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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1918)
4 GENEVA SCHOOL HEAD TESTIFIES - ABOUT HER WORK springs Letter From Commis ., sioner Mayfield, Written Be J fore Has Was Member of v ; Board of Control. (From a Staff Correspondent) Lincoln, May 1. (Special.) Some if How has said something about the ghosts of the past rising up to haunt people. Commissioner Mayfield of "theState Board of Control was con fronted with one during the testimony of Miss McMahon, deposed super intendent of the Girl's Industrial achool at Geneva in the hearing in progress for the two weeks covering her superintendency of the institu tion. f Testimony covering the relations fcf the superintendent in a business rway with members of the board jbrought out again that with Com missioners Holcomb, Gerdes and for Iner Commissioner Howard Kennedy, ihey had been of a confidential and harmonious character. However, with -Mr. Mayfield they had not, since he hid become a member of the board, but before that time he had compli mented her highly on her work. I Miss McMahon produced a letter written by Mr. Mayfield on a World tHerald fetter head, in which ' he Shanked her for material ' furnished Jiim for t story in that paper, of .which he was then an employe and asked if he had any objections to liaving it read. Mayfield said he had not:' . When Hearts Grow Cold. ; The letter in part, under date of me time in 1914, read: . : "The hearts of newspaper writers ty necessity grow cold and some times, people say, ' remorseless, but occasionally we are human and our hearts acne, too, just like other -hearts. And this reminds me that for a moment or two ray old type writer failed to follow its accustomed calling of grinding out copy on al most all subjects. I "I tell you this because a woman who can get as close and keep as tiose to "my girls" as you have, , is entitled to know it, Splendid work you are doing and those who are la boring with you, and you will get a reward, 'sometime, somewhere, some how,' it not xn this earth, then here afterfor there trust be a hereafter, if only for such women as you." ? It is understood that since that time the commissioner has got a new type writer, one that will not slip a cog fend refuse to work on any occasion, j Miss McMahon in. her evidence went quite minutely into the condi tions surrounding the school as jt re lated to Family A, the section of the ichool where the bad girls were kept !n her 15 years in the school she new of but two occasions when the all and chain had been used, and iut once when the handcuffs were tied. In both instances it was when all other means had been used to no avail I .. .Many , Girls Depraved. ' According to evidence, a large num ier of the girls were depraved mor illy to a disgusting and horrible de tree. She had moralized with them for hours at a time, but to little avail. She had finally, after taking ud mat irrl with the hnarrf houo-hr hi-fi hut SO inches wide, so that two could not tleep in them. Yet with all this pre- faution and the fact that a watch was ept over them, she had discovered that they would work all kinds of schemes to get together. In this fam ily she estimated two-thirds of the irls were of immoral character, I When asked why the institution lad kept so undesirable a class of employes, men especially, she said be cause of the low wages paid, good men could not be obtained. She said frequently : she had been helped 'out fey Mr. Koehler, a Geneva coal mer chant, who would take men off his wagons to help out the institution when the work had" to be done. Sandrock Explains. Erail Sandrock. a banker, who has been one of the very kind friends of the institution, was on the stand a part of the forenoon and explained the circumstances regarding flowers sent to the institution. He and Mrs. Koehler had been to Lincoln to at tend a meeting of the Scottish Rite. , While , here he purchased a lot of Cower plants for the Geneva ceme tery f which he is one. of the om eers, some for himself personally and a number for the institution, and they were all shipped to him under one consignment, but in different boxes, and he paid the bill and the :.u. it u - i j i l . i i iiciguu 6 piuu.iscu uic gins at the institution that fte would fur nish plants for a bed for each of the three families and for two other de partments.' This explained the charge that flowers sent to the cemetery had belonged to the institution, made Vy one of the girl witnesses for the board.' ;.. Mr. Sandrock said that he took great interest in the institution and was in the babit of giving the girls in the graduating class each year class pin. The one who passed the highest mark received a special pin He believed it helped them to strive to pass as high as possible. Entertain Hunting Party. Regarding entertainments given at . the institution to friends of the insti tution, Miss McMahon said that one time Commissioner Mayfield had phoned her he was passing through Geneva with a bunch of friends on a duck hunt and asked her to provide entertainment for them when they arrived. s; .' Miss McMahon testified that one time Commissioner Mayfield told her thejr were going to get rid of Super intendent Booth of the Deaf and Dumb school at Omaha and wanted to know if (he wanted the place, say ing that they wanted her for business reasons and she didn't have to know , anything about the deaf and dumb language, She said she asked whair man Gerdes about it and he warned her to be careful and hot believe all Mayfield told her. ; This afternoon former Governor C II. Aldrich was called and testified to her good character and the successful way in which the Girls school was run during his administration. - T.f W. Smith of ' York, former warden of the penitentiary under Gov ernor Shallenberger testified that it was necessary to use something Conger than' : moral "suasion" in dealing with immoral perverts who in dulged in personal sex habits. Miss Lena E. Ward, now superin tendent of the Industrial home for women at Milford and who has charge j of the A family at the Geneva insti tution before being appointed to her present place 11 years ago, testified to the vile practices in the A family. Gerdes Testifies. Chairman Gerdes testimony was very complimentary to Miss Mc Mahon and her management of the institution and very satisfactory up to the time she failed to report the Grace Moore-Fagan matter. Asked by the attorney why they had pot taken the matter up with her before sending Secretary Mathews to Colorado to bring back the girl, Mr. Gerdes said it was not the business of the board to run after its employes for explanations, that the employes should come to the board. Fremont Increases Pay of Its Police Officers and Firemen Fremont, Neb., May 1. (Special Telegram.) The salaries of members of the police force and drivers on the fire trucks have been increased by the city council. In order to make the in crease legal it was necessary to charge it in extra labor. Policeman were given an increase of $5, which makes their salary $75 for the first year men, and $80 for others, with $100 for the chief. The pay of fireman was made the same as that of policeman. Street Commissioner Graham was given an increase of $10 a month, and teamsters' pay raised from 50 to 60 cents an hour. Secretary of State Draws Money From Many Sources Lincoln, May 1. (Special Tele gram). Secretary of State Pool re ports a continued increase of business in his office during April. The cash receipts totaled $6,256.11, an increase of $1,542.13 over the same month in 1917. The increase was caused by the filing of articles of incorporation. The 'month of April also was a busy period in the automobile department. During that month 8.050 automobile numbers and 250 motorcycle num bers were issued, a total of 150,000 automobile numbers issued during the first four months of the year as against 148,101 during the entire year of 1917. . Wilson Overstays His , Furlough and Is Arrested Beatrice, Neb., May 1. (Special Telegram.) Harold Wilson was ar rested tonight on the charge of de serting from the 1 10th ammunition train at Camp Doniphan, Ft. Sill, Okla. He will be held awaiting in structions from the post. Wilson came here to visit his father, Samuel Wilson and as he had remained longer than the furlough provided for he was arrested ana locked up. ! Two Priests, Alleged Alien ;. Enemies, Want New Hearing Fremont Neb.. May 1. (Special Telegram.) The two Catholic rriests, , kcv. w. a. uappius ot Dodge and Rev. F. H. Schopp of Snyder, fclleged alien enemies who by Judge Button last Saturday were denied a petition ' preach, today filed a motion for a new hearing They allege hat they meant when they made the objectionable state ments that their sympathies were on both sides. Union Head Discountenances Walkout by Telegraphers Washington. May 1. S. J. Konen- kamp, international president of the Commercial Telegraphers union, an nounced tonight that he would not sanction a strike of union telegraphers pending a settlement of the contro versy between the men and the West ern Union and Postal Telegraph com panies by the National War Labor board. The announcement by the union leader came after the War Labor board had received a telegram from Newcomb Carlton, president of the Western Union, refusing to comply with the board's request that the com pany retrain from discharging em ployes who join the union until after the board could hear both sides to the controversy. Mr. Carlton agreed to appear May 8 to state the reasons why the company has determined not to retain in its employ men who af filiate with the union. No reply was received from the Postal company. Mr. .Konenkamp said the men ap preciate that "this is not the time to accept challenges to fight" if peace can be had by any other means. Hubby's Breakfast Tastes Too Exacting. Wife Avers Edna Miles, testifying in her divorce suit against Raymond Miles, in Judge Troup's court, asserted that she did not get his breakfast because she1 could not suit his tastes. She denied u was necause sne aid not get up in : time. She admitted attending dances without him, but asserted he had given her permission to do so. She testified that he had no love of chil dren, and that when she found that out she hated him and told him so. Will M. Cressy Invited i To Address Business. Men Wilt M frsav tttr11tt t-U WW mm m Vi V . IV-HUIII1V1 Ml Hit Orpheum this week, has been invited by T. C Byrne, chairman of the Lib erty loan committee, to address the business men of Omaha at the noon day luncheon at the Chamber of Com merce Thursday. Lew Kelly of the Gayety also has been invited to speak. J. W. Hallowell of the national food administration will speak at the same place Friday noon. , Hide Prices Advanced. Washington, May 1. Prices the government will pay for hides and skins for the next three months were fixed today by the War- Industries board. They are somewhat higher than prevailing market prices, but are declared by the board to be reason able. 6 Bellans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-AM S TOR INDIGESTION I I t I mmm m m . I a wwm w- m err THE BEE: NONPARTISANS BLOCK MOVE TO MAKEJNQUIRY Resolution to Investigate Act ivities of League Voted Down by Farmers', Congress at Its Session at Lincoln. (From Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, May 1. (Special Tele gram). Did the non-partisan league run into a trap prepared by its op ponents or did the league put some thing over on its enemies who have been challenging its patriotism, is a question agitating the minds of those who witnessed the turning down of a resolution at the farmers' war coun cil this afternoon calling for an in vestigation of the league's patriotism. Those opposing the league insist that the nonpartisan league did just what they expected it to do, in that it voted down a resolution of inves tigation of its methods. It is claimed that the head of the league sent out letters to every member urging all to come to the meeting and that the convention was packed with its mem bers for the purpose of blocking an investigation the leaders dared not have take place. Call It Enemy Move. On the other hand the league mem bers insist it was a move on the part of their enemies to put the investiga tion in the hands of the state coun cil of defense and the selection of Vice Chairman Coupland on the com mittee proved it. "If the council of defense wants to investigate us, they can do so, but they had that power before and did not need to pass a resolution," said one leaguer. In a speech W. J. Taylor of Cus ter, challenged any man to say that he as a member of the league was unpatriotic or that others were more patriotic than he. He denied the right of the meeting to appoint a committee to investigate the league. J. O. Smith of Wahoo thought the resolutions jail right except the part calling for an investigation of the league, while J. D. Ream of Broken Bow said that the meeting was called to cement together the different or ganizations in the part of the better prosecution of the war. He moved the tabling of that part of the resolution calling for the investigation and it carried almost unanimously. After the resolution had been adopted as amended, W. J. Taylor again obtained the floor and made a patriotic speech, but was halted by a point of order raised by J. A. OHis of Valley that there was nothing be fore the house. Taylor recognized the objection and took his seat. A set of resolutions by the labor committee were adopted calling for the registration of all males above 15 years of age for industrial and agri cultural purposes; a better organiza tion of the different war activities committees so that so many will not be working independently; the cessa tion of all business activities In the way of building operations; deplored the fact that so many able-bodied men were working in stores, restaurants and the like where women could fill the places, and advocated the exten sion service of the state university, calling for instruction in the various counties of tractor schools for the in struction of boys on the f arm. i'v. .The Resolutions. These resolutions were adopted: "We, the famers- of Nebraska in mass cnovention assembled, this 1st day of May, 1918, do adopt the fol lowing: "As loyal Americans we pledge our allegiance to the flag and the republic for which it stands, one country, one language, one flag. "We appreciate as never before the necessity of all classes, creeds and races, who have enjoyed the freedom of this country, laying aside all other issues and uniting as did our fore fathers in the colonial days to preserve the liberties which were given to us by them. "We pledge our utmost and un divided support to the prosecution of the war in which our nation and our allies are now engaged until such time as an honorable and lasting peace is assured, a peace which shall make the world safe for a government of the people, by the people and for the people. ' "As tillers of the soil we pledge our utmost efforts in food production. "We favor and urge the immediate DR. a D. BHTPHBRD. Tic President Mgr. for the demand for better den tistry BAILEY quality. " In Bailey dentistry apparently more than neces sary attention is paid to the examination and other preliminary work in which the X-Ray is generously used to search out hidden defects in tooth roots that form the foundation for lasting dental work the kind that remains permanently satisfactory. . This means the better health that will follow the placing of your teeth in condition to masticate food properly, supplying strength to the blood and relief to the ail-; . . ing parts. . This is the character of dentistry provided by H i si IS ' a ; Est 1888. Incorporated. . ' Dr. R. W. Bailey, President. Dr. C D. Shipherd, Vie Pre, and Mgr. ! S ! IS 706 City National Bank BIdf Phone Douglas 3420. :.r:;;Sa;!i!iiiiia.itiii;:iki:,aiiiiiiL;iSj;!!ii;L OMAHA, THURSDAY. MAY establishment of drying plants, both privately an 1 publicly owned, for the conservation of perishable food pro ducts. . "We 'are in favor of war saving stamps and of Liberty loan bonds in every home and pledge our efforts to that end.' "We endorse the policy of making the rural school district the unit and the assembling of the people of such rural school district at the school house at a stated time to secure such subscriptions. We are appreciative ot the great work which has been done by our state government in placing Nebras ka in the front ranks on patriotic en terprises and in blotting out sedition and disloya'ty in our state. We recognize the fact that disloyalty and seditioa within our state has been handled with a firm hand by the proper officers of the state gov ernment an.', thereby mob law has almost in no instance been invoked against those among us who were not patriotic . In that regard we endorse the work which has been so ably done by our State Council of Defense. "Believing that patriotism in the highest anrt most useful degree is best exemplified in obeying the laws, we are unalterably opposed to mob rule or mob violence or any or all kinds, especially the use of yellow paint. "To the women of Nebraska who have given so willingly, so unselfishly in so intensely patriotic a manner of their time, their means, their efforts in all the va.'.ed activities incident to this great 6.ruggle for human free dom, we desire to thus publicly ex press our great appreciation for their untiring services, their leadership and their w inderful efficiency. "Our hearts go out in praise and honor to the young manhood of our state who have gone forth to battle and if need be to die in defense of the great principle "That all men are created equa; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain un alienable rights; that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness;" the names of those of our heroes, their deeds, their self-sacrifices, we vi'i ever hold in loving re membrance and in highest respect and esteem. "With the foregoing in mind we, the farmers of Nebraska, pledge every dollar of our property and every serv ice we can give which the government or any division thereof may request, and we call upon our citizens of every class to lay aside all other issues and unite with us until ; the world shall be made safe for democracy, and the liberty and proseprity which we have enjoyed." They were signed by John M. Bur dick, Sam B. Davies, J. A. Ollis, C. H. Gustafson, O. G. Smith, Charles Graff, George C. Junkin, Z. T. Leftwick, II. G. Keeney. , League Probe Killed. This was the rejected resolution: "We recognize the fact that the or ganization of the Nonpartisan league in the state of Nebraska has within the last few months caused serious dissension among our people by array ing class against class. We have im plicit confidence in the loyalty and pa triotism of the great body of the membership, but we all know many serious charges have been made rel ative to the disloyality of the leaders of the league, especially during the first few months of the war, and we hereby recommend that C. H. Gustaf son, Charles Graff, J. D. Ream, O. G. Smith, and George Coupland be ap pointed, whose duty it shall be to de vise ways and means of probing these charges and of making known to the farmers of Nebraska their conclusions thereon.'and we recommend that the further organization of the league be discouraged until such investigation be made." U.S. MAY ACCEPT NO MORE UNITS OF .! NATIONAL 6UAED Washington, May 1. Indication that the War department has decided not to accept any additional National Guard units in the forces sent abroad was seen today in an order tele graphed to the governor of Minne sota instructing him to disband the Second Minnesota artillery. The Minnesota authorities were anixous to have the unit in service as concrete evidence of the loyalty of the districts in which it was formed. War department officials hold there is no available service for National Guard units in the military machine, even if it was not the consensus of expert opinion that better material could be obtained through the draft. iiiinisiii Bailey's Better Dentistry Permanently. Satisfactory Many of nature's shortcom ings can be overcome by good dentistry but nature cannot overcome the effects of poor den tistry. . , . This is just one more reason Omaha, Neb. 2, 1918. FARMERS STAND BY PRESIDENT AT STATE MEET Tillers of Land ;:. Lincoln Stand by President; High School Boys of Good Parentage Big Help. (From a. Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, May. 1. (Special.) The Farmers' War council now in session is well attended. It started yesterday with 300 present, the sessions being held in the big ball room of the Lin dell hotel. C H. Gustafson of the Farmers' union is presiding and J. B. Grinnell of Sarpy county and J. M. Shoyer of Humboldt are the secre taries. A resolution was sent to President Wilson drawn by a committee of which J. A. Ollis of Ord, was chairman. The resolution, unanimously adopted, was as follows: "The Nebraska Farmers War coun cil in its opening session, assembled from every part of the state, hereby pledge to you every dollar of our property and every service we can render to you and the government which you represent, in this, the great crisis that confronts us. Every loyal citizen of Nebraska, of every class and creed, is determined that we shall not be divided in our support of the boys who are going across to fight our battles, and preserve the pros perity which we have enjoyed." Prof Pugsley Speaks. Prof. - Pugsley addressed the farm ers along the line of farm labor. He stated that the farmers as a class were patriotic and were paying more today for labor, according to profits, than any other line of trade or busi ness. "When the war started," said Mr. Pugsley, "the farmers were op posed to entering into the war. But circumstances have changed. They hate war, but they hate the kaiser worse. They love peace, but they love their country better." He ad vised the farmers to get together and decide upon a right scale of prices and stick to it. It is not necessary to pay $8 per day for labor, but a fair price should be paid. One dele gate advocated hiring by the hour and then there could be no kick for over time. School Boys Help. C. H. Smith stated that big huskies just out of the pool hall roamed around asking enormous wage, and could not do the work. They com plained that the farmers were hiring dog-faced, soft-handed school boys to do men's work," but said Mr. Smith, "We can get as much out of that school boy who comes from good parentage and is willing to work, than we can from the big husky from the pool hall." A committee composed of E. M. Pollard, .Nehawaka; H. L. McKelvie, Fairfield; C. W. Pugsley, Lincoln; J. D. Ream, Broken Bow; Charles Ha gedorn, Chalco; John , Havekost, Hooper, and Pat Fitzgerald were ap pointed to prepare a scale of prices for farmers. The meeting closed with the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner." Bancroft Votes to Build New $4,000 School House West Point, Neb., May 1. (Spe cial.) County Superintendent Emma R. Miller presided at a meeting Mon day night in the Graff school house near Bancroft, called for the purpose of voting on the erection of a new school house before next fall. The vote was unanimous for a new $4,000 school building. Pruning, Funston Soldier, Weds Miss Kate Gering Beatrice, Neb., May 1. (Special Telegram.) John G. Pruning, a soldier from Camp Funston, and Miss Kate Gering of Cincinnati were married here today by County Judgs Okeefe. George Vanermen, Green Bay, Wis., and Miss Aureola Schnoor, Fremont, were marnei by Rev. A. M. Peitzel. AK AVALANCHE OF WONDERFUL BLOUSE OFFERINGS THURSDAY Julius Orkins' Greater May Sale of Blouses is Bigger and Better Than Ever Before. blousesTnvolved. 5600 dainty new Hundreds upon hundreds of Wo men have stopped m front or our ais tilay windows with this exclamation on their lips: "What beautiful blouses and how reasonable." They are beau tiful and they are by big odds the greatest values this store has offer ed for many months past. Georgettes, Crete de Chine. Pussy Willow Taf fetas, in all these new shades: Bel gium, Copen, French, Marine and Turquoise Blue, Nile, Coral, reacn, Tea Rose, Sand, Beige, Rookie, Flame, Flesh, White, Black, Violet, Gray and Maize. Rich Beaded and Embroidered new collar creations. High neck models, many are trimmed with contrasting colors of Georgette; the immense assortments makes choosinsr a decidedly interesting task. Weeks of snecial nrenaration has made these wonderful values possible Come Thursday, be here early, get your full share of the most unusual May Bargains. . ' " JULIUS ORKIN 1508-1510 Douglas St. THURSDAY AT Bernstein's.lllS. 16 St. Women's and Mi....' Black and Silk Stripe Taffeta Skirts with two large pockets, posi tively a $7.50 value. Extra spe cial ' ; . . $3.45 Taxpayers' League Again ' Active in Hamilton County Aurora, Neb, April 30. (Special.) President W. I. Farley of the Tax Payers' league has announced his ex ecutive committee. They are: W. I. Farley, president; T. M. Scott, vice president, S. C. Houghton, secretary, and J. R. Davidson, O. F. Arnold, E. D. Snider and George Wanek. This committee will hold a session Wed nesday with the board of commission ers of Hamilton county, and it will be definitely decided .who will make the audit of the Hamilton county books. Another important committee of the Tax Payers' league will be that of roads, bridges and county property, of which Mike Pressler of Trumbull is chairman, and his associates are: Hans Jacob Thompsen, George Sands, F. ,0. Jenison and William Tucker. Chairman Pressler aims to hold a meeting of his committee soon to in vestigate reports alleging that county cement and bridge timbers have been used in construction of buildings be TJ M Hm w BlackTrectd Red One Diamond For Every Three Cars In America MOTORISTS are buying Diamond Tires in such numbers that over 2,000,000 are now in service easily, one for every three cars in America. This patronage is significant when you consider that the big demand for -Diamonds comes from motorists who have used them in previous years and insist upon Diamond mileage again. Such demand can be commanded only by tires of super-value. ' A Diamond Tube is likely to outwear your car itself. Made in Gray and Red, in sizes to fit any make of tire the diamond Rubber Cd Incorporate!) AKRON, OHIO Local Distributors OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO. LININGER IMPLEMENT GO. . J UTfTm TTrih.TTS iiriiiiiiuiLiiiiLnTiLiJTTim- SQUEEG b7 If You Have Money to Invest "t If You Are Looking for a New Business Location J If You Are Looking for a Place Where You Will m 1- -j r if f -v STRONG DRINK ROBS A MAN OF ENERGY Cadomene Tablets Afford Re lief to the Shattered Nerves of the Drinker. Ifantr moil HilHl pt. and sailors. Auaujr have stated that when they were de nied their liquor, their nerves became shattered, until the wonderful tonic effects of Cadomene Tablets restored them to normal health. The man who swears off liquor or tobacco, will find his task easier, and will regain his normal poise and control quicker by taking Cadomene Tablets. The worn out man or woman, the nervous and sleepless, find a boon in Cadomene Tablets which are guaranteed safe, harmless and effective always, or money back. Get a tube today from your druggist and help yourself to get right right away. Adv. Established 1894 I have a it from in a E1UPT0RE perfected tne nest treatment in existence toaayN x ao not inject paraffins or wax. is dangerous. The advantages of my treatment are: No loss of tune. No detention business. No danger from chloroform, shock and blood poison, and ao laying ap hospital. Call or write. Dr. Wray, 106 Bee Bide Omaha. longing to county pftkers and theu7 employes., - . : The county has not yet recovered from its surprise over the revelations of the Tax Payers' league last week when $1,800 was turned back into the county treasury as having been over paid to a bridge and supply company of Des Moines, la. It is generally be lieved that an audit of the county's books will reveal other over-payments. None to Mourn the Death , Of Old John Barleycorn Fremont, Neb., May 1. (Special Telegram.) Fremont business men generally speaking on the first anni versary of the death of John Barley corn, are satisfied with condit'ons and ready to continue under the present dry regime. The number of cases of drunkenness in the city as indicated by arrests booked at the police station show a decided falling off. . - Police have but little to do. But one bootlegger was arrested and fined during the year. None of the build ings formerly used for saloons have remained unoccupied. T lh. l n " TIRES T i fit? gflji 'a ' 2', I MWrnX -t LWrM.W, a. - V k an Be Well Paid for Your Labor COME TO OKLAHOMA The Oklahoma Magazine Mailed Free. It Will Tell You of Your Opportunity in Thi Wonderful State. Check the Coupon Now. tlltr.LIAXE aiVTLIIMf TA Ct -mI hsma JT Publicity Bureau, . JT Snd m frae copy uhiumu MagufaM. Name Address I am interested in Busintsa ..Mining Oil Don't Let Soap Spoil Your Hair When you wash your hair, be care ful what you use. Most soaps and pre pared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is Just plain mulsified cocoanut oil, for this is pure and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap, and beats the most expensive soaps or anything else all to pieces. You can get this at any drug storj and a few ounces will last the wholl family for months. ; Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all that is required. It makes an abun dance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to handle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. Adv. ; have a successful treatment for Rapture with out resorting to a pamrui and uncertain surgical operation. I am the only reputable physician who will take such case upon a guarantee to give satisfactory results. I have devoted more than tt years to the exclusive treatment of RuDtnra. and