THE BEE: OMAHA, . FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1918 nin n An i tt i T -r-i T-i DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. PROPRIETOR. Entered at Omaha poatofflc aeeond-clatt matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION H rarntr. Hf Mill. Otlly and Suna weak. He Fir ytu. I litjif wiuiom Bunaay... , joe oo t.Kntnt tod 6 us liar " lUa " 04 Kwilni wlibout bunder - 6a " 4 so Sunday Bet oulr ' Do " j W) fd notice of cnanft or tddren or vrtfularitf to deurtrr to Omaha at circulation ueparunent. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS fbt Aauelaud Preaa, at which Tho Bat li a member. It oelatlnlt entitled to tht out for publication of til owt dltpeti'Ott credited to It or not otborwtn credited la thlt paper, and alto tht tonal newt pubilahad herein, ail rlcbte of publication of our tpecitl d iptu-bat art aito memo. f! REMITTANCE ' Jtrmtt rrj draft, expnei or tnttal order. On It t and 8-etnt tttaira tana In payment or until aecounia. Peraooal eneek, except on ypiatt ana eaatem ticaann. aot tccepieu. OFFICES Umaha Th B Bulldlne, Chlcafe Ptop't'i fltt Bnlldlaa. out Omaha 23U N 8L New York ! Fifth at, touncll BluTft 14 N. Main St St. lruit New B'k of CoBBml Lincoln Ultlt Balldloa. Watbuuton 1311 O St. CORRESPONDENCE a!trMt eetnmnnlrtttont relttlni to Bern and editorial mattei Omaha Bet, Editorial Department. ; MARCH CIRCULATION :: 66,558 Daily Sunday, 56,553 Irfrtta elrculetino for tho month, tubtcrlDM tod fworo to b Dwlfbt w'illlamt. Circulation alaoaftr. '. Subscriber leavinr tho city ahould havo Tho Boa nailed thtra. Addreaa chanted at often aa requested. i TAe Bees Service Flag r I 1 Over the top, but keep going. Sunday base ball is not an issue in Omaha, According to all the candidates. J This is the day we celebrate by putting the "tanks" over the top for Nebraska and Omaha. Easily done. .1: - Fritz has had a taste of Yankee fighting, and Joes not relish it, but he will get a lot more be Ve the end comes. , WHAT DOES THE BOARD CONTROL? One of the singularities of the proceedings before the Board of Control, just now investigat ing the record of the late head of the Reforma tory for Girls at Geneva, involves an attack on the acts of the board itself. In order to sustain an allegation of extravagance, expenditures of large sums of money for maintenance of the home are shown. It also appears these payments were made with full knowledge of the board, and that the bills were audited and approved, and payment made with assent of the members. Just where this form of inquiry will lead does not appear on the surface. We do not think the board intends to censure itself for making ex penditures it deemed prudent and necessary, and it certainly can not blame the accused superin tendent for doing those things the board author ized to be done. This naturally raises thejques tion: What does the board control? If it is the management of state institutions, its members should know at all times the condition of the funds and the circumstances suTrounding all ex penditures on account of the public service. With this information, it would not need to make a formal inquiry to determine if the head of an in stitution were making extravagant or unauthor ized purchases. Where is the inquiry leading? Canada's answer to the anti-draft agitation M to call all unmarried men to the colors. The Canucks mean business. That raid on Zeebrugge and Ostend stirred ihe hornets In the kaiser's camp, but their stings Ve not nearly so deadly now, The weatherman is hereby formally notified 'hat he is holding back a lot of war gardeners ho are anxious to get busy outdoors. ' Omaha names are coming home in the casualty Sst, Our boys over there are redeeming the promises they made when they started. Mi. re people are coming to understand why Omaha did not get the big cantonment when Des Moines was a bad second in the race. ' Germany k.boasting Its eighth war loan will win, but it is going to take more than the de preciated currency of the kaiser to determine vic tory this time. The president is due to hearts chorus today such as he has never yet listened to, and the kaiser can hear it, too, if he will pnly turn his one good ear towards Omaha. New Game Aids Shipbuilding. The farmer, who, aotording to the old story, said to the tired gang of field laborers after supper: "Come on, boys, let's go out and play dig cellar till bedtime," is being outdone in the shipyards of America. A new. game has been instituted among the workers. It is who can drive home the most rivets in a working day. For the week' ending last Saturday, "Finner" Schock of Baltimore established the high record, 2,720 three-quarter inch rivets headed up snug and passed by inspectors in nine . hours. The "Finner" drove his hammer so fast it was neces sary to add an extra heater and passer to his gang. At Buffalo a riveting gang set 2,087 seven eighths inch rivets in eight and one-half hours, and received $83.50 for the day's work. This rivalry is extending to all shipyards of the coun try, and teams are striving daily to make rec ords. It not only means more pay for the nten, but it means more ships for the nation. The importance of riveters to the program may be understood from the fact that it takes 950,000 rivets to hold together an ordinary freighter, while 575,000 rivets are required by a U-boat destroyer. Crack gangs are essential in this work. Most gratifying of all features is the spirit of keen rivalry that has sprung up between the men of the different yards. For example, the owners of the Union Works at San Francisco made a wager of $20,000 that they could excel the record of the Fore River yards. When the San Francisco men heard of this, they asked that the bet be turned over to them, and it was. In sums of $50 to $500 the men put up the $20,000 and are now hustling to win their own bet. Seattle gangs, working on big ship orders, are offering to bet 2 to 1 that they will fill their contracts ahead of time. And this is the spirit of the working gangs in the shipyards. It is a proof of the loyalty of labor, and the nation need have no fear while its workers are thus imbued with a determination to win at this new game. Promotion of Mediocrity Menace of Seniority in Senate Foreign Relations Committee New York Times, The late Senator Stone of Missouri came to be chairman of the senate committee on foreign relations simply by seniority. It is no injustice to his memory to record the fact that neither his studies, his acquirements, nor the character of his mind made him the most suitable, or even a suitable, person for that post. Time was his chief merit. Now death and time are to appoint his successor. The next man on the list happens to be Sen ator Hitchcock of Nebraska. Of Mr. Hitchcock's singular zeal to alter international law for the benefit of Germany before the entrance of the United States into the war it would be impolite, it might even be unfair, to speak. Let bygones be by gones. Not against him personally, but against the system of promotion, with no thoughtof special talent or merit, but for mere length of service on the committee, must just objection be made. It is true that nothing known, or visible, in his public serv ices in cither branch of congress marks him as fit to be chairman of this committee whose work must be momentous in the present and in the, future, since the old com parative isolation of the United States from the world is ended, since in Europe, in Asia, in Mexico, Central and .South America, in the Caribbean as in the Pacific, are vital American connections and interests, the multifarious interrelations and interpenetra tion of country with country in a world made small by steam and electricity and the airplane. The peace that is to end this war, new treaties, guaranteeing new relations, all the great international roles, economic and po litical, of the United States hereafter, will bring a graver responsibility to the senate in its constitutional functions as to foreign af fairs; will require an adequate and accom plished senate committee on foreign rela tions. How long could a great corporation be run successfully on the promotion-by-senior- lty plan: the present senate committee on foreign relations consists, with the demo cratic vacancy left by Mr. Stone s death, of nine democrats and seven republicans. The nine democrats are Hitchcock of Nebraska; John bharp Williams of Mississippi. Swan son of Virginia', Pomerene of Ohio, Marcus Aurelius Smith of Arizona, Saulsbury of Delaware, Pittman of Nevada, Shields of Tennessee, Thomas of Colorado. With the largest allowance for the capabilities, virtues, and goiaen guts or tnese gentlemen, Mr. Williams is probably the only one who is known to the country at large; and even Mr, Williams is occasionally a little ill-advised and sudden, sound as is his patriotism and various as is his talent. The republican members are Lodge, William Alden Smith of Michigan, McCumber of North Dakota, Borah of Idaho, Brandegee of Connecticut, Fall of New Mexico, Knox of Pennsylvania. SubstractingNMr. Smith of Michigan, sub tracting, if you choose to be rigid, Mr. Mc Cumber, you still have five republican mem bers who outweigh most of the democratic names. Mr. Knox has been secretary of state. Mr. Lodge. by universal admission, is fit to be. So is Senator Borah. Why should the rule of seniority force the suc cession of Mr. Hitchcock to a chairmanship for which he has small other recognizable qualifications? The senate might better choose its committee chairman by shaking dice than by this rule. Ihere would be a better chance, probably, of getting the fittest men. Now, when war pitilessly casts down fig ureheads and upsets conventionalities, is the senate to stick to the rule of mediocrities? 6&A Food Served in Alien Prison Camps ' Menus About the Same as in Army Cantonments ; One characteristic of Charles M. Schwab al ready is in evidence. He has emitted no proc lamations up to date beyond the one addressed la: the shipbuilders, urging them to greater efforts. He did not build up Bethlehem by writ ing or talking about his plans. 5 "Tax Free Government Bonds. '"I Attorney General Reed has just given an opinion which, if adhered to, greatly enhances the value of the Liberty bonds as an investment. It ha been understood, of course, that these bonds ast such are tax free, exempt from all levies save that of the income tax, above the limit set by "the government. But, under the rule laid down by the courts, the owners of banking shares have not enjoyed the immunity, because the tax is laid not against the amount of property held b) the bank but on the shareholders according toUhe value of its shares. As this, has been deter mined by the capital stock, it follows that when any amount" of that is represented by govern ment bonds, these securities are taxable under the rule. Attorney General Reed has reversed this practice and recommends that banks deduct from thir . capital account for tax purposes the sum ofj any investment in Liberty bonds. The ad vantage of this is easy to be seen. Banks will be mere ready to make purchases if this recom mendation stands, for it gives them practically a liquid asset free from taxation and bearing a goipd rate of interest Mexico as an Aid to Kultur, The not astonishing fact is revealed at this late date that before the war in Europe com menced agents of the kaiser were studying in Mexico the practical application of their theoreti cal terrorism. For example, one of Captain von Papen's correspondents was intensely interested in the most approved methods of train-wrecking, and went to Mexico to look up the way Carranza and Villa did it down there. Through him Cap tain von Papen made an intensive study and a detailed report on thev matter, with conclusions as to the various methods to be employed and their value in the assault Germany was preparing to make. Nothing could better illustrate the cold-blooded, systematic manner in which the war gang of Potsdam prepared for the conquest of the world. Nothing was overlooked by them, not even the savagery of the bushwhacking warfare of Mexico. No form of "terror" that might be of service to kultur was too debased or horrible to be adopted. Belgium is only an example of what fate waited the world that declined to submit to the demands of the kaiser's wrecking crew. Our people, who have been loath to believe that such things could exist, are slowly being convinced through documentary evidence, showing the activ ity of such men as Von Fapen, who wore the kaiser's uniform, moved among cultured people, smiled with cordiality and plotted with devilish persistence to undo those who fell under the blight of his monumental treachery. No chapter in all the war is blacker than that which shows how the German agents persistently abused the hospitality and confidence of trust ing, credulous Americans. Champ Clark may be senator if he likes to fill out the unexpired term of William Joel Stone, but he possibly will prefer the cinch he has to the necessity of facing a state-wide electorate. How does the United States treat the in terned civilian enemy aliens and its military prisoners of war? lo get truthful and detailed answers about the situation, the New York World, with the consent of the War department, sent a staff correspondent to visit the two most typical war prison camps in the United States one at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., where only civilian enemy aliens are interned, and the other at Fort Mcl'herson, Ga., where only military prisoners are interned. The correspondent says, in part: Ihe food served in the big compound is issued through the quartermaster's depart ment anil is substantially the same in amount and quality as the food issued to government troops in army cantonments. An exact rec ord is kept of everything, and the man in charge of the mess files awav his daily bill of fare for a perpetual record. The food is inspected by the officer of the day before it is served, the same as in the army. "All of the food regulations laid down by Director Hoover are strictly observed meatless and porkless days. Fish is the meat dish on Fridays. Practically every day is wheatless day. ihe camp has its own bakery and the bread is principally rye or with an occasional admixture of wheat flour, but very little of the latter is used. Almost without exception the men prefer the rye. "Bills of fare at Fort Oglethorpe for five days in February, given herewith, were se lected from the files of the men in charge of the mess with the idea of showing the varie ties of food served. In quantity it is the measured ration of the soldier: Friday, February 1, 1918: BREAKFAST. Grits 1 Coffee Butter DINNER. Bean Soup Fried Fish Coffee Stewed Prunes SUPPER. Chili con Came Bread Jam Saturday, February 2: BREAKFAST. Oatmeal Coffee Butter DINNER. Vegetable Soup Potatoes Ragout of Beef Bread Syrup Potatoes Bread Tea Bread Syrup offce Bread People and Events Right on the heels of Milwaukee's pro nouncement for the red flags of socialism, brewers announce a boost in the price of beer. It's one darn worry after another un der the crimson colors. More woe for American smokers impend. Fifty per cent of the tobacco output of four big factories have been requisitioned by the government. Strict conservation of "the makin's" looms large in the summer horizon. "Forward with Knute Nelson 1" is the po litical slogan of the loyalists of Minnesota. The senator will not campaign for re-election, leaving that to the people of the state with the simple statement, "As you order I serve." It is more than probable that weather men stage the present "unseasonably cool weather" as a safety measure. Ticked bat talions of girl orators from six colleges this week are contesting for the champion belt in Kansas. In this circumstance cool waves take rank as inspired strategy. An Irish-American priest knocking on the United States is one of the curiosities of war. One has just been indicted in Missouri Rev. Michael D. Collins of Jackson, Cape Girar dean county for seditious remarks in speeches and conversation. The clerical knocker is out on bail pending trial. Trouble grows for the beneficiaries of the big "bar'l" tapped by the fusionist in New York mayorality campaign. Several persons have been indicted for failing to report all they took and what they did with it. Among the number is William Sulzcr, former con gressman and impeached governor. Sulzer was one of the paid stumpers of the fusion ists. A genial Jerseyman who was raised in Newark and finished life's run in Omaha used to tell his intimates how when return ing late at night from excursions into New York bay they had an invisible but infallible signal of the nearness of home. A few ren dering factories invariably hailed the excur sionists with pungent odors, and the wearied crowd, or part af it. broke into sons'. "Home, Again." These unique odors still persist, ap parently strengthened by the years, and ag gressively driving into adjacent territory. Residents of upper New York threaten re prisals unless New Jersey purifies its atmosphere. Coffee Butter Potatoes Tea Bread Syrup Cabbage Stewed Peaches SUPPER. Apple Rice Bread Jam Sunday, Ftbruarv 3: BREAKFAST. Milk Rice Fresh Oranges DINNER. Vegetable Soup Pork Loins Vanilla Pudding, Fruit Sauce Cocoa Bread SUPPER. Sliced Cheese Stewed Apples Bread Tea Butter Monday, February 4: BREAKFAST. Grits Coffee Bread Butter Syrup DINNER. Bouillon Boston Beans with Sliced Bacon Potatoes Bread Coffee SUPPER. Milk Rice Stewed Peaches Tea Bread Jam Wednesday, February 6: BREAKFAST. Grits Coffee Bread Butter Syrup DINNER. Bouillon with Vegetables Roast Beef Coffee Potatoes Bread , SUPPER. Chili con Carne Tea Bread Jam Stewed Peaches (The above are true copies of bills ol fare. G. L. K., in chargo of mess, March "Chicken fricasse and hasenpfeffer are pro spective items on future bills of fare, as some of the men have begun to raise chickens and rabbits. The commandant is thinkinar of cut ting in a Belgian hare warren, and says he could save the government nearly 50 per cent in meat. "The average cost of the mess in the larger compounn, as shown by the records of the executive omcer ior reoruary, is .3J6 per man, which is nearly 8 cents under the amount allowed. "Food for the smaller, or 'millionaire.' com pound is purchased by the executive officer trom lunds in his "charge beloneine to the in terned men. No limit is placed upon their purchases, wnicn conforms to the ru e for interned military and naval officers who also buy their own food. "The average cost of the 'millionaires' mess for February as computed from the rec ords of the executive officer was .6591, or nearly doubte that of the mess in the larger compound for the same period. This is largely accounted for by the purchase of such meats as ham and lamb, which are not served in the larger compound mess, and by mc purcnase or eggs, truits and more canned goods. As the expense of the mess is borne by the men themselves, the government has not found warrant in restricting purchases as long as they are considered within rea son. German In the Hi?b SchooL Omaha, April 25. -To the Editor of The Bee: We are Inclined to think that the parents of Omaha having children In the High school are prone to follow the Germanic plan of sub mitting blindly to "those in authority" when it comes to courses of stud'. The self-satisfied members of our Board of Education Ignore all requests or suggestions that the study of German be dropped from the course of study. They sit back and are amazed If any one presumes that the course be changed. "It Is so written, therefore it must so remain." One would think they would take pleasure in changing, but it seems they do not. Possibly they think there will be no day of rerkoning, but we might re mind them that a certain very prom inent politician is just at the present moment spending a lot of valuable time and we imagine a small (?) amount of money repairing his fences that he himself, assisted by his German friends, has kicked to pieces during the past three years. Also, that Americans today have reached the point where they want no one In authority over them except those who are in favor of .a one-language America, good old English, without trace of Hunnism. A personal question' to Mr. Fal coner: You desire the support and votes of American citizens that you may be . elected city commissioner. Where do you stand on the question immediately abolishing the study of German in the High school? For my part, and I hlnk I know of hundreds more of like mind, I will not vote for any one who will not come out flat footed against German language and German methods in all places and at all times. Every one In Omaha knows of the catchy song of the Liberty day parade and where it consigned the kaiser. Well, by all means send the language along with him, and the Omaha Board of Education, too, if It continues to up hold the study of the hated thing in our schools. CITIZEN. Around the Cities More than 2,300 workmen v in the flour mills of Minneapolis have been placed on eight-hour schedules, with, the present wage for 10 hours. Topeka has clinched a deal for the erection of a 10-story fire proof hotel, to cost $650,000, by the North Amer ican Hotel company of Omaha. Work of clearing the site, Ninth street and Kansas avenue, has already begun. A man astride a fence In San Fran cisco failed to lift his hat as the flat; went by. A patriotic cop, observing the straddler's neglect, grabbed a leg to pull him down. The leg, a wooden member, gave way, carrying the cop sprawling to the ground, while th owner tumbled on the other side' ef the fence. Spectators, scenting a tragedy, hurried the leg-less one to the hospital and the cop to a lustery. An hour later the pair came together in court, where the humor of the in cident soothed hurt feelings. The leg less one attached the missing member to his system, jollied the cop and merrily trekked from a smiling court. Score one more for the saving grace of humor. "CANTS" AND CANS.' I f II 1 ne Year Ago Today in the War. 'Marshal" Jpffre conferred with United States army officers in Wash itiKton. The taking of the first American prisoner of war was reported to the American embassy in London. Thousands of cannon battered Ger man defenses along the 100-mlle front Otj'the French and British offensive. The Day We Celebrate. Fred W. Heron of the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance company, born S73. Captain Hutch I. Orne, United States' navy, born-in Brooklyn, 47 yeare ago. . . Brigadier General George Le Roy trwin. born in Michigan, SI years ago. Henry Morgenthau, former United States ambassador to Turkey, born at Mannheim, Germany, 63 years ago. draund C TarbelJ, painter, born at WestGroton, Mass., ss yeare ago. This Day In History. ... 1607 English coionisU bound for Virginia entered Chespeake Bay. nam ing the Capes at its entrance Charles and Henry, after the sons of King lames. . ' 1711 David Hume, famous his torian and political economist, born at Rdinburg. Died there, August 25, 177. - 1865 Confederate Memorial - day Brst observed, on the suggestion of Mrs. Mary A Williams of Columbus, G J ust SO Years Ago Today Miss Mary Sexton, one of Cleve land's prominent women suffragists, is a guest of Charles Singer, County Superintendent Bruner's re portof the increase in school popula- uon ror the year ending shows that there are 3,718 more school children in Douglas county than one year ago. Dr. Conkllng and wife have re turned after a visit of about three months to Florida and other southern points. K. E. Palmer, for a number of years connected with the passenger department: of the Chicago, Burling ton & Qulncy and B. & M. railroads, naa been appointed city passenger ?g!n.t,5n the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway. The students of Miss Lizzie Isaacs gave their first musical at Meyer's music hall which was attended by a very large audience. Tom and E. Croft arrived from England, where they have spent four months visiting their brother and friend" Right to the Point Minneapolis Journal: Honey at SS cents shows that the bee has detected the European crisis, too. Washington Post: The average married man is not so much sur prised at Solomon's wise sayings vas at the fact he got an opportunity to say 'em. Minneapolis Tribune: Kaiser Karl of Austria has sprung a new mother-in-law Joke. He blames the letter to Prince Sixtus on the Duchess of Parma, mother of Empress Zlta, New York, Herald: Another bit of action that conpr.-ess should substi tute for useless talk is that which would insure the early passage of a law depriving aliens of votes in the election of fed.ral officials. Baltimore American: They Round About the State Beatrice Express: The special ses sion of the legislature has finally com pleted the business before it and ad journed. For which fact Nebraskans will feel duly and heartfully grateful, A real chesty feeling with the goods to back it pervades the live ones of Franklin. A $50,000 new hotel is near ly ready for business. That's the style of front warranted to impress the vis itor and tickle the home folks. Wayne Herald halls the repeal of the Mockett law as an effective means of "knocking the props from under the plans for building up foreign languages in the Unite! States." The awakening glimpses a future blessing. West Pointers, appear doubtful of snau drive Just now, owing to the high not pass! shout tho French. Eat 'em cost of 4abor and material. "How- up! yell the Americans. If our allies will hold the Germans we shall pres ently proceed to do that very thing to the world's enemy. Minneapolis Journal: A new Non partisan league button bears the slo gan, "We'll Stick." It is a good slogan but ambiguous, leaving some doubt as to whether it refers to "sticking" the farmer for $16. 'or to La Follette's speech sticking a knife in the back of me American soldier. New York World: To a Hohenzol- lern emperor to whom a solemn treaty of Germany was a mere scrap of pa per, the repudiation by a Hapsburr emperor of a letter beaYing his per sonal signature can hardly be a seri ous onense. What is truth between kaisers? ever.," observes the Republican, "there is much preliminary work be fore actual paving can be commenced, and now is the time to do the pre liminary work." Classified. The son of a rich father decided that he ought to enlist, and went to the recruiting station. He was asked his occupation. ' "Why-er-well, Just running through the guv'nor's money, don't you know," was the reply. The officer seemed in doubt how to classify him, when a corporal stand ing near came to his assistance with a brilliant suggestion. "Put him down as a brass finisher sir," he aald. Boston Transcript. Twice Told Tales His Nearest Living. A southerner in one of the canton ments Delow the Mason and Dixon line, when called up for examination, aa asKea: "What is your nearest living rela- "What you mean, 'relative, mister? returned the recruit. Oh. I mean your nearest living kinsfolk." "Wal, that's my aunt you're talking Several other questions were an swered satisfactorily when there came: "In case of rlpath nr nMtnt. who shall be notified?" My mother." Immtitlttalv from the .selectman. But you told me 1nt a few min utes ago that vour mint wan the near est living relative that you have," ob jected the officer. "You asked me who my nearest liv ing kin was, didn't you? Wal, that's Aunt Liz-tshe llvM lent two miles from where I been livin'; mother lives -uinneaDous xrioune. Shrewd Voters. "Are you feellnc the nulse of nubile opinion out your way?" "Not now." replied Senator Sorehum. "I'm going according to my own honest convic tions, i nave a nrettv wise constitu ency. They know that when a man makes a show of fpolin? the public pulse he is in reality looking out for his own political health." Washing ton Star. Where to Apply for Service. Scottsbiufr. Neb., April 23. To the Editor of The Bee: I want to get into the overseas services. I am past the draft age, being Zo years of age, so would content myself with any of the other branches, so long as I get there. Would take up Red Cross ambu lance work or auto driving of any kind or any other work that my limited ability would permit. I have been m the real estate work since leaving school and my qualifica tions would be limited to a few branches. Will you kindly advise me where an'l how I could make application for such services. Yours very respectfully, J. RAY XANE. Answer Make application to the United States Public Service reserve, 171Z Eye street, Washington, 13. C. I can not bo to France and help Our allies hold their wall of bras: I could not throw a hand grenade Or wield a bayonet, alas! I'm but a woman, none too atronr. I could not even be a nurae. But I can help our Sammies fight With my small purse. I can not buy an acre lot And plow It up and plant and hoa; My muscles are not strong enough They were aome 20 years ago; But I can hustle at my job And use my brain and aava my tin, And buy a . bond to help our boys To chase the Huns back to Berlin. I haven't thousands to. Invest For Liberty In this here loan, Or even hundreds can I raise Scant are the hundreds that I own. But of those hundreds I can give t'ntll my purse Is Jean and flat. For Uncle Sammy's needs are mine And yours, my friends, take not o that Omaha. BATOLL NE TRELB. How Would You Like to Bo Jones? Niobrara, Neb., April 24. To the Editor of The Bee: You bought a couple of Liberty bonds, drew down your hard earned hoard. Two Is yur limit as living is now the most that you can afford, but you have your job and your home and all. Jones has gone over. He answered the call. How would you like to be a Jones? Jones has gone over to battle for you for you, for your home and your wife. He ia doing the most that a man can do, giving himself to the strife. He's gone where the bullets and shrapnel fly. He doesn't know wheth er he'll live or die. How would you like to be a Jones? Jones could afford to take chances like that. Life is his limit, no less. You stay at home and buy Liberty bonds, only two bonds, you confess. Suppose Jones is killed while fighting for you. Friends, are you sure that your limit is two? How would you like to be a Jones? VICTOR IIALVA. GRINS AND GROANS. I Ursula ieiriorm t.- V CONCERT PIANIST V U ,7-iJ . "What Is the matter?" "PlunUville Is awful dry." "You voted for a dry town." "I thought It would be only moderately dry. But It's a Sahara desert, by gosh." Louisville Courier-Journal. She Anything that is worth winning Is worth working for. He Yes, but the question It, will your father loosen vp, or will I have to keep on working for you after I've won you?" Boa- ton Transcript "That husband of yours will fight at the drop of the hat, I hear." well, rather at the bringing up of a hat. When I mentioned the subject to him yes terday he got mad enough to fight." Florida Times-Union. 1 The Apollo Reproducing Piano Is Now Being Exploited by Ursula Dietrich AT A. HOSPE CO.'S Special Apollo Warerooms Recently fitted up for this pur pose at their Piano Parlors, 1513 Douglas street. A. Hospe Co. 1513-15 Douglas St. "I wish. Charlea was not so generous to his family." "How do you mean?" "Well, he spends a lot of moneyvft well I can find out. or) some ante or other. and when I missed his watch and asked him where it waa, he aald bis uncle had It." Baltimore American. LetCuticuraBe YomBeautyDoctor All drnggltta: Soap B, Otti talent ft R, Takoia tt. Sampit each free or "Cotltva, Dtpt. E, Bettoa." i;::i:ii:'il!ililiri;!i;ii:;l!ili!IMIi;ii;iiiiii;ii!iNiii:in::!in ! HOTEL I LENOX ! ; BOSTON, MASS. I Offers All That is Best in Hotel Life Be Careful to keep the stomach well, the liver and bowels regular, by the at- ? - - -If t t a m m iimeiy ana neipiui aia 01 Recognized as the Head- H quarters of Boston's Rep- resentative Visitors from Z every state in the union. I L. C. PRIOR I ll.llllllllJ.MIJ'lllil.'llilullllllllllilllllllllllllll'IIIIMIIIIKIl FOn NEWSPAPER AND CATALOGUE ADVERTISING A 4 a Largett Sale of Any Medicine in A, WorU Sold Terywhare. In bozea, 10c 25c GRANDMO II KNEW AdviTtisE withTidura DEE ENGRAVING . ; DEPARTMENT . There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard But the old-fashioned mustard-plastet iburned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard blasters cave, without the plaster and (without the blister. . ' Musterole does it It is a clean, , white ointment made with oil of mustard. It ia .scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders, and yet docs sot blister the jtenderest skin. Just massage Musterole in with the fiw ger-tips gently. See how quickly it brings relief how speedily the pain disappears; 1 Use Musterole for sore throat; bron chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma,' neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy.' rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,' bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumoniaL'- vVb cum uvb jua, uuspuoi Size ' FISTULA CURED Kectal inaeasea iurea witnout a sever ear, gical operation. No Chloroform or Ether atua. Cure guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write fo illuatrated book on F.ectal Diseases, with naraea and testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. , DR. E. R. TARRY - 240 Bee Building. Omaha Neb