Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1918, EDITORIAL, Page 14, Image 14
NEW YORK STOCKS Industrials Experience Boom, Bat Profit Taking Cancels Many Gains ; Trading' Cen- - ters in Liberty Issues. New York, May I. The enthusiasm at trading1 the 'dial Hour or the Llberlr loan drive Id thi ttnaarlal. district had the fTeet of curtailing" business on the StocK exchange tod?, ana Impaired to an lr . regular- degree the recent rise In quoted valuoa. . A variety of stocks, chiefly Industrials mad new high records for the, current movement, in aome Instances amounting to baat prices of the year, but profit taking cancelled many of these gains. United Statu ' ateel held Its place ' as leader, but failed u get above Its "double top" of 8Hc closing at Tc, a, net loss of the smallest fraction. , ; ' ' lckewacna steeU - BepuMIc Iron," Vir ginia Iron and Colorado fuel reentered gross gains of 1 to 2 points, but these too were substantially reduced In the scattered late offerings. Bullish professional activity was re newed in tobacco, oils and a few low priced coalers, notably Pittsburgh coal, Pittsburgh " and West Virginia and western Maryland. but gains of 1 to Hi points in this group . were abort-llvd. The sluggishness of Investment' rails proved a drawback, trading In those shares falling to Insignificant proportions. Hhlp ; png : and motor were heavy most of -the session, but Marine preferred and Atlantic Quit hardened 1 to almost. 1 points In the : final operations. Virtually all the ; day bond trading .centered in Liberty lsu the first and ; second ' i . reacting quarter to almoat half ' ii 1 per . cent ' Total sales aggregated ,- 30,0fl. , 5 J. B. bonds (old Issues) unchanged on tn. ' . s ' S Number of sale and rang of brleea of . til leading stocks: . Cloning :'-. Sales.'irigh. Low. Bid. Ataer. Beet Sugar.. ..... 7f American Can ... 3.800 4t 43 Amer.. a F l.Jlo 79 Hit 77 14 1,000 JS 77 H 7 ' 600 10(4 ini llli'4' Amr, t. T -. .oo n so Ameri ., I A S,. . ..... ...T'.i. 1VA Anaconda Copper,. 6,000 II (4 64 AtcUbjon .... ii A., O. at W I, 8. It. 1,300 107 105 107 BL Ohio....... 400 (1 61 61 H . "' ' obviously 'tends to limit activities, and ordinal transactions, while 'still bulking heavy -Ow the aggregate, are not in all ln stnnps what thev were before It became accessary to subordinate all other demand o government requirements. Tne tstreme and rising costs, moreover Dun' list of wholesale quotations for the 11th consecu tive week 'disclosing more advances than recessions compel economy and retrench ments In iriany quarters snd there has been the sdded restrictions on retail trade of un seasonably low. temperatures over a wide area. Weekly bank clearings $6,161. !39,J96. New York Money Market V.w" Ark. Mav 3 Mercantile Taper t'our and six months, 1 per cent Y Sterling tflxty-dsy bills, 14.724 s com mercial iO-day bills on bants, .(-; com mercial 60-day bills. ' 14.71 ; demand, dmnnd. I4.7DH: cables. 14.76 7-JS. Silver Bar, 9t4c; JlMlrsn dollars, 77c; Bonds Qoverniiiejnt, heavy; railroad, ir . regular, ' Time Loans Steady; 0 days SH per cent; 90 days, S"4 per cent; six months, 6 per cent bid. Call Money Steady; high, 4 per cent low, S'Jl per cent: ruling rate, 3 per cent; closing bid. t per cent; offered at per, cent; last loan, 4 per cent U. 8. 2s teg... 7 (lt. r?o. 1st 4 Vis 7 do coupon ...7 111. On. r. 4s. 7 C. 8. 8s reg... 9 Int. M. M. s., 04 do coupon ... 99K. C. S. r. 6 77 IT 8. Lib. 3s.86'L. & N. un. 4s 8TH U. 8. 4s reg...J0S M K A T 1st 4s 61 do coupon ...106 Mo. Psc. gen. 4s 6'4 Am. F. 8. 6s.. Wi Mont Power 5s.. !4 A. T. & T. c. 6s 2 N. T. Cenl d. 6s 94 Anglo-Frertch 6s 9.0 '4 No. Tac. 4s.... 1H Arm aV Co. 4s 844 do 8 864 Atchison geB, 4s BlH'Or. S. L. r. 4s 83H U. A O. c. 4s 78Pac. T. & T. 6s 9H4 Beth. 8t. T? ii 81 Penn. con. 4i 96 Cen Leath. 15.-, 96 " do gen. 4s.. 84 V4 Cen Paclflo 1st, 81 Heading gn. 4s 83 C. ft O. 0., 6s 80 S C. B. A Q. J. 4s 93 Row Pac. 0. 692 C M A 8 P c 4s 74Bo. y. 6s...... C R I P r 41 46Tei. A Pan. 1st 94 C A 8. r. 4s 704 Union Paclflo 4 87 D. A R. a. r, 6s 60 If. 8. Rubber 6 79 Dom. of Can (9 91 V. 8. Steel I.. 98 Kris sen 4s.. 61 Wabash 1st .... 97 Gen. Klec, Cs.. 96yjjrehch gov. t 96 niit.' " .. ' . (nCAOO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. LFresbVpturn Given Corn Values by Indlca- tions of RevIvaJ of Export. Chicago, May l! Indication of export business led to fresh upturn today In the corn market. Prices closed Strong tU the same as yesterday's finish to lo higher, n: to lc and provision 60c Amer, Iocomotlve., Amir, 8. A R. . . . . Amer Sugar Ref. Butte A Sup Cop,, Oat Ffctroleum . . Canadian Pacific . Central Leather ,, Ohs. A Ohio..... . C M. A St. P. Chi. AN. W..4... C R.'L A P. ttf. ..A ... 19 too : 17 16 16 ' 700 14,0 137 139 I .... '300 66 66 66 klioo - ii" iH 9(i 800 1 19 19 18 Chlno Corper 00 43, 41 43 Colo F. A I........ 19,000 43 41 43 Corn Products Ref, 11,300 ; 39 , 38 18 Crucible Steel 4,700 66 644 -96 t'uh. Cane Sugar.. 300 ! 29 29 LMsJ tilers' Hecur.. 13.200 614 60 60 Krl 300 14 14 14 Vleneral Motor 1.600 116 116 . 116 t No. pfd ...... 800 99 88 984 (It. No..Or Ctfs..1' 9,800 90 90 30 Illinois Central ..' 300 94 944 94 inspiration' copper.. l.soo 93 , 69 12 lilt, M. if. pfd.... 9.100 97' 81 86 Inteniatkmal Paper. ' 1,109' 39 ft Ki C. Southern ., i..,.. - .., .. Kvnnecott Copper.. ' 4,100 33 33 IOuls. A Nashville ..... Maxwell Motor . . , Mexican Petrodeum 1,600 .94 94 M la nit Copper .... ..,..!.... ,, Missouri Paclflo .. 600 10 30 20 Montana Power ., ...... 87 Navadn Copper ..; 300 19 19 19 New York Central. 1,000 70 70 69 N.jT.. N. H. A H.. 1,30 10 19 29 .....;... .... 108 300 84 84 84 300 30 30 30 i.... .... 19 TOO 44 89 - i 19 33 112 Mi 94 37 1,000 it Ndrfolk Western Northern Paclflo Paclflo Mall .... Pacific T. T.... Pentisylvanlst- .... llivuurau '9ai ' Ray Con. Copper., Reading .......... 7,900 90 Republto I. A 8.. 14.809 16 n nut tuck ArL Cop. Southern Pacific,, , Houthern Ry. . . .. Rtuflebaker Corp.... ' Texan Co. ..,.... L'nlon Paoltio . V. 8 Ind Alcohol., U. 8. tHeel 43 43 .... 62 244 . 24' 80 80 83 84 ' H "lOO 82 183 12 1,000 21 '21 21 6.800 37 16 16 400 146 146. 146 00 119 119 119 1.800 126 124 124 11.600 98 97 97 IT. R Steel pfd.... 901 111 111 111 Vtah CoDDep . . mil it si '-in vrabah pfd "B".. ..Iv' ..-11 ; Western Union . , . , , -Jj westlnghouse KKa. 600 41 40 40 , Total sale for th dtiy, 340,000 share, t. .. . ... t, " 1111 1 ' Dun' Trade Review. Nw York, May 1. Dun' will say tomor rew; j .. i: - . t Greater concentration on war work, with extension f governmental domination of production and .distribution and of price, 1 the outstanding business feature. The movement to control commodity markets Js spreading, hide end skin having ootfle definitely tinder th prlc regulating pro. gram and valuable , luppilet of materials and merchandise are not. only diminishing steadily, but om Important article are no longer obtainable for civilian use. This Coffee Market. New York, May I. Coffee The market for coffee futures was quiet again today, hut showed ' continued .steadiness. Owing to- tho scrolty of ocean tonnage very few coat and freight offers are being received from Brazil In consequence there 1 little hedge selling And whll business In the spot dopartment Is reported quiet, there may bs scattered buying from time to time to undo hedges. This combined with a little covering has been considered responsible for the rally from the recent low level and after opsrlng unchanged to 1 point higher, today's market closed at a net advance of t to I point. September sold at 1.48c and De cember at 1.60c. Closing bids: May, 1.13c; July, 1.38c; September, 8.46o; October, 8.60c; December, l.tlo: January 1.64c; March, 1.760 . ' ' - 1 Spot, qulU Rio 7a, lo; Santos 4s, He. No fresh feature wa reported In th coat and freight .situation, but It was Said that number of Importer have recently been refused permits on coffee purchased be cause thny could not give the name of th steamer on which the coffee wa to be hipped. ' Jh official cables reported no change In Brasll' except Hantoa futures, which were unchanged to 26 rels higher. Urailllan port receipt. 19,000 bag.- j , , , ' ' : " Boston Wool,' Boston, May1 1. The Commercial Bulle tin will say tomorrow: "Slowly and laboriously the government plan of administration for wool and It manufacture I being worked' into shape. With the transfer of the last of the colonial wools which the government now owns, which were, to have been offered at public auction, It ha an option on all wool here or to arrive, a well a all of th new domestic clipped. The problem of handling the new domestic clip 1 a very complex one, especially a regards the 'wools In the bright wool sections, where the clip are small, frequently 20 to 60 fleeces, or even l'.(' . .. Scoured basis: . ' Texas Fine 1! month, 1.72ffll.7t; fine 1 months, tl.t01.65. ' California Northern, 9J1.70qT1.75: middle county, 11.6501.60; southern. fl.4S491.60. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple, 11.601.81; eastern clothing, 31.60 1.62; valley No., 1, 91.63W1.99. 'Territory Fin tap!, ' 11.804J1.11J half blood combing, ll.68tPl.69V4; blood oomblng, ll.40Ol.4t; fin clothing, 1.601.66; fine medium clothing, 11. 66491. 60 - Pulled Kxtra, tl.801.86; A A, 11.70 1.80; A fupera, 1.01.99. - , TA-pentlne and Rosin. Savannah, .Us., May !. Turpentine, firm; 91 bbls.; ssles, 28 'bbls. ; receipts, 374 bbl.; shipment, 219 bbls.; stock, 23,604 bbl.' It ok In Flan: sale, 140 bbl. : receipts, 606 bbls.j. shipment, 196 bbl.; itock, 96, 766 bblk . ,. . Quotei B, V, K.'F, O, 15.78; It, I, 16.7B 06.80; K. 16.90: M. 16.10; WO. 16.70: WW. 19.90. -f- ' : Metal Market. ' t New York. May 3. Metal Exchange quotes lead, quiet; spot, 17.00O7.12 ; spelter, (4 met; spot, -Kast St. Louis, 99 66(96.79. At; London! Copper, spot and futures, 110; electrolytic. I125f tin. spot. 1160; futures, 1360; lead, spot. i!t lOoj future; (is lt)s; spelter, pot, 64; futures, 60. with Msy 11.27 and July, 11.49 01.49. to 67c. Oat gained Advance In'tb value of conv followed a period of weakness which lasted through out the first half of the session. Warm' sunshiny weather, auspicious for- planting, was chiefly responsible for the bearish senti ment that temporarily prevailed. .Moreover, supplies In first hands were said to 'be heavy, and there appeared - to be Increasing likelihood of record wheat and oat crop Bnforo midday, however, a general covering rdnvement by shorts began and a sharp ad vance ensued. At the top figures reached, July was up I! cents from, yesterday's low point. Notwithstanding though that export transactions' were the aseumed grounds for the strength of the market, no definite an nouncement of such dealing wa made. Oats were swayed by -the same Influence a corn. In the case of oats, the purchase here- of one lot of 25,000 bushels for New york exporter wa confirmed. 1 Provision rose with "Tiogs and grain, and as a result of shlppsr' buylhg of ribs. Offerings were scarce. Chicago Cab Prices Corn No. 2 yellow, 11.6901.72: No. 3 yellow, !1.62;No. 4 yellow, ti.48l.7. Oats No. 1 white, 79O50c; standard, 7981c. ' , ' Rye No. 2, nominal. Barley At fl.401.7t. Timothy At 15.00O1.3I. 'Clover At 118.0028.00. Pork Nominal. i Lard At 123.67. - .r - r Ribs At t22.66$f!,17.- ) New York General Market, NewYork, May 1. Corn Spot, steady; kiln dried. No. 1 yellow, 11.60; No. yellow. 91.66 ; No. 3 white, l.o; cost ana frsight. New York prompt. J Oat Spot, weak; natural, 89010c, Provision Easy; mess, 163. Other arti cles unchanged,, ' Butter Firm; reoelpt, 2,421 tub; cream ery higher than extras, 4747o; extra (92 acore), 46o; first 4346o; packing stock, current tnake, No, z, 31 Wizc. Eggs Market, gjteady; receipts, 11,229 cases; fresh gathered, extras, JJf3c; fresh gathered storage packed, firsts, 86 87'4c; do, regular packed extra firsts, 36 37c; do, first, 36 36c. Cheese Steady; receipts, 4,191 boxes tate whole milk flat, held specials, 24 O 26c; do, average run, 24025c; fresh sp' clals, 224 23c; do, average run, 22032c. Poultry Live and dressed, market firm and unchanged. Dnluth Linseed. Duluth, Minn., May l.Clnseed 11.99 0 4.05; arrive, 13.99; May, 93.99 bid,;' July, f- US U1U, UUlUUtr, fd.DU, . New Ybrk Sugar Market. few York; May 1. Sugar Raw, steady; centrifugal, 9.05c; fine, granulated, 7.45c. -r STORAGE IS CHEAPER THAN RENT Store your household goods, etc., in our FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE and take your time in looking for the place you call home. Omaha Van & Storage Co. Phone Doujla 4163. 806 South 16th Strt. ' Oil Man at Blackstone Oil as a bus loss I hjr hobby, --t will b a Blaekston hotel till 5' p. Ih. I am fresh from Great Mldcontlnsnt OU fields, where I am (n constant contact with the best oil offerings front Kansas, Okla homa, Texas and Louisiana. Have some great leas bargain1 In Mexico field. Call In person' or phone Culbertson, Room 209, Blaokstoae Hotel f Sllllll IWW'sl'Ml"1'l 1 I .S'-r;:K"'..: ... ;';V.''':' ' '" ' ' ' '-..'; f - " , Municipal Ownership of the City Hall For many years, Omahana, a fern men have OWNED' your city hall. ' i : : , s .y 1 f . They haw., squandered YOUR money on automo biles, chauffeur hire and in careless public work. m. "v They have raised your taxes higher ana higher, year by year. . , , $ , . . . 5 They have created dozens of unnecessary jobs -in order to put their relatives and political workers on your pay-roll. vy . ' ,. . . ;:l ' BEWARE ?f machine LI E S which' ' will be circulated at the last minute . to deceive you. , , They are an insult to your intelligence. .i .'9 t & ,rtnQt j)f.9vf,41a etVtt SlimsalliaI -.a a-aa-I mmt 0ml.t AT YOUR EXPENSE to get their bosses back into office ' I OS MS a ilfti 4tmtmm avmm J-I.- ' V ' - 'H , uo 6u nvtu vu,it JVUB , , . 1 , -1 The vicious organizqfion that traffics in vice and dominates the police of this city jias men and machines galore on the same job. V ' Will you continue to "stated for" thi? It's "up to you," Citizens. You can call a halt to these, and many other abuses of your trust: : t Do it on Election Day, May! 7. Vote For the ALLIED CANDIDATES: C 1 SMITH ; ! :; v ZIMMAN. WULF RINGER . TOWL URE 1 9 Store Hours : 8:30 A. M., to 6 P. M. J EVERYBODY STORE" "an&VjjF Store Hours: 8:30 A. M., Friday. May 3, 1918- -STORE .NEWS FOR SATURDAY- -Phone Douglas 137. Tp the Man Who Pays $ 35 to $50 for Customs1 Clothes--Just Consider This ..'., . 1 ... . - " FVE years goyou were right. It was necessary then for some men to pay these fancy prices for the fit, style, ma terial and workmanship which their taste demanded in clothes. . . ., ' r ' ' .But the designing and tailoring of men's clothing for immediate wear has now reached so high an efficiency "standard that the buying of so-called higher priced "custom clothes" has become merely1 what the name implies: "Custom," another, word for "Habit." r All that you could ask for you will find in a Suit at $25.00 mm M , r Every garment TAILORED throughout, inade expressly for us according to our own rigid specif ica-i tions, which means the best possible at the price.' In the mattter of style, your Burgess-Nasn clothes are master designed by men who command salaries which are equal to the total income of many good-sized stores. The creations of these ingenious tailors are usually "copied" by your average clothes maker. If you haven't kept in touch with the remarkabl e development of the ready-to-put-on clothes in dustry the past few years', there is a very happy surprise in store for you. WE MEAN IN "THIS STORE." . - Other hand-tailored suits fpr young men and men who are always young $18.00 to $45.00 Boys' Spring Suits at $8.95 Two Pair of Full Lined Pants With Every Suit SUITS made to stand the hard wear that growing boys give their clothes. . Made in trench, Norfolk and regular models. Slash, patch and regular pockets. One and three-piece belts. , The colors are gray, brown, green and fancy mixtures. Sizes 6 to 18. ' Special, Saturday, at $8.95. i Military Clothes for the Little Fellow Bring the fellow in Saturday and fit him out with a soldier suit of khaki serge or 0. D. wool cloth. ' Sam brown leather belts. Sizes 3 to 8. Prices, $8.95, $9.95 and $12.50. , Wash khak suits, military style.' Sam brown belt Sizes 3 to 8, at $3.50. ; Military hats and caps, all sizes, 65c to $2.00. ( Aviator caps in khaki, white and fancy, $1.00 to $2.00. T 111: - u e I'D Buries-Nh Co Fourth Floor ) $1.29 We're Going to Pass These French Cuff Shirts On to You Saturday at AND that's a price, by the way, that is much below what we bought them to sell at originally. We received a double dose of these shirts the first lot was delayed in transit and the shipment was replaced, hence the overdose, and we're going to unload quickly at this very special price, $1.29. ' i Made of repp cloth, corded and plain i , madras, fine quality percale and crys tal cloths. ' ! Neckband coat style with French turn back soft cuffs, values that you wiir marvel at, $1.29. , Men's Thread Silk Hoe, 39c ' ; . Slightly imperfect, in gray, black, white, palm beach and navy. Extreme values at 39c a pair. .", Men's Union Suits at $1.50 Lisle thread, white or ecru, made with closed crotch, athletic M. sleeves, inseam. Long sleeves and ankle lengths. Very special, at $1.50. Burg est-Naah Co. Main Floor C PORTING Goo& Specials : The call of the outdoors gets into one's blood these days, and here are various sporting sup plies to help you enjoy the out ings. Golf Supplies Clubs of all kinds, balls, golf baps, etc. Best qualities and wide variety. , Base Ball Goods " . Bats, gloves, masks, balls, suits, shoes, etc. Low prices Fishing Rods, $1.25 . Steel casting rods, very spe cial, at $1.25. Roller Skates, 69c . Roller skates for boys and girls, ball bearing, special, at 69c. Burfess-Nssh Co. Fourth Floor "Where Did You Get That Hat?" Is the title of an old song, but you'll . not be ashamed to answer tHe ques tion if your hat comes from Burgess- Nash. ' Our line includes Stetsons, Schobles and Borsalinos In the newest styles and shapes, we recommend the hats we offer at $3.00 to $4.00. Stetson to $10.00. Borsalinos, $6.00 to $7.00. , Men's Spring Caps, 45c and $1.00 - - Two" bigs lots, a clearway of our spring stock before the straw hat season makes its appearance. Good, desirable styles, at 45c and $1,00.- . ; -.-;. . ....-'' .... ' BurfeesrNssh Co. Main Floor . .. f Fit the Boy Out Saturday With a Good Pair of Shoes OlJft boys' shoe section is on the Fourth Floor) where only the better grades of the best wearing boys' shoes are sold. Shoes that withstand the hard knocks. . , t Boy Scout Shoes, $3.25 and $3.95 Smoked elk, black and brown with solid elk soles Ad heels. We guarantee every pair; sizes 9 to 13&, at $3.25. Sizes. 1 to 6, at $3.95. Special for .. ... Saturday Men's Shoes, $8.50 Your choice of three different lasts of the famous Banister shoes for men. ' . - . Black Rum! calfskin 'Stratford Ut. - ' v ' Black Russia calfskin, modified English last. Black. Russia calfskin, wide toe combination last. Buriess-Nash Co. Fourth. Floor Autohiobilet Acpessories Specially Priced Fourth Floor GLANCE over this list of; special valuescompare the price with that you have been paying elsewhere, then realize what saving advantages this section of our store holds for you. - - Veedolj oil,N the heat-re-sisting lu bricant: Gallon, 95c ' 5-gaI. cany $4.35. Snlitdorf ' mica-wound plug, made by the makers b: spars i fa mous 75. Dixie magnetos. . Special, Johnson's stop squeak oii : The real item for lubricating springs and eliminating squeaks of aU kinds 39c a can. i r . - Goodyear self -vulcanizing patch for, inner tubes, complete with ce jment and etaery paper, 39c. . Marvel Jr. patches and heating units for use in the Marvel Jr. vul canizes, dozen 79c. Now jjs the season for painting and polishing your car. We have all the necessities for doing a com plete job. , i Paint, all colors: . . A .Quarts, $1.39 pints, 74c J4 pints, 39c. ; " . Mohair tip, dressing:, 39c a can. Body polish, waxit, -a cleansing cream and polish: 23c, 48e Snd 94c per bottle. $1.39 for large size can. ' - . 4 1 ' ' Paint brushes, 21, 27c and 43c. Finest cotton waste, 12e ; pkgT 3 for 35c. ; . 1 Rose frictionless pumps, special, $1.48. ,v, Frd tool boxes, complete with Yale lock; 22 inches long. Special, $1.75. Twitched & Schra der air gauges, tire insurancefor 95u An absolute , neces sity in order to ob tain maximum mile age from your tires. Ford headlight bulbs, 9-18 Cp., double contact, special, 22c each. Marvel Jr. vulcanizers, com plete with 6 patches and heating units. The outfit, 7c. Monitor hand horns, $2.15 3-in-l valve tools for extractine valve cones, re-threading the in side and outside of the inner tube valves, 19c. Monitor electric horns, under-the-hood type.. Complete with cord and push button, $3.65. , Indiana standard demountable wood wheels for Ford cars. Com plete with 4 wheels and extra rim. Special, $25.00. . f Tmi(r'r!jtfr;4(Hpr'W Jt-.'";'rf,-"!''ri'Y(