l'HK iiEfc: UMAiiA, . tobo&ti6uAl, ma! 1, 1U18. mm adopts I VERDUN TACTICS I ON LARGE SCALE - li Hindenburg Tries to Overwhelm . Allies in Flanders by Sheer V Force of Greater Numbers ? With Fresh Reserves. 4 (By AMMiatcd Pmm.) - With the French Army in France, April 30." The Germans turned their attention to the southern flank of . their front of attack Sunday night Sand early Monday, assaulting the jjj Hangard wood a number of times un- ' 1 successfully. At th same time they f bombarded with poison gas shells the . northern flank. It appears certain that the Ger mans soon must disclose their inten- tions, showing whether they have de 0 tided to confine their operations to ? the present battle front or to extend f? the actual fighting line on one end or the other in the hope of finding a ;j weak spot. , The enemy's tactics in the present jS battle bear a very Close resemblance to those used in the battles of Verdun in 1916. but on an immensely larger 0 scale. . , How Enemy Is Working. After the opening rush along the $ entire , line for the purpose, if pos V sible, of overwhelming the defenders by pure strength of numbers before ." they are able to recover from their $ first great shock, each flank is attacked 5 separately with the object of securing strong supporting bases 6n both Swings which would permit them to 4 launch a second and real offensive i. with massea of fresh troops concen trated meanwhile opposite the cen- tral point. 3 Un this occasion r landers and Picardy form the flanks of the Ger j man battlefront, the center of which is the Arras salient, which, for the Z moment, is left in comparative peace, ' For their operations in Flanders the - Germans are well placed as regards : communicauons, since oenir.a ineir lines there is a series of good routes and railroads. Little. Progress at Yet. , ' Uo to the present the enemy has made little progress 'on either end of ? the line, but his menace lias not been 5 effaced. ' i It is known that the Germans, in sfiite of their losses, are very power- tul ana that tresh divisions are avail 3 able for further big efforts, notwith- standing the fact that they already have thrown approximately 2,000,000 ' men into the line. Several of these divisions which have not been used i are composed of excellent material, but the others heretofore have occu- pied quiet sectors, where they have .".lost some of! their offensive. Conservative estimates do not place "their losses beyond 350,00ft men. The rJ Germans have enough men in their "depots b the itnerior to filkall gaps S for some time, although reconstituted divisions never wilt be able", to equal fighting quality the original forma- 5 Prisoners taken recently dp not dis S play the old-time feeling of certainty 2 :hat the great blow, so long prepared, S rill yield immediate and full success. I HEAVY QUAKE JARS I CALIFORNIA TOWN: ! PEOPLE FLEE BEDS El Centro, Cal April 30. A heavy Earthquake shock lasting about 30 sec onds was felt here at 9:35 tonight. JjDoors and windows rattled and peo ple fled from their homes to the open gfor safety. 'Early reports indicated goo damage was done. Phoenix, Ariz., April 30. Yuma. SAriz., felt an earthquake shock, which ; lasted for a few seconds at 9:30 Velock tonight The quake was felt ll over the Yuma valley, but was not severe enough to do damage, though ki aroused people who were in bed Jrom their sleep. Dub!in Lord Mayor Pushes Move for American Trip ''i Dublin, April 30. The lord mayor of Dublin, at the resumed conference !pf nationalises and Sinn Feiners last hight mnnour.eed that he had received : reply from the British foreign office :o hit reque-if for passports to enable film to g(f tt Washington to lay the "Irish anti-conscription case before the American government. He was di rected to make application through "he office of secretary for Ireland. , i The LonJcii Daily Mail said last "Saturday tlut it had learned the lord -mayor of Drblin had abandoned hit proposed vi to Washington. 540,000,000 Canadian Cheese 3 Purchased by Great Britain Ottawa, April 30. Sir Robert Bor den, premier of Canada, and Sir Thomas White, Canadian minister of finance arranged during the premier's Visit to New York last Saturday for a credit in Canada of $40,000,000 for purchase by the British government of Canada's entire exportable surplus of cheese during the present year. This arrangement assures a certain market for Canadian cheese at prices . .Iraflv fixd. i "Chinese Give Up American J: Captive After Hot Pursuit 5 .Washington, April 30. The Chinese ' rtandits, who, on March 5, captured nd held for ransom in Honan prov Jnce the American engineer, George A. Kyle of Portland, Ore., released Kyle Jast week, only after they had been 'worn out by military pursuit instituted by the Chinese government. A dispatch to the State department , today from American Miniaer Reinsch at Peking, said the bandits surren dered Kyle without ransom after they ' tad been given a promise of amnesty. five Million Pairs of Shoes f Made for Sammies Abroad ' - Washington, April 30. Contracts av been let for the manufacture of 3,500,000 pairs of metallic fastened U' ' shoes for the army overseas at ail average price per pair of approxt r ttely $7.75, and for the manufacture if r.OOO.OOO pairs of field welt shoes l$650 .. - . Hoover Says U. S. Kept Flour From Selling Up to $30 and $50 Per Barrel New York, April 30. If the gov ernment had "allowed the com r.crce in wheat to take its untram meied course," flour would be sell ing at the mill door today for $30 to $50 a barrel instead of $10 to $10.50, and probably "rioting would have been experienced in all our centers of congested population of a vio lence that lead3 to blood in our gut ters," declared Herbert Hoover, federal food administrator, in an ad dress here today. U.S. ORDERS 1,025 NEWLOCOMOTIVES TO SPEED TRAFFIC Entire Purchase Will Cost Gov ernment Near $60,000,000, at Average Price of $60, 000 for Each Engine. Washington, April 30. Contracts for 1,025 freight and passenger loco motives, the largest single order ever placed in the history of American railways, was let today by the rail road administration to the American Locomotive company and the Bald win Locomotive works. The entire order represents a cost of about $60,000,000, or an average price of a little less than $60,000 for each locomotive. The profit to man ufacturers who will divide the work about equally will be between 5 and 6 per cent, less than half the rate of profit represented in the original bids. Knute Nelson Endorsed. St Taul, Minn., April 30. United States Senator Knute Nelson of Min nesota, a republican, was endorsed for re-election today by the democratic state executive committee. Start today to buy War Savings Stamps PiPl ilpi jpp' Now Victor Roeordi deoMtrmt4 t afl doeJen m tb lit of Mck mootfc 3 1 Victrola I VletroUw ii too Ketttstrad Trsd uk of th Vteor TIMc MocfcoM Composy deeHaatfaf tbo enxfacf of tnto Conpw fr. BAKER READY TO ASK CONGRESS FOR INCREASED ARMY Belief Prevails That Secretary Will Demand an Additional Million Soldiers for Serv ice in France. Washington. April 30. Plans for increasing the army to keep pace with the accelerated movement of Ameri can soldiers to the battle front in France will be laid before the house military committee by Secretary Baker within a day or two. What increase is to be asked has r,ot been disclosed, but the report most widely circulated is that an addi tional million men will be provided for in the appropriation bills sub mitted, bringing the army up to more than 3,000,000 men. It is known that a careful survey of the equipment and .transportation situations was completed by the War department recently as a basis for formulating army increase plans. The accelerated movement of troops to Europe is proceeding smoothly, and officials are much en couraged by the showing of the transportation service. Secretary Baker has been in frequent confer ence with Lord Reading, British am bassador, and the aid in transporting soldiers Great Britain can furnish probably will play a part in determin ing the size Ot the enlarged army. New Foundland to Send More Soldiers to Front St. Johns, N. F., April 30. Plans to increase Newfoundland's man power amontf the fighting forces in Europe were announced today. As soon as the governor formally assents, a proc lamation will be issued calling to the colors the men in class one, compris ing those of ages from 19 to 24. NewMctorRecords for May A delightful little song by Martinelli The famous Metropolitan tenor sings a new lyric of love and springtime, "Welcome, Lovel" in a way that will win your admiration. VletroU Hd Seal Record 64772. Ten.lneh.il . Maud Powell plays four American folk songs "My Old Kentucky Home," "Shine On,' "Old Black Joe," "Kingdom Coming," all on one record, and beautifully inter preted by this noted violinist. VlctroU Red Set! Record 74547. TweWe-iiich. ll.SO A magnificent Handel number by Witherspoon "Hear Me, Ye Winds and Wavesl' an operatic aria in Handel's majestic style. A splendid number for Wither spoon's superb bass voice. VictroU Red Seel Record 74313. TweWe-Incb, ll.SO Lambert Murphy sings two exquisite sentimental songs. Two sprightly new dance numbers by Sergeant Markle's Orchestra and Earl Fuller's Orchestra. Geoffrey O'Hara, Charles Hart and the Shannon Foui and other" favorites entertain with tuneful war songs. Hear thete new Victor Records to-day at any Victor dealer'i. He will gladly gire you an illuitnted booklet describing these new records and play any music you wish to hear. Saenger Voice Culture Records are inraluabl to vocal students ask to hear them. Victors and Victrolas in great variety from $10 to $100. Period styles to order from $375 to $950, Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. Important Notice. Victor Recorda and Victor Machines are acientifle ally coordinated and synchronized in the processes of manufacture, and their use, one wita the other, ia absolutely essential to a perfect reproduction. CHICAGO EXAMINER BUYS THE HERALD; BRISBANE EDITOR Chicago, April 30. The Chicago Herald, it was announced today, has been sold to the Illlinois Printing & Publishing company and will be con solidated with the Examiner. The transfer is to take place tomorrow night. The name of the paper will be the Herald and Examiner, and Arthur Brisbane is to be editor. The Illinois Printing & Publishing company has published the Chicago Examiner, one of William R. Hearst's papers, for a number of years. "James Keeley has been invited abroad by two European governments for war work, to make certain investi gations and report to the American people. "!lr. Keeley will be absent from America approximately three months. He will serve the Herald and Ex aminer in an advisory capacity; and it is hoped and expected that upon his return to this country Mr. Keeley will resume his work as editor." UNITED LEAGUE OPPOSES DRAFT IN LAND0F ERIN Dublin, April 30. The national di rectorate of the United Irish League today elected John Dillon chairman to succeed the late John Redmond. A resolution was unanimously adopted protesting against the appli cation of conscription to Ireland, de claring that such an attempt under present circumstances would be cer tain to end in failure and disaster and calling on the members of the league throughout the country to "strength en and extend its organization with a view to co-operating effectually with the Mansion house conference in re sisting the application of conscrip tion to Ireland." 29 HUN PLOTTERS SENT TO PRISON IN HINDU TRIAL Federal Judge Imposes Maxi mum Sentences in German Intrigues to Destroy Brit ish Rule in India. (By Annocliitnl Prm.) San Francisco, April 30, One lurid chapter in the history of Germany's intrigue to win mastery of the world was closed today when United States District Judge William C. Van Fleet sentenced 29 Germans, Americans and Hindus, convicted of having conspired to overthrow British rule in India, world-wide conspiracy was a series of world-wde conspiracy was a series of sensations exposes of criminal Ger man diplomacy and the shooting to death of two Hindu defendants in the court room a week ago. The total of the prison terms im posed by Judge Van Fleet was 23 years and eight months, and the fines $64,000. Lawyer is Fined $5,000. Louis T. Hengstler, San Francisco admiralty lawyer, was the only de fendant to escape a prison sentence. Judge Van Fleet remitted a jail term of four, months after Hengstler made a plea to the court, asserting his Americanism. Guilt for the conspiracy was placed quarely on the German supreme com mand. Judge Van Fleet characterized the Hindu conspirators as mere cat's paws of the "ruthless Prussian mili tary system." The German foreign office, its em bassy at Washington and consulate at San Francisco were the nerve centers of the world-wide plot to wrest India from England, Judge Van i Fleet said in sentencing Franz Bopp, ! Wilhelm von Bnncken and E. von Schack, heads of the consulate. Bopp and von Schack were given An excellent investment and a patriotic duty French "Blue DeviUT With U. S. Heroes Sell $250,000 in War Bonds New York, April 30. Veterans, notwithstanding their youth, from the American forces in France, and Chausseurs Alpines, the "Blue Dev ils" of the French army, today in spired in thousands of New York ers something of the "feel" of war, in a series of demonstrations in be half of the third Liberty loan. The returned troops from the American trenches appeared at a rally on the sutreasury steps at which $250,000 in bonds was sold. maximum sentences, two years im p.isonment and a $10,000 fine each. Von Brincken was sentenced to serve tw years, this sentence to run with a similar judgment hanging over him as a result of dynamiting plots against Canada. Because of the tragedy of last Tues day, when Ram Singh, a defendant shot and killed Ram Chandra, another defendant, and was in turn shot dead by United States Marshal James B. THOMPSON.BELDEN - CO f15- CJhe fashion Center fir Womcn0 Here will Milady find many suggestions for Charming Frocks THE incoming season has brought with it a wealth of exquisite new Foulards. Novel stripes, richly deco rative Oriental designs, flower-like motifs in colors innumerable, as well as the more conventional polka dots. Never have we offered a greater variety or more ap pealing designs, indeed their very artistry will fur nish many valuable sug gestions to the well gowned woman. Electric Wash Satin A new white fabric that has every appearance of silk satin. It makes beauti ful Summer skirts because of its soft lustrous finish. (34 inch) $1 a yard. Linen Section Misses Hose and Children's Pony Hose Misses' flat lisle hose with shaped garter tops and double soles in silk lisle 75c - lisle 59c Misses' flat pure thread silk hose - black and white $1.50 Children's Pony hose in every weight, quality and price. They give splendid service POLITICAL ADVERTISING. A POLITICAL ORPHAN Walter S. JARDINE Candidate for a Second Term As Cily Commissioner Walter S. Jardine is the only one of the fourteen candidates for City Commission er whose name does not appear on either of the two slates. Walter Jardine has made no pre-election promises. He is under no obligations to any other candidate, to any individual or interest to no one except the people who elected him three years ago, when for the First Time he ran for public office, and of whom he now asks a SECOND TERM. Vote May WALTER S. When Buying Advertised Gocds Say You Read of Them in The Bee Holohan, deputy marshals today searched all soectators for weapons.. Military Guard at Trial. The military guard was increased -nd many armed secret service men, city policemen and agents of the De partment of Justice were placed throughout the court room. "The people of this country are taking the law into their own hands, much as we may regret it," Judge Van Fleet said, in warning the Hindus not to return to their propaganda activi ties when they are freed from prison. "This country will not stand for any activities of this sort, directed against ether itself or its allies." , The judge's statement followed a declaration by John W. Preston, United States district attorney, that the Hindus in this city, "still have two presses turning out barrels and bales of seditious literature every day." High School Is Raided; :f German Books Missing Amboy, III., April 30. The Amboy II" high school was broken into today V and all the German text books de stroyed. The raid resulted from the failure of the school board to abolish tne teaching of the German language. Trefousse Gloves For dress occasions these gloves of finest dress kid are recognized as irre proachable. White, gray, pastel and black. Backs are self stitched or embroid ered in some contrasting shade $2.50 and $3.50. Properly fitted Sport Corsets For slender and average figures Sport Corsets are advisable for graceful poise and freedom of motion are the most desirable at tributes of willowy or svelte types of figures. The models which we have, emphasize the best lines of the figure yet the wearer is unconscious of being unduly corseted. $1.50 to $10 a Pair Undermuslins Women's Cotton Crepe gowns, low neck, short sleeves. $1.65 $1.75 $2. White Sateen petticoats of good quality. Made with tucked flounces $1.75 $2. Extra sizes $2.25 Corset covers, lace or em broidery trimmed, are extra values for 65c and 75c. - Third floor McCall Patterns The newest styles in these well known pat terns are here in the basement. . rOUTK At, ADVERTISING. 7th for JARDINE