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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1918)
THE BES: OMAHA; SATURDAY, , MAY 4, 1918. .? : , , ; - i"' 5,000,000 MEN TO FROM TO SAVE U. S. FACE IN WAR Senator McCumber Declares :j Another Year of Colossal Blunders . Looms Unless America Acts at Once. ' Washington, May 3. Five million men must be lent to the battle front by the United State within a year, Senator McComber of North Dakota, declared today in an addrew to the lenate, which reviewed America's first year in the war.'. , The results, of America' efforts have been almost negligible up to the present, , it said. Six months have been wasted by the shipping board nd $640,000,COO for aircraft "has been worse than squandered." "If we fail to put 5,000,000 men on die fighting line before the end of an ther year," he continued, "we will igain have grossly failed to measure "ip to our moral duty. We will .have . ;harged to ruf discredit another year f colossal Sunders." , Senator McCumber asserted that ahat we had lacked most was the foresight and determination to get up tnd be doing, "when the flying sparks of that great world.wsr threatened to . produce conflagration that might force ns bn the firing line." N ' Scores Shipping Board. - , "We ieem to have gotten to be wildered in maze of little things that we haw lost sight of the great requlrement-j,1! he laid. "The failure si our shipping board is the most ag gravating example of failure" to grasp t big situation. . Unparalleled national extravagance , was another reason, of failure, he con- , tended. ;' ' . - . . : "We nave been literally burning up t'-.e money which the taxpayers nave . cheerfully paid to create and support l fighting army," he charged. "While re can't win this war without buying Liberty bondi, neither can we win it ty making bonfires of the money re teived from Liberty bondi." -, The bluster of the publie press, he taid, which has greatly exaggerated everything in our favor, had been n ether factor in the delay. JJNPBEPABBDNESS' TO PROLONG WAR, ASSERTS BHITON . London, ifay 3. "The war is likely to last a long time yet," said General Sir William K. Robertson, ex-chief of lenerll staff, speaking here today. "How long t will last no sane man " would dare to estimate. One of the , reasons why the war was not finished long ago is that we were unprepared for it when it began, while the en-. - etny'had been preparing for year, We now are paying the penalty ofr that tmpreparedncss, whicn in the past has caused countries to become bankrupt or ruined. ' But we have no intention of becoming bankrupt or ruined." r;.T.i Proof Jobs Taste . Of 5,000 Ordnance Officers Washington, May 3. Every one of the 5.C0O officere on duty in the War d'?artmnt' ordnance bureau has sp illed for foreign service. High offi cer in the bureau today pointed to tils fact as refuting charge that the crdnance had been used to fur- r."eh large number! of staff officers , t ith "bomb, proof ' jobs. Case have not, been uncommon, it was said, wnere men have been rep rlmanded for attempting to use. out side influence to get overseas service. Brigadier General CV C, Williams, who was reKeved ,as ordnance officer cf the- American expeditionary forces b become acting chief of ordnance, i.ex enarge of tnat office today. V rouncAL ADTKBnsnro. A REAL TRUSTEE FOR YOUR tlTY "A Public Office is a Public Trust." . Walter S. Jardine, Candidate for a SEC OND TERM as City Commissioneris A - the right kind of a man to hold sucl a 1 trust 1 ' --;- y - ,; v v' :- The World-Herdd, in an editorial April 26, s "There is not on either slate a man of V -better capacity a man you would i sooner trust as an administrator of your estate." ( Walter S. Jardine is not a politician. He ' is a business man who has MADE GOOD ; for three years as YOUR TRUSTEE, his , first term in publje office. . Jardine is not .on either of the "slates.'! Jardine is worthy, of your trust as a Public Official ' , . ' ! ; Vote May lij for , WALTER S. JARDINE SERBIA' FAITHFUL DESPITEHUN BAIT German Plots and Peace Offers , Have No Influence With V Serbs Who Stand With Allies. Corfu, May 3. Serbia vemains faithful to the cause of the entente allies despite German intrigue and tn offer of the German government to conclude peace, declared Premier Pashitch in a "declaration of Serbia's foreign policy," read at the opening of the Serbian Parliament "More than a year ego?' Pashitch said, "Germany began to see the im possibility of defeating its enemies by military force alone, and to see that it must , have recourse to other means. It ' then decided to make the most energetic use of clandestine channels to dis organize as speedily as possible the power and cohesion of its enemies. It carried on intrigues, employing different methods, according to the countries for which it intended them. ' "All these, intrigues were, clothed in fine language and expressed humani tarian ideals, by means of which the enemy was spreading monarchists ideas in republics and republican ideas S monarchies, recommending In imocratie countries a military re gime and in 'autocracies democratic, republican or anarchistic ideas. All this had only one object to provoke internal disorders and discord be tween the allies. ' , Russia is a Victim, "In all allied countries the effect of these secret machinations have been felt, but nowhere, have they suc ceeded so well as in Russia, judging from effects, it is impossible to deny that theRussian revolution has been tainted by German influence and has only been' useful up to the present to Germany. ' "Austria-Hungary recently has in tensified its intrigue and calumnies sgslnst thef Serbian people, and against King Peter and the Serbian government. It has but one object, to shake the faith of the allies in Serbia, to destroy the national unity, and by means of our dissensions to insure the conquest of Serbia. v' True to Allies. But our people . know Austria Hungary too well to lend themselves hglieve these lying words. Serbia remains faithful. It has given up air that it had and could give. At present, with the little forces that remain to it, it can only stay faith fully at the side of the allies, never forgetting that Austria-Hungary oro- voked this war with the 'object of de stroying Serbia. "The appearance of America in the theater of war has filled up the gap caused by the - Russian withdrawal, and the armed forces of our allies are considerable more than those of the enemy as regards both men and ma terial Their organization has been improved and there is complete agree ment on all occasions. Serbia ean therefore be certain that sacrifice will not be in vain and that its ideals will be realized if it continues to give in the future tokens of its military and civic virtues and if it remains safe, as hitherto, from in trigues which aim at destroying its concord and unity in the defense of he interests of our people." , Sheeri Industry Doomed Unless Methods Changed Washington, May 3. Unless the sheen Indus trv of the TTnitM St.... adjusts itself to the changed economic condition of the day,-production will continue to decline in the proportion it has1 in the past, in the opinion of the committee on statistics and stand ard of the Chamber 6f Commerce of the United States, which has com pleted an investigation of the indus try. . ; The principal remedies suggested in the committee report are the use for sheep grazing of the agriculturally worthless and cheap cut-over timber lands of the country, the more general sud systematic raising of sheep on the farms and continued use of the great ranges of the west to their full capacity.'.-, 4 roxmoAx ajdtktmko. 1- mm I; Annual M ' , Madaa Lyra Conte for Stout Fig aroa. This model is low top and very long orer hip, with wide elastic gore over thigh, which makes Corset fit snugly when standing and gives comfort when figure is in sitting position. Material used is handsome white ilk I brocne vw.ww Madam Ljrra Corset, Toples Modal, with wide hand of elastic at top, long over hip. An Ideal corset for the Blender fifs figure, at BraUre, he and embroidery trimmed styles, back and frontj closing stjrkt, QQ If . . . M I Take Pictures Of Those Who Are Nearest and Dearest Many will be leaving the homestead you will want a quick snap shot at the last moment perhaps, it will mean more than the posed ' picture will later on. Get a Kodak and take the pictures. .We have every size and every style, at every price, - t No. 2 Brownie 'Boa Camera takes pictures 2Kx3tt, at 82.75 w No. 2A Brownie Boa Camera v takes pictures 2Kx4tt, . at $3.50 No. 2 Folding Brownie, Camera. ...88.00 ' No. 2A Folding Brownie Camera, at ... . . . 89.00 :, We develop films free -when prints are ordered hers. .. 'Mala Floor. 3 " v ay Sale of Corsets - xktuu onnn f TT lilt uvv K C4lt a vs. ktuiiuut va. ataumo At Prices which are lower than those we would have to pay for them in the wholesale market today. "Madam LyW '--"American Lady" --"Br andeis SpeciaV' We were fortunate enough, recently, to make several purchases of these splendidly mod , eled and excellently made Corsets, at such concessions, that now we are able to group them for Saturday, and ACTUALLY OFFER THEM AT PRICES WHICH ARE LESS THAN WE WOULD HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM IN THE WHOLESALE MARKET TODAY. . t ' . The materials are handsome sHk broches a nd silk striped coutils in the American Lady and Madam Lyra, and all materials Brassieres, 65e Qeep Lace Yoke, large reinforcement under arm, and $1.50 values . . . .. . .,...; :!. '! .es.iei J tfftvvr A Tophas Model with elastic band in front, made of white dQ O C silk'broche ........ '.WsAp TMrd Floor SEPARATE SKIRTS Splendid Everything that is new in styles f o the woman whb wants 8 separate skirt for every day wear, for dress wear, for sport wear, for service or general change of dress. ( You ean always find your size here, even those wearing skirts -front 30 to 40 waist measure, eat large in proportion over hips, with perfect lines to f)t the stout woman, the regular sixes for . the average woman, and the shorter lengths for misses. Croup 1 Skirts for Sport Wear of Baronette Satin, in white and light sport v shades, some colored embroideries, Crepe Silk, Crepe le Cmne Skirts, Rajah Silk Skirts, Pleated Pongee Skirts, Shantung Skirts, the (new Batique Skirtof the' Camouflage patterns, a desirable novelty; Pleated Foulard Skirts, Roman Stripe Silk Skirts, Wash Satin Skirts, an exquisite material, hard to tell from Silk Satin, White Gabardine Skirts with light colored overplaids and others, ranging 50 UP $40 00 Group 2 The White SkirU in guaranteed shrunken Gabardines, Piques, Wash Satins, Basket Weaves, Organdies. All the new large pockets, the new fancy belts, large pearl buttons, some (tOQCuptodjII CO neatly embroidered in white and coloif . . P JD P 1 1 vf Group 3 Maid Taffeta Silk Skirts,' Plaid Satin Silk Skirts, Roman Striped Taffeta Skirts, Foulard Silk Skirts, Novelty Diagonal Stripes, in Black, Navy and Colors, Black Silk Poplin with Cluster Stripes, all the new Tunic ' effects, the new straight models, new pockets, $ 1 A to new wide belts, new button trimmings '...'. P 1 V f - ".' : ' ' . 'Group 4 Novelty Cloth Skirts in light or dark plaids or stripes, plain or ; pleated models with novelty pockets and belts, very striking designs. Taf fetta Silk Skirts, Silk Poplin Skirts, (7 CAtsClC HA Satin Skirts, fine Serge Skirts P .OU . J 1 0.VU Croup 5 Stout Women's Skirts for those wearing 30 to 40 waist meas ure complete assortment iu : Serge, Poiret Twill, Mohairs, Taffeta Silks, Shepherd Checks, made up in the correct styles becoming to the stout woman, cut in proportion over the hips tE AEfto (OA Aft to fit perfectly S0.70' P-ill.Up .' ; ' . ." Second Floor ' ' P in the Brand eis Special models. Amtriua Lady Cont in low top Corset, made of handsome tSk strrped coutil, long hip with wide elastic gore at bottom of j0 OC , skirt, at ..v.....,p Braadois Special in Low Top Corset, made of handsome pink broebe, free-hip section, a feature that meana comfort to the dn eje wearer, elastic band In back, 6 garters, at K5ieweJJ 'Americas Lady Corset, made of figured eontil, double boning that is rust-proof, girdle top, trimmed with silk embroidered d 1 C A braid a top Women Springtime Frocks $18.75 to $45.00 Some very lovely; Frocks for afternoon and dress wear embracing such a wide variety of models, that no matter . what your partciular preference may be, you can satisfy it at a very modest price. ' Lovely Silk and Georgette Models for afternoon and dressy wear, new Taffetas, Foulards, Crepe de Chine and Satin, smart styles at tractively made, displaying draperies and tunic skirts, bodice dain tily trimmed in embroideries and braiding combined with beads, smart collars, vestees and cuffs, new shades Copenhagen, Reseda, Navy, Tango, Sand and Plum. New lots M Q y C and $9 (J from which to make your selection New Arrivals in Navy Serge and Gabardine Capes, smart linings, contrasting snaaes m coiian ana .bVf $37.5U $45 vestees, very attractive models at vww7 wv, v Second Floor Spring Styles Saturday hooked In front; $1.00 .'.. 65c Coreela at $IM Low top models, long over hrp, well boned, made in pink figured material also in whit. i aa Drugs and Melba Toilet Goods Perfumgs, Sachets, Toilet Waters, Creams, Face Pow ders, Talcums and Soaps, all here in the most complete' j stock hereabouts. Java Rice Powder, 50c size at v.... ....... 1..B-. .234 Isebeil's Toilet Water, $1.50 size at. ..... . .-. JsTeVflTeTete Odo Cure, 50c size at rrT. .20e Pinaud's Eau De Quinine, 60c size at. .,::.;. .49ft Palm Olive Shampoo, 50c size, at . . . . 19c Palm Olive Cold Cream, 50c size, at.,..19c Simplex Cuticle Remover, 25c size at , 17f Cutex Nail Polish Cake, 30c size at ,t. . . .17 " Jap Rose Face Powder, 50c size at. ... . . . .... .. . ..-.,.-. ...29 ' Soiodont Tooth Wash Liquid, 25c size at. ............ .lge 1 Peroxide Hydrogen, lb. bottle. t.t.-f. . . 10e - ; Lysol Antiseptic, 50c size at. ........ . ... .v. . . . . .-.vr. . .33 ' Nature's Remedy Tablets, $1.00 size at. ...... .'. 69 EpsomSalts, 1 pound packages for , . , .-. . , . . .g Hay's Hair Health, $1.00 size at..... ..59 ' Zanol Peroxide Soap, 10c cake for. ................ . .-. . . , .5 ' Hay's Harfina Soap, 25c size at. . . . . . v v 8 Creme Oil Soap, special at. ..... . ,. ... . ..t-... . ,gs : 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, at. I .15 Sal Hepatica, 30c size at. ..................... ', . . . . . .22 eemememmemmmei' ' BmmmmmB, j . , $2.98 j ! iMti; Highest Graddt Sfe ii -'it's We consummated an immenfjif to quote WONDERFUL LOW) than 40 in the past two yef what present day prices ahonl price goods. We fortunate! Ti at just 50 off last year's pPv Mirrora Five different styles of Oral Bonnet Mirrors, some with long handles, also round mirrors, finest French plate glass and set a without a reed. i': v 4 Regularly $6.00, sale. . . . ,.tS.9B Regularly $4.00, saio $1.M Combs $1.00 velue, A -very h Iirory Qocks Regularly.. $3.50, sale. . . . .-.$1.93 Regularly $3.50, sale $1.98 Regularly $5.00, sale $2.98 Regularly $3.00, sale $1.50 Regularly $1.25, sale 69c Regularly $2.00, sal $1.00 Picture Frames Regularly $2.50, sale $1.50 Regularly $1.75, sale $1.00 Regularly 50a, sale. . .Z9e Regularly 69a, sale... 39c Pin Boxes) : Regukrly $2.00, sab ftOO i Buffer Rearnlarlr HM, a..B0a very heavy stout ma with a heavy boat ,v Tb most we-t-J wtitte and a few light q The materials, too, art I Braid and Maline combined W. rri tt m. U-m. i mi l. a n iirai nsit m in pivrare u lan Mushroom, with rose a flower crown to match I with black lace. French blnej ribbons around base of ergwo Toilet Needo f f 61 i i Main Floor.