Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
4 - V n BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, im. International News Service, flrawr for The Bee by . George lAcManus ROURKE MANAGER PROTESTS GAME ON DAD DECISION f - ' Both Musser and Merz in a Scoreless Pitchers' Duel, " Blow Up in the Late ' ,t Innings. Des Moines, May 5. Special Tele gram,) A scoreless pitchers' battle developed into a batting bee and a near riot in the eighth and ninth in nings today. Des Moines more than held its own at both the hurling and the hitting, and won the ccond straight game from Omaha, S to 4. Musser and Merr, the opposing hurlers, met on even teyns until the eighth "when singles by Musser, Cas and Shanley and an error by Calla haft netted, the locals. three ruffs. - Omaha came back viciously in the ninth, however, andiiitsby Donicka, Defate .'and Callahan vith a pass to Hanford an, a J wild throw to tlhird by .Musser gave the visitors four. Marphy Called Safe. In the ninth Men walked Murphy, Coffey singled knd Breen and Llewel Ivn, the latter batting for Koval, hit Texas leaguers, scoring two runs. Manager Jackson of Otnaha protested the'garxte on a decision at the plate on Murphy, whose score tied the game) When Breen hit his Texas leaguer back of second bafc. Mur phy ran or home.t-but Holdenfan n-ade a "quick 'recovery and pegged to the plate. Pratt blocked Murphy from the plate and fell on top of him but dropped the ball. Pratt lay pn Murphy, holdings him from the plate vkhil MVrx ran in. nicked uo the ball and tagged him. Umpire Daly called Murphy ; safe on interference by the , Omaha catcher. A crowd of nc.-.rly 3,000 fansTsaw th contestwhich was exciting throughout. !t is probable that the attendance will cause the club owner to keep the team here until after the . next road trip at least. Five double plays, which helped the pitchers out of holes, featurra the 'contest. H v -OM.UIV AH. V. It. rc. .1 K Rh khans, rf. 4 0 10 0 Jaaksim, Ih..., I IS 1 0 lhnlla, 3b. 8 I II llnnf nl, - If I , ' -Detain, . I 1 2 1 Hnlilermata, ef....... 1 1 16 nils Kan, Ub.., 4 a 2 4 4 8 'Tnttt,' o. ......... ' 0 " t I IW, fl...i, ...... t ... I . ' Total. ...... SI - , It .' Dm Mtn.vss. ' , v ! AB. R. H. rO C'atta, If ............ . S 1 Hartford, ,...,..... 8 1 Khanley, lb......... 8 Hnnter, rf .......... 4 0 - "Murphy, rf, ......... 81 Coffey, !b ...,. 4 1 Breen, e. 4 , 0 ' Kvval. 8b.... ....... 8 0 Uenellya, 1 Mower, p........... 8 1 ' S TotaJa ...80 6 I 11 11 8 Xoim out-lien vanning run seored. . 'Batted lor Koval In ninth. Omaha .......0 0 0 0 0 4 t Ita Moines ... 0 0 0.0 0 0 8 88 Barrlf ice hit Bonlrka, Ilolderman, Hart for. Miser. Nlolea base: Holderman. Ift baaeat Omaha, Sles. Molnee, . Ntruck out I By M UHHer, 1 by Men, 8. Boi on tolls! Off MusMr, 8: off Mora, 8, MH by pitched ball) By Men, (Nhaaley.) Karued runat , Omaha, 1) Ilea Moines, 8. ttenlile plays I Callahan to Jarkson, t Men to Be 'fats to Jackson, Coffey to Shanley to Koval, Koval to Shanley. Implrei Daly. Tlnte: 8 hours, 4 minutes. - , Topeka Wins. Exciting Ten Inning Garde From Hutchinson ' TOPEKAkKan., May 5. Topeka defeated Hutchinson here this after noon in an exciting 10-inning game, 7 to 6. Rain fell during most of the game. Catcher Block of the Topeka teem got four hite out of five times at bat. Scorer . HUTCHIN80H. TOPEKA. AB.H.O.A.B. , AB.H.O.A.E, Nolte.ef. 8 PltW.rt' I 0 2 110 0 OWUffll.H 2 4 1,0 4 0 ONee.Jb 1 1 113 0 1 4. 4 Falk. I Benon.2b 4 Conroy.Jb I Baaner.o 4 Carmlne.p Oraham.p 2 Davls,p . 1 O lMeyer.lf 0Cleland.8b i lHauger.ct I ORoche.rf 4 OTralner.rf 1 ORlock.c i 8 0Hugglna.p 8 OJaynea.p 1 Manlon 1 ' Totals. 87 l'23 ( 3 ; ..; , , ToUto.48l 30 13 . 1 Tin out when wining run scored. 'Batted for Huggina in eighth. H.itchlnson 3 8. 10 10 0 t Copeka 0 0 0 1 1 0 17 Left on bases:-. Topeka, 3: Hutchinson. I. Three-baa hit: Dllta. Two-has hits: "W -if III, Cleveland, Hanger, Manioc, Pitta, TMlta, .Sacrifice hit: Nee. Seertfice fly: H-aym. Poubla playa: No to Wuffll to ijadley. Brlebeck to, Benson. Hits: Off Irogglna, 8 la lght Innings; oft Jaynm, 1 ' tn two Innings: off Carmine, 3 In two-third . : taning: off Graham. 8 In alx and 4wo-thlrds . Innings; off Davis. 1 la two and two-thirds Innlags Bases on balls: Off Huggina. 8; oft Jayna, 3; off Graham, 1. Struck enti . By Hugging. 1; by Jaynes, 2; by Graham. 1: "by Davis. 3. Stolen bases: Bradley, Nott (1). Pitt. Passed balls: -Block, Banner. Wild pitch: -Graham. Time: 3:00, Umpire: Mullen. Indians Take Second Game ' Of Series From St. Joseph Siofus City, May 5. SioBJt City won f!ie second game "of the series with ' St. Joseph here today,, by a score of 19 to L The game was a pitchers' tattle until the -seventh inning, when . Ct Isdiaos scored eightjrns on five o oil WHAT A NltfHT I WONDER F i MAvO A. coon , -7 TIME.? y 7 Standing of Teams WEST. I.FAOL'K. AMR. ASSN. W. I., frt, W. It. Pet, !) Molnn S e l.U00!Kanas City 4 1 .800 Topeka 4 1 .MOIMIlwaukffl 4 1 .800 1 ,000! Louisville 4 1 .800 2 .0OIndlanp'l 3 2 ,00 I .40Ol'olumbu 2 .401) 4 .200Toodo X 4 .100 4 .!O0Ht. Paul. 1 4 .200 E 000 Minneapolis! 4 .200 Wichita 4 Chnaha S Bloux City 2 HuUb'ion 1 Joplln - 1 St. Joanph 0 NATIONAL,. AMERICAN. New York .1 1 Mi Poaton ...12 6 l,"0 (hlcao ..M 1 ,7S iClKveiana f .600 .600 Phlla ' 1 .ssairtlraito ... i PKUburgh T 1 .tOOIKevr york 7 Cincinnati . I 16..444iPhlla Brooklyn . 5 19 .3331 Detroit y I St. Loula , 5 It ,312;Ht. Loula . ( Boaton ... 12 .24Waahinirton I .437 .421 .4SS .411 .400 Tfxtrrilay' Rmulta. WKSTBK.V LKAOUB. -Omaha, 4; ! Moines, i. Joplln, 2.; Wichita. 1. I Bt. Joseph, t; Hloux City. 10. Itutchlaon, ; Topeka. 7. AMERICAN AH80(IATIOK. Minneapolis, 1: Mllwauken.U. Columbus, 4; I.oulsylll, 1. ,. Toledo, lj Indianapolis, 4 St. Paul, 1; Kansas City, I. . Ail KHIC AN I.EAOfB. Chlcagd. 2; Detroit. 2. St. Louis, 3; Cleveland, 0 NATIONAL' I.KAUUK. ' Chlrano, l; Bt. Louft, 0. J Pittsburgh, I; Cincinnati, 3. . Plttaburith, 4; Cincinnati, 3. (.nmes Today. -s, " 'Vestern Irfanun Ht, Joseph at Clous Oily, lopltn at Wichita. Hutchinson at Topeka. On ha at Des Moines. , National Leairu" Cincinnati at St. I-ouis, Phlladslphla at Brojolrlyo, New York at Boston, j American League Cleveland at Chicago, 8 Loula at Detroit. Boston at New York Waahlngton at I'hllaOclphla, hits, two errors, two bases on balls and two hit batsmen. Score: ST. JOSEPH. AB.H.O.A.E. 8IOUX CITY. AB.H.O.A.E). Cooney.Jb 2 112 0 Fnrrall. rt .2010 4 0 2 2 0Hmlth,2b 4 13 10 Watson, rf 4 0 10 IThaaon.lf 4 110 0 4 1 0 6 1 Rlchle.c. 4 1 7 e Mcller,3b 4 12 0 4 17 10 4 12 1 2 0 8 2 1 Msrr.3b 2 13 2Htrignl.8l 81120 Helmut, o 80 7 2 OHohrer.o 0 .l 6 Thlnmn.p ft I I lAlllaon.p 2 0 0 1 Shlolds.p 1100 Totals. 32 IJ7 10 1 Totals. 81 6 24 12 7 , Mt. ' Joseph.... 0 9000KS0 1 1 Slou City. 8 0 0 t) 008 10 lrfft on bases: Bt, .TctavPh. ! Sioux City, 0, Two-base hllsj t'ouno, Farrell, Thoma son. Home run: KtrkhRm. Hacrlf ice hits: Hachant, Allison.' SfoTblB bases! Relchla, Double playi Coohey to Mueller. Hits and earned runs: Oft Thleman, 8 hits, 8 runs In six and bii-thlrd Innings; oft Shields, 4 hits, no runs In ona and two-thirds Innings. Baava on balls: Oft Thleman, 1; off KhlcUla, 8' oft Allison. 1. Struck out: By Thlnman, 2; by Shlalds, lj by Alison, S, Hit byJ pllchod ball: By Thlomun (Jones and SlrlegelV. by Shield (Smith). Time: 1:40. d'.iplre; Doylo. . , Joplin. Breaks Hoodoo And Wins From Wichitas Wichita, May S.' Joplin took the second game, of the series he're to day, 3 Mo 1.' Sanders held Wichita down to six scattered hits.. Scorct WICHITA. . AII.H.O.A R. JOPMN. AH.ll.O.A.E. Ciir-,2b B!Ter,NS McBrdn.lC Coy.rf Vsryau.e Wahbn,8b Hovllk.p V H'lM iMln.lf 8 2 0 1 ll.einli.:1!. I t 02 4 UMIller.rf 4 13 0 0 3 0 10 0 0 ORranilt.sN 4 8 0 2 0 4 1 '8 0 0 lTmiian.Sb 3 0 0 8 0 lColllns.c 4 0 tU 1 3 1 OHHndurs.p 4 10 1 Totals Joplln Wlvhlln 31 27 12 1 Totals 34 It 10 3 ......2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 03 ...... 0 0 0.0. 0 0 1 0 01 Left on besfs: Wichita. 8: Joplln, I. Sac rifice hlie: Carey. Thompson. I0-01" hlls: Coy, Lamb. Stolen bases: Carey, Mt'RrUle, Lamb. Double plays: Renter to Csrey to Kolla. Struck out: Ilovllk, 8; Sanders, 8. Bhss on balls: Hovlik, 3; Sanders, 1. Wild pitch: Sanders, em pire; Shannon. Time 1 hour 46 minutes. Cubs Defeat Pon'.office Men. The Omaha Cubs led the Omaha Post office Clerks to defeat Sunday afternoon, 1 to 1, The game was played In Klmwood park. Pitcher Ritchie and ("stent r Jo Currlo of the Cuba emftloyed clover tactics. Amateur Standings .GREATER OMAHA LEAGUE. P. W. L. 2 0 2 1 2 A I 11 Pel. 1.000 .667 Ml .(00 .000 .000 .000 Pet. ,67 .067 .67 .667 . Murphy Pld It ... KraJIcek Lonirewa y C. a Metcalf ... Armour .;. Holme White Sox ..2 ..2 ..3 ..2 ..1 ..2 ..1 1 3 1 L. 1 1 1 1 3 ' 1 L. 0 0 1 3 Iteselln A Son .i, . . CITT LEAUUB , P. W. Alpha Camp, W. O. AV...2 2 Stag 3 2 Morris ft Co. ......3 3 National Cash Registers. 3 3 Central Furniture Store 3 1 W. O. Clark 3 AMERICAN LKAUUE. W. Pet. 1 P00 l.nOO .67 ..133 ..133 .000 Pet. 1.000 1.000 .7(0 .BOO .500 .333 .000 .000 Pet. l.ooO 1.000 .too .600 .000 .000 Semple-Hart 2 Florence Merchant .... 3 Mo Caffrey Motor Co, ..3 C. B. Men' Fashion Shp. 3 , Trimble Bros. 3 Social Settlement 4 BOOSTER LKAOUK, P. W. Trimble Bros., .... 3 ' J. B. Root 2 Parsley Commission Co. .4 3 Townsend 3 1 Rambler 2 1 Homesteads .......... ,.3 ' i Riggs Optical Co .1 0 Harley-Davldson 4 0 INTER-CITT LEAGUE. P. W, Bresher Bros. 3 2 r1ally News 4 Phillips Dept. Store..... 4 Krajlceka 4 Graham Ice Cream ....4 World-Herald 3 t Yexterday' Results. GREATER OMAHA LEAGUE. Murphy Did Its, 3; Krajlceks. 3. Holme White Sox, 4; Council Bluff Met calf, i. . . H. Beselln & Son, t; Council Bluffs Longeways, . i CITT LEAGUE. Stags, 10; Central Furniture Store, T. Alpha Camp, W. O. W A; National Cash Register, 8. ; Morrla Co., against W. G. Clarks. for feited to .Morris A Co. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Sample-Harts, 8; Men' Faahlon Shop, 3. Florence Merchant, (; Social Settle ment, I. , McCaffrey Motor Co., T: Trimble Bros., 1. B008TER LEAGUE. t. B. Root. 4; Townaend. 3. Rambler. 10; Harley-Davldson. t. Parsley Commission Co., 8: Homestead, I. Trimble Jr.. 4; Rlgga Optical Co., 4. INTER-CITY LEAGUE. , Dresher Bros., 8; Krajlceks, 3. Dally New. 14; World-Herald, 1. Phillip Dept. - Store, 16j Graham let Cream, I 1 J i THE BEE: Bt .COLLY I HO VT CO AT PIRATES BREAK tVEN WITH REDS; TONEY MAKES BOW New Pitcher for Cincinnati Would Have Twirled Score- ', less Game, But for Error v V Behind Him. Cincinnati, O., May 5. Cincinnati and Pittsburgh broke even in the first major league doubleheader of the season here today. Toney making his first appearance of the season, pitched fine ball in the first game, and would not have been scored on but for an error behind him. The locals knocked Jacobs out ofthe box in less than three innings. In the second game, Schneide-vwas wild and his error in the second in ning gave Pittsburgh a run. Cin cincinnati hit Harmon hard, but failed to get full value for their safe drives. Score, first game;, t First game: ' PITTSBURGH. ClClNVTf AB.HO.A.E. AH.H.O.A.B. Caton.SS I 4 1 8 1 0Oroh,3b 4 3 0 4 0 4 2 0 13 0 2 0 a 0 0 2 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 vi.Mgce,MO " v 4 5 9 2 4 0 3 4 1 0 1 Stengln.rf 3 C'tshw.2b, 4 4 M'Knle,3b 4 Archer.c 4 J aeons, p 1 Hand'srs.p 2 IRMgee.tb 8 Odrlfflth.rf 4 , 4 4 0 Wlngo.o 3 OToney.p 3 0 0 0 0 1 o a l l 2 0 0 2 0 - Totals 33 10 27 12 3 Totala 32 ,7 21 17 2 Pittsburgh ...,0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Cincinnati ....1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Two-bH hits: Groh, King. Thicc-lmse hit: Groh. Dnuhlo plays: Toncy to L. Magea to S. Mgce: Stcnglo to Caton. Left on basea: Pittsburgh, 7; Cincinnati, 8. First base on errors; Pittsburgh, 1. Base on balls: Off Toney, 3; off Jacobs, 1; off 'Sanders, I Hita: Off Jacobs, 8 In two and two-thirds Innings; oft Sanders, 2 In five nnd one third Jnntngg. Struck out: By Toney, 3. Losing pitcher: Jacobs. Score second game: PITTSBURGH. CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.E.- AB.H.O.A.E 0Oroh,3b 3 2 12 0 0L.MKee,2h 4 2,3 2 0 nRoUHh.rf 4 18 10 3 1 IT 2 1 lOrlffllh.rt 4 2 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 OsCbase 1 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 3 0 0 Wlngo.o , 2 0 3 1 0 OsaAllen 11 0 0 0 -Hchndr.p 4 0 15 1 1 Total. 33 11 27 16 3 3 12 4 8 4 piengle.rf 4 .11 Ctshaw,2b 4 I 8 Klng.lf 4 1 1 M'Knte.Sb 3 0 2 Blkwoll.o 8 0 3 Harmn.p 3 11 Steele, 0 0 0 ' Totals 30 8 27 20 Batted for Ncale In ninth, i isBatted for Wlngo tn ninth. Pittsburgh ...1 3 0 0,0 0 0 1 04 Cliiolmiatl .... 0 8000000 13 Two-base hits: Off Groh. Roush, Black burne, (2L Stolen bases: U Magee, Caton, Carey, 42). Sacrifice hits: Wlngo. ' lie Kechlne, Harmon. Sacrlflct flys: Blackwell Iouhlo playa: Roush to L. Magee, 1; Mc Keehnle to Mollwit. Left on bases: Pitts burgh. 8; Cincinnati, 6. First base on .error: Pittsburgh, 3; Cincinnati, 1. Bane on 'halls: Off Schneider. 4; off Harmon, 3. lilts: Off Harmon, 10 In eight Innings; off Steole, 1 In one Inning. Struck' out: By Schneider, 2 by Steele, 1. Wild pitch: Schneider. Winning pitcher, Harmon Nine Straight for Chicago. Chicago, May 8. Jim Vaughn was In fine form today and held St. lrf)ul to three hits, while Chicago bunched hits off Mead ows and shut out the visitors, 3 to 0, making I. -1 I .... . U l..uu CHICAGO ST. LOUIrf. .-. k AB.H.O A E. AH H O VE. 3 1 Flack.rf 3 1 Mann. If 0 3 3 3 1 KUIutf,2b 3 0 leal,3b 1 ,1 1 Smith, cf 0Nlehof.2b (IHaird.Sb OHrnuby.s 0 Cruise, If 01' 0 He tzel.rt 4 0 10 0 4 0 110 3 0 1 40 4 3 2 8 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 KIIHfer.o 3 0 OSnyder.o Vaughn.p I I 1 4 OMeados.p ' Gnalc Total 2 T 27 11 1 May.p ' ' Total 30 3 24 19 1 x Batted for Meadow In eighth. . St. Loula .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Chicago 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 Two-base hit: Hornsby, Merkle. Three base hits: Hornsby. Sacrifice hits: Flack, Hallocher. - Left on basest St Louis, t: Chicago, 3. First base on errors: St, Louis 1. Base on balls: Off Vaughn, 2; Meadows, 1; May. 1. Hit: Oft Meadows, 8 In seven Innings; off May, 1 lit one Innings; off Vaughn, 3 In Dine Innings. Struck out: By Vaughn, 6; Meadows, 1. Winning pitcher, Vaughn; losing pitcher. Meadow. MURPHYS WIN BY HARD HITTING AND ONE HOME RUN The Murphy,Did Its wOn from the Krajiceks, 3 -to 2. The features of the game Were the home run by Mc Coy, and the hitting of Sam Filt man and, the pitching of Potash. The score: r MURPHTS. KRAJICEKS. 4 0 4 13 0 Coady,2b ... 4,1.0 0 Baduro.o Colllns.2b '0 1 0 Hollbrok.rf Clatre.Ob 4 0 10 i,! 3 0 0 Mancuso,3b 4 1 Feltman.lB 4 0 0 WO'Brlen.rf Rushenb'go 4 0 0 0 McCoy.p 3 110 Petash.p 4 0 0 0! a .Totfl ..30 3 8 3 Totals ...34 3 8 0 Murphy ,...1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 03 Krajlceks . 1 ....0 0 3 0 8 0 0 0 03 Summary: Tloma run: McCoy. Two-base hit: Baduro. Sacrifice hits'- Coady 12). Stolen bases: Mlnlkus, Haxen, Yost. Struck out; By McCoy. ,8; by Potash, 10. Left bn bases: M,urphys, 8; Krajlceks, 8.- Umpire, Holmes. . , , McCaffrey Team Win. The McCaffrey Mohr Co. defeated the Trimble Bros. Sunday In a well-played game : by the acor of 7 to 1. Baum gutdner allowed the Trimbles only three hits. The feature of the gams was a home run by Hollander of the McCaffrey with two men on. Dresher I'paet AH Dope. . ! The Dresher Bros, upset the dope In the Inter-City league , by winning from the Krajlceks, 10 to 3. The feature of the game was Kd Maloney's home run drive, Ma honey struck out 18 men. faelfie Coast International League, At Tacoma, 7; Spokane. 2. At Portland, t; Vancouver, H At Seattle, 0; Aberdeen 7. ' " ' ' -I : OMAHA! MONDAY- MAY C0O0 JONEo FOR NOT KEEPlN' . THAT OlNNEQfeNAiSEMENT HOUtE LAT LINCOLN CHAMPS ON SALT CREEK LOT The Armours were defeated by the Lincoln Cleaners and Dyers, at Lin coln yesterday in a hotly contested game, which early developed into a pitchers' battle between Graves, Stell mock and Miller. Miller pitched in mind-season form, str iking 'out 15, while Graves struck out seven in five innings, utner teatures-oi tne game were thv batting of Mayheld, wtio drove in 11 Armour's runs.and the general play of the Cleaners. Score: ARMOURS. LINCOLN. AB.H.O.A.E. . AJ3.H.O.A.K 3 111 3 n 1 2 A.Uravs.lf 4 M' 4 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 10 0 2 0 1 1 0 4 0 1 0Dyc,3b- 4 10 3 0Mooney,2b 3 lthagool,cf 2 OSklles.c 4 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 Hi 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 10 0 10 2 Cfcran,8fl Ulham.Zb Ryan. lb OLamb.lf 0 Craig. lh OHcaly.rf 1 .Miller.p 0 0, 'Totals .3 4 4 3 Mtllor.o Dross, rf Uraven.p Lane.c -Stlmck.p 30 6 2" 9,1 Totals 32 6 24 Armours 0 Cleaners 0 I 3, 0 2 0 03 04 0 0 Earned runs: Armours, 3; Cleaners. 2. Two-base hits: eillham, Mooney. Sacrifice hits: Collins, Ryan, Oanghanl, Miller. Stolen banes: Collins,' Al Oravea.g.iIayficld, Mil ler. Double play: Lane to Ryan to Cor coran. Hits off Orhvcs: 3 In five Innings. Struck out: By Miller, 15; by Graves, 7; by Stellmock, 3. Bases on bal: Off Clraves, 2: off Stellmock, 1. Hit by pllohed ball: Stellmock. Time, t hours. Umpire, White. POOR RETURN OF . SACRIFICE FLY HELPS TIGERS Dot. oit Wins From White Sox When Bases' Full Emptied, Before Return of "Ball. Detroit, May 5. A poor return by Ltibold of Herman's long sacrifice fly with the bases filled in the eighth inning enabled Detroit to win from Chicago, 3 is 2,. here this afternoon. Bush drove fast one through the pitcher's box, Cobb was hit by a pitched ball and Veach duplicated Bush's drive, filling the bases. Bush scored Qji Heilmau's fly " and Cobb crossed when Leibold's throw went between third and the plate. Gandil drove in both of the visitors runs with a three-base hit in the fourth inning. Score: CHICAGO. - DETROIT. . AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.AE. I.liOld.rf 4 13 0 3 0 13 0 0 Weaverxs 4 12 Rsberg,2b 4 2 1 3 0 1 Felsrh.ef 4 0 2 4 I 1! McMln.3b 4 2 0 Rrhalk.c 3 1 3 Pnforth.p 3 1 0 Murphy 1 0 4 S 1 1 3 2 8 3 12 0 0 ,0 OVeach.lf -4 3 8 0 0 (K OHellan.rf 3 1 1 0 0 2-0Vitt.3b 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 Young, 2b 1 0 0 4 0 2 1 Velle.o 2 0 4 4,0 2 O'Hpencer.o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 luuae, p 2 0 0 1 0 Jnnea.o 0 0 0 1 Totals. 31 8 24 15 I'Wallter 1 0 0 0 0 Totals .35 8 27 13 2 Batted for Sctialk In ninth. ' , I 'Batted for Yello In seventh. ' 'Batted for Dauss In seventh. . ntcago 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 03 Dotrolt .......0 1 0 0 :0 0 0 2 '3 Three-base hit: Gandil. Sacrifice . hits: Vltt, Schalk. Jackson. Sacrifice fly: Hell man. Double play; McMullen to Rlsberg to Gandil. Left on bases: Detroit, 7; Chi cago, 7. First on error:, Chicago-1. Bases on bal's: Oft Danforth. 4. Hits: Oft Dauss, T In seven Innings; off Jones, 3 In two in Hit by pitched ball: By Danforth (Dressen. Spencer, Cobb). BtrucK out: y Dcuss, 2; by Danforth, 3.' Winning pitcher: Jones. . , ' " ' . St. iouls Shut Oot Cleveland. St. Louis, Mo., May 5. Sothoron bested Coveleskle in a' pitchers' duel today and St. Louis hut out Cleveland 3 to nothing. St. Louis made the Irregular hits count, while Cleveland, owing .to good support be hind Sothoron1 masterly twirling, was helpless when hfts meant runs. Five doable plays featured. Bcorel ; 1 f '. CLEVELAND-. f ST. LOt'lS. AB.H.O.A.E. )'. AB.H.O.A.E. Halt Sh 3-010 8 1 3. 2 0 0- Tuner,3b 1 0 0 0 OMalsel.Sb 1 0 118' 3 2 0 3 3 1. 1 'l 0 0 3 ,'4 Roth.rf '4 Wbgna,2b 4 4 Wood.lf 4 O'Nclll.o . 8 Covlske.p 3 Graney, 1 Enimn.p . 0 1 8 6. z Staler, lb 0 0r0Smlth,lf 1 00' Demi t.rf 13 8 10sdon.2b 2 10 0 ONunker.o 0 0 0 0 4 3 OSothfirp.p 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 1 0 0 30 10 27 a- T . Totals 38 34 18 3 . " Batted for Coveleskle in eighth. Cleveland '....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 St Louis ...... I ,1 0 0 10 0 i Three base hits: Chapman, Smith. Sac rifice hit: Malsel. 8tolenbases: Wrllliams and Qerber. Firs base on errers: Clove, land, 2; St. Louis, 2. Double plays: Ger ber and Staler; Gedeon and Sisler; Vi'ambs ganss. Chapman and Williams: Cove leskle, Chapman and Williams; Chapman, Wambsganss and Williams. Hit by. pitched ball: .By Coveleskle, (Tobln.) Bases on balls: Off Sothoron, 1. Struck out: Cove leskle, 3; Ensmann. 1; Sothoron, 8. Hits: Oft Coveleskle, 10 In seven innings; oft Ensmann. none in on. Left oq bases: Cleveland, T; St. Louis, 8. Losing pitcher: Coveleskle. .. , Qeftbe;stfndan! by w1?ich ? pencil art judged American Lead Prodi Ox itu rina Avenue Nto York ' r. rfy : ' m am iir wmr r. 1918. iORNNi I DIDN'T JETrofOU HOUF LAV NA;HT OUT I WAV DETAINED . AT MT ICAfJn IflJ RAM PLAYERS GATHER IN BIG CROWDS Rjne Weather Starts Interest in Game and Contest for Champion Honors-Given Start. By FRANK QUIGLEY. When the local exponents of the horsehide game climbed out of the hay Sunday morning Old Man Sol greeted them, and said gentlemen injected pep that had been missing heretofore owing to the disagreeable weather ushered in since the Omaha Amateur Base Ball association -opened the gates. The only thing that prevented the goods from. being delivered as prescribed, was the wind. Unless due precaution was taken to allow ior the wind few wild throws could easily be made. Considering climatic conditions the crowds until Sunday were fair, but yesterday's attendance, aviated above the expectations of the directors. At 32d and Dewey avenue a large bunch of jovial fans decorated the bleachers and side lines. Many watched the games at Miller park from gas wagons, but the grandstand, orside-lines, were not over -packed. The largest turn-out was at River view park. Fan crowds were on deck at Elmwood park, Fontenelle park and Soufh Side park. The revenue from the Omaha parks controlled by the association, namely Holmes park and Lucus park, should bring the -Quaker smile from the di rectors. Large crowds saw the diamond lights, some of which might land in the big show some of these days. Evenly Hooked Up. Apparently the teams of the Great er Omaha league are evenly hooked upyat least it cVveloped that way when in each game the winners stysaked off with the grapes with the small margain of one run., By hand ing flrr Krajiceks a dose of defeat in a grueling 3 to 2 squabble the Murphy Did lis pushed the Krajiceks down the lajdder and are now fortified on the top of the heap -with a clean slate. The, Longeways. and Krajiceks are tied for position two. In their initial league bout of the season the Besse lins lost to the boys across the pond. The Holmes Whif Sox looked sweeter yesterday and came close to the money but Tailed. by one run. A quartet of teams are knotted for roost one in the City league. Yester day the National Cash Registers up set the molasses and the woodmen of the World found it it a sticky job V WH AT , OFFICE? Today's Sport Calendar Tennis: Southern intercollegiate champion ship tournament opens at Atlantic. Bowling: National patriotic candlepln tournament opens aU Worcester, Mass. Boxing: Harry Creb vs. Soldier Bartfield, 10 round at Pittsburgh. Kid Coster vs. Benny Becker, 15 rounds, at Cincinnati. to-spick out a pearl, so it was satis fied with a coat of whitewash, while the National rung up nine counters. The "Stags proved a stumbling block to the much-touted Central Furniture squad. ' ' Some of the Results. In the American league the Sample Harts and Florence Merchants are holding the roof posish and the So cial settlement boys are carefully guarding the basement. For the Sample Harts against the Men's Fashions, James Mirasky clout, ed one for permission to circumnavi gate the bags and Penault heaved a beautiful game. Another tie game was unloaded in tbe Booster league. Said jamboree terminated with the score four up. This fuss was between, the Trimble Brother jrs., and the Riggs Optical company. In this league the Trimbles and Roots have a corner on berth one and the Optical dudes and Harley Davidsons are the proprietors of a bunch of ciphers. Large scores were the particular feature of the Inter-city, the Daily News warriors marching off with the medal lead. This bunch trimmed the World-Herald with the hoodoo 13 rims to spare, the final count being 14 to one. During this argument Voker and Bernstein each tickled one for the limit. Two twirlers worked for the News crew and only allowed one hit. , . : Four circuit smashes' happened dur ing the Dresher-Krajicek duel. Three by the Dreshers and one by the Kra jiceks. The Dreshers and Daily News are tied for the top and the World Heralds and Grahams Ice Creams are fighting for the basement. American Association. R. H. E. Minneapolis 1 5 2 Milwaukee ...13 14 0 Batteries: Hewitt, Thomas, Summer and Owens; Howard and Murphy, R H E Louisville s . 7 12' 2 Columbus 4 8 1 Batteries: 'Bebee and Kocher; Park, Brown and Wagner. R. H. E. Indianapolis 4 9 3 Toledo 3 5 2 Batteries: Kelkenhurg andSchang; Boo man. McCall and Dvine. R. H. E. St. Paul 1 6 1 Kansas City 2 3 1 Batteries: Foster, Plercey and Glenn; Adams and Onslow. Southern Association. R. H. E. Chattanooga 3 E 2 Little Rock '. 2 8 1 Batteries: Marshall and Hlgglns; Mur chlson. Young and Brottem. At Nashville, 4; Memphis, 2. At New Orleans. 6: Birmingham, 4. At Mobile, game forfeited to Alanta byJ umpire when score was 7 to 4 In Atlanta fiivor In 12th Inning on ground Mobile players deliberately delayed to avoid play- j InK their half of twelfth.- : A QUICK get away, is some-, jni times of extreme importance and always aTgratifying pleasure. For quick starting, speed, power and endurance, select Red Crown Gasoline The Gasoline of Qual , ity. It gives, "More miles per gal-; Ion and more comfort per mile.". Red Crown enhances the pleasure ol motoring becajiste of its- effi ciency and dependability. , Polaiinc Oil puts life in your engine. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) ' - OMAHA 1 I . LOOK FOR C THI88ICN C BED a XOU WERE AT S MT HOU5E L AST HKHT UvJ, AND MAX1P A RFAT ' rr. 1 SOLDIERS THROW GAS SHELLS INTO BRANDEIS TEAM Uncle Sam's Boys Bring Up Their Big Guns and Defeat , , Local Champs on Dia-" mond Field. ' The soldier boys threw a bomb in to the Brandeis boys Sunday after noon when they scored three runs on a single, two bases on balls and a double cleaned the taths. .. The local toys s.o6n got used tc the noise of the soldiers artillery and started a counter-offensive in the fifth inning, not pausing in their rush until five runs had been captured. ". General Williams, chief gunner fot the infantry, was recalled for his part in the disaster and General Winbigger took charge, but it was too late. In the eighth the soldiers tried to recapture the lost trenches and used some heavy artillery named Coffin and Walter. Both these guns were smoke- less, high velocity, long range affairs and they carried clear t the 1 fence for two twd-baggers and one run. The rxUwo gunners shot long range shells, but they were caught beforo, exploding and so no damage was done. TJiere was a fair crowd but tne boys in I khaki were deserving of4a far better one. ' , And the Band Played. The band gave continuous selections throughout the game and was worth twice the price of admUston. 1 he playing of the "Star-Spangled Banner bixmght the spectators to their feet and it was an inspiring sight to seo- those khika-clad men stana.aj. auci. j I..- ru CAnrv The tion and salute wiu uwij. BRANDEIS. 41ST INFANTRY. .nun k x- AB.H.O.A.E. o.n.v.o.u. n 1 Coffin, 8b 3 1 Waller,2b 4 2 4 0 Witn,o 4 1 3 0 4 1 2 0 Mrdlth.rf 2 1 Paxson.rf 4 1 Wlllms.p 3 0 Wnhgr.P 1 0 2 1 ' i " " T 3 lRoben.ZD w 0 0Synek,2b 4 1 0 1 0 0 1 Willms.o 2 1 IS 0 0 3 0I.awler,rf 4 1 0 0 0 0 OPlatz.sB 4 1 0 1 0 OM' 3 1 7 J. J (f 4 J J 0 lOlson.p 3 1 0 1 0 Totals 32 1127 8 2 ' Totals 33 7 24 10 3 ,, R.H.E. a n ft 0 0 fl 1 04 1 ? BranflclR :AeAlftft 7 11 2 i 1 r infantry ,.v v - - ' ' . ... u 'wnilnms. 3;. Struck out: By Olion, . Qt by Winbigger 2 wlnblf?ger, 2. Olson 2; off m Zjanh0Cka,. Woolen. K flI:winbtwE 1. Stolen bases, Coffin. Olson, Dygert, Stengle. Umpires: Shannon and Gray. Time, two hours.. Scorer Tyr: l- m i" ' ' rf V A