Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Tony Mangano and Clifford
Shaw Pursued Through
Streets by Mob of Sev
eral Hundred.
Mutinies at Rola of
Old Dutch Cleanser
Tony Mangano, alia George
Holmes, and Clifford Shaw, whom
police say re notorious automobile
thieves, were arrested at noon yes
terday after they had been chased
by several hundred people for four
'blocks, following an attempted auto
Police say that the men entered a
:ar owned by Gus Carlson, Arlington,
Neb., which as standing at the north
entrance of the Hrandeis building,
Seventeenth and Douglas street, and
started the tngine. They had just
succeeded in starting the car up the
hill when Carlson came out of the
Brandeis sto-e and gave chase, call
ing upon the men to stop.
. He was suon joined by a large
crowd. The men abandoned the idea
of getting way with the car, and
jumped from the running auto, which
continued down Seventeenth street
until it crashed into an electric auto
mobile. Both cars were badly dam
aged. " The men ;ere pursued down Seven
teenth street and then east to a mo
torcycle shop, at 1612 Capitol avenue,
where they had taken refuge. Oft'i
'cers then took them into custody.
They are held at the police station
for investigation.
Fort Omaha Soldiers Sing
'Marching Through Germany'
Enthusiastic applause and demand
for- encores followed the singing of
''March Through Germany" by sol
diers attending a musical entertain
ment at the Young Men's Christian
. association hut at Fort Omaha Tues
day night. The sonar was composed
by a sergeant at Fort Omaha, follow
ing a suggestion from a soldier at the
fort, which was printed in The Bee,
that it be used as a substitute for
"Marching Through Georgia." Copies
it the song were printed and dis
tributed among the soldiers following
a vocal program by Mr. and Mrs.
George C. Baker at the fort.
Negroes Sentenced for
Raids on Department Stores
Clarence Smith, Mary Smith and
Henry GiPette, negroes., pleadeJ
guilty in police court to the charge
of stealing five silk dresses and 3
skirt from fhree Sixteenth street de
partment stores. They were sen
tenced to 30 days in jail each.
Early Coal Buying Again
Urged by Fuel Official
Arthur L. Palmer, executive secre
tary of the fuel administration, has
issued,,, another appeal to people of
Nebraska to buy and store coal with
out delay. He urges early coal buy
ing as a war measure and to prevent
a repetition of last year's coal short
age in this state.
A son of the Emerald Isle, whose
wanderlust and improvidence re
sulted in his arrest during a period of
inebriety, his been employed about
the city jai! doing odd jobs as trusty.
He was ordered to scrub the
matron's quarters and here he first
was guilty ol insubordination.
He willingly shoveled coal and
cinders and washed automobiles, but
his independent and masculine soul
rebelled at the menia! task of playing
"Old Dutch Cleanser."
Detective Van Deusen was detailed
for a few mciments to oversee the
work and the Hibernian finally threw
dowrf his mop.
"Divil another inch will I scrub,"
said he. '"Tis not the likes of me to
rob anny woman of her birrthright.
Yez can put me on bread and wather
if ye want to, but divil another inch."
Van Deusen, to encourage and pla
cate him, answered: "You're doing
tine, after you have finished this job
here I'll take you out to my house."
"To schrub?" queried the prisoner
"Sure," replied Van Deusen.
"What kind of a woman did you
marry?" asked the Irishman.
"Irish," replied the detective.
"Glory be!" exclaimed the prisoner.
"'Tis the way of it. Bring a colleen,
barefutted from the Ould Sod, and
she's not here six weeks before yez
have her spoiled, wcarin' fine brogaus,
the air of a quane, and so lazy that
the only exercise she'll take at all is
tlie worry that she'll grow fat.''
Promotion for Omaha Man
In Rail Legal Department
A. A. McLaughlin, general attor
ney for the Nebraska lines, has been
made assistant solicitor for Nebraska,
Wyoming, Minnesota and South Da
kota for the Northwestern railroad.
The Omaha man's promotion followed
the appointment of J. C. Davis of
Des Moines as general solicitor in
charge of all legal matters connected
with the operation of the road under
I E. R. Hart, formerly an Omahai
lawyer, becomes general attorney in
charge of all loss and damage freight
litigation arising in Minnesota and in
immediate charge of all litigation
arising in Cook county, 111.
Street Car Motorman Hurt
When Stricken in Street
Gordon Davey, motorman, 1009
North Nineteenth street, was stricken
with heart disease at Twenty-sixth
and Maple streets Wednesday morn
ing and fell to the sidewalk. He suf
fered painful injuries. He was taken
to a neighboring home and given
medical treatment. Police later took
him to his home. Davey was recently
given an honorable discharge from
the army on account of heart disease.
Subscription List of
Third Liberty Loan.
Winners of Four Prizes, Aggre
gating $50, Will Be An
nounced Sunday; Sugges
tions Flow In.
Winners in The Bee's "Woman
Salute Contest," which was originated
with the idea of finding a proper and
fitting manner in which Milady may
show hei respect and reverence for
the American tlag on appropriate oc
casions, will be announced in Sun
day's Bee.
Four prizes are offered, which ag
gregate $50. First prize will be $20;
second prize, $15: third prize, $10,
and fourth prize, $5. The contest will
close at 6 o'clock Thursday night,
after which no suggestions will be ac
cepted. Marked success has greeted the ef
forts of The Bee to rind a way for
women of the middle-west to pay their
respects to the 'colors. Some say the
salute may grow so popular that it
will be recognized throughout Amer
ica. "It certainly is tilling a long
felt want," declared one enthusiastic
"Bow the head for an instant." sug-
1. 1 fiiin'r.
1, Ml. X. i..
A. (.;. l.ohincr W. A l.nin
liiM'ult ,'onM'a'i S;ir;ih H. .It
j.i 1'axt'i - i.-rii ni: liv
K.lH-.fl Mui-iJ'.i T. MclVii
$l,iiV K G Kt-lloSK, S"! 1.. IVtfen, Sain
W prtliiMmer.
$1,000 .luim- It. Kont. Clinr! O. Hunt.
John Hanry jr , Jam,' W. Murphy. Klii'y
Crockett, J. ". Suninn-rs. Pr. (i. A. Yuung
tr. Kdwunl N.'llin H. Culilwm, Mr
F. M. Yniley. K U. Tin, (.".. S. llolnn'.
P. li. WV.plo.i liulh Hoes. W. S. Ulai-K
woll. Mary K rmiitnn. J. W. WoodroUKU,
W. A. C. .Tohiwou, Xva A. !. I.rhmer, W.
K. liuvian W T. Hums. Marlra Hamilton
O. L. lloukl, C. H.vrn.', Mm, It. .McClel
land, Johr Maker. .U'ssto Byar.
gests Mrs. Koscnzweig, 256.? Marcy '
street. .Mrs. Kosenzweig takes into
consideration the fact that a woman
may be overburdened with packages
or a baby."
"Place thumb of right hand in mid
dle of palm, hand to side of forehead
above your right eye, stand at atten
tion," is the wav Mrs. H. W. Mont
gomery, 2701 Bristol street, would !
salute the American flag. j
Hundreds of patriots have re
sponded to the call. It is evident
that thought and care has been ex
pended in every missive. Whether
you win or not the contest must re
sult in some great good, which it is
safe to say a majority of the wom
en who have participated will be glad
to accept as final.
Overheated Chimney Starts
Fire in Home; Loss is $2,000
Fire, starting from an overheated
chimney, in the home of Mrs. Ellen
Swanson, 806 North Nineteenth
street, did damage amounting to
$2,000 Wednesday morning. The in
terior of the house was gutted.
It Takes Steady Nerves
Guarding our lines is like guarding our health we must encourage
the care of our bodies train our organs for bodily endurance, efficiency
and full achievement. "We must take advantage of all the known means
to conserve our health. It is not so much a necessity to fight disease
as to cultivate health for long life, happiness and contentment.
If we wish to prevent old age coming too soon or the sudden attack
of lumbago or rheumatism, if we want to increase our chances for long
life Dr. Pierce says: "Keep the kidneys in good order! Try to
eliminate through the skin and intestines the poisons that otherwise clog
the kidneys. Avoid eating meat as much as possible; avoid too much
salt, alcohol, tea. Try a milk and vegetable diet Drink plenty of water,
obtain Anuric, double strength, at druggists, and exercise so you per
spirethe skin helps to eliminate toxic poisons and uric acid."
For those past middle life, for those easily recognized symptom?
of inflammation, as backache, scalding "water," or if uric acid in the
blood has caused rheumatism, "rusty" joints, stiffness, get Anuric at
the drug store for 60c or send Dr. Pkurce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial pkg. You will find Anuric many
times more potent than lithia and eliminates uric acid as hot water
melts sugar. A short trial will convince you. Send a sample of your
water to Dr. Pierce and it will be tested free of charge, or write for
free medical advice to the Invalids' Hotel.
An-uric is a regular insurance and life-saver for all big meat eaters
and those who deposit lime-salts in their joint". Try it now.
Any Ready-to
We Offer You Unrestricted Choice of
ear or
In Stock at
$ 11 00
1 1
They will be on sale Thursday. Through a spe
cial purchase we have added a splendid assortment
of the newest shapes and some ready-to-wear hats.
We bought them from one of the foremost dis
tributors who stocked up too heavily. He was forced
to sell at less than manufacturer's cost.
We have been planning and preparing
for weeks to achieve this result. So
complete is this collection that every
woman will find a selection to meet her
individual requirements. Think of it
unrestricted choice at $1.00.
A Word About the Purchase
When they were being lifted from their tissue wrap
pings and our milliners were informed that the hats
would go on sale at $1.00, you should have heard the ex
clamations of amazement.
We can't begin to describe them. They are all dif
ferent all beautiful. Every ingenious curve every
stylish line in such popular colors as red, blue, sand, gray,
black and white is accentuated in this tremendous offer
ing. In order to give adequate service the hats will be on
tables. A big portion of the millinery department will
be devoted to this sale. You must not fail to attend this
extraordinary value-giving event.
BurftM-Nuh Co. Second Floor
1 !h
WeUnetJay, April 24. 1918.
Phone Douglas 137
Who will appear in recital at the Boyd Theater Thursday evening,
will be
"When Maud rowell plays, one thinks, not of bowing and finger
ing, of staccato or legato, of harmonies or double stops, of trills though
they be, as hers are, Mclba-like in their perfection; one thinks only of
the music. Like a great actor, she makes one forget the player in the
Everybody Is Invited to Come
BurKa-Nah Co. Fourth Floor.
Thursday is Sweater Day
A Presentation of All the New Modes for 1918
at Exceptionally Low Prices
A DIVERSITY of styles presenting new ideas
J and designs, developed in silk, fibre silk,
English mohair, brashed wool, vicuna, Shetland
and jersey in the new sleeveless, fish tail, slipon
and hourglass models or long sleeved coat effects.
Turquoise, apricot, coral, hockey red, rose,
mulberry, gray, Sammy, gold, wisteria, pur
ple, sea green, navy, shell pink, sky blue,
midnight blue, canary and white are the
Pure thread silk sweaters, $15.00 to $60.00.
Pure fibre silk sweaters, $5.00 to $18.50.
English mohair sweaters, $7.50 to $16.50.
Vicuna sweaters, $5.00 to $15.00.
Brushed, wool sweaters, $5.00 to $16.50.
Shetland sweaters, $2.95 to $15.00.
Wool jersey sweaters, $7.50 to $15.00
RurirrM-Nh Co. -Second Floor 1
Wearing the New "Stylish Stout"
Corset Literally Makes a
New Woman of You
ANEW CORSET to meet the demands of the mod
ern type of stout figure; built without belts or
other unnecessary harness attachments, which will
positively assure to the stoutest
figure, a stylish contour without dis
comfort. "Stylish Stout" reduso corsets
combine sightliness and durability;
supreme comfort with modishly
slender figure lines, and is the per
fect corset for every type of stout
We especially recommend "Styl
ish Stout" reduso corsets as ones
that will instantly appeal to every
large woman who has heretofore
had difficulty in getting a reducing
!, corset that would satisfy her figure
BurirMi-Nath Co. Second Floor
i i;: .tMUlOB; ' II 1 U HI
"Stylish Stout
Furs in O u r
Storage Valuts
In vaults that are fire
proof, burglar-proof and
moth-proof, j
Your furs will here be pre
served, protected even re
vivified in an atmosphere
made identical with that
where fur-bearing animals
thrive best.
Telephone Douglas 137
our automobile will call for
your furs and any other ar
ticle you wish stored away
for safe keeping.
Burf ru-Naih Co. Second Floor.
FREE Instruction in
Knitting, Embroid
ery, Etc.
Lessons are given daily,
free of charge, in all
branches of knitting and Red
Cross work by an ex
perienced instructor.
How to Make Handbags
This instruction is given
free and given by an ex
pert, who will advise you re
garding the harmony of
colors and combinations of
any kind of fancy handbags.
Burf ess-Nub Co. Third Floor.
Annual April Sale of Women's
j T'S doubtful if you have seen a better selection of styles
1 in silk petticoats than that included here in this offering
for Thursday.
The newest ideas in designs are developed in the
most fashionable silk materials. Regular and extra
sizes, perfect shapes and proportions.
Petticoats of Tub Silk, $2.95
Panel back and front, double ruffle, tucked model, white and
colors, at $2.95.
Petticoats of Taffeta, $3.95
Exceptional quality, various models. Black, solid and change
able colorings, at $3.95.
Silk Jersey Petticoats, $5.00
With deep flounces of silk jersey in the new combination sport
colorings for the outdoor skirt, $5.00.
Petticoats of Skinner Satin, $5.00
With deep tucked flounce of guaranteed silk. Solid or changeable
colorings, $5.95.
Pompadour Taffeta Petticoats, $5.00
With deep corded ruffle flounce, $5.00.
Burfeae-Nash Co. Second Floor
Automobile Accessories Specially Priced
T will pay you to keep in touch with this new section of our store-rthe saving ad
vantages are really remarkable. These for Thursday
Ford d e -m
o u n table
wood wheels,
natural fin
ish, set of 4
wheels with
extra r i m,
Rid - O - Skid
chains, size
30x3, at
"Old Sol" spot light,
nitrojector type,
throws a light 400
feet, complete with
mirror, bulb and
cord, at $6.95.
Electric horns, under the
hood type, $3.95.
Ford rear end tire-carrier for
1 or 2 tires, $3.95.
"Badger" 17-inch corrugated
steering wheel. For Ford cars,
stationary type, $2.95.
"Old Sol" spot light,
complete with
svtitch, bulb and
cord. Ford size with
3-inch mirror, $3.35.
Larger typo with 4
inch mirror, $5.25.
BurgeM-Nash Co. Fourth Floor
Ford electric tail lights, com
plete with bulbs and connecting
plug, 65c each.
Splitdorf mica wound
spark plug, eliminates
porcelain trouble, 75c.
Champion X spark
plugs for Ford cars, at
Coverall suits, made
khaki cloth, special,
Buckeye cleanser, oil
soap, 5-lb. pail, at 98c.
Ford cut-out outfits, 69ie.
Auto robes, special, $6.98.
Ford ventilating type wind
shield, special at $13.95.