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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1918)
-to Tn AsW Mr. Foster - About Automobile Toon, Summer Resorts, Trains and Hotel Accomodation!. There is no charge. , Main flflor balcony. . 1 v Store Hours ,'l ' .,- ara 8:80 a. m. to 6 p. m. every day. Get the habit of shopping early in the day. It's . savins daylight . . - , .: EVERYBODY STORE" -STORE NEWS FQR SATURDAY Friday,, May 3, 1918 Phone D. 137 I r II 1 1 1 1 j if i 1 v-v. vw Come and Hear v Professor Geo. W. Hood ,War Garden IXirector for the Council of Defense talk J SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT 3 O'CLOCK C : 1 ' on the very important , NEEDS OF THE WAR GARDEN ; ; , ; WHAT AND WHEN TO PLANT - CARE AND CULTIVATION One of the greatest campaigns of this war will be fought out in American gardens.? " j -The average family 'consumes approximately 636 pounds of vegetables each year. Are you going to be up'to your quota? Be prepared to make your victory garden Win? Pjfofessor Hood will tell you how to do It. pmaha can raise a vast quantity of good food this summer and those who failed last year can be started right this time , ' ' Don't plan too ambitiously; don't attempt tootnuch. Learn the proper care for planting each , vegetable; hold to the vegetables most easily grown. " Come and hear Professor Hood; you'll find it most interesting and he will gladly answer all questions. No charge. Italian Creams That'll Melt in Your Mouth49c Assorted flavors, fresh made, specially priced for "Saturday at 49c lb. Cocoanut. and peanut brittle, specially priced for Saturday, 29c lb. Nut caramels, vanilla 1 and chocolate flavors, special at 33c lb. Burg eii-Nuh Co. Mala Floor Imported Lisle Gloves at 59c Two clasps, 1 mibonesa lisle, thread gloves, in -white and black, Saturday at a$c pair. Silk Gloves, $1.15 Jtayser double tip white silk gloves with black embroidered back, $1.15 pair. Silk Gloves, $1.75 Extra heavy quality, double woven gray silk gloves with black embroidered back, $1,75 Burt eu-Naah Co. Mafn Floor 4- , Saturday, the Last Day 6f Our Great Semi-Annual Choice of Jhe House Sale of MilHimery Embracing . our entire stock of trimmed and untrimmed hats without exception at V2 Price Hp riERE'S not a single reservation every hat trimmed X or untrimmed is included French hats, pattern hats and summer hatsP-all the " new favored styles in lisere, milans, hair braid and leghorn. They're trimmed with ribbons, wings, flowers, burnt ostrich quills, etc., in all ttie most desirable shades, including black and white hats. It's the one supreme millinery buying occasion of the entire season with wide variety of styles for selection and by long odds the greatest of values. v Burfi-Nh Co. Second Floor Here's Wonderful News About . smlorecu i - ' ' Bought at a Big Price Reduc lion and Offered to You the Same Way Saturday at $ 25 00 w&oo to qJ)qJ WE'RE wonderfully enthusiastic about suits they're such clever styles ai values are really sensational. these and the .Then there is such a wide range ofthe very newest style ideas from which to choose. Individual and distinctive fea tures so characteristic in Burgess-Nash suits. The materials include a superior quality of blue serge and poplin, and every suit Is beautifully tailored and finished. There are all sizes for women and misses. ' W i Smart New Coats There are, many different styles to choose from and no matter what you want to pay, you will find the coat you want with such a wide price range as $25.00 to $95.00 to select from. " New Skirts $2.95 to $8.00 A most complete showing of new spring skirts are being displayed, including handsome plaids and stripes in wool and silk. Also an assortment of wash skirts; price range, $2.95 to $8.00. m y i i l i i - i m - i "Ji ki it n il aw i : ma t. ; V jmi MM 1' J ' c Clearaway of Womens Novelty Boots and Pumps at Less than Regular Price T HEY'RE theshort lines and odd pairs left from this, season's selling by long odds the greatest shoe val ues you 'II find anywhere. LEARAWAY of Women's Novelty Boots $6.95 There is a great variety of kinds and styles newest colors and combinations. Not all sizes in every particular style but all sizes included greatly reduced to $6.95 pair. , 'plearaway of Women s Novelty Pomps $4.95 Dainty, pretty effects, Irory kid skin, champagne kid skin, .grayk!d, gray ooze and com bination colors, reduced for Saturday to $4.95 pair. BurfM.-NMh Co. Second Floor A Wonderful Clearance of CMHra's Coats Sizes 1 to 16 Years AN opportunity to secure the little tots a smart new spring coat. 'A coat can be found for every occasion. And the savings are about half of the original price. We feature one"group of these coats at $2.95. Practically our entire stock of children's and juniors' coats are included in this sweeping clearaway sale. , An event of great importance to the ' mother with a child from 1 to 16. v Four Other Groups at $3.95, $5.95, $6J5$7.95 The materials are Tricotine . Gabardine, Silvertone, Taffetas. Serge, Covert and Wool Jersey. Practically all v colors are included. Trimmed in all the new tailored and military effects. There are all size's in the five groups, but not all size's in every group. Bur"-Nh Co. Second Floor $2.95 f m A Spring Clearance Sal6 of Children's New Dresses At y4 to THERE is a beautiful as sortment and included in the lot are: Junior, dance, beach, gadabout and porch frocks. It's because we must make room for new summer-time apparel rf that is arriving daily. The materials are: Serge, Taffeta, Gingham Linon, Chambray, Pique All the 'most favored shades are represented, in cluding rose, wistaria, tur quoise, red, sammy, tan, etc Sizes 6 to 16. Priced a to H of the former price. ; BurfMi-Naih Co. SeAnii Floov Off Union Suits at , Less Than The Present Cost of tKe Cotton Used in the Making 59c arid 79c WE 1b(3ught all the manufac turer hadon hand after a season's selling and that ac counts for; the extreme low price , at which we offer them to you t Burf m-Nuh Co 'They're good quality, cut to fit comfortably and correctly. Splendidly made fend finished. i Fine Vribbed, low neck and sleeveless with close fitting or lace knees. All sizes in the lot, but not all sizes in any one style. Two groups, two prices at 59c and 79c. Union' Suits , with silk top and lisle trunks in , , flesh or white, . cuff knee style. v Regular size $1,50 . - Extra size, $1.75 -Main Floor , ( Pansfies 3q each Home grown - pansies in bloom ready to set out Satur day at 3c each. Potted geraniums, assorted colors, special at 15ceach. BurfeM-Nuh Co. Main Floor : i Another Sale of ORANGES V on the FOURTH FLOOR Saturday at ! EACrt For Saturday we offer an other lot of those big; juicy California Navel oranges, 64 size at 5c each. , , r-NOTE-4-No mail Nr, phone orders accepted afr- this price 4nd none delivered. Burgess-Nash Co. Fourth Floor , EXTRA! Special values, of un usual importance tht will: appeal to you Saturday. WOMEN'S PURE SILK HOSE Black or white, pure thread silk, full fash ioned, full regular made. ' Some all silk and lisle tops, mill imperf e,ctionajof better quali-. ties. Special at $1.45. (Main Floor) ....... WOMEN'S SILK ' BOOT.HOSE "Pure SillrBoot Hose, full fashioned and regu . i . ii i. i-?i i i . i i lar maae, in uiacK, wnue ana snoe snaaes. Very special at $1.00 pair., (Main Floor) . D URHAM DUPLEX RAZOR V y ; Here's a "humdinger," a geiiuine'safety razor that works like magic, complete, holder and blade, for 15c. Come in and let us show them to you. (Main Floor) . .- E MERSON TALKING MACHINE RECORDS Saturday we willplace on sale the remaining assortment of Emerson Talking "Machine Records, various selections, while a limited quantity last, 6c each. ' (Fourth Floor) ; . . rOWHIDE TRAVEL, v INGBAGS vt ' Genuine Cowhide Traveling Bags, 18-iiich size, Walrus gain finish, suitable for men or women. .Very special Saturday at , $5.50. ' (Fourth Floor) ,iB $45 $00 15c i ' ' $550 Four Extra Special Palmolivi Comfiina tions Offered for Saturday at 23c and 49c Combina tion No. 1. Free 2 cakes 0 f palmolive soap, with 1 bottle of palm olive shampoo, 49c. Combina tion Wo. 2. Free, 2 cakes of palmolive soap with a Jar o f palmolive cream, at 49c. Combina- ' tion No. 3. Free, 1 cake palmolive soap, with .tube of palmolive cream at 23c Combina tion No. 4. ' Free, 1 cke palmolive : soap with a can .of palmolive tal cum, at 23c. DRUtS AND TOILET GOODS SPECIALS Pebeco Tooth paste ,39c. N - v , Pepsodent, 44. Senreco tooth paste, 19c. Daegett and Rams dell's cream, 28c. Sempre Giovin!, 44c Pompeiaa night cream, 32c. Hind's h6ney and almond, 39c. Odorno, 79c Non Bp!, 39c Powder puffs, 10c Ponds vanishing cream,19c . Collates Woth paste 10c and 23c Marine Elliott but termilk soap cake, - 8c. .. Massatta Talcum 16c. i Putman dry cleaner, 22c Jad Sails, 64c. Nuzated Iron, 79c . Mentholatum, 16c ' i Syrup of figs, 48c Sloan sLiniment 17c Wright' silver cream, 19c. y ' Peroxide, 10c Denatured , alcohol, ': 59c qt " , Sal Hepatica, 49c Lcvoris, 22c . 1 qt witch hasel, 65c. 1 pt witch hazel,. 35c. h 1 lbV hospital ' cot- ton, 49c Phfllip'a milk v0f v magnesia,1 44c - Wayne moth s proof ' .bags, 75, $1.00 , and $1.5. , 1 lb. Epsom salts, 20c , , ,' VI' XL