WS AND 'OUTS' (UNDER SPELL OF , PEACE DOVE COO t',2rmony Reigns Supreme in ' ; City Hall as Municipal Ship Nears Port to Change Crew. Members of fhe incoming and out- going cfty council! discredit rumors tt a disagreement over the date of the ' official change of affairs in the city halL Commissioners-elect Friday morn- ing announced that they will assume " charge of the municipal government Monday morning, which happens to ' I. j A - Mil. t tt,. MAtilli TVlia Vl DC IUB itIll Vk KIW ,V".". .....j explain, is in accordance with the ' Jw and is agreeable to the retiring officials. J hey nave no misgivings the fact that they will start on the 13th. Dahlman Heady to Retire. ii "I am ready and anxious to turn ,' tny office over to my successor,' Mavisr Dahlman stated. "You may announce for ret that I will step out on Monday morning, '.Commissioner Withnell. Other commissioners expressed mnar intentions. .; ' Hammers Kindly Spirit Gtv Commissioner Hummel said "There is nothing in that story about holding over for two weeks, until Mav 27. I want to leave with good feeling and am willing to give a week or 10 days of my time without pay to help my successor witn as mucn in formation as I can." Commissioner Parks will leave on -. Monday for a trip of several weeks .He will visit a eon in a cantonment f camp. . J. Dean Ringer, city commissioner elect speaking as a prospective super lintendent of the police department f f admits that he is being importuned and advised from many quarters rela- Itive to important positions of the de f partment. Ringer Smiles, at Rumors. ( cHe smiled when asked as to the i truth of some of the wild rumori ' which art beinsr circulated. ' ' "M for the appointment of a chief, Hhat matter absolutely has not been considered. All 1 could say at this ; time is that whoever the ehlet may be, he should be a strong man, but we are not up to that matter yet Mr. Rinr stated. Friends of Detective Sergeant Telix Dolan are making an effort to ' have him appointed as head of the dea tective department and friends of Chief Dempsey are likewise ready to front lor him as chiet. T. E. DESIEES BUT " 01IE ADDRESS BE ; AEBANQED HERE Omaha and Lincoln to Miss Army Draft Call May 25, War Order Says Neither Omaha nor Lincoln will be asked to send any drafted men for the next call. May 25, accord ing to instructions just received from Captain W. L. Anderson, pro vost marshal general of Nebraska. Both Omaha and Lincoln have suf ficient voluntary enlistments and inductions to make up their quota. Omaha's quota would have been about 300 men to entrain May 25. Other pants of Nebraska will send national army men May 25. m .am.. n n i fn r icu i mums mm a m lw s w, f : P m ,V ... A iwilOTIllflmaSBMIll,M IMF ir JI Theodore Roosevelt, wVt arrive In Omaha Saturday morning, Tana 8, ,S from Chicago, and will be the guest P ..... t. - 1t J i ..!- - wnen no win proceed to at. i-oois. - A telegram received by F. A. Bro- gsn, chairman of the Omaha branch . of the National Security league, from Henry X- West secretary of the 1mii. New York Citv. annnnncea ., this date as definite. . , . The distinguished AfMfjen will , r;eak on Saturday nlgnf& tWe Andi . t crista, v '" ' Mr. Roosavelt has teqaestad that faly ont address aAian Be arnnged i for Omaha. Flans for a strictly nonpartisan gathering to greet Colonel Roosevelt upon his arrival, and plans for hit entertainment while here were die . . cussed Friday, at a meetinar of the executive committee of the Security - !ajue at the Chamber of Commerce. Governor Neville of Nebraska, Governor Hafdinc of Iowa. Omaha's myor and other celebrities will be on the reception committee to greet the SOUTH ACCEPTS NEBRASKA PLAN AT CONFERENCE Omaha Sayings Stamp Boost ers Are on Their Way in Nation-Wide Campaign to Aid Government. Cincinnati, May 10. (Special Tele gram.)"Out of every great work there comes a genius to lead the way to success" is the tribute paid here to Ward M. Burgess, war savings stamp director for Nebraska, by Otto Marx, director for the southern states, in an address. "We are indebted to Mr. Burgess for the splendid plan to promote the sale of war savings stamps and which has been adopted ifor the southern states at this conference. By genius, in this instance, I mean the ability to do unlimited work with unsparing pains." The Cincinnati meeting was attend ed by 30 state directors and their publicity agents. Mr. Burgess. National Chairman Frank A. Vanderlip and others will tour Kentucky and West Virginia to day and Saturday, reaching Washing ton Monday. Guy C. Kiddoo and Harry O. Palmer, Nebraska, are in Washington today for a conference with members of the national organ ization. Mr. Kiddo has been assigned to a tour of Atlantic and New England states, aad Mr. Palmer will visit Tex as, Missouri, Oklahoma, Louisiana, M ississippl and Alabama. B3ATT CO. FILES ANSWEE TO SUIT BY TEEASUBEE The Hiatt company and officers, answering the petition of Jesse L. Hiatt, alleging fraud and conspiracy ainst him, deny his allegations, but admit they deeded land near Carter lake to Julia Moylan for the sum of $8,092. They allege they did this to keep' the company from bankruptcy, and assert that the value of $78,000, placed upon it on the books of the company, was based on speculative values, when the land had been im proved. . They further allege that Hiatt has advanced and loaned the Hiatt Build ing company, in which he is inter ested, $1 i,500 from the treasury of the Hiatt company and has appropri ated $2,100 to his own use from the same source. Upon discovery of these alleged irregularities, he was re moved as treasurer of the Hiatt com pany, they allege. The defendants allege that all let ters which passed between O. C Redick and Hiatt were not regarded seriously as they believed Hiatt's let ter! to be "camouflage," to cover, up his alleged mismanagement of the af fairs of the company. distinguished visitor. It is planned to co-open cambers of both political parties, the military end all persons who can and " wtil lend their aid on this occasion, Cemittees for Red Cross War Drive Are Announced -' Two important committees for the Til Cross war fund drive, which will tt held Mar 20 to 27.' inclusive, have r3t announced from headquarters. ty are the grain exchange commit tee, heeded by N. B. Updike as chair tun. end the woman's committee. -rath Mrs. F. W. Judson chairman, j The use of the room at 311 South Seventeenth street has been donated If Mrs. George Joslyn to the wo csa committee. These women will have charge of the churches, lodges tzi various women's activities dur rv the drive. r Members of the grain exchange , ? nrdttee who will assist Mr. Up "i a daring the drive ere George Rob- W. J. Hynes, J. A. Cavers and 5. S. Carlisle. The actual opening of the Red ree campaign win be on Sunday, I y 19, when prominent speakers Ji talk in all important parks in Lruon, Florence, Dundee, South Side fi Omaha, proper. Elaborate mu f 1 programs are being arranged it tie occasion. . . , if.rtst Has Narrow Escape '" In Peculiar Accident " E. Ik lloser, 5805 Florence bonle narrowly escaped serious in ; Tr Friday morning at Sixteenth end . mam streets whiles driving an an t -oblle, when he ran into a steel Y 'Jt 15 feet long, which projected f .Tersl feet from an automobile shaft passed directly over . . ;aera shoulder. Moser failed to the ehaf: in time to turn out of ' a way. The force of the collision : ..oved Mosers car several feet to : zti the street car tracks. The au r aobile truck had been parked near v. a curbing and the shaft extended t;?eral feet into the street , k I "hocck County Man Held As Dangerous Enemy Alien ' Herman, Dahnske' of Hitchcock nty bas been arrested by federal I i -sers and is held on an alien-enemy He is held in county iail t reports against him are being ED SMITH FILES OFFICIAL BOND WITRvJUDGE DAY Ed. F. Smith, was the first of the newly elected city officials to file sn official bond. The new mayor filed a $5,000 bond before Judge Day in district court and took the oath of office. The judge, who happens to be a neighbor, extended felicitations. The judge and mayor-elect walk down to work nearly every morning together and in that relationship have devel oped e strong friendship. But the judge is not looking for any appointment at the hands of the new mayor. - v,. Yerdon, "Over the Top" in All Drives, Ready for Red Cross "We are going into the next Red Cross drive and not atop to eat or sleep until we have put Verdon over the top," says J. H. Hall, president of the State bank of Verdon and local chairman of the Red Cross and the Libery loan committee. Verdon ia in Richardson countv. It has a population of 400, and so far m every uaerty bond and Red Cross drive it has gone "over the top." In the third Liberty loan drive its quota was $31,800 and its residents took more than $70,000 worth of bonds. One week ago Verdon had a public sale to raise money for the Red Cross and the proceeds were $3,300. A flag flying from a pole in the center or tne town was sold at auction for fl,3UU. In makinff its Red Cross drive. Ver. don inside of 48 hours expe'ets to raise its quota, regardless of what the quota may be. People of the town bought more than $30,000 of war saving stamps and are still bavinr. savs Mr. Hall. Richardson county's third Liberty loan quoia was id,uuu ana at the close of the campaign more than $1,000,000 worth of the bonds had oeen purcnased. Omaha Exceeds $8,500,000 In Third Loan Subscriptions Final report to the headquarters of the Reserve bank at Kansas City gives Omaha's subscription to the third Liberty loan as $8,278,900. Fig ures which are yet to come to Re serve bank headquarters in Omaha from foreign corporations, whose sub scriptions are being distributed through the various states, will swell this total to more than $8,500,000. the amount previously estimated, . A Remembrance "Mother's Day" Sunday because this year, above all others, many boys will be away from home, and girls, too make Mother's Day memorable. JflwndrotoMdintkedtejmtSta, Mother of Mine, Mother of Mint, I knov that your tears would come down to m, ' Motor of Mine, Mother of Mini. y You know what yew greatest frUwd would d for yen do oaa thig for'kr oa Mother's Day. Raanbr bar with a tolms of love. "Mother" One of the moat celebrated pic ture in the world a master piece by Whistler, appropriately framed, with Baroness Von Hut ten's motto to "Mother" at the bottom, special $1.00 Wonderful Tribute to . Mother In a variety, special ai, each 3Bc. BOe end 7Se Some framed and some not Third Floor. Send Her Flowers: Carnations, Roses, Sweet Peas and a wonderful va riety of Spring Flowers. Blooming Plants in great va riety. All at reasonable prices. DRUGS and Toilet Needs The Very Lowest Prices A box of candy is a re membrance that will surely be appreciated. Widest choice here. Jewelry, Books, Stationery, Art Embroidery, Knit ting Needles and Yarn and a score or more of other appropriate gifts are here REMEMBER HER. Melba Preparations W carry a complete Una of Melba Preparations, powder, sachets, perfumes, toilet water, cream, etc. Poixoni Face Powder, 60c alze, at 29c Mentholatum, 25c size, at.. 15c Williams' Talcum Powder, 18c size, at 11c Lavorii, 25c size, at 19c LUterin Antiseptic, $1.00 size, at 69c Pebeco Tooth Paste, at .... 33c Mary Garden Perfume, spe cial, the ounce $1.50 Pinaud's Vegetal Lilac, $1.00 . size, at 79c 4711 Imported Toilet Water, $1.00 aize, at 69c Daggett A Ramsdell'e Cold Cream, 60c size, at 34c Mavis Face Powder, 60c size, at 39c Cuticur Soap, at 16c Energerinc Cleaner 26c size, at ... 18c Imported Bay Rum, 60c size, at 39c Q. T. O. Odorlets Depilatory, $1.00 aize, at 59c Amolin Powder, 25c size, at 18c Bathasweet, 35c size, spe cial, at 18c Seidlits Powders, 85c size, special, at 27c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, at ..34c Crem Oil Soap, special, at. .8c Kirk's Juvenile Soap, special, at 8c Eltnerito Castile Soap, 15c eake, at 9c Cocoanut Oil Soap, special, 5c Annual May Sale Babyi s s Wonderful Values in Infants' and Children's Mothers will find this an exceptionally good time to stocks p robe for the little folk. Very advantageous purchases penrA time to quote prices that are well below the market qurjLQ Infants' Crochet and Knit Sacques, made sacque or nightingale effects, val ues tip to $1.98, dl Infants' Little Plain Slips, trimmed with little lace edging, values to 60c, pecial, 9Q at Children's Rompers, Creepers and Colored Dresses, in one big sale, at. . . 49c special, at ... Crochet Bootees, in white, pink or blue, regular 25c values, special, J) at MMiMtM Long or Short pj v. Squares with special at n . j A.J aivufvu aaa nuv ACbT" found Children's, mus Skirts and Prince gy with little embfjoiaer edgings, worth L to , special, t....,f-,,ft Crochet Bootees in plain or fancy designs, II if, nice quality yarn;. 60c values, special, at, 29 -M pini Crochet and Fancy Knit Wool and Silk Boot- eas in wonderful assortment and dainty styles to select from; values worth up to $1.25, spe j' cial at , 65 , . .se Bootees worth up to 75c; special, at Pillow Slips, trimmed with neat embroidery i ruffles, also little touches of hand work; val- ; ues up to $1.00, at 45e Nice Lot of Cashmere and Crochet Sacque in white, trimmed with pink or blue; values up to $1.00, at ...59c Infi vali Infi lace uee Infs med ties, )afi heel but1 4 TWreli;rioei Novelties in Summer Neckwear Veetaes aad Waistcoats for Suits and Dresses In great variety of materials, satin, lineen, pique, faney madras, etc. Specially priced for Saturday at 98 to $5.98 Colored Swiss Collars and Dress Sets for the gingham dresses for summer wear. Spe cially priced .50 to 92.25 Busier Brown Collars ia all sites, special for Safcofday, two for 25f Maia Floor. . Latest Style Graduation Cards 25 Lb en Cards, 25e 60 Lines Cards, 9Se 100 Linen Cards, 50c Gawd Printing Department, Wonderful, New Summer Hats at $5.00 ; Including the season's latest sensation, "The Victory Hat The"Victory"Hat This new and fascinating bit of Millinery is made of Crepe and fits snugly around the head, with a flowing crepe veil falling gracefully down the back. The popular combination Is navy and white, although it may be had in taupe" and brown as well. ; Also in This $5.00 Offering You Will Find displayed here for the first time on Saturday, scores of White, Sand and Pearl Gray Hats, in both large, dressy sailors and smart street styles from our own workrooms. Artistically trimmed with field flowers, beautiful white wings, glycerined effects in ! both white and black. Practically all the hats are hand faced with crepe, in Old , , t Rose, White, Old Blue and others. " Second Floor ?' Women's Coats and Dresses Smart Styles Splendid Values The variety is wide and comprehensive and the nrices will surelv please you. Bine) lot of sample Coats, made of Smart Velours, Gabardines, Poplins and Serges, including cape coats, smart models displaying unusual col lars, decorative pockets, buttons and stitchings. New shades of Pekin and Navy Blues, Sand, Rookie, Rose, Reseda and Brown. Specially SW.00, $22.50 $25.00 Complete Showing of Dresses, $25.00 Unequalled values In Taffetas, Georgettes, Crepe de Chines and Meteor. Lovely Ll m i i j j, . . 1 . i .... . . cvuuiusugng oeaaea ueorgeraes in mouses ana sleeves, Draidmg, piping in con trasting shades, dainty collars, smart draperies in skirts; colors in Navy, Sand, Beaver, Copenhagen, Silver and Black. Lighter shades included in the more dressy models. Second Floor i "3 Most Unusual Saturdri This big Underwear Department offers a group of vei? ry c Will oncuc gcnciuusi) ;uu win save uuoiuciauic. i . Ladies' Italian Silk Vest, pink or white tailored or bodice ' t top, regular $2.50 value on special M Qft' sale, at . 5?. , Kayser's Silk Top Union Suits, in pink or white, tight or loose knee, regular $1.75 value, sizes 34 to 44, tf1 QQ on special sale Saturday, at , Boys' and Girls' Union Suits, vest and pants, in Balbriggan or Nainsook, regular 50c value, sizes 2 to 12, C L Third special at :La 'em .'Lac i'ori "jChi wit ;spe Chi but ' Floe Specials in Handkerchiefs Women's Handkerchiefs, all linen and fine cotton, fancy embroidered corners in white and colors, some slightly mussed, very special. .8c Men's Fine Mercerized Handker chiefs, neatly hemstitched, very spe cial at, each. . . . . .8Uc Women's Handkerchiefs, fancy em broidered corners, some all linen with initials, extra good values, at, each ..12V2c Men's Handkerchiefs, white and some with colored borders, special, at, each 12Vfcc Woman's Handkerchief s, all linen and some very fine lawn hand embroidered in white and colors, worth up to, 60c each. Special t.. 25c - Maht Floor Splendid Hosiery :atf5 Women's Thread Silk and Fiber Hose in all colors, fashioned and seamless, garter tops, high spliced heels and toes, QC. silk to knee. These are extra values, at Women's Fiber Hose in all the wanted shades, seam- CQp less, double heels and toes, at, a pair Ouy i Mfn :!sha Csar jjwei -I spe W Floor. WOMEN'S SMART OXFORDS Specially Priced at $7.00 All tan calf, brown patent colt, gray patent colt, black patent colt and black Wdskin, military and Cuban heel. Low Heel Oxfords and Pumps at Low est Prices, at $4.95 a Pair Kidskin and patent colt, welted soles, lace ox fords and ankle strap pumps, low heels; regularly priced at 16.50. Special At $139 a Pair Dozens of pairs of women's colored cloth Bou doir SHppere, all sizes to 8. Main Floor, Roar Special Sale of "Red Cross" Sample Oxfords, at $2.95 a Pair Regular values to $6.00. Kidskin and patent colt, welt and turned soles, lace button and blucher, high and low heels, sizes 2ft to 6ft only. Women's "Red Cross" Pumps Formerly Priced to $7.00, Now, $4-35 a Pair Black kid and patent colt, turned soles with leather Louis heels, good range of sizes and widths. White VOi Brand New, Spi For Saturday's special, we djfer White Wash Skirts. Hundlreds variety of styles shown in this rials used this season, whiteabs to shrink: white nr nnlnrp.dWih neat designs; piques, whipeords white corduroys. The nomfe pockets and wide belts,;trimm buttons. Skirts to wear nojw a Specially, priced from W : Special- WM $1.95, $2 95 ( One table full of about lrSki for Saturday's selling ,hi and plain piques, and bsliat fine white pearl buttonsiAll pockets and belts. Spec&J yah SmA nN 3fe