Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1918, Page 12, Image 12
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. MAY 15, 1918 ABIE : v if lWtwjooMr vmwk iTPbsmva- if .ggg eosmW W V? .Tosyfj Wn a468J W'p S THE Si&iSLSi J llbWe f MWHIKH . J fTI Mif- yg.COKCW.WBCDUlWW! MAPS 29 ISI ffk : AGENT WSWphoW J )s&?ouA htoy UiK S.ON fS!5L ,2 ( sJ. wuwrcw Went Ad Rates (Cuk With Order.) , H40 per word ..........each Insertion lo per word (or three consecutive Insertions lo per word (or eseh additions! Insertion No d taken (or Itu than a total of 20c or low thin lOe per day, CHARtiK. per lino (count I words to lino) on tlm a per lino each, time, I consecutive timet fa per lino each time, 19 consecutive tlmo SITUATION WANTED. 21a per lino per week CAROM OF THANKS AND . ' FUNERAL NOTICES. tOa per 1ln... ..each InssrUon Minimum Chsrge, (9 Cents.) Contract Bates On Application. ' ror eonvtnlenos of advertisers want ads wltl bo accepted at tbo following offlceei MAIN OFFICE Boo Building Amti Offlco 4110 North 14th St Lake Offlco ....... .....2M North t4th St. Vinton Offlco ....2467 South 14th 6L Park Offlco .........2(11 Leavenworth Bt Walnut Offlco lit North 40th St South Bide 2U N St. : Council Bluff It Main St., North TUB BKB will not bo responsible (or more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertise nteot ordered tor mora than one time. tta THE TELEPHONE If Ton cannot con veniently brlnr or tend your ads to any of the above office. , ask lor a tni o Taker and yon will receive tho aama food aervlco as when delivering your ad In person. pHOyI. TYXER 1,nOO. Want Ad Columns Close Evening Editions .................13:99 . Morning Edltlong U- Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday Evening MOVIE PROGRAM Worth. ALHAMBRA 24TH AND PARKER MOLLY KLNG in THE ON THE SQUARE GIRL." NO I, 'THE HOUSE Of "ATE." GHANii . "lOTIi AND BINNE? v MONTAGUE LOVE in . "THE CROSS BEARER. HIPPODROME ' T6T H AND CUMINQ HARRY CAREY in "THIEVES GOLD." ' K'.",-.,;,.-:"'.- .'South." " - -:''; APOLLO 27fHAND LEAVENWOBTtt ENID BENNETT in "NAUGHTY NAUGHTY." liiAL ' , 1TH AND DORCAS PAULINE EREDERICK in "DOUBLE CROSSED. 'roulfk "ami and i5kavenworth VIVIAN MARTIN in "MOLLY ENTANGLED." "Wct. DUNDEB y 618T As UNDERWOOD NO SHOW TODAY. THURSDAY, CONSTANCE TALMADOS IB . "THE SHUTTLE." D2ATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. VaRMKR Adelalne, age 1 year, survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. JO. Farmer, and one brother. Funeral Thursday afternoon from reel, donee, 60S S. 44th St., at Ip. ID. Inter 'roent. West Lawn cemetery. LNAHUE Patrick, aged it years. He to survived by his wife, two sisters and on brother, of Council Bluffs. Funeral Thursday morning from resi dence, 20(4 N. llth, at 1:16 a. m. to St. . Francis church at a, m. Interment. 8L Joseph cemetery. Council Bluffs. JACK80N Frank, Sunday, May 12, aged 42 " years. : - ' ' "' Funeral services Thursday, Hay 1. nt 2:30 p. m., at reeldence,' (01 William street Interment West . Lawn cemetery. Friends welcome, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits' U wed nave been Issued to the following: i - .A Name and Realaence. At. Earnest Walker, Omaha.. 14 Lucy White, St. Joseph. Mo.. It Wilbur L. Ruark, Rome, Oa... ......... 14 Susie Xuohn, Rochester, N. Y ', 21 Charles A. HolloweU. Omaha.., .....over 21 loresce D. Fowler, Lawrence, Kan.. over 11 Jamas Noble, Omaha.................. 47 Anns, Oldish. Omaha... 41 Sdwln H. Mitchell. Ft. Worth. Tex., over 21 CgmlUus B. Donohus, Omaha over II Fred J. Gross, Omaha......; 22 Cecelia B. Chteborad. Omsha. ......... II rvgfryt Zagosda, Omaha... ............ '21 leary Witt, Omaha... 20 Thomas N. Thomson, Omaha.......... II Nellie Barglund. Minneapolis, Minn.... 20 William Borchert, Omaha., 21 - Iwaria Schroeder, Omaha,...,,... II Patrick Puroell, Hartlngton, Neb...... II Annie J. Marks, Omaha. ...... ......... 41 Ernest H. Moehrlng, Mlnden, la.. ..over 21 Agnes Clair Byrnes, Omaha over II FUNERAL DIRECTORS. UkEHTAKER3 and Ucenaed embUiners: also private ambulance. Call Webster 4?. Willis C. Creeby, 3611 N. 14th St. JOHN A, OENTLEUAN, undertaker and embalmer, 1411 Farnara St. Harney 11, LuUSB R1SPEN, undertakers and em t timers. 701 S, Kth. Douglas 112I. STACK & FALCONER !"pendeat Undertakers, 24th t Hsr. T. 117. it. U. DODDER CO- Funeral Directors. . F. L, Fero, Mgr., 23d and Cuming Sts. Phone Douglas 477. Auto ambulance. FLORISTS. t vntenellSj T.PPT. T.iPMnM Florists, ' ' AJJ-JA4 i-iVitJ.VyAl 1(14 Douglas St. ' Douglas 1214. LARGEST asaortment of fresh (lowers. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER BHOPU S. 16. P. 2102. gOOERS, FTorlet. Ill 8. lth. ly ltOO. f ATH Careful Floelat, 1804 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE Wowerjishipped everywhere. Eip. prepaid. "ONUMENT ft CEMETERIES.' I largest display in the United States. FRANK SVOBODA. i -0-2 a llth. Phones Douglas 1872-1211. . . T LAWN offers sympathstio service In .dden sorrow; lerpetual care; no amass- "ts: lots oa sasy terms. Ptions WsL (20. t C3T-FOUND-REWARDS v AiXA COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TREET RAILWAY COMPANY, pereons having lost some article would A weU to call up the office of tho Omaha t Council Bluffs Street Railway company i ascertain whether they left It la the '"et ear. ' - Many articles each day are turned In S tho company Is anxious to restore m to the rightful owners. 4.OU lose anything and will advertiae It r yon will surely recover it If found 1 ' an honest person. It you find any ' g of value the honest way la to ad tiso for the ownerv .'Stick pin, ahape of spider, with two rls forming hesd and body, Return to aha Chapter of Red Cross. Court House, rail Tyler 2721. Reward. Small csmto pin. Reward. Doug- LOST-FOUNP-REWARPS LOST Hosiery, (loves and cap. Hrandele toilet rooms, on Monday, about 12:30. Call Webiter 4SJ9. Reward. Enfit1 Srirel fgoTJnd-brft ert t,"' about Msy th, L. M. P., 100 Washington Avs.. Red Oak, Iowa, Reward. , LOST Black and white cameo brooch, Sat urday night, down town or on car. ttowara. Webster 111. ' . For Sale Miscellaneoeus Furniture and Household Goods. THOU8AND8 OF DOLLARS WORTH OF FURNITURE. RUOH, UAo HTUVjbO, Jiiv. of Surplus Stocks. MUST BE SOLD RKOARDLEBS OF COST. Buy Now and Oet First Choice. , The choicest home furnishings thst money can buy. We make a specie. of complete home outfits, slso hotels and rooming houses. Railroad fars free to sll out-of-town buyers within 10 miles of Omaha on purchases of 129 or mors. STATE FURNITURE CO., - TeL Doug, 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. "Ton Can Buy It fur Less at the State." k. HOSI'B CO., 1611 Douglas, have pianos to rent rt 11.00 per month, or will sell on easy terms, FURNITURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS, Beds, springs, mattresses, dreseers, chif foniers, tsbles, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum, trunks snd suit cases, gss stoves snd ics boxes, full line screen wire, poultry netting, gardsn tools. 1810-47 North 24th SU Tel. Web. 1607. Open till p. m. BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURNITURE. Beds, springs, macireasea, Deaaina- n an kinds, tables, chairs, china snd kitchen cabinets, rues snd llneoleum, 1831-1(47 14th Bt. 7etster 18U7. upen till p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gas and coirl oil stoves, rugs, baby carriages, trunks, stc Loyal sum. i;o., X2 rt. join. A. HOSPB CO., 1(11 Douglas, have pianos to rent at gg.uo per monm, or win ecu uu easy terme. '" " . A LARGE eleotrlo lamp. 1(04 Chtcsgo St. Made of marble. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE have several Viotrolas that we took in on tradts for ssle; In good condition. Rouse Phonograph Parlors, Cor. 20th and Farnam Sts. ' SejntMchines ""SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing mschlnes. M1CKEW NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., llth and Harney Bts. Doug. 1((2. Hardware and Tools. FOR bargains In new and allghtiy used tools see us. Jefferson Hardware CO., is n. Kth. Tg. 4524. Open to I p. m. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent snywhers. Rsntal applies on purchase. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and Douglas streets. TYPEWRITERS sold rented and repatred. Rent an Oliver 1 months for II. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1(01 Farnam. WE buy, sell or exchange typewriters; guar, typewriters 119 snd up. Writ for list. Mtdlsnd Typewriter Co.. 1404 Djdge. Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. VEGETABLE PLANTS, all verities, in any quantity. Early tomatoes our specialty. .Colfax till. Ferguson Bros., Station D, Omaha. Store find -Office Fixtures. We have moved to new location. We buv, ell and make desks sarea, snowcaaes, shelving, etc Omsha' Fixture ft Supply Co.. S. W. Co. llth snd Douglas. D. 2724. Printing and Supplies. ADDING machines, all makoa. bought, sold and rented. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1005 Farnam. ' Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathera steamed, renovated and mads up In new feather proof ticking. 1007 Cuming. Doug. 4(7. WANTEOTOBUY H. GERBER IS KNOWN TO PAY THE HIOHF.ST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND FURNI TURE. D. 1444. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used deeks bought, sold and traded. J. O. Reed. 1801 Farnam. P. (146. PRIVATE party wants to purchase reason, ably (or cash solitaire diamond; give par tlculars and phone; no dealers. Box 72(1, Omaha Bee, THE NEBRASKA FURNITURE CO. WILL PAT YOU THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR FURN., STOVES. CARPETS. Doug. 1711. WE DON'T ARGUE. BUT PAY YOUR OWN PRICE FOR YOUR CLOTHES. DO. (Hi AK-SAR-BEN Furniture Co. pays full values for furniture and clothes. Douglas (101. LARGEST BUYER OF FURN1TURB AND MEN'S CLOTHING. DOUOLAS 615. CASH paid for diamonds, eatate appraised. Reese Jewelry Co.. 401 j""- M M ( ANNOUNCEMENTS - ' Awnings. ; ' AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tents and camping supplies, BCOTT-OMAHA TENT, AWNING CO. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. aids, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennsnts. IDEAL BUTTON gND PLEATING CO., 200-101 Brown Bldg; Phone Doug. 12. HEMSTITCH I NG, PLEATING. BUTTONS -G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 221-T Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 2101. Billiard Parlors. PRIVATE tables f or . parties at Holmes' Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages less than 29 lbs.,. II cents. Douglas 4(1. THE ONLY WAY W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 215. THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha 8ta., Omaha, Neb. : Brass, bronie, aluminum and machlns gray Iron eastings. ' Chiropractors. Dr J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 14(1. Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent. OppsP. O. John Feldman. 100 N. Kth St. Douglas 212s. Hat Cleaning. ALL kinds of Jlats Remodeled 1(20 Harney. Dentists. D-'Brsdbury. No pain. (21 W. O. W. Bldg T.ft's Dent. Rms., 101 Rose Bldg. D. 2181. Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dressmaking. Doug. (1(6. Detectives. JMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. EvidBi' secured In all cases. Tyler 1131. ANNOUNCEMENTS Express Transfer." WKST & SUTTON. Piano, household moving; llvs hauled. D. 1729. 10( Caes St. Stock Film Developing FLMb developed; rolls, 10c; packs, l(o developed; rolls, 10c; packs. cne-day service. . Kase Studio, Neville ltn ana tisrney "Fixtures and Wiring TATfTjfrfxf Electrio washing machines, LUXvIVllN electric Irons and reading lamps. 2221 Cuming St. Douglas 2511. Jewelry DIAMONDSwprrv'ife.b.e,t,p?ucy' SS at email profit. GR088, 402 N. Kth St. Live Stock Hauling. W Kill haul your live stock.' LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO., f20 Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 2501. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240Bee Bldg., Omaha. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, (14 Brandels Bldg. T. 2080. Res. 4741. Piano Tuning and Repairing. W. R. ralby piano tuner. Douglas 0207, Patent Attorneys. STUROE3 & 8TURGES, U. S. and foreign patents and trademarks. 130 Bee Bldg. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent C'e.. (81 Brandels. P. (601. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co., (24 8. llth St. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUO CLEANERS. Scientific Olive Oil Washing. Persian Rug Cleaning Co., 22(7 Farnam. H. 1842. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1212 Fsrnsm. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Tailors. Medrlck, P. L 216 8. 20th. Tailor. P. 1432, Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. llth. D. (2j. Trusses. CI-KCO COMFORT TRUSSES. ' Fitted Perfectly by Experts. The W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-11 Harney Bt. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing, Dougles Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES ARE you looking for an opportunity to en ter Into a profitable business in umana, if so U will pay you to Investigate our proposition, we are manufacturers ana distributors of extracts, ciders, fruit juices, etc, uaed by the leading cafes, soda foun tains and drug atores in Omaha and sur rounding territories. The present prohi bition wave throughout ths country and this territory particularly hold forth for this line of business a very bright future. Most of our business is being done by mall snd Is growing rapidly as our books will show. This is a rare opportunity for ths right party or parties. I hsvs good reasona for selling. This proposition will stand the most rigid investigation. Must be sold within ths next 20 days. Address 404 Bromley Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Dry cleaning and steam press ing plant, doing rug cleaning and hat blocking; positively best In town of Grand Island; all machinery up to date; fine location; better look this up; a splendid opportunity In this growing town. Address Box 4(7, Grand Island, Neb. FOR SALE Clean, up-to-date hardware St Queenaware stock, doing fine business. Lo cated in the Great Winter Wheat Belt, Northwest Kansas. Cleanest and best lo cated stock in the country. Address Box 214, Norton, Kansss. FOR SALE Blacksmith and auto repair business, with tools and stock, also prop erty, both residence and shop. Fine lo cation on main auto road, doing a fine business. O. M. Sasseen, Unadllla, Neb. WANT an experienced grocery and meat man with some cash to Invest In one of the beat paying grocery and meat mar kets, to taks full charge of things Will stand closest Investigation. Box (074 Bee. GENTLEMAN with good financial con nections wants meritorious propositions requiring capital or credit, Principals only. Write full particulars. E. Ireland, 498 West End Avenue, New York. SMALL Ladles-Gents' furnishing store for sale. F. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MUST SELL AT ONCE SUBURBAN PIC TURE SHOW DOING GOOD BUSINESS; BF.ST REASON FOR SELLING; INVES TIGATE THIS QUICK. BOX 6024. OMA HA BKB. PHONE WEB. 2711. MERCHANDISE WANTED A few ptecea of choice eastern Colorado land to exchange for stocks of Dry Goods or Hardware. Box 248. Burlington, Colo. CLOTHING Wanted, up-to-date men's clothing and furnishings; no fixtures. Give full description snd lowest cash price in first letter. Box T (29. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE 40 acres lead and slno lease; two shafts down; mill under contract and : partly built: want good live party to. finance. Call room 254, Sanford Hotel. GUARANTY locate you; any Una business; any state. Uuarantee eell your business. F. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ONLY Pool hall for sale In good town; 1 tables and everything In good shape. Ad dress Box Y-(42, Omsha Bee, FOR fiALE Four shares Sprague Tire and Rubber Co. preferred stock. Address, P. O. Box 744, Omaha. WANTED A good live promoter to help put , over a mining lease. Call room 334, San ford Hotel. ( AUTOMOBILES BUPSON SIX Perfect condition, new tires, and two bodies, one ( psssenger and ons town car body. Both like new, bargain at 77S. s FORD Car with express delivery body, fine condition, 1210. ANDREW MURPHY' & SON. 14th and Jackaon Sis LISTEN We' will save you 19 per cent on your tire bill. - Trade your old tires tor new one. Tubes vulcanised a cents, ess. Ings (0 cents up. ' Rebuilt, 2 in 1 casings for aale. 11 un. U. S. machines for sale. . U. & Vulcanlser Co.. Branch If. 329 & 13th St.. Omaha. ' KELSEY "Streamline" body makes old Ford new. Sol. 8. Goldstrom Co.. distributor. 2867 Farnam street Telephone Harney 6546. Fords sold for cashlir Urn pay ments. ' iioine 1 iso. (-paaa. car, splendid family car, Maxwell, a dandy small car, (150, BARNUM-SMITH CO. 2122 Cuming Sir AI iTflMflRlLKS I . CLlUUnAL V nu-r nnmiiu nmi. es-a-a vv ' PELTON'3 GARAGE Vim, light delivery, new car. Three-ton truck, new, bargain. Cadillac, 1912 Touring. Franklin Roadster, 1917. Franklin Touring, 1917. Franklin Touring, 1916. Chalmers Master Six. Alco 7-Pass. Touring. Hudson Super-Six Touring Auburn 6-cyl. Touring. Hudson 6-54 Touring. ALL ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION . AND PRICED RIGHT. 2205 FARNAM ST. Bargains in Used Cars Hudson 1-40 touring. 1117 Dodge roadster. .'. 1117 Ford touring. lilt Ford touring. Studebaker 4 touring. 1111 Oldsmobtle 4 touring. Nebraska Oldsmobile Co. 255 Farnam. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired snd rebuilt; large stock used radiators on hand. Mashed fenders snd lamps rspalred like new. Highest prices paid tor junk radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE tt AUTO WORKS, Ull Cuming St. Omaha. Neb. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. With and without starters, 25 to pick from. Phone D. 2914 or call at 1(11 Davenport. BOTLAN AUTO CO., ALL kinda of cars for hire, with or with out driver,, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, lOo per mile. Douglas 7390. Ne braska Service Garage. NEW Maxwell cars, 1918 models, for sale, (300 cash, balance monthly payments aa - desired. Answers strictly confidential. Box 6082, Bee. CUMING GARAGE, 2415 Cuming St. D. 2831. Storage, day and night service, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing, ' BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. ISth and Jackson. Ford Agents. Doug. 2(00, WANTED FOR BPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2060 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 2021 FARNAM BT. DOUGLAS 20. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1919 Farnam St. Douglas (070. QUALITY USED CARS, VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 2020 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. (0 FORDS WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO., 2105 FARNAM ST. GOOD USED CARS. ' GUY L. SMITH, Kth and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLANP CO., 2300 Farnam St. ' BARGAINS in used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. . TELL & BINKLEY. Commercial body builders. 2311 Harney St., D. 1(40. CHALMERS 1915 Caboulet or Roadster, In first-class condition. Cheap, Harney soot, BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED! Ever Ready Battery station, lzus farnam. NEW 1919 model 4-cyllnder Studebaker, 2872 Pratt. Colfax 4008. NEW 1911 model 4-cyllnder Studebaker 1873 Pratt Colfax 4008. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto, lis 8. llth St Douglas (481. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. lOo a mile, Ko per hour minimum charge, (EXCEPT Sundays and Holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 1622. 1314 Howard 8t Auto Painting and Repairing. EDWAR'DS, K. a. 261 llth St Web ster 1102. For the best results with repair work consult us. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 2,000 Miles Guaranteed. 20x2. 7.7(; 20x3H. 8.7(; 12xlH, 110.25; 23x4. (12.25; 24x4, 112.26; 15x4. 116.60. Write us today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 1516 Davenport St ' Omaha. D. 2914. NEW TIRES AT tt PRICE. ALL SIZES. NEW 10x1 Firestone, 18.50; Ford tubes, (3 VRW lflxxU t.KH TIRES 113 NEW 33x4 Flsk Non-Skid 130.75 KAIMAN'S TIRB JOBBERS. 1711 CUMING. INSIST on a. & O. quality retread and .save 10 per cent on your tires. Bargains In new and slightly used tires. O. & G. Tire Co, 24K Leavenworth St. Tyler 1261-W. TIRE price wreckers. . Thia la no 2-ln-l Ure. COMBINATION TIRB FACTORY. '422 & llth. Agta wanted. Omaha. Neb. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires And eliminate your tiro troubles. Powell Sup olr Co.. 20(1 Farnam St. FOUR almost new Goodyear (4x4 tlree and tubes, less than half price. Barnum-Smlth Co., 2123 Cuming. Motorcycle and Bicycles MOTORCLCLE for sale; one 12-horae pr. twin cylinder, Harley-Davidson. with side car; all electrically equipped: as good ss new; sits caan; owner goes to war. 4. a. Banker, Talmage. Neb. H A R L B Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in used machines. Victor H. Rooa, the Motorcycle Man, 27thand Leav THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect, We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new borne, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. OMAHA Bath Inst. Electric, steam or tub baths, massages of al lktnds. 221 Neville Blk. Douglas 7381. 16th and Harney Sts. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam' baths and 1(50. maxsage, 370 Bran. Thea. Bldg. MASSAGE, baths, manicuring physicsl cult Miss Walker. 224 Neville Blk. MISS ALLEN, massage, facial and scalp trea tment. 1802 Farnam St. Ropm 2. MAE BRUGMAN, scientific baths. 202 Ksrbach Blk. masseuse and Red 2727. OTTO ANDERSON, baker, please answer, Joe Staak, Carroll, la. SCIENTIFIC Masseuse. Neville Blk. Miss Halran, 222-3 Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. SCIENTIFIC mass. (18 Paxton Blk. D. 6372. MISS WEST, manicure, mass. 210 N. 17th. MEPICAL WHY SUFFER I Latest and most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes, 613-22 Securities Bldg. Examina tion and Consultation Free. He Is reliev ing thousands. WHY NOT YOU7 Delays are dangerous. If you can't call, write. Hours: a m. to S p. m., 7:20 to 1:30 evenings, Sunday, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write. ' Dr. Frank H. Wray. 806 Bee Bldg; SITUATIONS WANTEP Male. PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional cleaning and service company, 2701 Leavenworth St Harney 6012. A COLORED man wants Job work in sve nlng after 6. Webster 2221. . HOUSECLEANING, window washing and rug cleaning. Webster 698 CARPENTERING, Douglas (660. repairing, remodeling. Female. SITUATION wanted by young woman as housekeeper for widower or elderly couple. Only reliable people need answer. Box 6050, Bee. CAPABLE elderly lady desires preceding housekeeping In some trustworthy home. Reference given. 2517 Hamilton. WANTED Plain and fancy sewing by re liable colored lady. Tel. Webster 1203. GUARANTEED dressmaking. Tyler 2004-W Call evenlnga. WOMAN wants offices to clean. Har. (276. PLAIN Sewing neatly done. Call Wa). 2074. Laundry and Day Work." WASHING Rough-dry or finished; blank eta and curtains specialty; soft water. Walnut 432. COLORED lady with references wants place 2 or 4 days each week. Webster 4521. LAUNDRESS wishes work; bundles called tor and delivered. Webster (122. WANTED Bundle washing. (796, after S o'clock. Call Webster FIRST CLASS colored laundress with refer ence. Douglas 8712. COLORED lady wants cleaning by the day Telephone Webster 1841. LAUNDRY work called for and delivered. Webster 2351. BUNDLE washing, rough, dry and finished. Red (673. WOMiiN wants day work, ref. Webster 2221. BUNDLE washing to take home. Webster (8(4. LAUNDRESS Washing by the hour. Web. 3017. CURTAINS laundered; w'k guar. Har. 1130. DAY work wanted. Webster 1499. DAY work and bundle wushlng. Web. 1088. HELP WANTEP MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way you advertise to sell merchandise, and the difference In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1009. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you Id preparing your advertisement MALE stenographer wanted for bank position- that will quickly develop Into as sistant cashlership. Good salary, ex cellent future, county sest town of 3,000, sentral Nebraska. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO. . "The Bank Position Specialists.1 1424-30 First Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP ER: GOOD OPENING FOR RIGHT PARTY; GIVE REFERENCE, STATING AGE AND SALARY WANTED TO START ON. ANSWER PROMPTLT. SO CAN AR RANGE INTERVIEW EARLY PART OF WEEK. ALSO GIVE PHONE NUMBER BOX 5063, BEE. BOOKKEEPER, grain experience, (160i bookkeeper, small office, (100; office clerk, (76; typist and clerk. 380. AVATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Building. BOOKKEEPER, (bank). (110; bookkeeper. 1125; office clerk, 165: cigar clerk, 185: ledger clerk. (85. Co-Operatlve Reference Co., 1015 City Nat'l Bank. STENOGRAPHER and clerk. (90. . THE MARTI SERVICE, 915-16 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and stenographer for general store in eastern Idaho. Salary (100. Reference required. Box Y (43, Omaha Bee. YOUNG man, with high school education, office position. 175. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. HOTEL CLERK (40. Rm. and board. OFFICE BOY I THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDO. 8HIPPING clerk, 185-1100. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. " WANTED. TIRE CHANGER. " B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER CO.. 2024 FARNAM. . ' WANTED Strong Men, Steady .Work And Good Pay. OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO.. 18th and Marcy St, EXPERIENCED tire repair man. Highest wages paid. Omaha Radiator and Tire Works. 1819 Cuming street. WANTED Houseman at Clarkson HoeplUL Professions and Trades. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTQRMEN. Apply in peson to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Two husky young men for work in The Bee press roomAp ply Supt. PATTERN makers, machinists, tool makers. steady, competent men, by a large, long established concern in Denver. Good shop, Ideal climate and living conditions. . Good pay. Apply W. A. Kunkle, Henshaw hotel, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday afternoons or evertngs. WANTED At once, two first-class auto mobile mechancs; steady work and good wages to the right men. Write the Jules burg Motor Co., Julesburg, Colo., stating qualifications and experience. WANTED Expert auto mechanic; good on welding and lathe work; steady work and good salary. THE CORNISH GARAGE, Lyons, Neb. WANTED A man with pump drilling out .. fit to go to Kimball county. Neb. Several wells over 200 feet to be drilled this summer Apply to Box 543. Blair, Neb. WANTED Experienced meat cutter. One capable of waiting on trade over counter. Apply Courtney ft Company, Omaha. WANTED Several saddle Cutters and stock saddle makers. Padgltt Bros. Co., Dal las, Tex. ' WANTED Experienced paper cutters. Ap ply Carpenter Paper Co., 9th and Har ney Sts. LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call or write Barber College. 1124 Douglas St AN all around experienced candymaker; steady work. Box 7104. Omaha Bee. WANTED Meat cutters. Apply Washing ton Market, 1407 Douglas St. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart ment Box 4140S Bee TRIMMER for automobile top work. Thom as F. English Top Co., 2318 Harney. WANTED Fainter. Call Harney 2664. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN The McCaskey Register Co. desires the services of high grade, aggres sive specialty salesmen, capable of making large earnings on very satisfactory com- - mission arrangements, to sell systems, sales books, fireproof safes, etc.; com mission advanced weekly; preference given applicants who have automobiles; a few good openings for men who can qualify; write In confidence, giving age, experience, knowledge of accounts and retailing. If any, and enclose photo to E. O. Warren, P. O. Box (93, Denver, Colo, WANTED REAL SALESMAN. One only. If yon have real ability call tn Guy P. Wallace at Paxton hotel, who can show 1500 per month and expenses for vnur time selling a staple article on guaranteed basis. WANTED Grocery salesman. Apply super intendent, Hayden Bros. SALESMAN -Good future; salary depends. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank. TRAVELING salesman, grocery specialty, 1100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Portrait artists and drapery workers, E. H. Roberts Portrait Co., Kan sas City, Mo. ' Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED DRIVERS AND WAGON HELPERS. ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. APPLY UNION STATION. Miscellaneous. Wanted Volunteers' Between the Ages of 18 to 31 and 31 to 41 Years For Volunteer Service in U. S. Base Hospital. Apply Dr. 0. S. Hoffman, Sec 324 Bee Bldg. WANTED 1 AM ACTIVE MAN, UP Tf 10 YEARS OLD, AS DELIVERY-MAN; WAGES, (SO TO 1125 PER MONTH. ALAMITO DAIRY CO., MEN WANTED. AGE 21 TO (0, FOR GENERAL YARD WORK; STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN, APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, i UNION 8TOCK YARDS CO.. SOUTH OMAHA. WANTED LIVELY YOUNG MAN For auto filling station attendant Ap ply to Charles Moore, 12th and Harney, . L. V. NICHOLAS OIL COMPANY. ELDERLY refined man. who appreciates congenial home for assisting with garden work evening. Box 7326. Omaha Bee. HELP WANTEP. Male and Female. OMAHA government clerk examinations May 2(th. Thousands wanted Immediately 1109 month. Sample questions free. Frsnklln Institute, Dept 212 E. Rochester, N. Y. WANTS D Men. ladles and boys, learn barber trade: big demand: wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St Trl-City Barber College Phone D. 1147. . UOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, lie 8, 14th St. Omaha. Neb. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS, 50 to 1100; bookkeep ers. 175 to 1100. -WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, , 1138 First National Bank Building. , STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, 8(; stenographers, 50-(69-7(; three adding machine operators, 165; office clerk, 140. . Co-Operatlve Ref. Co.. 1015 City Nat. Bk. GOVERNMENT wants thousands clerks at Washington immediately; 1100 month; full Information free. Box Y-634.0maha Bee. TWO STENOGRAPHERS, (60-170. SALESWOMAN. 150 AND COMMISSION. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. WANTED Experienced stenographer. Ap ply Washington Market Wholesale De partment, 1307-9 Howard St STENOGRAPHER and Clerk, (65. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. GENERAL office clerk, (65. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to Uarii telephone operating. Good wages paid while harning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. E. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. WANTED BY BURGESS- NASH CO., Experienced women for alteration work on fine dresses. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. WANTED 15 girls, experienced on poirei. sewtng machines. Experienced operator! can earn from 112 to '115 per week. Light, clean, steady work. Two weeks' guaran tee given new beginners. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709-11 South Kth St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Saleslady for grocery depart ment. Apply superintendent, Haydon Bros. SALESLADIES Steady work, commission and salary. Position wortn (z v per oay to canvass tor old established house. So Mr. Fowler, Edwards Hotel. . Household and Domestic. GENERAL housework In small family grown people. To girl wisning to co operate and have permanent position wages worth inquiring about. Expert-, enced girl or with from one year's ex perience up. Harney 4365. GOOD WAGES TO COMPETENT GIRL, NO WASHING; THREE IN FAMILY. 14S SOUTH 39TH ST. CAPABLE girl for general houseworit in . small family; grown people, bus o. oi St. Harney 4356. . - ' . WANTED Girl for general housework; good home and good wages, ueiepnone Harney 143 3. WANTED A competent second girl. 610 M. 48th St. Mrs. George A. Hoagiana. -Teu Walnut 199. ' . YOUNG white girl to assist with child and light housework. Good home. Tel. Wal ' nut 1621. ; - ' ' WANTED A girl for housework; with or without washing and cooking, wainux 1176. - COMPETENT whit woman cook wanted. Douglas County Hospital. Csll Harney 062. WANTED Girl for general rood wages. 116 S. 61st Ae. housework; Walnut 223. WANTED at Once An experienced cook, IIS a week. Apply Mrs. Arthur Qulou, H. 326. WANTED Housekeeper In family of four. No washing. Phone Walnut 806. GOOD GIRL for general housework, home nights. Walnut 3668. Ge Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Head waitress and one side wait ress; high wages; ticket advanced, Pad dock hotel. Beatrice, Neb. WANTED A good waitress at once. Apply Kosher Cafe. 816 S. 15th St. Miscellaneous. WANTED ' GIRLS, COLORED PREFERRED, i OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., KTH AND -MARCY STS. EPUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. -DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. , , Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit Ing, telegraphy, civil service all commew clal and English branches. Catalogue tret, BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1561. llth and Harney Bts. Vaa-6ant School of Business, . ' Day and Evening Schools. 229 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas (89ft FOR RENT FURN ISHEP Apartments. AN apartmen'. extraordinary, 1 rooms and bath, big closet room. FURNISHED'' COMPLETE in every detail. In high-class apartment building; walking distance from downtown; janitor service, water, heat, etc.. furnished, 142.59 per month. Call Douglas 1140. - DUNDEK The lower floor, or kitchenette, upstairs, desirable. Walnut 1252. Phono mornings or evenings. 1(12 CAPITOL Ave., model apartment, private bath; rooms. i. south front also sleeping Omaha Real Estate is the best in vestment you could make. Read Th Bee's real estate columns. -if r ?-