Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
IHE BEE: , OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1918. SOUTH SIDE HICKEY, GRETNA STOCKMAN, TOPS CHICAGO MARKET Shipment of Hdgs and Cattle That Brings a Fortune Is Made Through Local Commission House. Ed Hickey, stock feeder of Gretna, broke the season's record on the Chi cago market Tuesday on both price and weight for cattle. He had a ship ment of 322 head that averaged 1,734 pounds each. The shipment was handled by the Chicago office of the Clay-Robinson Live Stock Commis sion company, co-operating with the ' Omaha branch office. The season's record price, of $17.60 was received for 17 head of the cattle that averaged 1,987 pounds. Twenty loads brought ?I7.50, and four loads $17.45 per 100 -pounds. The 322 cattle brought an average of $303.60 each. Mr. Hickey had six car loads of hogs on the Chi cago market. The receipts tor the cattle and hogs were $114,000. "We wefe not prepared to handle such a large shipment of extra heavy cattle on the Omaha market at the present time, so ' made the consign ment to our head office in Chicago, said a member of the Clay-Robinson company. This was the second time this sea son that Hickey has topped the Chi cago market. The first shipment of cattle brought $15.60 per 100 pounds, the highest price of the year up to ' that time. He is one of the largest hog feeders in Nebraska, and has 2,- JW hogs on his ranch. State Red Cross Societies Get Money From Hog Sales Three loads of hogs from three Ne braska communities were sold on the market Wednesday, the proceeds go ing to the Red Cross. Eighty-one head from Park Center, consigned to Byers Bros. & Co., weighed 16,170 pounds, and were sold to Swift at $17 per 100 pounds, netting $2,699.47, Fifty-two head from Bradish, con signed to the Fonda Commission com pany, weighed 10,620 pounds, and were bought by Swift at $17.05 per 100 pounds. The net for the Bradish chanter Red Cross was $1,782.52. Twenty-seven head, came from Rich land, consigned to Bliss & Wellman Commission company. The weight 'was 5,550 pounds, and Armour com pany was the buyer at $17.05 per 100 pounds. I he net proceeds tor the Richland chapter were $906.46. ' The shipments were handled by the commission companies without charge. Mrs. Nora Carr, Aged v 82, Dies in South Side Mrs. Nora Carr, aged 82, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Jerry Senton, 3601 Q street, with whom she had resided for the last 10 years. She is survived also by two sons, Edward of Lincoln, and Dennis ' of Tecumseh, Neb. Her husband died Ihree years ago. Funeral notice will be given later. South Side Brevities Ome Kro E-XIma Red Cross unit will meet at the Social Settlement houaa at 7:30 l'clock Thursday night A surprise party in honor of Private Charles Rosewlcki, 140th field artillery, Camp Funeton, wa given at the home of his brother, at 4319 South Twenty-fourth itreet, laat Thursday night. . St" Luke'e Lutheran church will hold a reception in McCrann'a hall Friday night In honor of member received during the rear. A program will be given. The South high school will furnish music. Sheriff Clark Finally "Goes Over Top" in Jail Elevator Row Sheriff Mike Clark has assumed control of the jail elevator in the court house. Recommendations by the re cent grand jury that he be given control of the elevator and be allowed to appoint a man of his choice to run It have been acted upon by the county commissioners, and Michael O'Con nell has' been removed, as conductor by the board. Sheriff Clark has substituted Isaac Bailey, negro, whom he appointed to fill that position at the time of the controversy between himself and "Johnny" Lynch. , Bailey is a veteran of the Spanish-American war. The control of the jail elevator was .one of the causes of friction between Lynch and Sheriff Clark. Jay Dud ley, brother-in-law of Lynch, who had been the conductor, was accused by Clark of dereliction in his duty. Records Go By Boards at Omaha Recruiting Station That the Omaha recruiting district (s helping to move the allied line to ward Berlin was again proven Tues day, when 87 men were enlisted at the Omaha office, a number exceeding any one day's record since July, 1917, ind which brings the total for April up to 912 men, which is only surpassed by the enlistment of December, 1917. There have been two other records made by the Omaha office since De cember, 1917. It is expected that even this excep tional record will be broken before May 5, as on that day all men who have reached their 21st birthday since last registration day will be required to register. - After registration a man is no longer eligible for voluntary en listment. Two thousand men from the Omaha district are expected to volunteer before they are drafted. Commissioner Jardine's 4 Friends Hold Meeting One hundred and fifty friends of City Commissioner Walter S. Jardine pledged him support at a meeting at the Faxton hotel last evening. W. I. Kiersted, Charles W. Martin, Rome Miller and T. F. Stroud, unable to be present, sent a letter boosting his candidacy. ' ' Speakers were ' Fred Hoye, E. Holovtchincr, Carl Marfisi, Ed A. S-nith. C. G. Carlberg, J. J. Hanighen, Henry RohIff,,F. H. Gaines, B.J. nctf, W. T. Hammond, Andrew Mur phy, H. H. Claiborne and John A. Bruce .." " '.. BriejGUy News Towl, engineer, (or commlasioner. Hare Boot rrint It New Beacon Presa Lighting Fixtures, Burgess-Graden. Might as Well Save 5c Buy your Butter-Nut Coffee in one handy S- pound can, $1.00 each. Wins China Set Mlsa Sophie John son. 1016 North Forty-seventh avenue, was awarded the 100-ptece Haviland China dinner set sriven at Mickel Brothers store Tuesday. Prudent saving in war tlmea Is a hostage tor opportunities or peace. Play sate by starting an account with Nebraska Savings & Loan Assn, zu a 18th St II to $5,000 received. Iowans Win Commissions Alva E. Lindsey of Waterloo, la., and Carroll Wright, Des Moines, la., are among the graduates of the third omcers training camp at Camp Devens, Ayer, Mass. Answers Divorce Salt Arthur C. James, superintendent at the Water loo creamery, answering the suit for divorce brought against him by Pearl I. James, alleges she used vulgar language in tne presence or meir child. , Bernstein Buys Department Mogy Bernstein has bought the tea ana coffee department at the Publio Market from C. M. Harding & Co. and will operate It in the future. This is one of the large departments of the store, occupying a prominent place on the north side of the basement Mr. Bernstein says that he will carry the best of teas and coffees and spices. Girl Struck By Auto Georgie Gen sel. 8 years old. was run over by an automobile while playing In the street in front of her home, 2230 Vinton street. Wednesday afternoon. She was badly bruised about the head ana body, but her injuries are noi con sidered sarious.. The car, police allege, was driven by Amel Herman, Ham ock, la. The driver did not stoo. Dr. Newton's Home Looted.' Burg' lars made ranid work of looting the home of Dr. H. E. Newton, 2854 New- Dort avenue. Wednesday night. The family was absent from the house about 40 minutes and upon tneir re turn found the house In disorder and $600 worth of valuables stolen. A solid silver service valued at $300 was included in the loot. Dr. Newton said the police were two hours in respond ing to his notification of the robbery, while the police say they responded as quickly as they couia. Fine fireplace goods at Sunaerlands. Physical Body Outer Garment Of Real Man, Says Dr. Strong In his last night's lecture on "Life at Tnfnilicrrnr in the ITnseen." Dr. Strong asserted that science has proven that the real man can exist apart from his physical body. "Th cumulative testimony of hun dreds of trained investigators goes to prove that man s consciousness ana intelligence are not appreciably al tered by physical death," he added. "The man still exists in his finer body in a world of atoms and vibrations beyond the reach of most of our nrpsent-riav laboratory instruments. "Through experiments in telepathy, hypnotism and clairvoyance, reiiaDie evidence has been obtained of the fact that the, physical body is only the outer garment of the real man. The finer bodies are still retained after death, but the man is not neces sarily wiser or better than before he ArA Hpnre. most crenuine messaees which come through psychics are trivial. The most advanced men go on iri the new life and do not as a rule attempt to come back through mediums. Defense Council Suggests Closing Hours for Retailers The State Council of Defense at a recent meeting passed resolutions rec ommending closing hours for retail stores, following requests from throughout the state for a uniform closing time. The resolutions are: "That on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Fridays, all retail merchan dise stores close as early as possible, and not later than 6 o'clock; that on Wednesday and Saturday they close as early as local conditions will justify, iand that all merchants co-operate in this matter and speedily re spond to this request." Will File Robbery Charges Against Alleged Gun Men Charges of robbery will filed against Burl C. Kirk, Frank Martin, Samuel Stone, Harry Williams and Thomas McKay by County Attorney Magney. The five men are accused of robbinz the Malashock jewelry store on the afternoon of January 30, last. McKay was acquitted last frnday of the murder of Detective Frank Rooney, who was killed in a gun battle with the alleged robbers. Williams and Stone have been con victed of second degree murder on this charge. McKay is being held in the county jail to await trial on the new charges against him. AT THE THEATERS NOTICE! To make room for larger stock of Ladies' Footwear we are dis continuing our line of Men's Shoes at Cost Price including High Shoes, Oxfords, White Can vas and Work Shoes. Take Elevator to 2d Floor. Inspect our windows and get our prices. Sale Starts Thursday Modern Shoe Co. "Tne House of Economy" 2d Floor Pax ton BIdg., 16th and Farnam. Promises of the Press Agents. Empress Menlo Moore, noted for musical comedy girl acts. Is presenting; his latest traction "Circus Days" at the Empress theater, headlining the new bill that starts today. Surrounded by scenery depicting cir cus life, this bunch of girls who sing and dance, bring to an audience all the enjoy ment ot an evening spent at a circus. Other numbers on the bill Include a musical of fering in which Kimball and Kenneth, banjo experts, give an entertaining concert; a cycling act by Joe Barton, and a monologue on current topics of the day, In which Jimmy Lyons takes the funny slds of alt subjects. Orphenm No talker on war activities hard at (the Orpheum this season has created the enthusiasm as has Will XI. Creasy every night this week. T. C. Byrne, chairman of the State Liberty Bond com mittee heard Mr Creasy at Kansas City, and was so Impressed by Mr. Cressy's work that he called at the Orpheum theater early Sunday forenoon and asked Mr. Creasy to speak nightly at the theater during his stay here. Mr. Byrne also had the Chamber of Commerce Invite Mr. Creasy to address the members of that organization at noon to day. Mr. Cressy's talks at the Orpheum are not connected with his presentation of "The Wyoming Whoop," a satire on news paper life In which Mr. Creasy and his co star, Blanche Dayne are appearing. Boyd Richard Bennett, comes to Boyd's Sunday evening for an engagement for four nights, with a matinee Wednesday, In "The Very Idea!" a farce by William Le Baron, which achieved a distinct success In New Tork early this season. It Is said to be a light, sprightly, expertly conducted comedy, written around a somewhat delicate sub ject but the play nowhere oversteps the limit of good 'taste and that It abounds in comic test and plausibility. Gayety Greater and. greater each day grow the audiences attracted to the Gayety to see Lew Kelly and "The Behman Show," which is by long odds the best entertain ment under this title that Jack Singer has brought to Omaha in many seasons. Lew Kelly's "dope" character Is responsible tor most of the fun. His "feeders" are John Horan and George Douglas both tried and true bruleiquers The beauty chorus 1 one of tha most energetlo seen at the Gayety this season and displays many changes of wardrobe, most of which were designed by Ameta Pynes. At every performance Mr. Kelly tells ot his experiences during the Zeppelin raids over London. Matinee dally. In the Silent Drama. Boyd William Farnum-ia always welcome here. He Is particularly weloome In his latest production, 'The Heart of A Lion," which commenced Us three days run at the Boyd theater today. It Is a pleasure to see big Bill go after 'era In his own Inimitable way. When he pulls off his coat and pulls up the sleeves of his blue shirt, one can reat assured that there's going to be action on the screen and plenty of It. That Is what makes "The Heart of A Lion" one ot the finest pieces that Mr, Farnum has ever done. The picture will be screened at 1-3-6-1-t p. m. Sun Bessie Barrlscale will hold forth at this theater for the final times today In tha Paralta plot, "Within the Cup." There is a touch of war, a little superstition and a great deal of love, alt Intermingled In a manner that makes for splendid entertain ment. Other good pictures also are on the bill, lnoludlng the usual comedies. Friday and Saturday will be William Russell In "Hearts or Diamonds." Strand Mary Plckford continues at this theater In her latest Paramount Artcraft play, "Amarilly of Clothes Line Alley." She plays the role of a girl of the slums, whose friends attempt to make a real lady, but the test Is unsuccessful and she returns to her former lite, happy and willing to live there. It was conceived mainly for laughing pur poses and certainly fulfills this mission. Kate Price as the mother of Amarilly Is a scream, and the balance of the cast Is ex cellent. Strand-Pathe News and comedies complete the bill. Hipp "Alimony," with practically an all- star cast of players, will hold forth at this theater today and for the remainder of the week. This story tells a throbbing tale of life, with one of Its most burning chapters. It Is set amidst beautiful settings, while the direction Is all that could be desired. Muse For the laet times today Clara Kimball Toung will be seen at the Muse In "The Reason Why." The story tells of a romance ot high society superbly acted and gorgeously produced. Empress "The Claim," with Edith Storey. which Is the new photoplay attraction at the Empress theater for the last half of POLITICAL ADVERTISING. the week. Is woven around Belle Jones, who, unable to support herself and child after her gambler husband has deserted them, abandon her baby and takes up work as a cabaret singer In a dance hall. Suburbam George Beban Is featured at this theater today In a Paramount picture, "One Mora American." In this production the star gives another of his wonderful characterisations that has made him so popular In the past. Friday and Saturday will be "The Kaiser The Beast of Berlin," an expos of the atrocities of the German hordes. Lothrop Constance Talmadge In "The Honeymoon,", will be the offering at this theater today. It is a story of a young couple on their honeymoon and Is full ot laughs and clever situation. Friday comes William 8. Hart In his latest play, "Wolves ot the Rail." Hamilton Barbara Castleton, Baby Mary McAllister, James Toung and practically an all star cast will be seen at this theater today In the screen version of the famous play, "On Trial." The story has lost none of Its power In having been transferred to the lights and shadows. Friday comes Mar guerite Clark In "Bab' Matinee Idol." Ideal Ma Marsh will be featured at this theater today In her first Goldwyn picture, "Polly of the Circus." A real circus was employed by the producing company that the proper atmosphere might be obtained, and, although It Is In eight reels. It does not "drag" at any point. Saturday comes William Duncan In "Dead Shot Maker," and the eleventh chapter of "The Fighting Trial." Grand Gladys Brockwell In "The Devil's Wheel," will be the William Fox offering t this theater today In connection will be 'The Spirit of the Red Cross," a picture being put out by the American Red Cross and written by James Montgomery Flagg. Friday. Monroe Salisbury In a Bluebird pro duction, "Hungry Eye," and a Sunshine comedy called, "HI Smashing Career." Saturday, Mary Miles Mlnter In "A Bit ot Jade." Bohlff Margarita Fischer In "Jilted Janet," will be the photoplay attraction at this theater today. It Is a comedy-drama and tell a cheerful and amusing story. Friday. William Nigh In "Th Blue Streak." Saturday. Gladys Brockwell In "The Devil's Wheel." Hippodrome William S. Hart In "Hell's Hinges," will be the Triangle picture to be presented at this thester today. It Is an other of this star's characterization that have made him such a favorite. Friday, Charlie Chaplin will be shown In "A Jitney Elopment." Saturday, Antonio Moreno In a clever comedy-drama with a western setting, "By Right of Possession." Dundee George Beban will be shown at this, theater today In "A Roadside Im pressarlo." Friday comes Norma Talmadge In "The Secret of the Storm Country," said to be a continuation of the story, "Tees of the Storm Country." Saturday, Little Mary McAllister In a comedy-drama, Sadie Goes to Heaven." Apollo Elsie Ferguson will be featured at this theater today and Friday In a Para mount picture, "Rose of the World." The story of a girl who did not realize how much she loved her husband until he was reported killed In action. There Is an un expected ending that will prove a delight to those who see It. Saturday, Csrlyle black well and June Elvldge In "The Way Out." Alhambra Margery Wilson In a Triangle production, "The Flames of Chance," will be the featured photoplay attraction at this theater today. The story presents the star to splendid advantage. Friday, Mar guerite Clark In a Paramount picture, "The Pretty Sister ot Jose." Saturday, Jewel Carmen In "The Girl With the Cham pagne Eyes." Burglars Make Two Hauls in Omaha Homes Burglars made two successful hauls Monday night and Tuesday afternoon. Miss M. Howland, 1618 South Thirty second avenue, reported to the police the theft of two valuable diamond rings Monday night. The burglar gained entrance to her room through a window. Dunne the absence of the family Tuesday afternoon the home of Jacob JMelson, 302 Dodge street, was robbed. A wrist watch and $100 in cash was taken. POLITICAL ADVERTISING. Ask the Man Who Knows Him Walter S. Jardine is not a Politician. He never ran for Public Office but Once. That was three years ago, when he was Elected a City Commissioner. He has treated his Public Office as he would a Business of his Own. He hat given SERVICE and has prac ticed ECONOMY. Under Walter S. Jardine's direction as Superintendent of the Department of Public Improvement, the City of Omaha has Built 75 per cent more paving than in any other three years. Built 11 miles more sewers than in any similar period. Done 50 per cent more Public Improve ment work, without proportional in creased appropriation. Paved or re-paved practically all Main Streets in need of it: No. 24th., No. 30th., Military Ave., Ames Ave., So. 13th., etc. Jardine Deserves a Second Term Arrested on Charge of Defrauding Omaha Bank H. C. Hookstra, Herrick. S. D., bank cashier, who is wanted here on a charge of defrauding the Packers' National bank of $1,000 on a false check, was arrested in Ogden, Utah, Tuesday. He is being held by Utah authorities for arrival of Omaha de tectives. Hookstra was trailed by a detective agency throughout the entire United States. Last November, it is alleged, he cashed a check at the Packers' National bank on the strength of his membership in -ttht First National bank of Herricks, S, D. He had resigned from his posi tion as cashier of the Herricks bank ten days previous to his trip here, it is charged. One Minute Store Talk , Said a wide-awake customer, an observing individual: "You people have) a rea son for courting compari sons. What a contrast this store presents to any other clothing store west of Chi cago! Why, it just seems superfluous to even men tion it it speak for it self." Why be satisfied with less than Greater Nebraska Service? The Vigor and Dash of Youth IS THE APPEARANCE THAT THE TIMES DEMAND OF MATURE MEN Brandegee Kincaid Clothes are built for men with red blood in their veins, and they help keep a man's blood red; "snap" and "pep" in clothes puts ginger in the step. Refreshing Spring Styles Galore Fabrics . the finest the market affords. . Styl the selection of Fifth Avenue's best. Tailoring the finest journeymen productions. The combined result of the most efficient production and design produces values un surpassed in men's clothes. You must see Brandegee-Kincaid Spring Suits and Top Coats $20, $25, $30, $35, $40., $45 Visit our greater clothing sections, 50 per cent more floor space largest in the west Several Thousand Men's Spring Suits, txtra Values at $15.00. SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY. : CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. COMPARE OUR , VALUES ' ALWAYS, : AMC8EMEJTT8. VAI1DEVILLK AND PHOTOPLAYS Presenting vIKCLS DAYS Menlo Moore Hosleal Comedy With Girls, KIMBALL KENNETH Itanjo Entertainers. JOH BARTON The Trmmp fycllst. DON HLL FRANCES Comedy Harmons' ttingers Edith Story "The Claim" Story ot Redeemed Mother L MP nAVIt 4 Nights Prices BOe to BOTDcommenclnsP- M-.; 4 MA c J u e .J.VW. Mat., Wed. niftUADr. it i v nil BENNETT IN Tha Loniest. Loud est Laugh in Life THE VERY IDEA Just from 6 months at the Astor Theater, New York .JTS S lliiiT it "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." Ev'ogs. 2S-50-7SC-I1 Dally Mat., 15-25-500 Relatlna st swry strforsuwe his thrllllss sxperlinet LEU KELLY Conjunction With SJ CUAW Mmlo I SlngWi "snni rie Burin.gue Isoludlns the Ftmlnlns Riot, MARIE 8PARS0W LADIES' OlMt MATINEE WEEK DAYS. fl.ft u. mnA Wk "Th flton f.l.Alv OirlM durins rh Zossolla raid st London oomoi ths srlalnal dopoitor. -ApsurlRS Is Conjunction With Isok DruMAU CUAM Muilonl WILL M. CRESSY a BLANCHE DAYNE. PAUL MORTON A NAOMI GLASS, AL SHAYNE, HARRY AND EMMA SHAR ROCK, DeMarest Colletto, "Color Gems," Roodia a France, Orpheum Travel Weekly. THURSDAY AT Bernstein's, 111 S. 16 St. 1 WOMEN'S AND MISSES MUSLIN WEAR $1.50 Gowns 95d $2.00 Chemise 95 $2.00 Skirts 951 These are all prettily trimmed with lac and embroidery. PHOTOPLAYS. PHOTOPLAYS. He's Wearing the Blue Shirt Again! The Most Beloved Star of Motion Pictures is Reappear ins; in One of His Famous. Favorite Roles of the -f , Great North Woods; t m WILLIAM FOX 0FFEBS WILLIAM -. FARNUM As "The Fighting Doctor" S IN , " :;-' " "THE KHEACxfif ? OF' A -LOW Picturized From Ralph Connors' Famous Novel, "The Doctor." mm Today Tomorrow Saturday Screened at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 P. M. rut. SB a sLaK - t TMAPILLY of Clothesline Alley HAMILTON JE- Today BARBARA CASTLETON ' In "ON TRIAL" "The Spirit of the Red Cross." SUBURBAN 24th and Ames Colfax 2841 Today CEORCE BEBAN in "ONE MORE AMERICAN" . Friday and Saturday THE KAISER" LOTHROP VI" Today CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "THE HONEYMOON" G R A N D '2 :r Today "SPIRIT OF THE RED CROSS" GLADYS BROCKWELL in "THE DEVIL'S WHEEL. Clara Kimball Young in "THE REASON WHY" SUNSHINE COMEDY! T Last Times Today - 'f j bessie barrlscale & "within" 'the cup" WimAMRUSSELL k f Today, Friday and Saturday All Star Cast ia "ALIMONY" f The Tie) That Barn'