Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1918, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA. ywoiMi!iwiMiw wiiwiiiiMiiiMHiia i i hi mm imiiuiiiiiinuiiiiimuiiiiKiiiiie Most Extraordinary Event Ibiandeis Sores- 6ra 1200 7-7 HUNDREDS and hundreds of women have looked at these Blouses in the three 16th Street windows during the past few days, and scores and scores of them have expressed the most enthusiastic admiration for what they consider the most fascinating styles we have ever shown in any May Sale. That is the public's viewpoint, and we can more than sub stantiate this judgment, when we tell you that there are Beautiful Blouses in this sale, and that values run up to a higher figure than ever Hardly believable, you will say but These Are Samples and Surplus Stock from three of the best Blouse makers in the East-that they represent the best styles each of these manufacturers produces and are Blouses that would sell, if bought in the regular way, for much higher figures. .Now All To Be Sold At the One Price of All Sizes In the Sale But Not In Each Style As 3g Real Venise Trimmed Blouses Real Filet Trimmed Blouses Real Duchess Trimmed Blouses Real Val Lace Trimmed Blouses Very Wonderful Fichu Effects Most Beautiful Frill Styles The Latest New Eton Effects Very Beautiful Beaded Styles Elaborately Braided Blouses Fine Hand Stenciled Blouses The Smartest Sport Blouses The New Slip-Over Blouses Of Eqfimlsite (Georgette Crepe and Cirepe die CMne mm mX1 w Newest Vestee Effects Newest Collar Effects New Oval Style Collars New Square andV Necks The Twoinone Collars Fashionable High Necks All the Newest, Most Charming "High" Shades Rose Orchid Coral Maize Black Primrose Turquoise Peach Gray Brown Beige Geranium Soldier Blue Flesh Green Navy Rookie Silver WITHOUT ANY QUESTION THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF BLOUSES EVER OFFERED HERE IN A MAY SALE The sale begins right on the stroke of the bell at 8:30, Thursday morning be one of the first to arrive on the floor. Even 1,2 00 Blouses like these will be sold quickly. SiiS Extra Space and Extra Salespeople ' Note All six elevators, south and north side, run direct to this department. Extra Tables for Easy Selection Second Floor The New Veilings Are Here Very Modestly Priced Nebraska winds are not conducive to the preservation of a fine complexion, conse quently the proper veiling is not only a style requisite, but an actual necessity. We men tion three exceptionally good items from scores. 51ip-On-Veils, very new and novel, slip on or under the hat, with flower or OC. and Efl butterfly motif; each OC OUC Sailor Drape Veils, in Shetland Net, all silk and in every color; a splendid motoring veil as well as suitable for street and outing wear known .Spo.rt $1.50 ,0 $2.98 Circular Veils are extremely popular. Blacks and Taupes lead in favor. Embroidered scroll patterns and splendid assortments at these two en to do no prices Main Floor Strap Sandals 98c a Pair Children's and Infants' We are offering several hundred pairs of these Sandals for little folk, at this exceptionally low price. Patent Kid, Tan Calf and White Can vas; with turned soles and broad Nature shape lasts. The most comfortable Footwear for the Kiddies during the warmer weather that will prevail from now on. Sizes 2 to 5 and by2 to 8. Sale of Switches This is an extraordinarily attractive sale, for we of fer Thursday, for one day only, Our Entire Stock of Switches at 20 Discount These are all first quality VI switches and there are allCsBJL r - Main Floor, Rear shades, including gray. Hindoo Gray Hair Restorer, for restoring gray hair to its natural color. Hair GooeU Department, Second Floor Silk Hosiery Fine Values All the Best Colorings Surely, at this time of the year, when the low shoe is beginning to make its appear ance, you will want to be supplied with a plentiful stock of Hosiery and at the prices we are quoting, you will not find it a very difficult matter. At M J Q AH- Silk Hosiery, some have lisle garter tops. , All with double soles, heels and toes. Some are silk to the top. Fancy stripes, high colors and all the shoe shades. At c Fiber Silk Hosiery, in all the wanted shades of champagne, gray, brown, black and white. Seamless, with double soles, heels and toes, fiber to the knee. Mam Floor - f 1.11 rasnriimiiiimnwiiii:iiMmwriffit'iiiNi!:!:::vi.:T'!i.:vix;i:i(;i "'"Wl, ''i. .f.i!,tr',!i':iii;.i:!:::,"f:'!!;:7i:;iK;n:;i!i::iB::i'!!"-:; -t .arr: - wavz ::i!::';iimiiiimiii!iiiiiirc'i!!l!iitiiiniiiiiiisim