THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1918. ' 72 AMERICANS ON PERSHING'S CASUALTY LIST lieutenants William H. Jenkins and Franklin B. Pedrick Re ported Missing; Eight Men Killed in Action. Washington, May 1. The casualty (ist today contained 72 names, divided as follows: " Killed in action," 8; died of wounds, - I; died of accident, 1; died of disease, 3; died of other causes, 1; wounded severely, 5; wounded slightly, 51; missing in action, 2. Three officers were named. Lieu tenants William ' H. Jenkins and Franklin B. Pedrick are missing in action and Lieutenant Nathaniel C. Reed was wounded slightly. The l."st follows: Killed in Action Sergeant Arvld Ceder holm; Corporals John F. Giles, Georga Grttzback; Privates James O. Carey, Early . R.- Clark, Clarence E. Coe, Clinton W. De Forest, James N. Joyce. . ; ;. - Died of Disease Privates Louis Loralns Barnett, Charles H. Bolden, Benjamin Hill, Died From Wounds Private Lyndon L. Casey. ! .-'-. - Died of Accident Private John Pesa. Died From Other Causes Private Howard 4.. Mowery, . "Wounded Severely Corporals Walter G. Caul, John Murray; Privates Raphael Carbo, John J. Cook, Eobert B. Remington. Fifty-one Slightly Wounded. Wounded 81lghtly Lieutenant Nathaniel O.- Reed: i Corporals Edward D. Brown, Daniel Caplet, Leon T. Colman, Bernard F. Ounnlngham, James E.' Denlce, Joseph F. Dixon, John C. Fleming, Charles J. Frey, CarroH W. Gleaaon, Alfred Morln, William H. Whitman; Sergeants George A, GUllsple, , Chester Smith; Mechanics Arthur A. Pres eott, Frances D. Qulgley; Cook Victor A. Tatrro; Privates Alfred John Appleyard, Angelo Ballandeill, Harold V. Boggs, John H. Breen, Lufgl Cerullo, Chester K. Cooper, Napoleon Duhamel, Daniel D. Erwin, Louis Farona, Albert Filteau, Walter H. Fisher, William S. Foster, Bernard R. Garriety, Thomas M. Gavain, George E. Gochie, Austin S. Harlow, James W. Hyatt, Harold H. Johnson,- Alfred J. Justice, Thomas Klely, Thomas G. Lawton, William H. Nicholson, Mike Paternostro, Rozard J. Pollzzottl, Les ter J. Rotch, Frank C. Schroeder, William Stomskl, Henry A. Sullivan, William J. Tatro, John W. Thomas, Leroy F. Webber, August H. Wlgren, James Zambone, Joseph Zapolsky. Missing In Action Lieutenants William H. Jenkins and Franklin B. Pedrick. SHELLPROOF MACK British Bag 900 Turks And Capture Two Towns (By Associated Press.) In Mesopotamia General Marshall has advanced north-northeast of Bagdad, capturing two towns and nearly 900 prisoners. ' The Turks avoided battle at Kifra, 100 miles northeast of Bagdad, and Ued toward Kirfuk, about 160 mile? north and on the main road to Mosul, apparently the British objective. A retreating column was attacked and more than 500 prisoners taken". British cava'ry then captured Tuzhur mantli, about 30 miles northwest of Kifra. The pursuit toward Kirfuk continues. A Common Soldier's Recital of Thrilling Adventures in the Terrific Struggle for World Democracy By ARTHUR TAMES M'KAY. (Copyright, by Small, Jlaynard Co., Inc.) Arthur James McKay, "Shellproof Mack," was destined by parents for the priesthood. Being of an adventurous spirit, he enlisted in oue of the English bantam regiments after the sinking of the Lusitania and the failure of this country to immediately declare war upon Germany. On his first trip over the top he was wounded and applied for discharge on account of being an American citizen, His request was granted but Mack tore up his application and went back to the front when an officer showed the need for his services. After being wounded three more times Mack was still on the" firing line and on Christmas Eve, 1917. told a story to his mates of his experiences the previous Christmas on which oc casion he received the title "Old Shell proof froin- officers and men. CHAPTER IX Continued. Still and all, the chaps taking over are entitled to some information as to the particular enemy they are go ing to fight. It makes a great dif terence. ihe 'Prussians are nasty ngnters. 1 mean by that that they keep at it night and day and don t seem to have any sense of trying to make things easy tor both sides. There's no reason why a fellow shouldn't be reasonable even if he is at war. I have heard it said that the Prussians are the best fighters in the German army. I, personally, don't think so. When they come to close quarters they will fight until there is no hope, then they quit. Now the Bavarian is sort of a de cent, gentlemanly bird, with some sense; but he'll go a step further than the Prussian when he is at close quar. ters, and will keep on scrapping when there is no hope like a Frenchman or an Englishman or a Jock or a Cana dian. He s just that much better than the advertised Prussian, Your Saxon, now, he's another breed of cats. He is a big, good-natured, blond ,beggar, and he is per fectly willing to lay off the sniping and the nasty work any time and be friendly. We were in one sector sev eral times where the trenches were only 30 yards aparf. When the Saxons came in they would let us know it, and all hands would start doing the brother act. They knew they could trust us and we knew we could trust them. A Jot of them could speak English, and they would hop up on the parapets unarmed and shout across to know if we had any fags. Then both sides would start joshme. There would always be some of the baxons who knew more about Lon don than the men did who came from there, and they would swap yarns aoout tne places tliey both knew, Once I remember all of us got so in terested over an argument as to how long the war would last and which side was going to win that we almost came to blows. One of the officers put a stop to it oy going between the lines this, m broad daylight, mind you and tell ing the Saxons that if they didn't get down he would order them fired on On the whole, they were good, mendly teiiows, and we liked them. .1 remember about the time that Roumania entered the war: they had ii uourc we uiu ana ioid us aoout it. When Bucharest fell they snouted the news across to us and we called them bloody liars. There was a little bad feeling for-a dav or two and we didn't let them put their neads up. ao tney began to stick up signs telling us what boobs we were. We all had a shot at the signs. One night some of us sneaked over with a piece of old wire cable we had found and hitched it on to the Saxon barbed wire. Then about 50 of us got hold and gave a heave all to gether. We pulled up a section of the wire and it made an awful noise, and the Saxons cut loose with every thing they had in the way of ma chine gun and rifle fire. I fancy they must have thought there was half a battalion or more out there fussing with their wire. Next morning they saw what had made the disturbance and we joked them some more. They took it in good part. One time someone over in the Saxon trench got an old cornet and started playing toot a toot toot, toot. After a while he just played the first part and the Saxons finished off the last two toots vocally. Then we joined in and tooted, too. We kept it up all one day like a lot of kids, un til the officers came around and put a stop to it. Well, this time I m telling about there were no good-natured Saxons against us there were Prussians. The fellows we were taking over from told us to be careful of snipers. We didn't need to be told that, as we had been on this sector before and knew just how bad the snipers would be if they were Prussians. I have to hand it to the Prussian snipers for bravery.. They were as bold as brass, and as a common thing would get out between the lines at night and stop there in the daytime concealed behind dead bodies or in shell holes or whatever there was and then put at us. As a rule I think that these snipers were officers. On several occasions they even got through our lines and hid to our rear and sniped at us. Think what nerve man must have had to do a stunt like thatl He. was nearly sure to ret caught and not a chance for life if he was taken. Another nervy ' thing they pulled quite often was this: A German of ficer would dress in an English offi cer's uniform and deliberately come over and drqp into our trenches and stroll along asking questions of the rnen. Usually he would wear the-R. E. uniform, and would be some man who had been educated in England, and who was more English thanthe English themselves in manner ' of speech. 1 The very boldness of it made the scheme successful. They got away with it as a rule, too. I have known of at least six cases of the sort in my sector, although I never actually saw but one. I remember one chap who was caught. He was taken before a lieutenant named Barrett. He greeted Barrett cordially with "Ah, Lieuten nat Barret, I believe. I had a shot at you a night or two ago and came jolly near doing you in. "How do you know my name?" asked Barrett. The German laughed. "Really, old chap, you mustn't ask," he said. "That's my business. you know. Then he weent on to tell about kill ing two officers some time before, giv ing their names and the time when they were killed. It all checked up, This officer was taken to the rear and probably shot, although I do hot know about that. His courage and coolness certainly merited some- thing better. The bravery and will ingness for sacrifice is not all on one side in this war. When we got into our front trench and tried to get settled down for the 10 days of discomfort we found things bad. Ihe trench was knee deep in THURSDAY AT Bernstein's, 111 S. 16 St Women's and Mistea' Silk T.f feta Dresses with Georgette sleeves; values to $17.50. Extra special $9.95 Famous Wash Heals Slun D. D. D., the greatest of akin remedies, will remove those skin afflictions that ' hare made yonr lifts a burden. That in tolerable Itching, burning and discom fort will disappear under the marie of this remedy. Hundreds testify It has cured cases pronounced Incurable. We rartntee the first bottle to bring yea relief. TrjD.D. D. ttc, 80c and tl.oe. o o nDo Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Plillllllllffl Biitfing a Government Bond Is Your Privilege, Your Dutg and Your, Prof if 1508-1510 Douglas St. Jtiliis (Man iiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiionili 2 1508-1510 Douglas St. Starting Thursday at 8:30 a.m. sharp i " The Event Hundreds of Omaha Women Anxiously Await OUR GREATER ANNUAL MAY EL QUSE SA El- This announcement will be greeted by a flurry of excitement from city's end to end our past-May Blouse Sales have taught Omaha wo men the full importance of this great selling event. It positively means buying beautiful new Blouses in many instances at less than half their true worth greater displays, greater varieties, and great er values than ever before come early 5600 Beautiful New Blouses Offered in Three Wonderful Sale Lots Thursday BLOUSES Wdrth to $5.95, now MAY SALE LOT 1 MAY SALE LOT 2 if v aiasE MAY SALE LOT 5 "pvAINTY Georgettes; Crepe de Chines and Novelty D Sub-Silks, in dozens of highly attractive styles White, Flesh, Tea Rose, Maize and many others new high collar effects. Thursday is the day to share in these most unusual values. BLOUSES Worth to $10, now BEAUTIFUL Blouses of rich Georgette, Pussy Willow Taffeta and Crepe de Chine in endles varieties; every new and wanted color, rich beaded and embroid ered creations a most wonderful group for choosing never before has this store offered the equal of these great values, j BLOUSES Worth to $12.50, now TTlVERY Blouse in this lot bears the earmarks of real style distinction any color you may desire is amply represented the materials, the trimmings, the color combinations are such as are only found in Blouses of the better type values too extreme to last long; so come early Thursday. ' YTxm wrfii a Ii mud and water, and the water was cold. The dugouts were better than most in that part of the line. It was a farce to call them dugouts, at that They were only head and shoulder shelters. I am fortunate in being short, for I could almost always find an extra-size shelter that I could get into, legs and all, and be fairly com fortable. Things were quiet for the next three daTS. With Otllv a liell nr , , v it v vvttr ing at intervals. We spent the time writing letters to the folks at home, telling them what a fine Christmas we Were having and all about the big feed that was planned. As a matter of fact, we were in for bully beef and bread and ten hnt hr ..... - i. . -- - . 7 '"" ta iiu uaiiu in letting the people who were worry- ...e uuui us nun inai we were oue for .urkey and plum pudding. My platoon was on duty in the front line from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. No union hours over there, you see. The rest of the time we snenr in h hl. ters. (Continued Tomnrrow.l British Catholics "Regret" Irish Draft Opposition London, May 1. The Catholic union of Great Britain, an influential organization, whose membership in cludes many titled persons and other prominent Catholics, has sent to Car dinal Gasparri, the papal secretary of state, for submission to Pope Bene dict, a series of resolutions passed by it regretting the action of the Catholic hierarchy in Ireland in op posing Irish conscription, "thereby apparently supporting organized re sistance to law." Slayer of Archduke Francis Dies in Bohemian Fortress London, May 1. Gavrio Prinzip, the assassin of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir apparent to the Aus-tro-Hungarun throne, and his wife, at Sarajevo, Bosnia, died yesterday of tuberculosis, in a fortress near Prague, telegraphs the correspondent at The Hague of the Exchange Telegraph company. Austrian Emperor in - 1 Conference With Kaiser London, May 1. Emperor Charles of Austria-Hungary, accompanied by Baron Burian, the foreign minister, . and their staffs, according to an Ex change Telegraph dispatch from Zu rich, will proceed immediately to German headquarters to confer with the German emperor. Iowa Man on Canadian Lists; Reported Wounded Ottawa, Ontario, May 1. The name of R. Fuller, Grinnell, la., ap pears in today's) Canadian casualty list Fuller was wounded. U. S. Aids French War Work. Paris, May l.The American Red Cross today presented 10,000,000 francs to the committee which is di recting the three great French socie ties for caring for the wounded. They are the French Red Cross, Les Fem mes de France and Les Dames Fran caise. ' Brf Suits M Anniversary Sale v Great Clothing Values For Three Days Only Thursday, Friday, Saturday $20-$2250-$25-$2750-$30 Values Specially Priced at 50 To celebrate the first anniversary of our new store . , . 1415 FARNAM ST. Which was the only available location after our great fire one year ago, and to better acquaint you with the new lo cation and the superiority of the mer chandise we sell, we are going to sell Thursday, Friday and Saturday A A ALL WOOL SUITS The well known makes and excellence of the clothes we sell need no recom mendation the world produces none better All Wool Worsteds, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Homespuns and Fancy Weaves; double and single breasted models, J4 and full-lined; regular, slit and patch pockets; regular. long, snort ana stout sizes. A model and fit for every man SEE OUR WINDOWS Hats and Cap SbtrU Underwear Hosiery Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all the stomach, liver, and bowel poisons before breakfast To feel your best day in and day out, to feel clean inside ; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head; no consti pation, bilious attacks, sick head ache, colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stomach, you must bathe on the in side like iyou bathe outside. This is vastly more important, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, while the bowel pores do, says a well known physician. To keep these poisons and toxins well flushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, drink before breakfast each day, a gTass of hot water with a teasnoonful of limestone phosphate in it. This will cleanse,' punry ana freshen the entire alimen tary tract, before putting more food into the stomach. Get a quarter pound of (limestone phosphate from your pharmacist. It is inexpensive and almost tasteless. Drink phosphated hot water every morning to rid your svstem of these vile poisons and toxins; also to pre vent their formation. As soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansinsr. sweetenine and puri fying, so limestone phosphate and hot water before breakfast, act on the stomachy liver, kidneys and bowels. Advertisement. WHITE EAGLE'S INDIAN OIL Known At . RATTLESNAKE OIL Th old Indian remedy for the ear ot rheumatism, pain and stiff Joints, always known for its great drawing qualities, won't blister, and th only mediein of its kind that has ever been 'placed on th market Used by th Indians for hundreds of years. Every bottle guaranteed to gi perfect sat isfaction or money refunded. Sold by drug gists at 60s a bottle. Advertisement GOOD-BYE BACKACHE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES Clear your skin - make your face ' a business asset That skin-trouble may be more than a source of suffering and embarrassment it may be holding yon back in the business world, keeping you out of a better job for which a good appearance is required. Why "take a chance" when Resinol Ointment heals skin-eruptions so easily ? Simple fres. Dept. 4-R, Reainol, BaltuaorvJMd, For centuries all over th world GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Ou baa afforded relief in thousands noon thousands of omasa af lama back, lumbago, aeiatiea, rheumatism, gall stones, gravel and all other affection of th kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder and al lied organs. It acts quickly. It does th work. It cleanses your kidneya and purifies th blood. It makes new man. new woman, of you. It frequently wards off attacks of th dread and fatal disease of th kidneys. It often completely cure th distressing dia stases of th organs of th body, allied with th bladder and kidney. Bloody of cloudy nrin. sediment or "brick-dust" Indicate an unhealthy oonditionv Da not delay a minute if yonr back ache or you are sor across th loin or hav difficulty when urinating. Go to your drug gist at one and gat a bos of Imported GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Tbey ar pleasant and easy to take. They diasolv In th atomaeh. and th kidneys soak up th oil lik a apong does water. They thorough ly cleans and wash out th bladder and kidney and throw off th Inflammation which is the cans of th trouble T Yonr drug gist - will cheerfully refund your money if you ar not satisfied after a few days' use. Accept only the pore, original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Nona other genuine. Advertisement A CLEAR COMPLEX! Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eye Moat Women Can Have SayDr.EawaTds,aWeS-Enowa . . Ohio Physician v Dr.P.M.Edwijdsforl7emfreateei acoret of women for iiver and bowel ailments. During these years ha gave to his patient! a DrescriDtion made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with olive oil naming them Dr. tdwardr Olive Tablets. You will know them by their olive color. These tablets are wonder-workers on the liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off the waste and poison oua matter In one's system, v . If you have a pale face, sallow Iook,duH eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time and note the pleasing results, - ' Thousands of women as well as men take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the sue cessful substitute for calomel now and then just to keep in the pink of conditions 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. A GREASY, PIMPLY SKIN COATED TONGUE AND FOUL BREATH Poisons in the blood, accum-. mulated through the winter months should be promptly driven out by taking sulphur, cream of tartar and molasses, but it is so nauseating! Well then, just get a tuber of Sulp herb Tablets and they will do the work pleasantly. They are. made of sulphur, cream of tar tar and herbs sugar-coated tablets. Stomach, liver, bowels and blood are all benefited by' their occasional use. Greasy skin, pimples, coated tongue . and foul breath tell you if your blood is bad. Mrs. B. Clarke, 905 Main St., Buffalp, writes: "I have been using your Sulp herb Tablets and like them very, very much.". Sold by all. druggists. Don't accept ordin ary "sulphur" tablets and be nauseated and disappointed. The moat rlesirahl furnished mi. are advertised in The IW Crt a nlr. cool room for the summer,