Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
V THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1918. HEROIC DEEDS WHEN STEAMER GOES TO BOTTOM New York Woman Relates Thrilling Rescue by Negro When Vessel Sinks Off Delaware Coast. (By Associated Press.) An Atlantic Port, May 2. SurviV' ts of the coastwise steamer City of Athens, sunk in a collision with French cruiser off the Delaware coast yesterday morning, with a loss of 66 lives, related here today many tales of heroism by the crews of the two vessels. All praised the efforts of the French tailors especially, who launched small boats within a few minutes after the accident, and aided by the cruiser' tearchlights, picked up many of the survivors from pieces of wreckage The survivors agreed that the speedy sinking of the steamer within five minutes after being rammed by the warship was responsible for the neavy ton 01 me, aitnougn some as' sorted that the City of Athens' life- saving apparatus failed to work prop trly. There were135 persons, includ' ing 24 United States marines, on board the steamer, which was bound rrom New York to Savanfiah, with $2,000,000 cargo. Negro Proves Hero. Mrs. Florence Pickhard Harrison of New York today told how her life that of her 2-year-old baby and two others was saved through the bravery of a negro fireman on the City of Athens. Awakened from her sleep, Mrs, Harrison barely had time to put coat over her night dress and hurry to the deck with her child. 1 saw life boat," she said, "but no one was DavmK any attention to it. except United States marine, who lifted the baby into the boat. I was about to climb in wijh his aid when the steam er toppled and my grasp on the gun wale slipped. I caught up the bahy as the ship sank tinder the swirling waters. When I came up choking and almost unconscious from the - ater with the little one in my arms, we were directly under the bow of life boat. Many Thrilling Rescues. "A man, whom I afterwards learned was James Wallace of bavannah, litted the baby from my arms. When regained consciousness I found my self in the lifeboat covered with a piece of canvas, which I wrapped .round the baby. My coat and night eown were torn from the struggl to drag me in. After that Wallace rescued one marine and a civilian That brave negro deserves a heroi medal. "We were in the lifeboat for about two hours before we were picked up by the crew of the French cruiser. I :annot sneak too highly ot tne gai iantry and kindness of the French officr.-s and men during our rescue n& the time spent on the cruiser. Department of Aeronautics Recommended by Aero Club New York. May 2. Alan R. Haw ley. president of the Aero Club of America, made public here today a letter he has written to President Wilson suggesting steps to be taken to correct the past mistakes of the aircraft program and insure against a costly failure to supply the air forces needed by the allies to win the war." Mr. Hawley recommends 'that an assistant secretary of war and as sistant secretary of the Viavy be ap pointed by the aircraft board, to be followed by a department of aeronau tics, based on the British plan. A separate department of aeronautics is the only solution to all problems of building the air forces, he declared. Camp Cody Plans Reception To Distinguished Visitors Camp Cody, N. M., May 2. (Spe cial Telegram) Iowans and Nebras kans will be prominent in the recep tion, Friday, arranged by General A. P. Blocksom, tank commander of the British army; Leslie M. Shaw, former secretary of the treasury, and Frank G. Odell, Omaha banker, when these visitors arrive from El Paso to speak in Deming on the Liberty loan. , Brigadier General Hubert A. Allen, commanding Iowa and Nebraska in fantry; Major L. B. Robbins, adjutant of the brigade and possibly other offi cers from those two states, will speak at a luncheon for the party. Sergeant Jacob Schmidt of Cedar Rapids, will lead the massed band of the division. Anti-I. W. W. Law Approved By Senate Committee Washington, May 2. Legislation aimed at the Industrial Workers of the World and similar organizations advocating force and violence to bring about government, social and Industrial changes, was approved to day by, the senate judiciary com mittee. ' ' , The measure, comprising features of anti-Industrial Workers of the World bills introduced by Senators King of Utah and Walsh of Montana, was ordered favorably reported. Invoice German Bronze t Statues for Military Use Amsterdam, May 2. The German minister of war has ordered an in ventory of all bronze statues through ' out German, directing that the list indicate those which 'can best be spared" with a view of their requis tion for military use. He also had ordered an inventory of :hurch bells, which hitherto have sscaped military confiscation. Organize Home Guards. Battle Creek, Neb., May 2. (Spe cial.The Battle Creek home guards were organized Tuesday night with tn enrollment of 125. The officers tppointed were: Lester C. Truesdell, :aptain;John M. Lederer, first lieu tenant, and Emil Winter, second lieutenant. 3-Grain Cadomene Tablets Absolutely Restore Vigor, Vitality, Strength ' Weak Men and Women. Sold bv All Druggists. Swiss Executed as Spy By French Government Paris, May 2. A Swiss citizen, Nivergcl by name, was executed as a spy at dawn today at Vincennes. The Swiss government had made representations in his behalf, but no reason was found by the .French government to modify the sentence of death pronounced by a court martial three months ago. Nivergel" faced the firing squad calmly. Lake Manawa Will Be Opened To Pubic Latter Part of May Lake Manawa will be opened the latter part of May as an amusement resort under the management of C. I Palm, who has been in charge for the last few years. The water in the lake is high this year and everything points to a successful season. ? GERMANS FACING DEFEAT OUT FOR PEACEJTH FOE People of Austria-Hungary Starving; Dual Empire Seethes With Re volt. London, May 2. (Via Ottawa.) The best indication of the enemy de feat in northern Flanders, in the view c: London newspapers, is the evident imminence of a renewal of the peace offensive. The German papers emphasize the report that the pope is about to issue ; new peace note, while the German peace agents are busy in neutral coun tries. Articles in the Scandinavian press suggest that Italy may be the main objective of the enemy attempts to di vide the allies. Meanwhile the troubles of the Aus train empire are apparently coming to a head. The cabinet crises in Austria and Hungary are still un settled. The Arbeiter Zeitung of Vienna de nounces Hungary for starving Aus tria and declares that the imports from the Ukraine are still remote and empty stomachs cannot afford to wait. The arrival of Czecho-Slovak troops on the Italian front under the Italian flag has disquieted the Austro Hungarian leaders, who fear the ef fect on their Slav troops. Recently some of these men per suaded a number of Austrian Czechs to desert, which the Italian- barrage between the Austrian support and front lines enabled them to do so. An English correspondent on the Swiss frontier has received informa tion that the population of Austria and Hungary are starving and seeth ing with revolt, which, he predicts, will break out when the western of fensive has been brought to a stand still Bomb Plotters Begin , Serving Their Sentences San Francisco. May 2. Appeals in behalf of Frank Bopp, former German consul here, and his aide. Baron E. V. Von Schack, convicted of participa tion in bomb plots directed against Canadian railroads and factories, were withdrawn here today. They are to leave Saturday for the federal peni tentiary at McNeil's Island, Washing ton, to begin serving their terms of two years each. 'are Good Tires Princeton Goes "Dry." Princeton, N. J., May 2. Princeton went "dry" yesterday when Chief Deputy United States Marshal Wood bury B. Snowden, acting under or ders from the Department of Justice, closed up all drinking places under . the president's proclamation, prohibit ; ing the sale of intoxicants within a half mile of any military establish ment. There is a government avia ' tion school and training camp , at Princeton. v fHoTortXVlT States Tires Buy Tires to Fit Your Needs National economy has no place for haphazard tire buying. The Country's need de mands conservation. Your own responsibility as a motorist requires that you treat the equipment of your car as a business proposition. Study your tire needs. Select and buy the tires that will give utmost service per dollar, on the roads you travel, with your driving. There is a United States Tire scientifically planned to meet every motoring requirement. The steadily increasing sale of United States Tires is an evidence of their solid worth. Steadfast performance has proved their unfailing reliabil ity and long-service economy. Equip now with United States Tires. Let our nearest Sales and Service Depot dealer help you to select the right ones. United States Tubes and Tire Accessories Have All the Sterling Worth and Wear that Make United States Tires Supreme 'Nobby' 'Chain' 'Royal Cord' 'Usco' 'Plain' OMAHA BRANCH 9th and Douglas Sts. Adv. Phone Tyler 840 MUSE- Today --Saturday :.(i;:iiti.;;rai:i;:im1nt!!Uii.ii.!MnfOTim;:T?tiiLsmuuint!tm!trnnmm:mniuMirrurn(i:;a:..ia CONSTANCE TALMADGE THE SHUTTLE' From th. Novel "THE EAGLE'S EYE NEWS WEEKLY Robert Cuicaden and Hit Orchestra. 55- n ac- .? i s Today and Saturday WILLIAM RUSSELL IN 'Hearts or Diamonds' AMU8EMKNT8. VAUDEVILLE AND mOTOPI.AYg Frwntlnj iIKCVH DATS atenlo Moore M antral Comedy With lUrls. KIMBALL KENNETH 1 tan Jo Entertalnm. JOH BARTON Th. Tramp CjrcUnt. DON HI.L FRANCES Comedy Itarnxmy 81nfera Edith Story Story of Redeemed Mother L if Mm j 1 1 -TnTm- W HA IMJIIIM : 1 V t I IIC bldllll PrlcM 50c to U II V II4 Nl'ht " Mat, II II I IJCominmeini Wed., best .rats, Sunday, May 8 Matin. Wednesday, t7W 13 fWL. 1 RICHARD BENNETT IN Loud- est Laugh 4n Lift THE VERY IDEA Just from 6 month, at th. Aitor Thtatar, New York : "OMAHA'S l-UN CENTER." tO0mm X"Tf3rD,"y M,u-' J5"25-508 2?CZyff EVI, 25-50-75c$l Last Times Today 2:1 5-8:30 Th. Rahman! CUf KF! I Y Musical k.. ltll riCklil Burlesou. 1 Tomorrow (Saturday) Matin., and Week. SSSaJ?"1 STEP LIVELY GIRLS LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS. A FIGHTING DOCTOR Find. HI. ham. among th. lumbermen of a rough camp) and hi. brother stricken unt. death, th. object of their hatred. William Fox Offers WILLIAM FARNUM "THE HEART OF A LION" DOYDA.ALUt Screened at 1, 3, 8, 7, p. m. . -. l r 'ft?! TAMARILLYof Clothesline Alley .'41 i. ..1'" SUDIMDAII 'Today and Saturday Admiiiion 25c Set. Mat., 18c TH ill Lpv' TkfBcastetCati.1 "Make. Your Blood Boil" WILL M. CRESSY BLANCHE DAYNE, PAUL MORTON & NAOMI GLASS, AL SHAYNE, HARRY AND EMMA SHAR. ROCK, DeMarest . Collette, "Color Ceme," Rood!. ' & Franc, Orpheum Travel Weekly. 1 II Jrmf tpi 1 Today and Saturday I All-Star Cast in I "ALIMONY" "Tho Tio That Burn." '''!( ...i .1 ! v HAMILTON ?.'!,."' ;w Today MARGUERITE CLARK in "BAB'S MATINEE IDOL" LOTHROP EE?-! Today WILLIAM S. HART " l in "WOLVES OF THE RAIL" ' Mothers! Don't Give Children Nauseous Medicine for Colds Local Druggists Are Offering An "Outside" Treatment On 30 Days' Trial Children' Stomach Ar Delicate Easily Upset by Constant Internal Dosing. Tho Best Way to Prevent Cold I to Allow the Children Reg ular Out-Door Exercise Keep Plenty of Fresh Air in the Bed room at Night, and, at the Firtt Sign of Trouble, Apply the South ern External Vapor Treatment. Fifteen years ago a North Carolina Druggist discovered a process of com bining the oRi-fa?hioned remedies, Camphor, Turpentine and Menthol, with certain volatile oils, in salve form, so that when applied over the throat and chest the body heat would release these ingredients in the form of vapors. These vapors, breathed in all night long, carry the medication, with each breath, to the air passages and lungs. In addition, the prepara tion is absorbed through and stimu lates the skin, taking out that tight ness and soreness in the chest. Today this treatment, known- as Vick's VapoRub, is universally used' throughout the south in preference to , internal dosing. By arrangement with the manufacturers the local druggists -are offering 26c jars on 30 days' -trial, the purchase price to be re-" funded if you are not delighted with .. the results. You have to try VapoRub to realiie . . its remarkable effect, not only,forf" deep chest colds, sore throat, bron-" chitis or incipient pneumonia, but for head colds, asthmatic or catarrahl troubles. Croup is usually relieved : within fifteen minutes and an appli- v cation at bedtime prevents a nights attack. :,. '; VapoRub is particularly recom mended to mothers with small chil- , dren as it is externally applied and '' therefore to be used freely and often with perfect safety on the smalleaiV member of the family. . . .'if