Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1918, Page 6, Image 6
rfsWBiSf AST- - .WIUJ, X 1 3 THE. BEE: OMAHA, 'MONDAY, MAY 6, 1918. - rcWT '. Wourowj ') NMUiw-T? ( V0y so vov fl v.i&Rw L wcw re tug fall? I A vfouTOA-f yeE?Yte iy M - r y r2 - : r i V iy-y rJ ' v X HERSCHFIELD ; : : ' 1 ' '. V Want Ad Rates fi'.h With OrrfflPl me per ward each Insertion . 3d per word Cor thrle consecutive Insertions 10 pr word for acb additional InaerUun Ma Kd takeo for lea than a tatal of 'too or lea than lOo par day.v CHAKGE. v a par Una (count ( worda to HnaJ ona ttm ' par Una each tlma, I conaacutlva time Jo par Una each tlma, 1 eonacutl,v tlmea 8ITCATI0NS WANTED. ' o par lln par weak CARDS Of THANKS AND rt'NEBAL NOTICES 0o par Una fh IneerUoo (Minimum Cbarre. 9 Canto.) Contract Batea On Application ror touvanlenca of advetlaara want ada ' will bi accepted at the following office: MAIM Orr'ICB B Building Ama Office , 4110 North 14th BU ' taka I6K North J4tb Bt. Vinton Offlc 2497 South lth St. I'ark Office .....211s Leavenworth HU Walnut Offlc Ii North 40th St. Boutb Bid SjH N Ht Council Bluffa, 1 Main Bt, North THlfi BEE will not be reeponalble- for mora than ona Incorrect Insertion of an ad vertiaement ordered for more than one time. Ueo THB TELEPHONB If jroo cannot con- venlentl balng or aend you ada to any of the above offlcea. Aak for a Want Ad Taker .and yon will receive the aania gnbd aervloe aa when delivering your ad In peraon. J - PHONB TTI.EB 1U0H Want Ad Clumna CToa Evening Kdltlona 13:00 M. Morning Kdltlona 10: P. M. lm"l,y:lltlo" -l(l p M- Saturday Evening MOVIE PROGRAM North. AU1A1IBRA HTH AND PARKER DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in THia bheku" AND KKY8TONB COMKDT. GHAN0 it lTli AND B1NNKX I. WARREN KERRIGAN in '. "A MAN'S MAN. TllPPODHOMB IMli AND CUMINOS J GLADYS HULETTE in "THE LAST OFTHE CARNABYS." ".X South. APOLLO r9TH "AND LKAVKNWOKTM MAE MURRAY iiK . f ALfc VnUUfi. IVBAL 16TH AND DORCAS MADGE KENNEDY in "NEARLY MARRIED." 'ItOdLVy WtH AND 1.KAVBNWORTH ANITA KING in "THE GIRL ANGLE." West. 61HT AND UNDERWOOD THE KAIMKIV THE BEAST OF BERLIN." "HOUSE OF HAT." DEATHS & FUNERAL-NOTICES. GARDNER. M. X, age 47 years, fuucraf Tueuday morning. May 7, at 1:60 o'clock, m from fanilly realdence 2602 California St. - to Ht Johne church at , m Burial at Holy Sepulcher cemetery. There, are left to mourn hla Rea hla wife and five eons, John,. Thomas, Michael. Hmmot and Joeeph, all of Omaha. Wr. Gardner waa . connected with the Mutual (tlfe Insur ance company of New York for over 25 4 year. . ' ': ; SCIIATZ, Mia. Sarah, wliVof H. P. Schata, , aged Tl yeara, died Sunday morning. Funeral will be held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. B. Burna, 5117 ' IturL Tue.dav , -M p. ro,; Rev, TV' J. Mackey officiating. Burial Forest l.awnj 8 WONDER, Mr. Charlea E., Friday evenyf Inc. May 3. In the fiftieth year of his lit Funeral aervlcea Will be held Sunday at p. m.. In All Salnta' church. Interment -. In West Lawny eemtery..' CAHISON-rMra. GuW May 1, 19J8, ago 41 . yeara. . " Funeral Sunday at 1 3:38 ' p. n, from - faintly residence. 1606 Wirt atreot. Inter ment Forest Lawn cemetery. FLORISTS. onlenelle Florist. LEE L. LARMON 1114 Douglaa St. Douglaa 8214. LARGEST- aasortment of freeh f Ion-era HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. ' 1 AKXKK FLOWER SHOP, 411 S. 16. D. 3102 ROGERS. Florist, 118 S. 16th. D. 340O. V1ATH. National Florist, 1804 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE '.r. : Flowers ahlpped aveywhere. Exp. prepaid FUNERAL DIRECTORS. UNDERTAKERS and licensed embalmera. also private ambulance. Vail W.bave' 47. Willie C. Crosby, 2511 N.'24th St. ; i mti A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and ' emr-aim.r. 1411 Faraam St. Harney 8A2. 1 uY'SB ) R1EPEN, undertaker and ion- -timers, ivi a. mm. iougiaa i..e. STACK & FALCONER Independent Vndertakera, 24 Har, D. 887, El L. DODDER CO., Funeral Directora. F. L Faro, Mgr., 23d and Cuming 8ta. Phone Douglaa 677, Auto ambulance. CEMETERIES f-T LAWN offers sympathetic service In sadden sorrow; perpetual cars; no sssess msnts; lota oa easy terms. Phons Wat 120. L03T-FOUNDREWARDS -mAUA - COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loat soma article would . do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. -.. Many article each day are turned In l ana the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. . TOU loss anything and will advertise it her yon will surely recover It If found "by as honest .person. If yon find sny thing of value the, honest way Is to ad vertise for the owner. T Gold rlt watch with gray atrap. Between 20tt and J, 20th and N. and 24tn ' and N. Retward. Call South 753. . oT Friday afternoon, down-town, pair lady's black pumps In Drexe! Bhpe C. . wrapper.- Reward. Colfax 3236. iJST Betwsen Y. M. C. A. and 29th and dearie, gold ting with long green set Reward. Miss Csse. Tyler 28. sdl" Friday oa West Harney or Farnam, yre-n Borsallno hat. Harney 1100. Silk skirt In Berg clothing box, near nndee school. Call Douglas 611: reward. - f Not. ajJ mortgage payabls to Albert :. Morton ::ed May 2. Call A. E. Mor n. Paxton hotel. Reward. f Gold wrist watch, somewhere be weea 24th- and J and 26th and B. Call -r.ulh-5866.. Reward. T E nv!ope containing very Important ier and memorandum. . Mayer Kap a, 177; reward. , For Sale Miscellaneoeu Furniture and Household Goods. . rUHNITURE. R0G8. OA8 6TOVES. ETC of Surplua Htocka.'. MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OP COST. Buy Now and Oet Flrat Choice. The ehelceat home furnlahinga that money can buy. W make a apeclalty of ; complete home outflla, alaa botela and I rooming houn-t. Railroad fare free to all Vut-of-town buyera within (0 mllea of maha on purchaaea of I2A or mora. STATE FURNITURE CO.. Tel. Doug. 1117. Cor. 14tb and Dodge 8'".. Omaha. "Tou Cay Buy It for Lena at the State." Furniture & hartjware" bargains? Brda. aprlnxa, mHttresaea, dreasera. chl fonlera, t a bite, chatre, china anil kitchen cablncta. rutte aniT HnoleumV trunke and ult caaea, gaa atovea and Ice boxea. full line ertn wire, poultry netting, garden toolt. 139-47 North 24th SL Tel. Web. 1607. Open JIII t p. m, ACCt'iUNT M'OVINfJ to aniadea house, mutt all acveral dresHora, rorkera, chalra, ruita, beda, bed rlothliiK. mattreasea, duo- fold and many other attlclea. Very high grade furniture and nearly new. 2815 Decatur. Welmter 2B3J. knuniTua IM DTOVk'U IVfl ITTTRMT'TITRR. Beda, aprlngt, maltreaaea. bedding of all klnda, tablea, ehalra. china and kitchen cablneta, ruga and linoleum, 18S9-1I47 N. 14th St Wehater 1607. Open till p. m. FUK SALE Two refrigeratora, one large wood and one (mailer porcelain. Plate glaaa ahelvea In porcelain one, 115 each. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, ga and coal oil atovea, ruga, baby carriage, trunka. etc Loyal Furn. Co., 228 N. Hth. FURNITURE! and ruga for aale. Owner muat aell on account of going to war. Apartment 120, Drake court FOR 6 ALE--Chiffonier, Ice box, dining ta ble, Morrla cl.alr, aanltary couch. Phone Harney 2232. FOR BALK fumed oak buffet, lonwe, dresaer, beiUad and matreua. Call Har ney 508. FOR SALE 1100 l-hole Dotrnlt Jewel gaa ran ge, ICQ. 1030 -North 33d Bt HOU8I01IOLD gooda for aale. Owner leav ing city, 3713 Ho. 27th Ht. DKTKOIT JEWEL OAS STOVES; good con dition, $12. Phono Harney 1315. FOR SALE One flrat-clane waHhlng ma chine and wringer. 3718 N. 20th, Pianos and Musical Instruments. KRANICH BACH cabinet Grand piano. Coat 2560, Owner leaving city, will aell cheap for cah. 3713 So. 27th St., South Hide. WE have aeveral Vlctrolaa that we took In on tradea for aale; In good condition. Rouae Phonograph Farlori. Cor. iOth and Farnam Hta. A. HOHl'E CO., 4511 Douglaa, have planoa to rent at 13.50 per month, or will tell on easy terms. FOR HALE Brand new, York cornet. Long model. Borne bargain. Call Harney 6708. Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. PRCK1RB8SIVE EVERDEARINO STRAW BERRY plants that will bear thla season, 11.60 per hundred prepaid. Colfax 3982. ' Furgeson Bros,, Station D, Omaha. EARLY CABBAGE PLANTS, froat proof; also tomato plants, to centa per loo, pre paid. T. H. Kaldenherg, Pella, la. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needles and parte of all aewlng machines. MICKEV8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sta. Doug. 1661, Hardware and Tools. FOR bargalna la new and slightly used tools see ua. Jefferson Hardware Co., 411 N. 16th. Tg. 4628. Open to t p. m. , v Typewriters and ' Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywhere. Rental supplies on purchases. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and Douglas atreeta. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. ueni an unver 3 months for 56. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1(05 Farnam, WE buy, aell and exchange typewrllere: , guar, typewriters 510 and up. Vrlte for iisi. Miaianq Typewriter t;o nn podge. Store and Office Fixtures. WE have moved to new location. We buy, aell and make desks, safes, s ho wee see. shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supaly Co., b. w. uor. utn and Douglaa. D. 27.4. Manchinery and Engines. FOR SALE Cheap at Willow Springs dis tillery, 4th and Pierce fits., Omaha: One Atlaa steam englaeHS horse power. One Stedmaa steam engine, 60 horse power. Ons Erie steam engine, 35 horse power. One Crawley Johnston steam engine, 15 horse power. Ons McGowan alr com preaser and receiver, ,10x12x18. Miscellaneous. SUMMER HOUSE, 7x7 ft Inside,, acreened alt around. Canvaa shutters. 'Weather proof. Fine for Invalid. C'fe he easily moved. Must be seen to tie appreciated. OJvner leaving city. 3713 So. 27th St. FOR SALE - Ice box used one season, good as new, 10. Call South 2674. FOR SALE OR TRADE Ons six-foot soda fountafn In good condition. A. W, Oard. Council Bluffa. Phone 403. THE RIALTO Soft drink and merchants' lunch; for sales aot quick on this, lit s. 75th St. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed, renovated end made up In uew feather proof ticking. 1907 Cuming, Doug. 2467. FIRE SALE Nails. Iron posts, binges, twine, pipe. II, Gross Lumber and Wrecking- Co. ELECTRIC washing machine, uaed three times. Call In afternoons. 1609 California. THREE spring wagona, with top, for aale,, reasonable. 30SS Burt St Harney mis. OLD trusty Incubator for aale; 150-egg size. Call Douglas 4874. BUFF ORPINGTON eggs. $1 15; thorough, bred. Red 6300. WANTED TO BUY H. GERBER . 18 KNOWN TO PAY THB HIGHEST PRICK FOR CLOTHING AND FURNI TURB. P. 3444. - DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146 RSCHMAN PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICKS FOR FURN.. CLOTHES AND SHOES. STORE PHONB WEB. 514S. RES. PHONB 5048. THE NEBRASKA FURNITURE CO. WILL PAY YOU THE HMJHEST PRICB FOR FURN.. STOVES. CAJRPETS. Doug. S71S. WE PAY YOUlCTriUHESTi PRICE TOR YOUR CLOTHES. 1615 CAP. AVE. Bf914. CASH paid for diamonds, eatata appraised. Reese Jewelry Co.. 403 8. 16th SWAPPERS' COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. Trsde those srttcles of furniture, cloth ing, personal belongings, etc.. that you have no need of. Get something you can uae. ' .. ... Special rats for sds In Swappers' Column 25c for 3-line sdv. t days and So per " answer for all letters received. ' Business ads regular rates. J : SWAPPERS' COLUMN 1.600 EQUITY In new modern 6-room bunga low for uaed touring car of equal galue. Box Y-522. Omaha. Neb; ANNOUNCEMENTS WE will haul yoimjlve etoik. . LIVB STOCK TRANSFER CO., 2201 Farnam St Telephone Douglaa 2501. Accordeon Pleating. ACCOKDEON. ald knife, aunburat. box pleating, covered button, all aizea and atylea; 'hematltchlng, plcot egging, eye let cut work, button hola, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 200-SUJ Brown Bldg; Douglaa H2. HEMSTTTClTiNO, PLKATINO. BUTTONS. ( U. VanArnara Pleating Co. I8-7 Paxton Blotk. Phone Doug 3101 8H, Awnings. AWNINUS AND PORCH FURNITURE. . Auto touring tenia and camping auppllei. 8COTT-OiIA!A TENT ft AWN I NO CO. Billiard Parlors. Private tablfB for pactlt-a at Holmea', Raffffaffe and Exnress REPUBLIC A UTO EXPRESS (SOMPANT will haul everything for you. package I L.. A IU. IE r.Ant TtnilaT iftl THE ONLY WAYVui lg THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Founderies. " ' PAX'iON MITCHELL CO. - 17th and Varfha Hta.. Omaha, Neb. Braaa, bronxe, aluminum and machine gray Iron caatlnga. Carrruersndontractorik LE8SARD A SON, 2021 CurnTng. Ty. 1682. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Hldg. Costumes. D. 8461. FULL drena aulta for rent. Opp P. O. John Kcldman, loyW. 16th St. Douglaa 3Vitj. Hat Cleaning. ALL klnda of Hate Remodeled 1620 Harney. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rme., 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2186. Dressmaking. M IBS STURDY, dressmaking. Doug. 6396. DroHsmaklng. .tklrts a apeclalty. Wal. 880. Detectives. JAMES AJ.LAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. , Express Transfer. W EST . & SUTTON. Piano, household? movtag; live stock hauled, D. 8728. 108 Cnss St. Film Developing. FILMS developed; rolls. 10c; packs. Ho, onerday service. Kase Studio, Neville Blk., Htth and Harney. Fixtures and Wiring. HTTPTfTM Electrla waahjngl U U lVXVli( etectNo Irona am : machlrea, etectNo Irona and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Doug. 2519, Jewelry. DIAMONDSVoC E at small profit. GROSS, 403 N. 16th fit. Lumber arid building Material. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brisk. H, Gross Lumber and Wreck. Co. Web. 2884. Medical. TILES, fistula and other rectal di seases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases withtesti monials. DR. E.R. TARRY, . 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Ostfopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON. 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. Res. 4741. Piano Tuning and Repairing. W. R. Palbey. piano tuner. Douglaa 9297. Patent Attorneys. STURGES & 8TURGES, U. 8. and foreign patenta and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and cold. Inter national Patent Co.. 663 Brandels. D. 6691. Printing and Office Supplies. Water-Harnhart Fig. Co., 524 S. 1.1th St Rug' Cleaning. , QUALITY RUG CLEANERS. , Sclentlflo Olive Oil Washing. Perslsn Rug Cleaning Co., 1257 Farnam. H. 1843. : Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1211 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Tailors. ' ntedrtckrP. L.. 316 S. toth. Tailor. D. 2432. . Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 807 8. -11th. D. 628. Trusses. , i CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Experts. v The W. Q. Cleveland Co., 1410-13 Harney St. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. "gja Printing Co.. T I. Douglss 64jk BUSINESS CHANCES ). AUCTION ' , The entire stock of ths A; O. Slonsen Co. of jSilvcr Creek, Neb., to bs Sold at auction to the' highest bidder on Wedues- day. May 8, at 3 p. m., in build , Ing now occupied by atock cop- aistlng of Men's, Youths' and , Boya" Suits and Clothing. Men's Furnishings and Work Clothes. x Men's and Boys' Hats, and Caps and a few fixtures; stock open V a for Inspection on Monday and Tuesday previous to sale. Silver Creek Is 100 miles west of Oma ha, on main line of U. P. Train leave Omaha at 8:15 a. m., in time for sale. DRUG STORE Am W 1-1 of drsft. muat sell my drug stors st Broken Bow, -Neb.; . 87.000, which Is 20 per cent sacrifice. Any amount deferred If security Is. satis factory. Writs for particulars. 8. R. Lee, Broken Bow. Neb. SioFniTsiGrutTi"T6RsVLET A GOOD' OPPORTUNITY FOR THB -RIGHT PARTY TO START A GOOD PAYING BUSINESS. WHAT IS. YOUR OFFER? BRANDEIS CORDING PRINT ING DEI., . BUSINESS CHANCES LARGE ELEVATOR FOR SALE. . Located at one of, the best grain polnte In Nebraska; 76.000 bushels capacity. For further Information address P. O. Box 365, PorMiester. Neb. MUST 8ELL AT ONCE .SUBURBAN PIC TURE SHOW DOING GOOD BUSINEHS; BEST REASON FOR SELLING: INVES TIGATE THIS QUICK. BOX 6924. OMA HA BEE. PHONE WEB. 8781. FOR SALE Cafe with new up-to-date aoda fountain; rooma upstairs; good busl nejs; other buslnesse'lntorests reason, for celling; Write Box 176. Adair, la. MOTION picture machine bargains, new and rebuilt fully guaranteed. All supplies. OmahaFnm Exchange. 108 8, 14th St TrwTiIQ'ZKL for "sale. Moriurn, Sell fix lures, ent building or sell both. J. F. TI'lioetter, Crnfton, Neh. FOR SALE Soft drink parlor; good loca tion. Address P. O. Box 863. Went Point, Nob. , . FOR SALE Dining room furniture; porch c-halrs and garden tools, liar. 4320. 115 S. 35th St. GUARANTY locate you any line business any state. F. V. Knieat. Bee Bid., Omaha. SMALL Ladiea-Uenta furnishing store for sale. F. V. Knlest, Bee Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE Drug atore on corner of 32nd and S St.; South Bide. Tel. South 3078. 1 POOL table for aale or sxebange for automobile. Colfax 1345. Rooming Houses. 1608 CASS 22 rooms, filled, modern brick, 3 blocks postofflce, all outalde ronms.j!ecma: hurry. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. WANTED Position as acetylene gas welder; no city work; preferably In a tow of about 6,000 population; have had eight years' experience In railroad shops; Iron works, etc. Stats wages. Write Box Y 626, Onfaha Bee. RELIABLE colored man, with city refer ences, wants position. Understands any kind of par and can do own repairing. Tol. Webster 1773. COLD WATER painting done by large or email Jobs; also patch work done. 1520 N. 26th St, Webster 8792. PAINT, carpet ahd paper cleaning, the Na tional cleaning, and service Co., 2709 Leavenworth St. Harney 6012. FOR house cleaning call Webster 2745; ex perienced cleaner. Female. CAPABLE STENOGRAPHER wishes posi tion with good concern where future de pends on services rendered. Box 6941, Omaha Bee. CHILDREN to take care of by the day or week. 626 8. 20th St' LADY WANTS garden and lawn work. Tel. WebsteI719 GUARANTEED dressmaking. Call evenings. Tyler 2004-W. 4 PLAIN Sewing neatly done. Call Wal. 2074. Laundry and Day Work. WASHING Rough dry or finished; blank ' ets and curtains specialty: soft water. Walnut 432. ' COLORED woman wants bundle washing to bring home. Call Douglaa 7469. WASHING to bring home, silks specialty, Farnam district Har. 3377. RELIABLE colored woman wants dsy work. Web. 698. FIRST CLASS colored laundress with refer ence. Douglar 8712. LAUNDRY work called for and delivered. Webster 3361. WOMAN wr.-.. day work, references. Web ster 2221. FIRST-CLASS laundry and day work. Web ster 2487. BUNDLE washing, rough, dry and finished. Red 6673. WOMAN wants day work, references. Web ster 2221. BUNDLE washing' to take home. Webater 6894. . - y DAY work wanted by colored woman. Red 8353. BUNDLE washing wanted. Walnut -2269. CURTAINS laundered; w'k guar. Har. 1130. DAY work wanted. Webater 1499. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1088. BUNDLE washing wanted. Phjne Red 8779. EXP. laundress for day work. Web 1867. WANTBD Day work and cleaning Web.2058 HELP WANTED MALE Store, and Offices. . YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way you advertise to sell merchandise, and the difference in returns will surprlss you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained end experienced ad taker will assist yon In preparing your advertisement' MALE stenographer wanted for bank posi tion that will quickly develop Into aa alstant eashlerahlp. Good salary, ex cellent future, county seat town of 2.000. central Nebraska. THB 7HARLES E. WALTERS CO. "The Bank Position Specialists." 1424-30 First Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha, WANTED Flrat class "Ford garage manager and stock keeper. State experience, salary and glvs relrrences. Addresr Box J.. Broken Bow. fb. WANTED Nebraska lumber yard man' 4 agers and yard men who have had experi ence. Give reference on making applica tion,. Address Box J. Broken Bow, Neb. BILL CLERK. TYPIST 90 LEDGER CLK. A BOOKKEEPER, 322-325 CIGAR SALESMAN 265-3100 TH CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDO, STENOGRAPHER and Bool.keeper, 380-185. THE MARTI SERVICE," , 915-16 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED -Young man for evening service work. Apply Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., West End Pharmscy, 49th snd Dodge. EXPERIENCED grocery olerk . wanted it once by Carsten, Clegs A Co., St Edward. Neb. , - , BOOKKEEPER, good future. J125. f - WATTS REF. CO., 1136 lat Nat'l Bank. Professions and Trades. WANTED. , f Ahnnt 5ft lahorers. 40c ner hotiV also . 25 rajnenter at nme. . 'Come readv for work Sprague Tire & Rubber Co. 'ISth' and Tzarr Si. WANTED An expert tire repair manf salary 330 a ws:k; it you're an expert come; don't writs. It not do not answer this ad. NEBRASKA TIRE AND RUBBER CO. FREMONT,-- NEB fUTCHER WANTED? ! : good butcher and sausags maker; stesdy job and No. l wages for a right- man; only good workman need apply. JAMES MISKQ, Ord, Iteb. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED First-class wagon blacksmith and finishers; alsc automob'e paintcVs. Andrew Murphy & Sun. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor. Merchants' National Bank Bidg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED. SEVERAL WOOD WORKERS AND SHEET METAL WORKERS. APPLY J. C. BACON AT DOUGLAS MOTOR CORPORATION, 26TH AND FARNAM. WANTED A man with pump drilling out fit to go to Kimball county, Neb. ; several wells over 200 feet to be drilled this sum mer. Apply to Box CtS.lBIair, Neb. WANTED A soda dispenser, young man who la competent to take charge of foun tain in live western Neb. town; 3,000 pop.; with 2 assistants; good opportunity for No. 1 man who can make good. Address Box Y 628, Omaha Bee. WANTED Ambitious, loyal young man to do show card Writing and assist tn win dow trimming and advertising. Make an appointment to see Mr. Alvord at the Bas ket Stores office. Tyler 440. WANTED Experienced watchmaker and engraver; permanent position with good salary. Apply at once. Joseph Jewelry Co., Springfield, Mo. WANTED G.iod architectural draftsman, letterer and tracer at once. Bring sam ple of worn 324 Little B'.dg. Lincoln Nebraska. WANTED Experienced compounding and prescription pharmacist Apply Mr. Gas kill, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts. WANTED First class auto mechanic; best of wages. K. E. Hall, Service Garage, Ashland, Neb. WANTED Experienced auto washer, colored man, married; references required. Phone or write John Moffinlch, Fremont, Neb. GOOD opportunity foi young man who wants to learn printing trade. NATIONAL PRINTING CO., 406 S. 12th St. WANTED Uphslsterer for furnlturs depart ment Box 41496 Bee LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Call or writs Barber CnllegV 1124 Douglas 8t. MACHINIST wanted. 110 S. 11th. American Machine Works. WANTED Soda dispenser. References re- quired. Barley Drug Co., Lincoln, Neb. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Extra skillful specialty salea men to place agencies for htch grade talk ing machine line, subject to return If not sold. Men of this kind make 1500 to 31.000-monthly. Exclusive commission proposition, salesmen paying own ex penses; commissions paid weekly; several "states vacant. See Guy R. Wallace, Dis trict Sales Manager, Hotel Paxton, Oma ha. Neb.. May 61 b to 12th. WANTED Wide-awake men for delivery wagons; will pay 390 to 8100 a month. L must own a Liberty bond or be'willing to Buy one. 2505 LEAVENWORTH. "V I SALESMEN Old established corporation ,i"',.tiuiun une oi rooting ana painis and paying liberal salary and bonus, also , expenses, will add ten experienced sales men to traveling sales forte. If you are a real salesman and reliable, apply B. J. Johansen, Paxton Hotel, Room 265. WANTED Sideline salesman with estab lished dry goods and general store trade to sell splendid novelty staple. Commission basis, riease submit references In first letter. Werbro Ribbon Mfg. Co., 19 East Twenty-fourth St., New York City. Agents' and Canvassers. AGENTS WANTED to sell certificstcs on oil vropcrtles paying now 24 per cent qivmenn. Kereience required. JACKSON COUNTY SYNDICATE. ' 301 Ridgg bldg., Kansas City. Mo. Boys. WANTED. . Boys over 15 yWs. Apply genera Vman arfcrls office. SKINNER MFG. CQ.. . v( 14th and Jackson fits. WANTED .One husky ' young lad for work in The Bee press room. Ap- ply Supt. .. WANTED Good boy to run srrands and make deliveries. NATIONAL PRINTING r-n in. . . . . w., inn o. 12in SI. BOTS wanted; must be over 16 yeara of age; good pay to start with. GORDON LAWLESS CO.,8tand Dodgs-Sta. HELP WANTED MALE Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED. EXPERIENCED HOTEL NIGHT CLERK. HOURS 11 TO 7. 1 HOTEL SANFORD. 19TH AND FARNAM. TYLER 1313. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. ADAMS EXPRESS CO. WANTS WAGON DRIVERS AND PLATFOR MEN. GOOD WAGES. Vx INQUIRE 1307 FARNAM. "WANTED. DRIVERS AND WAGON HELPERS. APPLY UNION STATION. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED. AGE 21 TO 50, FOR GENERAL YARD WORK; STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO., SOUTH OMAHA, WANTED Two or three good general all around farmers, single men. Want men who are looking for a good, steady place. Can use two or three good men the year round. My farm is one of the most ideal and up-to-date In Colorado. Write A. J. Campion, Union Stock Yards, Denver, Colo. WANTED Married man by year; small family; separate six-room house; cow, garden and hogs furnished. D. H. Clarke, Defiance. Ia. i-'REB JOB No offic fee. 8. 10th St. Apply 322Vi WANTED A man to attend to lawn, a once; white or colored. Call Harney 2601 HELP WANTED. Male and Female. ASSISTANT TO ADVERTIS ING MANAGER WANTED. A young man or a young ' woman with . department store advertising experi ence: must be competent, reliable, and have a head for details; ability to oper ate typewriter essential. Apply, giving age, experi ence, salary expected and Including specimens of work to Box Y 627 Omaha Bee. WANTED Man and wife as cooks for new, modern hot'l 50 rooms European plan, twn of 5,000 population, this state. Good salary. Permanent position to right peo ple White preferred.. When answering this ad, state experience. Address Box 6857. Omaha Bee. OMAHA government elerk examinations May 25th. Thousands wanted -immediately; v8100 month.' Sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 232 E, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Men, ladles and boya, learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writs 1402 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. Phone D. 2147. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 8. 14tb St.. Omaha. Neb WANTED Experienced maids and house men. Highest wages. Apply Henshaw Hotel. ' , . . HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED. -GIKU GOOD WRITER; GOOD AT FIG URES; STEADY POSITION. APPLY THE tMAHA NEWS CO. 15TH AND DAVENPORT. WOMAN aa typist and file clerk, (30 per mo., board and room, to begin. Phone Douglas 7163, 2423 S. 24th St. 5 STENOGRAPHERS 840-386 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEB BLDG. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid while harning, rapidadyance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. a V HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. ." ANTED 15 girls, experienced on powe sewing machines. ' Experienced operator! can earn from 312Ho 315 per week. Light clean, steady work. Twot weeks' guaran tee given new beginners; Omaha .Auto Top Co.. 709-11 South 15th St GIRLS to cement Beams; experience un necessary. The Western Umbrella Co., 19th and Farnai... - WANTED Two experienced office girls. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas St. . Household and Domestic. GOOD girl (to assist with housework; small family; small house; nice room and good wages; no laundry, housecleanlng done. Call mornings or after 6 evenlnga. Wal nut 3686. 6008 Capitol avenue. WHITE girl Icr general housework; must be eperlenc-id cook; no laundry work and best wages. 3515 Woolwortb avenue Harney 5653. ' COMPETENT girl for general houaework; two in family; good cook; o washing. References. Telephone Harney 820. WANTED Competent housekeeper, middle aged woman preferred, white; small fam ily, out of town, yllra. Matt C. A bat, Columbus. Neb. GIRL For g n-ral housework; no wash Ing or upst.iirs work. 6207 Cass streamer 'leiepnone Ytajnur, nm. WANTED Coini etent second girl, city ref erences. Mrs F. H. Davis. 628 8 20th St. Tel. Djjglas 286. . RELIABLE girl to care for 4-year-jld girl and assist with housework. Mrs. F. D. Wif d, 602 S. 40th St. Harney 171. WANTED Competent maid for general housework; no washing: three in family; good wpges.' Harney 6429. WANTED An experienced second girl; city references required. .Mrs.' Frank T. Ham' tlton, 210 South 32d Ave. WANTED An experienced white second maid. Apply Mrs. G. C. Wharton. 604 8. 37th St. Harney 238. IfOUNG wbl'.e pirl to assist With child and ugni noufdwcrK. Good home. Telephone Walnut 1631 WANTED A competent second girl, good wages. Mrs. O. Storz, 3708 Farnam. Tel. Harney 620. ' WANTED Middle-aged woman as house Keeper in city; good wages and good home to right woman. Telephone Douglas 8145. WHITE girl for housework? no cooking. Webster 4961. 2025 North 19th. GOOD dining room girl at Wise Memoria hospital. Call Tyler 1671. A MAID for general housework. References required. Mrs. Tom McShane. Harney 2241. Miscellaneous. YOUNG girl wanted to care for child during day. Hnx 68fr.. Omaha Bee. EDUCATIONAL " BOYLES COLLEGE. - ' DAY SCHOOL. . ; NIGHT SCHOOL. - Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. . , Douglas 1665. 13th and Harney Sts. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. - If you fall o find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. ' TO-RESPECTABLE business man, large, cool, newly furnished front parior; clean, quiet place; only $12; smaller room, 39"; must see to appreciate. 712 N. 22d. NEWLY furnished modern room, one ol two gentlemen, private horrle; walking distance; breakfast If desired, Douglas 950S. MODERN furnished rooms for men only si ' the Sunshine. 608 North 17th St Reason able rent. ' p, Tili WEBSTl-'R. Large airy, newly fur. nlshed, wll:iiig distance. U'.cal for work-. Ing men. Reasonable. ' i LARGE, clean, cool beautifully furnished south room, near car line; walking dis tance. Harney 7913. v LARGE, miry nicely furnished room, Hana com Park district on car line; breakfast optional; rent reasonable. Call Harney 1208 WELL furnished front room in private home. 2831 California. Harney 4034. - ONE, two or three light housekeeping rooms: bath floor. 2578 Harney. GRAYSTONE, 25th and Cass. Nicely fur nished rooms. Douglas 7994. ELEGANT furnished room. West Farnam district. Douglas 4313 or Harne 1745. CORNER of Locust and Sherman ve. Mod ern sleeping room. Phone Webster 4780. NICELY furntRhedv sleeping room. 1819 Cass St. Tyler 3246. i Housekeeping Rooms. SUITE of clean, neatly furnished rooms on second floor; no children; laundry privi leges. 2902 Dodge. - THREE furnished, modern rooms. 8121H California. Harney 4001. SUITE of 2 rooms; private family. 3001 Dodge. Harney 5794. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms. 1611 How ard St. . Board and Room. EEMIS PARK On car line, one or two re. spoctable ladles to board and room. All modern, rrivate nomo, narney zse. !561 DODGE Attractive room for two on three: good board; walking distance. Har. ney 6143. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, : 310. 913 N, 19th St. Phone Douglas 4698. THREE unfurnished rooms. $9 a month, 2574 Plercs ft. Call Harney 700&. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. A CLASSY 3-room and bath apartment neat 24th asd Harney, furnlehed complete, for 341.60 per month. A high class proposl. tion for high class people. Bedford-Johnston Co. D. S140.: MY four-room completely furnished, mod ern apartment 'till October L 6-roo.d accomodations, excellent condition; refer. ences required. Box 5048 Omaha Bee. BEAUTIFULLY furnished E-room apart ment with sun porch, to sublet; best lo cation snd janitor aervics. S2JS- Harney, Telephone Harney 6813. f SEVEN-ROOM apartment, furnished, foi two months only-tgirinlng May 10th oi 15th. Phne WjhstPr 991. r Houses. WANTED To share a 6-room house, mod em, with a rerined couple. H. 6126 Omaha Real Estate fe the hct vestment you could make ReJd Tl ' Bee's real estate-column (t "" ' 'if V '' 'VI ft ... '; J ; .. . -X'.