by the usual insipid substitutes. your family and friends whenever you like. And It satisfies the palate perfectly. You will like it bd- think how cheap it is! You can make this tasty, ter man you did the old saloon beverage and it will "tang-y, foamy, invigorating temperance lager (tor be far better for you. Malt and hops make the most only " 1 - . - . Afomt 22 dents Per GalEomi! - IUI' f--ltl - Jt mm.tft IT. w IV! SB 0 V y- t A package of Pettiest Malt and Hop Extract enough to make Vew of 7 gallon will cost you but $1.50. Where could you ever get a perfect beverage as cheap as that? , Try it now I You will be delighted. Remember, you will like it better than injurious alcoholic saloon stuff. Yes, joa will like better. YOU WILL UKE IT BETTERl .Call on your druggist today. If he is sold out he can quickly get more for you from his wholesaler. NATIONAL SIALT PRODUCTS CO., 1224-1228 S. Western Ave., CHICAGO THREE YEARS OF SUFFERING IS NOW AfAN END Anderson Says There May Bt 1 Other Medicine As Good As Tanlac But He Has Never Found It. "I have never been a man to praisa anv kind of medicine, but I can cer tainly say something good for Tan lac," said Robert Anderson, while in ii mi 0 r . i 1 1 iw me onerman McDonnell urug Company's store at 16th and Dodge streets, recently. Omaha has been Mr. Anderson's home for more than Hnrtv.f ivft vpnrs Via livpa at. 221 ft Main street and has been janitor and fireman at one of the public schools here for several years. "Before I srot Tanlac," Mr. Ander son continued, "I was suffering, and had been for three years, with, in digestion and a number of other ail ments. - My stomach was in such an awful shape I thought I never would get any better. I had no appetite, as a rule, and what little I did man age to eat seemed to do me no good. couldn t digest anything properly and was so nauseated after meals that I could hardly retainXwhat I had eaten. My stomach was sour and full of gas, which bloated me aches, biliousness and dizzy spells and just felt played out and miser ly i 1 1 n i t ' 1 t 1 i . apie au me ume. i paia out. lots oi money for treatment and medicines of different kinds but nothing helped me to get well. "There may be other medicines as good as Tanlac for troubles like I had, but 1 have never been able to find them. I began to improve with my first few doses of Tanlac. ', My appetite gradually came back and I soon got so I could eat most any thing without 'feeling any bad ef fects from it. I have now taken three bottles and I never feel a sign of in digestion. The biliousness, dizziness, headaches and all my distressing symptoms are gone and I'm feeling just fine. I am now taking on weight and getting stronger right aloag and certainly think Tanlac is worth rec ommending to everybody." Such statements as the foregoing should appeal directly to the thou sands who suffer from the ' same troubles. Most people who suffer from nervousness and dizziness, stom- acn ana liver irouDies, neaaacnes, backache, kidney derangements and who are in a general run-down condi tion, simply need something to tone up their system and to assist the vital organs in performing their proper functions. Tanlac is a powerful re constructive tonic and always pro duces most gratifying results. . Tanlac is sold in Omaha by Sher man & McConnell" Drug Company, corner 16th and Dodge streets; Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney Btreets; Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam streets; Northeast corner 19th and Farnam streets, and West End Phar macy, 49th and Dodge streets, under the personal direction of a special Tanlac representative. Adv." . ,