Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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Constitute Second Contingent
of SecondiDraft; 223 Men
From Omaha Go at 3
Two hundred and twenty-three
drafted men from Omaha will go to
Camp Funston, Kan.," this afternoon.
This is the second contingent of the
second draft In adidtion to the
Omaha men who go, 22 men will go
from other parts of Douglas county.
The men will, leave from the Union
station at 3 o'clock. The Omaha
. drafted men are:
Flint IMtIhIoii.
- Hrman Roth, Evtrett Theodor? DVol,
Frank I Barker,, Emit Olsen. Beptfmui
Baiter. Alfred P. Elmer, Angelo Negro,
fcnthony Glacovelli, Jim Coatanzo, Earl
- leaeph Fleming. Charlea C. Barrett, Aman
Sua J. Schwari, Frank Bcalzo, Thomaa 3.
Murphy, Herman C. Kraft, Douglae W.
Conner, John TIJ. Ooodenow, Mlldmay
9tvan, John MoCrory. Frank C. Seeor. Owen
lo Enjrel, Burrell J. Burreaa. Robert
Brown, Obla McOowan, Elmer Ettleman.
t.jmrtc Tingler, Raymond 10 Ryan, Walter
T. Pearce, Clyda C. Taylor, Lawrence W.
Sanders. Sara Pelts, James F. Anderson.
Anton Elmer Swanson. Louis H. Wallace,
John Leo Mclnerney, Lloyd Leroy Anthony,
William R. O'Donnell, Thomaa Tollefnen,
Walter Nelson, Loulae B. Sllne.
Second Division.
Cislaw Duzynnkl, Frecto Evanoff, George
Wmltrlon, Michael F. Hogan. Frank
xnrplckl, James Corooran, Oeorg E.YBow
dar, George Si'henk. Trlnfoly Poukurko,
' Frank Pohoreky, Vaallis O. Karambourlno
tis, Anton Kaeomenes, Henry E, Under,
Frank 8. Hawllk, William E. Johnson,
Ernst P. Wandborg, Mike Tolnke, Emll R.
Kasner, William H. McMiihon, George G.
Robertson, Alexander Hokum, Kramlel Van
lenbranrh, Lukass Sarnowekl, Clauds Key,
John Pearson, Morris Floou, Frank Mo
fntyre, Clarence J. Thrapp, Clyda Robert,
Theodore J. Lehmter, Almond O. Young
" Ktephen C. Browning, Waslll Tapl. Alllck
W I! helm. Austin W. Sellers, Michael 11a-
tuktewlrx, Anton Kosakowskl, Bert C. Al
bln, Frank .Mlsllvec, f'lyde King, Victor
Keller, Barney Miller. Emmett Lawler., Ar
thur S. Uuehyuekl. John Mrstlk. Emll Peter
ion, Anton Hedarowlcs, Henry Ephralm.
Third Division.
David Fader, Dan N. Fobs, Henry Soils',
Walter Lowe, Charlie D. Stump, Harry
" rissman. Oeorge P. Prevson, Thomas E.
' Woodruff, Oak V. Jefferls, John B. Lea,
Roy B. Hooper, Edward B. Marshall, Hana
' 3, Nielsen, John W. Lobb, Mordica M.
3oMmlth. Harry Mottger. Andrew Peter
inn, Satltlos Plamenos, Herbert England,
Harry rl. Novltsky, Robert L. Ekstrand.
Harry M. Lux, Rufua King. Edward J.
Kessler, David Crlmmlns. Andrew E. Peter-
i inn. Samuel H. Welty. Carl Haftlngs, Ed-
tnund 8. Low, Matthew A. Donohue, Leon
3. Callahan, Samuel P. Suiter, Joseph Bvab,
Iritwrenoa X. Leahy, Noel B. Heath, James
K. Ross, Christian F. Chrlstlanson, Louts
Shaw, Will Naughton, Gum Fong, Jamel
. 0. Crosby, Joseph A. Muerrens. Leonard
MoCrary, Marvin Hlgglnbolham, Brlggs H.
Napier, Clifford -E. Thompson, Charlea N.
... Klrkpatrlck, Robert B. English, Theodore
1, Sullivan, AbneV Punn, Albert L. Mutt,
. U D. Caye, Charlea Bornkamp,, Orvllla E.
v tVeathrely, Thomaa F. Swift.
Fourth IHvl.lon. ' j
Joseph ' Krou pa, Joa Sodlnc, Robert R.
IHtrlok, Thor K. Andresen, Alfred E, Hut
ton, Carmelo Consentino, ('liarteg Uluaelnwn,
Joseph F. Ostronlc, Antonio Angelono, Mil
lard P. Durkea, Victor J. Collins, Paul I.
Nelson, Charlea Iahar, Emll Bonder, Vln
cento Ralmondo, Joseph A. Daly, Arthur H.
Newatrom, Filadelfo Franco, Ham Magglo,
rred A. Bock, Wright W. Cochran, James
Hanson, John Bheohan, Vtnoeimo Cortlgl,
s Isaac Carlson. Kilmer J. Larsen, Jesela
Bavaraco, Angolo Caccoma, Charles F. Han
nigan, Theo, Chrlstenaen, Jerome Chrda,
, I Rtefsno Zaghlme, Hebastlano Ureco, Earl
B., Hall, H. W. McEwan. Merrll F. Boyd,
Luciano Valla. Joseph Sacca, Martin, Altera,
New Vapor Way
of Treating all
Cold Troubles
. .j-
North Carolina Druggist In
vents a Salve That it
Vaporized by the
Body Heat
Noel B. Heath, Bee Man, Leaves
For Funston Friday Afternoon
One more star will be added to
The Bee's service flag Friday. Noel
B. Heath, purchasing agent and man
ager of the engraving department of
The Bee, will be one of the 50 odd
representatives of stalwart American
manhood who will leave for Camp
Funston from the third district oi
Mr. Heath has been a member oi
The Bee family for four and one half
years. He started as an engraving
salesman, was promoted to the posi
tion of assistant purchasing agent and
later became purchasing agent and
manager of the engraving department.
He has acted in the latter capacity for
more than a year.
Before joining The Bee. Heatlrwas
assistant cashier of the Missouri Pa
cific in Omaha. He has lived in
Omaha seven years, coming here from
Bray ton, la., the place of his birth.
William J. Elsasser, Joseph Padronzek.
Joseph E. Hollander, L. D. Harrington,
Morris Rivers, Ray McMahan, Mlka G.
Cradowskl, Joa Sacca, Herman Mercurlo,
lovannl Collettl, Ben Qulnie, Frank J.
FszanowskL Tony J. Rltzo, Joseph Frlcaro,
George W. Bennett, William Tamma, John
J. Btefacek, Frank H. Newstrom, Frank A.
Tumi, Joseph J. Treglla, Emll Singer, Wil
liam Larson, Edward Retains. William Gib-
aon, Samuel M Mlchaelis. John A. Klein,
Nick Salvo.
Fifth Division.
C. E. Wells. J. F. Eckert, F. C. Mohrman,
Thomas M. Davis, A. F. Rustln, H. O.
Bolln, F. H. PeckhamJ. E. Oberruter, O. G.
Whltham, John W. Berlage, James V.
Kelley, Frank Toung, Charles A. Frye,
Harry J. Unlit, E. L. Mots, Carmelo Mar
glametl. Clair J. Haurahan, Alex H.
nideaux, A. Michael Absey, L. O. Koll, Ed
w.tftl W. A. Diets, Roy O. Kratz, Edward
White, Jr.; Jullua E. Nordstrom, Harold P.
Gideon, W. Puckett, Frank Harvey, Carl
E. Borg, William M. Loader, W. C. Baker,
Arthur Nelson, Thomas W. Cullen, Oscar W.
Johnson, Thomas R. Hughes, Edward J.
Tully, Paul T. Leonard, Clyde B. Guye, Jor
dan R. Schoble, George J. Sheblleky, Fred
J. Borgboff, Joseph H. Koran. J. O. Olsen,
Charlea A. Plxler, Fred C. Nelson, John
Mengles, Joseph M. Lovely, Frank Romano,
C. Jerome Paslnger, A. Loula J. Juergens.
Returns to Omaha.
egram.) Ben Rosenthal, president of the
Union Outfitting company of Omaha, who
haa been in Wi,hitifinii tnw atf ,WA
on his way boms from Now Tork, left to-
mem ior ins -xiaie t uy.
ixntfHU 4CXUtm. JfjllUBIl niii m
French Envoy Makes Plea
For More Ships and Men
Washington, April 25. "Send at
once as many men as you can; build
as many ships as your shipyards can
turn out and we will, all together, win
the war."
Edouard De Billy, deputy French
high commissioner, just back from
France, said todavthis was the mes
sage he brought tf the American peo
ple from the front.
"I want to tell you," he said, "what
a high opinion all of the French of
ficers have expressed of the American
men and soldiers. I heard unanimous
praise from the commanders of our
armies as well as from the officers of
lower rank, neighbors of your battal
ions on the battle line, and I am very
happy to bring you this message from
Market Remains in Sluggish
State Stirred in Either Di
rection Onlj by Profes
sional Trading.
New Tork. April 25. Variable strength
among specialties, mostly of obscure origin,
and the sluggishness of Investment Ispues,
notably rails, wer the contrasting features
of today's superficial stock market. Trad
ing lapsed Into the somnolent state which
attended the early day of the current
month, evidently lacking impulse In either
direction. Price changes resulted entirely
from the operations of professional In
terests. Only In one noteworthy Instance did
foreign sffalrs find direct reflection. Royal
Dutch oil registered an extreme decline of
3 points, presumably In conection with
the tense diplomatic relations between
Holland and Germany. Ralls were com
pletely eclipsed, many active Issues re
maining unquoted, while others reached 1
to 4 points. .Chief among these were
Canadian Pacific and Its subsidiary, "Soo"
preferred, also Union Pacific.
St. Paul Issues rose 1 to 2 points In the
early afternoon, evidently In anticipation
of favorable dividend action, but surrender
ed their gains and more before the close.
Popular Industrials. Including equipments,
were disposed to ease, but fertilizers, oils,
distillers. Industrial alcohol, and low
priced utilities were 1 to S points better at
times, yielding later with motors and
tobaccos, Sumatra tobacco reacting from
its new maximum.
Bonds were Irregular and featureless on
reduced offerings, Liberty Issues easing
slightly. Total sale (par value) aggre
gated (4.250.000. U. S. bonds (old Issues)
Were unchanged on call.
List of stocks and number of sales yes
terday: Closing
Salee. High, Low. bid.
Am. Beet Sugar.. 400 73 734 13
American Can 5,500
Am. Car and F. 000
Am. Locomotive .. 200
Am. S. & Refg.. 1.100
Am. Sugar Refg
Am. Tel. and Tol 14,800
Am. Z.. L. and 8..
Erie .
General Electric..
General Motors
Gt. Northern pfd..
Gt North. Ora Ctf 1000 2i
Illinois Central
Insp. Copper 6.500 12
Int. Mer. Ma. pfd. 2,00ft 87 M
Inter. Nickel
International Paper 6.500 41
K. C. Southern .. '400 li
Ken. Copper .... l,200j ZiM
Lou. & Nah, .r. .
.Max. Motors
1.900 20
too ii'vi
1,400 83
200 44H
Mx. Petroleum . .
Miami Copper
Mo. Paoifle
Montana Power ..
Nevada Copper ..
N. Y. Central
X. Y.. N. H. & H..
Nor. & . Western . .
North. Pacific . .
Pacific Mali
Pac. Tel. & Tel..
Pennsylvania . ..
Pittsburgh Coal ..
Hay Cona. Copper .
Rep. Iron & Steel. .
Shattuok Ariz. Cop.
S. Pacific
S. Railway 300 2014
Stud. Corporation.. 13,200 35
Texas Co. 400 143
Union Pacific ..7. 000 lis
U. S. I. Alcohol ... 4,000 126 K'
U. S. Steel .- 87,300 94
200 110
200 79
..... .... .... 14H
200' 143 141 . 141
,S00 117 115 116
.... 88
.... 95
61 51
86 86
.... 28
39 40
15 IS
33 12
.... Ill'
.... 29
6.000 94
20 20
19 19
S2 92
28 28
U. "S. Steel pfd
Utah Copper . . .
Wabash pfd "B'
western Union
West. Elecerlc .... 200 40
Total sales for the day. 280.000
600 28
83 83
.... 30
44 44
500 24- 24y24
4,100 81 80 60
900 80 '80 80
200 16 16 16
20 20
33 S4
144 143
118 118
123 123
93 94
110 110
79 79
.... 93
40 40
Dealings Light at Opening, Due to Early
, Lack of Wkr News.
New Tork, April 25. Price changes at the
Irregular opening of today's stock, market
were- again confusing. 4
Advances of 1 to 2 points in Gulf States
Steel, Sumatra Tobacco, Distillers, Interna
tional Paper. Cotton OH and Virginia-Carolina
Chemical were balanced by a loss of
2 points In Royal Dutch OU and frac
tional recessions' in United StaSh Steel, the
motors, coppers and active equipments.
Dealings were light, the early lack of war
news causing further v restraint. Liberty
bonds were easier. v
Many inactive specialties extended their
gains in the first hour, chiefly fertilizers,
Tennessee Copper and such utilities as Phil
adelphia Company, United Railways and
Ohio Gas. Mexican oils were unaffected by
the break In Royal Dutch, which reflected
tension In the relatione between Holland
and Germany. Later the market became
dull and Irregular, war bulletins exerting
their usual Influence." American Telephone
was freely offered, losing almost 2 points.
Liberty 3s sold at 99 to 99.08, first 4s at
96.68 to 96.74 and second 4s at 96.70 to 96.74.
New Tork Honey.
Mercantile paper Four and six months.
S per cent.
Sterling Sixty-day bills. 14.72; com
mercial 60-day bills on banks, 84.72; com
mercial 60-day bills. $4.71; demand,
$4.75 7-16; cables, $4.78 7-16.
Silver Bar, 99c; Mexican dollars, 77c.
Bonds Government and railroad bonds,
Time Loans Steady: 60 days, 6 and S
per cent; St days and sHx mon.ths, i and
f per eenL- I m ..'
Call Money Steady: high, 41; lo, 1:
ruling rate, 4; closing bid, 8; offered at
4; last loan, 4. . ' 1
0. a 2a, reg... 17 G. N. lsit 4s 86
U. S. rs, coupon 97 'L C. ret) 4s..... 79
U. 8. 3s, reg... 99 'Int. M . jtf. 6s.. 91
U. a 3s, coupon 99 K. C. a rt, 5s.. 78
U. S. 'Lib. 3a 99.10 L. & N. ui4s.. 83
TJ. S. 4s, reg.. 105 M K t T 1st 4s 82
U. S. 4s. coup. .105 M. P. gen.Us.... 67
Am. For. Sec. 6s 96 Mont. Powar 6s.. 88 .
Am. T A T clt 6s 92 N. Y. C. dleb. 6s 93
Anglo-French -s 90 N. Pacific Us.... 80
Arm. ft Co. 4s 84 N. Pacific 3s.. 67
Atchison gen. 4a 81 0. S. L. rlef. 4s 81
B. & O. cv. 4s 78 Pac. T. &IT. 5s 91
Beth. Steel r. 6s 89 Penn. con. 4s.. 96
Cen. Leather 5s 94 Penn. gen. 4s 89
Cen. Pacific 1st 79 Reading gen. 4s 82
C. & O. cv. 6s.. 79 S L Jk S F a 6s 61
C B & Q Joint 4s 92 S. Pas. cv. 6s.. 92
C M & S P c 4 73 Southern Hy 6s 24
,C R I & P r 4s 65 Tex. A PaA 1st S4
C. & S. ret. 4s 70 'Union Pac. Us.. 86
D. & R. G. ref. 5s 47 U. S. Rubber! 5a. 78 W
... c.-i '.r aii
v. oi v. 6lf ....mfe u. o. oieei
Erie gen. 4s. .. . 63 Wabssh
Gen. Electric 5s 95 French
luoDen OS.. (or
Steel '(6s.. 97
1 1st L... 92
5s.... 95
London Money.
London, April 25. Money 2 D(er cent
Discount Rates Short bills, 8 per cent;
three months' bills. 3 9-1S per cent.
Silver Bar, 49 d per ounce.
99 99
Ananconda Copper
Atchison ........
At. O.&W. I. S. L.
Bait. & Ohio
B. and S. Copper
Cal. Petroleum . .
Can. Pacific
Central Leather ,.
Ches. & Ohio ....
C. ; M. St S. P
Chi. & North weat..
C, R. I. & P. ctfs.
Chlno Copper ...
Colo. Fuel ft Iron. .
Corn P. Refining..
Crucible Steel ....
Cuban Cane Sugar
600 107
700 61
200 20
400 16
63 63
80 82
106 ln
50 61
19 19
16 18
800 138 137 137
2.900 66 65 65
1,300 39 37
Distillers' Securities 49.800
This Great Value-Giving Store Offers
Come Tomorrow and Saturday
Special-300 Prs.
Women's New D.
stylish r umps
Fine Black ff
Patent Colt P
Smart, Snug
Fitting Last
Ooze Lined,
Leather Louis
Heels, Street
800 Pair Oxfords
Particularly Valuable to Moth-
: ers with Small Children. Local
. Druggists Are Offering 25c
Jars on 30 Days' Trial.
Colds are simply inflammations of
t.h air nnsftncp and awervhndv knnwa
, that the only way to reach the air
. passages direct is oy means oi vapors
that ran bn inhaled. Tha nM.fath.
ioned vapor treatments, however,
were cumbersome and costly, bat a
North Carolina draovtat anlvad this
y problem by inventingr a salve that is
vanorized bv tha hodv hpaf-
This preparation, known as Vick's
isyvuuui is nun uciuk inkruuuceu
' harft. Tha local drnccHnfa knnnr tha
danger of constant "dosing," espe
cially to small children and are anxi-
ous that all their customers should
try this new "outside" treatment Ar-;
rangements have accordingly been I
- made with tha manufacturers in aall
; the small size jars, price 25c, on 30 J
nays trial no charge to be made if
the customer is not delighted with
the results.
' - For deen chest rolda. enro ttimat
bronchitis, tonsilitis, or incipient
pneumonia VapoRub should be ap
- ' . plied over the throat and chest and
coverea wnn a warm iiannel cloth.
The vanora ariainir ram 4-Via
, . j O J lUWI-
cation, with each breath, to the air I
passages and lungs. In addition Vapo-
I Rub is absorbed through and stimu
lates the skin, taking out that tight-
ness and -soreness in tha hoof
For head colds, hay fever, catarrh
pr asinmatic troubles VapoRub. can
either be applied up the nostrils or a
little melted in a atinnn anI ilia
vapors inhaled. Croup is usually re-
uevea wiuiin 10 minutes ana one ap
" plication at bedtime prevents a night
aiwita,. -autci uacuicuu
With Stylish Louis
Brown g
The newest novelty styles Louis
heels of enameled leather with street
soles. They are surely a splendid
bargain. - A
r jff Write
IV Our
' S New
r Style
Get Yours
at Once
Be Sure and Bring the
Boys and Girls
Very Special
liira a
Stamn "! ! 1 n.
with Each tnua s atrao
Pair Chil
Nobby little One and twn st.rnn
styles, in patent and dull, with
spienaia leather soles: Sizes 8V2 to
ax ana o to at only i ,
A Thrift Stamp With Each Pair.
It is oxmecessary for voo to suffer with
eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and
x timflaf sua trovtHes. a urae temo,
DbtaJned at any drag store for 85c at
flXO for extra large bottle, andromptly
anolied will usually sive instant reiki
froo itching torture. It cleanses and
ontnes tne sJcm ana neats quiauy ana
eseaivenr most sua diseases,
' Zemo t$ a wooderfuL Destrttinz. dis
eppearina liquid and to soothing to ths
most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is
easily applied and costs little. Get If
ttisg and save all further distress.
TbeE,W.RgstC.CkreUn(l,a , ,
Child's Roman
A Thrift Stamp With
v Each Pair. ff
Dressy little strap
boots of patent and
dull. All sizes. In
sizes 6 di AC
to 8 at.. vl.0
Children's White
Lace Shoes
A Thrift Stamp With "
Each Pair.
The newest style of
white Queen's cloth.
Sizes 11 to 2 at $2.95;
sizes 8 W do AC
to 11 at.. vAeTO.
fextra Quality Calf
School Shoes for
Little Men
Nobby little roulid toe, button and
lace style, with extra strong; soles
Sizes21, to at $2.45s sizes 1
IV2 and 2 at $2.25, and sizes 9 to
I3y2 at ,
'A Thrift Stamp With Each Pair
Boys English
'7- Shoes
A Thrift Stamp With
Each Pair.
Genuine Black Calf.
Sizes 2i to 6, $3.45.
Sizes 13 tO QE
to 2 at..
Boys English
Dress Shoes
A Thrift Stamp With
- Each Pair.
The new English last,
dull calf and Ehglish
heel. Young men's
sizes, $2.95; v
youths .r $2.45
a Remarkable Cash Value in Our 31st Anniversary Sale
. Metal Market. Tork, April 25. Metal itchartgt
quoi;,leal flrra; 17.1007.25; apeltef. qulef,
spot, liast St. Louts, offered at 1 6' 5.
lot and aruturaa,
tin, apot A'nd fu-
apelter. spot. 54 : futurta. fliD.
At London: Copper apot
110; electrolytic, 125;
tures, 350;
We Under Buy; We Under Sell
Aa 8-Hour Store ! s 1 1
, Opena at 9 a. m., 1 I
Closea 6 p. nt., ',
Except Saturdaya, ! I I
Opena 10 a. m., I I
Cloaea 7 p. m. I I
r laid
; Bar.
w f r ?
Aa 6-Hour. Stai)
Open at 9 a. ml ' -
Cloaea 6 p. m.J
Except Saturday!
Open 10 a. mj
Cloaea 7 p. m.'.
Superior Values in
Wanted Spring and Summer Silks
Anniversary Sale Specials That Should Crowd Our
Daylight Silk Department From Opening Till
Closing Time Friday
3,000 Yards of Plain and Novelty Dress Silks in short lengths of V2 to 10 yards. 1
A vaned assortment of serviceable Silks, suitable-. for tnmmings, waists and
dresses. They are 24 to 40 inches wide, . Aft and AO
in two lots, at, .' G 9UC
15 pieces of Pongee
Silk in the new spring
colors, 32 inches wide
a fine summer fa
bric, worth y0A
75c, at 40C
36-inch Silk Poplin, in
great demand for spring
wear; a gbod line of. col
ors, including navy, wine,
brown, green, wistaria
and black; fTJ
specially priced, t)C
Friday, at
4$)ieces of 36-inch Nov
elty Striped Silks and All
Silk Foulards, in new col
ors and designs. Stylish,
practical silks ior spring
and summer
wear; special,
36-inch Chiffon Dressy
Taffetas, in a good line of
colors. This is a splendid
quality Taffeta, regular-
ly worth $2.00 per yard.
While 15 pieces
last, Friday,-"'
Extra Special 20 pieces of Silk Poplin in Black and White checked effects,
some with colored prints. This is a fine quality that will r r 1
give satisfaction. They are worth today 75c per yard, TO iQ,
v nut vuvjr laoii x jr . . . .
Matchless Anniversary Sale Specials In
Main Floor Annex Friday Several
Splendid Special Lots
Coats and
Suits, Coats and Dresses that sold at
$10.00, $12.50, QC
Friday yliW
Suits, Coats and Dresses, sold up
: 58.95
Suits and Dresses, sold up CIO OR
to $20.00, Friday
Women's and Misses' Middies,
worth $1.00, slightly A(U
soiled, at wo
Wash Waists, slightly soiled and
mussed from handling, O Q C 7 anrl 1 Oft aVVW
f V A. f W V V4J. f -J. a
Women's and Misses Cloth Dress
Skirts, worth $3.00, Q1 QO
$4.00, Friday Vl-TO
Women's Taffeta Silk Skirts, worth
$4.00, $5.00, 98
Women's Sateen Petticotts, 1 AA
$2.00 values,' at liUU
Children's S c h ool
Dresses, sizes 6 to
Little Tots' Coats,
up to 6 years,
worth up to $5.00,
Friday, M QC
at . .... P1.JJ
Sweaters, for small
women and misses,
worth $1.50 and
$2.00, 70 a
Friday .... IVC
14, worth 75c and
$1.00, Fri- CQ
day, at. . . . uJL
i f
Long Flannelette
Kimonos, worth $1,
5??:.,,. -59c
Anniversary Specials
Shoes Friday
95 c
Women's Satin Pumps
withf lat and chiffon
bows, satin roseie cen
ters, assorted'" colors,
broken sizes with lovr.
and high heels; $3.00"
values; Haydens Cash
Price, Friday,
at ..........
Women's Shoes, sizes
2 to 4, narrow widths
A to C ; gun metal, pat
ent and kidskin ; former
price up to $4.00 to'
close quickly, Friday,
Hayden's Cash (M r A
price - plJll
Boys' Patent Leather
button shoes, Goodyear
welt oak soles; a' good
$3.50 sller; Hayden's
Cash Price, M QQ
at ... pl.a70
Infants' Kid and Patent
Shoes, turn soles, a trnnA
s$1.00 seller; Hayden's
Cash Price,
at . ,
SnpnD) at your deal
lAJT er's and get an-
eye full of ne Lanpher hat ideas.
You'll find some corking new styles
and the, same always-right qualiry
in your old friend the v .
Lanpher Hat