Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    - . '.T.J- - v-, - rr t ; - :: J C,-.::.' -V-: ;
V - . - - . , . THE BEE: OMAHA. . r
Economy Center of Omaha J
Take the Sale of Silk Dresses for a good example of the way this
Basement can serve you and save for you these days. It is the headquar
ters for excellent 'style, practical wear, in many instances copied from
higher priced models and it is also headquarters for everything else
that you need that can be purchased at a moderate price. THE ECON
Shop in this Big Basement with the most modest amount of money to -spend,
and you will be surprised to find, at the end of the day, that it has
bought ever so much more than you anticipated. Right now this Basement
is performing a service that is being appreciated by thousands and thou-
( sands of women who want to spend but little sacrifice of quality; :
JV JT 1 ix j 1 1 A yitconomv uenterotumaioi
" : : 1 1 . I : m
Mary Jane J
In Wid? Variety
Just now you are
looking 'for Chil
dren's Footwear. We
have a splendid line
at lotf prices.
Pntonf f!nlf rinll TQf)ioi unit Whifa f-ftivae VfanAJTnrnaA anA MTCnv'
Ecwcd Soles,-Wedges or pring.Heel, wide or medium toe, ankle .strap
mado up for good wear, for P'riday amKSaturday; sizes 2 to 5 at 98e
a pair; sizes 0 to 8 at $1.39 a pair; sizes 8 Vfe to It at J0 AC
$1.95; sizes 11 to 2, at 77 ... .. ' V'Y
1,000 Pairs Barefoot Sandals at $li25
Boys "or Girls' Heavy Tan or Black stitch down sole, leather
and rubber, buckle or Mary Jane style; sizes 6 to 8, 8 to 11 and .
1VM to 2. v .. ' . ' , v -
500 Pairs Women's Pun?ps at $195 .
Wonderful assortment of good wearing Pumps in hand-welted
' sole, leather, Cuban or low heel, every, pair made up to sell from
$3.40 and up to $6.00; price stamped on bottom; broken lot but
good; sizes from 2 to 7. ' 4 , '
, Women's Boudoir Slippers at 59c a Pair
. Pink, blue, red, black, white or brown cloth, pom pom toe, cork
fitted sole, no heel; Friday only; sizes IVx to 8.
' - -
Basement "Gift Shop"
Offers Little Priced Jewelry
- Fine for birthday gifts. All charming little pieces, at
lowest prices.
Sterling Silver Baby Locket and Chain, locket engraved "Baby" anjl
stamped sterling silver, regular price $1.00, fiQ
special, complete, at OUC
- Solid Leather Hand Purse, navy blue, brown, black and
green, remarkable values,"worth $1.00, special, at ........
One Lot Fancy Earrings inlaid with pearls, 10 styles to choose CQ
from, recularlv $1.00. special, at OivC
Men's Gold Plated Collar Button Sets, four in set. Leaver or solid
tops, pearl backs, warranted to wear, '
setbf four, at
Fine Imitation Cameos in Stamped Sterling Frames, plain and A
4 filigree. Regular price $1.00, sale price OJC
; One Bargain Square Odd Pieces of Jewelry, bar pins, beauty pinsycuff
links, tie pins, etc., ' ; " ' , o 1 A
Special, at .r . 1UC
Soft Collar Pins for men ana women, Bar Pins, Brooches. All included.
, Basement .
Domestics at Low Prices
Mill Remnants Dress and Wrapper
Percale, assorted light and dark
colors, long serviceable
leagths; at, yard .... 1t2v
Mill Remnants Fine Dress Ging
ham, plaids, checks and stripes,
for misses' and children's dresses,
etc., very special, OO
yard ,
Fine White India Linon and White
Lawn, unusually sheer and crisp,
; for ladies' and misses' waists,
! aprons, etc.; regular 25c 1 Q
value, at, a yard ...... 1 2C
32-inch Panama Suiting with neat
woven colored stripe, very desir
"able for boys' and girls' suits,
dresses, rompers, etc. A good
29c value, 1 Q
36-inch Bookfold Dress and Wrap
per Percale in a variety of new
patterns and colors. .A splendid
Joe value, rnday,
at ;
Mill Remnants Bleached Muslin,
assorted widths and qualities;
while the lot lasts Friday,
Mill Remnants Fine Colored Yarn
Voile in a variety of neat cluster
and stripe effects for making
Summer dresses and waists. Val
ues to. 40c; special,
Fancy White Skirting in a sple,n
did range of new weaves and fig
ures for outing suits, sportx suits
and skirts. Positively worth 65c;
special, a yard, 29c
r k I 1 21. 1 .
Hundreds of Silk
7, In Uery Bainty
Not one in the lot
worth less than $10
Many values up
to $17.50 .
PICTURE TO YOURSELF some of the prettiest little Silk and Satin Dresses
that you have seen in many a day at anything like this price, then come here on
Friday prepared to buy liberally. These Dresses are all crisp and new, in dozens
of styles
. Aft $S0SS Each
They are certainly wonderful value, and you will do well to
make Up your mind to get two if you had a thought of one, or
three if you had two in min.d.
Many different kinds of pretty
silks, plain and fancy styles the
newest combinations of Crepe de
Chine, in black and colors; heavy
Taffetas in black and colors,
Fancy Foulards, Plaids and Taf
fetas in Stripes; also he'avy Satin.
In other words, you never saw
such a fine array of materials, or
such good styles to sell for such
little money.
New.fancy collars; many pret
tily embroidered and trimmed
with beading. Many of the Dress
es have Georgette sleeves.
As a matter of fact, this price in some in
stances barely covers the cost of materials.
Many are samples. All sizes and colors.
Soaps . and''leaners
Special Mid-Season Wall Paper Sale
, Included in our special assort
ment are papers we cannot dupli
cate from factories. All of these
patterns, of which we have less
than 100 rolls, are priced regard
less of cost.
Papers Suitable1 for- Bed Rooms,
Halls and Kitchens. This season's
most popular designs and colors,
with both wide or narrow borders;
special, at .. ., 6&c
Papers Suitable for Bed Rooms, in
novelty stripes, chintz and floral
effects. Also others for Halls and
Living Rooms; cut otft borders;
special, per roll ......... .9 c
30-inch. Plain Oatmeal Papers,
at.--: 12&c
This is an exceptional offer the
latest shades in every popular col
or; with an unlimited assortment
of cut out borders to match.
Papers Suitable for Dining Rooms,
Halls and Living Rooms. Shadow
stripes, allover patterns in blanks
and gilts, fabric effects and light
tapestries. Sold with binders and
cut out borders to match; special,
at 1iA
Basement . " .
WMe Bors .
0 bars Diamond C
Soap, for 38c
10 bar White Borax
Naptha Soap . . . 42c
5 bars Ivory Soap, 29c
10 bars Pearl White
Soap, for ..... .42c
Large Pkg. Golden
Rod Borax Naptha
Washing Powder 19c
"Steri-Foam" cleans
the toilet bowls,
and a long handle
toilet cleaning brush,
the two 27c
Britt's Powdered
' Ammonia, an
extra largo
pkg. of extra
strong pow
dered am
monia, per
No Phont or C. O. D. Orders Accepted Basement.
Extra Strong Safety Pins, 7 cards
for . 25c
Rust Proof Dress Clasps, 7 cards
for 25c
Shell Hair Pins, all sixes, each, lc
O. N. T. Crochet Thread, ball, 7e
200-Yard Spool of Basting
Thread, 8 spools for. 25c
J. O. King's Thread, 8 spools, 28c
American Maid Thread, ball... 7c
Rust Proof Hooks and Eyes, 7
cards for ,25c
Stocking Feet, all sizes, pair. ..5c
Inside Skirt Belting, large pieces,
at , .5e
Black and White Elastic, piece, 2c
Red Cross Knitting Cotton, ball, 6c
SanSilk, 6 spools for ',. . v ... ,25c
One Big Lot of Slightly Soiled
Rick Rack, Bias Tapes and Other
Tapes, to close out, at, a bolt, ,2c
Darning , Cotton, black only,
spool ,1c
Knit Underwear
Women's Cotton Sleeveless Union
Suits, lace trimmed - knee, plain
and fancy lace yoke, all sizes,
each 50c
Women's Cotton Sleeveless Vests,
all sizes, each 15c
Children's Knit Waist Union Suits
in sizes 2 to 12. A good strong
fuit, at, each ,59c
Joys' Nainsook Union Suits with
elastic band in back," in sizes 24
to 34, at, each.- .39c
Women's Fiber Silk Boot Hosiery
with double soles and lisle garter
tops, in' black and white; at, a
pair 39c
Men's Cotton and Lisle Seamless
Socks in black and colors, at, a
pair i 19c
Women's Cotton Hosiery, black
and while; at, a pair ,.. 15c
Children's Cotton Hosiery, black
and white, sizes 5 to 9; at, a
pair f 19c
One Table of Salesmen's Curtain
Samples, slightly soiled, each, 25c
50 Pieces of Drapery Madras, 31
inches wide, green and : brown,
only, a yard ......35c
One Big Counter of Curtain Rem
nants, desirable lengths,, special,
at a yard 10c
Remnants of Fancy Bordered
Scrims, lengths 2 to 10 yards, spe
cial, a yard 8c
One Big Table of Plain and Col
ored Net Ends, special, each 12 c
Voiles, Scrims and Curtain Madras,
values to 29c yard, special. . . . 19c
Sun Bonnets
Women's and Children's Gingham
and Percale Washable Sun Hats
and Bonnets in pink,, blue, cadet
and pinkt check, blue check and
black and white check. Your
choice, at, each .35c
Basement :
300 Hew Trimmed Hats
Just think, of "getting right-up-to-the-minute; t
styles, in scores of different effects, at this '
low price, right at the beginning of the sea
son. This Basement Millinery fills the needs
of the woman of moderate means with smart
Millinery at the lowest prices, and because we .
made a good purchase of these Hats and ob
tained a marked concession, we are going to
sell them at a price that will permit everyone ,
to get one. x ' 1
Black and WhiteJVIilan with satin facing trimmed with
flowers, ribbons, wings nd ostrich, in large and TJ 45
medium shapes; very special Friday, at. ..... . ' ,
New Shipment of Band
ed SailofsJfor mid-summer
wear, in - White
Milans vand Japanese
Panamas, in many styles
and shapes; hats worth
to $3.50; spe- J J .95
CI flli fit
During our -Annual May Sale.
of Corsets you can buy Uorsets in
both .back and front laced styles
at greatly reduced prices. ' !
American Lady Corset, laced-in-front
styles, low top, long
hip, with wide band of elastic
in back; sizes 19 to $Jt50
Brandeis Special, in pink, bro
che, low top,, long hip, .with
classic gore in
Athletic Girdle; hooks in front, with wide elastic sec,
tions over hip, very low, sizesJZl to 30, $ 00
at , -
Brassieres; lace and embroidery trimmed 2??"
styles, well made, hook in front; a't ,
. Basement "
Congoleum Rugs
Congoleum Rugs will solve $our
floor covering problem. The in
creasing cost of raw materials has
forced the advance on Congeloum
Rugs rapidly. We were fortunate
in having bought a large stock of
all sizes before the advance in
prices. ,
We have Congoleum Rugs in a
large assortment of pretty patterns
and sizes. , i
3x4 feet, at, each $1.39
3x6 feet, at, each $1.69
4x4 feet, at, each $1.98
6x9 feet, at, each $4.98
4x9 feet, at, each $2.49
9xl0x feet, at, each $10.50
9x12 feet, at. each .$11.50
Towels at 124c
About 200 dozen Huck or Turkish
Towels, . hemed ends, plain white
or fancy borders special, each.
50c Towels at 39c
One lot of Fancy Turkish Towels,
hemmed ends (slight mill imper
fections), large size, each., 39c
Napkins at 12i2c
This is the mercerized kind, hem-,
mtfd ends, ready to use, 18x18,
inches, each 12 He
Table Damask at 59c
About 50 pieces of a linen finished
Damask, all very pretty patterns,
58 inches wide, weaving quality
unexcelled; special, a yard.. 59c
Basement '
tF all; forfeit This Big Rfleh -s atrodl BdysV ClbtKes-rSectlon
. . , .
Men's Trousers: hundreds to rh
ment of neat patterns in plain blues, striped and mixtures in
Cheviots, Cassimeres and Worsted; sizes An AA
from, 28 to 44, at . $2.00
Men's fuits of worsted and Chev
iots, neat . patterns, attractive,
youthful and conservative models,
regular ajid stout sizes, at
. $15, $18, $20
Md $22.50
Special Lots of Blue Serge Suits,'.
smartly tailored, all-wool fabrics,
a full range of sizes, special, at
$12:50 ad $15.00
Men's Khaki Trousers, neatly made
' with cuff bottom, at
$1.25 "d $3.50
Basement s .
Boys7 Norfolk Suits
Boys' Norfolk Suits with two pair of knickerbockers, made of
good quality, Cheviot and Cassimere ; in a variety, of brdwns,
grays and fancy mixtures; sizes 6 to CA and 7 en
17 years; special at
Boys' Blouses in plain and
fancy striped designs, collar
attached; special, , 75q
Boys' Shirts of extra fine quali
ty madras and percale, in fast
colors in newest striped CC
effects; at ........... uoc
Special Boys' Wash Suits 65c, 85c and $1.00
Boys' Wash Suits, coat plain or with plaits, with belt and short trousers.
These are in solid whites or combination of CC- OC (1 AA
colors; ages 2i2 to 8 years; special, at. . . . C OOCt tfl.UU
Boys' Wash Pants al 98c
Boys' Wash Pants in a variety of colors of good washable
materials; all sizes, 6 to 17 years; at
Men's Furnishings
, Men's Balbriggan Underwear in ecru,
colors; short sleeve shirts, ankle length
drawers; all sizes, at ........ . -50d
Men's Ribbed Closed Crotch Union
Suits, long or short sleeves, in ecru or
white; sizes 34 to 46, at 69
One Big Lot of Men's Athletic Nain
sook Union Suits, in all sizes, at 59d
and 69d
Men's Light and Heavy Weight Work
Shirts in Chambrays and Cheviots, in
plain blue, gray, light tan and fancy
mixtures; at .75
Men's Elastic Web Suspenders, 35d
65 Dozen Men's Sport Shirts in plain
and neat patterns; in all sizes, at, 75
y Basement
; : 1
' 1
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