Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, .'THURSDAY, MAY; 2. 1018.
HE "THEN- , .
1 1 I I m . & fll
-J1 j irvi r1 1 e otsToHoeo:
4; Drawn for.
The Bee
1 hv
I George
i UcManus
t tfourkes Blank Sioux, lerz Al
! lowing But Five Hits and
: Keeping Them Well ,
' Scattered. '
Sioux City, la., May 1. (Special
I Telegram.) Omaha opened its tea'
' ton here today by shutting out Sioux
' City, 8 to 0. Mera allowed but five
j bits and kept them well scattered,
- wiuic tne Kourkes xoucnea Aiiison
and Fletcher for 10 safeties. The at
:: tendance was 4,500. -
Defate's fast bitting featured. He
made a double and single in three
! trips to the plate. Nye at second base
I accepted sine chances without an
: error.
A parade and the regular opening
t day ceremonies preceded the game,
j IV. E. Dickerson, president of the
Western league, pitched the first ball.
Hitless in First.
; Omaha went hitless in the first in-
With one out in the second, Defate
5 doubled and Holderman was hit by a
' pitched balU.Nye hit a pop fly to left
i and Defate was forced out at third,
t Holderman going to second. Pratt
t walked, filling the bases, but Merz
finished the inning with an infield out.
t More Scores Come In,
! In the fourth Defate singled. Hoi-
derman bunted, forcing Defate at sec
$ ond. Nye walked.' Pratt went to first
when Richie dropped his fly, tilling
the bases. Merz struck out. Holder
man , and Nye scored when Smith
booted BashongB grounder. Jackson
walked. Pratt and Bashong crossed the
tod went out, Murphy to Hunter.
Pratt opened the sixth with a
"uble, went to third on Mers's sacrl-
s and scored when Bashong drove
! i ball to the fence for a triple.
? shong went home on Jackson's sac
t rjdcsj. .. . .
Seventh good Inning.
j Omaha scored two more in the sev-
enth. Hanford walked and went to
J second on Defate's sacrifice. Hanford
1 stored when Murphy booted' Holder
s' man's grounder. Holderman went to
second on the throw-in. Nye struck
out, Holderman tallied on Pratt's
single. Mera forced Pratt at. second,
i ft Joseph Loses Game to
Des Moines by Bad Fielding
Des Moines, May 1. -Although
I Curtis outpitched Musser of Des
!? Moines today, the locals, won, 6 to 5,
on the poor fielding of the St. Joseph
team. The game was replete with
spectacular plays. General , R. N.
Getty, commander at Camp Dodge,
tnrew tne first bail to Lieutenant
Foster, one of his sides. The small-
-,. est opening day crowd in the history
, ct western League base ball attended
the game. Score: , v
AB.H.O.A.I. A8.H.O.A.R
miMTM i i a icas,ir iiits
- InUl,ef ( I 5 OHartf d.s 4 I
Watson.rf I 1 I I eHhan' S 111 S O
Kirkm.lf I II I IHunter.rt 111 II
Kslly.lh I til I Murp,,c I 1 I I I
Marr.ia- I 111 tCoffsy.Sb I 1 I I I
: 'art,lb. tits tBretn.o I I I 1 I
I tenant. 111 S I t 1 X
Cartia, I I t I lUutur.p 1 tit 0
ToUla It HUH I Total. II 117 11
To eut when wlnnlnt run acored.
It Jeoeph ,..,1 0011 S 0 1 0-4
Dea Motne 1 t 1 t 1 1 14
ThrM-ba hlti Daniel. . Two-baa hltat
rirkbam, Daniel. Saorlflo hltt: Daniel,
Kelly, Bachant.. Curtla, Hartford, Bhanlay,
atarpbr 1, Breea, Muaeer l). Left on
baaea: St Joaeph, II: De Uota, I. Struck
ant; By Mutter, 4; by Curtla, 1. First on
ballat Off Mttwer, I; eft Curtl. 1. Hit by
pitched ball: By Uuner, Kelly; by Curtla,
Coffey. Wild pitch: Muaeer, Curtl. Earned
ran: St Joeeph, 4; De Holne. I. Double
eia: Marr nnalted) Muuer te Shan
iy. Pmplrei Daly. Time, two hour.
S'lytchinson Wins With Four
1 Runs in Third Inning
Wichita, Kan., May 1. Wichita lost
the opening game to Hutchinson here
i today by a score of 8! to 3. Both
r ttams hit freely, but Wichita failed to
fcunch theirs. Hutchinson won a big
tad in the third inning by scoring
tour runs, score:
Total 41 11 17 II 4
sort! 111
t Prrj III
JkcBfoUf SIS
Cy.rf 111
Taryan.o S t I
; Waa' . 4 10
;Koll,lb 4 t I
5 Lrona.p I t t
l-rrta.p I 1 t
.,-'amn lit
I 114 10
S t Pltte.rf I 1 I 0
0 IMeCl'n, t I t 1
0 IMltHf I I I
1 I til t t
0 1114 1
0 I I 1 t I
1 I Banner, I I I I 1
4 tTeoUho.p I 1 t I 1
0 I
- Totala 41 II 17 10 I
ToUU 41 11 17 IS
I Batted for Lyon In third. "
iHntchlnaoa ,..t 14 11 1 t I a I
C Wichltn .....,.l 0 t 0 f 0 0 0 1 I
S Loft on baaea: Wltchlta, 11: Hntchlneon,
' It Sacrifice hit: Pitt. Two-base hiu:
" roy, MeBrlde. Harris. Dllta, Benson, Con.
- -f, 1. Stolen baaeat Berger. Dllta. Benson,
-i -uble plays ' Tedlacbe to Benson to Ft Ik.
rack out: Lone. 1; Tedischo. I. Beers
J t balU: Lyoes. t Harris, ; Tedlacho, I.
nplre. Shannon. Time l:il. "
Sabaarine lost.
Tans, May 1. The French sub
( r-Lit Prairial has been sunk as a re
r i ef si collision with a merchant
it -was announced today. Part of
2 crew of the submarine was saved.
11 in . ii n ii ii ii i in . i.i li ii 1 1 Liu. ! im im . . frygesgsgws
Make Good Start
, AB. B. H. O. A. T.
Baahoar, rf-U. 4 S 1 1 t
JaekMm, lb S O 1 II I
Donlto, lb 4 1 SIS
Hanford, If-rf I 1 t O t
IWate, 4 S 4 11
llolderman, f I ( 1
Njra. 2b. 4 1 f S S t
Pratt, a..., 4 S SSI a
Man, p ; S S 0 4 1
Total! ......II S 10 17
AB. R. H. 0. A. E.
FarrcU,rf 8 0 110 8
Smith, lb... 4 0 0 S S 1
Thonuuon, If,.,,,,., 4 0 1 1 St
Richie, c( 4 0 0 1 0 1
Jonea, u. ............ 4 0 0 1 SO
Hunter, lb S 0 S 11 0 0
Murphr, 8b v 0 0 S S I
Rohrer, a....... S 0 1 1 S, 0
AUlaoa p S 0 0 0 4 0
Fletcher, p... 0 0 0 0 S O
SfeUnuiar .. 1 0 0 0 0 0
Total ,.....S0 "I II II S
'Batted for Allison In aerenth,
Omaha ...0 0 0 4 0 S S 0 0 S
Sioux Cltr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-baM hltat Defate, Pratt. Threa-baaa
hit l Baahonc Sacrifice hlUl Iloldernuui,
Jaekaoa, Men, Uefate. Stolen hatet Holder
man. Double plan Fletcher to Rohrer to
Hunter. Baaea en hall of Holderman, S
off Alllwn, 4 1 off Fletcher, S. Strack onti
Bf Men, S bjr Alllaon, 4. Hit by pitched
ball i Br Alllaon, Holderman. Lett on baaea l
Omaha, S Sloui City, 0.
Topeka Defeats Joplin In
First Game; Score, 7 to 1
Topeka, May 1. Topeka celebrated
Its return to Western league base ball
by defeating Joplin in the opening
game of the season here today by a
score of 7 to 1. The score:
ho .
CarllKlMf 4 1 1 tWnfftl.M 4 1 1 S t
Lamb,2b 19 4 1 I 0 1 t 4 1 t t 4 S IS t t
Meti,lb I 014 t 4 I t 0 4
Brant, 4 t 0 I 4 10 11
Krkaw.rf t 0 0 I I I I I
Tmpn.3b 10 11 lTralner.rf 1 0 4 0 0
Colllnn.o 114 1 lBlock,o 4 I I 0 8
Banden.p 10 0 1 OHaynecp I 0 0 I 0
Agnew 1 I M I
Totals 10 Ii7 II 1
Totala 11 11117 S
; BatU4 for Sander In ninth.
Joplin , ..I t S S 0 1,0 t 11
Topeka 1111 1 0 10 7
' Saorlfle hltat N, ' Trainer. Sacrttlc
fly: Hauter. Double play: Brant to Lamb
to Met. Stolen baae: Wuffll (5); Nee,
Ueyera, Hauler, Block (1). Bie on ball:
Off Hayno, I; off Sandara, 4. Struck out;
By Haynea, 7; by Sander. I. Wild pitch:
Haynea, Bander, httt on bate! Joplin, S;
Topeka, I. Umpire: Miller. Time; 1:41.
Vasil. Greek Champion,
Defeats Kansas City Lad
Waterloo, la.. May 1. George
Vasil, Greek champion of Wheeling,
W, Va., won from Joe McVey of Kan
sas Uty here last night in two straight
falls. The champion won with the
bar hold, the first fall in 47 minutes,
and with bar and head scissors in 7
minutes and IS seconds the second
fall. Vasil meets Helmer Myre in
May. ; ) -
West Point Base Ball
' Team Defeats Cornell
West Point. N. Y May 1. The
army today defeated Cornell in a cold
weather game, 4 to 3. Jones, the army
pitcher, was an enigma and was ably
supported in ' pinches. The cadets
drove Needle out of the box in the
third. Score:
: R.H.B.,
Army , 4 T t
.Cornell Ill
Jones and McCarthy; Needle, Brookmlre
and Whttmore,
Miller Scores Knockout
n His Match With Gage
Ogden Uuh' May 1. Joe Miller
of San Francisco scored a knockout
over Frankie Gage of New Orleans
in the ninth round of a scheduled 20
round bout here tonight. The fighting
was even until the ninth. Lee Mor
risey of this city was given the de
ciston over Heme Schumann of Den
ver at the end of eight rounds.
White Sox Star Outfielder
V May Be Called Into Army
Greenwood. S. G, May 1. -Joe
Jackson, outfielder of the Chicago
Americans, has been placed in class 1,
the district draft board for the west
ern district of South - Carolina an
nounced today. He had been in class
4. Jackson registered at Greenville,
America Association.
R, It. B.
, t 14 t
i t T 4
Batteries: Northrop and Oossett; Qeorge.
Bluejacket and Hartley. ,
St. Paul It 11 S
Milwaukee ........................ Ill
Batteries: Keating and Glenn; William.
Rrr ana KUhn.
Loulnrlll tit
Toledo , , S I 1
Batteries: Bee be and Kocher; Bowman
ana uevine.
Minneapolis ..... I'll
Kansas City lit
Batterlee: Shellenbach and Owen; Adam
ana unsiow.
. College Base Ball.
At Cambridge, Mas; Portland Naval Re
serve, I; Harvard, t.
At Middle to wo. Conn: TVealeyan, I; West
Virginia. . ,
At Lafayette, Ind. Score: . ' R, n. S.
Illlnol .,....., ,.,,. S T S
Purdue " s ii: t
Batteries: Klein and Koppj Heine and
rernn. -
At Annspolls North Carolina Sta'. Col
les, I; Navy, I.
Bumper Crop In Mexico.
' Eagle Pass, Tex, May 1. The big
tCCSt wheat cron in manv veara i he,
itig harvested in the district around
j . . JM at.'oi. e .
tne state or loanuua, Mexico, accord
ing to reports here.
Walter Johnson Holds Bean
Eaters to Four Scattered Hits
as Washington Takes Game
by Five to Nothing.
Boston, May 1. Walter Johnson
held Boston to four scattered hits
today. Washington ' bunched hits
off Mays in the fourth, getting five
runs and winning 5 to 0. Hoop
er made three of Boston's hits,
while Mclntiis scratched out the
fourth in the ninth with two men
out The entire Washington team
gave Johnson good support, with
Shanks and Morgan performing sen
sationally. It was Mays' first loss of
the year. Score:
Shoton.rf lilt 0Hoopar,rf 41100
La.van.ea 4 1110 Rhaan.Sb 10 110
Milan, cf 4 0 4 0 4 0 110
Bhanka.lf 4 1 1 4 0 8chn,lf 10 10 0 10 10 OM'InlMb 4 1110
Morcn,3b 1114 I 018 1 0
Fotr,3b 4 111 0 Scott, 4 0 110
Anamth,o 4 14 1 OAanew.e I 0 I t t
Joncon.p 4 10 1 OMaya.p I 0 1 I 1
Total II 11711 0 Totala IS417177
Waehlnaton ...0 0010000 05
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Two baa hlta: 8hottont Hooper. Three
bae hit: Alnamlth, Johneon. Stolen base:
Bhotton, Saorlfl.e hlta: Juice. Shean.
Double play: Strunk to Hoblitsell. Left
on baaec Waehlniton 0; Boiton 7. Bae
on ball: Of; Johneon I; off May 4. Hit
by pitched ball: By Johneon (Mays); by
Maya (Judge). Struck out: By Johneon S;
by Maya 1.
Cleveland Take Laat florae.
Cleveland, O. May 1. Cleveland won
the laat came of the aerlea from Chicago,
t to I. Coveleakl outflched Clcotte, but
error by Kavanath, Roth and Wambe
ans allowed the vliltors to (core four of
their five rune. Chicago nearly tied the
acora In the ninth Inning. It bad runner
on eecond and tint when Jackson hit an
easy bounder to Coveleikle, retiring the
side. Score:
Lelbold.lf 111
0 OHalt.Sb
4 10 1
4 10 4
114 0 4
E.Clns,lb 4
Jackson, rf 4 4
ClsndlUb 4
M 4
Hchalk,a 4
Clcotte.p S
Murphy, 1
1 OCpmn.a
1 OSpker.rf
0 ORoth.rf
4 111
I Oil 1
4 0 10
114 1
10 0 1
1 0 Wood, If
I OO'Nelll.o
4 0Cvlskle,p
Total 11 11 it 16 4
10 1
Total 14 114
Batted for Clcotte In ninth.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Cleveland ....1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 6
Two base hits: Gandil. Roth, Chapman.
Three base hltt Speaker. Sacrifice hlta:
Weaver, Kavanagh, Jackson, Roth. Double
plays: Chapman, Halt, Wambaganss. Left
on bases: Cleveland. 4; Chicago S. Baaea
on balls I Oft Covelaskle I; Clcotte 1, Struck
out: By Clcotte I; Coveleskle 1.
Sister's Drive Takea Gam.
St Lout, Miy 1. With the tcor tied In
the 10th, two out and Tobln on second.
8lsler drove the ball over Cobb' head
coring Tobln with the run that gave St.
Loula the victory over Detroit her today
I to 1. Ordinarily the hit would have gone
for a home rur.. Staler got four hits and a
walk In five trip to th plate, atole a baae,
cored a run and drove In the remainder of
the locale run. Stanage was forced to re
tire In the ninth because of a broken finger
received from a foul tip. Score: .
AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. I 1 11 I 4 110 0 111! OMalsel.Sb 41110 ,4111 4 4 II 1 0
Veach.lf 1110 4 110 0
Helt'an.rf 1 0 0 0 ODem'itt.rf 4 110 0
Vltt,tb 4 0 10 4 0 110
Young, lb 4 0 11 lNuna'er.o 10 10 0
Stanage,o 10 1 I' OOerber.s 1-0140
Spenoer.o 1 1 1 I OQallla.p 4 0 0 4 0
Eriok'a,p 4 10 10
- Totnia it 1 10 it I
Total! II III 17 1
Two out when winning run acored.
Detroit ....I 01000000 0 t
81 Loula ,.1 01000111 1 S
Two-baa hits: Cobb, Sialer, Spencer.
Stolen baaea: Staler. Smith. Tobln. Drea-
en. Sacrifice hit: Maleel. Double playai
Bush and Dressen. Lett on bases: Detroit.
I: St. Loula, 7. Baaea on ball: Oft Erlck-
son, 4; Gallia, I. Struck out: By Erlck
ki, 1; Gallia, 1.
Ouimet Will Lead Team of
Nine Camp Devens Golfers
Francis Ouimet, national amateur
folf champion and a sergeant in the
eventy-sixth division at Camp Dev
ens, will lead a team of nine play
ers, which' will represent the canton
ment, in golf matches this summer.
Outside of Sergeant Ouimet the team
includes Lieutenant Raymond Gorton,
Lieutenant Herbert Jacques, Lieu
tenant Robert V. Bean, Sergeant
Christopher Dunphy, Sergeant A. R.
Mclntyre, Sergeant B. P. Merriman,
Sergeant Frank McNamara and Cor
poral J. Fr Reid. All are expert golf
ers. The proceeds from their matches
will be turned over to the War de
partment Commission on Training
Camp Activities for the purchase of
athletic equipmtnt for the camp.
"Rowdy" Elliott, Chicago
National Catcher, Enlists
' Chicago, May 1. Harold ("Rowdy")
Elliott of Bloomington, 111., a catcher
with the Chicago Nationals, who is in
Class A-l of the draft, decided tonight
to enlist in the navy. He will leave
Sunday for the Mare Island navy yard
near San Francisco. Second Baseman
Kiltduff also is considering enlisting
in the navy. Duffy Lewis, former star
of the Boston Americans, is stationed
at Mare Island and urged Elliott to
enlist. ;
Seotkera AasariaUea.
If obtlo, 1; Birmingham, 0.
New Orleans, I; Atlanta. I. ,
1 Chattanooga. I; Memphis, C ' v' ' "
Standing of Teams
W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet.
Omaha ....1 0 1.000! Minneapolla .1 0 1.000
Topeka 1 0 1.000; Indianapolis 1 0 1.000
Des Molne 1 0 1.000(Toledo ......1 t 1.000
Hutchinson..! 6 l.OOO St. Paul 1 0 1.000
Wichita ....0 1
Milwaukee ..0 1
St. Joseph... 0 1 .000
Sioux Clty...O 1 000
Joplin 0 1 .000
Louisville .,
Columbus .,
Kan. City.,
.0 1
.0 1
.0 1
W. L. Pet
Boaton ....11 I .711
Clevland .,7 4 .131
Chicago. ..I I .625
New York, t 7 .462
Washington I 7 .417
W. L. Pet.
New Tork..ll 1 .117
Chicago .... 7 I .700
.. I
4 .147
St. Louis
Boston ..
I .444
St. Louis... 4
4 .400
t .284
I .131
t .250
Phila. .
.. 1
... I I .171 Brooklyn
1 10 .117
Ytwterday'a Results.
New Tork-Pb'.ladelphta, rain.
Cleveland, 4; Chicago, I.
St. Lout, I; Detroit. I.
Washington. I; Boston, 0.
St. Louts, I; Cincinnati, 1.
Boston, 4; Brooklyn, 2.
Chicago, t; Xlttsburgh, I.
New Tork-Phlladelphla, rain. -
Minneapolis, t; Kansas City, I.
Indianapolis I; Columbus, 0.
St Paul, 10; Milwaukee, 1.
Toledo, 3;- Louisville, I.
Omaha, I; Sioux City, 0.
Topeka, 7; Joplin, 1.
Dea Molnea. I; St Joseph, I.
Hutchinson, I- Wichita, 1.
Game Today.
Western Leagu Omaha at 8ioux City,
Joplin at Topeka, Hutchinson at Wichita,
St Joseph at De Molne.
American League Cleveland at St. Louis,
Chicago at Detroit, Washington at Boaton,
Philadelphia at New Tork.
National League Cincinnati at Chicago,
St Louis at Pittsburgh, New Tork at Phila
delphia, Boston at Brooklyn.
American Association Minneapolla at
Kansas City, Indianapolis at Columbus, St.
Paul at Milwaukee, Toledo at Louisville.
Dr. LeRoy Crummer Called
To Colors as Instructor
Dr. Le Roy Crummer, well known
Omaha physician, has been called to
the colors and will leave in a few days
for Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., where he
will be an instructor in the school of
Dr. Crummer, who is the son of Dr.
B. F. Crummer, a pioneer doctor of
Omaha, has been a prominent figure
in social as well as medical circles.
Dr. Crummer is a graduate of the
University of Michigan and attended
the University of Chicago. He stud
ied abroad for a year before begin
ning his medical career and has taken
several special courses of three or
four months in the large hospitals in
New Monster Oil Tanker
Launched at Pacific Port
A Pacific Port, May 1. The hull of
the VV. D. Rhtem, a 9,400-ton steel oil
tanker, floated at anchor outside a lo
cal shipbuilding yard today. It is
first of a fleet of four monster tankers
that mark a unit in the program of
the Emergency Fleet corporation. The
W. D. Rheem was launched yesterday,
and three companion vessels of similar
tonnage are scheduled to be launched
within the rext 60 days.
Will Start Suit to Prevent
Enemy Aliens From Voting
Suit to prevent all enemy aliens
from voting at the coming election
will be started in districtycourt within
the next few days, according to El
mer E. Thomas. It is estimated that
there are between 1,300 and 1,400 vot
ers in Omaha who come under this
classification. Many of these aliens
have made their declaration of inten
tion to become citizens.
Jury Awards Verdict of
$3,887 in Suit for $92,000
Edwin T. Swobe was Wednesday
awarded a verdict for $3,887.95 against
the Drummond Motor company for
alleged violation of a contract for the
sale of preferred stock in that com
pany by a jury in district court The
Douglas Motors corporation, which
was included in the suit, was found
not liable by the jury. Swobe sued
for $92,000. ,
Government of Denmark
Defeated in Election
Copenhagen, May 1. Final returns
on .voting for members of the lands-
thing, the upper house of the Dan
ish parliament, show a victory for the
opposition parties led by former Pre
mier Christensen. They elected 45
members as against 27 returned by
the socialist and radical parties, which
have been in control for the last four
Man is Seriously Injured
When Struck by Motor Car
Ralph Stevens. 841 Park avenue.
was seriously injured Tuesday aft
ernoon wnen he was struck by an
automobile as he was alighting from
a street car at Park avenue and Leav
enworth street. He suffered a broken
leg and internal injuries. The identity
of the driver of the automobile was
not learned.
Bert Stevens, Teamster,
Dies Following Accident
Bert Stevens, teamster, living in the
Continental hotel, who was seriously
injured Tuesday afternoon when he
wan thrown under his wagon, died
during the night at St Joseph's hos
pital. The accident happened at
Twenty-second and Poppleton ave
nue. Stevens, was employed by the
Smith Brick company,
iji ' "'i..
New Englander: Take Game
That Breaks Tie When Hick
man and Johnston Muff
Pair of Flies.
Brooklyn, May 1. Boston broke
the tie for seventh place in the
National league by defeating
Brooklyn today 4 to 2. Muffs
of flies by Hickman and Johnson
paved the way for Boston's runs in
the fifth and sixth. Two hits and a
sacrifice fly gave the Braves one
more in the ninth.
Brooklyn rained in the last inning
and scored two runs on three singles
and Kelly's error. Score:
Massey.lf 111
Herzog.2b S 1 1 111 4
0O'Mra,tb 4
0 4
0 0
1 1 I
OJohnen.lf 4
OHkman.rf 3
0Smndt,2b 4
OO' 4
Knetcy.lh 4 0 14
4 10
10 1
10 1
0M.Whet,c 4
OMrqard.p 1
Krueger 1
Totala II I 27 II 1 Grlner.p 0
Totals 12 6 27 16 I
Batted for Marquard In eighth.
Boston 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 14
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
Two-base hits: Smith. Sacrifice hits:
Rehg, Ragan. Sacrifice fly: Raw lings.
Double play: Konetchy (unadslsted). Left
on bases: Boston, 7; Brooklyn, 6. First
on errors: Boston, 2; Brooklyn, 1. Bases
on balls. Off Ragan, 3; off Marquard, 3.
Hits: Off Marquard 7 In eight Innings; off
Orlner, 2 In one inning. Struck out: By
Ragan, 3; by Marquard, . Winning
pitcher: Ragan. Losing pitcher: Mar
quard. Chicago Wins, 5 to S.
Chicago, May 1. After three postpone
ments on account of Inclement weather,
Chicago and Pittsburgh met In the final
game of the series here today and the for
mer won five to three.- The locals bunched
hits in the opening Inning before Carlson
could settle himself and took an early lead.
Merkte' home run which went Into the
left field bleachers in the third scored the
winning run. The fielding of Deal and a
double play atarted by Caton were features.
James Archer, a former veteran of the
local club now with Pittsburgh, was pre
sented with a chest of sliver by friends.
AB.H.O.A.B. 1112 4 2 I S 1
Carlson, p
1 2
0 0
1 OFlack.rf 3 1110
0 1 0 0 0 0
1 OPeskrtct 1110 0
3 4 18 10
0 0Kllduf.2b 4 0 4 0 0
1 ODeal.Sb 11111
2 OKllllfer.o 2 15 2 0
1 OVaughn.p 2 0 110
0 0-
2 0 Totals 27 I 27 11 I
0 0
Archer, 1 0 0 0 0
Batted for Csrlson in sixth Inning.
Batted for Jacob In ninth inning.
Pittsburgh ... 001 0 1 0 0 01
Chicago .... 10100001
Two-base . hits: Cutshaw. Home run:
Merkle. Stolen bases: Caton, Merkle.
Sacrifice hits: Mann, 2; Vaughn, Mollwlt.
Sacrifice fly: Schmidt. Double plays:
Caton to Cutslnaw to Mollwltx. Left on
bases: Pittsburgh, t; Chicago, 4. First
baae on errors: Pittsburgh, 1. Base on
balls: Off Vacghn, 4: Carlson, 1. Hits'
Off Carlson, I in 6; off Jacobs, 2 In 8; oti
Vaughn, T In t. Struck out: By Carlson,
2; Vaughn, 2; Jacobs, 1. Winning pitcher,
Vaughn. Losl'.g pitcher, Carlson.
St. Louis Defeat Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, O., May 1. The hitting of
Hornaby was the deciding factor In St.
Louis' 10-innliiR victory over Cincinnati to
day. Hornsby scored Balrd with a double
in the fourth Inning and In the 10th he
led off with a three bagger and acored on
Cruise's sacrifice fly. Cincinnati hit May
oftet. but found difficulty In bunching their
safs drives. Tbelr on run cam In the
sixth on L. Msgee's single, Roush'a sacri
fice and a double by 8. Magee. The field
ing of both team waa brilliant It waa
Liberty loan dey and the player of the
Cincinnati team subscribed 313,860, Man
ager Mathewson leading the list with th
purchase of Ij.0.000 worth of bond. Soon:
0 3
1 I
1 0
0 I
0 0
1 7
0 0
Totala 31 t 20 14 1 Totala 26 10 30 It I
St Louis, 0S01S0000 11
Cincinnati, 00000100 0 0 1
Two-base hits: S. Magee, Griffith. Balrd.
Hornsby. Three-base hit: Hornsby. Stolen
baae: L. Magee. Sacrifice hits: Roush,
I. Sacrifice fly: Cruise. Double play: L.
Mage to Blackburn to Chase; Oroh to L.
Magee to Cheat; Smith to Hornebyj Niehoff
to Paulette to Hornsby to Paulette. Left
on bases: St Loula, 4; Cincinnati, S. First
base on errors: St Loula, I; Cincinnati, 1.
Bases on ball Off Eller, 1; oft May, I.
Hit by pitched ball: May, 1. Struck, out:
by Eller, 6; by May, S.
Central Furniture Team
Entertained at Dinner
Manager Wolfe of the 'Central Fur
niture ball team, and 12 of his players
were entertained at dinner Tuesday
night, and in addition to a general
good time, a business meeting was
held. . . . ,
Organization of the team is now
complete and the players are in per
fect harmony with each other's weak
spots in the lineup are being plugged
and the team that beats the Furniture
boys at the finish will have to step
lively. .
Manager Wolfe has appointed Eddie
Miller, the hard hitting outfielder, as
field captain, and chances that Miller
overlooks are few and far between.
Miller has had several years semi-pro-experience
through southern
Iowa. , '
Today's Sport Calendar
Horse Shows Opening of Philadelphia In
door Horse show.
Golf Opening of spring tournament of
Country club of Atlantic City.
Wrestling Yussif Hussavno gainst John
Pesek, at Lincoln, Neb.
Wool Trade Commission
- Fixed by Government
Washington, May 1. The govern
ment will allow dealers in raw wool
a 'commission of 3 per cent for un
graded and 3J4 per cent for graded
wool. This was made known by the
war industries board today when it
officially announced its action of last
week in fixing the price of raw wool
to the producers at that prevailing
July 30, 1917.
The wool growers, the wool deal
ers and the wool manufacturers will
be represented on the government
committee which will take charge of
the detailed operations," said the an
nouncement "This committee will
be appointed without delay."
Salt Iiake City, Utah, May 1. W.
D. McKellar of Salt Lake City, buy
er for a Chicago wool concern for
many years, today was appointed to
supervise the national distribution of
approximately $390,00(000 worth of
wool, or the entire clip of the United
States. Mr. McKellar left immediate
ly for Washington.
Terminals Committee is
Making Rapid Progress
The Omaha terminals committee is
reported to be making rapid progress
in working out the plans for the han
dling of freight traffic through the
Omaha terminals. The superintend
ents of the various roads, called in to
aid, have been organized into sub
committees and are busy on various
features of the problem.
The plans for routing freight trains
over the Illinois Central bridge, thus
relieving congestion on the Union Pa
cific bridge and through the lower
yards, are nearly complete. A cut
over switch, connecting the North
western and Illinois tracks, is being
laid at the foot of Davenport street
and by Friday this will be ready.
Redmond's Legs Save Him
From Two Armed Footpads
Ed Redmond, 2516 Blondo street, is
the latest victim of the foopads ter
rorizing the vicinity of North Twenty-fourth
street. He was accosted by
two men answering the description of
the men who have committed several
daring holdups during the past week,
between Twenty-fourth and Twenty
fifth streets, on Blondo street, about
11 o'clock last night.
"When they told me to throw up
my hands I told them I was in the
same business and beat it," is the way
Redmond described the encounter. He
escaped with all of his valuables.
Both men were armed.
Mass Meeting Thursday to
Get Jewish Army Volunteers
Captain Drewery of the British Ca
nadian recruiting mission has ar
ranged another mass meeting at the
Swedish auditorium Thursday night
for the purpose of obtaining volun
teers for the Jewish regiment for
service in Palestine.
At a previous meeting he obtained
17 volunteers and hopes to double
that number at the meeting Thursday.
All Jewish people are invited to at
tend. Prominent speakers will ad
dress the audience.
Julius Silber Resumes
Trips on the Big Muddy
The Julius Silber, the big steamer
which last year plied between Omaha
and Decatur, hauling live stock, grain
and provisions, has resumed its trips
for the summer and Wednesday
morning arrived with its first load
from Decati , where it has been un
dergoing repairs. It brought in a load
of corn and oats, but did not bring
its bar6e along, as it is still on dry
dock, undergoing repairs. The barge
may be loaded, for the next trip.
Women Succeed as Pilots
Of U. P. Building Elevators
Two women recently were given a
trial as elevator conductor., in the
Union Pacific headquarters building.
Their work has proven so satisfac
tory that within the next 10 days or.
two weeks women will be operating
all of the cars in the building.
Rheumatism Has Never Been
Cured by Liniments or
Lotions, and Never
Will Be.
' You never knew of Rheumatism
that most painful source of suffer
ingbeing cured by liniments, lo
tions or other external applications.
And you wiU never see anything but
temporary relief afforded by such
But why be satisfied with tempo
rary relief from the pangs of pain
which are sure to return with in
creased severity, when there is per
manent relief within your reach?
Science has proven that Rheumatism
is a disordered condition of the blood.
How then, can satisfactory results be
exoected from any treatment that
Committee is Appointed to Pro
vide More Extensive En
tertainment for Soldiers :
Stationed in Gate City.
War Camp Community service has
been organized at the Chamber of
Commerce under the supervision of
the commission on training camp
activities of the War and Navy de
partments. The plan of the committee appoint
ed is to provide more extensive en
tertainment and recreation for sol
diers stationed at Fort Omaha and
Fort Crook, to establish more cor
dial relations between the soldiers and
civilians and to increase the recrea
tional facilities of the city.
F. D. Wead was elected chairman
of the committee, and Thomas B.
Powell executive secretary. , Powell,
who will have charge of the
work, may be located at the office
of F. D. Wead and every organiza
tion, which has been supplying en
tertainment for the boys at the forts
is urged to communicate with . him
and co-operate with the organization
in furthering the work. Co-ordination
of all societies and organizations
which have been engaged in this work
is desired by the committee.
Community singing will be , pro
moted and athletic contests between
teams of soldiers and civilians ar
ranged. An information bureau for
the purpose of obtaining rooms near
the posts where relatives cans con
veniently visit the men on duty wil!
be established.
After May IS the Khaki club, which
has been operated by the Rotary club,
will be taken over by the War Camp
Community service.
A special war worker of the Young
Women's Christian association . hat
been invited to come to Omaha in a
few days to start the ball moving
among the girls and business women
who are forming patriotic leagues.
Engine and'
Wheels Aren't AH
It takes more than tires and gas to
keep a car running. Friction in bear
ings must bo overcome to make a ear
ran regularlr and right There' one
common sense way to do It Diionlre.
When Dixon's cover bearing surface
there's less need tor repairs and there'
more power and mileage.
Atk your dealer for th
Dixon Lubricating Chart. ''
Clyde -jWj.'
Cluett.Pcabody tf Co. Inc. Mahtrt
does 'not reach the blood, the seal
of the trouble, and rid the system
of the cause of the disease? S. S. S
is one blood remedy that has for more
than fifty years been giving relief te
even the most aggravated and stub
born cases of Rheumatism. It cleanses
and purifies the blood by routing out
all traces of disease. The expe
rience of others who have taken S.
S. S. will convince you that it will
promptly reach your case. Yon can
obtain this valuable remedy at any
drug store.
A valuable book on Rheumatism
and its treatment, together with ex
pert medical advice about your own
individual case, will be sent abso
lutely free. Write today to Med:eal
Department, Swift Snecifir ""o . 331
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. .