Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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The Omaha Bee
Entered at Omaha pottoffice at second-clses natter.
By Cerrtsr. ttr Mali.
Daily aad Sunday par trek, 15a htwiiN O
Uaily without Sani'r. ............ ....... ls " 0
Enala and Sunda;. .......... IS " f.N
Enalat mUtout 6uodr a .. " .M
tadu Bat only S.ftO
(Mod aottos of enante of address or Intfiiltrltr la dilmr te Omaha
M urcuuuoa Department
fh Amaciiled Praia, at hick Tb Bo 1i a number. It aalat1eh
entitled lo tbo bm for publloatk of all am dlipstehas eradiud
as It er act otherwlsa credited to this paper, sad tin tin hnal nwi
ubuahai herein. All rlfhu of publleaUoa of out spsstal dispatches
an alio reserved.
Bmtt ey draft, axpnas or poatal order. Only t ant I -earl atuaca
wtea la paynea-. or snail acoounu. raraoaai snacs, vxoept
: Oauha end oaatara axeaaafa, not aonpted.
tasteThe Bm Bnt!Snr Clucaio People's (las Buitdlsa.
Boui Omehs ISIS M 8c New Yorlr iW Flfte. Aw
Coonell Bluffr 14 H. kala Bt Bt. Loula New B'k of Commerce,
UacelaUult Building. Waahtoaloa 1311 O 8t
addreas amomnteatlaos relating to a am and editorial aittar ca
Oaube Baa, Editorial Department
C3.558 Daily Sunday, 56,553
twit emulation for the montfe, aubMrlbM aad iwora te or Dwliki
WtUUaa, aroulatloa Uanesac
Sabecrlbere leavtaf Uia city ehouU have The Baa KeaUee"
ta tbesa. Add rasa changed aa aftem aa roqaaatad.
TAeBees Setvtce Flag
i - II I... "hhiii
They shall not past!"
What tase hat Nebraska for a "stein," anyhow f
Almost a bond in every home. Make it 100
per cent ,; -V
Still we hae two days of the drive left. Obey
that impulse and buy another bond. - '
One thins in faror of the "potash milRohairea"
is .that "they have not tried to evade war taxes or
Liberty bonds. v
An Omaha boy has won a battle in the sky.
Yon can not head off the lads who went out
from here, above or below ground.
The Omaha Hyphenated, quotes with approval
defense of " pro-Germans from one of Mr.
Hearst's editors. In this case the "fellow feeling"
is easily seen.
"An orgy of pacifism" Is the description
given of the spell that is now passing in America,
by a veteran who knows what .war means. Our
people are waking up.
Von Illndenberg's prophecy of peace by
August may rest on his belief that the German
army will be wiped out by that time. At any
rate, he is trying to make good on that basis. -
Wheat in Nebraska has been improved greatly'
in the last month, and the May report is expected
to show several points above the April standing.
The Antelope state will do its "bit" this year in
the food line. - '
Emperor Karl Is hard to satisfy, for he is now
reported to be offering separate peace to Italy.
Host rulers would have had enough of it, after
his experience with France, but he appears to
tea a arlnfrnn tnr nnniahmint.
1 Inverted Moral in Court .
A singular case is reported from an Iowa
Justice court, in which the magistrate is said to
tava commended a man who 'was before him
it stealing. The justification rests on the fact
Cat the culprit had intelligence from' his wife
that she was in Chicago and without means. He
therefore committed a' crime, that her extremity
rc:;ht be relieved, and the justice of the peace
tdore whom he was arraigned is recorded as
t'fjtt the husband thus showed the proper spirit
, "snest to provide for a wife is good in any, but his devotion should stop this side
cl stealing. That resort to crimein this case
v's unnecessary m proved by the tact that as
aitnatinn became Imawn amnla fundi were
immediately contributed to relieve both husband
oi wife. No honest person need suffer, long in
America, It may be humiliating to have , to ask
a stranger for assistance, but very few per
tons will decline to assist a worthy person in
need, and most folks will take the chance of
teing imposed on, even as did Goldsmith's vicar,
"whose pity gave ere charity began." Moreover,
it is far better to apply to pride the softer shock
if admitting misfortune than to have it sustain
Vf r( AltA rlm-.- Th hpw efiAwn
ty the Iowa justice is commendable, but he let
Us emotions get a little ahead of his judgment
b expressing approval of theft in any form.
When the great German drive was commenced
more than a month ago, it was accompanied by
a prediction that it presaged a new proposal for
peace. Just now we are told that the pope is pre
paring to submit to the warring nations within.
a few days further views on the subject No
reason exists to suppose that any connection may
be traced between the two statements. It is
but one of the odd coincidents of the war. All
the nations, belligerent and neutral alike, are
earnestly desirous of peace, and it is no less than
simple justice to think that the head of the great
Roman Catholic church earnestly and zealously
labors at all times to restore order and amity to
the world. What basis for an understanding his
holiness will propose must be left for his dis
closure, but he is aware of the war aims of the
Allies, as set out in President Wilson's fourteen
theses. He must also understand that these ex
press in substance the expectation of the Amer
ican people, and therefore are subject to little
if any modification. It was with ufmost reluctance
this nation entered the war, and even now it is
fighting only to establish justice and equity be
tween nations, and until ' this be accomplished
it is idle to talk of peace to Americans. Unless
the war party of the Central empires is willing
to accept far less than heretofore offered by them
as terms for settlement,' peace still awaits their
ultimate defeat.
Three Million Men for Service.
' Washington is preparing the country for the
announcement of another increment to the army,
and reports traceable to Secretary Baker's office
set the figure at 3,000,000. This means doubling
the force that was under arms on May 1. General
Crowder alreadyTias laid plans for adding 800,000
to the army, training to be started during the
summer, that the men may be ready for transport
to Europe early in the winter.! A quarter of a
million of these will be in camp very soon. Troop
movements within the last few months have been
pressed with utmost energy, the only limit being
that enforced by the t shipping available. The
amount of tonnage at hand for transport is
steadily increasing, so that it is possible to send
a constantly increasing number of men to France
each month. Whereas, 50,000 a month was at
tained early last winter, it is the impression that
that number has at least been doubled. All that
is certainly known is that our government has
sedulously avoided making public the number of
men it has sent abroad, this for military reasons,
and that it is doing its utmost to get men over
there.. Preparation for training further soldiers
must be commenced without delay, that the boys
abroad may have proper support, and the state-mcr-t
that the army is to be incresed to 3,000,000
witltbe accepted as a proof that our president
means to win the war as quickly as possible,
Justification for Centralizing Power.
Senators who voted against the Overman bill
did so on the high ground that it gives extraor
dinary powers to the president. These and others
feel some trepidation at even this approach to
absolutism. Reasons for the measure are found
in the necessity for doing many things promptly
tnd without resort to delays or circumlocution
inevitable under the operation of our government
on its theoretical basis. We are at war, and so
must exercise our united power as a nation; con
centration of effort is imperative, and concen
tration of authority becomes equally so. Danger
lies in a possible deadlock between co-ordinate
branches of the government and the compromise
that thus would be forced to obtain movement.
Our president is commander-in-chief of both
army and navy, and has asked that he be given
i unusual 'authority for the exercise of his func
tions. The Chamberlain bill was designed to
bring about the same result, so far as centraliza
tion is concerned, as will be produced by the
Overman bill, the difference being that the former
measure, originating in the committee on mili
tary affairs, contemplated a war council of three
members, to be appointed by the president sub
ject to confirmation by the senate. The Overman
measure, which came to the senate from the
White House, puts atl the power for co-ordinating
and controlling the war activities of the
country in . the hands of the president. Congress
is in effect eliminated, its business being to pro
vide ways and means for carrying out plans for
mulated by the executive.
Mr. Wilson wants a free hand, and will be
given it. The people want a victory, and will
win It Difference of opinion as to how best the
end eonld be brought about will continue, but
the great need is unison, and the country will
accept any workable plan that will bring central
control while the war is on. No danger to democ
racy lies in this, but rather its certain preser
vation. .;" ::,
The only support given to the proposition
that Senator Hitchcock be made chairman of
the senate committee on foreign relations comes
from those who are frankly opposed to the Wil
son administration. The connection is quite clear.
Sheriff Clark now has control of the elevator
leading to the county jail, and the tempest that
got too big for the teapot has finally passed. It
raised quite an uproar while it lasted.
'Sheep for Vacant Pastures
Definite Plans Made to Supply Farmers
With Reliable Animals
By G. W. Hervey.
How can I get breeding sheep?, This has
been the general inquiry coming up from all
over the Missouri Valley states for the past
year, from the small farmer who wants to
try the sheep business in an experimental
way, and see how he likes it This class of
sheep buyers realize that it is a difficult prop
osition to buy a good quality of sheep in
small lots, without being obliged to take
some very undesirable animals, culls, refuse,
tail-ends "the whole bunch must go to
gether or no sale" is the emphasis used by
the seller. The sheep and wool committee,
appointed by the State Council of Defense,
last fall, saw the need of devising some plan
whereby this class of sheep buyers could be
supplied with a good, serviceable quality of
breeding sheep, at a reasonable cost.
The co-operation . of the extension de
partment of the University of Nebraska offer
ed the best, means of providing a working
force that would be able to canvass the state
and get in close, touch with the needs and
desires of the small farmer who wanted to
try sheep raising on a small scale. This prob
lem was filially given over to the extension
department of the university and a represent
ative of the sheep and wool committee of the
State Council of Defense to work out formu
late into a practical proposition that could
be applied in supplying this demand;
both in quality of sheep and cost The uni
versity farm has becdme a source of infor
mation for both purchase and sale of sheep;
thus an interchange of correspondence with
buyer and seller may bejiad that will result
in great good to the live stock interests of
the state. Nothing but good quality of stock,
Lsound and serviceable, will be considered or
accepted, ine assistance or the south umaha
Live Stock exchange has been secured in the
filling of orders for carload lots 'of sheep.
This advantage may be had by neighbor
hoods or communities forming sheep clubs,
and join in the purchase of carload lots of
breeding sheep, thus greatly reducing the
shipping expense to neighborhoods where a
carload can be sold.
Mr. Snaoo is ifoldinsr meetings or 'sheeo
institutes in neighborhoods where the sheep
The extension department incorporated
into its bureau of information a sheep de
partment, whereby all inquiries for the pur
chase or sale of breeding sheep would be
taken up, and buyers and sellers put into
communication, so that many persons could
have their needs accommodated. Every coun
ty agent of the extension department in this
way becomes a source of information in re
gard to where and how the farmer buyer may
receive assistance in getting the animals
he needs or wants.
This department has been placed under
the supervision of Prof. W. K. Warner, rep
resenting the State Council of Defense sheep
committee, and Glen Snapp, the government
agent who has been placed in Nebraska .to
assist in promoting the farm flock industry
of the state. This makes the matter of sheep
supply, in getting' a suitable quality of sheep
for a farm flock basis, comparatively safe
interests desire instruction, an awakening in I
the care and management of the flock. Hisf1,,,, mvinn Rtamns n:
work is of a missionary character, teaching
the little details or how to handle, teed and
care for the sheep, fn sickness and in health.
Such lectures, from a practical shepherd, one
who has lived with the flock through all the
varied conditions of flock management from
the breeding of the stock to the bringing
of the lamb to full sheephood is of inestimable
value to the beginner.
The safety and protection of the flock
from the dog and coyote is a feature, how
ever, that must not be overlooked or care
lessly ' passed, in the excitement of high
priced wool and desirability of entering the
sheep raising business. There are means of
protection for the sheep raiser that he must
enforce himself until a sufficient dog law
can be passed. One reasonably successful
course for the sheep farmer is to use his
gun on all dogs trespassing on his premises.
This is his right and privilege. Another is
protect the flock by a dog proof fence, en
closing corrals and pastures where sheep are
left at night. The present dog population in
Nebraska more than equals that of the sheep
representing the farm flocks. Present condi
tions demand the very closest watching, vigi
lance must be resorted to by the sheep
owner, or loss and damage will soon result
in discouragement.
Too Costly Even for Carnegie
Free Pensions for College Teachers
Down and Out
Boston Transcript.
Twelve years it is since the liberality of i cial soundness or of its
Shake Dice for Stamps.
Omaha, April 30. To the Editor of
The Bee: To help sell war savings
stamps why not divert the dice shak
ers to this more patriotic and also
more profitable pastime, viz: Use two
dice with five fellows in the game.
Decisive dice make two spots, 4, 6, 8
and 10 spots. Each player shakes
until one of these five total spots ap
pears, and that determines his ante;
e. g., the first player may throw two
fours or a five and three or a six and
two (making eight spots). Eight spots
call for 80 cents, six spots, 60 cents;
10 spots, II; four spots, 40 cents; two
spots, 20 cents. Total antes S3 to pay
for $3 in sfamps.
Then, using five dice, the five play
ers throw "horses" and by elimination
determine who is to take all of the
stamps, or which two .will each take
half of them, or which three SI worth
It's a good gamble for the players
othor woman, aha et up a bl dlnnar
party ao aa to anub tho other woman oy
not inviting her." Boston Tranacrlpt.
Mandy Bastua, you all knows dat you
remind mo ot dem dere flying machines?
Rastus No, Mandy, how's datT
Mafidy Why. Decays youao no good on
earth. Sun Dial.
Andrew Carnegie first brought the day of
free pensions to its dawn in the American
colleges. It has been the brightest and
warmest single material blessing which the
faculties of the associated institutions have
known, bringing comfort and protection to
scores of professors in the later years of
lives spent in unselfish and underpaid service
a deferred compensaion received by them,
as Mr. Carnegie expressly directed, as a pay
ment due them in right, not in charity. Sup
ported by the millions of wealth which the
great donor gave the Carnegie Foundation
as direct endowment and the millions more
which the Carnegie Corporation was given to
hold in reserve, his pension plan was hailed
as one of the enduring works of the 20th cen
tury. Surely it seemc t that it must be. Yet
at the end of only . 10 years the necessity of
discontinuing it began to be mooted by the
trustees in control of the fund. And now,
after 12 years, the sunset of its bright day
is firmly and finally foretold by President
Henry 5. rritchett in his latest report, lhere
are to be no more free Carnegie pensions for
college teachers in the ultimate future.
The general lesson to be drawn from the
trustees' enactment of this, decision may well
he said to be this: That even the millions of
a great American magnate cannot do the
work of the world. Without an adherence
to the principle of individual co-operation
on the part of the professors themselves and
of their respective institutions no endow
ment, however vast, can be large enough to
carry the load which the passing of years
will come to pile upon the founder of a free
pension system. To this it may be objected,
however, that if the trustees of the Carnegie
Foundation had restricted the operation of
their plan to a few colleges, instead of add
ing quite steadily to their number, they
could have avoided the menace of bank
ruptcy. This may be so, but it only brings
one face to face with the question "Can
there be justice in establishing, within our
higher educational world, a closed circle of
special beneficiaries limited to the few al
ready fortunate?" The idea is obviously in
consistent with our democratic ideals, and it
is fair to assume that the trustees of the
Carnegie Foundation, even setting aside Pres
ident Pritchett's ambitious desire to extend
the influence of the system, could not long
or rightly Jiave resisted the pressure for ex
pansion which came to be placed upon tnem.
As a -matter of .fact it was the trustees'
forthright decision that they ought to include
all institutions in the foundation's benefits,
which has been one of the reasons for their
recent abandonment of the original pension
plan and their choice of a scheme which can
be applied to all, upon a' sound financial basis
and without risk of overtaxing the available
funds. There will be, in the end, no more
free pensions for the institutions now on the
associated list, but there will be a plan for
the sale of life insurance and annuities to all
college teachers who desire to accept the new
system's benefits. The Carnegie Foundation
will pay all overhead expense of writing this
insurance and annuity business, and so will
be offering such contracts to college teachers
at a very low cost. It is admitted that the
exact success which this plan will attain re
mains somewhat in the field of doubt, but, as
the trustees have finally fixed its arrange
ments, there can be no question of its finan-
entire fairness.
Compulsory acceptance of the life insurance,
as at nrst recommenaea Dy rresiaeni mi
chett, has been stricken out, and only :
measure of influence brought to bear to sug
gest that the payment of annuity installments
be made a universal obligation pf all Jacttlty
members in any college which votes to adopt
the plan. .
Watch Your Liberty Bonds
Dealers in Liberty bonds in New .York,
Boston. Philadelphia, Chicago and other
cities have oiled uo on their desks an in
creasing string of nunibers of Liberty bonds
that have been stolen and which they have
been asked to hold up if they come into their
possession. -Only the $50,000 and $100,000
denominations are registered under . the
name of the holder, all other issue9 being
negotiable out of hand and without any de
mand for title from the seller save the pass
ing of the physical possession of the bond
from seller to buyer. Practically all the
Liberty bonds handled in Wall street are
"bearer" bonds and are readily sold without
any red tape or ceremony and pass from
hand to hand like so much goods or mer
If the owner of Liberty bonds does " not
make a memorandum of the numbers and
denominations of his bonds, there is ab
solutely no way of proving his property if
the thief should be caught, because there is
no public record of ihe numbers. Physical
possession gives title and unless the num
bers are known and kept by the owner, once
lost or stolen the bonds cannot be recovered
unless the finder happens to know to whom
the bonds belong or the thief repents. In
the year since the government issued the
several series of Liberty bonds fully $300,-
000 have been stolen in the New York cea
eral Reserve district and elsewhere others
have been lost. It behooves every Liberty
bondholder, therefore, to first see to it that
he has a memorandum of the number of his
bonds put away in a safe place and that the
bonds are placed in a strong box. New
York Financial World.
People and Events
The governor of Minnesota has given all
concerned to understand that the Gopher
state will be a dangerous place to pull off a
fight tor money on July 4 or any other old
day. Fighting for liberty and democracv is
the only lawful diversion in Minnesota just
now. l hat s a-plenty.
To head off local police scandals through
official telephone wire tapping the New York
legislature put through a bill prohibiting the
practice. The governor, interposed a veto on
the ground that the proposed law might ob
struct the ends of justice by facilitating the
activities of alien enemies.
Lawrence B. Thompson a former Nasby
at La Branch, La., is in jail in New Orleans
for attempting to annex a postoffice inspector
in his "school of love." For some time previ
ous he had conducted fin extensive corre
spondence school with girls without their
consent finally drawing a real flirtatious let
ter from the inspector. Thompson thought
he had landed an eager soul. Instead he land
ed in jail.
C- Tear" Ago Today In the War.
rcg-Und reported loss of It snips
ty German submarines during veels.
French mission, headed by Joftra
f -,d "iviana, began tour of the United
Secretary McAdoo offered the first
' l.GOj.OOO.OOO of the war loan at
.jrilar subscription.
-s Cay We Celebrate.
Peter E. Peterson, president of the
t'aion Pacific Steam Baking com
r"y, born, 1813.
Uallle : Erminie Rives (Mrs. Post
' -.. Mler), author, born in Christian
-ty, Kentucky, 40 years ago. -
carles H. Sloan, Nebraska con--jnan,
bora at Honticeilo, la., it
s ago.-.
Ijirold. I. MeCormlck, son-in-law
! John D! Rockefeller, born in Chi-
41 years ago.
(. sar Admiral Oscar W. Farenholt
. 8. retired, born near San An-
3, Tex, 78 years ago. ,
ry In History. '.r
) . 1 David Wooster. commander of
C'nnactlcut troops In the revolu-
tiled of a wound received while
-lng to British from Danbury.
a March 11710 - -
108 Revolution irfSpain and gen
ii, -uwacro of tho French reai
' in Madrid. ::r
. iQlCaoadiarAHouse of Commons
i a Vill establishing May 24 as a
i to bt named Victoria day.
J ust SO Years Ago Today
County Commissioner Pete Corri
gaa of South Omaha was married and
his friends went out to their Twenty
fourth street home to offer congratu
lations. A very enjoyable dinner was given
at the Millard by the Harvard club.
The tables were beautifully decorated.
a delightful menu was served and fol
lowed by lmpromtpu remarks, which
were enjoyed by, everybody. ,
' The Toung Men's Christian associa
tion la preparing to hold a reception
in the hall in honor of Ed T. Dadum,
the new general secretary, and. an at
tractive program has been prepared.
The first game of the championship
series between the St Paul ice packers
and the Omaha base ball team was
played and the score was 3 to 1 in
favor of the home team.
Robert Mantell is appearing at
Boyds opera house in his beautiful
five-act drama, "Monbara."
Nebraska 'Oder the Top
Friend Telegraph: Nebraska is
going clear over the top with its
quota in the third Liberty loan. Ne
braska men will also go clear over
the top when the battle is on in
Fremont Tribune: Looking at Ne
braska's War stamp and Liberty loan
record, certain easterners may com
mence to wonder whether they fully
realise, as does the west that we are
in the war.
Grand Island Independent: Ne
braska has certainly made an envi
able record in all war support and
nothing proves that fact more em.
phatically than the official statement
of the National War Savings commit
tee. Nebraska City Press: Nebraska
leads the union in the total sales ot
war savings stamps. And Nebraska
was once included in that large block
of western American territory which
was accused by a woman writer ot
being apathetic toward the war.
Butler County Press: Ward Burgess
of Omaha; who won national fame
and praise for his excellent work as
director of the War Savings stamps
campaign in Nebraska, was recently
called to Washington to take up some
Important work for the War Industry
board. The record of Nebraska in
War Savings stamps purchases stands
without an equal in the union and was
the result largely of the perfect or
ganization secured and directed by
Mr. Burgess. - .
Editorial Shrapnel
Minneapolis Journal: The button
supply is getting low. 'Hoard your
safety pins.
Minneapolis Journal: Buy a bond
even if you have to have your trousers
half-soled, as Mr. McAdoo recom
mends, for the rest Of the year.
Washington Post: The arrest of
an American artist and his wife for
holding a costume ball in Munich is
highly approved, as no one has any
right to be happy in Germany.
New York World; Secretary Mc
Adoo wants eubscriptions of $5,000,
000,000 as a minimum liberty loan
total. That is a desire that the coun
try should find no difficulty in grati
fying. Brooklyn Eagle: Kaiser Karl must
envy the record of Clemens , Wenzel
Nepomuk Lothar Metternlch. It took
time to spot Metternich's lies for
Austria, They were rather better as
Baltimore American: "Surrender!"
said a superior force of Germans to
a .little group of Americans. "Cer
tainly," replied a lieutenant, and shot
the leader dead. Whereupon all the
Germans gave themselves up. Thus
the great game of getting the Teu
tons goat goes merrily on.
. Louisville Courier-Journal: Beat
the sun rising; beat the chickens to
breakfast: beat ths pigs eating' corn;
beat HooVer saving wheat; beat your
neighbor war gardening; beat your
last record buying Liberty bonds;
beat the nose of the 'kaiser, that the
boys in khaki may beat it home to
their sweethearts and to peace with
Twice Told Tales
Some Relationship. (
"You say, madam," said the lawyer
to a woman in the witness box, "that
the defendant is a sort of relation of
yours. Will you please explain what
you mean by that Just how you are
related to the defendant?"
"Well, it's Just like this. His first
wife's cousin and my second hus
band's first wife's aunt married
brothers, named Jones, and they were
own cousins to my mother's own
aunt Then, again, his grandfather
on my mother's side were second
cousins, and his stepmother married
my husband's stepfather after his
father and my mother died, and his
brother, Joe. and my husband's
brother, Henry, married twin sisters.
I ain't never figured out Just how
close related we are, but I've always
looked on 'im as a sort of cousin."
New York Globe.
Passing a Hot One.
Was it at a meeting of our aircraft
omciaisi Perhaps it was ana per
haps it wasn't Anyway, a member
was protesting vigorously against the
snail-like progress in turning out
things that were sorely needed. A
"scene" . ensued and the chairman
tried to pour oil on the troubled
"Mr. Blank must remember." said
he,, "that Rome wasn't built in a
"I know it wasn't" retorted the
protesting member, 'and if thts board
had had the work to do it wouldn't
be built yet
And war savings stamps are good
property, in addition to their bad
effect upon kaiserism. R. E. S.
Tin in the Black Hills.
Helvey. Neb., April 27. To the
Editor 'of The Bee: I see by today's)
Bee that Holland has placed an em
bargo on the "exportation from the
Dutch East Indies of tin and tin ore,
cinchona bark, quinine, quinine salts
and kapok, all of which is needed, in
large quantities by the United States
for war purposes.
The embargo on tin and tin bre
will prove especially embarrassing
to the United States as the supplies
needed for munitions and food pres
ervation were expected to come from
the Dutch East Indies.
Now as a matter of fact, we have
here at home a few tin mines which
are located in the Black Hills, within
a radius of 10 miles of Hill City, S.
D. In the early '90s these mines were
running in full capacity, with a large
ore mill running night and day grind
ing the ore. It was said at that time
by the operators that there was
enough gold in the ore to pay all run
ning expenses and that the tin ob
tained was all velvet.
Now, during the winter of 1892 the
mines and mill were closed down and
the mill locked . up and put under
guard . It was rumored at that time
by good authority in Hill City that
all the mining property including the
mill had been bought up by some
foreign tin syndicate for the purpose
of stopping the tin industry in the
United States, as they were all the
tin mines in the United States.
Now, if this is true, and no doubt
it is, why not our government take
over these mines and produce our own
tin. or make an investigation at least?
I was at that time employed by
the Burlington railroad which hauled
the ore from the different. mines to
the mill and was with the crew that
did the work and know something
about the situation. Our engine stood
on a side track . nights out in the
weather most of the winter, waiting
developments. When it was decided
that the mines were a paying proposi
tion the company built a house for
the engine. When we were nicely lo
cated in the house with the engine
things took a sudden change and
mines and mill closed down for good.
For what reason, unless to stop the
tin industry in the United States? Pa
triotically yours,
They're aendln' the drafted men candy.
'N sweaters, 'n wristlets, 'n such;
They've a invite to dine any 61' time.
Seems 'slf folks can't do too much .
When any of them coma aroun' "'hum:,
They're welcome witli all kinds of fuss:
But I guess 'cause we're the regulara,
They've kind of forgotten us, .
.' ..
WVve fit the blacks In thuh i'lands,
'Nn tangled with fhlnks in thuh east:
We've blistered our hands In the bolltn
- With Pershing, when beans was a feast I
Jes "cause wo got rank parlor manners
Them drafted men give us the dus', .
An' I guess 'cause we're the regulara
Folks kind 'a- forgotten us. ; . ,
But I ain't a durned old growler,
An' what I say now la right
Thet when "Death's Still" Is on thuh "mill"
We'll be side by side In thet fight;
An' when the shouttn's all over, ,
We'll back that blame lucky cuss
The folks at home may go n ferget.
But them Germans 11 remember us.
Of the Regulara.
Kissing the Flag.
Des Moines, la., April 29. To the
Editor of The Bee: It is time for all
loyal Americans to protest against
forcing traitors and pro-Germans to
desecrate our glorious emblem by
kissing it as a source of punishment
What does it mean to a German sym
pathizer? Not the spirit oi honor,
truth and freedom if does to us. These
people who come to this land because
they could not live in their own land
and have the freedom they have in
this or a decent living retain their
own traditions, spread discord and
terror throughout our nation should
be punished, but not by kissing our
flag. That is for those who truly love
it and the thing for which it stands.
Tonight on the -shell-swept fields of
far away France our Sammies are
sleeping under its starry folds. Tomor
row they will shed' blood to preserve
us from the most barbarous foe the
world has ever known, the "Unspeak
able Hun." From all buildings the
Stars and Stripes are proudly floating
and enemies to it are made to kiss
it? When I think of what our flag
stands for liberty, truth, freedom
to degrade it by vile, seditious lips it
makes my blood boil and every man,
woman and child should protest. No,
Mr, Editor, the right to kiss Old
Glory is for lips who love and rever
ence it. If you want to punish these
Hun-lovers send" them bag and bag
gage back to the land they love so
dearly. Maybe a submarine might
teach them what true liberty is. But
spare our flag the desecration of un
clean lips. J. A. LOG I E,
The Apollo
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which created such a furore at
the Blackstone Recitals last week,
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Easy Terms
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'Business is Good Thwik You1
"Why are men alwaya holding up
Venus of Mllo to women as a model?" .
'Because if all women were like her, they
would not take matters In their own hands."
Baltimore American.
"What la the chief aim of Jobllng's ex
"Making money.
"But he's always hard up."
Quite true. His aim is poor." Birming
ham Age-Herald.
"This Item bobs up again from the south
about a fan who became so enthused over
home run that he hugged a perfectly
strange girl sitting next to him."
'Sometimes I think the base bait people
spread those reports to increase feminine
attendance." Louisville Courier-Journal.
'I knew a college fellow who was hazed
by having- a lot of jam rubbed In his
'I guess the other fellows wanted his
sweet impressions to stick." San Francisco
"Confound those feminine squabbles!
They cost ma a lot of money."
'Whenever my wife rjunrrrl with an-
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