Jf,isriTOm..iu,iliiiia,Biiiaifc,41ii!iiit;,tti.,iiHii w::;iii'mo4.iiiiiiummiiuii : l "Mirro ' Aluminum Ware Reflects Good Housekeeping Our demonstration this week is proving very interesting and extremely helpful and economical to hundreds of women, who have learned and are learning many things about Alum inum in general and many new features about "Mirro" in particular. We have a few more of the One Pint Saucepan, with the double 1Q. hollow steel cold handle, while they last 1JC PERCOLATORS, a six-cup capacity, "Mirro" Pecolator in s(J1 AQ the beautiful Colonial patterns, special V 1 J Basement , 1 Vash Skirts Special Thursday, $4.95 An opening offering from our new White Summer Wash Skirt Section. A number of stylish designs in White Skirts, made of fine quality Gabardine, new fancy pockets and belts; trimmed with large white pearl buttons; regular sizes as well as sizes for stout women 30 to 38 waist measure; all bearing the label "Srink-Nomo," which is a positive guar antee if they shrink, your money back. Second Floor SETS THE PACE Put Your Furt in Storage. Moderate Charges Here. OMAHA Buy War Savings Stamps. A Fine Investment. Big Savings m Mrs. Home-Sewer in every city throughout the United States uses ieis mw um S Women's "Red Cross" Pumps $ A 35 $5.50, $6.00 and $7.00 Values The justly famous Pumps arc to go on sale here ' Bag Sale Thursday $100 Ladies' Hand Bags and Pocket Books .worth $2.00 to $5.00, some are worth even more. All the newest shapes and styles and all the best leathers, beautifully finished. About 1,000 Fine Bags and Pocketbooks Lot includes real pin seal strap-back Pockejt Books, silk lined, with two side pockets and inside frame, also change purse and mirror; Real'Paisley Bags in all colored leathers, fine silk lining and two and three fittings; Real patent leather Books and Bags, some with fancy colored leather trimmings; some large seal H&nd Bags with silk linings and two fittings, also patent leathers; all sizes and shapes; some with fancy colored leather trimmings in Oriental effects. Main Floor because it is the best con structed, latest improved, and the best result-producing sew ing machine made. Here It Is fcs, Isn't it a Beauty? If you want it it's yours, for $1.00 brings it into your home and you can pay the balance on terms as low as $1.00 a Week The FREE is the only sewing machine guaranteed for life. The FREE is the only ma chine warranted against break age and fire. Other Machines for You at Special Prices From $22.50 up; they are new and all guaranteed. Can also be purchased on the pay ment plan of $1.00 per week. Hemstitching and picoting. Main Floor Thursday at this wonderfully low price. Just 353 Pairs Every One Smart and Stylish. New and spick ami span, representing six splendid styles. Footwear suitable for all occasions. The styles are fine dull kidslrin, bright kidsldn and patent colt; plain toe pumps, turn soles and leather Louis heels. Suitable for street or dress wear. 2V Here is the chart of sizes and quantities 5 3 AA "BJ "d r 4 JUL "10 3 "12" 12 "15 "14" 10 0 "15" 4Vi 12 o 15" :? 12' 6 "13 0 5 G 9 6 (6i2 7 7Vi I 8 Pair 7 G 11 3 4" 11 2 "5 4 if 3 J 3j "l 6 39 T 64 51 07 I I 3 I 3 102 Total 353 Main Floor Rear Women' Tailored Suits $9 2 50 $30 to $35 Styles WE HAVE taken from our regular stock, a nice assortment of $30.00 and $35.00 Suits, and arranged them in a special group for Thursday's selling, re priced downward to $22.50. All splendid models, new coat styles, loose back, ripple , back, tailor ed, Eton, Norfolk and plain tailored models. In Serges, Gabardines, Poplins and P o i r e t Twills. Also the man nish striped Worsteds, in pencil striped design, and the black and white shepherd checks, some button and braid trim med, most of them have over-collars of pique, ' silk or moire. Very Special for Thursday, $22.50 Second Floor 63244 Big Juicy Oranges Offered for Thursday, Each.. 4c Housewives will not need a second invitatiQn to come and sjiare in this sale of Oranges: Figure this price against the prevailing market figures and you will want to stock up generously. Remember, no restrictions on quantity as long as this lot lasts on Thursday. We were fortunate enough to buy a great quantity of these and the concession we obtained comes to you in the little price we have quoted for Thursday. Come early, because even this bigr quantity will not last long. None sent C. O. D. No Mail or Telephone Orders. And none will be delivered. Basement. "Nemo" Self-Help Corsets Style, Fit, Comfort, and Efficiency The entree of women into the business and workaday world, has made it imperative for her to adopt radical changes iirher wearables, and after months and months of study, the "Nemo" Corset people offer this "Self-Help" model with the assurance advanced to every woman that she will find it the most efficient, comfortable and stylish corset that she can wear-during working hours. "Billiken" Shoes Are "Bully" That's What Every Child Says . , And after all, it is what the child thinks of the Footwear he or she has to wear, that counts. If you fit little feet with the proper kind of a Shoe, it will grow right, xwill be a comfort instead of a source of annoyance and real pain and worry to the owner and if you fit them with "Billiken" 'Shoe's, which are made over the same pattern that Nature makes little feet, you will find they will train little pedals in the way they should grow. Just now we are exploiting the Summer Footwear, and we are showing a most complete stock in all sizes. Billiken Shoes have three excellent points of merit that every mother should know. FIRST Flexibility : A easy on little feet m a soft kid glove. THIRD Not a Nail or Stitch To hurt the tender little feet. SECOND The Na ture Shape Permit ting little toes to grow naturally. These poflits have a direct bearing upon the general health of your child, and they are feet features that should not be overlooked. Priced according to style and size. Main Floor, Rear Our expert Coretiee will be pleated to ihow you the two lat eitjnventiom embodied in Self Help CorteU and you will be sure to enthuse over them. Adjustable reducing and sup porting bands, which reduce and flatten the abdomen, hips and thighs, preventing strain and re lieving physical weakness. The belt can be readily adjusted by the concealed lacings on the side. The new suspension stays, which are an improvement even on the famous triple-strip rein forcement, giving added flexi bility & durability. d0 C( Sizes 22 to 36 .... POv Sweaters The Latest Styles - At Very Moderate Prices EVERY WOMAN wants a good Sweater in her wardrobe, especially when the outdoor season and sporting time has come jfround again. When it is possible to purchase just the style you want, in the right colors and pay as little as these prices quoted here you can satisfy, your wants at little outlay. ( Shetland Wool Sweatert, new styles, for the Summer season, in all the bright Summer shades; trimmed in white contrast at the pockets, cuffs and collars; wide belt; sizes for misses and women, QE 7-TtS exceptional offerings Slip-Over Middy Sweaters, purled at waist line and cuffs; a deep collar with color combination, breast pocket; some with Angora collars; all fashioned alter tne new Slip over middy style, all bright shades Second Floor $4.95 ' ' " ' New Pin-Pn Millinery Service Specializing On Hats for Matrons The Pin-On Service has hundreds and hundreds of devotees in Omaha now, in fact it has been a wonderful success right from the start. Scores and scores of women like to have the privilege of selecting or changing the trimming to be put upon their Hats and this Pin-On Serv ice fills that need admirably. You pay for the shape and each piece of trimming sep- - aralely, so a Hat can cost as much or as little as you please. Now, for Matrons, We Are Showing a particularly broad and comprehensive display of Hats of Black 'Lisere Straw, with edges of horse hair braid; Maline or pleated lace For adornment, flowers in old blue, purple and gray or smart ribbon effects. Small, close-fitting Hats with narrow brims. The styles that make women in middle life look younger. The smart styles that every woman will like are here. And Practically All the Styles Are Under $5.00 Second Floor !n:'!iit!iimtiii!W!:iimiiiiiiiiiiffl!ii!iiii:i:m Third Floor