THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1918. 15 HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. . BURGESS-NASH. CO. REQUIRES SERVICES OF x- WRAPPERS, CASHIERS , AND ' INSPECTORS. APPLY BUPT , BALCONY. DICTAPHONE Opr., S8S-S7G; Billing Clk., $6$; Steno.. $5(-$(0; gteao. and Bkkpr.. $50. , ' ' THE MARTI SERVICE, 116-11 W. O. W. Bids. STENOGRAPHER, $90-$8S-$80-$75-$(5-$50. Bookkeeper!. S7S-I65-S 50' bill clk., $65; typist. 50; oempt Opr., $65. WATTS REK. CO., 1131 lit Nafi Bank. STENOGRAPHER, dictaphone operator . 7s-s.. . . - , . WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ABS'N. BOOKKEEPER,, mercantile experience. $85. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N, FOR A GOOD OFFICE POSITION OP ANT KIND SEE OS. ' THB CANO AGENCY. (00 BEE BLDG. CASHIER, 150 : : WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. USHERETTES WANTED ' . ... ' AT STRAND THEATER. . . ... j APPLY AT -BOX OFFICE. WANTED Young ladies to : learn telephone operating. . Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C F. LAMBERT, 1 1807 "Douglas St. ' 7 WANTED Two bright girls to learn film Inspecting. : Salary IT a week, while learning. - CALL TTLER 2121. WANTED IS girls, experienced on power sewing machines. Experienced operators can earn from 112 to IIS per week. Light, clean, steady work. Two weeks' guaran tee given new beginners. Omaha Auto Top Co.. 709-11 South 15th 8t WANTED A lady masseuse at the LaBelle " Bath Institute. 1(06 Harney. Dong, 7046 Householr and Domestic. WANTED A thoroughly competent girl for kitchen ana second work, or would hire two girls or women who would divide up all the work. Including the laundry work, i'or small family. If thoroughly competent and can come well recommended will pay highest wages. Drop line whore you can be 'phoned to, giving reference, experience and wages wanted. Only strictly respect able and neat persons need apply. Ad dress Postofflce Box 578, Council Bluffs, la. OOD girl to assist with, housework; small family; small house) nice room and good wages; no laundry, housecleanlng done. Call mornings or after t evenings. Wal- nut (688, SOPS Capitol avenue. WHITE girl tor general housework; must be experienced cook; ne laundry work and best wages. 3615 - Woolwortb avenue Harney 5553 .WANTED Middle aged woman to do bouae work; three In family; good wages; good home 1141 South Thirty-first street, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Competent housekeeper, middle - aged woman preferred, white; small fain ' lly, out of town. Mrs. Matt O. Abet, commbus. Neb. WANTED Competent maid for general ' housework; no washing; three In family; gooq wages. Harney 9429 COMPETENT girl for general housework; two In family; ood cook; no washing. References. Telephone Harney 820, WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework. Mrs. Ralph Peters, 514 s. 40th. Harney 205. WANTED An experienced second girl: olty . references required. Mrs. Frank T. Ham llton, 110 South 82d Ave. YOUNG -white girl to assist with child-and " light housework. Good home. Telephone walnut 1821 ,i WANTED A competent second girl, good ' wages. Mrs. O. Storx, J708 Farnam. Tel. i. WANT an experienced nurse, one used to children. Mrs. D. C. Bradford, 404 & 89tb 8t Phone Harney 828. WANTED An experienced white second maid. Apply Mrs. O. C Wharton, (04 8. 87tn Bt Harney 218. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of two; good wages; good home. 2416 Newport Ave. Colfax 1163. WANTED A girl for general housework, . no washing, II a week. Telephone Har ney 6071. CAPABLE girl for general housework; two , In family. 604 South 16th Street Har ney 4358. ' AN EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS AT ONCE. APPLY CLARKSON HOSPITAL. WANTED An experienced cook. Mrs. Joseph Barker, 8607 Jackson St Har. 27. -1 MAID for general housework. References required. Mrs. Tom McShane. Harney 1241. TOUNG girl wanted to assist In general homework part time. Harney 1633 WANTED Middleaged housekeeper on farm. ,- Box 6728, Omaha Bee. TVHITE laundress to make home at Insti tution; good wages. Douglas 3024. ! I 'Miscellaneous. WANTED GIRLS, COLORED PREFERRED. , OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO., 18TH AND MARCY ST. ., POULTRY AND PET STOCK 1,000 STANDARD bred baby chicks; now ready for delivery. Webster 1708. . winana n.eai restate is the hrst in vestment you could make. Read The Bee's real estate columns EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. . " ' DAY SCHOOL. " ' NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, tnotypy. typewrit Inc. telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue fro. BOYLES COLLEGE- Dougta 1565. 18th and Harney St. Van Saot School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 130 Omaha National Bank Bids. Douxla 6810. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In U parts of the otty. New lists Issued every week. LARGE, sunny furnished room in modern homo on ear Una. Walking distance. Har.acora Park district. Call Harney 1201 evenings. NEWLY furnished modern room, one or two gentlemen, privste home; walking distance; broakfast if desired. Douglas 9508. TWO-ROOM, modern suite and sleeping porch, completely furnished. Field Club district. Harney 47l. , MODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine. 608 North 17th St Reason able rent. imc wrncTCD . l..,,. .l.v newiv fur. nlshed, walking distance. Ideal for work ing men. Reasonable 1823 ' CASS Large, nicely furnished, airy room for summer; walking oiatanca. uoug las 6707. THE NORTON. Large splendidly furnished room, suitable for two. 2218 Dodge. Douglas 8960. 120 DODGE Large front room, newly - furnished, 86. Douglas 7443. ONE, two or three light housekeeping rooms; bsth floor. 2578 Harney. Housekeeping Rooms. SUITE of clean, neatly furnished rooms on seoona noor: no cnuaren: isunury pnvi - leges. 29e2 Dodge. LARGE neatly furnished three-room suite. Also garage. No children. 3028 Daven port 1061 PARK AVE. Two nicely furnished rooms, sink, gas range, pleasant and com' fortable for summer, HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, 2 and 4 rooms, modern. 402 North 16th street Douglas 9446. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms. 1611 How ard St Board and Room. STRICTLY modorn, well furnlshsd large front room, wun ciosei, on oatnroom uoor, only 19, to 4 respectable gentleman who appreciates m clean, 14U101., uvuiv. ,a 22d St. Douglas 1107. DEMIS PARK On car line, one or two re spectable ladles to board and room. All modern. Private home. Harney azen. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurn'shed rooms, 110. 911 N. 18th St Phone Douglas 4598. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. A CLASSY l-room and bath apartment, near 24th and Harney, furnished complete, for 142.50 per month. A high olass proposi tion for high class people. Bedford-John ston Co. D. 1140. MY four-room completely furnished, mod ern apartment, 'till October 1. t-rooia accomodations, excellent condition; refer ences required. Box 6048 Omaha Bee. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room apart ment, with sun porch, to sublet; best lo. cation and janitor service. 3208 Harney. Telephone Harney 6811. Houses. FURNISHED HOUSE. (room, 1-story house, well furnished. Best location, Field Club district; garage. Until October 1st only. GEORGE & CO. D. 756. NEATLY furnished 7-room cottage, with piano; for board. Colfax 1846. FOR RENT HOUSES West. FOR RENT 301 S. 88th Ave., corner of Farnam St, nine-room attached brick residence. Rooms finished In oak. Din ing room has beamed celling, built-in and attractive features; the second floor Is finished In white enamel; two baths. Just newly decorated. Apply to W. J. Burgess, Boyd Theater, Douglss lilt. ELEGANT 9-room brick near high school, furnace, laundry, gas and fire places, all ready to move Into. Tel. Harney- 6664. Keys 2601 Capitol Ave., adjoining. 815 N. 25TH Duplex flat, 7 rms.. 882.60. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 138 Securities Bldg. North. FOR RENT. 2013 Grace St., 8-room house," $20. ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY, 205 S. 18th St. Douglas 722. PARTIES having houses for rent or sale In the neighborhood of a Basket Store will do well to mention advantage to the pros- pectlve renter or buyer, FOUR rooms sr.d bath, second floor, nice rooms, 110. 2639 Seward St. Red 682. 6-ROOM bouse, modern except furnace, (14, 26th and Caldwell. Turklngton. South. 6-ROOM house; electric lights, 118. 830 South 21st. Harney 2705. 5 ROOMS and bath upstairs. 1016 William. Call evenings. Doug. 4567. Miscellaneous. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. CREIGH SONS A CO., BEE BLDG. Garden, 4128 N. 38th; 6 rooms. .. .315.00 Flat 2305 Leavenworth; 6 rooms. .320.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas f54. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 72S. Shopen Co.. Ratals. Douglas 4228. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof; fine lawn and flowers during summer; best location, 34tb and Farnam. Prlcea reasonable. Call D. 1472. North. THREE VERY NICE ' MODERN FLATS Four rooms each, every improvement, with gas ranges and janitor, at 2662-58 Cuming St. $14 and $16.60 each to small families only. THOS. W. HAZEN 20 McCague Bldg. BEAUTIFUL, strictly modern, four and five room apartments. Sethlow Ter race, 16th and Yates. Webster 932 and Webster 4328. FOUR-Room new apt, modern; corner; very ngnt, 826; vacant May I. Maple Court 1911 Maple St. Red 682. INQUIRE upstairs, residence; 8 large rooms and bath. Modern except heat $12. 2511 Corby St Webster 6765. STEAM heated modern apartment, Clowry uourt. u. v. BtebBlns. 1610 Chicago. South. i-ROOM apartment with private bath. Price 1 AND 4-ROOM apartments. 816 S 22d St Tyler 224S. Miscellaneous ' PETERS TRUST CO. Specialist! in Apartment management FOR RENT Business Prp'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT 15th and Douglas, lOx w. steam heat, rent $115 per month. WORLD REALTY CO. Donglaa 6343. Sun Theater Bldg. MODERN store. 16th near P. O. Low rent. G, P. Stepping. 1610 Chicago. i JDffice. and Desk Room. LET US SHOW YOU why you should office in The Bee Bid. Keystone Investment Co Tyler 1JL MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furnl- . ture store; office en Howard St between 16th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have your moving handled just as you would " an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It. Ask to see our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4161. FREE 8rScle FIDELITY Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson fits. WE HAUL ANYTHING. Unload carload lots rock, sand, or any other material. CHAMBERS & O'NEILL. 2102 Leavenworth Bt Phone Tyler 1419. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing esll Tvler 180 or Douglss 4338. J f! RRRD Ers Co.. Moving. O. J, AVUUAS Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 274 Doug. 61 4 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. BEMIS PARK la one of the prettiest spots In Omaha, fairly closo !u and handy to two car lines. We offer the following extra good values In this district: $4,150 An (-room all modern h0uie, oak floors, Located on the car line near Lincoln boulevard. $1,000 cash will handle. $5.000 A very well built home, S rooms with hot water heat, oak finish, dandy south front lot overlooking the park. Term reasonable. $10.000 On of the largest and best Built homes In this dlstrlot South front lot overlooking the park and boulevard. Vlrst floor has an Immense living room and extra large library; dining room with panelled walls, com plete pantry and kitchen. Seconi floor, four large bedrooms and sleeping porch with two tils bath rooms. Third floor, two large rooms and complete bath room. Quarier sawed oak finish, oak floors throughout; hot water heat, two fireplaces. Oarage for two cars, with cement driveway; large shade trees. A big sacrifice at $10,000 and can be handled with $3,000 cash and $86 per month. . GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas "963 919-20 City Nat'l. DESIRABLE HOME IN BEMIS PARK DISTRICT This is a good 2-story, (-room, mod em house, In first-class condition, hav ing living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and ice box room, first floor; 1 large bedrooms and bath 2d floor; paved street and ornamental lighting system throughout the district. This Is 1314 North 16th St., and is priced low for quick sale. GEORGE & CO. D. 756. New 5-Room Bungalow and One Quarter Acre $250 cash and $26 per month buys brand new bungalow, oak floors and hardwood finish throughout. Located at 43d and Oak Sts. Price $2,975. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Douglas 297. 211 8. 17th. A RENT SAVER. Near the beautiful Clalrmont addition, T rooms, well built, well located, close to car line and school, could not be built today for $4,000. Party wants to sell and will take $1,000 down and $30 per month. Your opportunity to buy right and save money. Call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 70! Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. 6-ROOM HOUSE Modern except heat, on paved street. In A-l condition, 1H blocks from 1 car lines. Lawn, flowers and garden. A cosy little home. Come out and make an offer at 4227 Grant St, Walnut 1728. buNDEE BUNGALOW 5 rooms and sun room on one floor; new, all oak; $3,800, $300 cash. Cal' day Doug. 3140. North. Near 22nd and Lothrop Just listed a seven room and sleeping porch strictly modsrn house Oak finish and oak floors downstairs. ' Three nice bedrooms and open sleeping porch up stairs. Price of this property $4,000. A bargain figure, and can be handled on $500 down and $60 per month. Payne Investment Co., 537 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1781. 1457 PINKNEY ST. 6 ROOMS LARGE LOT Houas has large rooms throughout Oak floors rnd finish. Has reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and 'c box room on ftrst floor; three large bedrooms, bath and linen closet second floor. Full basement; gas beater and gas plate. Screens, storm windows, scrjened In front porch; large level lot; house all newly painted and redecorated. Call Webster 2671. NEARLY NEW BUNGALOW NORTH. Dandy stucco bungalow, flvs good sized rooms and bath, all on ons floor, j choics oak finish, tastily decorated, bookcases, buffet, and sun room, good attlo and basement, nice level lot 40x140, only one block to car line. Price $3,900. About half cash. OSBOi'NE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Naf Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. HERE IS A SNAP Usually well built home; four rooms, large pantry and tiled vestibule down stairs; four bedrooms, bath and sewing rooms upstairs. All rooms canvaaed and decorated. Full size attlo as well as cellar. Strictly, modern. All on an east front lot 44x176. At a bargain If taken at once. 1030 North 33d Street. 6-R.. nearly new, oak finish, 2-story home, garage, ioi wun iruit ana shade, paved st big bargain at $3,(00; $500 cash and $32.60 per mo.; on pretty Pinkney St. We buy as well as sell bargains RASP BROS.. 210 Keellne Bldg., Tyler 721. 18th and Clark Streets. For R. R. man, ( rooms strictly modern house, large lot, walking distance1 to R. R shops and large Industries. Sacrifice for $1,300. See it now. J. N. Snitzer, 423 Paxton Bik., D. 2161. FOR COLORED MAN. 1204 N. 25th street Home or boarding house, close In; 10 roomy, modern, large corner lot. Will sacrifice. See It today. .1. N. 8nltzer, 428 Paxton Bik., D. 2161. WE SELL, Rent, Insure and make Loans on City property. Nortn. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames Ave. Cot 217, KOUN'f ZE PLACE Modsrn -rooro bouse. run basement, large-lot. cioae to car. Price S3 150 Norrls A Norrts. D. 4170. M1NNE LUSA homes and lota offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tvler 187 FOR SALE 9-room modern house on N. 24th St. car line, $4,700. Box 4326, Bee. South. SPECIAL BARGAIN, SOUTH. "'" 8trlctly modern specially well built house, 1 rooms and bath, oak finish, hot water heat One sleeping porch, double garage, paved street, near car line and school, near 9th and Bancroft; must sell quick and the price Is way 'below what It Is worth. TEBBENS, THE REALTOR. 0( Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone D. 2182. Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW. New, (-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; tine location; near car line. Price, (4,000. Terms. 1600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, (42 Paxton Bik. FOR RBNT AND SALE. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTI'-K at snuintiiu, 202 S. 17th St Douglas 6011, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous It' you want acres well located, near car and paved road, northwest west or southwest at low prices and easy terms, you will find we always have the best list to select fro-i. HASTINGS HEY DEN, 1614 Harney St., Phono Tyler 60. 8-R. PRESSED brick house; oak finish, full lot with garsge, $5,200. W. H. GATES, (47 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1194. OWNER will sell high-class bungalow at bargain to party able to make first pay' ment of $1,500; balance easy payments. Tel. Colfax 1324. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., Real Estate and Insurance. IS JO Farnam St rx,ue 10(4 REM ESTATE B'nes Pr'pty WB WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Electrlo' Bids. Tyler (5, BUSINESS property and Investments. A P. TL'KEY and SON. 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAOijE INVESTMENT CO.T Income. Business and Trackage Specialist 16tn ana uoage Hie uougise .- Emm in, - nr1 REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TKACKAGE Fine site on B. & M. R. R., sise 15x166. Can be bought cheap. Call owner evenings. Phone Wal. 70. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR SALE or exchange, 420 acre . farm located in northeast Mo.. 2ft miles, from town, well improved and a No. 1 rarm. Will take $20,000 or $36,000 worth of good income Omaha property and easy terms on balance. Address Box oj, Rock Island, 111. GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease, 211 Bran. Th. Bldg $0 ACRES in Arkansas. 101 acres In Colo. . rado, for rooming house or hotel. 1116 South 2d St. Paul pydon. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN, $1 A WEEK. PAYNE SLATER CO ' , REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. FAIRACRES About 1 '4 acres on Dodgo St., In Fair acres. This Is a nice south front, close to beautiful homes and is the cheapest acre age In this high-rlaas district Price for quirk sale reduced to $3,150. See us at once. J. L. HIATT CO., QflA FIRST NAT'L. PHONE 0 f VW BK. BLDG. TYLER UO HIGH and sightly Dundee lots. $875 to $1,150. Easy terms, loans arranged for building purposes. Phone D. 6074, Ghuler A Csry. Realtors Dundee. Good Dundee Homes IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. This Is a 7-room, 1-story, well-built modern home, with reception room, living room and dining room finished In quarter sawed oak; kitchen, 4 bedrooms and bathroom finished in quarter-eawed pine; garage; paved alley; south front lot 60x128 feet. Price $5,260. Reason able amount down, balance monthly like rent. Key at our office. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 756. FAIRACRES HOME High algh'ly location with about three and one-half acres. Extensive planting of trees and shrubbery. Brick house, 9 rooms, 2 bath rooms second floor. Double garage. GEORGE & CO., Doug. 756. South Side. SIX well located lots In Bellevue; might exchange for light automobile. Phone Walnut 1141. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. Widow has ( five-room bouses, one 7- room, modern house, one t-room modern house and 1 modern store bulldlnge; all well rented, on paved atreets, close to car lines in Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property In first class condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National Bank Building. WB HAVE BUYERS CASH OR TERMS For $2,500 to $4,600 desirable homes. Also for snaps In Rental Property. List with us for quick results, we advertise and sell. Regular commission. D. E. BUCK & CO., 442 Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug. 2000. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalow with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. ( OR 8 ROOM bouse. Give location In full. Lowest price and what amount of money to handle. No real estate agents. Box 6683, Omaha Bee. LIST your property with JOHN J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandeis Thester Bldg. Phone D. 9t WANTED Modern flat, value $30,000 to $40,000. Address P. O. Box 473, Onawa. Ia. MEET me at F. D. Wead's Office. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. 7H PER CENT INTEREST. First farm debentures amply secured. Denomination $100, $500, $1,000 and up. HARLEY J. HOOKER. First National Bank Bldg. WB want 100 mortgages on Omaha resi dences; funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638-49 Keellne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. On dollar itart n account OMAHA LOAN A BLDG ASSOCIATION. 1. FARM LOANS, CI CT '72 1 PAUL PETERSON. 0 '2 l 164 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loan. City National BankJ5ld OMAHA HOMESfcAST NEB. FARMS? O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2715. CITY AND FAKM LOANS ' 6, (ft and ( Per Cent J. H. DUMONT Co., Keellne Bldg. 5i2 HARRISON A MORTON, 5M 119 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. 1100 to 810.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam Bt. MONEY to Man on Improved firm and ranche. Kicks Inveetmei.t Co., Omaha. Private Money. 8HOPEN A COMPANY Douglas 4228. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son. Keeline Bldg. TEN TO 20 YEARS, LOW COST, easy pay. menta. W. O. TEMPLETON. 614 Bee Bldg. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERO. Ill Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MAY 7TH. Our next excursion to McOehee, Ark. W. S. FRANK, 201 NEVILLE BLK. New York Lands. 304 ACRES, 36 miles frem Buffalo, 1 mile from cheese factory, churches, store; school on farm; dark loam soil; 40 acres timber; living springs; 2 bouses; barn 60x 90 basement stable, concrete floor, alio, Including 62 head cattle, 11 horaes; 4 hogs, hens, all fodder, complete farming equipment. Price $12,600. Easy terms. Free list. Ellis Bros.. Sprtngvllle, N. Y. Wisconsin Lands. OWN a farm. Ws have some of the choicest land In th heart of the very best sec tion of the Clovor Belt of Central Wis consin. Low prices. Essy terms. Write for booklet and map. John 8. Osveo Lumber Co.. Owen. Clark County. Wis. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming fsrms, $60 per a.. Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi ACM. Rylsndor, $64 Omaha Nat'l. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. ONE to twelve sections eastern Colorado ranch. Artesian wells, good ranch build ings, railroad station on land; electric power line through land; five miles from large city. Will sell In tracts of 160 acres or more. Price $36 per acre. Terms, $5 per acre cash, balance ten annual pay ments ( per cent Will consider part cash ana trade. Alao (.009 acre of dry farming land In Crowley county. Colorado, $1$ per acre; also New Mexico (0,000-acre ranch, with water rights for 7.000 acres. Address B. H. Tsllmadge, Pueblo, Colo. 16 ACRES OF LAND Two miles of slevator; small house and well; some 40 acres cultivated. Land locatedln Logan county between Wlllard and Sterling. Price $4,000, or $28 per acre. Come and see this. It Is a bar gain. Lsnd In this vicinity selling much higher. C M. MORTON, 109 S. Id St., Sterling Colo. COLORADO offers great opportunities for farmers of moderate meana to secure farm homea on very easy term. Inform us location desired. For free book and map and special railroad ratea write Fluyd C Tallmadge, Colonisation Agent Kana-Colo. Ry Co., First National Bank Bldg., Pueblo. Colo. LISTEN Old residents who refused to cay $1.26 acre for Eastern Colorado land 10 year ago are paying $10 to $26 now; Ne. braska and ' Iowa parties buying largely since they found oould save commissions by buying direct from W. 8. Pershing, ex mayor of Limon, Colo; 1.2(0 aorea (old Ne braaka and Iowa parties last week 640 ACRES, smooth whest land, half mile from small railroad town In Cheyenne county, Colorado, Price $30 per acre, Terms. The Chas. E. Oibson Co.. First National Bank bldg. Denver. Colo. Nebraska Lands. 240 ACRES 2 MILES FROM GLEN. 240 acre two mile from Glen, 10 miles from Crawford. (Glen Is a small railroad point on the C. V N. W. just west of Crswford). This 240 aorea has about 80 acre under cultivation. About 1(0 to 170 aorea can be cultivated. Lota of good pine timber, all . fenced and cross fenced. Good five roomed house, good two story barn, two good cellars, good well ana windmill, oiacKsmitn shop, good double hen house, etc., etc You couldn't beat this place no matter where you tried. It Is right on the main line' road from Crawford to Glen and la a very desirable location, $28.(0 per acre takes It. In connection with this, I can sail you a straight slock ranch proposition, being 1,040 seres and laying only 1 mllo. away from this place. It Is mostly all rough but very heavily grassed and has lots of good timber. Also ha good run ning water. Log house, log barn, some other outbul'dlngs. Just for a straight stock proposition you can't beat thli place and you can shut your eye and grab it at th price and It will make you good money. Only $9.(0 per acre. These two places should go together, yet, 1 can sell them separate. The man that owns these two places together, couldn't possibly go wrong. Write me for pic tures, description and price of other places. ARAH U HUNOKRFORD, Crawford, Dawes County, Nebraska. MERRICK COUNTY BARGAIN. 1(0 aorea, lies level, nicely Improved, ( miles from good town, one-half mile to rural high school; perfect level road to town. Good (-room house, well shel tered by plenty of shad trees; good barn for 12 horses and ( tone of hay; hog shed, chicken house, granary and garage; good well and windmill, best of water at a depth of 10, feet; (0 acres under plow, 15 acre In alfalfa, balance pasture, which can all be broken and profitably farmed, all good black sandy loam soil that produces any crop grown In Nebraska. Pries $86 per acre, about one-halt cash, balance good terms. This firm will not be on the market long, com and look It over now, He M, A. LARSON, Central City, Nebraska. ONE 80 acres, one 40 acres, one 40 acres or nne rarming iana, improv-ment on every piece; on San tee Reservation, Ne braska; patented. Buyer tak Immedi ate possession; all adjoining. Inform. ion. STEPHEN S, JONES, Flandreau, S. D. HAVE 840 aorea in the good wheat country, well Improved, 160 aorea In cul tivation; six mile of Kimball, In Kim ball county, Neb. Price $35 per acre. write F. v, cnew, Kimball, Neb. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARB SURE INVESTMENTS. For beat land at beat prices write Geo. Antlll, Blslr, Neb. RANCHES ot all alsaa and kinds, eaay terms, a. v Patsman. 801 Karbach Bik. CHOICE FARMS. Nllsson. 421 Rose Bldg. Miscellaneous. GOOD ranches and farms and city property ror sal or exchange, miss Maxln win ters, 608 Metro. Bldg., Slrux City, la. Auto phone 9111. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. SHEEP FOR SALE 4.000 large cross-bred 1 to 4-year ewes; 3.400 cross-bred 2-year wes; 1,000 or 10,000 Ramboulllst and cross-bred yearling ewes; all flrft-elaas; before or after shearing. A few oarload lots. For particular writ I, N. Portsr, Ogden, Utah. LET US haul your live stock. W ar fully equipped to nanai anytning. CHAMBERS & O'NEILL. $102 Leavenworth Bt Phone Tyler 1419. (235 TAKES my chunky gray team of mares, z,7(io lbs. To bs sold by the 10th Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 213 DnuffUa FOR SALE 20 Holsteln cow and helferu Apply f. C. Bliss, 254 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, piano and note as seourlty. t, mo., a. gooas, total, I8 60. Smaller, isrger am't proportionate rat. PrtOVHIITiVT tniH anPTwrv 482 Securities Bldg,. Hth. Fsrnsm. Ty. (((. LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. 1 Of SMALLER LOANS. O Of A IV W, C. FLATAO. EST. 1(91. 6 O " w pmJUKiniia aisva. ty, S6o. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANST" Lowest rate, Privets loan booth. Harry JL-JL 'J?"rK- ' uonge. u eI lest, 1811 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Clara I. Dorward to Fred M. Bradley, oumeasc corner Tnirty-ninth and Arbor street. 100x124; northeast cornr Thirty-ninth and Gold streets. 60x124 H.iOfl Augustus A. Myers and wife to Fred D. Wead, Lake street, 250 feet east of Forty-second street, south side, 60x120 1,700 A. C. Lelghton and wife to Frank Fo garty, Wirt stroet, 296 feet east of Thirleth street, outh lde, 88.5x124.6 1 Frank Fogarty and wife to Wilson T. Graham, Wlrth street. 296 feet east of Thirtieth stroet, south side, 68.5xl34.( (50 Samuel Sugarman to Emma Matson, Polk street, 800 feet west of Thir teenth street, south side, (0x140.... 160 Edward W Hermnnsky to Bessie Wohlnbr. Spring street, 148 feet west of Twentieth street, north llde, 86.86x178. 5 1 Dundee Realty company to Fred H. Ushllng, Fifty-first street, 116 feet south of Farnam street, east side, 49x135 1,4(0 Ann Doerwald to Olgo M. Koehneman, northwest corner Twenty-first and Monroe streets, 42x130 200 John B. Nlchlos to Francis T. Schrunk. Burt street, 66 feet west of Seven teenth street, north side, 66x132.... 1,200 Annie Kuykendall and husband to Carl G. Johnson, Thirty-second street, 46.4 feet south of Ilascall street, west lsde, 45x120 650 Elisabeth J. Baker. and husband to Wilson W. Buchanan, Mason street, 162 feet west of Thirty-sixth street, north side. 42x115 4,700 Charles Ladd Thomas to Nellie Hutch inson, Forty-ninth street, 89.5 feet north of Pacific street, esst side, 110x132 400 John H. Parry and wife to Lulu Kehm, Pinkney street. 170 feet west of Forty-sacond street, north side, 80x128 660 Alfred Olson and wife to Conrad A. Swanson, Sixty-eighth street, 134 feet north of Ohio street, west side, 60x163 1,100 Kenwood Realty company to Alexand er R. - McCandless et el, Forty-second street 120 feet south ot Pratt street, east side. 126x200 (50 Louis A. Frederlckson and wife to John H. Johnson, Twenty-sixth street, 495.6 feet north of Cuming street, east side, (2.6x121 2,200 Nellie B. Traver to Roy E. Slater, Seventeenth street, $00 feet south ot Central boulevard, east side, 100X 127 and other property 2,800 Ren W. Fadden and wife to Wesley M. Kurtx et al, northwest corner ' Twenty-fifth avenue and Laurel ave nue, 45x120 LIDO Axel W. Cederholm and wife to George H. Hurd et al, Charles street, (0 feet west of Fortieth street, south side, 60x130 1 780 OMAHA LIYE STOCK Moderate Ran of Cattle;' Hog Market Active and Sales Lower; Sheep Trade Receipts wers: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday 1,(61 8.160 7,136 Official Tuesday S.061 18.065 7,338 Official Wednesday .. (,499 19.180 4.(89 Estimate today 4,700 15,000 (.000 Fmir day this week.. 17, 922 (9,338 25,183 Same day last week.. 16,178 (3,(12 23,165 Sam day 1 wks. ago. 40, 133 70,739 40,981 Sam day t wks. goi36,950 10.743 37,391 Sam days year ago... 28.167 47,731 13,032 Receipt and disposition of llvs stock at ths Union Stock yards, Omaha. Neb., for 24 hours ending at 1 o'clock p. m., May 2, 1(18 RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. She o TCrs. C. M. & St. P.... 1 6 .. ., V'abash .. 1 Missouri Paclflo $ 2. . . 1 Union Pacific 55 61 Si . , C. A N. V.. east 1( 4 CAN W. west., 42 (8 .. ,. C. St P., M. A 0 19 19 C. B. A Q., east 1$ ( 1 ., C, B. A Q., west 37 1( C, R LAP., east 10 S .. .. C, R. I. A P., weat 2 Illinois Central 6 1 ., ,, Chicago, at. West 2 6 TotsI receipts 207 10$ 17 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co. (64 3,197 Swift A Co Cudahy Packing Co.,. Armour A Co... J. W Murphy.. Liicoln Packing Co... S Omaha Pack. Co.. W. B. Vansant Co.... V B. Lewis Huntalnger A Oliver.. J. B. Root A Co, J. H. Bulla Rotenstock Bros ..... F O. Kellogg... Werthelmer A Degen., Giles A Co. Christie Higgtns Rtth ....r. Mayer Baker. Jones A Smith Banner Bros.. ,, Jnh.i Harvey Jensen A Lungren . , , . Pat O'Pay , . . 1.C6 679 1,141 "(( 19 64 161 44 19 5 12 111 (T 39 19 K 10 11 S 31 138 81 19 411 1,045 1.734 4,406 1,(14 1,878 11(4 Other Buyers 40 Total! 1,691 14,(90 t,4(( Cattle A very moderate Thursday's run ot cattle showed up. about 4,700 head. For the four day reotlpt -hav been about 28,(00 head or nearly 7,000 short of a week ago. On account of lower market receipts the Iocs, trade opened out rather slow, and while every effort wa mad to fore prices lower the bulk, of th desirable offering old about as well as an Wednesday, the good to choice weighty beeves up around $17,00 to $17.80. Cow and heifer wer low sals at steady to uneven lower prlcea Dullness In itocksr and feeder was very quit, the best grade rulsd about steady and in-between kind uneven lower. Cattle quotation! Good to choice beeves, (1( 76017.40; fair to good beeves (18.60 14.50: common to fair beeves, $11. 60015. 00: good to choice yearlings, (14.00015.60; fair to good yearlings, S11.009 ll.St; common to fair ysarllngs, $9.(0010.(0; good to choics heifers, (11.60011.00; good to cholc eows, It.OOtflS.tS; fair to good sows. $(.7(011.7(i common to fair cows, $7,(0OM0; prime feeders, $11.00011.16; good t choice feed ers, llO.OOOU.50i fair to good feeder. (8.60 O9.601 oommon to fair feeder. $7.(O0(.(O goad to cholc stockers, $9.6011.$0 stock heifers. $8.10010.60: stock eows. $7,600 10.00; stock calve, $8.(0011.10; veal oalvei, $!.00O13.00; bulls, stags, ate., $10.00 015 00. Hogs Supplies of hog today amounted te 16,000 head or 11$ ear, and th market opened rather active on both (hipping and packing account and ale wer made any where from 6O10o lower than yesterday's average market. Bulk of th sales ranged from $16.60016.10. shipper paid as high a $!(.(( for cholc light weights, with the heavy weights ranging from (Oo up to (00 and ths medium weights and packing hogs from 40a to (Oo. Th general undertone ot the trade was very good but ottering war Just fair. Sheep Arrival ot sheen today war esti mated at 6,000 head. Over halt ot these wsr billed through, however, there probably not being over 10 or 11 load en sal. Buyer and sellers wsr (low In getting together this morning and the market wa a dreggy affair regardlee of th large supply and what little trading wa don at th tim of wrltli.g this report looked to be a steady market. Sheep quotation: Good to choice lamb, $17BC20.10; fair to cholc lambs, $18,600 19.76; fair to choice yearlings, (16.(0019 00; fair to cholc wethers, $14.60017.00; fair to choice ewe. S13.toaplfl.SS: feeder lambs, (17.(0011.00; spring lamb. $18.00020.00. St. JVouls Llv Stock. tt. Louis, May 1 Cattle Receipt. 1.(00 head; market, alow) native beet iteen, $11.(0017.10; yearling steer and heifer. jj.B0O15.00; cows, (7.10011.(0; stockers and feeders. $8.6011.0O; fair to prime southern beef steers, 110.00O1M0; beef cows and heifers, $6.00018.60: southern yearling ter snd halter, $7.60 OK. 90; calve. $7.76018.(0. Hogs Receipts. 11.800 head; market, lower; lights, (17.40017.60; pigs, (15.760 17.18 mixed and butchers, (17.10017.(0: good heavy, (17,10017. 2(; bulk ot sales, $17.26017.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 1,(00 head; lambs, (20.60021.25; owe, $10.00 0 17. 00; wethers, $16.(001700; canners and chop pers, $(.(009.(0. Kansas City Llv Stock Market. Kansas City, May 1. Cattle Receipts. 3,000 head; market, steady; prim fed steers, $16.60017.60; dressed beef steers, $15.25016.76; western steers, $14.00017.25; cows, $7.7601( 00; heifers, $$.60014.00; stockers and fseders, $8.60016.00; bulla, $(.00O13.7(; calvss, (8.00011.00. Hogs Receipts, (.000 head; market low er; bulk of sales, (17.00017,26; heavy, 117.00 17.16 ; ; packer and butcher. $17.0$ 017.40; light, $17.10017,35; plge, $13,760 17.60. ... Sheep snd Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head; market, higher; lambs, $19.25010.(0; ysar llngs, $l(.00O17.(0; wethers, $15.00017 (0; ewe, $16.00014.76. Sioux City Llv Stock, Sioux City, la., May 1. Cattle Receipts, 2,600 head; market weak; beef steers, $12.00 & 17.60: fat cows and heifers.. $9.00i15.00: canners, $7.6001.60; stockers and feeders, $9.00013.50: calves. $8.00013.00; bulls, stags, etc, $9.00012.75 feeding oows and betrers, $7.(0011.00. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady; light, (14.80OH.80; mixed, (16.700 16.(0; heavy. $16.60016.70; pigs, $16.60 17.00; bulk of sales, (1(. 6016.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head; market steady. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, May 2. Cattle Receipts. 16,000; market weak. Native steers, (IO.0017.40; stockers and feeders, ((.20012.36; cows and heifers, $6. 75013. $0; calve. $8.00014.00. Hogs Receipts, 88,000; market unsettled, 10 to 15c under yesterday's average. Bulk, $17. 1)01f 17.40; light, $16.90017.66; mixed, $16.6EH7.60; heavy, $16.80017.25; rough, $16.80016.20; pigs, $13.25017.00. Sheep Receipts, 12,000; market firm. Sheep, $12.76016.75; lambs, $15.50020.(0. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, May 2. Cattle Receipts'. 2.200 head; market strong; steers, $12.00017.66; cews and heifers,' (7. 00016. 00; calves. $7.00 012.00. Hogs Receipts, 7,500 head; market lower; top, $17.26; bulk of sales, $16.80017.15. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 350 head: market steady; lambs, $16.00020.25; ewes, $1O.OO0K.7(.' Tur.ientlue ana Rosin. Savannsh, Ga.. May 2. Turpentine Firm, 4O04OHc; sales, 184 bbls.; receipts, 147 bbls.-; shipments, none; stock, 23,449 bbls. Rosin Firm, sales, 385 bbls.; receipts 4 :i2 bbls.; shipments, none; stock, 97,047 bbls. Quotations: B, D, E, F, O and H $5.60; I, $5.85; K, $5.76; M. $6 98: N. $6.10; WO, $6.70; WW, $6.90. Metal Market. New York, May 3. Metal exchange quotes lead easy; spi', $7.0007.11; i.pelter, quiet. East St. Louis, spot, $6.6506.76. At London Copper, spot and futures. 110; electrolytic, 125; tin. spot and fu tures, C360; levl, spot, 29 10s; futures, 26 10s; spelter, spot, 54; futures, 50. New York Cotton. New York, May 2. Cotton closed steady at a net decline of 92 to 111 points. Cotton, spot, quiet; middling, 27.75c. Fu tures, closed euy; May. 25.68c; July, 25.95c October, 25.14c: Dscember, 26c; January. 24.76c. Duluth Linseed. Duluth. Minn,, May 2. Linseed $3,950 4.01; arrive, $3 91; May, $3.95 asked; July, $3.99 asked; October, $3.(6 asked. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Further Decrease in Receipts Develop; Cash Corn Lower; Oats Hit Decline; Bye Quiet. Omaha. May t, 1918. A further decrease In th receipts or grain were ahown today, (7 ran of all grain being reported in. Wheat receipts were 1 cars; corn, (1 cars; oat. 21 cars; rye, 1 oar, and barley, 4 cars. Cash corn was generally lo to (o lower, with one exception, the No, 2 grade ot whin corn bringing yesterday prices and a few cars in advance ot lo and 2a a bushel. Oat auffered severely, actual sales show ing a decline of IKo and 4c. Practically no export bids wer heard of. Rye wa quiet, no sales being reported al a . late hour. Bids, however, were cut down aeveral cent. Barley was not much changed. 1 car ol No. 1 going at (1.(0. Clearances were; Wheat and flour equal to 18( 000 bu.; oorn, 1,000 bu.; oats, 191.- 000 bu! Primary wheat receipt wer 1(7,00$ bu. and shipments (7,000 bu against receipts t 1(3.000 bu. and shipment ot 1,709,000 bu. Ust year. Primary corn receipts were (41,000 bu. and shipment (07.000 bu., against receipts of 466,000 bu and shipments ot 161.000 bu. Inst year. Primary oat receipts were 971,000 bu. and shipments 1.090.000 bu., against receipts o: (83.000 bu. and shipment of (11,000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. ' ' Wheat Corn. Oate. 'hlcago ( IK 22$ Minneapolis 9$ .. Omaha 7 (12$ Kansas City , t , 80 19 St Louis 1 ,37 $7 Winnipeg .............$0 , .. These sales were reported today: Corn No. I white: t oars, (1.74; I car. $1.73; 3 cars, $1.73. No. I white: ear. $1.70. No. 4 white: 1 oar, $1.((; 1 ear, $1.65, No. ( white: 1 ear, (l.((; 1 car, $1.(5. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1,41; 1 ear. $1.30. No. 1 yellow: 1 cars. $1.(1. No. $ yellow: II care, $1.(0; I ear, $1.$$, No. 4 yellow: ( 1-1 car. (1.6(. No. 6 yallow; 1 car, (1.41. No. ( yellow: 1 cars, (1.16; car, (1.16; 1 car, $1.(1. Sample yellow: 1 ear, (1.16; l-( car, $1.00. No. I mixed: ( ear. $1.((. No. ( mlxd: 1 car, $1.(1; 3-t car, (1.(0. No. I mixed! 1 ear, (1.(4; 4 car, $1.43; t ear, $1.40; 1-1 ear, $1.10. No. mixed: 1 car, $1.33; 4 oars, 11.80. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.10. I Oat No. 1 white) 1 ear, 7(0 1 ear, 17, No. 1 white! 1 ear, tJWe; 1 car, TSot 1 car, 77c: 1 car. 16He: tt-l ears, 7(ttoi M car, 7(Ve. No. 4 white: 1 ear, 71c: 1 oar, TT Via; 1 car, TTc Sample 'whlti t car, TSVicj I oar, Tlo. Oat and Barley I ear, Tie, Barley No. (: 1 ear, $1.60. Omaha Cash Prlcea Corn; No. t white. $1.7301.74; N I white, $1.79 01.71) No, 4 white, (1.45 0l(8 No. I whit. $1(501.(1; No. ( white, $1 $001.4$; No, 1 yellow, $1.((; No, $ yellow, i 1(01.(0; No. 4 yellow, (1.(6; No. ( yellow. (1.43 01.46; No. ( yelew, $1.8301.85: yellow, $1.0001.10; No $ mlxd,,$1.6(. No. 4 mixed, $1.6001.(3: Na. t mixed,' (1.30 01.(4; No. ( mixed, (1.800 1.81; sample ni xed, $1,80, Oats: No. 1 white, 1107(01 No. I whit, 7(H07(Vtai No. 4 whit, 77078o; sample, T3 073 Vic ' Barley: Wo. t, $1.(0. Chtdago closing price, furnished Th Bs by Logan A Bryan, stock and grala broker, 815 South Sixteenth street Omaha: Article Open High" I Low Close jYest Corn. I May 11714 1 174 137 I IT. H7H July 1 45 1 47 H4H 1 47 U6 Oats. May 77 78 Vi 78 18 II July Utt 19 17 (I 11 Pork May 48 41 46 41 41 10 48 10 4( 41 July 4( 40 41 49 41 0 41 II 41 (I Lard May 14 IT 14 71 24 13 14 IT 24 Tt July tl 0( 35 10 34 16 tl 1 21 II Ribs, May II Tl II It 11 II tt IT II 71 July 13 40 tt 47 21 17 21 41 2$ II CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS, Cam IMeea Tura Upward When Leader Realise Market Uas Been Oversold, Chicago. Mar 1. Sign that selling had been greatly overdone led te a (harp rally today In '.he eorn market. Price closed strong, tt01c net higher, i with May $1.37 and July $1.47 01.47. Oat . fin ished ' O lo net lower. The outcome la provision ranged from (to decline t a rise D( a do. . Too much enthusiasm among th bear In oorn resulted from th fact that aeu-on. able temperature and plenty of lunshtnl appeared to be assured for at least the nest two or three days. The consequent free, selling with which the day began earrled down prloes to about 90 a bushel below ths top level of last week. At thl point ers turned to the buying aide, but fount that it wa difficult to cover. Prospective scantiness of supplies from rural source, gave further emphasis to the view that Ira proved conditions for plowing and plant ing had been more than discounted, an! that decided i.tward readjustment was Is order. ' Government purchases of 150,300 busheli checked weak'ita In oats. Previously there had been pronounced bearish sentiment oe aooount of absence ot export demand an because ot th excellent crop outlook. Provision influenced by the corn hulgl recovered per My from decline due to lowet quotation on hogs, Corn No. I yellow, (1.(7: No, I yellow,' $1.(001.(7) No. 4 yellow, $1.4$. oats no. s white, 7i7(e; stanaura,, MHOIHlo.. .,- ' Rye No. t, Il.tT. Barley At $1.4001.74. Timothy At 16,0001.09, . , Clover At 1$.OO02$.OO. , ' Pork Nominal. .. i - Lard At (34.(7. , Ribs At (2.00O11.4T. Chicago, May 21. Butter Market higher; creamery, $40$o. Eggs Receipts, 14,(01 eases; market un changed. Potatoes Market . higher; receipt. 10 rare; Wlaeonsln, Michigan and Minnesota bulk, IOcOI.1 11; sacks, $1.1001.25. . Fowls Alive, market lower; 17, . Nw lork Gsneral Market. New York. May 1. Com Spot, unsettled:, kiln dried, No. I yellow. $1.10; No. 4 yellow,. $1.10; No. I white, $1.80; cost and frslght New York prjmpt - oats spot weak; natural, 6909Oo. Provisions Easy; mess, $51, Other article Unchanged. . t Butter Market firm; receipts, 10,1(0 tuba: creamery, higher than extras, 46046VaC creamery oxt-LS, (81 score), 4Sc; firsts. . 43tt45o: packing stock current make. No., 1, 81082o. Eggs Steady: - receipts, 20,68$ eases; ' fresh gatheref extras, S63ttto; fresh gathered, storare packed firsts, !6017o; fresh gathered, regular packed extra firsts,'. (9037c; do, regular packed firsts, l5Q86e. , tneese Market, steady; receipts, u.ojj , boxes; etate held special, 24tt 02(c) do, average run, t4026c; do, fresh special ' 32 H 6 38c: do, average run, 22 0320. ' Live and D, eased Poultry Market, firm, prices nnchaneed. " Nsw York. May (.Butter Market firm; receipts, (.838 tubs; creamery, higher than , extras, 46047c; extra, 12 score, 46c; first, : 4J 045ttc: packing stock, currsnt make. No. 3. 110 320. ' Eggs Market steady; receipts, 17,8(4 cases; fresh gathered, extras 3S0!t8o; ,rcsh gathered, storage packed, firsts. 36 0 37c; fresh gathered, regular packed, ex tra firsts, $6 087c; fresh gathered, first. $50860. Cheese Steady; receipts, 6,571 boxes; state,, whole milk, flats, held, specials, 24026c; . state, average run, 24 025c; fresh specials . 22 023c; fresh specials, average run. 22$) 22Ho. Poultry Live and dressed, firm and . un changed. Omaha Hay Receipts lighter on all grades of pralrn) hay alfalfa. Better Inquiry for top grade and very little demand for the comntol grades. Hay Chlre upland prairie, $11.50; No. 1, $14.60016.(0; No. 2, $10.00013.00; No. a. I5.OO08.OH). Midland, No. 1, $14.00015 0 No 2, $10.00013.00. Lowland. No. 1, $8,000 10.00: No. 2, $8.0007.00; No. 3. $4.005.00. Alfalfa Choice, $23.01); No. 1, $11.00031.00; standard, HS.5O0U.69; No. 2. (13.00016.00; No. 3. $10.00011.50. .... . Straw Oat, $(.0007.00; wheat $( 0(0 (.50. Minneapolis Grain. ' Minneapolis Minn., May I. Klour Un changed. Rye $2.69; 70. . . ' Barley $1.3301.71.. i Bran $33.11 Corn No. I yellow. $1.65165. Oats No. I white, 750760. . . ' Flax $3.9904 01. , " New York Cotton. v New York. May 2. ?otton futures opens barely steady; May, 27.18c: July. 27.00c: October, 21.20c; December. 26.10c; January. ta.suc.