Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1918, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Those Who AmWell Need Hot
'Nebraska Churches to Mobilize
Power for Service by Ex
tending Campaign Into
Homes of Members.
' Episcopal churches of Nebraska are
to inaugurate a campaign for the pur
pose of mobilizing . their power for
Christian service. The campaign in
Omaha will held the week of June
2. St. Louis and Baltimore have re
cently completed successful cam
paigns of a similar nature.
t The general committee for Omaha,
which met Friday at the Chamber of
Commerce, includes John T. Yates,
chairman; Rev. A. H. Marsh, setre
tary; Fred H. Davis, treasurer; C. C.
George, Rev. C. H. McKnight. Rev.
J. E. Flockhart, C M. Nye, Charles
G. Trimble, G L. Hopper, V. R.
Watson. Rev. T. J. Collarr Alfred D.
Klein, Rev. A. H. Marsden and Rev.
C. M. Worden.
It is planned to have committee
men call upon every member of the
Episcopal church Sunday, June 2, be
tween 2 and 4 o'clock.
Visiting speakers will occupy pul
pits of Omaha in all churches on the
first Sunday of conference week.
Meetings will be held during the
'week at All Saints parish house. -
A dinner will be arranged for the
workers for Thursday night of that
week, when it is expected more than
500 will be present. '
Off-Line Agents of the U. P.
Placed at Points Along System
' Of the SO off-line agents of the
Union Pacific, called to headquarters,
practically all of them have been
plaeedKat points on the system. Many
of them have positions equally as
good as those they held prior to the
government taking over the railroads.
There are a few of the older men who
had property holdings in the east and
west who have preferred to engage in
other lines instead of moving to the
central west
David Trail, formerly general agent,
, at Cincinnati, has been assigned to
Grand Island, where he will become
gent, opening the new $150,000 pas
senger station, about May 15. Trail
is an Omaha man, having been born
and reared here. He went with the
Union Pacific when a small boy, his
first work being rumiing errands out
of the local city office-
Hotel Men Ask Continuance
Of Disorderly House Charges
Trials in police court of six hotel
men, charged with keeping disorderly
houses, have been set for May 14. The
hotel proprietors, arrested Thursday
upon testimony of Mary Prawitz and
Irene Johnson, 16-year-old girls, in
police' court for a hearing Friday
morning, asked that their cases be
,tontinued. The names of the. hotel
men arrested include Albert M.
QueaIey, Albany, hotel: E. Huff.
man, Windsor hotel; Patrick Fallon,
Jflaza hotel; )., h,. Wyant, Carleton
hotel; O. P. Thompson, 2312 Douglas
street, and Mrs. Roseland Hull, 610
. South Seventeenth street.
Cattle Sell at $1,500 Per Head
At Sale of Blooded Stock
At a sale of blooded stock, held at
the Hopley stoak farm, near Atlantic,
la., Thursday morning, 60 head of
cattle were sold at prices that aver
aged & little better than $1,500 per
animal The sale was attended by
W. B. Allen of the Burlington, who
says there were more than 1,000 per
sons present, bidders on the animals
coming from all over the central west.
Postoffice Clerks Hurl
; Challenges for Ball Games
The postoffice clerks and the Oma
ha Cubs will play base ball at 9
o'clock Sunday morning at the Elm
wood park' west diamond.
The postoffice. team challenges any
teams wishing games for Sunday
mornings. They would like to hear
from the firemen or policemen. Write
to Everett True Burrows at the pots
office. lowan, 67 Years Old, Bound
:0ver to Federal Grand Jury
r,W. 5. Doan of Glenwood, la., was
bound over to the grand jury by
United States Commissioner Neely
. Thursday morning. He is 67 years
old. He is charged with violation of
the Mann act by bringing a woman
from Council 'Bluffs to Omaha..
Ot five-pagienger 1917 model
Ford Touring Car, lfcens number
8471 8. D. 1018, engine number
1,941.811. Hd yellow lens In head
lights, one Pennsylvania eup .tire and
one black tread tire in rear. $26.00
reward lor the car and 126.00 for de
tention of thief. Watch for this car
and get rewards. Phone or wire
Jerry Carleton, Sheriff, Sioui
i Falls, S. D.
Be Better Looking Take
: Olive Tablets
If your skin is yellow complexion pallic
-.tongue coated appetite pooryou havt
bad taste in your mouth a lazy, no-gooc
feeling you should take Olive Tablets.
m Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets a substitute
forcalomel were prepared by Dr.Edwardj
after 17 years of study with his patients
i Dr. Edwarda'Olive Tablets are a purely
vegetable compound mixed with olive oil
You will know them by their olive color
! To have a dear, pink skin, bright eyes,
Bp pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like
childhood days you must get at the cause
.Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the
- Brer and bowels like calomel yet have
no dangerous after effects.
- They start the bile and overcome consti
cation. That's why millions of boxes are
old annually at 10c and 25c per box. Ail
crugghsta. Take one or two nightly and
Hots the ptopinftRauittj V .
When we are sick is the time' that wekend for a doctor. In China they do things differently indeed, the almond-eyed Mongolian
does everything in just the opposite way. In the Celestial Kingdom they wear white instead of black for mourning; they write from the
bottom up and from left to right; indeed, their very feet are opposite ours, as if they were standing on their heads. When our attention was
t drawn to that fact in our school days, we used to wonder why they didn't fall off the earth. . .
Kilpatrick's for Silks
10 Pice All-Silk Pongee, 33
inches wide; cheap at $1.00, Sat
urday, yard 794
10 Piece All-Silk Pongee, 33
inches wide; cheap at $1.26, for
one day only, yard . .. ...984
- In Basement Just in, a liberal shipment of Oven Glass. Sani
tary; moderately priced. Ideal for baking.
Jap Cups and Saucers, floral 204
Plain White Cups and Saucers 356
Other special also, all day.
This Is the Silk Age; Everybody who is anybody,
wears silk nowadays. The government has practically
appropriated the wool, and all the nations have been
crazy to get our cotton. Flax and linen are almost out of
the market. So the silk worm has to work overtime.
Dear Old Aunt Mary will think we mean to be funny,
but we have" no intention of being so. We simply desire
to place the facts before you, so that you will be informed
and to point a noral, namely this: for reasons stated,
demand for silks is so immense, that prices are mounting:
sky-high. Now, therefore, is a good time to buy for your
needs and a little beyond.
Great Sale Ready-to-Put-On
Garments Saturday
Suits of Silk for Summer Wear Away Below Present
Values. Taffeta Suits, Tussah Suits, Pussy Willow Suits,
Suits of Silk Jersey, Silk Faille Suits and the old-fashioned
Moire revived, $32.50 to $87.50. Navy, Black,
Taupe, Tan, Wisteria.
. Sport Suits of Wool Jersey -Pekin, Khaki, Antelope,
Beige, brown. Priced from $27.50 to $52.50. A
mighty interesting collection.
: Top Coats of Silk and Satin Taffeta Coats, Coats, of
Silk Faille, Combinations of Satin t and Serge and Press
Coatsof Heavy Satin. Priced from $29.50 to $85.00
Stock of these somewhat limited.
A Few Very Smart; Sport Coats, with or without
sleeves, in Jersey, Velvet, and some of Tricot Silk,
S15.00 to $32.50. ,
.... . . , .
in Wool, Fiber and Pure Thread Silk. Full Fashioned
Coats, Slip-ons and Middy Styles. Practically every
known shade and combination, $5.00 $37.50.
Lingerie Blouses fresh from the boxes. Spick, span,
and spicy. Two special lots at $1.98 &nd $2.50.
Our ambition lies in quality and correctness, rather than
quantity but at that, we have Some Blouses, and we
sell heaps of 'em. It's Kilpatrick's for Blouses, too.
Begin Sweater "Drive" right now, says Fuller.
Nearly one million Sweaters will be needed next
winter. '
The Bed Cross Director just visited Omaha, and we quote his
words as reported in the daily press: "Just to encourage begin
ners, will sell Khaki Yarn (approved), at 75c a skein.
Saturday We simply dbnate 25c on each skein to encourage
everybody to Get Busy. For Heaven's sake, don't let our boys
suffer for sweaters. Ill
We Men. In the Old Days
were not given much to wearing of silk. Occasionally
and sometimes oftener we used to say that we felt "as fine
as silk,'.' but that was the extent of our intimacy indeed
we balked if we were referred to as a "Silk Stocking"
(we never really got into that class ourselves). Use and
Wont are wonderful things. Now most men want Silks.
Take Silk Shirts, for instance. What so delightful for
v wear? So soft, so cool, so elegant, no wonder.
- Shirts of Silk are so popular. , We show some beau
ties. Timely Advice Buy your Summer Underwear now,
' or later, Mr. Procrastinator, you'll have regrets.
Athletic shapes in nainsook fabrics, 79, $1.00 and
On Saturday We Stage a Sale of
Women's Hats, Starting at 8:30
The Price $4.00, Many Worth $15.00
Quite a Few Even More
The low prices at which hats have been advertised
recently, would seem to indicate that the milliners are
sick and need a physician. Not so with our Millinery Sec
tion. We advertise to keep the department well to
keep it very much alive. This store is famed for its
Yesterday some
one who saw the
It. hats on display
in uur wmuuw,
remarked: "That
will be a Sock
dolager of a sale." We are not sure that we have spelt it
correctly, but we got the idea allright, and so will you if
you set the alarm so as to get to the sale bright and early.
For It Promises to Be the Biggest Ever
No one will be allowed in the department except the
saleswomen before half past eight; everyone will have an
equal chance.
Hats for Every Age and Every Good Shape.
Here are a few last year prices for you
Black Fibre Stockings, at, per pair ............ . .39
How is that?
Nu fashioned Mercerized Stockings, new shades, pair,
Pure Silk Stockings with lisle tops, blacks,( whites and
colors ), ................ . 85d
And oh, what an assortment of Silks at $1.25, $1.50,
A friend of ours used to advertise, "Try Mr. Blank First,"
but we fiiid every, day when it comes to Hose that the
"last shall be first" listen' When ydu are almost tired
out, ready to quit in despair, bring the shoe that you had
a hard time to match with you to our experienced sales
women. Dollars to doughnuts your troubles will be ended.
Union Suits for Women
For Spring and Summer we think we have everything.
Listen! ' Globe, Princess May and the world famed
American Hosiery make, each, Saturday $1.00
. Valued today as high as $1.75. ,
Silk Camisoles. A big assortment of fancies, lace
trimmed and various edges. Values are up to $2.00. For
quick clearout, each I . i . $1.00
Misses' Silk Stockings, 6 to 8 years old, Saturday, at, 50
A Petticoat Sale for Saturday
which has not been equalled in years. Notwithstanding
silk scarcity and high prices, we happened across a maker
who desired a quick sale. Our stock was comparatively
low so we picked up the two lots in a jiffy. Some of those
in our own stock looked high in comparison, notwith
standing the fact that they were bought many moons ago.'
First Lot at $4.65. Some 25 different styles Jersey,
Taifeta, Jersey and Taffeta in combination, etc. Plain
and fancy colors and quite a few with fancy buttons.
Should be $6.50.
Second Lot at $6.95. In this lot all the colors of the
rainbow and then some. Jerseys, Satins, Taffetas and
other silks. Value today at $10.00. You will likely want
more than one, so come early.
Silk and Fabric Gloves in high favor now. Our Silks
in the newest colors at 854 are the Summer weight. Just
right for now. Of course, we have Kids, Dressed and Un
dressed.' ' , v
Interesting Sale of Suits
for Little Women
Minors of all ages and small women. About 40 Suits all
told. The remains after an active season's selling. Serges,
Jerseys, Poplins and Gabardines. There are Tans, Co-
pens, Navys, Reseda, Greys and Beiges. Two divisions
$17.50, sold up to $27.60, and $23.50, sold up to
$37.50. ,
Junior and Children's Dresses
Waiting Mothers, please note we have now in stock
just what you have waited for New Voiles, Aristocratic
Ginghams, Silks and Crepes. t
. -
House Dresses
Special showing Saturday of Gingham Dresses made
from the finer grades. Copied from high priced models.
Can be worn for afternoon or for street wear. Many fool
ish barriers and silly notions are disappearing as the re
sult of the Horrors of War. Ten different models, $3.95
each. Really worth more.
Canteen Workers
White Apron stock again complete. Things are
lively in the Wash Goods Aisle. Plain Voiles in new
shades, Printed Voiles for Summer wear, Ginghams, sell
ing fast; Plain Organdy, quite a favorite; .Madras, for
Daddy's Shirts. Not in a year have we had such a stock
of desirable Ginghams, Summer Skirtings, Linens in the
popular and scarcer shades, Gabardines, Whites, Plain or
Stripes, Substitutes for Linen of Shrunk Cotton in the
popular colors.
We are going to continue the Foolish Selling of
Toilet Articles until those who started it cry Hold!
Enough 1 ,,,,.; ik'-k .if
Each tube of Palm Olive Cold Cream at 22S will'
carry with it One Cake of Palm Olive Soap Free. v.
Each bottle1 of Palm Olive Shampoo at 44. will-.
carry with it Two Cakes of Palm Olive Soap. Free.
Jetum or Colorlts ............'...194
Mentholatum, jar 174
Solid Back Hair Brushes .494
Pebeco Tooth Paste .f.34
Colgate's Tooth Paste .23d
Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap, 8 for 1. "v. .25;
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream ; .". . .36 ,
Cuticura Soap 4 . .'.tx.-.--. . . .19J('
Carnation Talcum Powder .v. .-.10
50c jar Daggett & Ramsdell's Cold Cream ...... i .39d
The prices quoted above are close to actual cost in
almost every instance. It costs nowadays about 25 per.
cent to do business. In some big institutions 30 per cent,
or more. We won't insult your intelligence by suggesting
Why it Is done. This is not merchandising. But fafr
warning we'll stay with the fool prices till the top of
Avernus is used as a skating rink. Whatever is advertised
elsewhere, not included in this list, if we have it, we will
meet or beat the price.
s Cobb Has Bought Some New Containers
for His Candy .
Ever alert and watchful to improve, his motto might
well be Excelsior. Cobb's business out of town is very'
1 large, his desire has been to! have his Candy fresh and
perfect upon arrival. He has secured at last an Ideal con-'
tainer, and it is as attractive in appearance as it is de
. pendable for the perfect keeping of its contents. And the
beauty of It is it does not add enormously to the cost. For
hotter weather Cobb has many Delicacies. Just the thing ;
perhaps that you feel the need of to top off the meal, or
to add the right touch in an emergency Bon Bons and;
Caramels, and such a variety of Chocolates. Do you
know, it's worth something to know how to buy? What
to buy. How to keep. How to dip. How to decorate for
the milestones of life, as well as the pleasant occasions.
Cobb and his good wife know. Ices and creams take up .
lots of time now. Telephone Saturday morning if you ,
want any for the Sunday dinner. Last week some orders :
were too late for the Novelties and the Choicer Dainties.'
Douglas 51. Say "Cobb" that's alL No use asking you to
come in the morning for your Candy, for most of you
won't do it.
.rZ'Z : . y. J)