ft THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 2G. 1918. 13 -r r I IV V HELP WANTED. 1 ' Male and Female, "VHji Men, ladlea end box, learn learni! .,i..,.r i.. strictly modern. Call or writ Jodg St. Trl-CUy Barber College. D. 1147. GIRLS. Boy and Men can obtain ateady em ployment and good wage at tGGERSS-0;FLYING CO., Fifteenth and Loaven , worth Street. f "As XED IMMEDIATELY Men, women, veniment war positions, 1100 month. ..llto for list Franklin Institute, Dept. "If r Pnxhaatar. M MOL R Barber College want young men lmdiea to learn the barber trade. Call an S'-lwrlte lor free catalogue. 110 a 14th ol-j Omaha. Neb. Mlp wanted female Stores and Offices. wa; ttf'rirrt Yniin ' ladv for file clerk one wJth high achool education preferred; Jod chance for advancement; atate edu i'Vtion. age, experience It any. Box (431, knaha Bee, ETED Office girl for light work In in,'. AfflpA Annlv Frldav morning. to 11 o'clock. (31 City National Bank ulldtng. fcNOGRAPHER and clerk, bank, out of lown, ML :STEKN REFERENCE A BOND A5S N S1jBNOQRAPHERS, 90-S5-78-66-o0. lookkeeper. $85-$75-$65. iriTTa vitt rn iur 1st NaL Bk. Ir a good position of ant kind !EE VS AT ONCE. THE CANO AGENCY, (00 BEE BLDQ, Professions and Trades. OIRL! GIRLS I tinted Twenty-five girl to work In pack ing department; 89 per week to start, IT EN BISCUIT CO., 10th and Capitol Ave. WANTED MACHIX1-: GIRLS. Nebraska Tent & Awning J , Co. 1204 Farnam Street. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Young ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. 15 GIRLS WANTED TO HELP WIN THE WAR Canvas work. Power machines. Experience not necessary. Apply Forelady, Third Floor. Scott-Omaha Tent & Awn ing Co., 1501 HOWARD ST. WANTED 20 girls, experience on power aewlng machines. Experienced operators can earn from 112 to $15 per week. LIg.it, clean, steady work. Two weeks' guaran tee given new beginners. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709-11 South 15th St. WANTED A lady masseuse at the LaBelle Bath Institute. 1608 Harney. Doug. 7046 TWO . LADIES to fearn haTrdreaslngT . Madams Wilson, 1510 Douglas St Saleswomen and Solicitors. SOLICITORS Experience unnecessary. Salary and expenses; call or phone Mr. Schmidt, Castle Hotel. WANTED Lady collector (single), not afraid of work or weather. 22 Arlington block, 1 to 6 o'clock. ' Household and Domestic. WANTED Girl between 25 and 35 years of age for general housework and to 'care for IS months old baby. Wages $10 per week. Must bs able to take 'full , charge and have city references. Call Colfax 13(8. WANTED White girl for general house- work In family of three; ne general ' washing; house cleaning all done. Refer- ences necessary. Tel. Walnut 1755, TO THE OIRL who desires to work In a ' home where good treatment Is extended and wages fairly good, wUl do well by calling Harney 4286 or Harney 2268. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework where second girl 1 kept. - No washing. Mrs. W. D. Hostord, 526 8. 87th St. Harney 87. WANTED A motherly woman aa houae keeper In family of two. "Apply to O. E. Bin hart at Benos, Council Bluffs, for par- tieulars. , WHITE girl to assist with light housework, small family. Phone or write Mrs. J. J. Qrabow, 4902 Walnut St., Omaha, Neb. WHITE girl t5 assist with housework; house cleaning done; good wage and small fam lly. Call Walnut 8686. 6008 Capitol Ave. WANTED At once, white girl for general . housework; no cooking or washing. Tel ' ephone Harney 4672. 1335 S. 36th Ave. ' , WANTED Competent maid for general .housework; no washing; three In family; good wages. Harney 6428. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework. Mrs. Ralph Peters, ' 614 S. 40th. Harnoy 205. WANTED Girl for general housework. , ' Mrs. A. D. Peters. 1931 S. 33d St. Tele V phone Harney 6272. WANTED An experienced eecoild glrL Ap ply to Mrs. C. T. Kountze, 3925 Dewey - avenue. Harney 224. WANTED A good laundress with good references. Apply Mrs. W. H. McCord, 620t. Davenport St. s. WANTED Dining room girl at County Hospital, $26.00. room board and washing. " Tel. Harney 662. : . 'WANTED A girl for general housework, no washing, $8 a week. Telephone Har . ney 6072. , YOUNG white girl to help with child and : light work; good home. Telephone Wal nut 1621, CAPABLE girl for general housework- two - .In family. (04 South 36th Street. Har j. ney 4355. . WANTED A girl or woman to do general housework. Call Tyler 1918; ask for Jesse Smith. WHITE girl to asstyt with the housework; mall family. 6008 Capitol Ave. Walnut 8686. iV ANTED A competent cook at 208 S, 33d St. Tel. Harney 1647. GlRL for general housework; no washfngT Harney 607. ?IRL for general housework; no washing. Harney 2238. EDUCATIONAL Van S.ant School of Business Day and Evening Schools. lit Omaha National Bank Bldg Dousrlns 5S90 EDUCATIONAL . BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. - Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer. clal and English branches. Catalogue tree. 90YLES COJLLEGE. Douglas 1566. 8tn nd HlTS-'t-f. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you fall to find the room you , desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. New lists Issued every week. SUITE of front rooms. (4 per week; would like to get plain working people; every thing furnished; act quickly; snap. 615 S. 25th Ave. LARGE desirable room facing Turner Park. Beautiful West Farnam district. Walking distance. 116 S. 81st Ave. MODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine. (08 North 17th St Reason able rent. MODERN furnished rooms at the Sunshine apartments. (08 N. 17th 8t $1.50 per week. 818 S. 19TH ST. Close-in, two large nicely furnished rooms. SIX rooms, modern house. 1016 S. 20th St; 815 per month. ' Housekeeping Rooms. 3007 SOUTH 20TH ST., two-room apartment, furnished complete for house keeping 814 per month; would care for child during day. Red 6287. 2822 Farnam Three- nice housekeeping rooms, electrlo lights, gas range, sink, re frigerator. MODERN, nicely furnished rooms; beauti ful location; no children. Harney 6664. FOR RENT Light housekeeping 2018 Harney St. NICE clean Howard. housekeeping rooms, 1611 Board and Room, EXCLUSIVE modern room and board to re fined business people. Home cooking. Instantaneous heater, lawn and shad,-. Walking distance. Reference exchanged. Box 6405 Bee. 20 8. 33D, THE BRANSFORD HOTEL Is a new and modern fireproof building, home surroundings, for refined people; select neighborhood: excellent service. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO or three unfurnished rooms to young girl cr couple without children. 1514 N. 17 th St. FOR RENT HOUSES Wrst. 2502709 Farnam; 2 bath rooms, eloctrlc lights; excellent location. GLOVER & SPAIN. Douglas 3862. 919-20 City Nafl Bk. FOR RENT May 1st, eight-room new brick house, modern In every respect. 2617 Hsr ney St., $50. Young & Doherty, 122 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 1571. GARDEN, 4128 N. 38th, 6-r., $16. 8018 Marcy, 7 rooms modern, 835.00. John N. Frenzer, Douglas 664. North. HOUSE FOR RENT. Five room modern house. Strictly first class. 2731 Seward. $15. 4 LARGE rooms with bath, second floor, $10. Also barn. 26o9 Seward St. Tel Red 682 South. 5-ROOM Cottage, 2470 South 18th St. $12.50 monthly. H. W Binder, Douglas 1264. 1820 Vinton street en?fcf?xcopt heat. Six large rooms, mod' Phone D. 7701. Miscellaneous. HAVE two furnished houses for rent. Prices $60.00 and $30.00 per month re spectively. F. J. FITZGERALD, 140 Bee Bldg. Harney 1745. Douglas 4313. 2028 GRACE ST., 8-r., mod. house, $20. 1816 Corby St., 6-r., pt. mod. house, $17.50. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., 805 S. 18th St. Douglas 721. REALTORS. $10105 S. 2Slh, 4 rooms, newly papered, $352852 St. Mary's, 12 rooms, furnace. $45 2007 St. Mary's, 10 room mod., brick. Rlngwalt Bros., Brandels Thea. Bldg. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS & CO., BEE BLDG. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 729. Shopen A Co., Rentals. Douglas 4228. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. MONTEREYE Apartments, 145 N. J Kb, St. 6 rooms, $56.00. 8 rooms, $35.00. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO. HAMILTON APTS., fireproof; fine lawn and flowers during summer; best location, 24th and Farnan. Prices reasonable. Call D. 1472. 316 N. 25TH Duplex flat. 7 rms., $32.60. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler l.r.3i. 333 Securities Bldg. SUBLEASE, 3-room apartment, with five room accommodations, $35. Call Harney 25X0. North. BEAUTIFUL, strictly modern, four and five room apartment. Sethlow Ter race, 16th and Yates. Webster 932 and Webster 4328. South 6-ROOM apartment; strictly modern; Jani tor service; desirable location, Doug. 6392. Miscellaneous PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists In Apartment management. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT loth and Douglas, 20x 60, steam heat, rent $116 per month. WORLD REALTY CO. Douglas 6342. Sun Theater Bldg. MODERN store, 16th near P. O. Low rent. Q. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room. THE Bee building has offices that will please you. Better Investigate. Key stone Investment Co.. Tyler 131. WANTED TO RENT WANTED A small bungalow or cottage, not too far out. State rent. Box 6458, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE FREE RENTAL SERVir-rc FIDELITY Phone Dougla 288 for complete iisi or vacant houses and apart ments Also for storage, moving. mm ana Jackson Sts. J C REEH Express Co., Moving. t. J. 1UUU Packing and Storage. I07Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE-CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 8400. Have your moving handled Just a you would an order for new furniture. That' the way we do It. Ask to see our dally rental lists FIREPROOF WiHir.wnTTCw Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 8. 16th. Dougla 4168. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real servlc In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. New 5-Room Bungalow and One Quarter Acre $250 cash and $25 per month buys brand ,M bungalow, oak floors and hardwood .finish throughout. Located a 43d and Oak Sts. Price $2,975. .The Byron Reed Co. ' Plioii" Douglas 297. 212 S. Klh. vi:st KAKNAM ti-room liuncu Imv. ait ' modern, lot 60x128. fine shade trees. Pr. I $3,500. C. A. Urinimtl.' i'hviis D. mi. I REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. KOUNTZE PLACE -OWNER LEAVING CITY Seven rooms, strictly modern, full two story house; 4 rooms on the first floor finished in oak floors and oak woodwork; J rooms and open sleeping porch on second floor; full cement basement, furnace heat; large lot, on paved street; paving paid. Price of this property Is 14,000, to be handled on reasonable terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 537 Om. Nat. Bk. Rldg. D. 1781. DAJfDY COTTAGE BARGAIN PRICE ONLY $2,100. Five rooms and bath, partly modern, choice south front lot, 43x142 feet. $S00 down and $20 per month. Near 24th and I .a rim ore Ave. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om, Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. 4 ROOMS 2 LOTS Have a foui'-room house, In good repair, which I will sell on easy payments. Has city water and electric lights. Phone Douglas 3628. HOUSE AND GARAGE, $3,500. Square style, ( rooms and bath, all modem, nice garage, large lot, paving paid, near 16th and Evans Sts.; $500 cssb, balance monthly. TEBBENS. THE REALTOR. 605 Omaha Nat. Bank. Phone D. .2181. 6-R., nearly now, oak finish; 2-story home, garage, on paved Plnkney, 13,500; 1500 cash. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne BMg., Tyler 111. WE SELL, Rent, Insure and make Loans on City property, North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames Ave. Col. Jit. KOUNTZE PLACE Modern s-room bouse.' full basement, large lot, close to car. Price 13.360. Norrls A Norrls. D. 4270. Ml"N NHS litis A home nd'Tota o f f e rt h e beet opportunity so Invest your money. Phone Tvler 187. South U-P.OOM mod. house, Hanseom Park dis trict, hardwood finish. 8300 cash. V. 11. HATES. 61 Om. Nat. nit. Bldg. Pong. 1294. Miscellaneous. SIX HOME BARGAINS 4522 N. 86T1I ST. Five rooms and bath on one floor; large floored attic; full cemented basement; oak floors, col onnade and finish In living and din lng rooms; large built-in kitchen cabinet; strictly mod.! electricity, gas, city water, sewer; half block to car; two blocks to school, $3,150; $500 cash, bal. monthly. 1817 Locust St. Six rooms, den and bath all strictly modern; on paved street paving all paid; two blocks from car line; fine residence section. $3,150; $500 rash, bal. monthly. 3490 Taylor St. Seven rooms and bath, all strictly mod.; oak floors; one block to car, $2,650; $300 cash, bal. monthly. S494 Taylor St. Five rooms and bath: all strictly mod.; oak floors; one block to car; $2,650; $300 cash, bal. monthly. 401! Nicholas St. Seven rooms and bath; all strictly mod.; cathedral district; g block to car, $3,200; $500 cash, bal. monthly. 44th Ave. and Pratt Four rooms and two lots; new neighborhood; four blocks to enr, $1,850; $75 cash, bal. $18 mo. Call Wal. 3613 for Appointment to Show Properties. Chas. Henning & Son, BUNGALOW. New, (-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; near car line. Price, $4,000. Term. 1600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Blk. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. Douglas 6018. W. FARNAM SMTtH- CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St Doug. 1084. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Electric Bldg. Tyler 86. BUSINESS property and Investment. A. P. TUKEY and SON, 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business and Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodge Bte. Douglas 416. REAL ESTATE To Exchange 7-ROOM house, modern except heat. Cash value $2,600, will trade for house In Aberdeen, S. D. O. A. Erlandson, Het tinger, N. D. WILL take touring car worth $1,000 on 160 acres near Gordon, Sheridan Co.; land mostly good black loam; act quickly. D. 1472. GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease. 211 Bran. Th. Bldg. REAL ESTATE Investment MOST UNUSUAL BARGAIN Owner desire to sell at once a very desirable, almost new, double brick flat, rented for $840 per year. Located close in. Price only $7,800. Want offer at one. Call Dougla 1471. REAL ESTATE- Unimproved ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN, tl A WEEK. PAYNE & SLATER CO. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN HIGH and sightly Dundee lots, $876 to $1,160. Easy terms, loan arranged for building purpose. Phone D. 5074, Shuler ft Cary. Realtor. Benson. A HALF ACRE PLOWED and PLANTED $25 CASH $7 A MONTH Also, use of adjoining half-acre free; also plowed and harrowed ready to plant. The one piece Is planted to potatoes. This Is a beautiful level piece, high, sightly and an Ideal home site; easy walking dis tance to end of Benaon car line. Buy this and put In a garden at once. Price only $550. I HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. Phone Tyler 50. BIG BENSON SNAP ONLY $3,200. Act Quickly Ground 75x128; nice garden, plenty of fruit, chicken house; permanent walks all around; nifty S-roomj mod ern house, excellently located 2540 No. 65th St. (Benson). 11-2 blocks south of car line. Direct from Owner. FAIRACRES 1 About 1 acres on Dodge street. In Falracres, This I a nice, south front, close to beautiful home, and la the cheapest acresge In this high-class dis trict. Price for quick sale, $3,450. J. L. HIATT CO., Qflfl FIRST NAT'L. BK. BLDG. FHON TYLB 7 ACRES Northwest of Ber Some of the finest valley land PTac- that can be had near Omaha: tlcnlly level. In good location.; 'Jre land YH mile Is increasing In value fast; 1rom west Benson,' paved roj motor fery easy tn or four eh. Harney St. bus lino. Price $500 per aol terms; will divide and sell acres if seven acres is toi HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1 PHONE TY r ."--It. mod., oak finish; lot son, $;.2.'0; $00 cash; RASP URV8: iJO Kuelsno 4-'. In Bon- : fact. , Tyler 731. i REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE HOME 4802 UNDERWOOD AVE. Owner has Instructed us to cut the price for quick sale on this nearly new 7-room home, which Is located on a corner lot, south and east front, on paved street, within one block of far line. Has reception hall, dining room, living room and kitchen ou first floor; three bedrooms and sleeping porch (en closed so that It practically makes 4 bedrooms) on second floor; also stair way to attlo for store room: full bnse ment; oak floors on first floor. Only takes (500 cash to hnndle, balance the same as rent Please do not bother the tenant, but cstll us up by 'phone If you want to go through the house. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. Phone Tyler 60. DUNDEE SPECIAL IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $5,150 8 rooms, modern, oak floors through out; living room, dining room, kitchen and den on the first floor, Including fire place and built-in bookcases; 4 large bed rooms on the second floor one a heated sleeping porch; tile bath, linen closet; one large bedroom on the third floor; heated lavatory; full cemented basement, good furnace; extra toilet; full else lot: con venient to car. This will be sold Monday without fall. Terms. GLOVER & SPAIN v DniiRlas 3962. M-!0 City National GOOD DUNDEE HOME IMMEDIATE POSSESSION This is a 7-room, 2-story, well built, modern nome, with reception room, living room nnd dining room. flMihed In quarter sawed oak. Kitchen, 4 bedrooms and bath room finished In quarter sawed pine. Garage, paved alley. South front lot. 60x128 feet. Price, $5,250. Reason able amount down; balance monthly like rent. Key at our office. Location 60th and Underwood Ave. GEORGE & CO., D. 756 NEW DU.Nl'Ki; nW 111 NtiAI.uW 6 room on one floor: bookcus s. colonnades, sun room; 83.S50; only J3.' 0 ca -li. t'iii mo. Oil days Pong. :suo. Florence. " TWO ACRES Northwest of Minne Lusa Two Blocks to Car $13.75 Down, $13.75 Month This ground lies fine, with general east slope, faces cast; only 2 blocks to car Hue; fine place for a future home, poultry and fruit Price $1,;;7,".. Call Tyler 50 and ask for Mr. XIanvllle. HASTINGS & IIKYIIKW 1614 HARNEY ST. Acreage. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. Beautiful corner lot, 42d and Burt streots, paved. An excellent location for contractor or as an Investment. On ac count of draft must sell. See Mr. Nolet, Fontenelle hotel. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OK FARM. Widow ha ( five-room houses, ons 7 room, modern house, one 8-room modern house and 2 modern store buildings; all woll rented, on paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property In first class condition. S. S. & K. E. MONTGOMERY. 218 City National Bank Building. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 8-room house and bungnlows with $300 to $600 down. Call Osborne Renlty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om, Nnt. BankDldg. WISH to buy 6 or 7-room modern housed Hanscom Park; West Farnam or Dundee district preforred. Give description, loca tlon, lowest price for cash. Box 4288, Beo. LIST your property with JOHN J. MULVIIIILL, 100 Brsndels Theater Bldg. Phone T). it WANTED TO RENT From five to 10 acres of unimproved land. Webster 1367. WANTED Moder.i flat, value $30,000 to 640,000. Address P. O. Box473, Onawa. la. MEET me at F. D. WeaiTa Office FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MAY 7TH. Our next excursion to McOehee, Ark. W. S. FRANK, 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. ONE to twelve sections eastern Colorado ranch. Artesian wells, good ranch build ings, railroad station on land; electric power line through land; five miles from large city. Will sell in tracts of 160 acres or more. Price $35 per acre. Terms, $5 per acre cash, balance ten annual pay ments 6 per cent. Will consider part cash and trade. Also 6,000 acres of dry farming land In Crowley county, Colorado, $ 5 per acre; also New Mexico 60,000-acre Mitch, with water rights for 7,000 acres. A Idress B. H. Tallmadge, Pueblo, Colo. COLORADO offer great opportunities for farmers of moderate means to secure farm home on very easy term. Inform us location desired. For free book and map and special railroad rate writ Floyd C. Tallmadge, Colonization Agent Kans.-Colo. Ry Co., Flrt National Bank Bldg., Pueblo. Colo. LISTER Old resident who refused to pay $1.26 acre for Eastern Colorado land 10 year ago are paying 810 to $25 now; Ne braska and Iowa parties buying largely since they found could save commissions by buying direct from W. 8. Pershing, ex mayor of Llmon, Colo; 8,200 acres sold Ne braska and Iowa parties last week FOR SALE XK 7-6s-48w, Yuine Co., Colo. Unimproved. Lay smooth, fine soil. Mtge $1,100, 6 pet., two years to run. Price $2, SOP. This Is a snap. R. M. Oauthom, 302 Schwelter Bldg, Wichi ta, Kan. Mt' :aska Lands. I AM (I I.VG UP THE FAMOUS '):, i li..:-:oN FARM. My olliii:. . r rtrphenson, has become temporarily, i t lfa:t, a physical wreck and his do in a: Unit he must not do a bit of v.nr;. fur : t b ast a year or more. I was never ; bio before to get Mr. Stephenson tn I t me cut the place up. When he saw hi health was falling he was persuad' M to s.-n out, but made the term so rigul and htrong that I was un able to fin'! a man big enough to handle i he plai-e. I bave a contract with .tj Steph' i. -'.li allowing me to cut the place up into 10-acre tracts and I can now sell you from this famous old farm hi SO-acre tract or any multiple thereof. I have to the first day of June to sell i his place at $30 per acre. The part with i lie buildings on I will have to sell In a H'.O-aire tract. Outside of that, I can sell any M on the place. Some of the SOs have us high as 50 acres under cultivation, others are entirely In grass, cutting good Acheat grass hay. Some of them have run ning water aud timber, while others are all prairie. .The land lies 7' miles from Crawford and about four miles from f!len and about three miles from Fort Robinson depot and loading station. The soil Is a nice sandy loom soil, with a clay .subsoil, and' It is well said of It that It will produce snythlng to which It is seeded. Wouldn't you like sn 80-acre farm from this place? ' Write me for nlats and descrlntlons. free for the asking. Also descriptions sndn prices of other plsces. ARAH L. HUNGERFORD. Crawford, Dawes County, Nebraska. A First Class Grain and Dairy Farm For Sale 400-acre well Improved farm, close to Kearney, Buffslo county. Neb. All level, good land, on Platte river bot tom, nearly all In cultivation, good build ings. Price, $70 per acre. For further Information call on A. NELSON. BODINSON FARM. KEARNEY, NEB. A SNAP 640 ACRES $2,600 We can deliver Section 2D, Township 17, Range 30, McPherson County, Nebraska, for $2,600 cash, for Immediate acceptance. 5 per cent commission to agents. PARISH INVESTMENT COMPANY, f,14 Grand Ave. Temple, Kansas City, Mo. FOR SALE Improved farm, 240 acresTTss than four miles from Falrbury. Nebraska. $N6.00 per acre. Purchaser ran assume $9,000 morigage. This Is certainly a snap. Address, Gleng W. Martens, Pierre, South Dakota. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARE SURE INVESTMENTS. For beat lands at best prices wr"e leo Antlll, Blair. Neb -RANCH ES of all sises and" iilnds easT term A a Patzmsn. 301 Karbach Blk CHUIC'E FAllUb. Nllasuo." 422 Uuo bdg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS New York Lands. 304 acres, 36 miles from Buffalo, 1 mile from cheese factory, churches, store; school on farm, dark loam soil. 40 acres timber, llvlns springs, 3 houses, barn 80 by 90 haseinei.t stable, concrete floor, silo. Including 62 head cnttle, 11 horses, 4 hoes, 60 hen, all fodder, complete farm ing equipment. Price $12,500. Easy terms. Free list. Kill Bros., Sprlngville. N. Y. WKWb FOR C ATM.OGI'' BTglvliig" descriV" tions, terms, prices, etc, on hundreds of forms for sale; free for the asking. Square Deal Realty Co., 42 The Florenvt, Syra cuse, N. y , T. Black, mgr. Wisconsin Lands. OWN a farm. ve haveTome (if "ThT choicest land In the heart of the vtry best sec tion of the Ctovar Belt or Centra! Wis consin. Low prices. Easy terms. Write for booklet and map. John 8. Owen Lumber Co. wen, Clark County. Wis. Wyoming Lands. Wll i: Tl. AND Wyoming farms. 150 per a.. Including paid-up wtiter rights. Henry Levi C M Rvlander. 854 nmsha Nat l FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN SON, 423 8. 15th. Douglus S71. WANTED 20,000 acres of Kimball and Banner county land. Must be first-class farm land, Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Box Y 467, Omaha Bee. WE have clients who will pay cash for bar gains In western land. White A Hoover, "malm VaVI Jank nidg Horses Live Stock Vehicles I I tK AUT1FUL team mures and horse, dappl j isriy and cream, silver mane and tall, ( ' und 7-vear-old. J.S0O tiounda will neil at great ssorlfloa for cah. I am unable to care for them. Mrs. Shears, 2408 Jones St., on block north 24th and Leaven worth. $.'sj WILL buy honest pair farm mares. 7 yesrs old, 2,700 pounds; true workers and sound. Must sell as I have no further use for them. Also 1,300-pouud dapple gray mare, 2212 Douglas. BAROA IN-Ft iR-t'ASHi.200-ib 6-year old dapple gray mae, not city broke, will ell reasonable to farmer, also chunkv built horse, harness and wagon, suitable for gardner. 817 S. !3d St. FoUSALEYouiigeisier'ed " Holstein "biiiii of high class. Price right. E. O. Goodlax son, Kimball, 8. D. FUR SALE 20 Holsleln rows and heifers. Apply F. Bliss, .,M Exchange Bldg , Mouth Omaha. A MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, piano and notes aa security. 810. 6 mo., II. good, total, $3.60. Smaller, larger am'ts proportionate rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Securities Hldg.. 10th. Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANS OR DIAMONDS AN1 JEWELRY 1(' SMALLER LOANS. OO A O W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1R12. 10 6TH FLR SECURITIES BLDG. TY. 860. DIAMONDS AND J EWELRY LOANS.. Lowest rstes. Private loan booths. Harry Malashnrk. 1614 Dodge. t 6618 Est 1K81 POULTRY AND PET STOCK WHITB ROCK EGGS $L 60 per setting, from mated pens. South 3139. lll'KK orphlngton i gus. $1 a setting. Thoroughbred stock, lied S:tilo, FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. 7 4 PER CENT IXTKRKST. First farm debentures, amply secured, convertible as payment on land or Indi vidual mortgages, at purchaser's option, denominations $100, $500, $1,000 and up. HARLEY J. HOOKER, MjMst Nat' Hank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WE want 100 mortgage on Omaha resi dences: funds on hand for quirk cloalng E. II. LOUGEE, INC., 63840 Keellne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar start n account, OMAHA LOAN ft BLDG ASSOCIATION i.O A N 3 ON C1T Y PROPERTY. VV. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. FARM LOANS. CI Vt PAUL PETERSON. M O 8i4 BRANDEI8 THEATER BLDQ. " II. "W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. Clty National Bank Bldg OMAHA HOMESEAST NEB. FARMS' O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1716. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 6U and 6 Per Cent. J. H. DUMONT Co., Keellne Bldg. LOW RATES O. O. CARLHERG, 111 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 685. P1 Cll MONKV. O 2 i HARRISON ft MORTON, 919 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investmei.t Co., Omaha. Private Money. RHOPEN ft COMPANY. Douglas 4228. Coffee Market. New York, Av-rll 25. Spot coffee, Rio 7s, 8 '4c; Santos 4s, 11c. No fresh offers were reporte In the cost and freight market. The amount of coflce afloat has increased about 176.100 bags during the last week. The official cables showed no rhsnga In Bra11 except Santos futures, which wore unchanged to 25 rels lower. Braslllan port receipts, 32,000 bags. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., April 26. Turpentine Firm, SHHc; sales 633 hbls. ; receipts, 47 bbls.; shipments, 164 bbls.; stock, 23,016 hbls. Rosin Firm; receipts, 776 bbls.; ship ments, 751 bbls.; stock, 96,718 bbls. Quote; H. $5.20Sf 6.25; D. E, F, G, II, I, $5.30; K, $6.501 '5.65; M, $5.75EI5.80; N, tS.00.80; WG, $6.606.65; WW, $6.90. Chicago Produce. Chicago, April 25. Butter Market un changed. Eggs Receipts, 18,918 cases; msrket un changed. Potatoes Market higher; receipts, 24 cars; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, bulk, I1.101.2S; sacks, $1,25tPl.J0. Poultry Alive, tl1arket higher; fowl, lOo. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, April 25.--Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.6701.70; No. 2 white, $1.801.87; No. 2 yellow, $1.6791.70; May, 21.27; July, $1.63T4. Oats No. ! white, 86'i87c; No. t mlxe.d 4'i86c. St. louls Grain. St. Louis, April 25. Corn Sn. 2, $1.77; No. 4 white, $1.00; June, $1.61',,, nominal; July. $1.61 bid. Oats No. 2, 86c: No. S white, 88"488o; May. 84',ic; July, 74 14 bid. New York Dry Honiin Market. New York, April 25. Cotton goods market here today was easier and wool goods steady. Governmont requisitions for cloths Increased steadily and loans were taken from civilian orders rapidly. New York Cotton Market. Cotton futures rinsed unsettled; May, 20.62c; July, 26.04c; October. 26.55c; De cember, 26. S5c; January, 25.16c, spot, quiet; middling, 27.65c. Kansas City Produce. Kansss City, Mo., April 26. Butter and Poultry Unchanged. Eggs Firsts, 32 14c Pultun Linseed. Duiuth, Minn., April 25. Linseed $4 04 4.104 ; arrive, $l.044; May, $4.041 bid; July, $4.04 asked; October, $3.55 New York ftugar. New York. April 25. Sugar Raw, steady i centrifugal, 6.006c; fine granulated. 7.45c. Guarantee Asked for Safety Of Russian Black Sea Fleet Moscow, April 25. M. Tchitcherin, the Bolshevik foreign minister, has asked Germany, according to the offi cial news agency, to pive a guarantee that the Austrian Black Sea fleet, while remaining at Sebastopol, will not be seized or damaged by forces of the central powers and the allies now advancing into the Crimea, nor by any other naval or military forces of tht alliance. The foreign minister lias taken this action, it is added officially, as he has heard that the Germans intend to blockade Sibastopol with submarines. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Liberal Run of Cattle Thurs day; Light Buying on Hog Market ; Sheep Trading Slow. Omaha, April 24, 1618. Cattle, iloga. Sheep Receipts were; Official Monday .. Official Tucada, . . . Official Wednesday Estimate today.... ... .11.108 1J,K6 2 690 10,1173 '.8,068 6,588 7.818 16,584 8.105 6.000 Li,000 4.200 Four day this week.. 85,101 Same days Inst week.. 40. 833 Same days 1 wka ago..S3.60 Same days 3 v.ks Ago. 31,17$ Same days year ago..l?.46S 63,49 70,738 68,742 67,168 88.376 20,683 40,131 37,381 80.667 33,126 Receipts and disposition of live stork at the t'nlon stock yards, Omaha, for 24 hours ending at S p. m. yesterday; 11 ICC EI PTS C A R LOADS. Cattle. Hogs C, M A St. P 2 Wabash , ,1 Missouri l'nclflo 4 6 1'nion Pacific 41 60 t N. W east 1! 2 C. A N. w., west 82 73 t. St. P., M. ft 0 32 13 C . H. & Q , east & t, H. ft Q., west : :i C, U. I. ft P., east 17 10 C. R. I. ft P., west 3 Illinois Central 2 3 Chicago. Great Western... 6 2 Total receipts 246 208 16 20 DISPOSITION H KAU. Cattle. Hogs Morris Co 1.199 1.S21 Swift Co 1,719 S.0S9 Cudahy Packing Co.. .1,906 3,349 Armour A Co 1.700 i,9!tl Schwarts & Co 1.404 J. W. Murphy 2.ST9 Lincoln Packing Co.. 108 ..... 8. O. Packing Co 1 Wilson Packing Co.. 82 F. B. Lewis 158 J. B. Root A Co 102 J. II. Bulla 3 Rosenstock Bros. ... 24 F, G. Kellogg 3 Werthelmer & Pegen 61 Kills & Co 7 Sullivan Bros 43 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 83 . Christie 86 lllgglns S Iluffmsn 55 Meyers 24 Glnssherg 1 Httker, Jones AS.,.. 17 Banner Bros 12 John Harvey 490 ,, . , . Dennis A Francis .... 51 Pst o'Day 1 Other buyers 613 sinvp. 661 7 r,7 628 1,419 Totals 7,965 16,031 ' 1,861 Cattle; There was a fairly liberal Thurs day's run of rattle, ah mt 6,000 head, hut the (our day's supply, 36,000 head, has been nearly (,000 short of a week ago. In most respects the market was a repetition of Wednesday's trade, th best heavy beeves ruling stiuidv to strong, and the light and medium welgnt grades weak to a shade lower. Choice heavy catll sold at $16.26 17.00, the fair to good 950 to 1,160 pound steers going Isrgely $18.26016.00, and yearlings 1.111I light weight stuff at $l3.0rl4.60 and on down. Cows and heif er were In vo-y good request and quotnbly about steady vlth Wednesday, and there wua no materlnl change In the market for Blockers and feeders. Quotations on csttle: Good to choice beeves. $ 1 .25(ij)l 7.05 ; fair to good beeves. $15. 25(16. 00; common to fair beeves, $12 50iti'l5.00; good to choice yearlings, $14.6018116.26; fair to good yearlings, $12.60 ifpl4.50; common to fair yearlings, $9,000 12 00; good to choice heifers, $12.60013.60; good to choice cows, $12.0013.26; fair to good cows, $6.76fiil.l.75; common to fair cows, $7.509.60; prims feeders, 111 25 12.60; good to choice feeders, $10.00011.00; fair to good feeders, $H 60d 9.60; common to fair feeders, $7.50 8.50; good to choice storkere, $9.50011.60; stock heifers, $H.60O in.50; stock cows, $7.604(il0.0n; stock calves, $8 60011.60; vesl calves, $9.00013 00; bulls, lags, eta., $10.00013.00. Representative aalca : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. 13 1001 $13 80 10... 26 740 14 50 30... A v. Pr. . 938 $14 26 . 920 16 10 14 1036 6 1204 18 1221 20 1387 15 25 I., 31.. .1120 16 60 .1144 16 00 .1345 16 50 16 76 II 86 16 60 30. 19. 1288 16 71 Hogs Receipts today were estimated at 15,000 head or 218 cars, making supplies total ll.ouo tor the week, and the market opened with shipper and speculators buy ing the light and medium grade of hogs at prices around lOo higher then yesterday's average. They paid as high aa $17.16 for a load. Th packer market was slow from the outset and very few sales had been made by midforenoon. Early packer bids were a little lower than yesterday's aver age, but their buatness wss generally trans acted on about a steady basis with yester day, but ths tendency was toward a weak and probably lower close. The bulk of th supplies ranged from $16.50 to $16.76, with $17.16 as the day's top. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 104.. 350 ... $16 40 40. .887 Sh. Pr ... $16 46 ... 16 60 ... 16 70 ... 16 80 40 16 90 ... 17 00 69. .300 74. .255 69. .1116 13. .249 66. .238 62. .209 140 lift 16 66 1C 65 16 76 16 85 16 95 CO. .305 66.. 226 63.-235 38. .131 83. .221 40 17 16 Sheep Klghleen loads of sheep wer re ceived today, estimated at 4,200 head. Ths trade was again extronlely slow In getting started, no trading of any great amount be ing done until practically noon. Th bulk of the sheep here today was mada op of wool lambs of comparatively good quality. Not enough ssles were nisde In the esrly morning hours to maks comparison. The gonral market wa forecasted, however. as weak and from lOo to 20o lower. Quotations on sheep: Oood to choice In nibs. $20.60021.60; fair to good lambs, 119. 60020.50; fair to choice yearlings, I16.lt iff-17. 00; fair to cholc wethers, 1 14.60 17.00; fair to choice ewes, $13.75 16.76; feeder lambs, $18.00018.60; spring lamb, $20.00022.00. St. Louis Llvs Stock. St. Louis, Mn April 16. Cattle RsceJr A 3200 head; market, steady; native ateers, $11.05016.76; yearling ateera heifers, $9.60 315.00; cows. $7.00 12.56. stockers and feeders, $8.60012 00; fair to prima southern beef steers, $10.00 0 16. 60t beef cows and heifers, $6.O013.60; southern yearling steers and heifers, 7. 604(10.00, native calves, $7.76016.60. Mogs Receipts, 8,600 head; market, steady; lights, $17.40 17.60; pigs, $15,600 17.00; mixed end butchers, $17.30017.60; good heavy, $16.95017.20; bulk, $17,200 17.60. .Sheep and I.ambs Receipts, $00 market, steady, lambs, $20.60021 35 $16.0017.00; wethers, $16.50017.00 ners and choppers, $6.6009 60. head; swes, Can- Knnsas City Live Stork. Kansas City, April 26. Cattle Receipts. 4,000 head; market, steady; prime fed steers, $16.25017.36; dressed beef steers, $15.25 16.50; western steers. $14.2617.25; cows, $7.76014 00; heifers. $9.00014.00; stockers snd feeders, $8.00 013.75; bulls, $S.6012.76; calves, $8.O012.60. Hogs Receipts, 6,000; market, steady; bulk. $17.05017.85; heavy, $17.0517.25; packers and butchers. $17.10i17.40: light, $17.20017.40; pigs, $13.60&17.O0. Sheep and t.nmbs Receipts, 4,500 head, market, lower' lambs, $20.00021.25; year lings, $16.60018.00; wethers, $15.00017.00; ewes, $15.00 016 76. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago. April 25. Cattle Recelpls. 14.000 head; market, weak;. native Steers, $10,200 17.35; stocken and feeders, $8.304.12.26; row and heifers, $8.85013.85; calves, $8.00 13.50. IToga Receipts, 27,000 head: market, un settled; bulk of sales, $18.i5O17.40; light, 318. 9r,j 17.60; mixed. $16.65017.60; heavy. $15. NOfl 17.20; rough. $15.80016.30; pigs. $13. 0011.17. 2B. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14,000 head; market, weak; sheep, $13.00OlL40; Iambs, $16.26021.60. Sioux City Mve Stock. Sioux City. April 25. Cuttlo Receipts. 2,000 head; market slow, steady; stackers, 10 to 15 cents lower; beef steers, $12,000 17.00; fat cows and heifers, $9.00 'tt 14 .00; canners, $7.008.60; stockers and feeders, $9.00014.00; calves. $S.0Or8 l.'t.OO; bulls, stsgs, etc., $8.00 12.00; feeding cows and heifers, $7.50011.00. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 hesd; market 6 cents higher; light, $IS.75?H7.00; mixed, $16.6616.76; heavy, $!6.50i16.70; pigs, $16.00018.00; bulk of sals. $16.65016.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 100 head: market steady. 8t. Joseph l ive Stork. St. Joseph. Mo.. April Si. CattU Re ceipts. 2,500 head; market stesdy; steers, $12.00 17.10; rows and heifers, $7.00 OH. 50; calves, $7.00012.00. Hogs Receipts. 8.000 head; market low er: top. $17.35; bulk, llfi. 90 17.26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3.000 head; M oVil!T(o'r' lamb' l18-0021 i0i ewes, GRAIN AND PRODUCE .. . i Cash Corn Figures Vary; White Corn Advances, But Yellow Brand Fails to Hold Own. Omaha. April IS, 1918. Arrivals ef grain, while not unexpected, continue to be very light, receipts todaj totaling only 134 cars. Wheat receipts wer 14 cars: corn, 90 cars; oats, 28 can, and ry and barley, one csr each. Cash corn figures varied considerably. Th constsnt Inquiry for good white corn brought an advance for this clas of IS So, and soli readily. The yellow and mixed varletlei were generally unchanged to So lower, thi bulk selling off. Buyer exhibited the aan feeling as of late; preferring ths safe oorn Oats were weak, selling down 4 01c' pei bushel. Receipts were very light and them few offerings were disposed of easily. No 3 'white sold at 86 40 and No. .4 white aj S5j35Va. Sample white oats brought ttV,c No sales of rye were reported at a latt hour, while only one car of barley wa re ported sold, this being a choice car of No 3, testing 48 H pounds to the bushel and brought $1.75. Clearances were; Wheat and flour qu 10 32.000 bushels. Corn, 62,000 bushels: oats, none. Primary wheat receipts were ' 107,000 bushels and shipments 88,000 bushels, agalnat receipt of 706,000 bushels and ship ments of 866,000 bushel last year. Primary corn receipt wer 838,000 bushels and shipments 716,000 bushels agalnat receipts of 673.001) bushels and ship ments t 449,000 bushel last year. Primary oat reoelpt were 1,118,00ft bushels snd shipments, 171,000 bushels, against receipts of 877,004 bushels and shipments of 1,483,000 bushel last year, CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats ' ' 184 " Chicago Minneapolis ,, Duluth Omaha ,. Kansas City 1 lit 10T ... , 1 , 14 1 90 70 60 13 16. St. Louis Winnipeg 160 ... ,.. Oorn No. t whit, 1 car, $1.71. No. t white: 1 car $1.77; 1 can, $1.76; 1 car. $1.76. No. 4 white: I can, $1.71; 4 car. $1.71. No, I white: 1 car, $1.71: 1 car, ll.SS; 1 can, $1.17; 1 car, $166; 1 ear.. $1.63; 1 car, 11.62; 1 I t cars, $160.. No. t, , white: 3 car. $1.60; 1 car, $1.68. Sample, , whit; 1 can, 11.16; 1 ear, 11.30; 3-6 car.j. $1.16. No, 1 yellow: 1 car, $1.68. No--3 yellow: 1 ri, $1.67; I car, ll.tt; t 1-6 cars. $1 65, N. 4 yellow; 1 car, 11.66; . car, $1.12; 1 car, $1.60; No. t yellow; 1 car, $1.61; 1 car, tl.tO. Sample yellow) 1 oar, $1.18; 1 oar 61.35. No. t mixed, 1 car. 11.66. No. 1 mixed: I oar, 11.64; 1 cars. , $1.61; l-t car, $1.(1. No. I mixed: 1 car, $1.61. No, 1 mixed: 1 oar, $1.40. Samp) mixed: 1 oar, $1.31; 1 oar, $1.15; 1 car. ' $1.00. Oats: No. 1 whit! 11 oar, 160.!' No. 4 white: 1 can, 85 Wo; 8-6 car. 86c.? Sample whit; I oar, llVio. Sample mixed: 1 car, 1.1,0. barley. No. 1, 1 ear, 11.76. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No, 1 white, $1.78; No. 3 white, $1.7501.77; No. white, . $1. 720Li3; No. t whits, $1.601.71; No. I . while, $1.68 1.60; sample whits, $1,85 0 ;' 1.36; No. I yellow, 11.61; No. 1 yellow, $1.65 '" 01.67; No. 4 yellow, $1. (0166; No. I yellow, $1,6001.63; sampl yellow, $1.36 1.18; No. 1 mixed, $1.(6; No. I mixed, $1.6401.66; No. t mixed, $1.63; No. I mixed, " $1.40; sampls mixed, $1.1801.86. Oats: No. 1 white, 86Ho; No. 4 whits, 868514c: sample, IJHc Barley: No. 1, $1.76. Rys.- . No sales. , Chicago closing prior, furnished Th Bs by Logan A Bryan, stock and (rain brokers, , 316 South Sixteenth street, Omahat , Artlclej Open High Low Close Yeat. Corn. , May 117(4 1378.117(4 1 17t 137V July 14914 1 60 Vi 14914 1 fiOVa 149 Oat. May 14(4 84 134 . 1114 84 54 July US 74 73 74 7V Pork May 47 80 47 40 47 10 47 21 47' 46 July 47 10 47 It 41 16 41 15 47 It Lard May 14 77 14 tt 34 77 14 80 14 82 July 36 II 26 It 26 16 It 17 .5 17 Klb. May 11 86 22 81 21 67 11 71 32 80 July S3 36 83 43 28 87 33 30 33 36 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Cnfavorahl Crop Outlook Contribute to the Firmness of Corn Hogs Higher. - Chicago, April 36. Forenacta of a cooj wave mora than counterbalanced In -the" corn market today th fact that at first Uit prevailing warm weather seemed likely to facilitate planting. Prices closed firm at the sams ss yesterday's finish to T4o higher, with May $1.87 and July $1.50 1.6054. Oata docllned it'iflVio net. In provisions th outcome was unchanged to 20c lower. Bears had something of an advantage to start with In the oorn market, owing chiefly to th apparent prospect that seasonable temperature would remedy th unfavorable conditions which have of late beon more or less hindering field work. Besides, consid erable notice appeared to be taken of suit-, gestlon that any radical ad vane of prices would not harmonize well with Liberty loan drive scheduled for tomorrow. Later, however, official announcement that no ex tended period of deslrabl temperature waa in light, gave the crop outlook a less aus picious aspect and mad value take a pro nounced upward slant. t Forecasts of a cool wave led subsequently to a new upturn. Th close was firm ai, the same as yesterday' finish to o higher, with May $1.27 and July $1.60 to $1.50(4. Oats were under much selling pressure, desplt liberal buying on tb part of ex port Interests. Th principal bearish In-- riuoncs was lark 01 demand rrom ths do-1 meatlo trade east, where dealer seemed l.ninnr.rlln , k m.rln.. Provisions responded slowly to th higher quotation on hogs. Cash prices: Corn No. I yellow, $1.76; No. 1 yellow, ll.70lOl.72; No. 4 yellow, $1.621.60. j Oata No. t whit, I7(40tl(4o; standard. 87 088(4e. Ryo No. t, $2.65. Barley At $1.4501 85. Timothy At $6.0008.00. Clover At I18.003.00. Pork Nominal. Lard At $84.75. Rlb At $21.10028.7!. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. rmer Weather, Facilitating Planting noom for near in Cora. : llcago, April 26. April 16. Warmer wpfU'.inr likely to facilitate planting had' a bearish Influence today on corn. Sugges tion that advancing prices on grain wer'"8' not In harmony with th Liberty loan drive tomorrow seemed also to have some effect as a handicap on th bull. Trading wa light, and th market easily ' . worked upon, Opening prices, which varied from (4 to (40 lower, with May 11.27 and July $1.49(4 to $1.49, wer followed T, by a brief rally and then a downturn lower ., than before. Oats swayed with corn. Commission house " '. generally took the selling side on bulges. '-' After opening unchanged to o lower, with v May 84 to 84 (4c, ths market hardened a -w little and then underwent a fresh sag. Scattered unloading tended to ease pro visions. Firmness In the hog market waa ' Ignored. V During the late dealings a more decided advance In hog price rallied provisions u l 1 somewhat. . New York Oneral Market. New Tork, April 25. Flour Unsettled; spring, $10.75U.26; winters, fl 0.35 11.16 ; . Kansas, 1 n.soi 11.26. Corn Spot, firm; kiln dried No. i yel-..... low, $1.70; No. 4 yellow, $1.65; No. 1 white, $1.90, cost and freight. New Tork. prompt shipment. . ' Oats Spot, easy; natural. 9697(4c. Hay Firm: No. 1, nominal: No. 1, $160; No. 8, $1.2061.30; shipping, 90095c. Hops Steady: state medim to choice, 1917, 36043c; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast, w 1917. 20O23e; 1916, 14016c. Hides Finn; Bogota and Central Amerl. can, 23034c. , Leather Firm: hemlock and overweight! " no. 1. 4ic; No. z. 45c. Ohio. HoMGtic. Rice Flrnn fancy head rose, 89c. New York Produce. . Butter Firm;. receipts, 8.107 tubs; 'cream ery higher than extras, 4445c; extra, (92 score), 44c; firsts. 41 043 ; packing ' stock current make. No. 2, 8232(ic. Eggs Market steady; receipts. 41,405 ' cases; fresh gathered extras, 38038c; fresh gathered storage packed, firsta, 3( 37 c; do, regular packed extra firsts. 36 0 37c; do. firsts. 341i36c. Cheese Market Irregular; receipts, 4 985 boxes; state whole milk flats, held specials. 240254c; do, average run,'2334c: state wholcmllk flats fresh specials, 2!22c; do, average run, 214t)22e. Poultry Live and dressed, market flrnr and unchanged. New York Coffe. . .e- 1ork, April 26. Coffee Rio No TV j8',c; futures, easy; May, I.OSe; Ootobab Pork Steady; mess, $53.0064 00; famllf - . I $55.00 f?o.00: short clear, $49.00065.00, f . i I Lnrd Weak; middle west, $25.25035.36. m "W Tallow, quiet; city special looae, I80, t V Wool Steady; domestic fleece . XXX 31 Y A 9c; blue .? V A 7t