Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 10, . 1918. BRINGING THATS) THE THIRD VAE I'VE. 3ROKEH HOV MAW TJME5.NUST TO P(JT FATHER ' ' t - n : 7 fl ; r CopTTtfbti (.: 1111, ' -International New r Senloe, 10 . , THANK 0001ESS- WHERE S a nt I THE PLANT iV ) Drawn for ThsBee by ;;;; George McManus CASES Oil CALLS PROVE FATAL TO THREE PITCHERS O'Toole, Fuhr and Merzv Too Liberal With Passes and - Sioux City Wins Balk 4 uame,3ioa, Omaha plaed the base ball Wed nesday. Sioux City played it yeiter ' day. '-Therein lies the atory of the Omaha defeat. The score was 9 to !. .-v ': 5 ' ". ' The Rourkea outhit the Sioux, who once mores became pesky yesterday, but the Sioux ganged some of theirs while Omaha's were scattered. In cidentally, the ' three Omaha hurlers who displayed their waresyesterday, iisued nine bases on balls. Most any old (.'all club can win with nine bases on balls.' ;--: : .. ',' " -" Mirty O'Tdole was the first of the three offenders. Marty started a game for the first time this season. It wasn't a very auspicious start. Marry can't throw his old spitter any more; the rules forbid it. And Marty i having a hard time to find a suita ble iubstitute for the -pinches. Marty is Chased. ' In an inning and one-third Marty issued , three walks, uncorked a wild nitch and was nicked for three safe smacks. The toU was four runs. And two men were on bases in the second inntrtf when Jackson called for the dirrck. Fuhr, who succeeded O'Toole, started off by giving a pass and then Farrell and Hunter smote Us offerings ' for safe . hits, which with a stolen base and a witd throw by Lingle brought in three more lattira ivi j ' Fuhr then settled down and hurled gran.l ball In the seventh a single, a couple of infield outs and an error resulted m one more run tor tne Sioux. In the last half of this round Fuhr retired for a sniper and Mer hurlej the last two stanzas. A triple ,y Farrell and a sacrifice fly scored one cffVMeri for Sioux City in the iiinth. ( , ! , i Omaha Scores One." - .'. , Omaha counted one tally In the fourth on hits by Jackson and Donica and infield outs by Hanford and De fate. Callahan's hit, Lingle'a force out, Jones' error and' Bashang's sac rifice fly netted1 one "more for the home folks in the fifth. The third marker was registered in the ninth on Callahan's double and Bashang's tingle. ' ' , . Omaha had a glorious opportunity in the seventh. C&I'Mian walked and Lingle cracked a .. iub1e to right. , Nye. pinching for Fuhr, forced Calla han nt the plate, but Bashang walked, fillinj? the bases. With two down it was up to Manager Jackson. Andt Mananrer Bill fanned., ' ' Dss Moines Takes Ragged , ' Ocrne From Wind-Swept Miner St. Joseph, : Mo , , May 9! Des Moines took the second game of the series here today. 6 to 3. It was a ragged affair, the wind being so strong mat many errors were made on this account Score: ; . DES MOINE8. ST. JOSEPH. AB.H.O.A.E. Coomiy.s 8 9 111 Cau.lf S 9 4 1 I I I I I 1 8 9 4 SWaUOR.rf 1191 I 1 11 OKrkham.lf I 1 J 1 1 Huntar.rf 4 9 9 8 9 It I I Maryhpot I 9 S 9 4 8 9 9 1 1 4 0MarA3b 8 9 8 S 1 Hraen.e 8 8 1 Bachant.e 8 9 8 8 0 Koval.Sb II 9 1 OThledan.p 2 989 I'Dillips.p I 1 i I iFhteldi.p I 9 9 4 0 - hny 1-9 9 9 9 Total 87 9 37 11 4 4- t :, ' ToUla . SBolsfll I Bttd for Thteman In fifth;- Dea Molne, ....1 9 9 8 9 0 8. 0 99 t Joaepb 1 M 0 1 1 I 98 Baie on balla: Off Phlllipa, 4; off Thla man, 8; off Shield. 8. Struck outt By rhll llpa, I; Thieman, 8. Left on baaea: De Molnea, lt St. Jossph, 11. Two-baa hit: Bnetd. Hit by pitcher: By Phillip Muller. Haerlflc bit: Marr. Btdlen baaea: Hunter, Coffey (1), Bhanley, ' Umpire; Doyle. Time: 8:19. Hauger Touch First; . Loses Credit for a Home Run Joplin, Mo., May 9 Joplin jdefeated Topeka- again today by a score of J to 2., Hanger, Topeka center field-. :r, completed a circuit of the bases in , the seventh inning on a long hit to ..; deep center, but the run was pot al lowed as he failed to touch first base. :. Score: . . '. : ' .. topeka; joplin. AOU.U.A.E. - AB.H.O.A.E. Waffll. 8 8 8 8 SCrlUle.lf 8 8 119 , Ne,2b 4 1 8 4 9Brandt.u 8 9 19 9 8 918 1 OMIller.rt 9 119 9 Ueyer.lf. 4 1 8 9 9Mets,lb 4 9 II" 9 t Clvlnd.Jk 4 13 8 9 8 S 9 8 9 1 8 9 9 11 0 rruar.rf 9 1 9 9 9Th' 4 8 4 8 9 , Mantoa.8 I 8 9 1 OColIln, 8 19 19 $teby.p 8 1 9 4 0HU,p. 8 4 9 4 9 ToUte 89 T2I II 9 Total 271 17 14l '. Oo ont whoa winning tun scored. iToe-k!,,..,- 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 98 W4B ...... 1 9 9 9 1 9 9 9 11 rJk ran: Topeka, 8: Joplin. I. Home ' -1 Wvtm., Collin. Two baao hit; Sal t, Carlisle (8), Lamb, poubl play: to afeta; HaU to Lamb to Mats; rr to Wnffll to Bradley. Bale on l .: Ott- BalL' 1; Haliabury, 8.. 8 track ; HvlL T. Left 00 base: Topeka, ; - ouviuiw siis; xiraoiey, Brandt. 'V ST ' RftArirt. Mm Ullf.- . 1 ' ' t,r , nuttier.- DIOIQD I Cellin. Umpire: umie. TUB: j Too Many Walks 8101'X CIIV. 1 ' A8. B. H. Ttj A. E. ....... 4 1 S t S O Cralf, rf LmUb, 2h mil. If Hunter, lb . ThomsMn. ef. foRM, m. . . Htrtod, 8b .. Kohrwr, e ........... S AUIwn, p t Total ' , e 9 ST 14 OMAHA. AB. H, H. .... a l 1 1 Jaeluoa, lb ,. DoBlm, 8b Hanford, If .. Holdmnna, rf, ItutmU, M ... rallahaa, tb . I.lncl, . .... t S as o 'I I OTooU, p. rnhr, p , Sf .... Mara, p , . Pratt ... m Mlr'lMHI 1 , 1 al Totalt ...... .88 8 10 tT 15 8 Sioux Cltj Rnni Hit. S 4000010 1-. 9 .1101091119 Omaha-. ' , " Vnna 0011000 1 S Illta 9 1 1 S 1 0 1 1 810 Tlire-M hits i Farrell (J).Two-be hltst T.lnlr, Ilonlra, Collahaa. Saorlflce hlti A. llMin. Sacrifice fllrsr Hunter, Baahans;. Ntolrn basosi Karrell.. Hunter. Ioulil playai lfat to Callahan, Smith to Hunter. Hltat Off O'Toole, 8 In one and one-third Inning) off Fuhr, 4 In fire and two-third Innings ! aff Men, 8 In two Inning. Mrurk out) Hy O'Toole, J; hy Fuhr, 8 by Allison, U Base on halls! Off OToole, St off Fuhr, 4) off Men, S. Wild pitch) O'Toole. Timet 1:40. Vmplret Oaly. NoHes of the Game Allison pltohed only four ball to retire the sljr In the first Inning. Sioux City ataln today. It will be ladle' day. Gam (tart at 3:15. J&okion pulled two sniper, Nye and Pratt, tnto the combat yesterday, but neither could deliver. , , : This Farrell tatf teem to be considerable hitter. Two triple and a single wa the record yesterday. Cy Lingle, the Rourko'i kid catcher, look like,' winner. He catohea nicely, ha a gond whip to aecond and hit the ball hard. Mack Allison apparently had nothing on the phi, hut somehow or other every time the Rourke hit the ball it went right at some one, Tony Defate wa the hard luck lad. Three time Tony gave the ball a vicious poke- right at somebody. He almost killed Alli son with a drive In the iltth, Mai'iger Hunter of the ' Sioux made a switch in the lineup and batting order, pre sumably for lurk. He benched Richie, who sxem to have that tired feeling, and In- sertod Craig,' bnc with Wichita, Into the lineup. . .. Allison' earned only one ' strikeout, but the v'ctlm wa Manager Bill Jackson and the bnse were loaded at theatlme. . Just before taking hi final and fatal cut at the pill, Manager Bill popped up a dinky in field fly. , It fell aafe near third and It looked like everybody would move up a base. Then the pill bounced outside the foul line Juct Inside of third base. Kansas Teams in Swat(est - During Blinding Duststorm -Hutchinson, Kan May 9. I a-' a awirling dust storm, which blinded the players. Wichita outhit Hutch inson and won a slugging match, 16 to 11. Hutchinson tried hard to catch up, tying the score once. Falk, with two triples, a double and two singles, and Jones, with four doubles, featured. The score: WICHITA.. HDTCHINSOK. V AB H.O.A.E. AB H.O.A.E. Wolfs.ef I I 9 8 Pltt,rf 48 1 O 1 9 i0Nolte,cf S 8 8 0 0 8 6 10 0 9 9 0Flk,ss 6 S I I 1 9 0Benon.!b 4 0 8 8 1 8 8 M'Brlds.lf S Coy.rf 4 Jones. lb ; 9 Taryan.o 9 9 Kestner.p 8 Lyons.p 9 Hovllk.p 9 Brown 1 0 OConroy.Sb 2 12 4 0 8' 6 2 12 1 1 1 Ottsnner.o 4 0 1 2 0 8 'OOraham.p 2 10 2 0 a 11' 9 9 9 OCoralne.p 0 0 9 0 1 0 '1 'OTedarhl.p 1 9 9 2 0 1 I 0 0M'Clel'n 1 1 9 0. 0 Bentley , 1 t 9 9 0 Total. 60 82 37 14 0 ' . ' ? Total 38 18 17 II 4 Batted tor Lyon In seventh. . Batted for Conine In aixth. Batted, forTedechl In, ninth. Wichita .,1 I. I 8 9 18 11 16 Hutchinson .1 402191 0 11' Home run: Coy. Three base hits: Falk (8), Washburn. Pitt. Dllt. Two base hit: Wolfe (2), McBrlde, Jone (4), Ya ryan 4), Waahburn. Falk. Struck out; By Koestner, 8: Lyon, 1; Hovllk, 6; Gra ham,': 8; -Tedeschl, 4. Left on base: Wichita, 11; Hutchinson, S. Base on ball: Off Koestner, 1; Lyons, 1; Hovllk, 8; Gra ham. 1; redeschl, 8. Hits), Oft Graham, 14 In five and two-third innings: Conine, none in one-third inning; Tedeschl, 8 in three Innings; Koestner, 11. In five and one-third Inning; Lyon, none in two third inning; Hovllk, 1 In three inning. Stolen base: Wolf. Time: 8:10. Umpire: Shannon. Noye and Hanlon Matched. Des Moines, May 9. Johnny Noye of St. Paul and Jimmy Hanlon of Denver will meet in a 12-round bout here May 17, a local promoter stated today.- AMUSEMENTS. y Southern Association. ' v Atlanta. 2; Nashville, 1.9 ' - Birmingham, T; Chattanooga, 4. ' Only three scheduled. ' , . Ametieaa Association, t , I B. H. K. Columbia .........8 4 0 Indianapolis ...i...... ,1 4 Batteries: Zahnlaer and Wagner; Dal and Schaog. , 1 1 R. H. B. Toledo ..,..3 10 T Louisville 17 0 (Eleven Innings.): Batteries: Bowman and Alexander; Tyon, Bchakleford and Mayer. Kansas Clty-Mlnneapolla and Milwaukee St Paul games. American association, post poned, rain. . Today's Sport Calendar Hmli Ks GrifllM elob f AMriem at Jw York City, AtoiaiM--8oith A .Untie truck and field chMip9MMhJpi a BaltlRMr. BUlsl8-ni4Fk I AaHmBM naMtsu Krtle, KUroandi at Mllwaak. Tommr nest , ' ' - " mill iniin wmnmm ivjkhjb ATHLETICS KNOCK RUSSELL OUT OF BOX. THEN LOSE Yank Twirler Contributes to Own Downfall by Making Wild Throw, Letting in Two Runs. K ":! Philadelphia, May 9. Philadelphia knocked Russell out of the box before fmanvwas retired in the Athletics' half of the first inning today, but in the second inning New York did the same to Gregg, taking the lead. Thorrnahlen, who replaced Russell, blanked the Athletics and New York won, 7 to 3. .'Russell contributed to his own downfall by a three-base wild throw which let in two runs. Long hits by Marsarfs and Peckinpaugh featured New York's run getting. Miller's home run in the eighth was the only run scored off Adams, who succeeded Gregg. Score: NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Mars's.rf 5 S 0 0 O.lamsn.rf 6 110 0 I' 6 11 Baker,3b 6 0 1 Pratt, 2b 6 14 0 10 Bodle.lf 3 1 1 Miller, cf 3 J 4 Han'h.c 2 0 1 RursoII.p 0 0 0 Th'm'n.p 4 0 0 OKopp.lf 0 Burns. lb O0rdnr.3 0 3 1 2 2 0 2 12 1 1 I 2 12 3 1 1 1 0Dvdsn,2b ODiiKan.s OM'Avoy.c 0.6 2 0 00 0 0 OAdnnis.p 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 Perkins Total 36 10 27 13 l'Shsn'n Totals 35 12714 8 Batted for Adams In ninth. Ran for Perkins in ninth. New York ... 1500001 07 Phlladelphjla 30000000 03 Two bane hits: Pratt. Mursans, Jamlcon, Dugan. Three, base bits: Peckinpaugh, Gardner. Home run: Miller, Double play: Baker, Pratt to Pipp; Dugan, Davidson and Burns; Adams, JIcAvoy, Burn. Left on bases: New York, 6; Philadelphia, 7. First base on errors: New York, !; Phila delphia, 1. Bases on balls: Off Russell, 3; Oregg, 8: Adams, 2. Hits: Oft Russell, 3 (none out in first inning); Thorrnahlen, I In nine Innings: Gregg, i In one and one third Innings; Adams, 6 In seven and two third Inning. Struck out: By Thorrnah len, 6: Gregg, 1; Adam, 3. Winning pitch er: Thorrnahlen. j. Losing pitcher; Gregg. Henntor M'allop Boston. : Washlnifton, May (.Two sacrifice file on by Johnson In the ninth and another by Foster In the 10th gave Washington a, s to a victory over Unstnn here today. The defeat cost the Red Box tho league leader ship, Cleveland going ahead by winning from Detroit. Ruth mads ttfree doubles, a triple and a single In five times at bat. Score: . BOSTON. 1 WASHINGTON. AB.H.OJk.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Huoper.rr 4 i 20 IShtton.rf 3 0 4 0 0 U V. - n 'I A . i d a, e a - Xhesn.ilh 4 14 e w a j 69 Ruth.p 6 11 M'lnns.Jb 80 0 Whtmn.lf 1 4 Scott,". 4 0 1 8 1 10 0 6 2 10 0 t 0Shank,lf 6 110 0 8 6 3 15 0 0 0 lMorgan.2h 2 0 8 2 2 OFostcr.Sb 4 8 15 0 1 OCasoy.o 4 3 4 2 0 8 OAnamth.c 0 0 0 1 ' 0 1 OAyers.p 3 10 3 0 bAgnev.,0 .1 I 1 Schang.c t 0 0 Jhnsn.p 0 0 0 0 0 . Total 34 929 13 3 ' . . Total 36 11 30 IS 1 Two out when winning run scored. Batted for Ayer In ninth. Botn ....1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 03 Washington ........0 0 0 000391 14 Two-base hit: Hooper,xRuth (3). Three base hit: Ruth. Bacrlflce hit: Sheon, Mc Innl. Sacrifice, file: Hooper, Foster. John son. Double playa: Scot to Shean to Hob lltaell; Vclnnla to Sheen to Hoblltxell. Ieft on base; Boston. I; Washington, 16. First base on errorerWaihlngton, 1. on ball: Off Ayer. I; Ruth, 5. Hit: Off Ayers, 8 In nine Innings: off Johnson, 1 In one Inning. Hit by pitcher: By Ayers (Whiteman). Struck out: By Ayor, 4; by Ruth, 1. WinnlnV. pitchers Johnson. Cleveland Leads American League. Cleveland. O., May' 9. Through Boston' defeat today by Washington, Cleveland took the lead in the American league race by winning from Detroit. The toam3 played off a postponed game. Boland s wlldnes in the first two inning gave the locale It victory. After holding Detroit to four hit. Morton developed a wild streak In the ninth and wa taken out Score: DETROIT. i CLEVELAND. ' AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E Dres' S 0 13 9 OChap'n.s 3 0 1 1 0 2 2 8 7 OTurner.Sb 3 0 s 3 a 2 0 1 0 OSpeaker.ct 3 3 4 1 0 Oftoth.rf .'2 t 0 0 0 0Wam'a.2b 2 14 8 t OWIUI' 4 18 1 1 4 10 0 1 OO'Nelll.o 4 0 T 0 0 IMorton.p 3 118 1 OBagby.p 0 a 1 4 10 Hellm'n,rf 4 1,0 Vlttlb a 01 83 Spencer.o 4 9 6 Upland. p It Ertckan.p 1 0 Dyer.p 8 1 Total 21 T 17 11 0 Total 29 124 11 1 Detroit ........ 9 9 8 13 Cleveland ......2 3 t 0 9 0 9 6 Two-base hits: ' Hellman. . V,mW.... Morton, Speaker. Three-base hit: Veach i William. .Stolen base: Speaker. Sacrifice hit: Turner. Sacrifice fly: Wambsganss. Double plays: Bush and Dreasen 1 Vimha. : ganss and Williams; Turner, Wmbsgans end William Left on bases: Detroit. 7: Cleveland, 9. 'First on errors: . Cleveland,"-! Bse on balls: Off Boland. S; Erlckson 1 Morton. 8. HiUt Off Boland. 3 in one and one-third Inning; off Erlckson. I in even and two-thirds innings; off Dyer, ( In one Inning; Morton, in eight Innings, none out in ninth; off Bagby, 1 Hv one inning. Struck out: By Erlckson, 6: Morton . 9. Winning pitcher: Morton. Losing pitcher: Boland. '- . 1 1 AMTREMEMTS. "Omaha's Fun Center'' Osily Msts.. la-M-Mk trsa. Tk 9eass,i Fliltk: CMin Frldsj Nit VSSSSn STEP UVEIY GIR S B-- The FasMea gtma Skew at the -.irr.i eua (Seertyl McAlllitir. Hsny Sliasae as Adeeaatri van uuioun, I nt MISSUS SttsMf" Seuthlssd'i Suakarss Sea Shewlsa SsaSt el ay. oeaste Stess. Bl Btssty Chens. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Sat. Mat. andU Summer "The Dark Sesret.- BASE BALL OMAHA VS. SIOUX CITY i ; - MAYB-9-10 ' ROURKE PARK r r M. m in 1 n. n . ... . . Sal Barkalow Bre. Cub' Called 3:15. i ,! Standing of Teams Standing of Team WEST. LEAGUE. AMER. ASSN. W. I Pfit. W. L. Pet. Dm Molnea SSilLbulBVllls .667 Milwaukee .556 Kansas City .556! Indianapolis .444l.Columbus .3331 St. Paul 1 .371 Wichita Omaha Joplln Hutchison Sioux City .175 .714 .656 .375 .286 .222 .143 .333 .223 Toledo t Minneapolis St. Joieph AMER. LKAOCB. NAT. LEAGUE. ' W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet Cleveland Boston , .. ..II S .679 New York.. 18 1 .47 .12 .671 ..6 7 .6.13 ,.10 10 .500 .10 I .474 . 9 9 .4711 19 .400 Chicago 6 .72: Chicago . . New York Washntn , St. Loul , Detroit ... Phil. .... Pittsburgh ..600 11 .421 13 .40 11 .40 13 .361 14 .263 Phi la St Loul .. Cincinnati . Brooklyn . Boston . T 11 .289 Yesterday's Results. WESTERN LEAGUE. St. Joieph, 3; De Moines, I. Joplln, I; Topeka, 2. Sioux City, 3; Omaha, 8. Wichita, IS; Hutchinson, 11. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Toledo, 3; Louisville, 3. Kanas Clty-Mlnneapolls, rain, Mtlwaukee-ftt. Paul, rain. Columbus, 3; Indianapolis, 1. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Detroit, 8: Cleveland, 0. St. Louls-Chlcago, not scheduled. Boston, 3; Washington, 4. New York, 7; Philadelphia, 8. v NATIONAL LEAGLE. Cincinnati, 6; St. Louis, 6. Chicago, 6; Pittsburgh, 2. Tlrooklyn, 8; Boston, 1. -Philadelphia, 1; New York, 4. fiame Today. WESTERN LEAGUE. Sioux City at Omaha. Des Molnea at St. Joseph. Topeka at Joplin. Wichita at Hutchinson. x . NATIONAL LEAGUE. New York at Pittsburgh. Cincinnati at St. Louis. Brooklyn at Boston. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago at Philadelphia. Cleveland at Washington. St. Louis at Boston. Detroit at New York, Utah Governor Puts Ban On Willard-Fulton Fight Salt Lake' City, Utah, May 9,-t-The proposed Willard-Fulton heavyweight championship bout will not be held in Utah, ft was announced at the office of Governor Simon Bamberger here today. The laws of the state will not permit of the contest being held, ac cording to an opinion of the attorney general, given at the request of the governor. Ogden sporting-wen havebeen en deavoring to secure the battle in that city. Storage Battery Team to Make Automobile Journey The Nebraska Storage Battery base ball team of Omaha will make an au tomobile trip to Portsmouth, la., Sun day to play the town team at that point. Portsmouth is about 40 miles from Omaha. Omaha Real Estate is the best in vestment you could make. Read The Bee's real estate columns. Ill II UN Ill ! Ill I , AMISEMENT8, Vaudeville and Photoplay , riUCESS KALAMA CO.' Presenting . "ECHOES OF KILANEA.". . CHAS E. LA TOUR "Vaudeville Koneensltlea." 1 m 1 . STOKE MANNING , Comedy Singing and Panflnr.' . RA.MONA ORTIZ "Queen ( the Wire." - IN "BREAKERS AHEAD" SCARPIOFF VARVARAt J. C. NUGENTi Kerr A Weston 1 Basil A Aliens Davia A Pellet Kltamura Trial O r m h a u m Travel Weekly. undsy as Nestfsj, May 12-13 SCATS NOW La it Attrastle asrsee. Blorlosm asd 6w Show. - OVER THE TOP "Girt ud Mail t)'a,,,,,, 8 Stars, 29 Mesdllaers. o'Xtslt Blrl. I'HOTOrLAVS. vAttVi nl Toimj and Saturday DOROTHY PHILLIPS in "THE RISKY ROAD" LOTHROP Today ALL STAR CAST ta ! "ALIMONY",' . Also Keystone Comedy SUBUOBAn 24th and Ames Ctdtmm 21Llt Today DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "THE HALF BREED" 1 ft f 1 V f Cecil Lean Cleo Miyfield PHILLIES LOSE TO INVINCIBLE NEW YORIi GIANTS Burns' Two-Base Muff Enables Visitors to Score Only Run vin Closing Game of Series. New York, May 9. The New York Giants closed heif home stay, today by defeating Philadelphia, 4 to 1. In their first series of games with eastern teams New York won 18 out of 19. The only game lost was to Brooklyn. Mayer pitched well for .Philadelphia until the sixth, when five Successive hits enabled N ew York to score1 three runs. A two-base muff in the first in ning by G. Burns enabled Philadel phia to score its only run. Score: PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. AB.H O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 210 0 Ftzald.rf 4 12 0 OToung.rf 3 18 3 3 3 1 12 Ott. Burns. If 3 1 0 0 1 OZIman.Jb 4 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 M'Gfgn.2b 3 Stock, 3b 3 Cravath.lf 3 0 3 0 ORdrguz.Sb 2 0 11 1 11 1 OWllhoit.rf 2 2 2 0 12 0 OFItchr.s 4 2 0 0 0 12 4 0 6 0 0 1 OM Carty.c 4 18 2 Tesreau.p 3 0 0 4 4 4 E.Burns.o 2 Mayer.p 3 Totals 28 6 24 13 0 A . Total 33 12'2 8 1 Meusel out; hit by batteft ball. Philadelphia .....1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 New York 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 4 Two-base hits: McGafflgan, Kauff, Young. Three-base hit: Wtlholt. Sacrifice hits: Bancroft, G. Burns. E. Burns. Left on base: New York, 7; Philadelphia, . First base on errors: Philadelphia, 1. Bases on balls: Off Tesree.u, 4; bff Mayer, . Struck out: By Tesreau, 4. Marquard Win Tint Game. Boston, May . Marquard won his first game today, pitching Brooklyn to a 3 to 1 victory over Boston. "He held the home club to six hits, three of them coming in the first Inning and accounting for Boston's one run. Fillinglm pitched his first jrame for Boston and was a trifle wild, but his support wa responsible for two run. 8:or- BROOKLYN. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Olson, ss 8 O'Mara.Sb 4 5 3 1 1 0 3 2 6 1 Powell, cf 2 0 0 0Herzog.2b 4 0 4 0 OWcklnd.rf 4 0 0 Smith, 3h 4 Hckmn.rf Shmdt,2b Krueger.o Marqd.p 4 0 6 4 1 11 8 18 3 13 4 0 3 4 0 0 2 4 0 10 0 4 2 OWIlson.o 3 Filgtm.p 2 36 8 27 11 2Hearn,p 0 Maasey, 1 Totals Total 33 6 27 18 4 Brtted for Fillinglm In eighth. Brooklyn 1 0 1 0 1 0 8 0 03 Boston 1 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 01 Tn-o-Jiase hit: Olson. Stolen bases: Z Wheat, Myers. Sacrifice hit: O'Mar. Left en bases: Brooklyn, 11; Boston, 8, PHOTOPLAYS, irJT r. I A. - 7 iisNFssuni DOYD FIRST TIME ALL SEATS Today and Saturday At 1, 3, B, 7, 8) p. m. 25c at The Picture Beautiful WILLIAM FOX Presents A DAUGHTER OF THE CODS With ANNETTE KELLERMAN A Million Dollar Picture GRAND 16tlrancl Btnney DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in- "HEADIN SOUTH" HAMILTON 40th nd Hamilton Last Times Today y "Th Kaiser The Beast of Berlin" 0 Gladys Brockwell HER ONE MISTAKE 1 THE EAGLE'S EYE' First base on error: Brooklyn. 3; Boston, 1. Bases on balls: Off Marquard, 1; Fill inglm 4. Hits: Off Fillinglm. 7 in eight innings; Hearn, 1 in one inning. Struck out: By Marquard, J; Fillinglm, 3. Passed ball: Wilson. Losing pitcher: Fillinglm. ' Beds Score Easy; Win. St. Louis, May i. Smith's muff of Black burne's easy fly gave Cincinnati another ninth Inning victory over St Louis today, 0 to 6. The score wa tied and Blackburne was safe at first on the error. He stole sec ond and scored on a single by Grjh, after Packard had struck out Wlngo and JSller. Score: ' CINCINNATI. ST. LOUTS. AB.H.O.A.E. ' AB.H.O.A.E. Groh,3b ' 4 3 L. Ma'e,2b 4 0 Roush.of " 4 2 0 3 0J. Sm' 4 0 0 3 0 lN'lehoff,2o 4 2 3 4 0 0Ba'd,3b-ss 4 14 9 0 3 11 3 0 O'Hornsby 10 8 5 0 OBetzel.Sb 10 1 1 S OCrulse.lf (31 3 1 lPaul' 4 1 11 0 3 OSmyth.rf 3 13 0 0 OSnyder.e 8 3 3 S Ma' 4 Grlffth.rf 3 3 Black' 4 Wlngo.o 4 G. Sm'h.p 8 Eller.p 3 - Xleado's.o 1 Totals 31 10 27 13 3$herdel.p 1 Gonzales 1 Packard, p 0 Totals 15 10 27 14, 1 Bauea ror Wallace in seventh. Batted for Sherdel in eighth. Cincinnati ....0 0 0 4 0 0 0 St. Louis ....6 1 0 0 3 0 0 Two-base hits: Groh, Nlehoff, Three.?base hits: Blackburne, 1 1 1 0 6 Snyder. wlngo, Roush. Stolen bases: Blackburne, Balrd. Sacrifice hit: Sherdel, Neale, L. ' Magee Sacrifice fly: Nlehoff. . Double plays: Nle hoff and Paulotte. Left on bases: Cin cinnati, 6; St. Louis, 9. First bns on er rors: Cincinnati. 1. Base on balls: Off O Smith, 1; Kller, 2; Meadows, 2. Hits: Oft G. Smith, 5 in tlve innings; Eller, 5 in four innings; Meadows, 8 In three and one third innings; Sherdal, 4 in four and two thirds Innings; Packard. 1 In one Inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Eller (Smyth). Struck out: By G. Smith, 1; Eller, 1; "PHOTO PIAY' OFFERING J FOR. TODAY PRESENTS SIR SOm FOKBES ROBERTSON GREATEST OF STAGE STARS 1 a - .? Ml Ell nnn WQ km h'-f fx im m$Stm liii -.- y 4 r -A si j ' By Charles Reade Supported by 30 Other Stars, , Including GEORGE BERNARD SHAW, HENRY IRVING AND DION BdUCICAULT TODAY AMD SATURDAY 1 . The most remarkable cast ever assembled for stage or screen. Week Beginning SUNDAY, MAY 12 Dfeeocad hy Vim ot MYTQlTJLlMRSkGEEWANY DAILY MATINEES 2:30 Reserved Seats -Matinees, 25c & 50c Evenings. 25c to Si Packard, 2. Winning pitcher: Eller. Loa lng pitcher: Packard. v Pirates Lose to Cubs. Pittsburgh, May 9. Chicago won today' game, S to 2, and thereby divided the series with Pittsburgh, Sanders, starting foi Pittsburgh, gave way to Harmon after h yielded four run on five hits In six In nings. Harmon also was unable to stop 10s visiting Daisnien, iuur mis in succes sion in the eighth inning scoring two mors runs. Pittsburgh played listless ball. Score CHICAGO. PITTSBURGH. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E 5 3 0 Flack. rf 3 3 6 Mann, If 3 0 1 3 3 4 3 2 10 Kllduff,2b 4 12 Deal, 3b '4 0 2 Klllifer.o 4 3 Vaughn, p 3 0 0 4 OCaton.FS 6 11 1 1 0 6 118 I t. O . 3 0 16 1 0 OStengl.rf 3 0 8 0 0 lCutshw,2b 4 1 1 S 4 4 110 8 3 lMcKhe.Sb 4 8 3 4 8 1 OArcher.o lit 1 I 2 O'Hlnchmn 1 V 8 - BIccwel.o 1 t 8 8 8 Totals.. 32 10 27 13 S'Schmldt 118 8 8 Sanders.p 1118-8 Harmon.p 18.888 Shaw 8 Total.. 31 137 31 ' 'Batted for Archer In fifth. Batted for Blaekwell In ninth. BattAlt fnr TlimiAii In nfntl Chicago ....0 8 3 0 8 1 1 1 81 Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 0 I Two-bas hit: Merkle, Kllduff. Throe base hits: Hollocher, Mollwltz. Home run: Flack. Sacrifice hits: Mann, Merkle. Doable plays: Hollocher to Kllduff to Merkle, San ders to Caton to Mollwltz. Left on bases: Chicago, 4; Pittsburgh, 9. First base on er rors: Chicago, 1; Pittsburgh, 3. Base on balls: Chicago, -4; Pittsburgh, 9. First base on errors: Chicago, 1; Pittsburgh, 3. Base on balls: Off Vaughn, 3; off Sander, 2; off Harmon, 1. Hits': Off Vaughn,. 6 In nine In nings; off Sanders, 6 In five and one-third innings; off Harmon, 6 In three and twb thirds Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By Vaughn, Shaw. Struck out: By Vaughn, 2;' by Sanders, 1. Wild pitch: Sanders. Winning nltrhpr Vsnpin T no I n i- n,ni,AV, n uu.i.b v,,luu . uauuais. First Screen Appearance WORLD' PICTURES' - 8 orrsenr. SIR JOHNSTON. f0RDESR0BERTS0iJ 'In TH itttat Flint -mi fT "Masks ond rote in t s FAG Seat -No Selling' TODAY EVERY EVENING 8:15 I .t& 1 8 1