Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: v OMAHA, MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1911
Both Places Change Hands
Several .' Times . and "Even
Breaks" Is Reported as
n r' Li! r- I
uay riyiiuuy uiiua.
(By Associated Press.)
With the British Army in France,
April 28. Hard fighting continued
about Locre and Voormezeele, but
elsewhere thus far today has been' a
day of rest for the infantry as a
whole, . The battle for Loere and
Voormezeele has been most desperate.
Both places have changed hands sev
eral times in the past twenty-four
hours, and at the latest reports it was
an "even break," for the British were,
in possession of Voormezeele, while
the enemy seems to have succeeded
early in the day in getting a foothold
in the Locre again.
An engagement north of the Ypres-
, Comines canal was in progress
throughout most of the night, with
the British holding dqggedly and in
flicting heavy losses on the attacking
. troops. The German casualties in
this part of the front have been very
Smother Ypres in Gas.
The German artillery- today was
- smothering the ruins of Ypres in
gas, and there was considerable artil
lery firing all along the line. '
Locre has changed hands at least
five times since Friday. This morn
ing's assault was delivered about 4
o'clock and while the Germans ap
parently had gained an entrance to
the place, their tenure of it was be
ing hotly contested by the Poilus. ,
A similar fight has been waged for
Voormezeele. "The Germans retook
the hamlet last night, but were unable
to hold it only a short time, for the
British in a brilliant counter attack
stormed their way through the place
and ejected the enemy.
An attempted enemy attack near
Villers-Bretonneux yesterday was
smashed by artillery fire.
New York, April 28. Madame Marie
K. De Victorica, believed bv officers
of the Department of Justice to be
one of the most active of Germany s
agents in this country for the last 15
months, was arrested at a fashionable
Long Island hotel today and brought
to this city as a dangerous enemy
Madame De Victorica was in a
highly nervous condition and was sent
to the prison ward at Bellevue hos
pital. Margaret Sullivan, her maid,
was held as a material witness.
Madame De Victorica, who also has
been known as Madame De Vussiere,
ia said to have come to the United
States through Norway as a pas-
She is 33 years old and a handsome
woman of the German type. She ex
plained her presence in this country
by saying she came here to look for
her husband.
Federal authorities believe her real
mission in the United States was to
spread German propaganda among
the Irish. She is reported to have been
the i chief aide to a lieutenant com
mander of the German navy, who
reached here in December, 1916, and
who has been , working among Sinn
Fein sympathizers, trying to get
them to enlist in the British navy in
order to plant bombs on warships.
The naval officer disappeared a few
days ago when he discovered that De
partment of Justice agents were trail
ing him. -
.... .
Iowa Congressman Believes
Coal Situation Is Solved
Washington, April 28. (Special
Telegram.) Representative Green of
Iowa, who has been interested in get
ting the fuel situation in his state ad
justed, said today he had every rea
son to believe differences between the
director general of railroads and the
fuel administrator had been settled in
so far as purchases of coal by the rail
roads weut, and he looked for an
order shortly directing the railroads
to buy cal at the same rates offered
the general public.
"If this is done it will keep the
mines going," said Judge Green, "and
solve a difficult problem. Heretofore
the railroads have been buying coal
only for immediate needs."
U. S. Ambulance Men Given
- War Cross for Gallantry
Paris, April 28. Eleven American
ambulance men have won the war
cross by gallant services performed
during the battle now in progress.
Lieutenant , Ralph . Richard, com
manding section 642, with Sergeant
Junius Beebe, G. L. Harris, Henry K.
James, E. A. Littlefield and John J.
Frennig,- were cited in eulogistic
terms for carrying away wounded
men from positions right up against
the enemy's lines under the heaviest
lire. " - " -
Funeral of Drowned Aviator
Held at West Point Sunday
West Point, Neb., April1 28. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The body of Donald
Kloke, aviator in the United States
army, who was drowned whilecross
ing San Diego bay last Sunday ar
rived hereat 1 o'clock.
The funeral was quiet 'The young
aviator was the son oF Henry P.
Kloke, former county clerk He is
survived by one brother who is also
in the government service.
Night Raiders Enter School ;
And Burn German Text Books
Denison, la., April 28. Special)
An ash heap .in the yard of the
high school, with an American flag
flying above it, and a placard read
ing:, "Death to the Kaiser, told the
story yesterday morning of some per
sons indulging in patriotic action. '
During the night the school build
ing was entered and all of the German
text books in the building that were
used for study or instruction were
gathered up and burned
(IJy Associated Frees.)
Stockholm, April 28. Correspond
ents of Swedish newspapers in Fin
land tonight announce that there are
rumors in circulation there of im
portant happenings in Russia.
The most definite rumor declares
that" former Grand Duke Alexis, son
of the former emperor, has been de
clared emperor and the Grand Duke
Michael Alexandrovitch, regent, and
that the new government would re
fus to recognize the bolsheviki .peace
treaty with Germany.
The rumors would be disregarded
here were it not for the fact that a
report from Vasa, Finland, last
Thursday declared that the trans
portation of Russian civilian pris
oners had been suspended "because
of current disords in Russia."
Finland and Sweden have had no
telegraphic communication with Rus
sia in more than three weeks.
Ottawa. Aoril 28. I. W. Swenert
of Los Angeles, F. E. Greatwood of
Portland, Ore., W. W. Taylor ot
Libby, Mont., G. D. Chenoweth of
Denmark, Ore., and W. J. B. Cass if
Butte, Mont, appeared in tonight's
casualty list. Cass died of wounds
and the others are wounded.
Other Americans in the list are:
Missing: C. K. Hansan, Rice Lake.
Prisoner of War: Lieutenant E.
M. Chant, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Died of Wounds: J. Lewis, Sa
dorus, 111.
Wounded: B. Cameron, Detroit;
D. F. Dalgarno, Morris, Minn.; C. !
Soanes, Richmond, Va.; G. J. Fowler, !
. r ci:r r-u : , !
Lieut H. M. Alexander, Chicago; A.
Cahoon, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Gassed: W. Q Glessner, South
west City, Mo.
Government May Take Over
Oil Field of Caifornia
Washington, April 28. Mark
Requa, fuel oil administrator, today
served notice on attorneys for clai
mants of oil rights in naval reserve
No. 2 in California that unless fhey
could agree with the government be
fore two weeks on a bill to permit
production in the reserve to begin im
mediately, he would recommend to
the president to commandeer the
land and have the litigation settled
Bernard Baruch, chairman of the
war industries board, who was pres
ent at the conference, said that if
such a step became ' necessary he
would suggest that the entire fuel oil
industry of the Pacific coast be taken
over by the government.
Ross Hammond Relates His
War Experience at Edgar
Edgar, Neb., April 28. (Special.)
A large crowd gathered at the opera
house last night in spite of a light
rain to hear Ross Hammond deliver
his talk on his experience at the battle
front in France. ;
Rev. V. C. Wright opened the meet
ing with prsyer. He was followed
by Miss Leah. Thomas, one of the Ed
gar High school junior "Four Minute
Men," with a very interesting, patri
otic talk well delivered. The Edgai
male quarter sang a well selected
song and were forced to respond to
Colored Restaurant Man
Killed in Quarrel Over Dice
George W. Gates, proprietor of a
restaurant at 1011 Capitol avenue, was
shot by Schadrach Douglas, living at
the same address following an argu
ment over a "crap" game Sunday
night. Gates died two hours later in
St. Joseph hospital. He had attemp
ted to wrest a revolver from Douglas
and during the scuffle was shot in the
abdomen and thigh. Douglas is held,
charged with murded. Both are
Witnesses of the fight told police
that Gates threatened Ethel White,
who lives in the 'Same building with a
gun when she. refused to leave the
game. 'Douglas interferred and com
menced shooting. All were negroes.
Dbuglas was shot in one knee.
Ethel White, J. B. Moore, Fred A.
Madison and S. J. Allen, all negroes,
were arrested and are being held as
Americans Go Into
Battle Cheering and
Waving Their Hats
Atlantic Port, April 28. Fifty
American soldiers, most of whom
have been wounded or gassed, have
been brought to this port from
France, by order of President Wil
son, to take part in the Liberty loan
campaign, according to an an
nouncement made by the military
authorities here today.
Americans go into battle cheering
and waving their hats, said Regi
mental Color Sergeant John J.
Heffernan, in describing conditions
at the Franco-American front. i
In Sergeant Heffernan's party
was" a 19-year-old boy. Corporal Os
born De Varilla of San Francisco,
an artillery man who, his compan
ions claimed, was the first American
to fire a shot at the Germans lact
October, i
Corporal De Varilla said the Ger
mans made their first raid in, his
sector October 31 and that it was
afterathis raid that the body of an
American soldier was found in
front of the wire with his throat cut
from ear to ear. t
Loan Subscribers in Nebraska
Number 175,000; In Iowa 500,000
(By Associated Press.)
Washington, April ItS. Oversub
scription of the $3,000,000,000 mini
mum of the third Liberty loan now
is looked for during the campaign's
final week, but treasury Officials de
clared tonight the five billions needed
would be subscribed only if millions
of citizens take shares of the loan
in the next six days.
It is considered certain that re
ports this week will, include a great
number of pledges from wealthy men
and corporations which heretofore
Secretary of War Baker in
American Leaders of
i.v. nam
k1 :4&z: m
3 A
a;r.icajt iBADEiay iw riaANrx . DCMrrm oft
Secretary Baker and American leaders photographed at
in France. Left to Right, Seated General Pershing, Secretary Baker, Ambassador W. U
Sharp, Major-General Black, Standing, Left to Right Captain de Marenches, of the French
army attached to General Pershing's Staff; Cobnel Boyd, General Pershing's chief of staff;
Lieutenant-Colonel Brett, Colonel Connor, Commander White, U. S. N., and Ralph H. Hayes,
secretary to Secretary Baker.
Officers Descend on John
Hampton's Pool Hall and
Take Crowd of Men to
City Jail.
Officers, raided a pool hall at Rail
road avenue and Washington street
Sunday afternoon where a crap game
was in progress, and arrested the
proprietor, John Hampton, on a
charge of keeping a disorderly house.
The following men were taken as
' Paul Mollner, jr., 2314 N. street;
John O'Brien, 2227 Jefferson street;
Sam Harvey, Twenty-third and Madi
son street; Ben Slapnicker, 1316
Drexei street; Charles Auger, 2208 N
street; Earl Miles, 3009 South Twen
tieth street; William Madsen, 6503
South Thirteenth street; W. Foster,
Alden. Ia.. Tames Carothers. Dodee
hotel; T. F. Newton, 6617 County
Road; James Munroe, 5427 South
Twenty-third street; Ralph Carson,
Twenty-second and Y streets; Roy
Alton, Thirteenth and Z streets;
William and Albert Abelin, Fifteenth
and Z streets; Ernest Bellman,
Fifteenth and Y streets.
John Tinczer Is Struck
Over Head With Beer Glass
John Tinzer, proprietor of a soft
drink parlor, Twenty-seventh and L
streets, suffered a deep gash over the
right eye when Mike Katllarz( a
butcher, 4528 South Twenty-sixth
street, entered his place Sunday after
noon and after passing a few words,
struck him with a beer glass. Tinczer
was attended by a police surgeon and
taken to the South Omaha hospital.
Katllarz was arrested on a charge of
assault and battery.
South Side Brevities
South Side Brevities.
The alumni of St. Bridget's school will
entertain at cards and dancing; next Tues
day night. A splendid entertainment Is
assured. There Trill be a number of prizes
awarded, Including a IS war savings stamp.
The Ladles' Aid society of Hillside Bap
tist church will meet with Mrs. Ed Bingham,
4714 South Thirty-sixth street, Thursday at
1 o'clock.
The Ladles' Aid society of Grace Meth
odist church will hold a rummage sale at
Twenty-fourth and Q streets Wednesday
The XL club will give a dance Tuesday
night at Eagles' hall.
Fred Heffilnger, sr., E310 South Thirtieth
street. Is confined to his home with pneu
monia. Young Men From Iowa Who
Qualify for Training Camps
Herewith is a list of names and ad
dresses of Iowa men who have quali
fied at the third series of officers'
training schools to be listed as eligible
for apopintment as second lieutenants.
They will be placed as fast as vacan
cies occur. The men passed the re
quirements of the 83rd division at
Camp Sherman, O. -
Albert L. Cutler, Springville, la.,
infantry; Michael J. Fernan, Dubuque,
field artillery; Howard V. Merten,
Charles City, la., infantry; Hugh
Smith, 2812 Ingersoll avenue, Des
Moines, la., infantry.
' These Iowa and Nebraska men
qualified at Camp Zachary Tay
lor. Ky.
Adrian F. Barstow, Lincoln, field
artillery; Homer B. Petit,- Oelwein,
la., field artillery. ; ;
have held off, hoping for the govern
ment to arrange a system of install
ment payment for income and excess
profits taxes.
The number of subscriptions and
distribution of bonds by states is
shown by the following federal re
serve district reports:
Iowa, 500,000; Nebraska, 175,000;
Oklahoma, 165,000; Kansas, 160,000;
Missouri, (western part)' 150,000;
Colorado, 132,000; Wyoming, 30,000;
and New Mexico. 15,000. Total,
Bnej City News
Tow!, engineer, for commissioner.
Ilava Root I'rtnt It New Ik'acon Prrn.
Lighting Fixtures, Burgess-Graden
Attorney Gerald M. Drew has re
moved to 606 Security Bld. 13. 3S37.
Saves yon 5c, saves the grocer on
delivery and saves us on tin. Butter
nut Coffee in the handy 8-pound cans,
$1 each.
Prudent saving In war times Is a
hostage for opportunities of peace.
Play safe by starting an account with
Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass'n, 211
S. 18th St Jl to $5,000 received.
Youth Struck by Auto Henry
Helse, 16 years old, was struck by an
automobile at Fourteenth and Harney
streets about 9 o'clock Sunday night
The automobile immediately speeded
away without offering assistance to
the Injured youth. Helse received a
severe scalp wound. He was attended
by Police Surgeon Nlpro and taken
to his home at 3020 Emmctt street.
He Is employed as a messenger for
the Western Union.
Liquor In Their Pockets Four men
carrying liquor In their pockets were
arrested Saturday night AH arrests
were made on Farnam street. W. M.
Cookston, 1918 Cass street was charg
ed with being drunk and having
liquor In his possession, as was James
Johnson, 2726 Leavenworth street J.
H. Snyder, 3104 South Thirteenth
street and W. B. Brownell, Tark hotel,
were charged with Illegal possession
of liquor.
Thurston County Beef Hits High
Spot, $17.10 Weborg Brothers of
Pender, Neb., were on the market
Friday with 18 head of 1,436-pound
steers that were good enough to sell at
$17.10. the highest price ever paid
for beef steers on the South Omaha
market. They also had 16 head of 2-y?ar-old
steers that averaged 1,141
pounds that sold at $16.50. These
catile were Herefords and of their
own raising and feeding and Messrs.
Weborg were veil pleased with the
sale. These cattle were sold by Frazier
Johnson company of South Omaha.
Fine flreplnce goods at Sunderlands.
Demosthenes League Not
Pro-German, Say Greeks
Members of the Demosthenes
league take exception to the state
ment they allege has been made, that
the organization is pro-German.
Members are after the man who
they say made the statement and pro
pose to call him before the govern
ment authorities.
Officers of the league assert that
since war has been declared, 19 of
the members have joined the United
States army, ihe latest being Nick
and John Maritsas and Sam Ble
menos. They also" assert that the or
ganization has bought $4,000 of the
third Liberty loan bonds, many thrift
stamps and has contributed liberally
to the Red Cross.
Glenwood Man and Nurse
Held by Omaha Police
W. S. Doan, giving his home as
Glenwood, Ia and Mrs. E. Bailer,
wlto says she is a nurse in a hospital
in Council Bluffs, were arrested in the
Arcade hotel, Omaha Saturday night
by Detectives Barta and Brinckman.
They were arrested on complaint of
Mrs. Bailer's husband and are being
held for investigation. '
Following the arrest Bailer told
the police that he would file "white
slavery" charges against Doan, saying
"He has broken up my borne." Doan
says he is 65 years old. Mrs. Bailer
gave her age as 35.
Girls Say Companions
"Spiked" Their Drinks
Annetta Anderson, Elms hotel, and
Mary Doe, address unknown, were
arrested Saturday charged with drunk
enness. Both alleged that they be
came intoxicated while drinking gin
ger ale and dancing in the Orpheum
,They told a pitiful story about two
young men "spiking" their drinks un
known to them until they became in
toxicated. When police were seen
the young men deserted their com
panions and escaped.
Bandits Get Watch and
Money Saturday Night
Gus Sennstrom and Emil Nelson,
610 North Twenty-third street, were
held up at the point of a gun by two
masked bandits Saturday night be
tween Eighteenth and Nineteenth
streets on Cass street, at 11 o'clock.
A watch and $3.60 in money was tak
en. The descriptions of the holdups
and the time and mannef corresponds
with the men who held up three peo
ple last week.
Harry Shields of the Wahash has returned
from a visit to the general offices ot the
eompany In St. Louis.
Oeorire W. Loomls of the Burllnirton and
Mrs, Loomls Jiave gone to Dps Molne to
spend Sunday with the'.r sons, Walter, Gil
bert and Maurice, who are , In the army
Fl If 1
" 0 I
France and
His Party
General Pershing's headquarters
Youthful Troopers March to
Union Station Where They
Present Silver. Locket to
President of Organization.
Sixty Boy Scouts, under command
of Scoutmaster English, at the Union
station Sunday night, said good-bye
to Major E. C. Henry, president of the
local organization, who was about
to start for overseas work in army
A great crowd filled the station,
but none attracted more attention
than did the Boy Scouts who marched
through the station, through the gates
and 'o the train Dr. Henry was about
to board. When the boys came to
attention in front of the doctor
Scoutmaster English presented the
departing president with a silver
locket in their behalf. Doctor Henry
responded, telling the boys to keep
up their organization and continue
their war work. He assured them
that upon his return he would give
them the glad hand and take up his
old position, if they so desired.
Art Pedersen Arrives
Safe in France, Is Word
Art Tedersen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
S. P. Pedersen, 1608 Oak street, has
arrived safely in France. Pedersen is
in the United States radio service,
The young man was formerly em
ployed by the Uosenstock Bros. Com
mission firm at the South Omaha Live
Stock exchange.
w X if
An All-year-'round Soft Drink j I y
for the Bluejackets 1 I
J Our boys in the navy enjoy their l ' . i'
I Bevo. The esteem in tohich' it is ' II It -
held by the entire Navy Department II 11
I is clearly indicated by the fact that I Ml
it is sold and served on all U.S.ves- l! Vi
19 01 sek m tozi1 camps. Afloat 1 11 Ic5b
I I R or ashore, you will find Bevo unusu-' I I Vs.
Ill aUy refreshing,' good and healthful. . jC X
I frill strictest sense; but a I ' (
I llllll thoroughgoing man's drink. Try it s'
I J: by itself, or with a bite to eat. A Jfc
HI pllllltliill Served everywhere families' sup- ffl t . -
' ' feffiV plied by grocer. IKS3?
I WyMthTTtVk Manufactured and bottled txcluiivcly by 11 '
': :
wf ' ;
Tli sT Mat. sssaaasB -A m M 1 V W a WV- , K
TiSBS- J mm am rJ X am mm 'sVl.Nrir '..''. . ' ; "
5 V Wholesale Dtstrrotitors OMAHA, NED. I 1
i 7
Bif Noise of City Campaign Will
Be Started by Candidate Tonight
Ed P. Smith expressed himself as
follows on the gas plant question
which will be submitted to the voters
on May 7:
"I am earnestly in favor of giving
to the city of Omaha at the coming
election authority to take over, by
condemnation proceedings, the prop
erties of the Omaha Gas company
This does not mean we should pay
"war baby" prices for these prpper
ties; nor does it mean we should take
them over when values of, iron and
steel are unduly inflated because of
the war and municipal bonds difficult
to sell.
"But it does mean that the city of
Omaha should possess the power and
authority to condemn and take over
these properties just as soon. as the
times are otumal and .the appraised
value is reasonable and honest, The
law expressly confers upon the city
council, authority to reject any ap
praised valuation if in its judgement
the amount is excessive or its pur
chase not then advisable. This im
portant feature of the law seems to be
overlooked by many.
"We purchased the water works at
a valuation that many of us regarded
as grossly ' excessive, but notwith
standing that, our water board has
been able to provide for the payment
of the bonds we voted and has re
duced our water rates approximately
50 per cent. With equally efficient
management I believe gas bills, under
municipal ownership, could be cor
respondingly reduced.
"Wo owe it to every householder in
Omaha to use our best efforts to ac
complish that purpose- The Gas
company's franchise will expire with
the year 1918. It will then have no
legal right to use our streets and
alleys for the purpose of carrying on
its business. There wilt then be no
"good will," "franchise," or "going
concern value" to be paid for.
"There should be no extension of
that franchise. Until actually taken
over by the city arrangements should
be made to continue the service with
out a franchise and without prejudice
to the city's rights. The argument
that gas wilhsoon be obsolete for
heating and cooking purposes is the
argument of those who are opposed to
municipal ownership under-any con
ditions." Dean Ringer, speaking at a big
meeting of packing house men, at
tacked Mayor Dahlman for his state
ment concerning Ed P. Smith as a
member of the district appeal board.
"These are some of the same old
dirty politics that have been played in
Omaha through so many political
campaigns," said Ringer. "The char
acter and service of Ed P. Smith are
so high. in this community that no
body of intelligence is deceived by
the mayor's frantic efforts to perpet
uate himself in office. To real
patriots it is inconceivable that any
man should stoop to such tactics as
Mayor Dahlman did when he charged
that Ed P. Smith was unfair in some
of his decisions as a member of the
district appeal board. One of Mr.
Smith s sons is a soldier in the United
States army and that fact alone is
sufficient to refute the mayor's state
ment. Things are coming to a mourn
ful pass when a citizen who ia giving
his greatest patriotic service, both in
his own time and in sending his own
son to the army, can be assailed by a
mere office seeker."
Ringer's remarks were greeted with
cheers by a large audience of men
which assembled in spite of the rain.
Rrnr N. Towl. Harrv B. Zimman
and Henry T. Wulf spoke briefly on :
the economical aamintstration oi me
city funds, declaring that the people's
money will buy many more improve-.
V . 1 . i .... a . J ...
mcnts wnen emcientiy aaminisiraicu
than it has under the present adminis-f
On the plain, practical basis of -
cavincr the rilv mnnev. Rov N. Towl in
seeking election as city commissioner.
Mr. Towl as a' civil engineer has
attained extraordinary success in his
profession. '
"As a civil engineer I can see tens
of thousands of dollars being wasted
... . .. . -1. . M i
in puDiic worKS every year in umana,
he said. A practical civil engineer in
the city, council is a necessity to get
full valjie for the money that people
cnnr1 nn nnhlic works. In the bifiT
cities of Europe, this, work is always
of a politician."
Fatherless Children or France
Given Benefit at Harlan
An interesting program was given
in Harlan, la., by Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs musicians for the benefit of
the fatherless children of France.
Mrs. R. L. Osborn, assisted by some
of the prominent women, and Miss
Kum juewis, who u at iuc jicau u
the Surgical 'circle of Harlan, were
the originators of the entertainment, m
which centered around an address
given by Madame August Borglum on
"The Fatherless Children of France."
Madame Borglum played the "Mar
seilles," the national hymn of France.
"The Star Spangled Banner" was
sung by V. II. Byers and chorus, the
audience also joining.
The opening address was delivered
by Rev. George Chambers and the
address by Monsieur Viviani at the
tomb of George Washington was read
by Miss Schell. Miss Marie Swan- ,
son, harpist, Omaha, sang several
solos, by French, Italian, Russian,
English and Irish composers. ,
Miss Eva Allen of Council Bluffs
sang several numbers, in which she
was accompanied by Miss Swanson.
The proceeds of the 'entertainment
netted $50 and several individual sub
scriptions for French orphans.
Miss Nevill Lectures on
v Practical Christianity
Interest in the theme of "Prac
tical Christianity" was manifest to the
extent of completely filling the As
sembly hall of thV City National
bank building to hear the opening
lecture by Miss fCate M. Nevijl Sun
day morning. Miss Nevill is field lec
turer of the Unity School of Practical
Christianity, Kansas Cityj and is ap
pearing under the auspices of the
Omaha Unity society. This is Miss
Ncvill's third annual appearance in
Omaha and her opening address Sun
day covered the general points of
practical Christianity, and why it
should be applied in all departments
of life, from the spiritual to the ma
terial. Lectures will be continued Wednes
day nights at 8 and Sunday mornings
at 11 o'clock. Talks ' on prosperity
will be held every day at noon, except
Saturdays and Sundays and media
tion classes will be conducted Tues
days and Thursdays at 3 o'clock in
the Assembly hall, City National
bank building.
Assistant to Hoover Will , r
Speak in Omaha Friday
J. W. Hallowell, assistant to Food
A J ' ' . T I Iff t .
siuiiiinisirBiur jaoovcr, win oe in
Omaha Friday, representing the na
tional food administration. He will
he entertained by the Chamber of
Commerce at a public affairs lunch
eon and will make the principal ad
dress.. ,