OMAHA'S PIONEER EIQHT-HOUR STORE Opens Saturday at 10 A.M.; Closes Saturday at 7 P. M.
illffllllllll Illiiii'HI'iiii
Drugs and Toilet Goods Specials
$1.50, $1.95 "Do Your Bit" Bags, 95c
A fortunate purchase enable u to offer thes plendid Knitting; or Shopping
Bags of Cotex-and Patent Leather Bags, large Ue. 12 or 14-inch frames. er.
ral style to select from; just the thing for carrying that sweater you are
knitting in or for shopping and carrying your small parcels ; Q C
regular values, 11.60 and 11.95; Hayden's tuC
Special Cash Price
81 Daggett and Ramsdell . Cold
Cream. Hayden's Cash Price ...75c
2 So Ifennen's or Woodbury' Cold
Cream. Hayden's Cash Pric ...,17c
60a Liquid Face Powder, flesh or
white, HaydnTa Cash Pric 30c
26 Johnson's Baby Talcum, Hay
den' Cash Price ISo
A large assortment of hair brashes,
extra quality, Ion selected bristled.
Harden s Cash Price. ...75c to $I.SO
II Kodol. Hardens Cash Pr....69c
12 yringe, S-quart, guaranteed 1
years. Hayden's Cash Price ...$1.39
tl.7( Water Bottle, guaranteed 2
year. Hay den's Cash Price ...$1.19
Try Our Prescription Department.
Lowest prices, highest quality and
accurate, dependable work.
12 large rolls of that fin quality
crepe toilet paper. Hayden's Special
Cash Price 80
$IS0 Princeton or Motor Nickel
Watches Guaranteed perfect time
keeper. Hayden's Cash Price 95c
75e and $1.00 Fin Uold-rtliea
Cameo Brooch Pink cameo, en
graved designs. Harden' Cash Price
for Saturday .35c
Exceptional Values Saturday in May
Sale of Undermuslins
Lad!' Union Suite In flesh and white mer
cerized lisle or cotton, fancy crocheted yokes
worth to $1.00. Hayden's Cash Price Satur
day, at 69t
Ladies' Fin Cotton Union Suit Lace trim
med, Hayden's Cash Price. 1 35
Ladies' Gowns, Skirt, Envelop Chemise and
Drawer Worth to $2.00. Hayden's Cash
Price lor Saturday. . . . 98
Silk and Satin Envelope Chemise and Crepe
da Chin Gown Crepe de Chine garments,
worth to $6.80. -Hayden's Cash Price for
Saturday 84.50
Silk and Satin Camisole $1.00 values, Hay
den's Cash Price for Saturday. ...... 69t
Children' Princes Slip Embroidery trim
med. $1.00 values. Hayden's Cash Price for
Saturday ; .....69
Children' Muslin Drawer All sizes. Hay
den's Cash Price Saturday 15
Great May Sale of Shoes
Which means substantial cash 'savings in dependable footwear for
Women. Men and Children
Men's Goodyear Welt Sole Shoes
Women's Strap Street Slippers
In patent and gunmetal, all
sizes, in C, D and E - widths ;
$3.50 values, Hayden's Cash
Price ...v..$1.98
"Hayden's Special" Shoes for
Men In Gla-colt, gunmetal and
tan calf; $6.00 values, Hayden's
Cash Price. $4.50
In eunmetal and kid; $4 val
ues. Hayden's Cash Pr. .$2.95
Misses' and Child's Gunmetal
Button Shoes $3 values, Hay
den's Cash Price $2.00
Boys' and Youths' Patent Welt
Sole Shoes Sizes 1 to 5i2, $3.50
val. Hayden's Cash Pr. .$1.98
Enticing May Sale Specials-in
Neckwear, Veilings, sRibbons
Circular and Straight Veil With chenille borders,
in black and taupe; regular value, 75c; Hayden's Cash
Price ...x. -50
Pique and Organdy Vest A splendid assortment,
with high and low necks; also colored organdies in
roll and square effect; regular value, 75c; Hayden's
Cash Price 50d
Georgette and Satin Collar Trimmed with filet lace,
many pretty styles to select from; regular value, $1.25
Haydfn's Cash Price. '. . . . ."$1.00
Wahable Satin Collar In all shades, regular value
$1.25; Hayden's Cash Price. ........ ? $1.00
Plain and Fancy Taffeta Ribbon For hair bows, in
all shades, regular price 35c; Hayden's Cash Price for
Saturday, per yard 25
Splendid Economies Evident in
1 " '' ' it '
May Sale of Hosiery
Our stock of Women's and Chil
dren's Hosiery is complete in
sizes, colors and weights.
x ...... v. '
Women' Silk Hosiery All wanted col
ors, worth $1.75; Hayden's Special Cash
Price Saturday, pair ......... .$1.25
Women' Thread and Fiber Silk HoteX
Also mercerized lisles, all sizes, regular
79c values. Hayden's Cash Price for
Saturday 50
Women's Mercerised Lisle and Cotton
Hose Regular and out sizes, black,
whits and colors, 40c values; Hayden's
Cash Price Saturday .......... .257
Boy' and Girl' School Hose Black, white and tan, all sizes, worth
up to ouc; nayaens uasa mce Saturday 35
When You Buy All" Wool Clothes You're Practicing Real Economy
- When You Buy
Hart Schaff ner & Marx
r . ... ;
Guaranteed All-Wool jiits you're truly economical because .they wear
longer, look better mean less clothes money in the long run You really
save wool, too, because the part wool suit will soon look bad and be
quickly discarded while the all-wool suit will render the limit of satisfying
service. ; . ;
You'll find Jthe most complete assortment of these splendid
clothes west of Chicago right here. The Home of
Hart Schaff ner & Man$ Clothes
A Wonderful Sale of Smartly
Trimmed Hats
We have arranged for " -
Saturday a beautiful as-J
sortment of regular $7.50, y
9Q ca J tin nn m . jiVJil
Hat values; choice of over
three hundred styles, at. .
"" sr i f i ,1 j-Ii , fW, ir'f i ,t
Including the new veiled yar bride hat, the new Cape hat, also pokes,'
sailors and large dress hats. , Hats beautifully faced with Georgette and ele-,
gantly trimmed with flowers, ribbon, pom poms, fancies, etc : : .
i ' iiiTrs. a a -i
$3.00 Dress Shapes at . . .
Another large shipment, just received, will go on
sale Saturday. The season's choicest styles, black and'
colors;' sailors, pokes, turbans, etc. f :
, a i
j Splendid Opportunities for Real Economies in
Corset Section Saturday
Our lines were never mors complete. A
style to suit .every figure at attractive
Cash Prices. m
$3.00 and $4.00 Corets--With heavy
front bone, free hip space, rubber gus
set in back, pink and white; 'Hayden's
Cash Price $1.95
$1.00 Bandeaux Brassiere Fastening
in hack, elastic under arm; pink only;
Hayden's Cash Price Saturday ..65
Children' Sweaters In rose, copen,
cardinal and gray, up to age 6 years;
Hayden's Cash Price Saturday. .2.00
50c, Sanitary Aprons Net top; Hayden's
Cash Price, special Saturday. .. .25d
Special Values in
- Bttr Vlu in
Two tables of Men's Soft and
Stiff Hats, values to $3.60,
our Cash
10 dozen Men's High Grade Soft
Hats, wide or turned-up brims,
high and low crowns, all colors
and sizes, Satur- fcO PA
dayt P4.0U
The Stetson quality saves you
'tarns when you are buying a
hat AH you need to do is
pick your color and. size,
84.50 ............810
60 dozen Men's Caps, all colors
and sizes, job lot manufactur
ers' samples, broken-lota, val
ue to $1.60, Saturday. . . .504
Other Caps, 75e, 81.00,
8125, $1.50 and 82.00
( Don't leave the buying of
' that bag or suit case sro until
vacation time. If yon need one .
get k now, wnne you nave a
full line to pick from. Here
are two specials for Saturday
A 24-inch Karatal Suit Case,
value $3.i0, Saturday, 82.00
Jl 14-inch Matting Shopping
Bag, value $1.25, Saturday,
t 604
Boys' Clothing for Spring and all -Year
Wear at Very Reasonable Prices
Our two-pair Knicker Suits, tailored,
reinforced taped seams and fully lined
are the best for sturdy boys.
Special models for the little fellows
and the latest in styles for the larger
.boys. ,
Conservative grays, blues, cheviots in
browns and greets and plaids and mix
tures for the more extreme. Prices
84.95 to 815.00 X
v See Our Feature Suit, 86.95
Wash Suits, in dark and light washable
patterns 75 to 82.50
Boys' Blouses, , in crepes, ginghams,
chambrays . . . . . . .75 and 91.00
Boys'. Hats and Caps, the very latest in
the trench and swagger styles
60s, 65s and 81.00
By Dept. Thlri Floor
May. Sale Speciils That In
sure Worth-While
. Price Savings
Men'. $2.00 Soft Cuff Shirts
Fine quality, corded madras. Big
, assortment of striped novelty pat-1
terns.. All sizes. Special Price,
for 81.50
Men' $1.50 Collar Attached
Shirt Fine quality percale cloth,
neat patterns, in black and white
effects. Special Price Saturday,
at S1.00
Men' Pajama In a good qual
ity cloth; plain and fancy colored;
per suit SI. 25
Men' $1.50 Summer Union Suit
"Spring-tex Brand," fine qual-
.. ity otton yarn, form-fitting,
elastic and durable, long and
' short sleeves, in white or ecru col
ors. Our Cash Price 81.00
'Men' $1.50 Underwear Medium
weight, shirts and drawers, Egyp
tian ribbed cotton garments,
form-fitting elastic and durable,
per garment 75
Men' Athletic Union Suit Fine
quality of cloth. Cash Price. 95t.
Men' Novelty Shirt In soft
cuff styles . and neat patterns;
' and size to 17; each. . . . . .95
Men's Fancy and Plain Colored
Hose All the' new shades and
designs, per pair 25
Men' 85c Balbrig-gan Underwear
Two-piece garments, shirts or
drawers, medium weight or very
thin for hot weather. Sale price,
, per garment -65
"Men's High-Grade Neckwear at
a Lew Price Over 1,200 fine
Spring ties, in big, wide, flowing
ends; the season's latest styles.
Sale price, each 50
A Sale of Women's and Children's Apparel
Brimming Full of Rare Opportunities
for Real Economies Saturday.
100 Handsome Suite
. . . . . - , - i
Made to sell 'to $50.00 -distinctive new
models from leading makers; come in poiret
v twills, tricotinesy serges, jerseys, tweeds and
otner, popular suit
ings in all newest
shades; 'plenty of
navy blues. Our ,
Special Cash Price,
Saturday at ......
- - - sv
Extra Size Suits. Coats and Dresses
The newest and most becoming models in
apparel for large women. You should not fail,
to see the splendid new stocks Saturday 1
$29.50 to
$19.50 to
$19.50 to
Coats at $22.50
Made to Sell at $30.00
The nobbiest new Spring and Sum
mer styles, in velours, poplins, serges,
deludes and taffetas, in the most wanted
Dresses at $25.00
Made to Sell at $40.00.
Materials are Georgettes, crepes, taf
fetas, satins, jerseys, fine combinations;
etc., in beautiful models for street, after
noon and evening wear.
See These Blouses at $5.95
.Hundreds of dainty
'Georgejtte, crepe de chine
'Blouses', beaded, em
broidered or lace trim
med, in all the wanted
shades ; made to sell at a
great deal more. Special,
Saturday, at- $5.95
Distinctive styles in tail
ored Blouses. Special val
ues at
$5.00. $5.95. $6.95
and $8.95
Saturday in Children's Section
Special Lot of Children' Spring an J Summer
Coats Including Silks. Saturday, at . .5.95
Children' Summer Drees Ginghams in the
season's smartest styles; all sizes. Special
values, at $2.49
Little Tot' Romper Worth $1.00. Special,
Saturday, at . .69d
Little Tots' Dresses Lovely -styles; special
values, Saturday, at $1.49
Many other elegant values in little tots', chil
dren's, juniors' and flappers' dresses Saturday.
Children's Department, Second Floor.
In Hardware ! Dept.
Wash Day Supplies
Oval WilW dothes
Sen' Otsa Pric....
Baktft K Km,'
Orel WiUev Cloth Baslnte Ifsdhne its. Har
den' Cask Pric. .......$l.SO
SpUat Cloths Haipsro With OTr, BMdtam ! .
Harden' Cash Price.......... ....$1.TS
Calraalssd Wash Tubs
No. 1 Small ati. Haydra't Cash Pries... $1.00
No. t Medium Sis. Harden' Cash Prl.$lJS
No. S Lars six.. Harden' Csh Prc...$lJS
Tin Copoer Bottom Wash Boilrw-Wlth station
arr wood handle. K-os. copper bottom
No. 8 aise. Harden' Cash Pric ...SI.8S
No. S Iz. Harden' Cash Price.... SSJM
Daisy Foldlag Ireniaf Board Price. , $1.28
, Wrtafsr Iron frame and fun warranted. Bar
den' Cash Price...... S3.TS
Wash Board Harden' Cash Pric... 38e
HaroSrepd Wash BenchHold S tab and wrim er.
Hard.n's Cash Pric.... jjjS
Vacuum Washer with handle. Pries.... 5c
100-ft. Wire dethee Una Price........ 4Se
SO-ft. Cotton dothee Line Price..,.,.. ....35e
I Burner Gas Plate A very rood one, Harden'
Cash Price... ...S3.25
Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons Set of I, price...... $IJS
Round Weatern Washer
Ghoiceiit Meats of All Kinds
All vUnder Refrigeration Kept and Sold Under the
, Most Sanitary Conditions and at
Fancy Dressed Milk-Fed Chickens. 35c
Pork Spars Ribs, lb 15
Pork Neck Bones, lb........ 7c
Pork Loin Boast 24c-30c
Pork Loin Chops. ....... .S5c-30c
Pot Boast, lb 23 tic
Home Made Sausage, lb'..... 20
Hamburger Steak, lb 22 c
Fancy Corned Beef, lb.... ,.24c
Breakfast Bacon, lb 36c
Smflked Pig Jowles, lb 35c
Fancy Sausage and Smoked
Meats of all kinds in the Deli
catessen Dcpt
Butter, Cieese, Pickles; Etc. i
; At Lowest Cash Prices Stocks Always Fresh
ust What
You Want.
Best Creamery Butter,
bulk or pkg., lb: OC
No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb... 42c
Nut Margarine, best brands,. .32c
Butterine, Armour's, Swift's, Good
Luck, per 1. . .... . . . . . . . . . .35c
Fresh Peanut Butter, lb..... 24c
American Cream Cheese, lb. . .25c
Wisconsin Brick Cheese, lb... 23c
N. Y. Full Cream Cheese, lb .30c
Young America Cheese, lb... 28c
McLaren's Deviled or Nippy, each
for 10c
7 lbs. Sauer Kraut .....25c
It's Not Hard to Keep the Family
In good humor if you have good wholesome f ood.yYoo can select a delightful
lot ol good things hers. The best the season affords and our Low Cash Prices
Mean, Beal Economy.
10 lb, test Whit er Tsllow
Cornmeal ....... ...... .S3
5 -IbeC Barley Flour 43c
Nib. Corn Flour .43c
lbs. Cracked Hominy
for 43e
6 lbs. best Bulk Oatmeal '
S lb. Bic Flour. 33c
15 -os. pVf- Corn Starch... 9c
24-lb. sack Bye Flour
for. ,.SWS
24-lh. sack By Graham
Flour Sl-SS
Fancy Japan Rice, lb 10c
The best Domestl Macaroni,
Spaghetti, Vermicelli or Era
Noodle, per pkg 7lc
16- os. can Condensed Milk
10 bars Diamond C. Beat-m-AIl
or Swift's Pride
Laundry Soap 43c
The best No. 1 Hand-picked
Navy Beans, per lb 15c
Tall can Alaska Salmon
for 19c
Jello, for dessert, pkr te
5 larg boxes Parlor Matches,
full count A .2Se
Fancy Assorted Cookie, per
lb 19c
Jack and Jill Corn Flakes.'
pkg. ...81-3
Choice Santa Clara Prunes,
per lb 12',c
Fancy Santa Clara Prunes,
per lb 15
Fancy CaL Seedless Raisins,
per lb .' 15c
Fancy Golden Sultana Raisins,
per lb 15c
Fancy Muscatel Cooking Rai
sins, per lb 12ye
Fancy Evaporated Apples, -per
lb 15c
C6ndensed Mince Meat, per
. Pkg v. 12',ie
6 lbs. of ofer Famous Golden
Santos Coffee, the talk of
Omaha, for .....95c
IS lbs. best Ne. 1 Coeldng
Potatoes, for...........2Sew
Fancy new Cabbage, lb Sc
Fresh Home-Grown Asparagus,
bunch m 7Vi
6 bunches home-grown Onions,
for - Sc
4 bunches ' home-grown Rhu
barb, for 5c
Fancy Wax or Green
, Beans, lb. .......... .15c
t lbs. new Potatoes, No. 1
quality, for 25c
Fresh Beet er Carrots, v
bunch Sc
Fresh Mushrooms, lb.... 20c
Fancy Red Glob Onions, per
lb. iy,c
Fancy Rip Tomatoes,
per pound . 15c
Fancy Sweet Potatoes,
. per pound . ..; 7'jc
Plant Tomatoes, Cabbage and
OnionlScts Now.
Cabbage Plants, doi....71,e
Tomato Plants, doi. , , .,7V,c
Red Onion Sets, qt......7Vtc "
ZZLi Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It PaH-fi .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiinyiiiiimiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiii