Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1918, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA SUNDAY KEE: MAY 5, 1918. 3 A ' Put Your Furs In Storage Put them where neither moths nor thieves can get at them. Store them here. Summer Styles, Seasonable Sales We Arethe Exclusive Agents For Rosemary Dresses as advertised in Vogue and Harper's Bazaar, $25 - -A ' ' i "4 a New Nemo Self -Help Corsets f Sale Begins Monday Only a limited number could be had, so we advise you to buy soon so you will be able to get your size. This New Corset embodies two valuable inventions: Adjustable Reducing .and Supporting Bands They reduce and flatten the abdo men, a great hygienic feature. The new suspension stays; t great durability feature. This Corstt is low top and long over hip, made of .strong white American coutil,of a grade used in $5.00 Nemos. , Come in and let one of our expert corsetieret fit you. TJiis islGreat Val In Nemo Corsets All women of average and stout build should take ad vantage of this sale. . .$3.50 Nemo Brassieres ' $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Third Floor White Goods Domestics and Linens In the May Sale Second Week of This Event Finds Stocks Complete and Prices Away Below the Figures You Could Right fully Expect to Pay at This Time. The White Goods Vtaite Imported Hand Embroidered Voile and Organdie in very dainty designs for blouses and dresses, 36 and d 1 Ef 40 inches wide, at, a yard V X OU Fine Quality Imported Plain White Voile, beautiful, soft chif fon finish for blouses, gowns, confirmation and gradua- QO tion dresses, 40 inches wide, a yard . JOC Pretty Collection White Embroidered Noveltie and Plaid, stripes, checks, etc., 39 inches wide; for Summer sew- CQ sing; May sale, a yard OJC 45-inch White Transparent Organdy, sheer and. crisp for blouses and trimmings, 50c value; Q"i May sale, a yard , JIC White Dimities in Clutter Stride, checks and plaids, 28 inches wide, sold from the bolt; special for this May sale, at, a yard J ,,..muC Jut One More Cate left of that Fine Quality White Voile that sells regularly for 35c yard, 39 inches wide; rQ May sale, yard wt3C . Fine Quality White India Linon, splendid weight for Red Cross aprons. 30 inches wide, 35c value-; special for this O C May sale, yard mOC 27-inch White Poplin, highly mercerized, good weight for suits, dressesS)middies, children's rompers, etc., 50c valued QQ May sale, at, a yard , 3C Imperial Long Cloth, Chamois finish, snow white, contains no fillings, splendid weight for undermuslins, pajamas, night ' shirts, etc., specially priced by. the bolt according to quality. " 12-yard bolts, 36 inches wide, at. $2.25 , ' 12-yard bolts, 36 inches wide, at 82.65 12-yard bolts, 36 inches wide, at .$3.19 36-inch White Windsor Plisse Crepe, some of these crepes are slightly imperfect. Sold from the bolt, no remnants, QC worth 50c a yard; May sale, at, a yard , 50C 39-inch White Mercerized Lingerie Batiste, beautiful, soft and , silky material for summer undermuslins, slips, f ounda- Q C tions, infants' wear, etc., 50c value; May saje, yard. . 30C Basement The Domestics 36-inch Isress and Wrapper Percale, light and dark -colors, neat figures, stripes, etc. A very wide variety nn and QC to choose from; at, a yard. ........... 7C . ZDC Fine Zephyr Dress Gingham, beautiful plaids, checks and stripes, for women's and misses' dresses, etc., o C special, at, yard f , 3D C, 36-inclt Peruvian ' Cloth in a variety of new plain shades for tailored suits and skirts, looks and wears like ' or linen, regular 50c value, at, a yard ODC Basement " f The Fancy Linens 75c icarf s at 49c One lot of lace trimmed Scarfs, also scalloped and embroidered ends; choice for Monday, each.. 49c $1 Fancy Pieces, 75c A limited quantity of scarfs in the drawn work, filet lace edges, scalloped or hemstitched ends, choice in May sale, each .75e Extra! Madeira Doilies, 29c This lot consists of broken sizes, Madeira em broidered doilies, one .or two of a number, a big value, while they last, choice, ach 29c $1.25 Scarfs, 98c Scalloped ends, embroidered, lace ' trimmed with filet motifs for Monday, each 98c $2 Lace Cloths, $1.50 tfThese are in the 54-inch size, trimmed with lace and lace insertion centers, also lace trimmed scarfs, , Monday, choice, at $1.50 $2.75 Filet Scarfs, $1.98 A limited quantity of these high class filet lace scarfs, all in very pretty patterns, slightly soiled from display, each. .$1.98 SPECIAL-A special display of the now so popular blue prints, made of an English embroidery cloth in Japanese prints, size 45 inches wide, 54 and 64 inches with Napkins to match. Scarfs, 18x54 inches, each 59c Thirteen-Piece Luncheon Sets, neatly boxed, at $1.25 Main Floor New, Summer Model Hats Have Their Initial Showing Monday Our representatives have just returne d from the East, and now he showing of Midsummer Hats here is positively the most complete in this section. Organdie Hats in their crisp freshness are coming in for their share of popu larity and they deserve this admiration as they are as pretty as any Hat you could imagine. Smart Spring Styles Sport Hats will have their inning when milady dons her sweater or coatee. One in particular is of old ivory straw elaborately embroidered in a sheaf of black wheat. And there are many, many others. Each One Charming ' fca tei Dressy Hats, for afternoon or restaurant wear, made of tulle and hair braid and bristling with ostrich feathers (either burnt or drenched or in their origi nal state.) For Service Dress there are Georgette Crepe brims with hair crowns and a simple scarf of crepe and little draped turbans, all of Georgette with trimmings of dainty flowers on the little hats; some are literally covered with large velvet flowers with bits of ostrich shoot ing out in every direction. Second Floor rrrrr in ri Elegant Weaves, Dainty Designs, Beautiful Colors Tnese fascinating Silks for Summer are arriving daily, and we were so particularly tortunate in our purchases, that we are able to quote prices way below market value. 32-inch Imported Chinese Pongee, a beau tiful hand loom, pure silk fabric, splen did weight, suitable for blouses and dress es, will launder nicely, very '7Q special, per yard 40-inch All-Silk Suiting Tussah, in plain and novelty weaves, in both white and colors, a splendid $3.00 di QC value, per yard VD 36-inch Extra Fine Pure Dye Chiffon Taf feta, a beautiful, soft, shimmery silk for suits, dresses and separate skirts, 50 new shades to select from, very dji cn special, per yard . . . l OVJ 40-mch Alloilk Georgette Crepe, pure dye, soft, mellow, crepy finish, in a good range of colorings, splen- CQ did $2.00 value, yard 1 42-inch Genuine Imported Bonnett Suit ing Taffeta. Thia famous Silk needs no introduction, sells nie world over for $3.50 per yard; a limited quantity, M QC per yard 1 uo 36-inch Wash Satin in ivory and pink, ex- good weight, soft, lustrous finish, $1.45 tra worth $2.00 per yard, at .. i We have just received a new lot of those popular Gingham Checks, in Taffetas, Louisines and Swiss Silks, in a very ........ M en to djo CA wonderful array of new colorings, p er yard .... . P1JI Pa&JU Main Floor ilwiiiiitiiit.ii J,MI....IU.,U .....l,..,JII.,J.l.,U.Llllllll.,l,J,l, ..t.-l.,!.1.l..l..l,4,i.;il.i;; Dainty Embroideries and Laces Suitable for Summer, Wear (We are showing a wonderful stock of just the right Laces and Embroideries at the lowest prices. Imported Organdy Embroidery Flouncings, 27 inches wide, for confirmation and graduation dresses, special, QRc at, a yard Corset Cover and Embroidery Skirt Flounc ing, 18 inches wide, on Nainsook 25c and Swiss, at, a yard Imported Swiss and Mull and Nainsook Baby Flouncing, hemstitched and ruffled, neat, dainty patterns, 27 inches " Qr wide, very special, yard OJC Long Cloth Embroidery, 3 to 5 inches wide, edges, ribbon beadings and mser- 1C- tions, very special, at, a yard Fine French Val Laces, edges, insertions and beadings, Filet vals, Piatt vals, up to 3 inches wide, 5c an( 10c at, a yard ., Main Floor MAY WHITE SALE Enters Its Second Week With a splendid stock, at prices which are so far below those which we should have to charge if we were to go into today's market to purchase, that it shouldjiot be a question of "shall I buy?" but rather "how much can I buy?" t The Muslin Underwear At d QO Gowns, Envelope Chemise and Petticoats, made of very fine quality Lingerie materials, iPl70 trimmed with dainty Val or Filet laces, also embroidery insertions and edgings. All cut full size and nicely finished. IQ Corset Covers, trimmed with insertions of lace and em- broideries, . embroidery and lace medallions, carefully, sized; some trimmed front and back; exceptional values at this price. At OQn Corset Covers, embroidery and lace insertions, some wit'i C embroidered medallions, ribbon run; special at this price. 01 OO Gowns, Petticoats and Envelope Xhemise, all cut full PLJ7 gifces, of soft Lingerie materials, trimmed with dainty laces and insertions, all nicely finished. The Silk Underwear At QC and fl 1 . Q C Camisoles in four groups UJ, M X JJ Crepe de Chine and Wash Satin, in flesh or white, made with ribbon strap over the shoulders, or cut full shoulders. Elastic waist band; all sizes from 36 to 46. -X 1 At V A Cordial Invitation Is Extended To Every Woman To View the New Arrivals Lac Frocks FOR SUMMER WEAR PARTICULARLY interesting are the BLACK LACE GOWNS, Fashion's lat est decree, showing combinations of Satin and Taffeta and displaying soft draperies in sJcirts and sleeves. All black, or with the introduction of touches of bright color in the bodices. ANOTHER group of Frocks , shows Georgette combined with Filet Laces or beaded creations that are simply, irre sistible in their lovely colorings. Beige, Flesh, Rose, Delft, Gray, and Peach. IJN both groups, the styles are so variated that every woman's preference may be satisfied. $39 - $55 - $65 tc $95 Second Floor Riding Habits and Sport Suits For the Bright -Sunshiny Days , The new military effects ' are carried out in Khaki Cloth for serviceable Riding Habits, with belts and military, patch pockets, the correct rid ing breeches; complete outfit, offered here, at $11.50 Khaki Cloth Suits, in pleated coat styles, with large pockets, divided skirts or plain buttoned front style. Well tailored and dQ CA smartly styled, at W Separate Divided Skirts for Horseback Riding Also exceptionally good for mountain wear or tramping, motoring or garden wear. Made &A QC of Khaki Cloth, for women and misses. , We also carry a line of RIDING HABITS fashioned of different cloths, made after the correct English and do- fcOC to fcCQ mestic models. . . D DU ' a V, 1 f 1 Pongee Norfolk Sport Suits With box pleats, sailor collar and belt. Skirt has pockets, cool and airy; just the thing for motoring and tOQ C A country club wear; specially priced, at $'01 Sport Suit of Crinkle Crepe Silk In the bright hues of the season, rose, Kelly green, tan or blue, sleeveless coat models, slipover middy coat ef- M C AA fects; very smart and new; special, at VOUU Complete line of White Washable Sport Skirts, excellent designs. . . .$2.95 to $15 Second Floor , . " v ' I Ah AAJ A UUI T f 11 Vs y. THE "FREE" a a 0 l r For many reasons but uppermost are these: It has been recommended by scores of promi nent physicians; because it does not require the ef fort to work that an ordinary sewing machine does and consequently means less wear and tear upon the nerves of operator. v Sewing Machine sickness is almost un known with the ' "Free." V secondly, it accomplishes many, many times more in a given period than the or dinary machine. L$T US DEMONSTRATE FOR YOU Come to the Sewing Machine Depart ment and talk with our expert. Specials in High Grade Machines On. Aviator (new) ' : t 842.50 Ono New Royml (new) ,'. 835.00 Ono New Royal (new) , , $30.00 One Six-Drawer (new) . . .822.50 Used Machine S5.00 to 515.00 Needle, per dozen .XS5 -- Size Oil , .10 Hemstitching and Picotm j Neatly Done - i Main Floor, Rear , 'I OTiiiimimiiHMiiiirii:.ffji)ifflinH: 6