Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Continues with
Unequaled Values
Despite the fact that a
continually rising market has
made present day prices pro
hibitive, our foresight and im
mense purchasing power has
enabled us to quote prices to
day on this White Wear and
these White Fabrics which are
remarkably low.
You will do well to anticipate
your needs for some time to come, be
cause when we go into the market
again, it will be impossible to duplicate
the merchandise we were fortunate
enough' to own now, at anything like
the former prices.
"The Flop"
is Here
A Stunning Style
Special Hat
A very large, de
cidedly youthful
type of Hat, that
is creating quite a
furore in the East.
It is a large drooping Hat of Lisere, with a
piping of patent leather on the edge; very soft, no
wires; the floppy brim taking on becoming lines
to suit the wearer.
Three styles, each distinctively different, with
black velvet crown or smart bow.
If you want something decidedly new and chic,
see this Hat right now.
m , fiit.t. nirrAir.c iw j ' A M m
m m
Second Floor
May Victor
Are Here
On Sale Wednesday,
May 1st
Records we have heard
in months are in this
May list, and if you
possess a Victrola, you will surely want many of them.
Come in and hear them, and we will endeavor to show
you that a generous lot of these Records should be in
your collection.
Popular War-Time Song Hits
f "Send Me a Curl," O'Hara.
18441 "All Aboard for Home, Sweet Home," James and Shan
non Four.
18453 "Each Stitch is a Thoupht of You, Dear," Burr.
"Little Bit of Sunshine," Hart and Shannon Four.
18455 "Last Long Mile," Hart and Shannon Four.
K-K-K-Katy," Murray."
Two Mirth-Provoking "Rags"
18443 "Everybody's Crazy 'Bout the Doggone Blue," Harris.
"In the Land o' Yamo, Yamo," Van and Schenck.
"Happy Hearted Dance Music"
that will help you drive dull care away.
18442 "Long Boy-Medley,", one-step, Victor Militarv Band.
"Indianola," Fox Trot, Victor Military Band.
18450 "Sweet Emalina, My Gal," One-step, Markel's Orchestra.
"While the Incense is Burning," Fox Trot, Fuller's
Orchestra. v
A Couple of Artistic Sentimental Ballads
45150 "Roses of Picardy," Lambert Murphy.
"Love's Garden of Roses," Lambert Murphy.
18452 "If You Look in Her Eyes," Spencer and Burr.
"Blue Bird," Elizabeth Spencer.
Maud Powell Plays
74547 Four American Folk Songs.
Note This number was featured here in her concert last
week. A song of Love and Spring by Martinelli and a Noble
Bass song by Witherspoon completes the list
Pompeian Room
Tailored Suits Special Offerings
Made to Sell at $35.00 to $40.00
About 100 high grade
Tailored Suits, all
copies of much higher
priced models, and
made to sell at $35 to
$40, specially priced
for this Wednesday's
selling, at $29.50.
No woman with a need for
a Suit will require a sec
ond invitation to share in
this offering the styles,
the materials, the variety
everything is of the
most inviting character
the standard you have set.
for $35 to $40 Suits you
can get here now at $29.50.
Fine Serges, Poiret Twills, Shepherd Checks,
Taffeta Silks and Pongees.
All the new belts with large buckles, tailor stitched
and button trimmed; ripple effect. Norfolk pleated
models, skirts with the new large pockets and Coats
finely silk lined.
Navy Blue, Tan, Rookie, Black and White Checks
and Hair Line Stripes, are some of the styles. All
sizes, including some of the larger models for
women of 44, 46 and 48 bust measure.
Very Special at $29.50
. Second Floor
'Torrington" Electric Cleaners
Costs Less Than 2c a Week to Operate
Just think of it the cost of the electric current to
operate this up-to-date Cleaner is less than 2c a
week. The suction is 25 greater than the United
States Government test requires, and the 'current
cost 22 less.
Why not present your wife with one of these
up-to-date Cleaners instead of having her use the
old broom and dust pan back-breaking method. It
sucks up the dust and does not scatter it all over
the house. Fifteen minutes, once a week upstairs,
and fifteen minutes, once a week downstairs with
the Torrington Cleaner, keeps your house spick
and span. Does away with semi-annual house
cleanings, the bugbear of every housekeeper.
"Torrington" Electric Cleaners
Every Kiddie Should Know Billiken
A Good Friend to Little Folks.
"BILLIKEN" is a Shoe, an unusual shoe. If many
grown-ups who read this story, had known Billi
ken in their childhood days, foot ailments would
have vanished in the twinkling of an eye.
The most kindly and sensible thing you can do for
a child, for YOUR child, is to get the proper footwear.
Children's feet grow and expand in a surprisingly quick manner, and unless
you put those pedal extremities into Footwear that will permit freedom without
undue shuffling room, the child will grow to youthfulness and manhood and
womanhood with foot troubles that will be very hard to get rid of.
Billiken Shoes have three excellent points of merit that every mother should know.
FIRST: Flexibility they
are as easy on little feet
as a soft kid glove.
THIRD: Not a Nail or
Stitch to hurt tender little
SECOND: The Nature
Shape permitting little
toes to grow naturally.
These points have a direct bearing upon the general health of your
child, and they are feet features that should not be overlooked.
Priced According to Style and Size.
Main Floor, Rear
Here is Fine Wear
For Little Boys
That Will Interest
Every Mother
Three things that a mother
seeks in making purchases
of wearables for her little
boys good styles, good
wear and modest price.
The items we mention
possess all three points
the niftiest styles, the lat
est designs, the best wear
ing fabrics, and prices are
extremely low.
Jack Tar Sailor Suits
Here is a splendid lot of naval suits, extra qual
ity fine texture serge of real navy blue shade, very
fine tailoring throughout. Priced, dQ 7E
with long pants, at
With both long and short,
pants, 2 pair, at
A Special in Sailor and Middy Suits
Here's a lot of suits, about 75 in all, handsome
quality suit, made of real naval galatea, all beautifully
trimmed with fast color blue, collars and cuffs with
naval ornaments.
Long pant styles or short pant
styles, Middy jackets or Norfolk
jackets; some have blue serge
pants to match collars, some have
two pants, both long and short.
A few are slightly mussed. This
is the reason for this pricing.
$6.50 to $8.50 values; gQ
sizes 3 to 9.years, at. .
Second Floor, Men' Building
Room Size and
Rag Rugs
For Your Selection
We are in a position
to cater to your every
want, Rugs for every
room in the house,
and those for porches
and outdoor sleeping
rooms also.
''w d 4 s
Consider that we cany a very complete stock
of Rugs, and that our prices are considerably
less than they would be if we had to go into
the market to duplicate our orders today.
9x12 feet and 8 ft. 3x10 ft. 6 inch Axminster, Velvet
and Body Brussels Rugs, very greatly underpriced, at,
each : ..$25.00
36x72 inch size in same Rugs $4.50
27x54 inch size in same Rugs $2.98
Dixie Rag Rugs
Two band borders in plain colors, light blue, dark
blue and pink.
24x36 inches 90
24x48 inches $1 .35
27x48 inches , $1.75
27x72 inches .$2.00
36x72 inches $2.50
Third Floor
Curtains and Upholsterings
Here in Widest Variety
Probably there is no other
Department in this immense
establishment where .SERV
ICE counts for more than it
does here. To properly cur
tain the home is a task that
requires more than the mere
buying of materials, if it is to
be done right. It requires
harmonious color schemes,
proper consideration of loca
tion and fullest appreciation
of the effect as a whole. For
these reasons we maintain
more than a selling force we advise with you and
make valuable suggestions.
Tapestries, Armures, Damasks, Repps and Sun
fasts for draperies and hangings, portieres and
' dTt!T.rinK!'.....$l-29to$10.00
Curtains, in Scrims, Voiles, Nets, etc., trimmed
with lace and insertions and allover figured
;ifiercts: $1.50 to $10.00
Yard Goods for Draperies, such as Filet and Scotch
Nets, in white, ivory and beige, worth fiQr
as much as $1.00, at Ui7C
Yard Goods for Draperies Marquisettes and
Voiles, 38 and 40 inches wide, in ivory and QQr
beige, worth 49c, special OU
Sample Curtains, in Filet and Novelty Nets, with
linen edge, very KQn
special, each uUC
Marquisete and Voile, in white and beige, 38
inches wide, suitable for draperies, 1 Cr
special, a yard luC
Third Floor
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