IHE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APKIL 26, 1918 T SOUTH SIDE RED CROSS GETS $149,258 FROM DONATED HOGS Farmers of Nebraska and Iowa Contribute Forty-Eight Loads of "Porkers" in Two Months. Patriotic farmers of Nebraska and Iowa, during two months, have en riched the Red Cross fund to the ex- tent of $149,258.69 through their con tributions of 48 loads of hogs, which have been sold on the South Side market for the benefit of the local chapters. Two loads from Schuyler and one load from Cedar Rapids, Neb., ar rived Thursday, the total net proceeds for the Red Cross amounting to $8, 635.11. Two loads from Schuyler weighing 33,430 pounds, were sold to J. V. Murphy for $16.90 per 100 pounds. The net for the Schuyler chapter was $5,571.14. Bliss & Well- man Commission company handled them free of charge. The Cedar Rapids load of 92 head was consigned to Melady Bros. Com mission company, who also donated its services in disposing of the ship- ment. lhe total weight of this load was 18,440 pounds, and Swift & Co, were the buyers, paying $17 per 100 pounds, lhe net for the Cedar Rap ids chapter was $3,063.97. T. T. Lapacek and Peter Hamata ac companied the Schuyler shipment, and the Cedar Rapids load was brought in by D. E. Conant. It Takes Time to Beat f An Irishman, at That Sergeant "Mjke" McCarthy, Irish wit of the South Side police station, is fond of playing jokes upon others, but it is rare, indeed, that the son of Erin is himself the victim. "Mike" believes in a strict obser vance of an eight-hour day, and that there is no place like home after his day's work is done. But his journey homeward was delayed Thursday, all because his watch failed to do its duty, and kept him on his beat for nearly an hour after the other officers on the shift had reported in and de parted. "Guess the captain will have to de tail someone to go out and notify "Mile" when his day is up," said Desk Serjeant ferns. "Allied" Candidates Make Talks Before Packing Men A meeting was held by the "Allied' c; u.uates tor city commission at the 1: orris Packing plant Thursday noon. L:.(imates smith, J. owl, Ringer, and -iii spoke to more than 1,000 men Vl'c same speakers will talk at a meeting at the Stock Exchange bv.ikling today at 12:45. A meeting in 'ic .interest of the "allied" candidates Tvi II also be held tonight in Rushing Brief City News MUSIC M:Tie. Powell at the Boyd. At Boyd's theater the evening was devoted to a program of violin music by Maude Powell, the well known American violinist, assisted by Arthur Loesser, pianist. Recording the impressions created by the event becomes a very pleas ant process, as both artists were ap parently in a happy mood, and gave real inspiration to the audience by means of their combined artistic re sources. The program was opened by a per formance of the first movement of the concerto in D minor, by Sibelius, a composition big in outline, and serious in content Its interpretation demands mental dualities whirll fan not be said to be part and parcel of me equipment ot every violinist, but Madame Powell was able to deliver it. nnrtjanfnne matr n A. II: a -"-""-J uii-aaagc Willi Idling enccr. The performance of Caesar Franck's beautiful sontata in A, which followed, was plainly a labor of love on the part of both artists. The work con tains line upon line and measure up on measure ot beautiful melody, now lyric, now imoassioned and a,' .11.- ultant, all of which was reproduced ny me two players in the fullness of its beauty. The "Hindu Song," by Rimsky Korsakoff, was a charming Jiu, juiung the senses by its tender ana welcome seduction. Against this Bazzini's "Danre of Flvoc" ,.,.t as a briliant contrast by reason of the uKuincss ana enspness ot its staccato passages, and the clean cut character Of Its musical Outline Tn thi. ber Madame Powell showed the re- marKaDie completeness of her tech nical eauioment. The closing group brought a series ui arrangements by the artist her self, and a short man. AH were pleasing and effective ana aaaea to the pleasure of the eve mng. Mr. Loesser, at the piano, spent a bsy evening. Besides collaborating with Mme. Powell in the performance ui me sonata, he played all the ac companiments and an exacting group of solo numbers a wpII yn i these so well, moreover,' that the au- oience insisted upon an encore, which he granted in the form of a Mendels sohn scherzo. Mr. Loesser is an intensely musical pianist, drawing out all the hidden beauties of his numbers and producing a tone of rxquisite beauty. J. P. D. Frank Keegan Wedded to Miss Crowe at Kansas City Frank Krptran sentative of Douglas county to the state legislafure, has been married in Kansas City to Ellen Crowe, also of Omaha. South Side Brevities Th Friendship club of South High school wl.i hold a rummase sale at Twenty-fourth Kiul Q rtreots Saturday mornln- The XL, club Bive a program and dance at Eagle's hall Tuesday night Towl, engineer, lor commissioner. Have Boot Print It New Beacon Press. Lighting Fixtures, Burgess-Graden Attorney Gerald M. Drew has re moved to 606 Security Bid. D. $8S7. Might as Well Save 5o Buy your Butter-Nut Coffee in one handy S pound can, $1.00 each. Married Monday Albert Lea Col well and Miss Elizabeth B. Lee were married by Rev. J. M. Wilson, pastor of the North Presbyterian church, Monday night. Prudent saving in war timea Is a hostage for opportunities of peace. Play safe by starting an account with Nebraska Savings & Loan Assn. 211 S. ISth St $1 to J 5.000 received. Entertain Drafted Men The Cham ber of Commerce will entertain the 250 selective men who are to go to Camp Funston Friday afternoon at a luncheon at the club rooms Friday noon. Oranges Take Slump Oranges which have been moving into this territory at a rapid rate have taken another slump in. price. Oranges which formerly sold at 6 cents apiece now are selling for 5 cents. Store Choir To Sine As a special feature of the Liberty day exercises the employes of Burgess-Nash store will sing "Amirica" Friday morning at 10 oVlock. The chorus will be led by the store choir of mixed voices. Repair Dodge Road Large gangs of men and machines are tearing up the Dodge street road in two places, making repairs. The first spot is the hill running west from the George Brandeis home and the second is the curved road just this side of McArdle. Jack Guild Called Jack Guild, who enlisted in the aviation service several months ago and has been awaiting assignment, has been notified to re port at Berkeley, Cal.. to take training in the air school there. For several years Mr. Guild has been the head of the 1'nion Pacific "safety first" de partment. Fine ftreplnce goods at Sunderlands. I NURSES GRADUATED I AT TEMPLE ISRAEL ! Seven Young Women of Wise Hospital Complete Their Studies; Dr. Cohn Gives Address. Seven nurses were graduated last night at Temple Israel at the tenth annual commencement exercises of the Wise Memorial hospital training school for nurses. Two of the gradu ates will leave tonight for Camp Grant to give the benefit of their training to Uncle Sam's boys. The commencement address was de livered by Rabbi Frederick Cohn. "To love infinitely and be loved." Dr. Cohn told the nurses in his ad dress on "Love and Service." is the highest ideal in life. Nothing can be compared with it.'' Colonel J. M. Banister delivered a brief patriotic address in which he urged his hearers to do everything possible to help the nation in the present crsis. ' "Disease has proved more deadly than the sword," asserted Colonel Banister. "The 'value of a woman nurse to a wounded soldier just re covering consciousness cannot be overestimated." Dr. Robert Gilmore, head of the training school committee, also spoke briefly to the nurses and their friends. The invocation and benedic tion were given by Rev. T. J. Mac kay. Miss Helen Soninier, Mrs. S. Newman and V. C. Pennett provided music. Certificates were presented by Dr. O. S. Hoffman, chief of the Wise Memorial staff. "America" was sung by the audience at the close. A dance and reception were given at Itirpiu's academy following the exercises. A luncheon will be eiven Saturday for lhe nurses. The hos pital service nag, bearing 17 stars for the nurses who have left the hospital to serve their country, was hung on the platform. Those graduated were: Misses Claire Nelson, Marie Johnson, Marie Tones, Blanche Gannon. Esther Fisher, Kathryn Nelson and Grace Brooken. Gypsy Smith Will Tell War Experiences in Omaha May 5 Gypsy Smith will speak in Oma ha Sunday afternoon. May 5, under the auspices of the Voting Men's Chistian association. Thousands o! people in the middle west have already heard the story of his experience's along the fighting front, under the title of "Behind the Lines in Francei" R. S. Flower, acting general secre tary of the local Young Men's Chris tian association, says: "His message is powerful and thrilling, and should do much to stimulate the spirit of sac rifice among men and women of this city and country. It will aJso be most helpful to every phase of Christian work in this community." Everybody reads Bee Want Ads. Take Care of Your fires America's greatest need is for ships more ships. Every available vessel is being utilized in government service. Many ships that have been carrying rubber from Su matra and Brazil have been taken for active transport duty. The number now left to bring rubber to this coun try is extremely limited. This will necessarily force a temporary curtailment of tire production. So make the most of the tires you have. Use GOOD, GOOD tires. Take good care of them. Keep them in perfect repair. See that they are properly inflated. Increase their mileage by care ful driving. Keep out of car tracks and away from bumps. Don't scrape the curb or apply brakes too suddenly. Get every mile your tires have in them. Only in that way can you be as sured of your car's continuous serv ice and remember your car is a vital war-time necessity. So, again. 4 Take care of your tires. United States Tires are Good Tires UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY OMAHA BRANCH 9th and Douglas Sts. phone Tyler 840 : I:w v i 1 ISM 0 How Is the Time to wanf '? sav? ny- We have just received the Purchase a Piano first shipment of our spring stock. If you pect to purchas. a rcllshl. instrument at low prlc. you should not fall to vl.lt our spacious' war room , vher you can ... th. targMt I to. f standard piano, ov.r asssmhlod under on. roof. New piano, strictly first class only $278.00 from that prlc. up to th. STEINWAY (th. pl.no without rival), th. Hardman, Emerson, Stf.r A Son., " Schmoller A Muell.r, and many other makes. Evsry piano fully guaranteed. Easy payment. If desired New piano, for Rent. Instruments tuned, repaired, moved and stored at lowest rat... W. s.ll svsrythlng In th. Musio Has. W. Show Many High Grade Us.d Pianos and Playars. 250 Kohler & Chase Upr. 885 $400 Chickerin.fr Upright JEmerBon Upright ..8110 $650 Steitiway Upright. $350 Schmoller & Mueller $175 $450 Capon flayer Schmoller & Mueller 8218 $225 $175 1311.13 Farnam St. Larg.it Piano D.al.rs in th. W..t. PIANO CO. Tel. Douf . 1623 Buy a Lib.rty Bond. TRAINED NURSE GIVES RECIPE FORGRAY HAIR Gives Recipe for Simple Home-Made Remedy That Quickly Darkens It Mrs. A. Dixon, a well known Brook lyn trained nurse, made the follow- ng statement regarding gray hair: 'Streaked, faded or gray hair can be quickly turned black, brown or light brown, by the use of the following remedy that you can make at home: "Merely get a small box of Orlex powder at any drug store. It costs only 25 cents and no extras to buy. Dissolve it in one ounce of water and comb it through the hair. Full direc tions for use come in each box. "You need not hesitate to use Or lex as a $100.00 gold bond comes in each box guaranteeing the user that Orlex does not contain silver, lead, zinc, mercury, aniline, coal-tar pro ducts or their derivatives. "It does not rub off, is not sticky or gummy and leaves the hair fluffy. It will make a gray haired person look twenty years younger." Adv. NO MORE FOOT MISERY ICE-MINT A NEW DISCOVERY STOPS SORENESS AND CORNS FALL OFF. EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS Take a glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys if bladder bothers you. Just a touch or ttao with lee-mint and your corns and tout troubles are ended. It t.kss th. soreness right out, then the corn or rallous shrivels and lifts off. No matter what you have tried or how many times you hav. been disappointed, here is a real help for you at last You will never hav. to cut a com again or bother with bungling tape or plasters. Hard corns, soft eorns or corns between th. toes just shrivel up and lift off so easy. It's wonderful. You feel no pain or soreness when applying Ice-mint or afterward. It doesn't even irritat. th. skin. This new discovery made from a Japanese product is certainly magical the way it draws out inflammation from a pair of swollen, burning, aching feet. Ice-mint imparts such a delightful cooling, soothing feeling to the feet that it Just makes you sigh with relief. It Is the real Japanese secret for fin., healthy littl. fett It is greatly appreciated by wo men who wear high heel shoes. It absolutely prevents foot odors and keeps them sweet and comfortable. It aosts littl. and will give your poor, tired, suffering swollen feet the treat of their lives. 8old and recommended by good drug gists .verywhere. Advertisement. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in Bome form or other, says a well-known author- " ity, because uric acid in meat excites '.. the kidneyB, they become overworked: pet slUp-p-iKh! clop nrj and cause all sorts of distress, particularly back ache and misery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, ' acid stomach, constipation, torpid liv-., pr, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary. irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid-. ' neys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; : take a teaspoonful in a glass of wat-, er before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine; ' This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juce, com- " bined with lithia, and has been used,': for generations to flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lith-ia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs . clean, thus avoiding serious kidney " disease. Advertisement. - A Never Failing Way to Banish Ugly Hairs Sure Way To Get Rid Of Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This de stroys it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning, most, if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will com pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop in stantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid arvon' at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known to fail. Advertisement. (Aids to Beauty) No woman is immune to superflu- ous growths, and because these ard " likely to appear at any time, it is ad visablo to always have some delatone. powder handy to use when the occaT . . sion arises. A paste is made with-i some of the powder and water and r; spread upon the hairy surface; ia about 2 minutes this is carefully re moved and the skin washed. You will then find that your skin is entirely' free from hair or fuzz. Be sure, how- ? ever, to get real delatone. Adv. TAKE CASCARETS AND FEEL DANDY Enjoy life! Don't stay bilious., silk, headachy and constipated. ; H Get rid of bad breath, sour stomach, coated tongue, indigestion. Allien Writing to Our Advertisers Mention Seeing it in The Bee