Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1918, EDITORIAL, Image 20

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All wool
is economy
Better have it
in your clothes
Next time you buy clothes, no matter
where you go, ask if they're all wool.
Don't be put off without a plain an
swer. The clothier may say: "You
know me ; you knowlwouldn'tsellyou
anything that wasn't all right;" but
that doesn't answer the question.
If, he says, "yes" you
can't tell, perhaps,
whether it is all-wool or
- not; he may think it is;
maybe he doesn't know. v
There's only one sure way of knowing
what you are getting in clothes this
spring, aside from a chemical test of
the fabrics; and that way is to buy
goods that are guaranteed by (he maker
to be all-wool and all the rest that, goes
with it.
We offer you Hart Schaff nernfe Marx
clothes because' the makers dare to
take a positive ground on the quality
question; they don't dodge; they
don't keep silent; they're positive in
their statement and in their facts.
You can depend on them; and us.
Look for the label, Hart Schaffner &
Marx. It is a small thing to look for,
but a big thing to find.
Officers Uniforms
Copyright Hmrt Sch&ffner Mara
All wool
best styles
Two vital ,
clothes factors
With clothing tfiat is guaranteed by
the makers as well as ourselves, ALL
WOOL, made by an organization
of master tailors that produce noth
ing but the best styles, no man should
hesitate an instant, but rather, insist
that the clothes he wears bear the
Hart Schaffner
& Marx
Suits with five-seam backs, marine
double breasted, military fronts and
square shoulders.
New colors of greens, browns, silver
grays, heathen tildes and iridescent
effects. Imported and domestic fabrics
of the highest excellence.
$25, $30, $35, $45, $50 to $60
Top Coats in domestic and imported
fabrics, a wide range of models to
suit every preference. Perfect in fit.
$20, $25, $30 to $40
Good Golf Suits
Second Floor, Men's BMg.
I h
1 KkJTi
l l .. r frii -
I 1 XF;i J I
i t v i j i
v Tip-Top
MX . 'ToDoers"
Smart, Snappy
TVin season's
't " i -t .
i i i nais mat arc u-
ureme for comfort
v . as wen as jpiyie.
kVS easy fittinsr and
right In the nick
solution to. your
Hat problem.
W have never before shown such a wonderful
variety of shapes in these featherweight Hats
Yes indeed, they keep their shape.
Stetson's the best . . . .$4.50, $5.00, $6.00 to $12.00
Alfredo Sebelle & Co. Italian Hats .$5.00
Berg Hats (of New York), at.'. . .$3.50, $4.00, $5.00
Famous Mayo Hatsi ......... . . . .......... $3.50
Genuine Borsalino Hats sold here at $4.50 and $5.00
Broken Lines of
Men's Soft Hats," $1.95
Very special offerings for Saturday, values to $3.50,
Boys' Headwear
Boys' Spring and Summer Caps, plain and fancy col
ors, at. .... . . . . . . ,25c, 65c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50
Boys' Swagger Hats, at. ........ . .65c and $1.50
Boys' and Children's Rah Rah Hats, In wash hats and
fancy mixtures, at .65c to $1.50
Children's Black Straw Hat. . ..... .$1.00 to $3.98
Main Floor, Arcad'
MenV Oxfords
Mighty ; Good Styles
For Very Little
Money Saturday
Spring, in the vernacular
of most every man, means
"spruce up," and if there is one part of your outfits that
detracts xrom a spruce appearance ifris a shabby pair of
Shoes. The higher temperature means a lower Shoe
and what style and comfort demands we offer to you at
very modest prices. .
At fifl aTair t Black
?O.UUidskin, dull calf
and tan calf, broad and medium
toe dupes, excellent values.
P.UU lariy priced
15.00. Doll calf, black calf and
tan calf, several styles of lastsi
Higher Grade Shoes Arer Reduced Also
At CQ CA Pair Formerly priced at $10.00, black
Vww" or brown kid-kin, lace, medium toe shapes,
lace and blucher, sizes 5 to 11, widths A to E.
Shoes for Boys, at $3.95 - ,
Heavy dull calf, blucher, lace, made over broad toe last,
with heavy oak soles, sizes l to 6.
MEN! Opportunity Speaks Here Saturday
Style Saving and Service All in One
It is a big, broad fact that this Saturday will bring to the man
who is seeking to outfit with Furnishings the biggest kind of op
portunity to do it well and save money, if he comes here.
; I
' We particularize upon Shirts, Union Suits, Hosiery
and Neckwear the scope for choice is very wide.
Silk Shirts of Quality, $4.45 to $12.50
And this stock is so broad and comprehensive that it embraces all of the best styles
and patterns, coloring and weaves that you can find. Many exclusive patterns will
.be shown you here at prices which you will know immediately are very low.
It is a fact that we are In splendid shape to show Silk Shirts In a never-ending assortment
for smart Springr and Summer wear. . Imported and Domestic Silks in English Twills, ,
' Jersey Silks, Silk Broadcloths and Silk Crepes. Fashioned .after eustom-made Shirts,
In exclusive patterns and colorings. Neckband style, soft cuffs, also detached soft col-
lar to match , . -. i $4-45 to $12.50
: Shirts at $1.45 . -
Exceptionally good Corded Madras, Crepes,
Fiber Mixtures, Satin Striped Soisettes, etc., all
new patterns and every one extremely desirable.
Soft or laundered cuffs, also collars attached. Sizes
14 to 17 in most patterns. Worth $2.00 and $2.25.
Shirts at 95c
Of good ' Madras, Percale, Jap Crepe, Russian
Cord, Satin Striped Shirting, etc., good materials
and good patterns. In neckband style, soft or laun
dered cuffs, also collar attached. Sizes 14 to 17.
Worth $1.25 and $1.50. t
Men's Union Suits, $1.25 and $1.65
t Spring and summer weightUnion Suits, in white and ecru. Shirts have short
or long sleeves; made of mercerized and combed cotton yarns. All sizes, but not in
all qualities.
Silk Neclcwear, at $1.00 1
New patterns, just arrived. We are specializing
In Neckwear at this price, to give the best values
obtainable. Made of all pure silk, in neat and pro
nounced patterns. Neckwear that will give long
service. .
Men's Silk Hose, $1.00
Made in all the new Spring shades, of pure ailk
thread, double soles, heels and toes. Just a limited
quantity of these at this pnee; but all sues, nam
irr.i.ji jf-A ,
ana ciocuca encci.
Silk Neckwear, at 50c
We are adding new lots of fine Silk Four-in
Hand Ties from our purchases, and the way they
are selling, tne supply won't last long. Better come
early and get your share. Regular 75c and $1.00
Silk Fiber Hose, at 25c
25 dozen, assorted colors; in second quality; all
sizes; tnese are an exceptionally good offering,
Mia Floor Men' Bldf.-
Let's Enjoy
The Great
Nothing finer
than deep breath-
ing of the wonder
ful crisp, snappy
atmosphere, that
Spring brings in
its wake.
i The man with a spark of the sport in his soul
will justwant to get out and Golf It, or Base Ball It,
or Tennis It and if he can't go in for the strenuous,
then he will like the Croquet sport on his own lawn.
Ball Bearing Roller Skates. .$1.65
Four Ball Croquet Sets. . . .' .95c
Boys' Base Ball Gloves, all leather 25c
Genuine Pis, Skin trimmed and real leather Caddy
Bags, with hoods ; slightly soiled, and for that rea
son, instead of $10.00, we say .$6.00
High Grade, fully guaranteed, finely enameled Bi
cycles, with coaster brakes'. 4 $35.00
Sample Dog Collar, worth up to $1, Saturday, 25c
Men's Base Ball Shoes, all leather .$2.75
Main Floor, Men . Bldf.
GardeirTools and Carpenters' Tools
Poultry Netting
We carry only the double galvanized
kind that lasts twice as long. 2 feet
high, 2-inch mesh, at 2$c foot or
$3.50 per roll of 150 lineal feet.
4 feet high, 2-inch mesh, 4J6c foot or
$6.25 per Toll of 160 lineal feet.
6 feet high,- 2-inch mesh, 6 He foot or
$10 per roll of 150 lineal feet.
Carpenters' Hammers
Either regular curved claw or straight
claw rmnine hammer 01
warranted quality, special, at. .. .49
Ball Pien Hammers
Several sizes of good quality. A hammer
that is very serviceable in your auto mi.
special, large size, at
Smaller size, at -39c
18 and 22-inch saws, a god one
for odd jobs about the house, spe-
ciay, at 69e
26-inch very fine mechanic's grade
saw. snecial. at $1.49
22-inch very fine mechanic's grade saw, special, at $1.29
Rules . .
. . . ...1. : rr rr 1. ' I-.ii.i.i.m V
Une IOX 01 O-IOOt spring junit ig ting lures, oy-
clal, while they last, at ; 39c
One of 2-foot 4-fold boxwood rules at 9c
Nickel plated 6-inch, slip Joint com
bination pliers, warranted qual
ity, special, at 29c
Uinch. 5-ply fully warranted, spe
cial. Tier foot . .1 10e
Hose Reels
Made of hard wood and will hold
50 feet of-hose $M9
Ready mixed "BB" Brand (Brandeis' Best),
per gallon ,....$2.95
Black Screen Paint, for wire and frame, spe
cial, per quart ; .49c
. Batement
Mala Floors M.n'. Bldf .