Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' -v - - ' "f " ' ' THE BEE; OMAHA. ' : , ' - : ' -V ,
I. - - 1 : ..h . . . ..,-.f!J -.- , -- SS. . . . . .. . . !g
faaife tofe Stores
Now the White Sale announcement comes from the
basement, and after months and month of prepara
tion,' this Economy Center of Omaha is ready to give
The other offerings on this page mark time for savings
with the White Sales, and no woman can afford in
these times of appreciable economy to overlook tha
announcements that come from this Big Basement
you values that you will thoroughly appreciate in these
days of high prices. ,
All new, crisp fresh merchandise, in a broad and
comprehensive stock, , for women and children.
A penny saved is a penny earned, and that earned
penny may very wisely be spent in buying Liberty
Bonds and Thrift Stamps.
White Goods in the Basement
White Dress Noyeltiet in pretty plaids, military cords, lace cloth, seed
voile, checks, Marquisettes, striped organdy, etc., worth og.
60c a yard, 38 inches wide, at, yard ODC
White Windsor Plisse Crepe for undermuslins. These crepes are slightly
imperfect, come full bolt, worth 50c yard, 36 inches wide, or
special for this May sale, a yard OOC
Fine Quality White India Linon, 30 inches wide, worth 35c yard, OP
for Red Cross aprons, May sale, yard &DC
White Pa jama Checks and Plaids, worth 30c yard, 36 and 1 Q
40 inches wide, May sale, yard ; , 1 OC
Splendid Quality Snow White Voile for dresses, waists, ctfr
tains, etc., 39 inches wide, 35c quality, May sale, yard
Imperial Long Cloth, Chamois finish, soft and pure white for dainty
undermuslins, specially priced by the bolt according to quality. 36
inches wide.
bolts . . .
bolts . . .
bolts . . .
I Linens in the White Sale
70c Damask at 59c
A fine quality of Mercerized Damask, pretty patterns, regulation width.
Yard, at 59c
Napkins, at l2Y2c
Full bleached, hemmed, ready for use; in the 18-inch size, fine quality
of mercerized, each 12
$1.25 Lunch Pattern Cloths at 99c " J
Made of fine quality mercerized Damask, hemmed ready to use, in the
54-inch size, assortment of patterns, each 99c
Special: 65c Padding at 49c
This is the heavy fleeced quality, 54 inches wide, to protect your table.
Yard, at v . 49c
17c Towels at W2c
About 200 dozen of full bleached Turkish' and Huck towels, hemmed
ends (limit of one dozen), special, in our May sale, each 12
25c Towels at 19c
Full bleached Huck or Turkish towels, with fancy borders and plaids,
hemmed ends, a soft and absorbent quality, your choice.ach. . . . 19c
Special: $1.00 and $1.25 Towels at 59c
About 74 dozen, full bleached, extra size and heavy fluffy quality of
Turkish Towels, extremely large size (mill imperfections and slightly
soiled), while this lot lasts, special, each 59c
50c Fancy Scarfs at 39c
This lot consists of plain centers, trimmed with a deep pattern lace,
also Japanese drawn work scarfs, choice in our May sale, each. . . .39c
Wash Cloths at 2l2c
A limited quantity of this popular wash cloth (limit of 3), each. .2e
Large Pieces of Fancy Elastic,
each 10c
Skirt and Trouser Hangers, 2
for ..).. 5c
Stocking Feet, all sizes, a
, . 5c
. . 2c
Children's Garters white
One Lot of Slightly Soiled Cro
chet Cotton, to close out, at, a
yball 3c
Wash Edging, all colors, 7 bolts
for 25c
Safety Pint, 7 cards for.... 25c
Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, 7 cards
for 25c
Remnants of Skirt Belting, piece,
at 5c
Red Cross Knitting Cotton, a ball,
at 6c
Hat Elastic, black and white,
piece, at 2c
Garter Elastic, large piece for 5c
Dust Caps, all good colors, each, 5c
Large Packages of Wire Hair Pins,
2 for 5c
Hat Brushes, each ..10c
Extra Fine Mercerized Darning
Cotton, 2 for 5c
Ironing Wax, large piece lc
200-yard Spools of Basting Thread,
8 lor 25c
King's Machine Thread, 8 for 25c
O. N. T. Crochet Cotton, ball, ,7c
Knit Underwear Offers
Wpmen's Cotton Sleeveless Union Suits in lace trimmed and OA
cuff knee style, all sizes, at, each OVC
Women's Fine Weave "Forest Mills" Union Suits in sleeveless OA
and lace trimmed style, neatly trimmed, sizes 4, 5, 6, at OjC
Sizes 7, 8 and 9, at, a suit SI. 00
Women's Gauze Cotton Sleeveless Vests, all sizes, seconds of IP
25c quality, at, each , IOC
Children's Knit Waist Union Suits in sizes 2 to 12, nn
at, each '. D5C
Boys' Nainsook Union Suits with elastic band in back,
all sizes, at, each
iuslin Underwear
. and nhjte Waists
In the Great
May White Sale
Friday and Saturday
Extremely Low Prices
OQ for a Big Lot of Women's Night Gowns,
Petticoats, Princess Slips, Enrelope Che
mise, Combination Garments, etc., -at today's market
price they are exceptional values. Many different
styles to select from.
d 1 O C At this price you will find a big lot of
V X tJ Fancy Night Gowns, Petticoats, Prin
cess Slips, Envelope Chemise, that are worth today
$1.50 to $2.00. The styles, materials, etc., are only
possible for this sale for a few days only.
Women's Extra Size Undermuslins
A big table of Women's Night Gowns, Petticoats,
Corset Covers, Chemise, etc., for stout women, extra
sizes, all b, less than today's prices.
d1 O C Flexo Brand Patented Fitted Top
Pl.l) White Petticoats. At this price you
will find a special rack full of embroidered, lace trim
med White Petticoats, many different styles.
We are exclusive Omaha agents for this very spe
cial Petticoat. A few extra as well as regular sizes.
Does away with all the bunching from the old style
drawstring Petticoat.
1 ACk P'lnb Envelope Chemise Suits, worth
P etJ7 $2.00 each, at first glance you would
say they were silk. Several styles, made of fancy
silkette and fancy striped and figured pink cotton ma
terials, new weaves and dozens fancy trimmed with
lace, etc.
MOQ for Women's All White Double Paneled
07 Sateen Petticoats, very special at this
flj 1 QC for All Whit Sateen Petticoat., with silk
P1.7J flounce bottoms, two very pretty styles;
$3.00 values at today's price.
At 4Q V Special, Lot of Women's Plain and
Fancy Trimmed Muslin Drawers, bargains
at this price, several styles. j
CC. for Women's Envelope Chemise, a very special
JJK, Jot, several styles, all sizes, worth $1.00 on
today's market.
QQr for Women's Crepe De Chine and Washable
OaC Satin Fancy Trimmed Camisoles, many dif
ferent and very pretty styles, $1.00 and $1.25 values.
4Qr fr Very SPC1 Lot of Women's Silk
Camisoles and Fancy Trimmed Cotton Corset
Covers, many different styles, worth 69c to 79c on
today's market.
OKf for Women's Corset Covers, several very
J, pretty styles, embroidered and lace trimmed,
all sizes up to 44, today's price, 29c and 39c.
for Women's Pink, Blue and White Crepe
Bloomers, worth up to 60c at today's price.
for Girls' Muslin Drawers, 4 to 12-jcar sizes,
real bargains at this price.
for Misses' Muslin Drawers, sizes 17 to 20
Years. Pmhrnidprv Irimmud anA rtloin avt..
good muslin, real bargains at this price.
QQp for Small Lot of Girls' Embroidery Trimmed
OtC Muslin Night Gowns, 2 to 10-year sizes.
Cirls' Muslin Underwear
A big table of Children's Night Gowns, Princess
Slips, Petticoats, etc., all at less than today's prices.
- ... r
Wonderful Values in Corsets
Wonderful Values in Corsets for stout figures, made of
coutil, with rust-proof" boning; long hip with wide elastic
band in back of Corset, extra wide front steel and 0 An
reinforced across abdomen, sizes 21 to 36, at. ; ...PeUU
Front Laced Corsets, low top and long over hip, made in
pink and white coutil; very special, ,; QQ
Summer Net Corsets, that are worth much more because we
bought them early. You can buy them at this low price;
they are well boned and guaranteed rust- . '
proof, at ol
Basement . .
Domestics in I'Jhite Sale
Mill Remnants Dress and Wrapper
Percale, assorted light and dark
colors, at, a
Mill Remnants Bleached Muslin
and Cambric, assorted widths and
qualities, while the lot
lasts, at 03X
Mill Remnants Fine Zephyr Dress
Gingham, plaids, checks, stripes
and plain colors for women's and
misses' dresses, etc., regular 30c
value, at, OO
a yard sCiaSC
36-inch White Organdie with fancy
stripe, a desirable sheer fabric for
dresses and waists, regular 20c
36-inch Unbleached Muslin, heavy
round thread quality for making
sheets and slips, special, 1Q
Friday, at IOC
38-inch Fancy Printed Dress Voile
in a variety of new styles and
printings for pretty summer
dresses and waists, 10 to 20-yard
lengths, at, 1Q-
a yard
36-inch Fancy White Skirting in a
splendid assortment of neat stripes
and raised cord effects, very de
sirable for outing suits and skirts,
positively worth OQ
50c, at 7C
36-inch White Madras in a variety
of neat stripes for men's and boy's
shirts, waists, pajamas, etc., regu
lar 30c value, at
a yard .. .......... mvv
Mill Remnants 36-inch White
Voile, a . sheer clingy fabric for
children's dresses and waists, long
serviceable . . Ql ;
lengths, at a yard .;, " 2 C
36-inch White Splash Voile, un
usually soft and clingy for making
pretty waists anddresses, 10 to
,20-yard lengths, ' 1ft
at, a yard 1JC
The Genuine Bleached Dallas
Sheets, known from coast to coast
for its splendid wearing qualities,
hemmed ready for use at less than
mill cost, size 81x99, i P"
Friday, only, each , PleOd
White Blouses in the Rday Sale
Two very special lots of White Cotton Blouses in the big May sale.
89 r ,op fc f right up-to-date Spring I Q for lot of Pretty White Blouses that are
ww and Summer Cntton R oinm vmUa n.n.n!.. Ua7l .a U .1 nn ... x-.i--.t- r. . . .
-v nuiLii dii.iiii mi. I. i uu a auni. I bt ulna
etc. Many different styles, the new pretty color ef
fects, etc., worth $1.25 at today's prices; siaes 36 to 44.
all good materials, all new up-to-date .styles, fresh'
crisp, clean blouses. A very remarkable offering.
White Hats $3.95 and $4.95
350 New Midsummer White
Hats, every hat different, in
Milans, Milan Hemps, Leg
horns, some with lace brims,
trimmed with flowers, wings,
novelties and ribbons. Special
for Friday, at $3.95 and $4.95
Untrimmed Hats
at $1.19
150 Dozen Untrimmed Hats, such as shiny
straws, leghorns, milan hemps and hemps
inniany different styles and shapes in
black and colors. Friday, at $1.19
Shoes at Low Prices
Women's Canvas Dress Shoe, gray vamp and white
top, 9-inch lace, McKay sewed Bole, 2-inch Cuban heel,
good fitting and up to date last, $ 1 QC
sizes 2 to 7, at . . ... . . . . f , . . . . . . . . . J I WD
Women's High Shoes 500 pairs in this lot, patent,
dull or kid, hand welted sole, kid or cloth top, values
up to $5.00, if you can wear small sizes . d A g
come Friday, sizes 2 to 4 only, at ..... . P 1 efrQ
Women' Dress Pumps, 1,500 pair on one big table,
values up to $5.00 nair. rood run of sizes, natonfc.
' o ' f f "
vici kid and dull leather, d1 rtr?
Friday only V 1 eSJJ
Boy's Work Shoes, tan scout shoe,
made up to stand hard wear, seam
less leather insoles and heels, sizes
IZVi to 2, at $2.75; Q ff
. sizes 24 to 5. at . . DO.UU
Children's Mary Jane Pumps, patent or dull leather, ankle strap, wide
toe, low heel, sizes 8 to 11, at $1.95; An a e
sizes 11 to 2, at t $Z.4
Basement .''&
Draperies and Curtains
Dotted 'Swiss in lengths of 2 to 10 yards, very fine quality, special, "a
yard 15c
One Big Table of Voiles, Swiss and Curtain Madras, a large assortment
of pretty designs, worth 29c yard, special, yard ; . . , 19
100 Pieces of Fancy Border and Plain Scrims, usual 15c quality," spe
cial, a yard .......,.,. ,10c
Marquisette and Lace Curtains, 2 and 3 yards hng, many trimmed
with a pretty lace edge, worth to $2.50, special, aair, at . . . . . . .$1.39
2,000 Yards of Fancy Bordered Scrims in desirable curtain lengths.
special, at, a yard , t t , giA
Odd Lace and Filet Curtains, 2 and 3 yards' long,' many 'could be
matched m pairs, special, each..... .39c
Basement . . " " ' J
Women's Fiber Silk Hosiery with
double soles and high spliced heels,
lisle garter tops, in white and col
ors, at, pair 65c
Women's White Fiber Silk Boot
Hosiery with double soles, sec
onds, a pair 35c
Women's White Cotton Hosiery,
at, pair .15c
Women's and Children's Cotton'
Handkerchiefs in plain corded
and embroidered , corners, your
choice, each . . . ... . . . , . ; ,5,.
Women's Fine Cotton Initial Hand
kerchief in white and colored in,
itials, 6 on a card, at, card ..29c
Basement "
Hus Big Men's and Boys' Section Offers Remarkable Values
' : i mi 1 1 1 -iii' it ii'i
ine man or ppy wno wants gooa style ana dependable
wear can come here and get it for little money.
Ws Raincoats
Suits, Trousers and Unionalls
Men's Raincoats, tweeds and
worsted, in plain and fancy rubber
ized materials, at
$2.98 up to $7.50
Men's Suits in a good assortment of
patterns and styles, tailored from
dependable fabrics, good range of
sizes for men and young men, at
$10, $12.50 d $15
400 Pair Men's Trousers, good,
serviceable and well made Trous
ers, sizes 30 to 42, ' do (t
special, at P.UU
Men's ynionalls in all sizes, 30 to
it-; $2.25'
" We are Omaha distributors
for Carhart Overalls.
Boys' Norfolk Suits at $4.25
Boys' Attractive Norfolk Suits, made of fine mixed Cheviot, full line
Knickerbockers, sizes 6 to 17 years, special, at $4.25
Boys' Blouses at 65c and 75c
Boys' Blouses, made at striped
madras and percales, attached
collar, all sizes, at. .65c and 75c
Boys' Wash Suits, 65c and 85c
Boys Wash Suits, attractive col
lars of neat woven striped mate
rials, sizes 2i2 to 8, 65c and 85c
Boys' Khaki Knickerbockers
at 98c J'
Boys' Khaki Knickerbockers',
sizes 6 to 17, at 98c
Boys' Spring Top Coats $2.95
Boys' Spring Top Coats, ages 2'2
to 8 years, in Trench styles, spe
cial, at $2.95
Men's Work Shirts 75c
Special Men's Light and Heavy
Weight Work Shirts in cham
brays and cheviots, in plain blues,
grays, light tan, khaki and fancy
mixtures, sizes 14 to 7C-.
17, at :.. ,oc
Men's Union Suits, at 69c
Men's Ribbed Union Suits, closed
crotch, long or short sleeves, in
ecru and white, sizes fiQ
34 to 4fr, at OJJC
Men's Athletic Union
Suits, at 59c
Men's Athletic Closed Crotch,
Loose Fitting Union Suits, sizes
4to46; 59c
One big lot of checked nainsook
sleeveless Coat Shirts, knee
length drawers, special, OOr
a garment