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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1918)
- ! t ;. THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1918. 19 . 7 "HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. ' MEN WANTKD. AGE Si TO t(l. FOR GENERAL TARD Work; steady job for good men. apply to timekeeper, union stock yards co., . i 1 south omaha. V'ANTED Two br three good general all around farmer!, single men. Want men who are leaking for a good, steady place. Can use two or three good men the year round. My farm la one of the molt Ideal and up-to-date In Colorado, Write A, J. Campion, Union Stook Yards. Denver, Colo. WANTED HOUSEMAN AT ONCR 5K PLY CLARKSQN HOSPITAL. i'REE JOB No office tee. Apply S22V a loth St. WANTED A man to attend to lawn, at once; white or eolored. Call Harney 8601. HELP WANTED. ' . Male and Female. ' OMAHA government clerk examination! May 26th. Thousand! wanted Immediately; 1100 month.'- Sample . question! free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 232 E. Rochester, N. T. - ! - ' . WANTED Men, ladles and . boys, learn barber trade; big demand; wage! while learning; strictly modern. Call or write -- 1102 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber College. Phone D. 2147. - - W ANTES STOCK BOYS. Boys to learn furniture business. Girls to dust furniture. Steady positions. App'y ORCHARD WIL,HiL,lH (JU. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Men, women, government war positions, 2100 month. " Write for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 232 p. Rochester. N. i. EOLER Barber College wants young men and ladies to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, 110 S. 14tn St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Experienced maids and house , men. Highest wages. Apply Henshaw Hotel HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores and Offices. BURGESS-NASH. CO. REQUIRES SERVICES OF WRAPPERS, CASHIERS AND , INSPECTORS. APPLY BUPT. BALCONY. EXPERIENCED stenographer, 190-1100. Stenographer and bookkeeper, 280-286. Experienced file clerk, $50. Many more. THE MARTI SERVICE. 215-1.1 W. O. W. Building. WOMAN as typist and file clerk, 230 per mo., board and room, to begin. Phone Douglas 7163, 2422 S. 24th St. STENOGRAPHERS, S85-180-$7&-65-50; 1 Bookkeepers. $90-$80-$76; File Clerk, 260. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nafl Bank. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale experience, $85. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. OFFICE clerk, experience not necessary, $45. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. f STENOGRAPHERS $40-$S6 , THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. LEDGER clerk, 2100. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. - Good wages paid while: learning, rapid advance- went, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. . WANTED Young ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages' paid while learning, rapid advance- ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, - 1807 Douglas St. i , WANTED 15 girl!, experienced on power sewing machines. Experienced operators can earn from 212 to $16 per week. Light, clean, steady work. Two- weeks' guaran tee given new beginners. Omaha Auto ' Top Co., 709-11 South 15th St ' 4lRL8 to cement learns; experience un necessary. The Western Umbrella CO., " 19th and Farnam. V ANTED A lady masseuss at the LaBelle Bath Institute. 1606 Harney. Doug. 7046 Hoajeholc and Domestic. ; WANTED A thoroughly competent girl for kitchen and second work, or would hire rwo- girls or women who would divide up ail the work. Including the laundry work, tor small family. If thoroughly competent and can coma well recommended will pay highest wages. Drop line where you can be 'phoned to, giving reference, experience - and wages wanted. Only strictly respect able and neat persons need apply. Ad dress Postoffice Box 578, Council Bluffs, I. t WANTED Girl for general office work, some filing experience preferred. Salary to start 22 per week, opportunity to ad- i , vanoe. Apply between 10 a, in. and 12 m. . to offloe manager. Omaha Cracker Co., 1112 Harney street 300D girl to aastst with housework; small family; small house; nice room and, good wages: bo laundry, bouiecleanlng done. Call morning! or after ( evening!. - Wal . nut 8686.. 5001 Capitol avenue. WHITE girl tor general housework; must be experienced cook; na laundry work and i best- wages. 2515 Woolworth avenue . Harney 5552. k WANTED Competent housekeeper, middle ; i aged woman preferred, white; small fam ily, ont of town.- Mrs. Matt C. Abst. Columbus, Neb. COMPETENT girl for general housework; two . In family; good cook; o washing. References. Telephone Harney 220. GIRL For g 'rural' housework; no wash - ing or upstairs work. 5207 Cass street Telephone Walnut 1419. WANTED Competent second girl, city ref erence!. Mra F. H. Davis, 628 S. 20th Sti Tel Douglas 286. RELIABLE girl to care for 4-year-dTd girl and 'assist with housework. Mrs. F. D. Wead, 502 8. 40th St. Harney 171, WANTED An experienced second girl: city references required. Mrs. Frank T. Ham ilton. 210 South 32d Ave. 'UU.N'G white girl to assist with child and light housework. Good home. Telephone Walnut 1621 . ANTED A competent second girl, good . wages. Mrs. O. Stora. 2702 Farnam. Tel. Harney 620. - (vHITE girl for housework; no cooking. Webster 4961, 1025 North 19th. HELP WONTED-FEMALE - - . . ' "' ' WANT an experienced nurse, one used to children. Mrs. D. C, Bradford. 404 S. 29tb St. Phone Harney 5:3. WANTED An experlenoed--white second maid. . Apply Mrs. G. C. Wharton, 20 a 37th St. Harney 238. CAPABLE girl for general housework; two In family. 504 South 36th Street Bar- AN EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS AT ONCE. APPLJ CLARKSQN HOSPITAL. WANTED AiT experienced cook. MrsT Joseph Barker, 3607 Jackson St. riar. it. A MAID for general housework. Reference! required, tin. Tom Mcunane. iiaraey i WANTED Mlddleaged househeeper-on farm. Box 67S8. Omaha Bee. V ' WHITE laundresa to make home at Insti tution good wages. Douglas 2024. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trad j SpeclaK rates sn Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, . , f 1402 Douglas St. Miscellaneous. YOUNG girl wanted to care tor child during day. Box 6S65, Omah Bee. ' EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL.' - Every day ti enrollment day. book keeping, ' shorthand, atenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglaa 1565. 18th and Harney Sta. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldf. Douglas 690 FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Give! , complete deecrlptlon of vacant room! In 11 parti of the city. New lists Issued , every week. TO RESPECTABLE business man. large, cool, newly furnished front parlor; clean, quiet place; only $12; smaller room, $9; must see to appreciate. 712 N. 22d. LARGE, sunny furnished room In modern home on bsr line. Walking distance. Har.scom Park district Call Harney 1208. evenings. NEWLY furnlslied modern room, one or two gentlemen, private home; walking distance; breakfast If desired. Douglas 9508. TWO-ROOM, modern suite and sleeping porch, completely furnished. Field Club district. Harney 6471. ' ' MODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine, 608 North lTth St Reason able rent. 1616 WEBSTER. Large airy, newly fur nished, walking distance. If.eal for work ing men. Reasonable. 1823 CASS Large, nicely furnished, airy room for summer; walking distance. Doug las 6707. LARGE, clean, ool beautifully furnished south room, near car line; walking dis tance. Harney 7913. LARGE, airy nicely furnished room, Hans eewn Park district, on car line: breakfast optional; rent reasonable, call Harney izus WELL furnished front room in private home. 2831 California. Harney 4034. 1920 DODGE Large front room, newly furnished, $5. Douglas 7442. ONE, two or three light housekeeping . . m . - " o n. rooms; oam unur. oio naumj. GREYSTONE, 25th and Cass. Nicely fur nished room. Douglas Housekeeping Rooma. SUITE of clean, neatly furnished rooma on second floor; no children; laundry privi lege. 3oa Doage. LARGE neatly furnished three-room suite. - Also garage. No children. 2026 Daven- nort - HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, 2 and 4 rooms, modern. 402 North 16th !treet Douglas 9446. , NICE, clean housekeeping rooms. 1611 How ard St Board and Room. BEMIS PARK On car line, one or two re apectable ladles to board and room. All modern. Private home. Harney 2266. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE nice unfurnished rooms and bath, for light housekeeping, In Dundee. 206 N. 49th St. - "- - THREE unfurn'shed rooms, 210. . 12 N. 19th St Phone Douglas 459S. THRE& unfurnished rooms. $9 a month. 2576 Pierce St.; Call Harney 7009. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. A CLASSY 2-room and bath apartment, near 24th and Harney, furnished complete, for 242.50 per month. A high class proposi tion for high class people. Bedford-Johnston Co. D. 2140. MY four-room completely furnished, mod ern apartment, 'till October 1. 6-romn accomodations, excellent condltibn; refer ences required. Box 6048 Omaha Bee. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room apart ment, with sun porch, to sublet; best lo cation and Janitor service. 2208 Harney. Telephone Harney 6812. Hop ses. FURNISHED HOUSE. (-room, 2-story house, well furnished. Best location, Feld Club district; garage. Until October let only. J GEORGE & CO. D. 756. WANTED To ihare a 2-room houie, mod- ern, with a refined couple. H. 6126. FOR RENT HOUSES West. ELEGANT 2-room brick near high ichool, furnace, laundry, gaa and fire places, all ready to move Into. Tel. Harney 6664. Keys 2601 Capitol Ave., adjoining. 316 N. 25TH Duplex flat 7 rail., 232.50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1586. 332 Securities Bldg. MODERN house, seven rooms and sleeping porch; garage. 529 North 40th. Wal. 2878. North. FOR RENT. I - 2012 Grace St., 8 -room house, 220. ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY, 205 'S. 18th St. Douglas 722. PARTIES having houses for rent or sale In the neighborhood of e'Bssket Store will do well to mention advantage to the pros- pectlve renter or buyer. FOUR rooms tr.d bath, aecond floor, nice rooms, $10. 2639. Seward St. Red 682. 5-ROOM house, modern except furnace, 214, 26th and Caldwell. Turklngton. South. 5-ROOM house; electric lights, 218. soutn zist. Harney 2706. 5 ROOMS and bath upstairs. 1015 William. i-nii evenings. Doug. 4557. Miscellaneous. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. CREIGH 80NS & CO.. BEE BLDG. Garden, 4128 N. 28th; t rooms. .. .$15.0 Flat 2305 Leavenworth; 5 rooms. .220.00 JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas f54. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 722. Shopen & Co.. , Rentals. Douglas 4228. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West, HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof; fine lawn and flowera during summer; best location, 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Call- D. 1472. TIZARD PALACE BLOCK Close In, few equal: 4-room apartment; also 4 -mom flat Apply 220 N. 23d. Phone Red 4232. , North. three Very nice modern flats Four rooms each, every Improvement, with gas ranges and janitor, at 2562-53 Cuming St. 214 f nd $16.50 each to small families only. THOS.W.HAZEN 201 McCsgue Bldg. ST b A 11 heated modern apartment, dowry Court G. F, Stebblns, 1110 Chicago. FOR RENT APARTMENTS BEAUTIFUL, strictly modern, four and five" room apartment!. - Sethlow Ter race, 16th and Yates. Webster 931 and Webster 4328. FOUR-BOom new apt., modern; corner; tery . light 225; vacant May 1. Maple Court 1811 Maple St. Red 683. INQUIRE upstairs, residence; 2 large rooma and bath. Modern except h'St 212. i 26U Corby St. Webster 6765. 1 South. 2-ROOM apartment with private bath. Price 21? per month. 521 S. Slst St. 2 AND 4-ROOM apartments. 816 S Sid St. Tyler 2248. Miscellaneous PETERS TRUSTCU SneplsllstsnApsrtrnent msnaaeyent FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT 15th and Douglas, 20x 60, steam heat, rent $115 per month, WORLD REALTY CO. Douglas 6342. Sun Theater ' Bldg. MODERN store, 16th near P. O. Low rent a. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. ! Office and Desk Room. OFFICES should be chosen with care. The Bee Building satisfies careful tenant!. Keystone Investment Co. Tyler 121, MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN ft STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St. between 16th and 16th. Phone Tyler 2400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It. Ask to see our dally rental lists FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room! for houiehold goods and pianos; moving, paoklng and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 1 806 S. 16th. Douglsi 4168. FREE service FIDELITY Phone Douglai 288 for complete list of vacant housei and apart-' ments. Also tor storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. WE HAUL ANYTHING. 7" Unload carload lots rock, sand, or any other material. CHAMBERS & O'NEILL. 2102 Leavenworth St. Phone Tyler 1412. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tvler 230 or Douglas 4388. T P T?l7'R,'n Express Co., Moving. O. VJ. IXLjEjU packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug. 14. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. DESIRABLE HOME IN BEMIS PARK DISTRICT This Is a good 2-story, 6-room, mod ern house, In first-class condition, hav ing living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and tee box room, first floor; 3 large bedrooms and bath 2d floor; paved street and ornamental lighting system throughout the district. This is 1314 North 36th St., and Is priced low for quick sale. GEORGE & CO. D. 756. CLOSE IN 6-ROOM HOME 60S S. 31st St , 2 block! from Farnam. Is in good condition. ..Owner says to cut the price for quick sale. Houee will he vacant May , 1. Look, It over from the., outside, and If you want to look" through the house call Tyler 50 tnd we will arrange to show It to you. 700 first payment. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, .1614 Harney St 6-ROOM HOUSE Modern except heat, on paved street. In A-l condition, V blocks from 2 car lines. Lawn,' flowers and garden. A cozy little home.' Come out and make an offer at 4227 Grant St. Walnut 1723. . . DUNDEE BUNGALOW 5 rooms apd sun ! room on one floor;' new,' all oaki, $$.800, $300 cash. Ca'', day Dong. 8140. North. Miller Park Sacrifice Just listed one of the largest snaps that was ever offered for sale In Miller Park , district Six rooms full story house. Three rooms down stalri fin ished In quarter-sawed oak finish, and floor. Three large bedrdoma upstairs fin ished In quarter-sawed oak floors and woodwork. Full cement basement, - fur nace beat; large lot, -45x120 feet, south front on paved street. One-half block from car line; two and one-half blocks from Miller Park school. This property Is priced at $5,500. We will leave It to you if it Isn't a bargain at this money. Would take about $3,000 to handle It Payne Investment Co. mi a pih i,in 'io 9 6-Room Modern Bungalow 43d and Grand Ave. (-room modern ' bungalow, t block! to car and school; H block to new boulevard; 3 blocks to Fontenelle Park; large lot, fine trees and shrubbery! hot water heat; high and sightly, location. - Price for quick sale. $2,950. House alone worth the money, J. L.' HIATT COMPANY Q AA FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. PHONE Q TYLER OO $3,000, Walnut Hill ' District Good, substantial home of t rooms, situated on an east front lot, half block from two car lines. Owner recently purchased large" home and Is In a, posi tion to make satisfactory terms. Im mediate possession, f. .v , GLOVER ft SPAIN, 819 City Nat. Bank. pouglas 2962. BEMIS PARK DISTRICT 6 ROOMS,, GARAGE LOT-51xl47 $4,200-$700 Cash This home located on the loutheast corner of 25th and Lafayette venues. is just two blocks from Harney car line good condition Has oak floora; good furnace. Paving all paid. Priced to sell a'ulrk. HASTINGS HETDEN. 1614 Harney St. rMONJS TXUEH BO. HERE IS A SNAP. - Usually well' built home; four rooms, large pantry 'and tiled vestibule down stairs; four bedrooms, bath and sewing rooms upstairs. All rooma canvased and decorated. Full size attic as - well as cellar. Strictly modern. Alt on an east front lot 44x176. At a bargain It taken at once. 1030 North 33d' Street. HAVE THREE brand new 6-room homes that can he sold at bargain prices. Small payment down and balance easy monthly payments. One has furnace and others have not. Otherwise modern, with screens and light fixtures installed.' East front and close to car, schools and churches. Fine nelghborhooJ. WALNUT 677. , 6-R., nearly new, oak finish. 2-story, home, garage, lot with fruit and shade, paved St., big bargain at $3,600; $500 cash and $32.60 per mo.; on pretty Flnkney St We buy as well as sell bargains RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg., Tyler 721. FOR COLORED MAN. 1204 N. 25th street. Home or Boarding house, close In; 10 rooms, modern, large corner lot. Will sacrifice. See it today. J. N. Snitaer, 423 Paxton Blk., D. 2161. WE SRLL, Rent, Insure and make Loans on City property, North. . MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO.,- -24th and Ames Ave. Col. 217. KOUNTZE PLACE Modern t-rooro boose, full basement large lot close to ear. Prloe 82.250 Norrls ft Norrls. D. 4270 FOR SALE 9-room modern house on X. 24th St car lint, $4,700. Box 4326, Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. M1NNE LUSA homes and lot! offer the beit opportunity to Invest your money, Phone Tvler 117 10-ROOM housi. modern. Call Webster 464. South. r - NEW 5-ROOMBL,N"GAL6WS TWENTY-FIRST AND ARBOR. Look at these today, just being com - pleted, new and modern Including oak floors, fUU.res. screens, sodding, walks, to. Price $3,450. J.S50 cash and monthly payments to suit. THE BYRON REF.D CO, Phone DougUs 297, 319 South 17th, SPECIAL BARGAIN, SOUTlf. Strictly - modern specially well built house, 6 rooms and bath, oak finish,' hot water heat, fine sleeping porch, double garagsr paved street, near car line and School near 9th and Bancroft: must sell 1 aulck and the price is way below what It Is worth. TEBBENS. THE REALTOR. 605"Omah- Nat. Bnk. Phone TX 2199. Miscellaneous. - BUNGALOW. New. 6-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; near cr line. Price, $4,000. Terms. 2600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. l 643 Paxton Blk. FOR" RENT AN"n"8ATfe. HOUSES, COTTAGK8 ANP APARTMENTS PORTER ft SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. t Douglas 6013. IF you want acres welKlocated, nsnr car " and paved road, northwest, west, or southwest at low ftrlces and easy terms, you will fin we always have the best list to select fro..t. HASTINGS A HKT, ' PEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone T lerf.O. S-RPRESSKD brick house; oakflnfsh. full lot with garage, $5,200. W. H, GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. Ph. Bldg, P. 1204. OWNER will sell high-class bungalow at bargain to party able to make first pay ment of $1,600; balance easy pnymenta. Tel. Colfax 1354. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 129 Farnam St " Doug 1064. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your horns or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO., Electrle Bldg. Tyler 66. BUSINESS property and Investments, - A. P. TUJCKT and SON. 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUB INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business snd Trackage Specialist 16th and Podge Str PoukUs 416 REAL ESTATETRACKAGE TRACKAGE Fine site on B. t M. R. R slie 95x166. Can' be bought cheap. Call owner evenings. Phone Wal. 70. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR SALE or exchange, 430 acre farm located In -northeast Mo., 2V4 miles from town, weil Improved and a No. 1 farm. Will take $20,000 or $26,000 worth of good lncc-a Omaha property and easy terms on balance. Address Box 352, Rock Island, 111. GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease. 211 Bran. Th. Bldg. 80 ACRES In Arkansas, 103 acres In Colo rado, for rooming house or hotel. 2116 South 22d art. Paul Rydon. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. ,21 DOWN, 21 A WEEK. PJtYNE & SLATER CO. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. HIGH and sightly Dundee lots, 2S76 to 21,150, Easy terms, loans arranged for building purposes. 'Phone D. 6074. Shuler ft Csry. Realtors. Dundee. GOOD DUNDEE HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION This a a 7-room, 2-story well built modern horns with reception room, living room and dlntng room finished In quarter sawed oak Kitchen, 4 bedrooms and bath room finished In quarter sawed pin. ; Garage, paved alley. South front lot 60x128 fot. Price $5,250. Reason able ambunt down; ' balance monthly like rent. Key at our office. Near 60th and Underwood avenue. GEORGE & CO., D. 756. South Side. SIX well , located lo'ts lh Bellevue; might exchange for light automobile. Phone Walnut 1141. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. Widow haa t five-room house!, one T room, modern house, one 8-room modern house and 2 modern-store buildings; all well rented, on paved streets, close to ' car lines In Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property In first class condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 212 City National Bank Building. WE HAVE BUYERS , "CASH OR TERMS For $2,600 to $4,600 desirable homes, Also for snaps in Rental Property. List with us for qulok results, we advertise and sell. Regular commission. . D, E. BUCK ft CO., 442 Omaha; Nat. Bk. Doug. 2000. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for t and (-room housea and bungalow! with . 2300 to 2500 down. Call Osborna Realty ' Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. WE need more acreage listings. Both for sale and exchange. ' INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. , 913-14 Cty Nat'l Bank. Doug. 2819. t OR 6 ROOM house. Give location In full. Lowest price and what amount of money to handle. No real estate agents, Box 6683, Omkh Bee. 1 LIST your' property with JOHN J. MULVIHILL. 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. WANTKD Modern flat, value 230,000 to 240,000. Address P. O. Box 472, Onawa, Ta, MEET me at F. D. Wead'i Offloe. FINANCIAL .Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. 74 PER CENT INTEREST. First farm debentures amply secured. Denomination 2100, $600, ll.noo and up HARLEY J. HOOKER. First National Bank Bldg. WE want 100 , mortgages on Omaha resi dences; funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE, INC.. . 633-40 Keellne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts n account. OMAHA LOAN ft BLDO ASSbCIATION. PAUlf PEt'eRSON, 5Vf X64 'IHlSStlSB HLUK, H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., : 1018 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 271S. CITY AND FARM LOANS 5, 64 and 6 Per Cent 3. H. DUMONT Co.. Keellne Bldg. MONEY CI V 2 O HARRISON & MORTON IORTON, 72 U 919 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg, 2100 to 210.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sti. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money. . , SHOPEN ft COMPANY Douglas 4222, " ', LOANS ON CITY FR'ERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son. Keejjne Bldg. TEN TO 20 YEARS. LOW COST, easy pay ments. W. O. TEMPLETON, 614 Bee Bldg. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 212 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685, t FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MAY 7TH. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. 8. FRANK, 201 NEVILLE BLK. Miscellaneous. GOOD ranches and farms and city property zor sale or exenange. miss uaxme win ters, 609 Metro. Bldg., Sioux City, la. Auto phone 9111. FARM AND RAhCrt LANDS Colorado Lands, ONE to twelve sections enstern Colorado ranch. Artesian wells, good ranch build ings, railroad station on land; electric power line through land; five miles from large city. Will sell In tracts of 160 acres or more. Price $35 per acre. Terms. $5 per acre rash, balance ten annual pay ments 6 imr cent. Will consider part cash and trade. Also 6,000 acres of dry .farming lsml In Crowley county, Colorado, $16 per acre; also Ni-w Mexico 60,000-cre ranch, with water rights for 7.00u acres. Address H. Tallmmlcc. Pueblo, Colo. i6t)AriiKS OF' LA.i" Two miles of el-vator; small house and well; some 40 acres cultivated. Land located In Logan county between Wlllard and Sterling. Trice 24.000, or $25 per acre. Come and this. It la a bar gnln. Ijind in this vicinity selling much hlsher. C. M. MORTON, 109 S. 5d St Sterling Colo. COLORADO offere great opportunttle! for farmers of moderate means to seoure farm homes on vory essy terms. Inform us location desired. For free book and map and special rallrosj rates write Floyd C. Tallmadge, Colonisation Agent Kans.-Colo. Ry Co.. First National Bank Mllg Tueblo, Colo. , LISTEN 6idresfdoma who refused to pay $1.26 acre tor Eastern Colorado Isnd 10 years sgo ire paying $10 to $25 now: Ne- ht'Mita, snd Iowa parties buying largely since they found could save commissions by buying direct from W. S. Pershing, ex. mayor of Lltnon, Colo: 2.200 scree sold Ne braska snd Iowa parties Isst week 64fl ACRES, smooth wheat land, half mile from small railroad town In Cheyenne county, Colorado. Price 220 per acre. Terms. The Chss. E. Gibson Co.. First National Hank bldg., Denver, Colo, Minnesota Lands. 40, SO OR 160 ACRES; GOOD HEAVY soil; well settled part of Todd county, Minn.: good roads, schools and churches. Trice 216 to $32.60 per acre; terms $1 an acre cash, balance 91 an sere a year; 6.000 acres to select from. To -ctual set tlers who will put up buildings and Improve land we will give deed and take mort gage back for full purchase price for I or 10 yesrs, 6 per cent Interest. Schwab Bros., 10?" Plymouth Bldg., Mlnnespolls, Mtnn. Nebraska Lands. YOU WAITED TOO LONG? ' I presched and plead with you to come and buy the Old Lake Ranch when I could have sold It to you at only $17.50 per acre; you did , not come; this ranch Is worth $50 per acre If It Is worth a dollar; there Is a part of the place that is really worth $100 per acre, but, take It straight through. It Is worth $30 per sore essy; Now, lh price has gone up, but I ran sell It for a short time at only $20 per acre; I non have the full 1.080 seres insteud of 1,047 aors Which I was offering under my former advertising; this gives me another set of Improvements to gowith the place; they are small but good; this famous old ranch la one of the finest In all Nebraska: Its fsrmable part will ralsn just anytlhng to which It Is seeded; It has a mighty nice lake, stocked with fish: has a nice spring creek run ning through the place, while White River forms the east edge of the place; there Is plenty of timber of all k(nds, part of the place Is sub-Irrigated, Is all fenced snd cross-fenced: right now $;, 600 takes It; the terms are eesy and $9,000 of that can be carried on deferred payments, will be carried at I per cent, while the balance you desire to carry will be carried at 6 per oent. If you are In the market at all, don't delay until this place goes higher; tnke my advice and come and close on It now. Write me for pictures and description of this place. A.RAH L. HUNGERFORD, Crawford, Pawee County, Neb. MERlTirTOUTYBlMnN 100 seres, Hps level, nicely Improved, 5 miles from good town, one-half mile to rural hlprh school; perfect level road to town. Good 6-room house, well shel tared by plenty of shade trees; good barn for 12 horses and 6 tons of hay: hng shod, chicken house, granary and garage; good well and windmill, best of water at a depth of 20 feet; 20 , acres under plow,: 16 acres In alfalfa, balance pasture, which can all be broken and , profitably farmed, all good black sandy ' loam soil that produces any crop grown In Nebraska, Price $85 per acre, about one-half cash, balance good terms. This farm will not he on the market long, come and leote It 'over now. See M, A. LARSON. Central City, Nebraska. ONE 80 acres, one 40 acres, one 40 acres of fine farming land, Improvement! on every piece; on Bantee Reservation, Ne braska; patented. Buyers take Immedl- -ate possession) alt adjoining,' In form a- 'lon. STEPHEN 8. JONES, Flsndreau, 8. D. I HAVE 640 acres In the good wheat country, well Improved, 160 acres In cul- 1 tlvatlon; six mjles o( Kimball, In Kim ball county,' Neb, Price $35 per acre. Write F. C. Chew, Kimball, Neh. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARB SURE INVESTMENTS. For best land! at beat prices write TJeo. Antlll, Blair, Neb. RANCHES of ell ' slies snd kinds", easy terms. A A. Patzmsn, 201 Karbach Blk. CHOICE FARMS. Nllsson. 422 Rose Bldg. New York Lands. $1,000 Down Secures Farm, 14 Cows, Pair Horses and Calf, wagons, sleds, tools, Implements, harnesses, machinery, sic, 180 acre dairy farm In America's greatest dairy county, where the butter Is made for the U, S. Navy. Aged owner to secure Immediate sale offers everything for 12,650 with $1,000 down. Productive tillage, 20 cows, spring watered pasture, maple sugar grove and woodland. 2-story, ell-room house, bsrn, wagon shed, poultry and milk houses. For details this New York Money maker and one of 97 aores equipped for $1,700, see Pags 16, S trout's Spring Cata logue of 284 bargains, dozen states. Copy mclled free. E. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY, Dept. 8072, 205 South lth St., Omaha, Nebraska. 904 ACRES, 26 miles from Buffalo, 1 mile from cheese factory, churches, itore; on farm; dark loam soli; 40 aores timber; living springs; 9 houses; barn 60x 90 basement stable, concrete floor, alio, Including 62 head- eattle, 11 hbraei; 4 hogs, hens, all fodder, complete farming . equipment Prlfe $12,500. Easy term. Free list, Ellis Broi., Bprlngvllle, N. Y. Wisconsin Lands. 6wN a farm. We have some of the choicest land In the heart of the very best seo- i tlon of the Clover Belt of Central Wis consin. Low prices. Easy terms. Writ for booklet and map. John 8. Owen Lumber Co.. Owen. Clark County. Wis. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $60 per a,, Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi & C. M. Rylander. 254 Omaha Nat'l. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 1,000 STANDARD bred baby chicks; now ready for delivery. Webster 1701. COME OUT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, MAY 4 and 5. TO THE BIG GARDEN LOT SALE ; In ELMWOOD GARDENS $1 Down. Take the West Leavenworth car, get off at en trance to Elmwood Park. Autos will be waiting to drive you through the park to Elmwood Gar dens. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, -616 Omaha National. Phone D. 1016. v GRAIN AND PRODUCE Continued Active Demand for Com; Oats Considerably Stronger; Rye Advances; No Barley Sales. " ' " -, Omaha, May, K 191S. Receipts of grain picked up considerably, a total of 214 cars showing up, with If cars of wheat, 145 cars of Corn, 20 tars of oats aitd one car each ofr ye and barley, ' Corn generally showed a slight reaction, spot quotations en this cereal ranging from unchanged to 2 cents higher, the bulk mak ing an advance of 1 cent and 2 oents. There nsa a continued active demand for .this article, with practically all offerings being disposed of. Oats were considerably, stronger.1 regaining a part of thel oss sustained yesterday. Cash figures were S cent and iM cents over those of the day before. t Jive was somewhat stronger, the No. 1 grade selling at $2.46 and the No, 2 grade at $2.42. No SRles Of barley were reported. Jflearnnoea were: Whsst and flour equal to 94,000 bushels; corn, 63,000 bushels; oats, ITS. floo bushels. Primary wheat receipt! were 213,000 bushels, snd shipments 101,000 bushels, against receipts of 756.000 bushels and ship ments of 936,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 226,000 bushels and shipments of 627,000 bushels, s gainst, receipts of 6SS.O0O bushels and ship ments of 407.000 bushels last year. Primary osls receipts were 1,901,000 bushels and shipments nt 1,966,000 bushels, against receipts of 7S6.000 bushels and ship ments of 68.000 bushels Isst year. CAR LOT RKCFJPT3. I .Wheat, Com. Osts. Chicago .. 2 156 121 Minneapolis ,.126 - ... ... Omaha 17 1.6 60 Kansas City 7 62 15 St. Louis 26 .122 9$ These sales were reported today: Corn No. 2 white: 9 cars, $1.79. No, I white; I cars, $1.72; 2 ears, $1.71: 1-9 car, $1.70; 2-2 car, $1.70; 2 cars, $1.70. No, 4 white; 2 cars, $1.66; 12-6 cars, $1.96. No, 5 whites I cars. $i.69'; lirar, $1.66. No. 4 white: 1 2-9 cars, 91.40; 1 car. $1.96. No. 9 yellow: t cars, $1.63; H car, 91.69, No. 2 yellow; 154 cars. $1.61; 2-6 cars. $1.61; 1 car, $1.60. N. 4 yellow; 1 car, 11.97; H car, $1.66; 2-6 car, $1.65. No. 6 yellow; 1 car, $1.46; 1 car, $1.45, No. t yellow; 1 car, $1.65; 1 car, $1.22. Sample yellow: 1 car, $1,16; 1 car, $1.06; 1 car, 21.-00. No. 9 mixed: 2 ears, $1,69: 1 car, tl.6H; 6 1-2 cars, $1.66; 1 car, $1.57. No. 4 mixed: 2 oars, $1.66; 1 car, $1.52. No. I mixed: 91-1 cars, $l.l:l. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.22. Onts No. 2 white;: 1 car, 79Vici I cars, 7ii'. Standard: 2 cars, 79Vic. No. 2 whltet 6 cars, 7c; 1 car, l8o; 2 2-5 cars, tSU No, 4 white: 2 cars, 76c. Sample whits: T crs, 76c. Rye No. 2: car, $1.46. No. 2: 1-1 ear, $2.42. Omaha Cash Prices Corns No. 4J white, $1.26; No. 2 white, $1.7001.71; No. 4 whits, $1.661.66'; No t white, $r.66&1.66; No, 6 white, $1.96 .40; No. 2 yellow, 91.62; No. 2 yellow, 91.6i1.61; No. 4 yellow, $1.65(2 1.67; No. 6 y.l0w, 11,4601.42; No. 6 yel low, $1.3201,21) sample yellow, $l,00Ol.l; No. 3 mixed tl. 5701.69; No. mixed, $1.62 01.65; No. 5 mixed, $1.43; Mo. mixed, $1.22, Oats: No. 2 white, 79K079 Hi standard, 79Ko; No. 9 white, 7$tt07o; No. 4 whits, 78o; Sample, 7to. Rye: No. 2 $2.46; No. 9. $2.42. Chicago closing prices, furnished Ths Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and train brokers. 316 South Sixteenth street, Omahat Article! Open High Low Close Test. Corn. May July Oats. May July Pork May July Lard May July Ribs. ' May July 1 271 1 27 1 49 127 1 27s127H 1 49V4I1474, 1 47i H 146 764 6H 77077H .... 7 10 'fH 69H 7TH 6814 69K069, 46 20 46 22 24 27 26 20 46 60 ' 25 00 22 9714 22 97H 46 99 25 27H 26 70 22 17H 45 40 26 65 96 97U 26 tVb 26 00 25 27 2 97 22 17 22 67 22 92422 42 22-67-601 22 93HS 67 Minneapolis Drain ' ' Minneapolis, Minn,, . May 9. Flour Un changed. - Rye 29.06O2.70. . " Barley $1.4001.75. , Bran $32.14, - - - T CornNo, 2 yellow, $1.6801.66. ' Oats No. 2 white, 17140f$fci Flaxseed $4.0304.05. . i ,. ..... . . 82. Tula Orala. - St. Louis, Mo., May 9. Corti No. t, $1.66; No, 2 white, $1.79; July. $1.50. Oats No, 2, 7tt079ttc; No. 2 White, 79 O0c; May, 79Ho, asked; July, tta bid. ' , . . . . . II ry flood. ' . . New Tork, May I. Cotton goads and yarns here todsy were Steady with trad ing quiet because of the great attention given to Liberty loan subscriptions. Raw Silk was hlgher.flurlapswer firm. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If tou want to keep It E. P. 8NOWDEN A BON, . 429 8. 16th. Douglas 9171. WANTED 20,000 aores of Kimball and Banner county land. Must bs first-class farm land. Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Box T 467, Omaha Bee. Horses- Live Stock Vehicle! iW Sale. SHEEP FOR- SALE 4,000 large cross-bred 2 to 4-year ewes; 2,400 oross-bred 2-year ewes; 1,000 or 10,000 Ramboulllet tnd cross-bred yearling ewes; all first-class; before or after shearing. A few carload ' lots. For particulars writs L N, Porter, Ogden, Utah. LET US haul your live stock. Ws are fully equipped to handle anything. CHAMBERS & O'NEILL. 2102 Leavenworth St. Phone Tyler 1419. FOR SALE 120 Holstein cows and heifers. Apply F. C. Bliss, 264 Exchange Bldg,, South Omaha. $235 TAKES my chunky gray team of mares, 2,700 lbs. To be sold by the 10th Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. 2219 Douglas. MONEY TO LOAN Ormnlsed by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, planoa and nttei ai seourlty. $40, t mo., H. goods, total, $9.60. Smaller, larger sm'ts proportionate rat. PROVIDKNT LOAN SOCIETY. 433 Beouritle Bldg.. lth. Farnam. Ty. 664. LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. 10 SMALLER LOANS, OttT, A tO W. C. FLATAU, EST. 1992. l 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDQ. TY. 950, DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS.. " Lowest rates, Prlvats loan booth!. Harry Malaahock. 1614 Dodge. D. 6619. Eat 1991. $1 Per Week. OMAHA LIVE' STOCK No Change in Cattle Market; Hog Prices Advance; , Lambs Reach 'Week's , : Top. Omaha, May 2, 1919. Cattle, Hogs. Sheet,, ... 6.663 2,160 7.11 ... 9,069 19,066 2,239 6,492 19,120 4,69 ... 6,072 14,737 0,729 ... 3,000 9,600 2.00$ Receipts were: Official Monday ... Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday Official Thursday.. Estimate today .... rive day thts wsek.91,294 66,62 27.969 Sam days last week. 39,660 76,026 27. (T9 t. Same days 2 wks. sgo.47.7S 24.621 44.(29 " Same days 2 wks. ago.38,624 76,002 40,94$ Same days year Sgo..29,3?4 62,226 21,961 . Beoetpts and disposition of live stock at , ' the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 2 o'clock p. m.. May I, 1912, RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle, lloira. Sheen. H'rs, C.i J. A St. P S W , .. . .. " Missouri rsrtflc..., 2 ..' , .. .. Union PSclIlo .... 99 I 26 ', I ,r C. N..W east... 12 J 1 ,. i .. f A N. W.weat,.. 19 61, .. C, St, P., M, AO,. - ,, 1 ; tt, B, A 0.. rest.... 12 2 .. ,. , C, B. A Q, west.... 19 17 1 - .. C, R. I. A P., east, 2 . . ,. C, R. I, A P., west. 1 .. ., Illinois Central .... 1 , .' .... ..-. - Chicago Gt West 2 Total receipts ..,,116 142 DISPOSITION. Sheep. 241 479 699 s Cattle. Keg. 1.4S7 1.976 769 1.366 1,910 2,164 Morris A Co. ... 226 632 620 949 'is l 64 71 Swift A Co Cudahy Packing Co., Schwarti A Co. .... .. Armour A Co ., J, W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.. S. Omaha Packing Co, Hill A Son P. W. Lewi! ' J. Ti. Root A Co. . .., J. H, Bulla Rossnstoek Bros r a, Keiiogg ....... Werthslmer A Degen. 171 20 34 1 76 12 t 4 i 160 24 I 202 Bullivsn Bros, ...... Chrlstl Huffmsn Meyers Qlassberg Baker, Jones A Smith. John Harvsy ,. .Tansen A Lungren... Pat O'Day , .... Other Buyers ....... Totals . ........3,247 , 9,701 , 1,410 Cattle Receipt! were fairly liberal for1 Friday, about 2,000 head, hut the five days supply, 31,300 head, has been 2,400 short -of a week ago, The market showed no 1 particular change as compared with Fester dsy and prices. If anything, were I little stronger, choice beevea bringing $17,000 17.46. Cows and heifers also ruled about, steady and for the week the market for : both beef steers and sows Is around 35 and -,, 36 cents higher. Yearlings sell very un- -evenly, - the beit grades around $1 higher than the low time last week and the com. mnn light kinds no better than a week ago. Desirable faedlt.g iteeri were quotably strong, but a market for common tight stuff has been dull and uneven all week. Cattle quotation: Good to choice beeves, $16.76 17.40; fair to good beeves 115.800 16.60; common to fair beeves, $13.80016,09; " good 'to choice yearlings, $14.00916.60; fall . , to good yearlings, 9U.004JH3.60; oommon ta fair yearlings, $9 ,6tm10.60j good to choice heifers, $12.60013.60; good to choice cows, $12.004213.28: fair to good cowi, $9.76JU.76t common to lair cowi, sr.auvi.ts; prim fsedsre, 119.00 912.96; good to choice feed, ers, $10.00911,60; fair to good feeders, 98.60 ' 9. 60; oommon to fair feeders, $7.6003.60; good to choice itocken, 99. 60911. 60; stock heifers, $S. 60010.60; stock eowi, 17.600 10.00; stock calves, 29.60011.80; veal calves. 20.00013.00; bulls, itaga. to $10.00013. 00. Hogs og itfCSlDts today numbered 9.609 head, making 61,662 for th five days at" compared with 78,000 last week. The open Ing lesston was oo.iflned to the filling e shipping, and outside - orders, and prices ' were paid anywhere from 10 to 20c higher on light and medium weight!. Packers were rather alow to follow suit, but began buying the hulk around 10 o'clock at prices lOQUo -higher. As high as $17.10 was pall for -several loads it choice light weight and the bulk of th eutipll.s ranged from. 216.76 to 17.00. Th general market waa 1030o higher. - f'-') '.. Sheep Bight load! et sheep were received at th market today estimated at 1,000 head. Thursday's market kt final olose was steady iu ,,,. .win. ww.v v.iiiu m higher. Top ' lamb reached $10.26 th highest for the week. Although today'! re ceipts were very light, there was listless, ness In th barn and traders war slow t6 get together. The general market Is good and strong and possibly trifle higher. Sheep quotation!: Good to choice lambs, $1 7GS0.10; fair to choice Iambs, 918.60 19.76; fair to choice yearling, $14.60W.0O fair to Choice wethers, I14.S0O17.00; fair 10 choice ewes, 213.51Q16.86; feeder lamb!.. $17.60919.00; spring lambs, $16.00(910.00. No. Av. .. Ft. 239 Mexican 80 20 29 St. Lonls Lit Stock Market. . St. Louli, Mar 9. Cattle Receipts, , 20 head; market active; native beef steers, r ; $13.6017.60) yearling eowi and heifers, $9.60016.00; cows, 27.60OH.60; Hooker , I nJ tamllmrm SB SO Sfe 1 4 AA ft n nrtma southern beet steers, $10.00016,60; beef eows . and heifers 19.00O19.60j southern yearling steers and neuers, native olv, $7.76816.60. Hogs Receipts, 6,609 bead; market steady; light, $17,66017.10; pigs, 916.760 17.26; mixed ana trutensr, 117.I6012 is; good, heavy,' fl7.10O17.85; bulk of saW 917.36017.9. ' ' iprlSPf, , Shsep and Lambs Receipts, 209 hsadi market higher; Iambi, 120,80011.26: ewes. $18.00017.00; wethers, 816. 60017.001 tan ners and choppers, $8.2099.80. Kansae City Live Stock Markst. Rants City, 'May 9 Cattle Receipt!, 1, 800 head; market, steady; prime fed steers. 816.60017.60; dressed beef steers, 4fl6.260 14.78- western -steers. 814. 00017,16: cows. $7.76914.00; helfera, f8.60O14.00; stoekere and, feeders. 88.60ffll6.00l .Jjulls. . 98.000 . 18 78; calvea, $8.0012.00. ,,, Hogs Receipts. 6.000 head: market. higher: bulk of sales 117,00017.80; heavy, packers and Butchers, 817.104 17.36; light, 917.10O17.2S: Pigs,. 212.TSO 17.40. V Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 2,600 head market steady) lambs, . fl9.t0O20.80: year II . , . r . .w ,c nMA , . " is, i. sutfu.BVj wemnfi, fis,vvtJl-a.Vi wes, $16.0018.78. Chlnani Rtiuilr Market. Chicago. May 8 Cattle Receipts, 6.006 hisd; market firm; native steers, $10,060 17.00; itocken and feeder, ft.l09l2.6O; cows and helfere, 16.76 14.00; calves, . Hog Receipts, 126 000 head: market itrong, lOo to 16o above yesterday's average; bulk of sales, 917.10917.66.; light, 217.009 17.40; rough,; ptd, $18,269 1T.10. Sheep and Lamb Receipt, 1,000 had market strong; aheep, fll.7i91l.7t; lamb ; fl5.80921.00. ' 1. , Slout City Live Stock. ' Rioux City, May 2 Cattle Receipts, 1.. 800 head; market steady; beef tteere, $11.08 a 17. 40: fat cows and helfere. 99.SQffllS.OI1: canners, 97.6098.60; stackers and feeders, ' $10.00018.60; calve, ft.00918.00; bulla, -stags, etc., f8.60 911.T8i feeding cow and helfere.fT.10911.00. Hogs Receipts. t.OOO head; markst 19 10s higher; light, flt.9O91T.0t; mixed ftt.76916.90; heavy, pig; f 16.26018.76; bulk of sale. 916.70917.00. . Sheep and Lambs Receipt, lot head J ,' market strong. St. Joseph Live Stock. fit. Joseph, Mo., May 8 Cattle Receipt, ' 2,000 head; market steady; steer, $13,009 17.66; cows and heifers, f7.OO9it.Ot; calvea, . f7.00 9 12.00. Hogs Receipts, 1,600 - head; market higher; top. $17.80; bulk, flt.t001T.15. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, none; roaffc het steady; iambs, flf.009S0.t0; ewes, $10.04) ' " 911.76, ... -, ;..( . . ii -. ' .. ; -i .-,, s" . . , Omaha Hs,j Market. . Receipts lighter on all grade of prairn -hay alfalfa. Better Inquiry for top grades, ' and very little demand 1 for th . comma) grade. ; .-- ; V Hay Chic upland prairie, fit.60; No. 1, 814.60918.60; No. 1. fl0.t0O18.0t; No. 8, 86.0099.00. Midland, No. 1, $14.00916.60; '. Ne X $10.00912.00: Lowland, No. 1. ft.009 10.01); Ne, 9, f6.009T.00; No. 8, f4.0O6.00. . Alfalfa Choloe, f 22.00; Ne. 1, $19.00O21.0; r standard, flS.8091t.60; No. z. 2l3.00916.OOj . . No. 8, $10.00911.60. Straw Oat, ft.00 9 7.00; wheatv 86.M4 t.60. ' " . - . ... . , 'if Evpora4l Fruits. !"-;. -, New Tork, Mar 8. Evaporated apple, nominal. Prunes, - quiet Apricot 404 peaches, firm, Raisins, tdy. ,. Jtw York Oetteai - 1 - Hew Tor. Mar I. Oettmt -4e4 t a act destine C t 1M point