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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1918)
aha Daily Bee HE ' THE WEATHER Fair XLVII NO. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 191812 PAGES 0 TnlM, il Hihh, SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. nn JV JUU U VI 0M 283. I. 5. TROOPS NOW BEING USED IN BATTLES, DECLARES BAKER XTZf uX fo?! London Statement Puzzling to Washington uniciais. , London, May 13. The Associ ated Press was officially informed tonight that the statement sent out from Ottawa last night attri buting to the war committee of the British cabinet the announce ment that it had been decided not to use the American army on the'' western front until it became a complete force was due to an er ror, which has now been correct ed. Washington, May 13. American officers were inclined tonight to char acterize reports from London, via Ot tawa, that American troops would not be used until a complete and pow erful American army had been devel oped in France as an echo of the po litical controversy precipitated in England by the incident of General Maurice. ' They could see no other explana tion since the statement attributed to the "war committee" of the British war cabinet was promptly repudiated by Lord Reading, British ambassador here, and later was declared by Sec retary Baker, in a formal statement, to be at absolute variance with the facts as known here. Americans Fighting. Lord Reading's statement said he was confident no such announcement had been issued with the knowledge of Premier Lloyd George, adding that ,the views of the British government, 'which he was transmitting were ex actly opposite. Secretary Baker said American troops were now being used in battle and would continue to be used asthe supreme commander, General Foch, deemed best. Inquiry at the various bureaus of the War department showed that the expedited movement of men to France is proceeding as planned after the an nouncement that American units would be brigaded with the French and British for immediate operations, as well aS training. ; In view of these developments, it was felt that' an explanation - must come from the British capital. London Announcement Displeasing. Since the decision to scatter Amer ican battalions or regiments in allied forces was made only because of the cry for man power from both the Brit ish and French governments when the German onslaught was battering the lines in ' Flanders and Picardy, offi cials here were inclined to find the tone of the announcement now attrib uted to the war cabinet distasteful. The fhole American program in France hbs been subject to revision by reason of that decision, the effect of which was to set aside national pride'and the ambitions of American officers of high rank in order to fur nish immediate aid. Such sacrifices are not to be viewed lightly, it is held, or to be accepted or rejected at the whim of the moment in London or elsewhere. Just how this report may relate to the recent political crisis in England, American officers do not undertake to say. They have a strong feeling that English politics are behind the mys tery, however, and look to the British gvernment to correct promptly any misapprehension there may be about the need for American aid. . Prefer American Training. There are some other question's agi tating officials here which the Ottawa report served to bring to light. For one thing, American army officers, for the most part, arc convinced that the American army will never reach its highest efficiency under either the French or British army systems. The relations between the officers and men in each army are things peculiar to each army. They cannot be transposed from one to the other. ,,. In the opinion of many officers here, the' time is fast approaching when 'American officer from the other side should be relied upon for the training of the American, rather than veterans of trench, warfare from the French and British services. Men who are most insistent on this point of view believe trench warfare has produced nothing as yet which justi fies the abandonment of all other theories of military operations for high specialization in trench tactics. r If America is to contribute largely to the ultimate defeat of the German army, they hold it. must contribute something more than man power; it must contribute to the working out of , a new theory of operations which will bring victory, as trench warfarf has ok done. For that reason they feel r it would be a mistake to lose the dash and Initiative of the American army in over-training for French ac tion. Name Editor of The Bee on . f'aiional Postal Committee Notification has come ' to Victor Rosewater, editor of The Bee. of his appointment by President Glass of the American Newspaper Publishers' association, to be a member of the association's postal committee. Mrs. Mae Evans Parckned ' ' In South Dakota for Slaying rierre, S. D., May 13. (Special Telegram.) Governor Norbeck today on recommendation of the state par don board granted a pardon to Mrs. Mae Evans, .sentenced for 25 years for the killing of Dr. Moore, a veteri narian, at Brookings' GERMANY PLANS TO MEET DESTROYER MENACE Teutons. Design Novel Craft in Hope of Regaining Advan tage in Underwater War fare From Allies. Washington, May 13. Realizing that America and the allies have gained mastery over the present type of submarine, Germany now is said to be planning a new series of big U-boat cruisers with which she hopes again to assume the advantage in her unrestricted underwater warfare. Announcement of the new German scheme is made by George Leygues, the French minister of marine, in an interview received here today in an official dispatch from France. No de tail regarding the new U-boats were given by M. Leygues, but from infor mation from other sources it appears that the cruiser submarines will be heavily armed and armored and will be designed especially to meet the menace of the torpedo boat destroy ers which have proved so effective in hunting down the smaller submarines now in operation. ALLIES ARE PREPARED. M. Leygues declared that the allies are ready to meet Germany's new ef forts and will not rest upon the "fine results obtained" in the past. "We shall not stop," he said, "until we have cleaned up the sea as one cleans up a trench." Just how effective has been the war against the U-boats is shown by fig ures on destruction of allied shipping given to the naval commfttee of the French chamber of deputies Satur day by Minister Leygues. They re veal that sinkings of merchantmen have fallen off to the point where new construction is exceeding the destruc tion, even now before American yards are in full swing. Rate of Destruction Reduced. The monthly average of destruc tions this year, as given by M. Ley gues, is 315,000 tons, compared with more than 500,000 tons monthly in 1917. In April of last year, the first month of Germany's unrestricted sub marine warfare, the tonnage sunk was 871,000. In April" this year it had dwindled to about 268,000 tons. On the other hand the destruction of submarines is exceeding their con struction by the enemy and the mar gin is expected to increase as addi tional American destroyers, which now are being turned out rapidly, take their place operating in the war zone. Gain Made in Tonnage. The total of allied shipping de stroyed in the first four months of 1918 was placed by Minister Leygues at 1,262,345 tons and even if the sub marines are able to maintain this rate, which officials doubt, the year's total would be something like 3,700,000 tons, or less than the estimated amount of tonnage which the shipping board believes America will produce during the year. Adding to American production the output in Great Britain, France and Japan, the allies would gain for the yfar something like 2,000,000 tons, not counting the 1,000,000 or more tons of chartered Japanese and Norwegian ships and requisitioned Dutch vessels. Officials emphasize the fact that theses figures, while encouraging, do not -furnish the margin of safety necessary and there will be no'relax ing of building efforts in any of the allied countries or in America. Carl Bloomquist Re-Weds Wifte From Whom Divorcejd St. Paul,' Minn., May 13. (Special Telegram.) Carl A., Bloomquist and Mrs. Emma Bloomquist of Omaha, after separation of two years, have decided to try married life again. The cbuple was divorced in Nebraska two years ago and was remarried here today by Court Commissioner Henry Gallick. The Bloomquists will return to Omaha to live. Women Methodists Win ; Fight For Church Rights Atlanta, Ga., May 13. Women of 1 uic jvieinoQist episcopal church south today won their 40 years'' fight for full lay. membership in the church when the general conference struck from the church law the prohibition against the membership of women delegates to the general conference. LAW TO END LOAFING IN N. Y. 1 "Tango and Lounge Lizards" Liable to Both Fine and Imprisonment. " IDLERS' CENSUS TO BE TAKEN , (Br Auaelated Tnu. Albany, N. Y., May 13. An anti loafing bill, modeled in some respects after statutes in effect in Maryland and New Jersey, was signed by Gov ernor Whitman today. It requires all able-bodied males from 18 to 50 years of age by proclamation by the governor, "to be habitually and regu larly ehgaged in some lawful, useful and recognized business, profession, occupation, trade or employment until the termination of the war." ' A fine of $100 or imprisonment for three months, or both, is provided. A census of male idlers was begun ' , v ' ' NEW U-BOATS MRS. H. H. BOWES, COUSIN OF GREAT POETS, DIES HERE MRS H. BOWES. Omaha. Woman, Relative of Longfellow and- Whittier, ; Mother of 14 Children, Five of Whom Survive. Mrs,' Margaret Lawton Bowes, 527 South Wtrt';wya a first coffsinof IheTate oh 'Green leaf Wbitfief and Henry! Wadsworth Longfellow . great American .poets, was laid to rest Sunday v . afternoon after funeral services led by C. T. Dickinson, Christian Science reader. Mrs. Bowes, who was the wife of Harrison H. Bowes, Omaha lawyer, was a sister of Walter Perry Green leaf, noted Theosophical lecturer, of Chicago. She was profoundly inter ested in the Theosophical society and was well known in Omaha. She was the mother of 14 children, of whom the following survive: Wil liam R. Bowes, Chicago; Frank J. Bowes, Beatrice. Neb.; Arthur G. Bowes, New York City; Walter P. Bowes and Mrs. Marion Bowes Pix ley, Omaha. PLANS ANNOUNCED FOR AEBITEATING LAB0RTR0UBLES Washington, May 13. Plans for the settlement of local industrial dis putes which might interfere with the nation's war program were announced today by the national war labor board in compliance with President Wilson's labor proclamation of last April 8. The plan provides for the appoint ment of local arbitration committees in industrial cities and districts and of two member sub-committees of the board itself to act in controversies which the .local committee cannot settle. These committees will be as sisted by trained field agents sent out from Washington to investigate each dispute. The war labor board will act as the supreme court and will hear cases only when its sub-committees are unable to settle a controversy or when one side or another makes an appeal from their decisions or those of the local committees. Airman Dies of Jnjuries. Houston, Tex., May 13. Lieuten ant Benjamin V. Maurice, of New York, died at Ellington field, Houston, today of injuries sustained whep his airplane fell on April 16. , . by the police today with a view to prosecution under the anti-loafing bill signed by Governor Whitman. "Tango and lounge lizards," pool room loafers, tramps and other idlers between the ages of 18 and 50 will be haled to court and fined or im prisoned unless they can show that they are engaged in a useful occupa tion or intend to seek employment. Included among New York's idlers, it is said by police, are thousands who fled across the Hudson when New Jersey's anti-loafing law went into effect. The roundup of idlers will also be a hunt for slackers. . H. PLAN BIG RAISE IN R. R. RATES Railroad Administration Offi . cials Figure increase of 25 Per Cent Is Necessary to Meet Higher Costs. (By Ansoflatfd Frei.) Washington, May 13. Estimates made today by railroad administra tion officials indicate that an increase of at least 25 per cent in freight and passenger rates will be necessary this year to meet the higher costs of fuel, wages, equipment and other operating expenses, now set at between $600, 000,000 and $750,000,000 more than last year. Recommendations that rates be raised by approximately this percent age has been made to Director Gen eral McAdoo by his advisers. He is expected to act within the next six weeks, and to put increases into ef fect immediately. Shippers will be permitted to appeal to the Interstate Commerce commission under the rail road act .and final decision will be with President Wilson. - Biggest Ever Proposed. Such an increase as is proposed would be the biggest in the history of American railways as the percentage is larger tharl any ever sought by 'the railways under private management and would apply alike to the entire country. Both class and commodity schedules would be affected. Rate experts of the Interstate Com merce commission and railroad and administration now are at work on new schedules. Any increases to be ordered will be arranged in a manner to preserve rate relationships between communities and regions, officials said today, so that industries and commer cial interests will be subject to the same degree of rate competition as at present. Passenger fares would be raised un der the plan suggested to about 3 cents a mile, from the existing gen eral rate, of a little less than Zl cents, - Large Deficit Foreseen. ?;The proposed hicf eases, it is esti mated, would yield about- $900,000,000 $700,000,000 in freight and $200, 000,000 in passenger revenues. This would leave a margin above the esti mated increases in operating expenses eventually, but since the new rates would .not go into effect until the year is half over, their yield would fall sev eral hundred InilUoQ dollars short of meeting the anticipated deficit thii year. - ;, It is roughly estimated by railroad administration officials that the roads this year will spend between $150,000, 000 and $350,000,000 for wages more than last year, between $120,000,000 and $150,000,000 more for coal, and between $180,000,000 and $250,000,000 more for cars, locomotives, rails, ties, terminal facilities, barges for inland waterways and other supplies and equipment. These figures may be lowered by later developments but of ficials who have studied the situation closely are inclined to believe that they are more likely to prove higher. The estimate of increased wages is based on the probability that the director general will approve a gen eral scheme of higher pay for work men in accordance with the railroad wage commission's recommendations, which called for an addition of $300, 000,000 to the $2,000,000,000 payroll of last year. Although the question of the exact prices the railroads are to pay for coal under government operation has not been settled, officials in charge of pur chases are said to have decided that it will be necessary to pay at least 65 cents a ton more than under contracts now expiring. Railroads' coal con sumption amounts to about 175,000,000 tons a year. , Swift Stockholders Approve Increase of Capital Stock Chicago, May 13. Stockholders of Swift and company, at a special meet ing here today, formally approved the olan to increase the ca the corporation trom $1UU,UW,WU to $150,000,000. Half6f the increase is to be distributed ' among the share holders as a stock dividend while the other $25,000,000 worth of additional stock will be offered to sharehold ers for cash at par at the rate of one share of new stock for each four shares of old stock. Famous Briton Dead. London, May 13. Baron Courtney of Penwith; political economist and deputy speaker of the House of Com mons from 1886 to 1892, died in Lon don Saturday. Chicago Wheat Ration To Be Further Reduced; May Use Bread Ticket Chicago, May 13. Bread tick ets as a war-time measure in Chi cago may be- necessary, according to sentiment among 1,000 master bakers of this city in session here today. Harry A. Wheeler, state food administrator, announced that 80 per cent of wheat flour al lowed bakers between May 13 and June 1, will be reduced for the ' month of June to 70 per cent of the amount allowed for the same month last year. GERMANS PREPARE FOR NEW BLOW IN BIG DRIVE ON WEST DRAFT IN MAY TO BE LEVIED ON NEW BASIS Washington, May 13. The bill changing the basis of draft quotas from state population to the number of men in class one was signed late, today by Vice President Marshal and Speaker Clark and sent to President Wilson for his approval. This measure has been before con gress for several months. It will be put into effect as soon as signed by the president, as plans are ready for making the May draft, already ordered, on the new basis. FELON WHO MADE THREAT TO "GET GiriSCAPES Green and Suppa, Omaha Con victs, Gain Freedom From - Penby Scaling the Prison Walls. (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb.,,-May 13. (Special.) Scaling a 20-foot wMl by tying to gether two ladies, Peter Green and Thomas Suppa, Douglas county pris oners, employed nights in the prison power plant as firemen, escaped from the Nebraska state penitentiary early Monday morning. Warden W. T. Fenton believed the convicts caught a freight train which passes about daylight. The men were traced to the Burlington tracks, a quarter of a . mile east of the prison. The escape was made while a newly employed night guard was making the rounds of the machine shop. They also evaded the vigilance of the one guard on the wall by selecting an ob scure corner in which to go over. Green was under a sentence of 18 years for criminal assault. He was received at the prison in April 1911. Suppa was sent up in 1915 to serve en indeterminate sentence of two to 15 years for attempted assault. Both were convicted in Omaha. Clemency Refused. The State Pardon board made unan imous recommendation on January 4, that - Governor Neville grant no clemency to Green. The prisoner had been appealing for commutation of sentence. , o Miss Fanny Koller, 13, Green's vic tim has been made a physical and nervous wreck by the attack, accord ing to a letter received by the gov ernor from Dr. J. W. Wearne of Oma ha, who attended the girl. The threat made by Green at the time of the trial that he would "get the girl" for testifying agains him, was still preying on her mind, Dr. Wearne said. Seen Near Beatrice. Beatrice, Neb., May 13. (Special Telegram.) Two men closely answer ing the description of Peter Green and Thomas Suppa, trusties, who escaped from the Nebrasa penitentiary early this morning, passed through Beatrice this evening on the way south. Senate Votes For Postal Motor Food Transportation Washington, May 13. By a vote of 42 to 9 the senate today tentatively ac cepted a committee amendment to the postoffice appropriation bill, appropri ating $100,000 for the establishment of postal motor routes in order to trans port food products from agricultural districts to cities. , ' The senate also took up considera tion of Senator King's motion to strike from the bill a $100,000 appro priation for conducting experiments in carrying mailby airplanes, but action was postponed until tomorrow. V. P. Ex-Controller Dies. lain j. a in -v ii ii wi iv a anvi iv-v yi cut dent of the Union Pacific and South ern Pacific railroads until 1913, died here, today at the age of 75 years. YANKEE TRICK FOOLS HUNS Americans Rest and Laugh While Enemy Wastes His Ammunition. FIRE DRAWN BY ALARM CLOCK (By Aanclatcd I'rtM.) With the American Army in France, May 13. How an American alarm clock kept the whole German line guessing and caused the Germans use less expenditure of larcc quantities of I machine gun and rifle ammunition all one night was related today. The Americans had been trying for some time to draw the fire of certain enemy units. "Leave Fritz to me," said a happy faced young American who, putting an alarm clock under his arm, disap peared into No Man's Land under cover of darkness and fastened the clock to a wire. Soon the alarm rang, whereupon the Germans opened fire. The wire had been so arranged that the clock con tinued to ring intermittently and each Great Turning Movement Against Arras Sector Fore shadowed By Activity of Artillery North of Serre; Austrians Meet Stern Resistance in Efforts to Regain Peak of Monte Corno. (By Associated Press.) ' London, May 13. British mounted troops, after capturing Kirkut, in Mesopotamia, pursued the Turks for a distance of 28 miles to the northward, says an official statement issued today by the war office. On May 11 the Turks were driven across the 4 Lesser Zab river at Altyn Kupri, 60 miles southeast of Mosul. 'v mmmmm , Germany's resumption of the gigantic offensive against the allies on the west front has not yet materialized. In various sec tors there have been local operations which have no bearing on the situation as a whole, but along the entire front there is aj quiet that might be encouraging were it not for the fact that the Germans are known to be moving up men and material for a new move in the mighty drive launched March 21. a GERMANS UPON PICARDY FRONT BEGINTO DIG IN Huns Opposing Americans on This Line Show Signs of Giving Up Idea of Advance. By WILBUR FORREST. With the American Forces on the Picardy Front, May 13. (Special Cablegram to the New York Tribune and Omaha Bee.) While the military situation westward toward the sea re mains an open warfare in which either side may renew hostilities, .there is every indication that the enemy units opposing the relatively small AmerU can sector here have decided to settle down to the resumption of trenhwar fare. ;---- ' r :'ft Aerial observation and other sources of information, have elicited the fact that the enemy is digging trenches systems of a permanent character, not only in the vicinity of the first line, but also in the rear; Nightly enemy working parties are busy and every morning shows the progress of their labor. For a month allied observation indi cated that the enemy was not.prepar ing to retain permanently the posi tions where he was stopped below Montdidier by the French reserve after an unopposed march of nine miles in one day. His trenches remained shallow, while the men have occupied shell holes and improved shelters. The reason for the enemy's decision to dig in now is undoubtedly that he has be gun to realize the difficulty of bring ing up stipplies.a thing which has long been evident from this side of the line. ' - Prisoners the allies have taken were in some cases starving. The harassing fire of the allied batteries, especially at night, on the roads and on the enemy's organization in the rear, may also bear on the sit uation. , Police Commissioner Not Yet Using His New. Broom It was quiet and serene in "police circles last night, even if the new city administration and police commission er were in charge. No orders were received from the "big chief" for a, wholesale cleaning up and the police officers continued their routine duty. The visit to the Jolice station by Police Commissioner . Dean Ringer, expected by the men, failed to materialize. "Blue Devils" From France Pay Visit to White House Washington, D. C, May 13. Presi dent Wilson received today 86 French Alpine troopers, known as the "Blue Devils," who arrived here on their tour of the United States for the Red Cross. time drew a violent fire from the enemy. Meanwhile the Americans rested in their trenches and enjoyed a hearty laugh. An American officer turned the tables nicely on the enemy recently. The Germans had retired during a bombardment to concrete dugouts be hind their trenches, leaving the first three lines to one man, who went around setting off flares, so as to cre ate the impression that the whole front was alive with Germans. An American patrol leader went over and discovered the ruse. He killed the one German, invaded the trenches and gathered dozens of street signs which the Germans had posted, returning to his own lines with the signs tucked under his arm. Field Marshal Haig'g report makea special note of activity by the German artillery north of Serre. This little town is situated behind the Teutonic lines north of Albert and narks the . apex of a triangle, the base of which is the line between Hebutrene and Bucquoy. . For several weeks military experts have been watching developments in this region because it is the logical point from which the Germans may be expected to launch a great turning movement against the Arras sector, where the , country is moderately ' level, with long undulating ridges which might be stormed readily by heavy masses of troops. ' Attack at Amiens Forseen. The southern portion of the Brit ish front has been under heavy fire' and this may indicate the-Germans are getting 'ready for a new effort to reach Amiens. On the rest of the western front s the reports,Jtell nothing of interest, as revealing the true situation. Since the Italians captured Mont Corno on Saturday momma, the Austrian s have tried in vain to regain this' commanding peak south of Asiagobut have been met with stern . resistance. 1 ; ; British Capture Kirkut. In Mesopotamia the British forces, have progressed further up the Tigris and have . captured Kirkut. pursuing ' the Turks for twenty miles to , the northward. . The British now are 60." miles east of the important city of Mosul, the site of the ancient city of Nineveh and the crossing of num erous taravan routes. V Ukrainian reports tell of the cap-.' turef. by the i Germans of Dowager Empress Maria' Feodorovna and Grand Dukes Nicholas Nicolalevitch and Alexander Michaelovitch, who have been living in etarightened cir umstances in the seclusion of their estates in Crimea, which now is over run by the Germans, y, .. Emperors, in Accord. ; -Emperor Charles of Austria, ac-; companied by his foreign minister and military leaders, has called on Emperor William. The report of the ; meeting says there was complete accord" as to the present and future relations of thecountries. ' . ' The Ukrainians .are said to be very ' cool toward the new government set up by the Germans, while the Lith uanians are demanding the absolute independence of their country with a monarch chosen from some .neutral - state, instead of a German prince, which has been said to be the pro gram there. , t- HINDENBURG DEAD, IS STOEYTOLDBY GEEMAN PRISONlSS London, May 13. All German pris oners captured in France say that Field Marshal von Hindenbursr is dead, letters from British officers ons. r the western Wnt report, according to me Daily Ukfress. At the same time the name of Gen-i eral von Mackensen is brought into prominence as that of a great man,-" who is to bring the Germans victory. " ltt Daily Express assumes that the , von Hindenburg story is circulated to explain the failure of the great of fensive. .' , . J; - Short Weighting Discovered In Packages of Cornmeal Salt Lake City, May 13. L. T. Ir vine, chief of the bureau of weights and measures of this city, said today . he had discovered shortages of from one-half pound to one pound in 10-. pound bags of cornmeal, shipped -from eastern points to this city in carload lots. Mr. Irtfine made the charge that short-weighting of a sys,. tematic nature was being practiced byv shippers of foodstuffs into this city. . C. In one carload of cornmeal Mr. Ir-V " vine discovered, he said, shortages of one pound in sacks labeled as con-? taining 10 pounds. He insists that claims of shrinkages made by manu- . facturers are not borne out y such noticeable' discrepancies in the -weights. - Geigel, Star Bavarian Flier, . V Killed on .West Front Amsterdam, . May 1& Lieutenant Geigel, a star Bavarian airman, has been killed on the western front, ac cording to the Coloune Gazette. He was credited with 15 aerial victories , i -. v. '