J, JuiLi iiiSifi: OMAHA, iuUDAV, IIA 10, , lyibV Ce HELP WANTED FEMALE jrofcsaions and Trades. WANTED Women pressors and finishers. We can give steady employment to six or eight women. Beginners re ceive $9 a week for the first four weeks, then $10 and advancement as you become more proficient. .Working hours, 7:30 to 12 and 1 to 5:30. . . THE PANTORIUM WANTED. EXPERIENCED GIRLS. ALSO INEX PERIENCED GIRL8, FOR THE PACK INO DEPARTMENT IN MODERN FAG TORT. GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS ND GOOD WAGES. APPLY ITEN BISCUIT CO. 12th and Capitol Ave. GIRLS WANTED in overall factory, to op era t the folowlng machines: 1 Union Special Sleever. 3 Union Special Joiners. 5 two needle pocket machines. 25 single needle machines. Steady work is assured. Apply t E. R. Deputy Co., Overall Factory, 211 So. 11th street, Lincoln, Neb. Government needs so.ooo women clerks at Washington. Examinations everywhere May 35. Experience unneces sary. Women desiring government po sitions write for free particulars to 3. C. Leonard, former Civil Service examiner. 625 Kenois Bldg., Washington. 1 WANTED Girl to do Kodak finishing. Kaae Studio, 313 Neville Blk. Household and Domestic. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; SMALL FAMILY; GOOD WAGES. US SOUTH THIRTY-FOURTH STREET. HARNEY 621. WANTED. Girl to do cooking and downstairs work, good wages. No laundry. Phone Har ney 4836. 411 8. 38th St. COMPETENT GIRL for general housework. No washing, good wages. Apply Mrs. J, P. O'Keefe, 2150 Pratt St.. Walnut 338. WANTED Girl for general housework, no children; on car line; good wages; no objection to colored help. Walnut 601. COMPETENT girl for general housework ; two In family; good cook; . o washing. References. Telephone Harney 820. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing and good wages. Mra. Clarke Powell. Telephone Walnut 82. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and cars of small child. Phone Walnut 31, Apt. 11. The Blrcwwooa. WANTED White girl for general house' work; no cooking nor washing. Harney 4(72. 1335 8. 35th Ave. CAPABLE girl lor general housework In small family; grown people.. 604 S. 36th St. Harney 4365. YOUNG white girl to assist with child and light housework, uooa nome. iej. wai nut 1621. COMPETENT white woman cook wanted. Douglas County Hospital, can Harney eoz. WANTED Woman for general housework. Good home and good wages. Colfax 110. WANTED A second maid; references. Apply M re. J. K. Davidson, zui a. aaa at GOOD dining room girl at Wise Memorial hospital, call Tyler in. Miscellaneous. WANTED An experienced hasher, also a soda- dispenser to work In a small town. Box 7145, Omaha Bee. ivANTED 25 glrle; steady employment good wages. Eggerss-O'Flyng Co., 15th and Leavenworth. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book Keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1566. 18th and Harney Sts. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you fall to find the room you 1 desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List. Gives templets description of vacant rooms In all parts ef the city. ,Nsw lists Issued . every week. f OUR large, pleasant, completely furnished rooms. A regular home, but In flat. Also salt of two or three for light housekeep lng. Walking distance. 2680 Harney St. to RESPECTABLE buslnesa man) large, cool, newly furnished front parlor; clean, quiet place; only $12; smaller room, $9; mast see to appreciate. 712' N. 226V HAST front room, breakfast if desired, on west park carllne (garage). 1112 So. list Bt. Harney 1044. FURNISHED rooms with veranda, facing north. Garage can be rented next door. Webster 4971. MODERN furnished rooms for men only at ths Sunshine, 608 North 17th St. Reason ', al rent. . , WELL furnished front room In private home. 2831 California. Harney 4034. GRATSTONE, 26th and Cass. Nicely fur- nlshed rooms. Douglas 7994. TWO choice rooms, close in, to persons ' with reference. 2626 Dodge St. -FURNISHED front room for one or two. Call Harney 4328. FURNISHED ROOMS 161 Dorcas St Housekeeping Rooms. ' THREE modern unfurnished rooms, with kitchenette, private bath, for light house V keeping. 2817 Poppleton. Harney 3331. ROOM with kitchenette In modern home on car line. Price reasonable to employed ' people. 1520 S. 24th St. SUITE of clean, neatly furnished rooms on second floor; no children; laundry priv ileges. Oarage room. 2902 Dodge. vLARGE. cool and nearly furnished, three - room suite. Private home; also garage. .- 8026 Davenport. FA RNAM, 2822; three nice housekeeping : rooms, electrio light, sink, refrigerator, - gas ' range. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms and single sleeping. New, clean and pleasant. 2580 Harney. 2628 CAPITOL AVE. One large and two small rooms; gas range. MODERN, nicely furnished rooms; good lo- cation. Harny 6554. NICE clean honsekeep'g rms., lull Howard Board and Rooms. LARGE front south room with board; pri vate residence. Gentleman preferred. Web ster 4809. ATTRACTIVE room for two; good board; walking distance. Harney 6143. Hotels. COOL rooms. $2 week; also apartments with kitchenettes, Ogden hotel. Co. Bluffs. Unfurnished Rooms. fHREE unfum'shed rooms. $10. 913 N. 19th St Phone Douglas 4698. Rooms Wanted. BUSINESS woman desires large unfurnished second floor room, with closet, between 0th and 36th streets, within one block , ef Farnam; meals, elsewhere. TeL Red J91S. GENTLEMAN would like pleasant room and two meals per day. with) private family; gladly furnish references. Terms reason- able. o.SSSb FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. BEAUTIFULLY furnished five room apart ment with sun porch to sublet: best lo cation and Janitor service. S208 Harney. Telephone Harney 6813. A CLASSY 9room and bath apartment, near i4th and Harney, furnished complete, for 343.50 per month. A high class proposi tion for high class people. Bedford-John-ton Co. D. 8140. FOR RENT room apartment, elegantly furnished; West Farnam district. Tele phone Walnut S68. Houses. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. My beautiful rtev- 8 -room furnished home In Dundee for rent from May 15 for three or four months. Rental 176 per month. Telephone Walnut 1758. FOR RENT HOUSES West. MODERN house, seven rooms and sleeping porch; garage, 629 North 40th. Wal. 187. North. PARTIES hatting houses for rent or sale In thi neighborhood of a Basket Store will do well to mention advantage to the pros pective renter or buyer. THREE-ROOM house, JsjS-WIrt St. rear), city water and gas. 19. wjr colored. South. 6-ROOM house. 1613 Dorcas St. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT. 181$ Oorby St., T-r. part mod. house.tl7.B0 2011 Grace St., 8-r. mod. house 20.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., REALTORS. 205 South 18th Street. Douglas 722. 1142 SOUTH iin, 7 room 830 209 faouth 36th, 9 rooms, garage $45 ARMSTRONG. WALSH CO. Tyler 1638. 333 Securities Bldg. $10109 S. 28th, 4 rooms, water paid. 8.5680 6. 20th, 10 rooms. $103027 Chicago. 8 rooms, modern. Rlngwalt, Brandela Theater Bldg. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS & CO.. BEE BLDG. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 72. vjARDEN, 4128 N. 38th, 5 rooms. ... $15.00 3019 Marcy St., 7 rms., modern.... 35.00 JOHN N. FRENZER DOUGLAS 654. Shopen Co.. Rentals. Douglas 421. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. EAST 2 ATHLONE, 26TH & DOUGLAS. Choice 4 -room apartment, beautiful light i north and east rooms, fsclng two streets. Present tenant moving to be nearer work at Fort Omaha. Phone Harney 2108. HAMILTON APTS-, fireproof: fine lawn and flowers during summer: best location. 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Call D. 1473. North. CORONADO APARTMENTS 22D & CAPITOL AVENUE. 2-room apartment with 3-room accom modations. Bullt-tn bed and dresser, gas stove, refrigerator, etc. Everything first cIbbs. Just west of the High School. 8 minute walk to 16th and Farnam streets. Rent $33.60. . BENSON & MYERS CO., Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. INQUIRE upstairs residence. Three large rooms and bath; modern, except heat $13. 2511 Corby St. Webster 6756. ONE pleasant 4-room ground floor apart ment. Tel. Webster 932 or Webster 4328. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUCT CO. Speclaltists In Apartment managament FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORES. 1619 N. 24th Fine retail location; liv lng room in rear. 613 N. 16th 2d floor; fine for photo gallery, shop or living purposes. 3102-4 Sherman Ave. 24x60 ea., new re tail store. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1536.'' 333 Securities Bldg. STORE FOR RENT loth and Douglas, 20x 60, steam heat, rent $115 per month. WORLD REALTY CO., Douglas 6.142. Sun Theater Bldg. MODERN store, 16th and P. O. Low rent. G. P. Stebbens. 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous. WAREHOUSE SPACE. 66x132 ft. on tracks, 9th and Jones Sts. WORLD REALTY CO., Realtors. D. 5342. Sun Theater Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St., between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do it. Ask to see our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping, OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 S, 16th. Douglas 4163. FREE FlEfiSlTfY Thone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storgae, moving, 16th and Jackson Sts. i Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. 1 CP'tT'TTTi Express Co., Moving, . IXUUU Packing hni Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED West. West Farnam District Moderate Priced Homes Owner of the following practically new and all modern up-to-date homes, has decided to make the price very low and sell them on a first pay ment of $700 and the balance about the same ss rent: 3550 Jones St., 7 rooms. 707 So. 36th St., 7 rooms. 2565 Jones St., 7 rooms. 703 So. 36th St., 7 rooms. 711 So. 36th St., 7 rooms. 602 S. 35th Ave., 6 rooms. These are all well located ' and strictly modern In every respect. Look them- over from the outside and If you are interested, call us at Tyler 60 and we will arrange to have one of our salesmen show you through. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50. WESTFARNAM NEAR BLACKSTONE Eight-room modern home, east front, 4 block, to Farnam car line. This Is a well built, nicely arranged home arid cost about $8,500 to build. Price for quick sale, $6,250. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, QAA FIRST NATIONAL 'WFANK BLDG. phone no TYLER V0 3116 Chicago St., 6-room cottsge; fine lot. 82.650. Ringwalt Bros.. Brandeis Theater Bld FOR SALE, NEAR BLACKSTONE. Flr.e 6-room bouse on full east front lot, hot water heat. Excellent condition. At a great sacrifice if taken at once. Call Harney 2656, evenings, or Douglas 150, days m4 6l tot Air, B&irett, jVt REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Close-in Bargain. Near 28th and Davenport Steeets Owner golnir to California and will sac rifice for $2,900. An all modern 7-room house; nicely arranR-d; full lot; nice lawn. This Is in a locution whore prop erty will Increase. We will show vou this at any time. Shuler & Cary, Realtors, Phone Doug. 5074. North. Binney Street Bargain Six-room full two-story house, located between Mth and 17th streets, on Binuey large lot, 60x1(0 ft., south front; pavtd street, paving all paid for; oak finish and oak floors; full basement; hot water heat; owner has agreed to sacrifice this property for the cash. Price $5.:oo. Payne Investment Company, REALTORS. 837 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldp. P. ;n. SIX-ROOM Mom v AT A SACRIFICE. Almost new, strictly all modern, full 2 story. built and occupied only by owner; 6 rooms finished, sleeping porch, tile bath with finest of plumbing, all rooms finely decorated, full cemented basemeut, laun dry tubs; most complete house to be found; corner lot, one block from car, lo cated 2863 Binney St., among new homes. It's priced way below Its value, 13,600, and it can be handled on small torms. You can see the house i y Urn. Call Red 683 or Tyler 1812-J. $3,900; NORTH SIDE BUNGALOW Unusually attractive new 6 -room bungalow In the north part of the city, in excellent neighborhood, practically walking distance, south front lot. Plenty of closets, bath and built-in features; screened porch. $390 cash and balance monthly. Might discount for cash. GLOVER & SPAIN Douglas 3963. 919-20 City National. HAVE THREE brand new 6-room home that can ot rcld at bargain prices. Small payment down and balance easy monthU payments fine nas furnaco and others have not. Otherwise modern, with screens and light fixtures Installed. East fron and dose to car, schools and churches Fins neighborhood WALNUT 789. ' WE SELL. Rent, Insure and make Loans on City property, North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames Ave. Col. 217. 8-R. MODERN house at 2509 North 19th St., lot 30x140, with a barn, for only $2,500. W. H. GATES, 64T Omaha Nat'l, Bank Bldg. D. 1294. 7-R, MOD., near High School, paved street; will sell on terms; exchange for smaller house, or auto taken as first payment. Tyler 721. , 8-ROOM HOUSE, North 19th Ave., renting for $26.60: for quick sale, $1,800 cash. Write H. R. Stringer, Murray, Utah. KOUNTZK PLACE Modern 6-room bouse, full basement, large lot, close te car. Price $3,880 Norrls ft Norrls. D. 4170. HIGH-CLASS, nearly new stuoco bungalow, with garage; rash payment of $1,500 re- quired. No. 2S83 Newport Ave. UlNNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tvler 187. South TWO BARGAINS. 6-r., modern, paved street; only 6 years old, $2,600. 6-r., modern but heat, Hans com park, $2,000. Tel. Doug. A 52. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW. New, t-room stucco; oak finish; blcely decorated; fine location; near car line. Price. $4,000. Terms. $600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 643 Paxton Blk. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS PORTER ft SHOTWELL, 203 8. 17th St Douglas 601$ FOR SPECIAL BARGAINS In Minns Lusa, 6-6-7-room bungalows. Phone Tebblns, D. 2182. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO.. Reel Estate and Insurance. 1830 Farnam St Ddua 1064 REM ESTATE B'ne.s Pr'pty WB WILL buy your horns or business property and pay cash, H. A, WOLF CO.. Electrio Bldg. Tyler 88. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKET and SON. 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business and Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodge Ste. Douglas 416. Office and Desk Room. THE Bee building has offices that will please you. Better Investigate. Key stone Investment Co.. Tyler 18L REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MOST UNUSAL BARGAIN Owner desires to sell at once a very desirable almost new double brick flat, rented for $849 per year. Located close In. Price only $7,300. Want offer at once. Call Douglas 1472. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TRACKAGE Fine sits on B. ft B. R. R size 95x165. Can be bought cheap. Call owner evenings. Phone Wal. 70. REAL ESTATETo Exchange TO EXCHANGE FOR OMAHA PROPERTY Fine Improved prairie 160-acre farm, located in Stanley Co., South Dakota, 26 miles west Pierre. Chas. Bradley, 346 N. 2d St.. Council Bluffs, ii. GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb, farm. Mr. Pesse. 211 Bran. Th. Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN. $1 A WEEK. PAYNE ft SLATER CO. North. SEVEN CLEARLOfS- Located on high ground, within a few blocks of. car line and school, near 37th and Grand ave. ; will trade several or all on 5, 6 or 7-room home. Call Tyler 60 and asl for Mr. Heyden. HASTINGS ft HKYDEN, 1614 Harney St. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage. ACRE TRACTS NEAR FIELD CLUB In Caldwell Acres, a beautiful now sub division, southwest of Hanscom park and I'ss than 3 miles to Omaha pnstofflcc. The sir is pure, surroundings ideal; the soil is wonderfully rich. A GROWING COMMUNITY. Restricted enough to safeguard jour Improvements. Let us tell you more about Caldwell Acres. PRICES AND TERMS. Quarter acres. $365 and up; half acres, $430 and up; acres. $650 and up. Terms, $5 and $10 and $8 to $10 per month. THE BYRON REED CO., (REALTORS.) Doug. 29T. Est. 1667. 212 8. 17th. Benson. 6-R., all mod., oak finish, Benson home; lot 68x142 feet; big bargain at $2,250; $250 caeh will do. We buy as well as sell bargains. RASP BROS, 210 Kcejlne Bldg. Tyler 721. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 7-U ACRES NORTHWEST of BENSON Located about 12 blocks north of Ben son: paved road and auto line; high, sight ly Rround, good soil. Price 83.600: 3350 oa.nh, $3.1 per month, which Includes In terest, or this piece can be divided Into two pieces: one of 4 acrea at 11.800 ana one of Z acres at 81,700. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1814 Harney St. PHONR TY. 5 Dundee. GOOD DUNDEE HOME. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Thla Is room, 2-story, well built modern home, with reception room, living room tnd dining room, finished in quarter sawed oak. Kitchen, 4 bedrooms and ath room, finished In quarter sawed pine. Garage; paved alley. South front Int. 60x128 feet. Price $5,150. Reason able amount down; balance monthly like rent. Key at our. office. Under wood Ave., near Mat GEORGE & CO., Doug. 756. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH (3R FARM. Widow has 6 five-room houses, one T room, modern house, one 8 -room modern house and 3 modern store buildings- all well rented, on paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also 130,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property in first class condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City National Bank Building WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 8 and 6-room houses and bungalows with 8300 to 1500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. LIST your property with JOHN J. MULVIHILL, 200 Prandelo Theater Bldg. Phone D. 91 WANTED Modern flat, value $30,000 to 5n.!l!!LA-i,lLreLP-l-0- BnJ13- Onawa, la. MEET me atF T VCesd's nitiri FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. STOCKS FOR SALE. 100 shares Hoffman Oil Refining for $140. 100 Crow-Elkhart Motors for $400. 100 Buffalo Oil & Refining for $200. A. L. niKBEL, Little Rock Ark. WE want 100 mortgages on Omaha real dences; funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE. INC.. 638-40 Keellne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OB 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASSOCIATION. FARM LOANS. P1 fTt O PAUL PETERSON, OV2 H64 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. II. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NED. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO,, 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2716. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6, hVt and 6 Per Cent. .T. H. PUMONT CO., Keellne Bldg. CI cr MONEY K1 y t72 O HAR1SON ft MORTON. "72 JO 919 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldir $ino to $10,000 MaBe promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sis. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranrhes. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money. SHOPEN ft COMPANY. Douglas 4523. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. U. Tliomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. TEN TOlo YEARS, LOWCOST. Easy pay menu. W. Q. TEMPLETON, 614 Bee Bldg. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MAY 7TH. Our next excursion to McOehee. Ark. W. 8 FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Canadian Lands. ,000 ACRBS solid block, open prairie, black soil, 4 miles from electrio line, 20 miles from Winnipeg, Man.; If sold at once can give price of $16 per acre, easy terms; we are owners. American Land ft Loan Co., 86 Canada Life Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Colorado Lands. ONE to twelve sections eastern Colorado ranch. Artesian wells, good ranch build ings, railroad station on land; electrio power line through land; five miles from large city. Will sell In tracts of 160 acrea or more. Price $36 per acre. Terms, $6 per acre cash, balancs ten annual pay ments 6 per cent. Will consider pert cash and trade. Also 6,000 acres of dry farming land In Crowley county, Colorado) $16 per acre; also New Mexico 60,000-acre ranch, with water rights for T.00 acres. Address B. H. Tallmsdge, Pueblo, Colo. COLORADO offers great opportunities for farmers of moderate means to secure farm homes on very easy terms. Inform us location desired. For free book and map and speoial railroad rates writs Floyd C. Tsllmadge, Colonization Agent Ivans -Colo. By. Co..' First National Bank Bldg.. Pueblo. Colo. l Iowa Land 640-ACRE IMPROVED FARM. $100 acre; great bftaln. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Minnesota Lands. 40, 80 OR 160 ACRES; GOOD HEAVY soil; well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churches. Price $16 to $22.60 per acre; terms II an acre cash, balance tl an acre a year; 6.000 acres to select from. To actual set tlers who w.U put up buildings and Improve land ws will give deed and take mort gage back for full purchase pries for I or 10 years, 6 per cent Interest. Schwab Bros.) 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. ALFALFA, CORN, WHEAT FARM FOR SALE. 300 acres, good Improvements; this farm has 20-year record of large crops of wheat, having produced over 60 bushels per acre and a number of crops averaging 26 bushels; 176 acres In winter wheat, now promising another bumper crop and one half of all crops go to the landlord. Thls Is a rich Prairie Dog valley farm, located two miles south Of Republican City, Harlnn County, Neb., with a fine lot of timber for farm use, no need of buying fuel. This farm has paid for Itself several times In the last 20 years; only reason for selling Is to Improve my Colorado property; price $125 per acre. Including one-half of this crop, on easy payments to reliable parties. Above price Includes usual Nebraska commission. Write the owner, D. F. M'FARLAND (Farmer), Brighton, Colorado. 58 ACRES Irrigated land, Lincoln county; rich Platte valley land; all under irriga tion; 3-room house, barn, etc.; 9 acres of alfalfa. Trice $100 per acre; $4,000 cash required. Immediate possession. Whlte( & Hoover, 454 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farm and ranches In good Old Dawes County. Arah L. Mung-erforrt. Crawford, Neb. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices wrl Oeo. Antlll. Blair. Neb. RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, easy terms. A A. Patzman. 301 Karbaeh Blk. CHOICE FARMS. Nllsson. 422 Rose Bldg. Wisconsin Lands. OWN a farm. We have some of the choicest land In the heart of the very best sec tion of tfce Clovar Belt of Central Wis consin. Low prices. Easy terms. Write for booklet and map. John S. Owes Lumber Co.. Cwen. Clark County. Wis. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. $60 per a., Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi ft c M Rvlander. 864 Omaha Nat'l POULTRY AND PET STOCK 14 ANCONA hens laid ,24 dozen eggs lu one month for me. Send 81.60 for one setting, delivered by Parcel Post. Joseph Pa-tsch, Humphrey, Neb. WHITE LEGHORN hatching eggs, $4 per 100 Chicks all ages, 16 cents each and up. Gradman's Egg Factory, Florence ?18. 1,000 STANDARD bred baby chicks; now ready for delivery. Webster 1708. SNOW WHITE ROck eggs for hatching. Benson 2KN CHICKS lor .le. 14th and Fowler Sis. OlttHA LIVE STOCK ji " Cattle Receipts Continue to In crease Over Last Year; Hog Market Active; Many Lambs. Omaha. May 9.. 1910. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs. 6hep. Official Monday 11,782 10.111 3.634 Official Tuesday ,...11.441 16.397 7.784 Official Wednesday ... (.4(1 16.019 6.063 Estimate today 3,500 14,000 10,000 Four days this week.SS.lS4 I6.5J7 16.179 Same days last week.. 38.294 69,063 39.682 Sams days 3 wks. aio.SS,17 63.613 33,056 Same days $ wks. ago.tO.4J8 70.739 40,931 Sams days year ago... 30.967 19.866 23.040 Receipts and disposition of live stock st the Union' Stock yards, Omaha. Neb., for 21 hours ending at 1 o'clock p. m., May 9, 1918: receipts rim.oirn cattle, moss, sneep. C. M. ft St. P 1 3 Wabash 3 1 Missouri Pacltlo ...... 1 4 Union Paclflo 84 63 26 C. ft N. W., east .... 10 3 C. ft N. W west .... 24 64 3 C, St. P., M. ft a.... 15 7 C, B. ft 9 , east .... 8 C, B. ft Q . west .... 39 81 16 C. R. I. ft P., east ... I 1 C. R. 1. ft P west .... Illinois Central S t .. Chicago. Ut. Western.. I 3 Totsl receipts ' l4 177 41 DISP6SITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Morris ft Co 608 1.816 Swift ft Co 869 $.076 Cudahy Packing Co.. 811 3,173 Armour ft Co 1,088 3.464 J. W. Murphy 1.040 Lincoln Packing Co. 88 So. o. Packing Co... 4 .... 798 1,114 1,338 766 Wilson racking Co... 87 .... Benton, VansantftLush 10 Hill A Son 21 .... F. B. Lewis 1! .... J. B. Root ft Co. '.. . 63 .... F. Q. Kellogg 30 .... Werthelmer A Degen, 64 .... Ellis ft Co. .......... - I .... Sullivan Bros. ...r. . $3 .... Christie 30 .... Higgtns 11 .... Huffman 16 .... Roth 16 .... Meyers 3 .... John Harvey 133 .... Dennis ft Francis 28 .... Pat O'Dly 18 .... Other Buyers 186 .... 10$ Votala 4,406 13.376 6,291 Cattle Supplies of cattle today amounted to 3,500 bead, making 83, 124 for ths week, a- compared with 98,294 a week ago and 30,900 a year, ago this week. Ths market this morning opened slow to lOo lower, with very little activity on the part of the pack ers and It was well along In ths forenoon before the market was fairly started. There were no Very choice loads of beef steers here, and for the week best steers ars gen erally lOo to 35o lower, and In the In-between and plain kinds ars around 26060a lower. The common and lightweight plain steers ars selling at a considerable dlsad vantage st a decline for ths week of around H60o, and in cases even mors than that Cows and helfors were slow sellers and lbs outslds buyers picking up a fsw odd head early at prices around steady to lOo lower. For ths week cows ars generally 8 5 406 lower. Blockers and feeders were In small supply and for the wssk irs aroUnd 60076c lower than Monday. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $16.76017.60; fair to good beeves, $16.76016.60; conion to fair beevts, $13.60 016.60; good to choice yearlings, $14,000 16.60; fair to good yearlings, $11.00011.601 common to fair yearlings, $9.6(010.60; good to choice heifers, $13.60011.60; good to choles cows, $13.00011.16; fair to good cows, $9.76011.76) common to fair cows, $7,600 9.76; prime feeders, $12.00011.36; good to choice feeders, $10.26011.75; fair to good feeders, $9.00010.00; common to fair feed ers, $7.5008.60; good to choice stocksrs, $10.00012.00; stock . heifers, $8.60010.60; stock cows, I7.6010.00: stock cslves, $8.50 011.60; veal calves, $9.OO011.tl; bulls, lags, etc., $10.00013.00. Hogs There were too loads of hogl on the market, estimated at 14,000 head. Al though lust a trifle slow, ths opening when once under way the- market was good, and actlva all ths way through, with little change. If any, from yesterday's prices. Bulk of ths hogs sold from $17.00 ts $17.36, with a top ot $17.36. Sheep Receipts of sheep amounted to 4$ loads, estimated at 10,000 bead. The largest string of clipped lambs that have been hers for sometime were Included In today's re ceipts. At usual of late, the market was very slow In opening and was quotably steady to easier. Quotations on sheep; Good to choice lambs. $20.00020.40; fair to choice lambs, $18.00020.00; fair to choice yearlings, $17.60 r 11.76; 'Sir to choice wethers, $14,600 ly0; fair to choice ewes, $13,000 16.00; feeder lambs, $17 6O019.OQ; spring lambs, $16.00020.00. Kansas City Lira Stock Market. Kansas City, May I. Cattle Receipts, 3 200 head; market weak; prime fed steer. $16.90017.40; dressed beef steers, $14,000 16.76' western steers, $16.00017.40; cows, $$60014.60; heifers, 19.00014.76; stookers and feeders, $9.00016. 26; bulls, $8.60011.00; ca'ves, 8.76012.60, Hogs Receipts, 6.600 head; market, hlgheii bulk, $17.45017.66; heavy, $17,850 17 60; packers and butohera, $17.46017,60; light. 117.40017.60; pigs, $14.60017.61. Sheep Receipts. 8.000 head, market, weak; lambs, $16.00020.36; yearlings, $14.00 016.50; wethers, $18.00016.00; ewes, 111.00 016.60; stocksrs and feeders, $8.60016.00. Bt. Louis Live Stock Market St. louls. May 9. Cattle Receipts. 1,401 head' market, steady; ntlv beef steers, $11.60017.60; yearling steers and heifers, $1,600.16.60; cows, $7.60 011.60; stocksrs and feeders, $8.50011.00; fair t prims southern beef steers, $10.00011.16; beef cows and heifers, $6. 001$. 60; southern yearlings steers and belters, $7.60018.00; natlvs ealVss. $7.71016.60. Hose Receipts. 1,100 head: market, steidy: lights, $17.80018.00; pigs, $11,360 17.60- mixsd hd butchers, $imo(jit.o; good heavy, 117.10017.45; bulk. $17,460 17.90. Sheep Receipts, 101 bead; market low-s.-; lambs, $30.60031.36; ewes, 116.00017.00; wethe-s, $16.60017.00; canners and chop pers, $6.6009.60. Chicago Life Stock Market. Chicago. May I. Cattle Receipts, 11.000 head; market, weak; native steers, $10,000 17.60; stockers and feeders, $8.76013.60; cows and belters, $6.80014.10; calves, $8.00 014.00. Hogs Receipts, 83,000 heed; market, steady at yesterday's average; bulk of sales, $17.7D1I.06; light, $17.60-918.15; mixed, $17.40018.1$; heavy, $16.70018.05; rough, $16.70017.00; pigs. $14.26017.06. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,006 head; market, weak; sheep, $12.75016.60; lambs, $15.60020.80. Sioux City lJe Stock. Sioux City, Ia May I. Caltle Receipts, 1.200 head; market strong; beet steers, 11100017.28; fat cows and heifers, $9,000 16.00; canners, $7.2508.60; stockers and feeders, $10.00013.50; calves, $8.00013.00; calves, $8.00013.00; bulls, stags, stc, $8.60 013.76; feeding cows and heifers, $7,600 10.50. Hogs Receipts. 7,000 hesd; market 5c to lOo higher; light, $17.10017.30; mixed, $17 0017.10; heavy, $16.90017.10; pigs, $16 60017.00: bulk of ssles. $17.00017.36. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 100 head; market steady, , Dry OoodS Market. New Tork, May I. Cotton goods her to day were steadier and yarns unchanged. Orders for worsted yarn! wers allotted among mills by the government. Rsw silk was unchanged, with prices on a high level. Oovernment business on men's wear attained very large proportions. FARM LAND WANTED Don't list your farm with us It you want to keep It 423 S. 16th. Douglas 9371. WANTED 20,000 acres of Kimball and Banner county land. Must be first-class farm land, Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Box T 467. Omaha Bee. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes ss security. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, totsl, $3.60. Smaller, larger am'ts. proportional rate, PROVIDBNT LOAN BOC1KTY, 433 Securities Bldg., 16th. Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANTOR DIAMONDS AND JBWELRt 1C1 SMALLER LOANS. O Of 10 W. C. PLATA D KST. 1892. 10 6TII FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. TT. 960. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate. Private loan booths. Harry MaUshock, 1514 Dodge. U, 6619. Eat 1891. GRAIN AND PRODUCE Cash Market Stronger; Corn Figures Show Increase and Demand Active; Oats Make Gain. Omaha. May t, 1119. Continued light arrivals wsrs noted to dsy with only 74 cars ot all grain. Receipts ot v. heat were 7 cars: corn, 47 cars; oats, 1" cars; rys. 1 ear, and barley, 3 cars. The cash markst In general showed a stronger tendency, practically all sales be ing made at an advance. Corn figures were unchanged to $o higher In the No. 3 grades No. I whit corn went at yesterday's prices, while the No. t mixed was 8c and So higher. No. I yellow was unchanged. The demand for good corn was quite active. Offerings were light an! In the lata deal ings no important reaction took place. It was said ths expected low temperatures would retard planting, and In soma districts would mean a halt The close was nervous, at the same as t hours before to ltoo high er, with May $1.87 H and July 11.47 0 1.4TH. Oats reflected the advance In corn and mads a substantial gain, spot figures being quoted generally l4e and 3t4o aver vaster day's prices. No. I white sold at 760 and standard oats at 76 o. No. whits brought 36o and 766 and the No. 4 white. 7614a. One ear each of No $ mixed oats and No, I ruat proof sold at 76 Mo and 76c, respec tively. Rys and barley Ware nominally unchanged Clearance! were: W'heat and flour, equal to 181,000 bushels; corn, 4,000 bushels; oats, 17,000 bushels. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat CSrn. Osls. Chicago t 150 96 Omaha T 47 17 Kansas City... II 68 31 St. Louis I 44 39 These sales wers reported today: Corn No. t white: t cars, $1.66. No. t white: 10 cars, $1.6$; ( cars, $1.66. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1,68, No. i white: S cars, $1.60; 1 car, $1.60. No. ( white: 1 car, $1.36. No. I yellow: 4 cars, $1.64; 1 car. 81.63. No. I yellow: 1 ear, $1.62; T cart, $1 41. No. 4 yellowt 1 ear. $1.60; I oars, $1.69. No. $ yellow: I cars. $1.13. No. I yellow: 1 car, $1.36. Sample ysllow: 1 car. $166. No. 1 mixed: 4 oars, tl.69: I cars, $1.69. No. 4 mixed: s ears, $1.66. No. I mixed: 1 ear. $1.60: t ears, 11.10. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.58 Oats Standard: 1 car, 7 9 Vic. Mo. I white) I cats. 76 Mo; 1 cars. 76c. No. 4 white: 1 ear, 1$Ho. No. t mixed: 1 car, T6Ve. No.-1 rust proof: 1 car. 75c. Omaha Cash Prices Corn t No. t whits, $1.19- No. I whits. $1.6601.66! No. 4 white, 61.S54I1.68: No. 6 whits. 11.6001.63: No, 6 white. $1.96; No. I yellow, $1 6901.64; No 3 yellow, 11.(101.61; No. 4 yellow, $1.6901.60; No. I yellow. 11.63: No. ( yel- low, II. 3601. $7; sample ysllow. $1.66; No. t mixed, $1.6101.69; No. 4 mixed, 11.66; No. mixed, i.eo: sample mixed, si.ti. Oats- No. I white. 76c; standard, 764e No. I whits, T6076tte; No. 4 whits, 7$He. Chicago closing prices, furnished Xhe Be by Logan Bryan, stock ana grain brokers, $11 South Sixteenth street Omahai Article "Open High Low Close Test. Corn. I I May 1 ITH 1 37 117 H 1 17 U 1ITU July 1 46 1 47 146 1 476 Ut Oats. aMy 74 4 Tl T4H TIU 73 July 17 66 H 67 67 ITH Pork May 46 91 41 II 41 II 41 14 41 II July 46 41 41 4T 41 16 41 II 41 41 Lard i May II 41 II 41 91 40 tl 41 II 41 July 9 6 83 16 IT 91 Tl 11 TT II II Ribs. Msy 11 Tl II Tl tl TO It Tl II Tl July 14 40 14 II 14 18 11 10 II 46 CHICAGO OATH AND PBO VISIONS. Prospect ef TUnd ranee t Flaatiag from Cold Beads Cor rriesa I P. Chicago, May I. Prospects of freeslng temperatures that might seriously binder flantlng brought sbout advances today In ha corn market. Price closed nervous at ths asms as yesterday's finish to lo higher, with May 11.17 and July $1.47 01.47. oats gained to 3o ast Ths outcome In provision wa a setback of 10110. Corn traders for th most part owing to ssed scarcity, took ths view that the expected unseasonabls cold would make tarmera much mors cautloua than usual about risking mishaps and that as a re sult delay t planting seamed likely to handicap ths bears. Offerings were light throughout ths session and war at no tlms sufficient to cause any Important reaction. Most ot th demand cams from shorts and during ths Isst hour May delivery com manded tha highest prioe reached so far on tha crop. Oats advanced as a rssult largely of frost Indications. Gossip of a revival of export demand could not be confirmed. Provisions rose with grain, but en ths bulgs offerings Increased snd a dscllna fol lowed, notwithstanding a lata upturn In hog values and despite Increased shipments of lard and meats, as compared with last year. On tha bulge offerings Increased, and reaction ensued which carried value back to below yastsrday's finish. Corn No. I ysllow, nominal: No. S yellow, $1.6001.1$; No. 4 yellow, $1.60. Oats No. 1 whit, 7707lc; standard, f$'C7lo. Rye No. 1, nominal. Barley $1.8501.67. Timothy $9.0008.00. Clover $18.00037.06. Pork Nominal. Lard $15.40. Rlba $t$.2O0JS.$2. Omaha Hay Market. Reoelpts light on both prairie hy and alfalfa. 'Demand fair to good for the bet ter grades. Medium grades ars moving slowly. Hay Choice upland prairie, $11.10; No. 1, 611.00017.00; No. 1, $10 00018.00; No. 1, 15.0003.00; No. t midland prairie. $15.60 011.10; No. I, $10.60011.06; No. 1 lowland prairie, 11.66010.00; No. ,1 ll.0IOT.lt; No. I, I4.00OI.00. Alfalfa Choice, 111.66; No. 1, 111.060 91.06; standard. 111.60011.69; No. 1. $11.00 016.00; No. I, 310.00011. 60. Straw Oat ll.00 0 7.IO; wheat $6,000 1.60. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., May 9. Flour Un changed. Rye $3.1401.80. . Barley $1.1601.61. Bran $28.14. Corn No. I yellow, $1.68 01.16. Oats No. I white, 74076a. Flag $!.96!.98. Chicago Produoe. Chicago, May 9. Butter Market lower; c-eamery, 16041c. Egys Receipts, 11,156 eases; market un changed. Potatoes Receipts, 2$ ears; market un changed. Poultry Allvs, higher; fowls, 16e. New York Produce. Butter Firmer; receipts, 6,681 tubs: creamery, higher than extaaa, 46 047c; creamery (12 scre), 46c; firsts, 43046c; packing stock, current make No. 1, 310 31c Eggs Markit firm; receipts, 28.097 cases: fresh gathered extras. 38 038c; fresh gathered storage packed, firsts, 87037c; do regular packed, extra firsts, 37c; firsts, 350l6c. Cheese Market steady; receipts, 4,614 boxes, state held specials, 24026c; do average, 14025c; do fresh specials, 220 23c; do average run, 23023c, Live Poultry Market weaker; broilers, 70086c; fowls, 34c; roosters, 20c; turkeys, 30033c; dressed, market firm; chlcktns and fowls, unchanged; turkeys, 26038c. New York Fstnre. New Tork. May 9. Sugar Raw, steady; centrifugal. 6.606c; tin granulated. 7.46c. Torpestlne and Rosin. Savannah, Oa "May 9. Turpentine flr.rt, 47 bblsi sales, 206 bbls. ; receipts, I bhls. shipments, 4 bbls.; stock, 21,609 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 172 bbls.; receipts, 9 hblc; shipments, 101 bbls). ; stork, 17,281 bbls. Quote B. D, R, r, O, H. I, K, M, N, $6.76; W, O, $6.90; W, W, $7.16. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Mo.. May t. Corn Steady; July, $1.41 esked. Oats Steady: July. 67e bid. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo.. May 9. Corn May, $1.27; July. $1.6101.51. Dulnth Linseed. Puluth. Minn., May I. Llnsead $3.I40 4.00; arrive, $$.94; May, $3.94 bid; July. $4.00; October. $3.60. Krario rated Anplee and Dried Fruit. New York, May . Evaporated apples, normr.l Dried Fruits Apricots snd pitches, dull; raisins, quiet. New York Cotton Market, New York, May 9. Cotton closed at a net advance ot 76 to $$ points. NEW YORK STOCKS Spectacular .Movement . in In dustrials and War Issues : Market Feature ; Steel Scores Big Rise. New York. May I. Another spectacular movement In Industrials and ..war iseurs which lifted U. 8. Steel 6 points above tts low prlc of th morning to the new maximum ot 107, Its highest: quotation In over six months, was the , Impressive feature of today's very active stock mar ket. .. .. Prices were Irregular at th outset, Steel and Readlrfg. the market's scknowledged leaders, displaying moderate heaviness on war bulletins which prompted acattered selling. , Irregular gains In shippings, . secondary rails and various specialties, during the -. forenoon were not especially . convincing snd tha undertone continued hesitant until . fresh buying ot Steel developed. " '. Accumulation of 8teel in the .last hour waa on a aral seldom squsTled, ccpt 'In th boom marketa ot th tint two years ' of th war.. It contribution to th day's total operatlona of about 1,100,000 shares was no less thsn 3$ per tent Other noteworthy features Included Su- matra Tobacco, which established a ' new record at an extreme advance ot 1 to ' 114. Tobacco Products, which recovered Its dividend of 1 points and an additional I points; Distillers' Securities and Industrial Alcohol, which rose 1 and 4, respectively, ' and Marin pfd. 1. , t ; High trad rails were at their best In th final dealings, Canadian Pacific gain ing 4 and Union Paclflo 1. Reading, however, barely recovering it 1 point setback. Bonds wers Ignored and slightly Irregular, Including Liberty Issues. Totsl sales par vslue). $1,776,000. V. 8. bonds old Issues were unchanged on call. j Number ot sales and quotations on lead ing stocks: , Closing Sales, High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar... 1.600 74 71 T3 Am. Can 18.600 46 43 44 Am. Car F'ndry 3.800 71 77 .79 Am. Locomotive .. 9,100 $7, 16 66 Am. Smelt A Ret.. 18,000 81 79 17 Am, Sugar Ref. ,.- 600 109 107 168 Am. Tel. 4k Tel,... 1,100 18 It 98 , Am. Z, L. 4k ... 1.406 14 14 14 Anaconda Copper. 11.800 17 15 66 Atchison 1,300 14 84 84 At. O. ds W. I. 8. 8. 4,100 111 no. 110 i Baltimore Ohio 1,100 64 63 S3 B. dt 8. Copper ... 71 10 l 199 Cal. Petroleum ... 100 .16 16 16 Canadian Paclflo.. 4,30 144 141 14 Central Leather.. 1,100 68 47 61 Chesapeake Ohio 1.100 61 16 61 C. M. A tt. P 1,100 11 40 41 ' C N. W... '.91 C, R. I. p. etfs. 1,100 11 10 - 81 Chlno Copper .... 1,400 43 43 43 Col. Fuel A Iron. 3,100 43 41 43 Corn Products Ret.-10.101 41 19 41 Crucible Steel .... 19,100 68 6T :. . Cuba Cans Sugar.. 6.800 10 - 19 j 19 Distillers Ssourltles 10,600 66 49 14 ' Kris 4,900 11 16 15 Oen. Bleetrlo .... 700 147 147 147 Oen. Motors 1.500 110 111 130 Ot Northern pfd. 4,401 91 16 11 Ot. Nor. Or etfs. 1,100 11 t 10 10 Illinois Central , . . ; is " Inspiration Copper 8,606 14 11 11 Int M. M. Pfd.... 4T.I00 111 liu liu ' Inter. Nickel .... 11.700 10 18 19 Inter. Paper 1,161 41 46 41 . K. C. Southern .. i.oei 16U nu im Kenneeott Copper. 4,401 31 11 13 Loulsvlll A Nash. Ji4 Maxwell Motor 16 Msg. Petroleum .. 11,101 17 11 IT Miami Copper .... sot 11 18 16 Missouri Paclflo .. 6,600 11 31 114 Montana Powar .. , 101 11 61 17 Nsvada Conner . lot lok lu it at. New York Central. 4,404 Tl 71 Tl N. Y., N. H. A H. 11,400 14 II 11 I Norfolk A Western 490 101 104 104 Northern Paclflo., 1,900 17 IT 17' Pacltlo Mall ..... 101 11 SOU, 81 C Pennsylvania ..... 1,900 44 41 41 gay Con. Copper ..... .... ... ti eadlng lot St 16 16 nop. Iron m Steel . IT, 600 17 16 17 Bhattuok Ar. Cop. 11,100 11 16 16 Southern Psoitis ,., ... , 18 v Southern Railway. 1,100 14 14 .14 Studebakar Corp... 11,700 11 ll 11 Texas co. 11,300 IT 16 11.. Union Paolflo ... 4.600 161 141 161 U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 1,400 111 111 121 V. S. Steal ....... 16,100- 111 138 111 r V. S. Steel pfd. ... 11,000 107 101 107 Utah Copper 400 110 110 Vl. 110 Wabaah pfd. "B".. I.IOt 83 st II Western Union ... 1,400 13 II .11 Wstngh's1 JEleetrto 10 94 11 98. 1,101 41 41 41 Total sales for th day, 1,100,600 shares. New York Money. ' ;:'"i New tork. May t. Mercantile Paiiiar Four and I months, I per cent. . . , . Sterling sixty-day bills, 84.71: eoramer- clal 10-day bills on banks, 14.71; oommereiat o-dar bins. 4.ti; demand. 11.7 4-6: cables, 14.71 T-14. Blver Bar, 99 e; Mexican dollars . TTe. Bonds Government steady: Railroad Ir regular. Tim Loan Firm: 10-das-s. 6 01 Mr cent; It-days and I months, I per cent bid. . ' : . Call Money Strong: high. I Per cant) Isw. I per cent; ruling rat, I per sent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at I per cent; Isst loan, I per cent s : r "U. B. 2S reg ... 97 Ot. NO, 1st 4S II 1 do coupon... IT lit. Cen, r. 4 79 ' U. S. Is reg.... It Int. M. M. 6s , 12 do coupon... It K- C. 8. r. -I Tl V. 8. Lib ! II.61L. A N. uru 4s 16' U. 8. 4s reg.. ..165 M X A T 1st. 4a 63 do coupon.. 106 Mo. Pac, gen, 4s 11 A. P. 8. ts .. 96 Mont. Power Is 10 . A. T. A T. a la 94 UN. T. C. d. Is 94 Anglo-French Is 91 No. Faciflp 4i. 61, Arm. A Co. 4s II do Is . 66 . Atchison gen. 4s 81 Or. 8. L. V. 4s 13 B. O. o. 4s 79Pao. T, A T. Is 11 Beth. St. r. ts tlPenn. eon. 4s 97; Csn. Leath. Is, 96Penn. gsn.. s 89 Cen. Pao 1st... II Reading gen. 493 C. A O. o. Is.. I18.L.F. a. Is 64. V. B. A Q. 1 4s 11 Bo. Pac, cv. 6 91 C. M. A St P. e.8o. Ry. Is ... 98 C R I P r 4s.. 66 Tex. A Pac. 1st 14 C. A S. r. 4s TlUnlon Paclfl 4s It - D. A n. O. r. 5s II U. S. Rubber Is 10 Dom. of Can. Is 91 U. B. Steel Is ,. 98 Erls gen. 4s .. 68 Wabash 1st .... 95 Oen. Else, is . 97 French gov. 6S 17 Bid, . ' ..: - London Money., . London, May I. Silver Bar, 4t .per ounce. i . 1 " . Money 1 pr cnt . . . Discount Rates Short bills, 8. per cent; three months, 1 1-18 psr cent. t - New York General Market ' - - Nw York, May IV Flour Quiet; spring ' patents, 110.76011.16; winter patents, $10.16 -' 011.16; Kansaa straight. $10.90011.36. Cornmeal Steady; yellow granulated, $6.00; whlta granulated, $6.52. Corn Spot, quiet; kiln dried. No. I yet- . low, $1.6$; NO. 4 yellow, $1.47, c. L f., New York, prompt shipments. ' ' Oats Spot, quiet; natural. 14076c' Hay Quiet; No. 1, nominal; No. I, $1.66; No. $, $1.1001.10; shipping, IO0ISO.' 1 ' Hops Quiet; state medium to choles, ' 1917, 15043c; UU, nominal; Pacltlo coast 1917, 10021c; 1116, 14016c. Leather Firm; hemlock sols overweights. ? No. 1, 4lc; No. I, 47e. Lard Easy; middle west, 136.15026.96. Tallow Quiet; city spscial looss, 17o. Rice Firm; fancy head, 9 010c. Metal Markoi. , New York, May . Metals Lead, firmi spot, $7 0007.12. Spelter, firm; East St Louis delivery spot 17.0007.15. , At London Copper: Spot, lilt faVures, fllO: electrolytio, till. Tin: Spot, 360, futures, 380. Lead: Spot ill 10s; futures ' 131 10s. Spelter: Spot t64; future. 166., , Circus Truck Crashes Into .4 Omaha Home; Driver Arrested The home of.C. J. Pea'st,. 4362 Dodge street, is not as pretty hs it was. There is t great, gaping hole in front of the house, caused by a heavily loaded automobile trailer be ing projected into the building by the propulsive force of gravity. The trailer was coupled to a truck belonging to the Frank Manning Cir cus, which was to have opened at Fairbury, Neb., Wednesday nignt. The driver, G. Burnett, was trying to negotiate Dodge hill with the two ve hides when the trailer broke away" and started down the hill It gathered momentum and struck the house with a crash. The accident Was witnessed by passengers on a passing street car. .,. " .' . - Mr. Pease bad a complaint Issued against Burnett, charging him with reckless driving. The chauffeur' snen& the night in jaiL r " v (i