Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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Conducted by Ella Fleishman
Comrade Club 8 List
. For Soldiers' Dance
At the Khaki Club
The Comrade club's dance for Fort
Qmaha men Saturday night at the
; Khaki club promises to be one of the
most successful parties given for the
soldiers. Mrs. William Archibald
Smith, chairman of the National
League for Woman's Service, which
organization is sponsoring the dance,
announces the following list of chap
. erones and young women who will
Mrs. F. Pogue sponsors the following
(cirls: Misses Wlnfred Wlthney, Athol
Brothjr, Dorothy Pogue and Helen Pogue.
Miss Irene Langdon, MIssfls Elisabeth
Sherlock, Rose Whacker, Eva Kelleher, Irene
I.angdon, Bees Ma honey, Ruth Latenser.
Lucille McCleary, Blanche McCleary.
Hiss Ella Fleishman, Misses Mary Duffy,
Margaret Nattlnger, Grace Robinson, Mabel
Gundmanson, Bess Levey, Ruth Levy, Rose
Levin and Bess Monsky.
. Mrs. F. L. Wilson, Misses Elsie Oell, Ar
llne Mclntyre, Marie Williams, Ellen Llndell
and Augusta Schmltt.
Mrs. J. T. Stewart, Misses Geraldlne
Johnson, Gladys Goodman, Clarisse Brown,
Ruth Mills, Regina Connell, Anna Herman:
son,. Helen Walker and Marjorie Howland.
Mrs. W. C. Heaton and Mrs. H. E.
. Black, Misses Janet Lees, Mareme Burch
more, Cherie M. Gray, Ruth Halter, Cath
erine Murphy, Ethel Matrney, Edith Capron,
Helen Weeks, Dorothy Black, Susie Mae Al
brect, Beatrice Neal, Betty King, Bess Hea
ton, Palma Larsen, Jennie Chrlstensen.
Pauline Larson, Catherine Goodall, Martha
Goodall and Mildred Wahlstrom. ,
Mrs. G. B. Eddy, Misses Mabel Delbrldge,
Anna Johnson, Etla Johnson, Bessie Van
Tuyl, Jessie Dragoo, Margaret Dragoo, Recka
Orittnger, Alta Fitch.
Mrs. W. A. Smith, Misses Mona Cowell,
Edna Clarke, Ethel Eldrldge; Elolse West,
Madge West, Miss Dlmond, Bertha Clarke
and Minnie Eldrldge.
Resolutions of Thanks.
The medical committee of the Uni
versity of Nebraska base hospital
unit No. 49, at its last meeting
adopted resolutions of thanks and ap-
' preciation for the work of Miss Jes
sie Millard and the Red Cross auxil
iary working at the First Presbyter-
, ian church, which completed all the
supplies necessary for the hospital
unit, now stationed at Fort Des
Moines, preparatory to service
Colonial Dames' Red Cross.
Nebraska chapter of the Colonial
Dames will meet every Wednesday
morning henceforth at the home of
the chairman, Mrs. Arthur Critten
den Smith, 1303 Park avenue, to make
! surgical dressings. The auxiliary has
been meeting all winter at the home
of Mrs. J. DeForrest Richards.
Liberty Bond Notes.
Mrs. Philip Schlaifer, whose son is
an attache of the American legation
; at Stockholm, obtained $2,250 in Lib-
; erty bond subscriptions by her own
efforts. She is working on Mrs.
Reuben Kulakofsky s committee,
which raised more than $50,000.
Mrs. Vaclav Buresh, ill at her home
' with rheumatism, used the telephone
to good advantage in securing $8,000
in . Liberty bond subscriptions.
i.. The Fort Omaha Red Cross can
teen quarters have been enlarged and
are now being kept open evenings.
Mrs. J. T. Stewart, 2d, in charge, has
completed lists of corps of evening
workers for the first three nights
in the week and is filling in groups
for the balance of the week.
An emergency room equipped with
six beds and hospital supplies will
probably be installed in the Burling
ton station soon under the direction
of the Red Cross canteen service.
1 his will be for the use of troop
trains passing' through Omaha, if nec-
An auxiliary to make surgical dress
ings has been organized in Florence.
The members will meet at Masonic
hall Thursday evenings. Mrs. Mary
Griffith is the chairman.
Last Saturday at Brownlee in
Cherry county, they held a Red Cross
. sale and took in $2,191.50. Brownlee
is an inland place 30 miles off the rail-
' road, surrounded by a rather sparsely
settled country. A small pig brought
$580 and a cake $50. The size of the
crowd and local conditions considered
no better record has been made by a
Red Cross chapter.
. - Princess Victoria is chairman of a
committee which is collecting pearls
from English women for a Red Cross
"necklace." Both Queen Mary and
Queerr ' Alexadra have contributed
exquisite gems from their collections.
The Last Days
of Nickel's
Scores Yes, hundreds, of
"home loving folk" who
have made up their minds
to do their own dressmak
ing, etc., are joining the
"Club" and reaping its
Five Days More
and the "CLUB"
Will Be Closed
Wouldn't' YOU Better
Join at Once NOW?
Mrs. Reed to Head
Educational Nursing ,
Red Cross Section
An entirely new development of
one branch of the Red Cross is about
to be inaugurated in Nebraska. It is
the practical application of the knowl
edge acquired in the first aid, home
nursing and dietetic classes.
Mrs. A.' L. Reed has been appoint
ed to head this important work. She
has just returned from Uiicago,
where she. went to learn the details
of the move.
All women who have diplomas in
these branches will be clasified. New
classes will be establishtd af once
Because of the shortage of trained
nurses, the hospitals want the serv
ices of these Red Cross nurses t
various and indefinite periods in or
der that the professional nurses may
be spared lor work which they alone
are able to do.
When the new system is establish
ed, Mrs. Reed will be able to supply
volunteer nurses for hospital work
trom her list of members. This ar
rangement has already proved most
successful in CJiicap-o.
The department will be known as
the educational nursing division. Un
der this head will also come the
campaign for 40,000 women to take
trained nurse courses, which will
shortly be announced. Nebraska's
quota wil be announced through Miss
Gertrude Smith, field secretary of
the Nebraska nursing service for the
Hospitals on Wheels
To Be Established
By American Women
According to the American Worn
en s Hospitals association, it is
the only organization in the United
Mates with which all women physt
cians may register tor war service
either at home or abroad. Within a
few weeks 50 women physicians will
be representing the American wom
en's hospitals in the war area.
The war service committee of the
Medical Women's National associa
tion, numbering 2,500 members, which
last June formed the "American
women's hospitals," says that it "had
the heart approval of Surgeon Gen
eral Gorgas of the army and Dr.
Pearce, director general of the de
partment of military relief of the
American Red Cross.
"Through the American women's
hospitals, working under the direction
of the Red Cross," is the statement of
the association, "the medical women
of the country propose to establish
just Lehind the trenches occupied by
American troops on the western front
hospitals on wheels, the designs for
which have been worked out entirely
by experts of the Medical Women's
National association. These will be
used solely for the care of fighting
men in the first stages of disease. The
facilities for caring for men in this
condition are still very limited on
every front. Except when impressed
into such service' in the midst of
heavy fighting, no effort will be made
by the physicians in charge of the
rolling hospitals to treat men wound
ed in battle.
"The rolling hospitals will be in
charge of women physicians recruited
from the ranks of the Medical
Women's National association, which
is now hoping to establish a large
number of these hospitals behind the
American troops on the western front
"The American women's hosiptals
has opened laboratory courses at the
Woman s Medical college of Pennsvl
vania and at the research laboratory
ot the Board of Health of New York
for the purposi of fitting college
women who have had courses in
chemistry and biology to become lab
oratory workers. A leading physi
can in every state has been asked
to organize the women physicians of
her state tor service m the American
hospitals. Thirty-six states have al
ready responded and are organized
under able chairmen for active serv
ice either at home or abroad.
"At the present time there are es
tablished on various European battle
grounds 10 hospitals, varying in ca
pacity trom 10U to 600 beds, all fully
staffed by women. The records of
these hosiptals show that the gravest
cases have been entrusted to them.
All officers whose duty it is to keep
well posted on the work of the hos
pitals in which the allied troons are
cared for say that the highest stand
ard ot work is maintained in these
hospitals in surgery, general, ortho
pedic, and oral cases, and in the care
Cor. 15th 2nd Harney
Or Join the "Club" featured by
Mickel'a Council Bluffs Establish,
ment at 334 Broadway.
Red Cross Chairman No
Mrs. Emily Dickson heads the
auxiliary, whose members meet at the
hospital garments. Since September,
Besides her work of directing
bed linen, Mrs. Dickson has completed a number of knitted articles and
worked for the Red Star in the recent
of medical cases singly and in epi
demic; that the hospital administra
tion is excellent from the standpoints
of economy and comfort."
Girl Heroines
In Great Battle
Young women of a Red Cross front
line unit made a fine record in the
opening German offensive in France.
At Roye they took over the direction
of military traffic. One girl in uni
form standing at the four corners
directed columns of guns, cavalry,
supply wagon and troops, thus pre
venting a traffic jam.
These women were the last to
eave several towns before the Ger
mans entered. Ihey aided hundreds
of refugees and established tempor
ary kitchens, where, among others,
250 British soldiers who had not
eaten for many hours were fed.
the girls also established an in
Women's "Beaded" Dresses
Dame Fashion says beads beads a few or lots of beads bead
motifs and again showers of beads and such dresses of Taffeta,
Foulard, Georgette and Crepe de Chine
$19.75, $22.50, $24.50, $27.50 and up
Yes! They are underpriced it's our policy.
Beaded Blouses i
apricot, maize and peach.
$6.50 Blouses at $5.00
$7.60 Blouses at $5.95
Others on sale up to $18.75
$25.00 values.
Buy Fashions Wisely
.1812 Farnam Street.
For Meatless Days
and Other Days
Every Worker Is Getting Good Pay.
How Are You Investing Your Savings ?
Put It Into the
Secured by Asset of
Nearly $1,000,000,00 .
17th and Douglas St.. Omaha, Neb. V"
5 .
St Paul's Episcopal church Red Cross
Masonic temple on Tuesdays, to make
501 garments have been completed.
the making of bed shirts, pajamas and
drive for funds.
formation bureau at Montdidier un
til this town was captured by the
Germans. They picked up wounded
when they were unable to make their
way to dressing stations, and brought
food to canteens and kitchens to keep
them going.
At timks the girls were only one
day ahead of the advancing Germans,
and once crossed a bridge only a few
moments before it was blown up.
For eight days they worked without
removing their clothes, sleeping on
straw in barns when they could sleep,
and eating irregularly.
Thirty young women have been
given teaching certificates at the
Western Pennsylvania Institution for
the Blind. They are among the first
in the United States to become pre
pared to instruct returned soldiers
who may have become blinded on
European battlefields.
To waste food is to waste life.
Buy at
a Safe
in tea rose, robin blue, coral,
$8.50 Blouses at $6.75
$10.00 Blouses at $7.50
scandalous, but they look like
1 W y AOnE
Hera's the Recipe Will S.tto Six People
I'lOe package KING'S Soup Vegetables
(Soaked and cooked until tender)
1 cup of boiled rice.
1 cup bread crumbs.
V cup crushed nuts.
1 egg.
Place all ingredient In mixing bowl and Mason to
taste, with a little mlllc to moisten it necessary.
Shape into loaf, roll In bread crumbs and bake aama
at a meat loaf, basting occasionally with butter.
A little tomato, green peppers, mushrooms or
oysters make delicious variety of seasoning for
this loaf.
Ask Your Grocer for KING'S Soup Vegetables
Baptist Missionary Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Feder
ated Baptist Women's Missionary So
cieties of Greater Omaha and Council
Bluffs will be held all day Friday in
Calvary Baptist church. Devotianals
will be at 11 o'clock and luncheon will
be served at noon. At 1 o'clock all
will rise to sing "America," since Fri
day is "Liberty day."
rollowtng the business meeting a
missionary drama will be given by a
mothers'' club, directed by Miss Mary
Mann, city missionary. Lieutenant
Lawrence Heath of Fort Omaha will
sing and the women's quartet from
Calory church will also give selec
tions. Mrs. Thomas Anderson of
Benson is the president.
Tree Planting at Old People's Home.
Mrs. L. M. Lord is in charge of
the Arbor day tree planting for the
Omaha Woman's club, Saturday, at
f e Old People's home, in the ab
sence of Mrs. Edgar Allan, chairman
of the conservation committee. Mrs.
Mary I. Creigh will make the pre
sentation speech and Mrs. E. R. Hume
of the home trustees will respond.
Rev. I. S. Leavitt will offer prayer
and "America" and "The Star-Span
n in
gled Banner" will be sunsr. The Oma
ha Woman's quartet, led by Mrs. E.
A. Thomann, and accompanied by
Mrs. Ray Abbott, will give selections.
Tea will be served by Mrs. C A.
Sherwood, chairman of the house and
home committee.
Train School Mothers.
The Mothers' club of
school will meet at 2 p.
in the school house.
At City Mission.
Social exercises marked the closing
of the Mothers' club which has met
at the Omaha City Mission every
Thursday during the winter. The pro
gram was given thij afternoon, a spe
cial feature being a talk by Rev. J.
Henry Stitt. Rev. Stitt also baptized
a number of babies, the mothers hav
ing requested him to do so.
Mrs. E. H. Shinrock, assisted by
Mrs. W. R, Hobbs, instructor fer
the club, whose membership includes
75 to 80 mothers. As most of them
are Italians, an interpreter is nearly
always needed. Sewing is taught and
the women are instructed how to
make practical garments for them
selves and their children, Beautiful
quilts are also made by these women
and a number of them were on exhi
bition at the closing meeting this aft
ernoon. Miss Nellie Farnsworth will speak
TO invariably start quickly, to .
be sure that your engine gives
maximunv service in strength,
power and endurance use Red,
Crown GasolineThe Gasoline
of Quality.
Red Crown gives "More miles per
gallon and more comfort per mile."
Why not eliminate the element
of chance, as far as possible, with
Red Crown, the uniform Gasoline?
Polarine Oil for greater motor efficiency.
: i
! BED !
scalar pf
to the mothers on May 8 on the dif
ferent uses of flour. Miss FaTnswortll
will be assisted by an interpreter, who
is coming frdm Lincoln especially ior
this meeting. '
Portable Kitchen For
Schools ,
A portable kitchen was used with
success in Wilmington, Del., to teach
the children how to conserve food. It .
was transported from school to school
as the work required. An exhibition
was given of the five varieties of Lib
erty bread that the children made
from conservation recipes in" the
prjze contest conducted by the
woman's committee of the state.
n Bf m , 1 M 1
i AY'S m iiOMATuas"